The Grip of a paw

Story by charmsRacoon on SoFurry

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The grip of a Paw

Beep!Beep! 7:30 read the clock a racoon lays in a bed under the white sheets.He tilts to the side and slowly opens eyes.The glare from the alarm clock shines off his blue eyes. As the reflection conjures the time to be awoken. He whipes his mouth from the dryed morning spit that has settled on the edge off his lips. HE turns on his back letting one paw shut the clock off. he yawns and leans up with his back huntched. Rubbing his eyes with his paws he stands streching a bit.

The racoon walks over to his closet knowing that he was still in his boxers. He sticks a paw inside the closet grabbing a black tee with a skull on it .He slides on the shirt and then spots his pants on the carpet floor next t his computer desk He pads over and slips on the very wide legged pants being really skinny the pants looked almost way to big for him. he grabbed his books and waalked out his door hearing his mom yelling at him like she usaully did. "raven you better straighten up at school! I am fucking tired of getting phone calls about how you fck p at school raven test me again and i swear i will give back to the state and you can find a new foster home!" Raven was the racoon's name who just stared as his mom yelled at him. Raven was a foster kid who had a bad past being molested by his real dad in all.Raven walked out the door and down the street side walk. The dew still settled on the flowers that raven flicked off as he passed gardens on his way to school.He then stopped infront of a house where his only friend lived.Drake was his best friend a fox who had stood by raven through school. raven paused and then walked up the stairs of his friends house and sat on the top one as he did everyday.Drake emerged through the door and smiled at Raven. Raven stood and smiled back at his friend

Whats up? asked Drake.

Nothin mom is being a bitch like everyday.Said raven in a depressing voice

That sucks Oh well. Guess what dude i got this new video game called Halo2 want to come over after school and check it out?Asked Drake.

Uh...sure man. Said Raven smiling then frowned.

They began walking to school as they arrived they sat on the curve of the sidewalk.As far away from the schoo as they could get knowing they would be made fun of for being different. Raven didnt even look at his friend Drake until they got to school.Drake was wearing a black shirt with a pink skull on in and also wearing

very wide legged black pants .A spiked dog collar ran around his neck and on his wrist wear sweat bands with skulls on them aswell.Raven stood as the bell rang and the two friends went in to there first hour . There teacher walked in he was an otter and rather fat for his age . he began to speak about death and raven sat in the desk thinkng death would all that bad right now . Suicide always ran through Raven's mind he cut himself at night some times feeling the blood drip from his wrist in someway helped him forget the other pains of his life.knowing that nobody knew he cut only cuase his fur covered the scars of the cuts.He also thought no one cared. Raven and Drake went through all seven hours. They where on there way to drakes house. Drakes parents where never home they where very rich though and they loved Drake very much and even Loved Raven aswell.

Coming over?asked Drake.

yeah.Said Raven

sweet my parents are gone today like they always are. You need any clothes from yor house? asked Drake

No i didnt use my extra clothes in P.E. so i have some. Said raven softly.

Okay.said drake

They entered Drakes house as it always was very clean. Raven alked in knowing where Drake's room was Raven climbed the flight of stairs to Drake's room opening the door and making himself at home still with a depresed look upon his face. we layed his head down on the pillow of drakes bed. Drake walked in smiling at Raven the frowned to see raven didnt smile back. For some reason Raven saw that Drake was nervious.This was odd becuase Drake and Raven had be alone before with eachother But something was different.Raven could since an odd vibe from his friend. "you okay dude?" asked Raven lightly.

"Yeah i am".said Drake quickly

"I am okay..i guess why are you all shakey?" asked Raven

shakey oh yeah sorry i ate alot of sgar...heh i think i need to shower okay alright see ya then.said Drake shaking as he went off to the bath room.

Raven was highly confused he heard the shower start Raven was feeling odd himself he looked to the side table of drakes bed and saw a razor for shaving. Raven was bored so he picked up the razor and held it to his wrist and poked it throgh his flesh and felt a slight sting as he did.Raven smiled at the blood running down his wrist. As it drpped down to the floor casng Raven to moan in pain as he closed his eyes and hummed as he took the razor ot of his wrist. He then heard a door open and Ravens Eyes shot open. As he saw drake standing there with his outh open staring at Ravens wrist. Raven's face went blank as he stared back at Drake.

"what the hell are you doing?" Asked Drake.

"uh......I..I umm.." studdered raven"

Drake stared at the wrist then walked up and grabbed it holding the wound."what the hell dude? what are you trying to do? huh? come on speak! now." Demanded Drake

" i was just....m dude you have to understand i need something to keep all my other pain at bay."said Raven.

"At bay.dude this ....this is idiototic Raven what the heck could you do something like this?" said Drake.

"what do you care man not like i would be missed" said Raven.

"what? not be missed Raven i would miss of all people didnt see me as a freak Raven i would die inside if you where to die.Raven all the years of our time together did it not mean anything raven...i...i love you" said Drake despretly.

" love me?...whoa....i dont...i dont no what to say" said raven softly

"say nothing i know the word love cant even come close to what my feelings are towards yo i no you might think its weird but i dont i not afraid to say i love you becuase i speak the thruth"said Drake with a tear running down his cheek.

"Drake but is'nt that called gay?"Asked raven

"yes it is i say it now I am gay i dont fear what I feel inside for you I accept it and i own my feeling i am gay and i am proud to be. Becuase I am in love with the most beatiful person in the"Said Drake.

"But drake i dont even know if i am gay shit i dont even know if i am straight"said Raven

"then let this help you think".said Drake. Drake leaned in and put a paw on ravens cheek and conected lips.Kissing him deeply inside ravens's muzzle.playing with is tongue. Drake leaned back and took off his towel revealng his naked body.Raven scanned every inch of his body before looking back up at the fox and Raven smiled and blushed. "i think i know now Drake....i Love you too." said Raven in a very warm voice.

"i know Raven .....i know".

Drake moved in and licked the undersde of ravens chin and smiled looking up as they both knew what to do. as Raven feel back on the bed removing his shirt and pants along with his boxers he layed there naked and revealed. His sheath was thick and the red tip of his cock was poking out. Drake moved over the top of raven looking at him face to face and smiled as he kissed raven deeply. There muzzles locked As ravens paw from below rubbed drakes back as there passionete kiss went on. There bodies touching one another even the sheath rubbing against eachother made a sensation to raven tha shot pleasure waves through his racoon body.Drake broke the kiss and began kissing down the neck of the racoon.the foxes tongue licking every inch of his neck. soon the tongue moved on down to the chest of the racoon. the fox began licking the nipples and the curves of the chest as the tongue travelled down to the belly and the fox licked the racoon's belly making the coon giggle a little the the foxes tongue met the coon's sheath and began to clean it .Licking the harden sheath the foxxes paw gripped the sac of the coon and gave it a little squeeze. Finally the cock of the coon shot from the sheath it was red hot and thick the fox smiled at the coon then the foxes head leaned in and licked the tip of the red hot coon cock .The tongue brought the cock into the muzzle of the fox as the fox fully ingulfed the red hot member. The foxes head began to bob up and down of the shaft of the cock taking the full 6 inches in the foxes muzzle . soon the racoon began to tence up and his paws gripped the sheet of the bed as his hips thrusted into the muzzle of the fox. He moaned loudly knowing that he would not last long the feeling of the foxes warm muzzle sheltering his cock threw the racoon into a climatic sensation of pleasure. As his cock tightened up in the foxes mouth and the feeling of the burst of cum shooting from his cock inside the muzzle of the fox. The coon moaned loudy as the fox releasted the cock and leaned upward letting the white cum run out of his mouth. The fox leaned towards the coon and the foxes paw grab the coon's face and the fox kissed him while with the cum in his mouth.As there lips loocked the fox shot the cum from his mouth into the coons they did not break the kiss the layed there still kissing for over five minutes. they covered up in the sheets looking at one another smiling like they never had before. They where enjoying there new life style they holding eachother paws as they looked deep into eachothers eyes as they leaned into a embrace of a hug they layed there for hours. Then Raven open his eyes and then said" Drake I would like to thank you for this I was in so much darkness and I was dewelling on my past i never realized that I had something to forget my pain all along I had yo my lover my mate the grip of your paw brought me out of darkness and int LOVE." drake opened his eyes and smiled "i am glad your finally my mate it was a dream come true i love you so much my lover you dont even know how mchs i cant put it into to words only that would confse you al i can do is this" Draked kissed Raven deeply. thy layed there cuddling for a full day just talking and loving and not fighting but living up to the word of LOVE.