The child that was so close to happiness

Story by delete341 on SoFurry

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This is the story why Amy lost the ability to speak. She was abused, harmed physically. This is a prequel to the "Lady who ran" and I felt sorry for her. One more backlog story to go.

A poochyena barked, "Mama! Help me!" Amy's mother was caught in a leg trap and her leg was shattered. She dropped Amy in pain and told her child to run. It was too late for both of them. Her mother was stuck in a separate cage now, "Amy, I will find you!" (Bang) was the sound and her mother fell to the ground. Three weeks old, and her mother's blood on her fur Amy was in shock but, her pack and siblings escaped. Amy was the runt and too slow so, her mother started to carry her when they were caught. There was no time to have the loss hit her until she was dragged into a truck and Amy finally realized that her mothers' was gone, add to that, her pack left her to protect her bothers and sisters. Amy was depressed and was grieving over the loss of her mother. She was too young to eat solid food and relied on her mothers' milk to feed her. Later that day the things that took her were in a strange building and the smells were all around. Scents of strangers and food were everywhere. Her captures, "They came from a breeding farm (A lie.) and we are willing to sell you them." Store owner, "Let me see, (He picked up Amy.) She is a runt and why is there that much dirt on her?" Her captures, "She was really dirty when I got her and that was the cleanest I got her." She was whining and hungry. As these creatures were talking, a piece of paper was traded (A check) and the owner of this strange place took her and six others. She was in the back and was weak from dehydration. A female ninetales let her suckle from her and hear her story. The ninetales said, "I am so sorry that your mother was killed by humans. They were poachers and I wish I could help you but, I can't. This is a pokémon store and the owner is a kind human. I can feed you for a little while but, your mother is dead." Amy was cold still and hid in the ninetales tails and whimpered, "Why? Mama was kind and, and I want her back! I want mommy!" The ninetales just let her cry out the pain. She had felt that too and knew the pain would never go away, it would just stay buried. The ninetales said to Amy, "I lost my mother the same way and the pain will never go away. Just hear me out. Those humans were cruel and bad. Not all humans are like that. Some are kind and gentile. We were just unlucky to find those type of humans first. You are still alive; never forget her but you will move on, I guess." The ninetales' tone had changed from caring to depressed as her ears and eyes lowered to give physical expression to her voice. Amy was angry and said, "You lie! Mommy was strong and why is it fair! I want my mommy!" The others in the room were caught by traps. Their parents kicked them out into the world but, Amy was still too small for that. The ninetales became a mother to Amy. They shared the pain of loss at the critical age. A baby pokémon left without a mother was cruel. A few weeks later she was normal. Amy was playing with the others that were her age. She was just old enough to start eating solid food and was just weaned from the ninetales. Amy was chewing everything as her teeth were coming in. Her body was still growing faster than the others. They stayed the same size but, she was growing faster. Every other day she gained weight and size. The store owner knew she was special as she was in the front window. A new child was entering the store and he was violent and destructive. He picked up Amy and he was hurting her. She was about to yelp in pain when the store owner stopped him. The owner said, "She is too young and you are hurting her. If you take her like you look like you do she will no obey. You treat any pokémon like that and they might kill you!" The owner's ninetales was defensive as Amy was put down gingerly. The adopted mother took her and held Amy. Amy was fine, but it hurt her. The child's mother was angry and said in an aggressive tone, "He is going on his journey in a week and he wants her now. The costumer is always right." The owner replied, "Not when it hurting my merchandise before it is paid for. She is rare and expensive. Any breeder will want her and having some stranger harm her is immoral." The mother and child left as the owner closed up shop. Amy was sleeping next to her caretaker and had nightmares about her mothers' death. Amy was whining in her sleep and saying, "Mommy, come back. I want mommy." The ninetales felt guilty about that day, the day her mother was shot and she could do nothing to stop it. A few days later the same child came in and paid for Amy when an employee was there and not the owner. The ninetales last words to Amy, "You must be strong to protect yourself. You could not save your mother and now I am powerless to protect you. If you have to kill, your trainer." Amy cried out, "Save me! I want to stay! I want my new mommy!" The ninetales' ears perked and she became tense as this child did not want to go and she was forced to. The ninetales was emotionally hurt but had to let Amy go; she knew Amy was too young for this life of pain and misery. Amy was his first pokémon and he called her 'Cannon fodder' as a use. She was the first into battle and was strong enough to handle the pain. Her trainer was abusive to Amy and she knew it. She often limped into battle as the victim so the party members he really liked would fight tired out opponents. Her teammates felt sorry for her as she was just low value and weak. They knew she deserved better but things they felt they needed got in the way. The others ate the food he gave and were dependent on him for their Oxycontin fix. She was not as the food made her sick, she would rather starve to death than eat that food. As a poochyena she was missing her caretaker and wanted to go home to her. A warm bed and good food were there. She wished her life was nicer. Even the wild was better than this in her mind. She had no poké ball that would work on her and she fought her trainer all the time. If it was not food, it was fighting. She hated fighting in battles all the time and barely got stronger. She felt used and unwanted. The only reason she stayed was one male that she liked a lot. At eight months old she was not spayed and the male she liked was not neutered. Her body was telling her to make poocheyna's but her trainer never allowed it. Just once she wanted to mate with her chosen male and had to fight first. She was near dead and evolved into a mightyena. She was starving and angry. Her heart was racing and she attacked her trainer. She was mauling him in a stadium and the staff took hold of her. There were clear signs of abuse to her and she was not the submissive type of pokémon. A rival to her trainer said, "Let her breed and she might calm down a bit but, she hates you. No wait, she despises you and wants you dead by her actions. Let her calm down and give her a break from battling for some time." Amy's trainer asked his rival, "Why, she is just bait to take out the weaker pokémon?" His rival was strict in his voice, "She was willing to kill you! Are you that dense?! She was near dead and hates you, you treat her like trash and she know it. She needs time away from you and rest or she will be in too much rage for anyone to stop her. You never let her play at all, it is always work and if a poké ball cannot hold her she is harder to control. Get her spayed or let her have a few litters. If you do not, she will lose her mind again and force to be put down and your license as a trainer will be revoked permanently. You are abusive and treat them like pawns with no regard to their well-being. She despises you with all her will now and locking her up and away from you is your only option." His rival was holding him to the wall and sounded serious about the danger. It was like it was personal. The rival continued as let her trainer down, "My best friend treated them like you and his serviper poisoned him to death with the team up with his zangoose. He treated then slightly better than you do and they were so happy he was dead they forgot to see the cop holding the gun and killed them." The rival hated the memory and wanted to forget but, it was so vivid, he could not burry it. Her trainer took the advice 'for once' after the Nurse Joy weighed her and Amy was severely malnourished and under weight. The league would never allow her to fight in her condition. She was now home at her trainer's house with the male she liked. She was in estrus and wanted to mate. Weeks of eating and gaining weight were on her mind to. Physically she was recovering but, mentally she knew her fate was sealed and the male she liked knew it to. Her trainer's rival was kind to her and she wished to be in his team. They loved him and he never beat them for failure. He played with her and treated her much better and she would obey him without question. He never raised his hand on her. For weeks she was with him and he let her sleep with him. She wanted to be his pokémon but could not. This was emotionally tearing her apart. He kept her since he was from a family that were breeders of pokémon. Her trainer decided that if she had a few offspring; she would be nicer to him. Amy was actually happy about this moment of time as she was not hurt or starving. The food made her feel better but; not make her sick. The rival of her trainer cared for her and she believed in him. She wanted to just live with him. Her trainer came back a few weeks later and she was growling at him in distrust. She hated him and he never figured it out. She hated him for what he had done to her. He took her from someone she loved just to make her fight and get stronger. If she lost, she was not cared for and often beaten to an inch of her life. Yelping in pain and often limping was how she moved around with him. His rival let her rest and recover. She was walking normally and was stronger. Her body was in chaos as she was near her first estrus. The rival's father looked at her body and the date of the year. He was playing with her and she was surprised what he was doing. His fingers were playing with her sexually. His finger was in her vulva and she was surprised. Her body was in the early stage of receptiveness. She was starting ovulate and the male stud pokémon were taking notice of her scent and sounds. She was panting and her jaw was open as this human was making her yelp in excitement. Vaginal secretions were flowing from her and her nerves were sending signals to her brain. On the way, her body became tense and her heart was pounding. Blood was flowing to her reproductive system faster as her inflated vulva was bright red now. Soon, her vaginal fluid was pink as it mixed with blood. Her body was in need and she held the ground until the human stopped. Amy wanted more and the male she liked was erect his meat between his thighs was firm and round. She wanted him and called for him. She said, "Phillip! I need your help." Phillip was a liepard and jumped on her back. She did not move as he nipped the scruff of her neck. His barbed penis hurt her a bit as she was panting in pain. He was fast and was loud as he sent his semen in her. He dismounted her and was cleaning himself. Phillip asked her, "Is that what you wanted Amy?" Her body language was of sadness when she asked, "Not all of it. Remember after I fought you and you were captured? I was scared of our master and in pain. I was near dead and wanted to die. You were a purloin and I did not care for you." He left her before he heard her and was intrigued by other females. She was jealous of the other females in estrus. She wanted Phillip all to herself. This failed as other males wanted her too. She charged Phillip and wanted some answers. She asked him, "Did you listen and what I wanted to ask? I want to know if you have forgiven me and do you care for me!" She was emotionally in pain. He was pinned down and replied, "You are my best friend and I have forgiven you. Do you want to do it again?" She got off him and widened her legs. He mounted her again that day. Then, other males did deliver their seed into her. A week later her master came back and she was calmer. He did not care how or why, just that she was not growling or attacking him. She was howling at the moon at her master's house. His father was worse than her master. She knew why her master was now so horrible to her. She was doing what came natural to her as she felt a blade to her throat. She was scared and he was naked. His erection was throbbing and she was pregnant with some pups. She wanted to live at all costs now. The knife lowered to her womb and she was jerking around as she was tied up. With a thrust she was being raped by her master's father and she was trying to call for help but, nothing. No sound came out of her and her neck itched. In the water bowl she noticed her throat was slashed and a bloody bandage. She was helpless now. All she could do was give in to this human's demands. Her will to live was crushed again, it was pure lust and hatred she was a victim of. She wished she was with the rival who cared for her. The next morning she was alert and tried to growl at her master and his family. She was disgusted with all of them. Phillip calmed her down but, barely. She tried to call his name but failed. He looked sad and she wanted to say how she felt about him. She would never get that chance again. Amy was depressed again and this was serious as she had no will to live. Even her masters rival could not cheer her up. She was hiding under a bed for days, barely eating. Phillip came to her and said, "I heard what that monster did to you and I have the scars to prove it. You are carrying my future and I have taken the hit for it. I don't know what to say but, I will do my best to protect you." This cheered her up a bit but, never speaking again was still part of her nightmare of a life. Her body was getting ready for her litter and she felt it. She was fighting slower and giving in more often. The others figured it out and she was not feeling well at all. She was the strongest in her horrible trainers' party and knew it. She was angry and in pain when he was traveling with her. Every day it was the same and she was starting to starve. She needed food and was looking at her own party as food. Phillip was not on the menu but, the others were. She wanted real food and meat was on the menu. She was starting to think, "My trainer might be taste and he is made of food?" Amy was seriously thinking about this. As the party was going into the woods, she found berries and some game. Her trainer's father was there teaching him how to survive in the wild again; 'his son was not that bright in this lesson'. Amy was the subject and her master's father was confident and firm with her. She was intimidated by him and her body was in pain as her pups were near. Her trainer raised his hand on her. He felt she was not listening but, she was in serious pain. She was acting on instinct and rage now. All the pain he had caused her was boiling over and she charged him. She used bite on his leg and then, shadow claw in his groin. He cried out as she used crunch on his neck and finished him off. The rest of the party was watching and were too afraid to jump in and help her. Her dead trainers' father witnessed this and picked up an ax. He was going to strike her as she was in rage and in pain. The shock and glee that her tormentor was dead distracted her as the ax swung. With the sounds of broken bones she witnessed Phillip and his shoulder was cut in two as he lay dying he called her. Phillip said to Amy, "I know you loved me and you need to run now. Please run away before he kills our children." She heard him and he was panting in pain. He died with his eyes' open. She had lost all she wanted in life up to that point and wished to say farewell. As the ax was being pulled out, she killed her trainer's father in cold blood. She had jumped and used crunch on his skull killing him as his brain hemorrhaged. The rest of the party fled as she came to Phillip and licked his face. Her ears were down and she was in full labor. She was on the ground and whelped five pups. Three were poochyena, a purloin, and a houndour. She was in a mix of emotions as grief and joy mixed with fear. Memories of her mother shot in front of her eyes haunted her now. Amy cleaned her pups and guarded her dead love as a pack came to the smell of food. Amy was defensive about her new litter and Phillip. She was covered in blood and the male alpha looked at her and said, "Be my queen and we will bury your love and care for you. Our queen was killed in a fight where both females died and we need a young female like you. You are strong enough to kill a human, then you are good enough to be my queen. Do we have a deal?" She tried to answer and nothing came out. But, she licked the alpha's face and had her ears perked up. "I see you are mute for some reason. No matter let us help you bury his body." The alpha said to her. She let them approach Phillip and they noticed her pups not even a day old. The male alpha carried the body of Phillip near their den and they buried him deep. She was thin and the pack got her some meat from the humans she had killed. Amy felt it was fitting revenge that she ate the tormentors of her life. Every few weeks she put some bones on Phillip so she had the comfort that he was well fed in the afterlife for what he did to save her. She felt he earned that much. Months past in her life as she was recovering mentally. On one hunt she noticed the rival of her former trainer she had killed. She was covered in mud but he did not notice her at all. She pounced him and licked his face. The others thought she was a kill of humans but, she missed the love and affection he gave her. He pushed her off and cleaned her neck to see and he knew her. The rival of her former trainer said, "I see, you were abused by him and lashed back. Then, you ran or killed him. They found his body badly mangled with his father. Wait. Your body language says it all. You killed them and regretted it. I wish I could take you back but, you are on an instant kill list. I can never see you again but, may I have one of your pups?" She was saddened about the news but she picked up her runt and gave her to him as a plea to change his mind. He picked up her pup and tossed a ball to her. It was her favorite one and then he walked away. He regretted it but, if the police found he had her, she was a kill on site. He felt it was the best for her. Amy was heart broken and wanted some time alone in her den. She kept looking at the toy and wanted the good days back when she was not hurt by humans or had to suffer. Most of all, she wanted to be able to speak again. She was alone in this but estrus was and her priority now as making more pups was what biology wanted. Life was pleasant for a few years until she lost a fight with a new female that wanted her position as the one who was allowed to breed. The battle was one sided as Amy was weakened from a long hunt and in pain.

Copyright of Nintendo, Game Freak and anyone I do not know Character and plot are mine (Delete341)

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