Verve Chapter Three: A First Time for Everything

Story by Drex on SoFurry

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#3 of Verve

Drex awoke before his alarm had even sounded to alert him that Wednesday had crept up on him in his sleep. The otter sat up in bed trying to wake up a bit more fully. He looked at the clock which showed 6:38 AM. Drex didn't have to be in school until 9:00 and decided he would take his time getting ready today.

After a long, invigorating shower, Drex walked back into his room wearing only a towel. He looked through his dresser trying to find a suitable outfit for the day. He first got a pair of light blue boxers out of the drawer and put them on. After which he found a pair of blue jeans. Standing there shirtless, he couldn't decide on one in particular to wear. He grabbed one with his eyes closed. When he opened them to see what he picked, he saw a plain black shirt he hardly ever wore.

"Huh, maybe it is a sign or something," Drex said as he put the shirt on. He looked at the time again and the clock read 7:10 AM. He had plenty of time to eat and head to school. He collected his homework off of his desk and put them into his back pack. After that he went into the living room.

In the living room Drex was greeted by a half awake Colin. The tiger wore only his boxers, heading in for a shower of his own.

"Hey Drex, you're awake early. You're already ready to get to class and everything. Well, I won't be long. Still gotta find something to eat," the tiger said sleepily.

"Alright. I was thinking of making some eggs since I am already up. You want some?" Drex asked.

Colin suddenly seemed to be a lot more alert. Clearly the tiger was happy to hear those words. "That'd be great. I'll be out in a bit." With that Colin went into the bathroom, closing the door behind himself.

Drex went into the kitchen and got a skillet out of one of the many cabinets that covered the wall. He put the pan on the stove and headed to the fridge to get the eggs. He cracked them open and got to work cooking them.

The otter wasn't the best cook in the world, but he could make scrambled eggs pretty well, so that's what he did. As he stirred the eggs around the pan the otter thought about what he said to Colin last night. How he confessed he was dating Jason. He thought of how little changed with the confession. Really, Colin didn't seem to mind at all. Drex was happy to have a friend like him. He looked down at the eggs and saw they were nearly done.

Colin came out of the bathroom now fully clothed just as Drex was putting the eggs on two plates. The otter set the plates down on the table as Colin joined him. The tiger looked down at the food and an audible rumble of his stomach filled the room.

Drex grinned and said, "Dig in."

The two ate and talked about their homework the night before. Colin had another report he had to do for his Intro to PC class but finished it with his lab partner.

"What was that girl's name again?" Drex asked as he took a bite of his eggs.

"Sarah, she's a hot vixen. She's actually pretty smart and caught on to everything quickly. She loves using computers for graphic design. I think that class is required for any degree that involves a lot of computer use. Anyway, she's really cool. Can't wait for our date on Saturday. Oh, how about Jason, you two still goin out Saturday?" the tiger asked as if this was information he had known for years.

"Yeah, we talked some last night, I can't wait either. Sorry about not being able to help you out though. I hope you can find her friend a date." Drex said as he finished his plate.

"Don't worry about it, she called me yesterday and said her friend canceled. That means it is just us, so don't wait up for me." Colin said slyly.

"Actually, could I ask you a huge favor? Would you mind staying out kind of late? I was hoping to spend some alone time with Jason here," the otter said, blushing slightly.

"Awww, Drexy wants to get intimate with his new boyfriend. How cute!" Colin said with a goofy tone. "Sure dude, I'll figure something out, maybe she will want to head back to her place for some alone time of our own," Colin said with grin on his face.

Drex was blushing quite a bit. "Thanks," he said with a shy smile back at his friend. The otter looked at the clock and saw that it was about time for class to start. "We should get going," he said to the tiger who agreed.

The days leading up to Saturday flew by like a blur for Drex. He could only meet with Jason at their first period class, their short break, and to drop him off at work, which Drex insisted he would do from now on.

When Friday came, Drex showed the wolf the movie times of what would be playing the next day. They both decided on a new Sci-Fi movie that was coming out that weekend and was playing at 7:30.

"That looks like a pretty good movie. Oh, by the way, we will be having dinner at my house at around five. My mom wanted to give us plenty of time to catch the movie. You can come over earlier if you want though. I have the whole day off, so we could just hang out," Jason said looking at the otter with his beautiful, blue eyes.

"Ok, I can get there around noon if you want. Maybe we can do some homework together to get it out of the way."

"That's a good idea, I can't wait." That was all Jason could say before the bell rang once again forcing the two to part ways. "I will see you after school," The wolf said before leaving.

Drex stayed behind a bit. He wanted to talk to his teacher alone. Once the room had finally cleared out he said, "Hey, Mr. Johnson, I have a question if you don't mind."

"Not at all Drex, what is it?" The bear asked with a happy smile.

"Well, me and Jason are going...out tomorrow and I was wondering. How did you and your boyfriend decide to pay for things? I want to be polite, but I don't want Jason to think I am buying everything because I think he's poor or something. I know he doesn't have much money to spend, but I would want to do it just as a nice thing to do," the otter said.

"Hah, simple things like that are more complicated when it's two guys isn't it? Well, at first, my boyfriend insisted on paying for everything. With a bit of flattering, I gave in to his requests. After a while I insisted that I at least pay for half, and we have been doing that ever since." The bear had a happy look as he recalled the memories of his previous dates.

"Oh, I see. Thanks, I'll try that." With that Drex headed out the door into the hall for his next class.

The rest of the classes came and went and finally the school day was over. Drex met Jason in the west parking lot, which had become routine by now. They both went to the otter's car and got in.

"I don't know how I'm going to get through this day at work thinking about tomorrow," the wolf said as he looked over at Drex.

"Getting to sleep tonight won't be much easier." Drex said keeping his eyes on the road driving to Jason's work.

They talked a little about their day at school and arrived at the book store much more quickly than either wished they had. Jason opened his door and turned to Drex. He gave the otter a quick kiss making sure no one saw. Drex wanted the wolf so badly now that he almost considered pouncing on him in the middle of the street. Of course he had to settle with it just being a thought and said goodbye to the wolf.

"I will see you tomorrow, have fun at work." Drex said.

"I still have one of your stories to read, that should help me pass some time. I'll see you later." With that Jason closed the door to Drex's car and slowly walked into the store looking back on occasion at the otter as he drove away heading back to his dorm.

Drex opened the door to his dorm and saw that it was empty. Maybe Colin had met with Sarah again or something, he thought to himself. He went into his room to set down his backpack and saw something on his bed. He went over to investigate and saw a yellow sticky note attached to a box of condoms. The note read, "Just in case! -Colin". Drex wasn't sure if this was meant as a joke or not, but he stuck the box in his night stand drawer all the same.

"I need to remember to kill that tiger next time I see him," Drex said with a grin.

Drex went back into the living room and over to the couch. After landing on it with a thud he turned on the TV. He flipped through the channels looking for something interesting to watch. The otter stopped on a show on some food station. It showed a steak being cooked with all sorts of strange ingredients.

Drex hadn't realized how tired he was as he slowly began to nod off. The TV jabbered on about how to properly tenderize a steak as the otter slowly drifted off to sleep and began to have a dream.

Drex was suddenly on a beach with Jason. They were the only two there and both were completely naked. The sun was setting just beyond the horizon. The water reflected the light of the sun, covering the liquid in a brilliant spectrum of color. The tranquility of the sight made them both look out into the distance.

"I love you," the wolf said. The words rolling off his tongue so naturally that it felt like he had loved the otter his whole life.

Drex couldn't speak now. The words formed a lump in his throat and he couldn't say them back.

Jason stared at Drex with a hurt look on his face but no matter how hard the otter tried, he couldn't say anything. He saw a tear roll down the wolf's face as Drex desperately tried to repeat the three simple words.

Jason slowly got up and began to walk away. Drex couldn't move, couldn't speak, as he watched his new found love walk away from him. He tried to call to him but the only sound he made was a near inaudible squeak.

Suddenly Drex was awoken with a start as his phone began to ring. He felt a tear rolling down his cheek and realized he had actually been crying while he dreamed. He wiped his eyes and took his cell phone from his pocket. The name that flashed on the screen said "Jason". Drex was happy to see the words and quickly answered.

"Hey, I am glad you called," Drex said.

"Oh, and why is that?" The wolf asked with a happy tone.

"I'm just happy to hear your voice is all." Drex wasn't sure if he should share the dream he just had.

"You sound shaken, are you alright?" The wolf had a tone of concern in his voice.

"Oh, I'm fine. It's just, you woke me up from a bad dream is all." Drex hoped the wolf wouldn't ask the obvious question.

"What was the dream about?" Jason inquired.

"Well, you promise you won't get mad?" the otter thought this sounded like a rather stupid thing to ask.

Jason didn't seem to mind agreeing to the request though and said, "Promise."

Drex went over the dream he just had, leaving out only the part where they were both naked. "I hope you aren't mad," Drex said as he finished describing the dream.

"Why would I be mad? It was just a dream. I have dreams all the time where I can't talk. It doesn't mean I didn't want to though. There's no rush Drex. If you want to take things slow, I'm happy to oblige," Jason said reassuringly.

Drex wanted to hug the wolf. He always knew exactly what to say. The otter took a let out a sigh of relief and said, "Thanks, I'm glad you feel that way. So how's your day at the book store going?"

"What are you talking about? I've been off for an hour now. Do you even know what time it is?" Jason asked with a bit of a laugh.

Drex looked over at the clock which read "10:39 PM". "Whoa, I guess I dozed off a lot longer than I thought. So, not that I mind or anything, but why did you call. Is something wrong?"

"Oh, no, it's nothing like that. I just wanted to say hey. I missed you today and I didn't get a break all day to call. The boss made me do inventory with him. I figured you'd still be up since it was Friday night and all, sorry I woke you," Jason said apologetically.

"Don't worry about it, I dozed off hours ago. This cooking channel is the perfect remedy for insomnia I think," Drex said and they both laughed.

"I finished the last story you gave me. It was really good. I loved how the Fox slashed the underbelly of the dragon where his scales were weakest. It was really intense. I don't suppose you have any others?" the wolf asked.

Drex blushed a little. He was happy to hear Jason liked his stories. "I have plenty where that came from. I'll bring some over tomorrow that you can take to work with you."

"That would be great. Tomorrow is sounding more and more awesome the closer the day gets. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight." Jason sounded very excited.

"Same here, and after my nap just now, I don't know if I will even be tired for a few more hours." Drex sighed, "As long as I have your company though, that isn't so bad," he added, a broad smile on his face that the wolf couldn't see.

The pair talked and midnight crept upon them faster than either realized.

"Oh wow, it's really late. I have to get up early to do some yard work before you come over. I hope I can get to sleep," Jason said, not sounding very tired at all.

"Well, I hope you do, I don't need you snoring in the movie," Drex said and the pair shared a laugh. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya then," Jason said and hung up the phone.

Colin had still not returned. Drex assumed he was still with Sarah. "That guy couldn't even wait til tomorrow," Drex said aloud. With that he headed into his own room striping down to his boxers and sliding into bed. It turned out that Drex wasn't so awake now that the wolf's voice no longer sounded into his ear. He quickly fell asleep.

Drex hadn't set his alarm as he knew he wouldn't need to get up too early that day. Still, when he awoke and looked at the clock, it read 7:00 AM. He groaned at his early morning habit and got up.

After a quick shower and change of clothes, Drex headed into the living room. He saw Colin's door was closed. Since it was open the night before, he knew the tiger was home and probably wouldn't be awake for a while.

Drex made himself some breakfast, just some cereal he found in the cupboard and sat on the couch to watch some TV. He hoped it would pass the time until he could head over to Jason's house. He wanted to go now, but knew Jason had some house work to get done. Figuring the wolf wouldn't want Drex there while he cleaned, he decided he would wait.

The TV had little to offer in entertainment and the otter couldn't help but look at the clock every two minutes to see what time it was. It showed 9:00 AM and it didn't seem to want to go any faster no matter how much Drex willed it to do so.

Just as the numbers of the digital clock changed to 10:00 AM, Colin opened his door. He looked groggy and possibly hung over. Drex didn't like to drink and so he rarely did so. Colin on the other hand seemed to enjoy it, but in moderation. Apparently the night had been good for the tiger.

"Hey Colin, you got home late. You have fun?" Drex asked as he flipped through the channels of the TV once again.

"Let's just say the hangover was well worth it," the tiger said with a grin.

Drex looked over at his friend and said, "Must have been one hell of a night. So you got with Sarah even before your date tonight? You work fast."

"She called me just after school wanting to hang out, turns out she's the one that works fast. Didn't get laid, but man she is one good kisser. We made out at this bar for about a half hour. I don't remember too much of the night though," Colin said as he held his head in his paw.

"How did you get drinks under age?" Drex asked curiously.

"She has a fake ID, I just gave her the money and she worked her magic, no questions asked. Quite a resourceful chick I found eh?" Colin smiled broadly.

"It would seem so," Drex laughed a little.

"I am going to take a shower, maybe it will help with this headache," the tiger said. With that, Colin went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Drex went back to watching the TV and waiting for the clock to finally reach 11:30. Colin finished his shower just before 11:00 and headed into his room, still looking very hung over.

Finally the clock showed the magic number the otter had been waiting for and he got to his feet turning off the TV. He grabbed the stories he promised to show Jason, as well as some homework, and headed out the door.

Once in the parking lot, Drex navigated his way to his car. He got in, put the keys in the ignition, and turned them. The car purred to life and the otter left the school on his way to his first date with Jason.

As Drex got closer to the wolf's house, he started to get nervous. He had never felt this way on any other date he had been on when it was the girls he met with Colin. "Technically our date doesn't start until later, I am just coming over to hang out," Drex told himself. That seemed to calm him a little and he made his way to Jason's house.

As he pulled up to the small house, he saw Jason sitting outside on the steps leading up to the door. Drex saw the wolf's expression light up as the car pulled into the driveway.

Drex got out of the car and Jason stood up. The otter walked over Jason and the wolf immediately took Drex into a warm hug. Drex hadn't expected that at all and was a bit shocked. He looked around a little and when he saw no one in sight, he hugged the wolf back.

"Let's go inside," Jason said and Drex followed the wolf into the house. Drex stepped into the warm house, the slightly chilly air outside now blocked by its protective walls.

Jason led Drex to the couch in the living room. They both sat down but didn't turn on the TV. They just looked at each other and began to talk.

"Man, I've missed you. We hardly get to see each other with my job and our different classes," Jason said looking at the otter with a smile.

"I know what you mean, it is hard not being able to see you. Still, we will make up for that today." Drex couldn't hold back a grin of his own.

Jason's mom walked into the room and saw the pair on the couch. "Hey boys, there is a lot of time before dinner. I hope you don't mind the wait Drex," she said looking at the two.

"Not at all, we have some homework we have to do anyway. I am glad you could have me over," Drex said as he smiled at her.

"It's no trouble at all dear. I hope you both have fun, I will be outside watering the plants if you need anything," she said as she headed for the door.

"Thanks mom," Jason said and then waited for her to leave the room then added, "Speaking of homework, we should probably get that out of the way." The otter agreed and the headed into Jason's room.

Drex first took the stories out of his bag and handed them to the wolf. He saw Jason's expression of happiness which made him smile.

"This will definitely keep me busy on those boring days at the book store," Jason said with a bit of a sigh.

The pair worked on their homework and time went by quickly. Before they knew it, it was already 4:30.

"We better get down stairs, I should probably help my mom set up the table," Jason said as he got to his feet.

"I'll help," Drex added as he stood himself.

"Are you sure?" the wolf asked.

"I insist," Drex said with a nod. With that the pair headed out of the room and into the hallway.

A delicious smell hit their noses and both stomachs rumbled in unison. They headed into the kitchen to see Jason's mom hard at work.

"Oh, hi boys. Jason, would you help me set the table please. Drex, why don't you have a seat," she said as she stirred something in a pan.

"I can help," the otter offered once again.

"Well now, I can't turn down an offer like that now can I?" Ms. Brigam said with a warm smile on her face.

The pair set the table for the family. Plates, spoons, forks, and knives all set in their proper place. After that was done, they helped Jason's mom carrying the food to the table.

"Your father won't be able to join us this early unfortunately. He still has to work until 9:00. Jason, why don't you go get your brother," Ms. Brigam said.

Jason did as he was told and walked out of the room.

Once the wolf had left the room, Ms. Brigam said, "Drex, do you like my son?"

"Well, of course I do, I wouldn't exactly hang out with him if I didn't," Drex said with a bit of a laugh.

"That isn't quite what I meant," she said.

Drex suddenly realized what she was saying. "I uhh..." Drex couldn't find the words to speak but Ms. Brigam looked at him and smiled.

"I love and support my son. It doesn't matter to me what his preference is. I just don't want him to be hurt is all," she said with a serious, yet caring expression.

"I would never hurt him," Drex said firmly. He was actually surprised at the conviction in his voice.

"I know you wouldn't dear, but it is a mother's job to worry," she said with her usual happy smile.

Jason walked back into the room just then, his brother following closely behind.

"Hey Drex," he said as he took his seat at the table.

"Hey Sammy, it's been a while. How's school treatin ya?" Drex asked as he took the same seat he had the last time he ate there, right next to Jason.

"I hate it. I don't know why you or Jason would choose to go to school. Once I am out of high school, I am done with it," Sammy said.

"Now now, you don't mean that. Your education is important," Drex said with a smile.

"He's right dear, you'll understand when you are older," Ms. Brigam intervened.

"Fat chance," Sammy said with a grin.

The family held hands as they said grace. Jason and Drex were reluctant to let go when they had finished. After that, the family began to help themselves to the wonderful dinner sitting in front of them.

An interesting looking casserole, which Drex couldn't quite tell the ingredients of, smelled absolutely divine. There was also a side of mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans.

Drex took a bite of the casserole and the taste that hit his tongue made his eyes light up with delight. It had a rich creamy texture the likes of which the otter had never tasted.

After swallowing, Drex said, "This is delicious! I never knew a casserole could be so good."

Ms. Brigam's face lit up at this. She looked kindly at the otter and said, "Thank you Drex, I'm glad you like it."

The family ate their dinner and talked about various things. The conversation never stayed on one topic for more than a few minutes. It was hectic, but at the same time, Drex couldn't help but feel like he was some how part of the family. They accepted him as if he had known them for years. All of the otter's worries melted away as the conversation took over all his thoughts. By the time they had finished, it was just about time to leave for the movie.

"Thanks again for dinner Ms. Brigam," Drex said as the pair walked toward Drex's car.

"No problem dear. Please come by again soon. Have fun!" she said as she waved them off. The pair got into the car and headed toward the movie theater.

Once at the theater, they walked up to the ticket booth. Drex was fairly nervous when he spoke to the attendant behind the glass box.

"Hi, two for 'The Black Hole'." Drex wondered what Jason was thinking when he purchased the tickets but the wolf didn't say anything.

Once inside they decided to get some popcorn and sodas. They went to the counter and asked for what they wanted. Once again Drex paid for it and they started heading for the theater.

"Why don't you let me pay for some stuff?" Jason asked the question Drex had hoped to avoid.

"I just...wanted to." Drex thought about what his teacher told him. "And because you are just so sexy." Drex knew this wasn't an answer at all and thought maybe it wasn't the best thing to say.

"Oh. Well, I would like to help out next time." The wolf had a broad smile and was blushing. Drex knew his teacher's strategy had worked.

"Ok, sorry, we'll do that next time." Drex was glad to have dodged the bullet there and decided he wouldn't push the issue.

They walked into the theater that was slightly packed. Obviously they weren't the only ones that thought this movie looked good. They managed to find a few seats that were empty in the very back. There was a person on either side of them, but they were happy they didn't have to sit at the very front and crane their necks.

The movie started and had a great introduction describing how a black hole had been found as a link to other galaxies. This brought on an age of space exploration. The main characters of the movie met many different species of alien, some civilized and others feral and ready to kill anyone that got near.

As the watched the move, Jason put an arm around Drex. The otter was worried about what the people next to them would think. He looked over slowly at the badger sitting next to him. The badger was so enthralled by the movie, he hadn't even noticed. Drex relaxed a little an accepted the gesture. It's dark enough in here and I doubt anyone will notice, he thought to himself.

The movie continued on and when it ended, it was met with applause. The pair left the theater excited about what they had just seen.

"Man, that was really good. The actors were believable and the story was awesome," Jason said as they walked out.

"Yeah, I know, I haven't seen a movie that good in some time. I wonder if there will be a sequel, they definitely left it open for one," the otter said.

"I am sure they will. Those money grubbing people will try to get every little dime out of the franchise," Jason said as they approached Drex's car.

"So, do you have to be home at any particular time?" Drex asked nervously as they got into the car.

"Nah, my parents pretty much said when I turned 18 that my curfew was lifted. Why, what ya got in mind?" the wolf asked curiously.

"I dunno, you know any cool places to hang out?" Drex was too nervous to ask the wolf if he wanted to go to his dorm.

Jason though for a minute then said, "Actually, I know a pretty cool place a little ways down in the forest that I use to hang out at when I was younger. I doubt anyone would be there this late," Jason suggested.

"Hmm, sounds good, lead the way," the otter said.

They drove down a road not too far from the college and than turned onto a dirt path. After a moment of driving they came to a clearing with picnic benches and barbeques.

The pair got out of the car and headed over to one of the tables. They both laid down side by side on top of the table looking at the stars that shined brightly above. The lights of this city were not nearly as bright as the major cities so the stars shown more brilliantly than Drex had ever seen. There was not a sound our soul for miles around. The only sound they heard was the chirping of a cricket somewhere in the trees.

Jason reached out and grabbed Drex's paw. He held it and gave it a gentle squeeze. The otter looked over at the wolf that looked back at him with his bright, beautiful, blue eyes.

Jason turned on his side and leaned over to give Drex a kiss. Their tongues intertwined as they both began to kiss each other passionately. Jason slowly lifted Drex's shirt to reveal the otter's slightly muscular abdomen. The wolf began to trace circles around the otter's navel with one paw while he still held Drex's paw in the other.

Drex moved his free hand over to the wolf's chest. He traced the outline of Jason's chest through his shirt while they continued to passionately kiss. Jason slowly lowered his hand below the navel and into the otter's pants. He sensually brushed against the otter's sheath, stirring a reaction in his shaft.

Drex was in another world as he kissed the wolf. The outside world around him had ceased to exist as he passionately kissed his lover, his hand exploring the wolf's chest and slowly moving down.

A sudden snap of a twig in the woods brought Drex back to reality and he suddenly pulled away from the wolf.

"What's the matter?" Jason asked concerned.

"I just...I don't know if I can do this," Drex tried to find the words to say. The wolf's face couldn't hide the look of hurt and sadness. "Oh, I don't mean...I meant, I can't do this outside. I just don't think I am ready for that. But, I'd like to continue, if you want to head back to my place," the otter said worried that maybe the moment was lost.

It was quite the opposite, the wolf's eyes lit up and he got a happy look on his face. "Oh, that's fine. Sorry I guess I wasn't thinking."

The pair quickly got into the car and started heading for the dorm. Drex drove much faster than he usually would, looking over at the wolf, wanting to jump on him right then and there. He could tell Jason felt the same and was just as eager to get to the dorm room.

They pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. Drex wasn't sure if he had locked his car's doors and he wasn't about to go back and check as the came up to the door of the building. They quickly walked up the stairs to the second floor where Drex's dorm room resided. Drex fumbled with the keys quickly and unlocked the door.

Before the door had even fully opened, the wolf pulled the otter into a kiss, walking into the room and closing the door behind him. They passionately made out as they began to remove items of each other's clothing and walking slowly to Drex's room. They some how managed to make it to the room without falling over and closed the door behind themselves, leaving the random articles of clothing scattered around in the living room outside.

By the time they had made it to the bed, all that was left of their clothing were their pants. They stood next to the bed as they continued to kiss and fumble with each other's pants trying to remove them without breaking their kiss. After a few attempts, they both managed to get the other's buttons and zippers undone.

Now both stood in only boxers, which didn't last long as they each slid down the other's pair revealing themselves to each other. This made them break their kiss for the first time since they got into the dorm. They looked at each other's bodies, taking in the features of the area's they hadn't seen before.

Jason marveled at Drex's beautiful, sandy brown fur that coved his chest and went down to his crotch, ending just before his thighs. The otter was now fully erect and pre slowly flowed out of the tip of his shaft.

Drex saw that the wolf had a white patch of fur on his chest but aside from that, his fur color didn't change. He hadn't seen how well toned the wolf was though, as his eyes started at Jason's muscular chest and abs, ending at his crotch. Jason was just as aroused as Drex was.

This exchange only lasted a few moments and they locked into another kiss, both falling onto the bed. They pulled each other in close and could feel their lengths rubbing against one another.

Drex took a free paw and grabbed the wolf's well toned butt. He gave it a squeeze as Jason slowly reached down and touched Drex's pulsating shaft. Drex let out a moan to this and continued to kiss the wolf.

Jason sensually stroked Drex's shaft enjoying the moans the otter would produce with each stroke. Drex just continued to kiss the wolf allowing him to do as he pleased with his erection.

After a moment, Drex removed his paw from the wolf's butt and started to do some stroking of his own. Jason let out a grunt as Drex grabbed the wolf's shaft and gave it a bit of a squeeze. He slowly began to stroke his lover.

They continued to kiss as they each masturbated one another. Moans and grunts filled the room as they both felt the heat that generated off of each other's bodies. They both picked up their pace stroking each other's shafts. Drex didn't think he would last much longer as the wolf stroked the otter's length. They were both thrusting into each others paws as they continued their stimulation.

Drex felt the swell of orgasm rising up from his loins to fill his whole body with a sensually pleasure the likes of which he had never experience before. He let out one final moan as his body began to sporadically thrust into the wolf's paw. Drex's cum splashed onto his bed sheets and the wolf's abs as he released wave after wave of cum.

It wasn't long before Jason followed suit. He took the otter into another passionate kiss as he thrust into Drex's paw, his shaft pulsating as he released his seed. It covered the already soaked spot on the otter's sheet's as well as some of his abdomen and even a few drops on Drex's chest.

They both collapsed into each other, exhausted. They just looked into each others eyes, smiling at one another.

"That was great," the wolf panted.

"Yeah," was all Drex could say in between breaths.

They pulled into another kiss and just cuddled. Drex put his chin on top of Jason's head as the wolf buried his head into the otter's chest. They both laid there until they fell asleep in each others arms.

Drex awoke the next morning wondering if the night before had all been a dream. The wolf breathing softly in his sleep was a clear indicator that he had not been. He looked at the clock which read "7:32 AM". He laid his head back down and moved a paw to the wolf's head. He slowly stroked Jason's ear.

"Heh, that tickles you know," Jason said still lying in the same position.

"Oh, sorry," Drex said as he moved his paw from the wolf.

"My fur is all sticky, I usually clean up after doing something like...that," Jason said looking up at Drex with a grin.

"The shower is open. We could do a little clean up of our own," the otter suggested with a smile.

"Hmm, that sound's like a plan," Jason said. With that, the pair slowly got up and grabbed their boxers, putting them on before heading into the living room.

Colin's door was still closed Drex noticed and figured the tiger stayed out extra late for him. He needed to remember to thank his friend again for that. They both made their way into the bathroom where they stripped their clothes and got into the shower together.

It wasn't long after the water turned on that the pair got distracted from cleaning themselves. Drex, whose back was to Jason, was pulled into a hug. The wolf slowly moved a paw down to Drex's shaft and began to play with the sheath. He moved it around and got the result he was hoping for as the otter's shaft sprang to life.

The wolf continued to stroke the growing shaft until it was fully erect. He held the otter up in one arm while he stroked Drex's length with the other. Drex's knees gave way, but Jason continued to hold him up while he began to pick up his pace. He stroked the otter which caused him to moan.

It wasn't long before Drex's knees buckled and he thrust into the wolf's paw releasing his seed onto the floor of the shower before it was quickly washed down the drain.

Jason let Drex down gently as the otter sat on the floor panting. He looked over at his love and saw that the wolf was fully erect himself.

Drex wasn't entirely sure where the sudden urge came from, but he got on his knees and licked the tip of the wolf's shaft with his tongue. Jason shivered and let out an audible moan.

Jason leaned against the wall of the shower as the otter continued to lick the shaft. He cupped the wolf's balls with one paw while licking up and down the wolf's erection.

Drex stopped for a moment and said, "I have never done this before, so let me know if I am doing anything wrong."

"It's a first for me as well, so don't worry about it," the wolf giggled a little.

Drex smiled and continued to work on the length of the wolf. Drex paused a moment before opening his mouth and putting the shaft into it. The otter moved his head up and down the shaft, trying to keep his teeth away from it as best he could.

Jason moaned, obviously enjoying the treatment, and put a hand on Drex's head. He didn't force the otter. He just held his paw there allowing Drex to do what he was comfortable with.

Drex continued to bob his head up and down when he heard the wolf say, "I'm...gunna..." With that, Drex pulled away and stroked the wolf with his paw instead. Jason let out a final moan that filled the room and then shot his seed. Some of it landed on Drex's shoulder, the rest fell into the water and quickly disappeared.

"Sorry," Drex said slightly embarrassed.

"For what," Jason laughed, "that was great."

"I was just worried about when it would go in my mouth, if I would choke or something."

Jason put a paw to Drex's chin to have the otter look up at him. "Don't worry about it. Just do what you're comfortable with." The wolf had a caring smile on his face and Drex couldn't help but smile back.

"K, thanks." With that, the pair cleaned up. They helped each other, probably more than was necessary, but they finally managed to get clean.

They giggled as they exited the bath room.

"Well now, bout time you two got out of there. I've been waiting out here for like an hour now." Colin was sitting on the couch smiling at the pair.

Jason and Drex both looked at each other and giggled. They were both blushing quite a bit, their ears red hot with embarrassment.

"Sorry about that," Jason said as he waved over at Colin.

The pair walked back into Drex's room still giggling at each other.

"Boys," Colin said with a laugh before heading in for a shower of his own.

Jason and Drex were driving back to the wolf's house, both wishing the night would have never ended. Drex made the final turn onto Jason's street and stopped the car in front of the house.

Before Jason got out, he turned and gave the otter a quick kiss then said, "I love you."

Drex thought about his dream, how the words clumped in his throat and he worried it would happen here. He opened his mouth half expecting the words to not come out and was surprised when he heard, "I love you too," from his own mouth. He looked over at the wolf, his happy expression clear as day to the otter.

"See, I knew you could do it," Jason said and gave the otter another, much more slow and passionate kiss. He slowly got out of the car and walked toward his door, looking back at the otter as he did so.

Drex drove away, wishing he didn't have to but continued on. He sighed and looked forward to the next weekend with the wolf.