Chapter 4

Story by godgodpl on SoFurry

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Lara listened to everything her daughter had to say without interrupting her, she was shocked but at the same time she understood why she did what she did. The only thing she was surprised about was the plan that she had.

„Amber, are you sure about that? Like I have nothing against it and I will help you if it will make you happier, but I received confirmation that I have to move for work. Would you handle it without me here?" Lara asked.

"Yes mum, I'm sure about that, besides what other options does he have? He basically knows only me. It would help him start a normal life more comfortably." Amber responded, determined to convince mother to her ideas.

"My little pup is always right..." Amber gave her mother a meaningful stare, causing Lara to chuckle. "Seriously, your absolutely right, and from what you told me it seems like I won't have to worry about you so much when I leave. You really trust him and I think he trust you too. But we still have a lot of time, let's check what they're saying on TV."

"Mom, thank you, you're the best!" Amber was happy how the talk turned out.

"Oh, come on, everybody would do that for their daughter."

"You know, I was kind of scared how you would react, but o think you just understand me." Said Amber causing both of them to giggle.

On the news everybody was still very excited about the human, everybody waited for him to finally appear in public, wandering how he might look, some raised some concerns about racism he might face and other claiming that he will blend in immediately.

Around the same time inside the police station the human, who caused all the stir, had just woken up. The holding cell bed wasn't by far comfortable, and it brought back some less than pleasant memories but it was the best sleep he got in days, finally not having to sleep on the ground.

It took him a while to get his head around what is happening due to some strange dreams about his life back home. One of the policemen walking in to check how is he doing was a sad reminder that there are no humans around.

David got up, went through regular morning habits, but when he looked out the window he froze: there was a huge crowd of all kinds of creatures outside. You could see TV crews here and there. It all seemed just too much for him, he never liked getting to much attention, he was to shy for that, and now he is going to have to face the crowd and try not to break down.

He just pushed it out of his mind for now deciding to worry when he will have to face the problem, not now because he risks giving up now. Ha packed himself and as he was instructed he headed for the cafeteria where he was supposed to meet other cops and discuss what happens next.

When David got there he was greeted by about a dozen of them, all in full riot gear which made human a little worried.

"Wait, are you expecting some hostilities or what? Somebody threatened my life?" He asked.

"Nepenthe mayor just wants to speak with you first, we need to get you through that crowd and keep safe from those pesky journalists, with us nothing will stop you!" Laughter from the other cops forced them to make a pause. "Besides, they'll get their press conference later." Jack reassured him.

"If you say so. It just seems a bit unnecessary for me."

"If it is any comfort for you, it is the same for us, probably someone just would really like to prevent any 'incidents' from happening."

"Well, OK, imp ready." David said, still not sure of it. He didn't want to prolong the wait, he wanted everything to be behind him as soon as possible.

When they got out noises died down and everybody turned their attention to the human, he personally fell like the time has solved down or even entirely stopped as thousands of eyes looked at him in silence. Then somebody took a picture, than another person and everything went loud again with sounds of cameras, questions to him and comments o the news reporters.

In the middle of that David never felt so lost and small, he was just looking around, trying to see Amber in the crowd, hoping that she is somewhere there, but with no success. After a while he finally got to the big white building, there was a plate on it probably stating what is but David didn't have time to read it as he got pretty much showed inside with the roar of the crowd being left behind, he realized that his "escort" was gone too.

"Some kind of anthro dog approached him, he was clearly much older than the others he meet so far, he said quietly: "I never thought something like this would happen during my life, I think imp getting to old for things like that." Then he straightened up and said louder with more confidence "Sir, the major is waiting for you at his office upstairs, please follow me."

The mayor's office was a medium sized room with the person in question sitting opposite of the door. David could see that he was quite overweight for being an anthro horse, making him appear like a stereotype of a bureaucrat but in a positive way, making him appear friendly to the human, giving him similar impression to the driver from yesterday. He was searing behind a massive desk made from some kind of dark wood, there were several file cabinets on the sides and two big maps on the walls: one of them showing the area of the city, the other being a map of the entire planet, David didn't really pay any attention to them thinking to himself that he will have enough time to study everything when everything sorts itself out.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you David, I was really looking forward to it. Please have a seat." The mayor begun, motioning towards the chair opposite of him with his hand.

"It's nice to meet you too." David automatically replied and realized that he could have said something more appropriate to match the level of conversation 'well, no going back in time, what is said I said, will have to pay more attention I guess' he thought and continued: "I am really glad that you want to accept me into the city but, with all the respect, I'm wandering where is the catch."

The horse laughed at it, it was a genuine laugh reminding the human of someone he used to know a long time ago. "Well, if you count being very popular as a catch it is the only one. I don't know what were the basics of the society in your world but here we accept everybody. Really, what would you do if we rejected you? And maybe, just maybe it counts that you will make this place a popular tourist destination and help fix out budget a little bit." Again that sincere laugh sounded in the room.

Than David was asked to tell him his story, and than they talked about laws here and humans assimilation into the society. When he asked about some kind of ID he'd have to receive he got an answer that he is "Characteristic enough to not require one". It was kind of strange but also extremely logical explanation.

After discussing everything they sad goodbye to each other's and David was lead through the corridors towards the hall where he was supposed to have the press conference.

On his way the human though about what he heard about accommodation, people here are open so somebody will for sure offer him a place in his house, but if he's not comfortable with that he can always ask for someplace for himself, he just had to ask the mayor.

He didn't immediately asked for it because he was hoping to maybe find a way to live closer to Amber, he didn't even consider staying at her home because he knew that her mother wasn't aware of his existence probably until yesterday's evening. He was expecting either for Amber to keep their meeting as a secret or her mother being angry for not telling it earlier, but just now when everybody heard of the human. What David didn't know is that none of his predictions were even remotely accurate to what was really going to happen.

The human finally arrived to the last door, behind them there was a crowd of journalist and reporters waiting for him to appear. He took a deep breath before opening them, he never enjoyed being centre of attention even for small group, so knowledge of what is waiting behind the door was just terrifying to him.

'The sooner I start the sooner it will all be done, here we go' thought David and went into the room.

As soon as the human got inside and saw the crowd of many different kinds of creatures, everybody looking at him he really wanted to go back, but it was too late. David took the stand and started answering questions. Much to his surprise everything went smoothly, after a while he didn't even feel the stress from before.

Human talked about his past, what was life for him back home and how he finds himself in new reality. Obviously he skipped the part with Amber, not wanting to give her any trouble.

After over an hour David decided it is time to finally stop, so he asked for the last question.

"What are your plans for the future? What do you want to do in life now?" He heard a voice from far back in the room, judging by the voice it was someone young, who wasn't even a journalist.

"To be honest, I didn't have a chance to think about it. From what the mayor told me, I'm supposed to still have two years of high school ahead of me, so that is the best option. Then? I have no idea, I'll have to see what will life bring. I always wanted to help others so that might be the way to go. Anyway, thank you all for coming here and goodbye." David cut the interview, he wasn't sure what is the right way to do it so he just said what seemed most reasonable in this situation and walked out as fast as he could.

David immediately took his things and went for a walk around town, he didn't have anything to do, and he wanted to take a look at the school he was supposed to go to. Strangely he was happy to go back to school, it would give him something to plan his life around. David wandered to which one Amber is going, he remember that she told him she also has two years so school ahead of her but he couldn't remember if she told him where her school is located.

After David got away from the crowds and started to wander around the suburbs he started having that strange feel of danger, like someone was following him. He looked around, there was nobody in sight.

'I must be paranoid' he thought to himself and continued to think about his future here. What seemed strange to him is that he paid a lot of thought to Amber: will he meet her again sometimes? would they live close to each other? those and other questions bothered him throughout the rest of the day.

He took a look at the school which wasn't really anything special, it was big probably for over a thousand students, but from the outside it looked dull and boring. 'well, I sure hope that it gets better inside if I have to spend next two years of my life here' he thought.

he went back to the forest to take a look around the place that had been his home for a while. When David was passing by Ambers house he stopped, thinking about maybe going in and asking Amber if he could stay at her house but he was worried about her mother's reaction and didn't find the courage to do so.

Meanwhile the sky became filled with heavy clouds, making it clear that it is going to start raining soon. David, who became a little bored, decided to go back to the city centre and look for someplace to stay for the night. When after a while it started to rain David speed up a bit, he couldn't run due it the fact that he was carrying everything he had on his back, the bag wasn't heavy enough to be a problem but at the same time it wasn't light enough the allow him to run freely.

Unfortunately for the human the rain became very heavy, forcing him to seek shelter under the bus stop shed. At that point he was annoyed and wet. Why did everybody rushed to see him earlier today while nobody is paying attention to him now when he could use some help? I know a told them I want to spend some time alone, but come on why people here are so polite? and the fact that this is some kind of back road leading around the suburbs may have something to do with nobody passing by, I really need to move when it stops raining is hard' he thought to himself while trying to get comfortable in an small area protected from rain.

But the rain didn't want to stop, in fact it grew even stronger by the minute, making David consider the possibility of walking through it to the closest house and asking for a place to stay for the night, just something told him to sit there and wait, for what? he didn't knew.

After an hour or so David saw a car emerging from around the corner, it was surprising because it was the first car that went through that road since he pretty much came here. It was medium sized car, its yellow color looked out of place in the rainy afternoon, it looked like a standard five door car would look like nothing standing out except the color. What surprised David is that the car stopped next to him and someone from inside told him to get in.

"David, come, I was llooking for you all aroud the city. You must be soaked, I'm sorry for not finding you earlier, i hope you dont get cold." Sitting inside was a vixen very similar to Amber but still David was able to tell the diference, through the tone of the voice and the different eye color. He had also a general impression that she must be much older than Amber. Mot really giving it any second thoughts David got in.

The whole day was rather uneventful for Amber, she stayed home and prepared everything David would need when he would stay in her house and waited for her mother to come back, hopefuly with the human.

After a while of planing how to talk to David she heard a doorbell, she imiedietly rushed to open them. But it was her best friend sarah, and probably for the first time. Amber wasn't completely happy to see her, se was expecting somebody else.

"Oh, hi Sarah, please come on in. Actually I wanted to talk to you." Amber greeted her. "So how are things going with him?"

"I thought you`d like some company today. He left for a couple of days, some family matters, and you know what? It has been only several hours since we last saw each other and I'm already missing him." She answered with that same confidence that Amber always wished for, it was probably the reason why she was so fast in forging relationships with people.

"Wow, you realy must be lose than, you fit each other perfectly." they both sat down ona couch in the living room, their favorite place where they could just sit and talk for hours about everything.

"Yea, you`re right. I don't think we are ready for the next step yet but soon, mabe." sarah laughed "But in all honesty you should start going out more. you could meet that special someone, and belive me it's realy great!"

"Well, that is kind of the thing that i wanted to talk about. You see... I'd really use some advice about those things. Just let's keep it between us, at least for now" Amber admitted.

"And here i was thinking that you will need help with finding someone. Come one tell me who is the lucky guy? Is it that lizard you talk a lot with durring breaks? Or mabe someone not from school? Please tell me!" Sarah got visibly interested, she was so glad that Amber finally found someone for her, she always fell ta bit of guilt when she med withe her boyfrued knowing that maber is probably siting again alone in her house, she felt it wasnt right, that she too diserved something good to happen to her.

"No, not realy. You know that human that they found..." Sarah cut her off.

"No, no, no and once again no. Do you realize that he doest know that you exist and getting to him is close to imposible? And besides that he is a human, a HUMAN! please tell me that you were kidding." Sarah was now concerned that her friend might have gotten herself in worse position than she was before, faling for a human! what would others say?

"But i do know him! When you told me about you two becomong a couple i felt really lonely and depressed. I ended up going for an jog in the forest and thats where i met him, before anyone even expected his existance!" Ammber almost shouted at that point, anoyed that sarah didnt belive in her. "I... I... Just don't know what to do with that, how to treat him and finaly how to tell him what i feel.

"Whoa, calm down Amber, please sit back down. If that is how the thing are going than OK. I will do everything in my power to help you now listen carefully..."