Fire and Water

Story by Firus Lupinalos on SoFurry

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wolf, incest, death, love, magic, violence (not in yiff), oral, vaginal

Vapora had always led an awkward life. She was a beautiful wolfess about twenty years old with eyes as blue and full of luster as saphires. She sttod about six foot two, and had gorgeous reddish black hair that was almost like blood in darkness. Her body was covered in silky smoke colored fur over her slender yet not too skinny form. She studied martial arts for fitness and had gained decent muscl tone but luckily had never lost too much off her nicely sized bosom. Despite being beautiful by almost all senses of the word, she had never really been accepted by any one group; but being extremely intelligent, athletic, and having great looks could do that to a girl. The "popular" kids had always though she was too bookish and smart, and maybe just a little too "tomboyish". The male "nerds" had always felt awkward around her because she was hotter than any girl they could comfortably be around, and the females always felt she was a threat to them and made them feel insecure and ugly by comparison. Even the gays, who in her community had a reputation for accepting anyone, couldn't accept her. Granted, she had a few friends from each group, but that still didn't make for more than a small social circle.

She couldn't help it if she equally enjoyed running a ball down a field as playing her level thirty-two Ranger on the latest online role-playing game. She couldn't help it if she could just as easily practice her Tai-Kwon-Do as read Homer's "The Oddesy". She simply couldn't help herself if she enjoyed watching cheesy romantic "girl ends up with dream guy" movies as much as the latest kick-ass action or engaging fantasy or titles. That was just who she was, and if some people didn't like that, then they could go be themselves. She realized early on that the reason she never fit in with any one group was because she had her fingers in too many pies. So she took her friends where she could, and tried to make lasting ties out of as many of them as she could. But none of them really understood all of her.

The only person that had ever completely understood her was her brother. Irefay was only a little less than year younger than her, with the same colored fur, but his hair was black with the oddest tint of a dark green. Their parents could never quite explain that. His eyes were a shade of green that could match that of any forest and he stood just above his sister at six foot five, which let her to easily rest her head on his chest which was her favorite pillow. His interests matched hers almost identically, though he tended to go for different sides of things. She would prefer football, where he would rather play hockey. She would rather read fantasy, where he would rather read sci-fi. But that didn't mean she wouldn't be his goalie, and him her quarterback. It didn't mean he wouldn't know how magic was cast in her newest favorite story, or that she wouldn't know the damage a weapon in his could cause. It meant that together, they took in the whole spectrum on a lot of things. He understood her as no one else did. She accepted him like she knew no on else could. And they were both equally and unequivically in love. With each other.

They had always played together as pups. Always played the same games. Went to the same schools. Had kept the same secret since Irefay's fifteenth birthday. For many years, the love between them had grown, but it was that day that they finally acted on it. At first they talked about how they felt. They were old and wise enough in their small experiences to know they would always love each other this way. They were mature enough that they knew that society would always say they were wrong and disgusting. But they were in love, and horny enough to realize that neither of them gave a damn. And that night they devoted themselves, and bound their souls to each other with a ritual that was defined by their beliefs. They had asked their parents for the items for the ritual, and their permission. Their parents had seen them grow closer over the years, had observed how they acted towards each other, but nothing had prepared them for finding out that they were actually in love. But they were understanding of how hard it is to find someone to fully accept you for who you truly are. They knew how harsh the world was. And so, they did nothing about it because they also realized there was really nothing they could do about it. So they gave them the ingredients for the spell, tought them about safe sex, and trusted that they would never do anything to harm each other.

That was almost five years ago. After gradutaing from high school, Vapora and Irefay had moved on to college together. They had gotten special permission from the dean to share a dorm room because they were siblings and because their parents couldn't afford seperate rooms. They quickly made a few friends, but not too many. They had mostly the same classes, since they were both going to be Art majors, minoring in Creative Writing, except where Vapora had Ancient Greek Philosophy on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at two, and Irefay had Ancient Roman Philosphy on the same schedule. Which of course they basically shared all the information with each other so they basically took both classes. This meant that not only did they see each other in class, but they had the same free periods in their schedules.

They spent a lot of that time going climbing or walking though the park. They went to museums and movies and played games and went to parties and lived the college life. But it was during a special moment at the end of one of these average days that their life together was shot to hell.

"C'mon slow poke or it'll be closed by the time we get there," Vapora told her brother, pulling at his paw.

"It's the beach sis, it doesn't close to foot traffic." Irefay replied, trying to make sure the basket on his arm didn't spill it's contents. "And besides, it's not even dark yet," He said seductively, staring into her eyes.

She blushed at what his words. She put her arms about his waist and walked beside him. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, she gave him a quick kiss. "I'll awalys love you brother. For ever and eternity." She whispered to him, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"And I you. For this life and all others." He replied, leaning his head on hers.

They walked down the beach with their bare paws, leaning on and supporting each other like they did in everything else. They walked until they reached a strip of boulders that led out to sea. They easily climbed up to their favorite little spot on the rocks and set up the picnic they had packed in the basket. By the time they were through unpacking the small meal, the sun was setting over the water.

The picnic consisted of nothing more than a couple of turkey and cheese sandwiches, a small container of potato salad and a bottle of wine their parents had sent them to celebrate. Irefay poured them each a glass. He handed her one and raised his own, saying, "Before we eat, I just want to say... To the most special and unique wolfess in the entire world, who by a mere chance of birth shall be mine forever, even after we join our goddesses in the eternal forest. Happy twenty-first birthday Vapora. I love you."

They touched glasses and sipped at the liquid that almost matched her hair. "Thank you hun, I love you too." She said, kissing him against the profile of the sun.

They ate their meal in relative silence, making a little small talk, but mostly just enjoying each other's company. They drank sparingly, savoring the taste, and making sure that they wouldn't feel it too much when they walked home. When the sun went below the horizon, they lit two taper candles in crystal holders to illuminate their night.

When the night had worn on and the full moon risen to it's highest point in the sky, they started drew a ritual circle on the rocks and lit one white candle and one green. They set the white candle on the north side of the circle, and the green on the south. They sat in the circle talking about Vapora's dreams and wishes.

"What do you aspire to do after college?" Irefay asked his sister.

"I wish to create art along side you my brother." She replied.

"What do you want out of life?" He asked the next question.

"I want a peaceful life, lived beside you and our family." She said, blushing at the last part of her statement.

"And what do you wish to posses in the future?" He asked the final question of the ritual they had devised.

"I wish for a healthy family, and a mountain cottage to live in." She answered.

Irefay gestured towards the candles with each paw. "Then make your final wish, concentrate on your desires and extinguish the candles."

Vapora closed her eyes and thought about her wish. When she opened her eyes again, she licked the forefinger on each paw and pinched the flames out on both candles, leaving only the taper candles to brighten the darkness. "Happy birthday." He said again in the darkness.

"Thank you. This is the best one yet, because I get to spend it entirely with you, the rocks, and the sound of the surf." She told him, moving to sit in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head on his chest.

"So what did you wish for?" He asked, holding her close to him.

"You know I can't tell you, or the magic won't work." She said with a small laugh. "Isn't amazing the small everyday traditions that have their origins in pagan rituals? Even the simple birthday candle wish."

"Shhh, don't tell anyone. The catholics would start another inquisition on everyone if they knew." He said with a wink, tickling her sides until she couldn't stop laughing. "Confess!" He yelled, with his most commanding voice. "Confess your sins wicked one."

She giggled uncontrollably. "Never!"

"Renounce Satan and his ways, witch! Confess your cursing and consorting with demons and you will be spared." He demanded, torturing her until she screamed with laughter.

She shrieked at the treatment and yelled, "I do renounce them! I confess to my evils ways." He stopped tickling her. "And to my sleeping with a demon." She said, staring into his deep green eyes. They could be a demon's eyes, she thought with a giggle. "Kiss me demon." She demanded.

Irefay smirked at her. "Yes mistress," he said.

They kissed for endless minutes and their hands began to roam, undressing each other. They stripped each other of society's coverings, and reveled in the beauty they each saw in the other as they were illuminated by the soft moonlight. Irefay turned around and blew out the two taper candles, making the dim white light their only way to see. It was all they wanted, to be alone with their goddesses and each other. Vapora couldn't stand it any longer, she reached a hand down to his sheathe, finding him already growing. She stared to rub his sheathe up and down coaxing him out of himself.

Her brother wrapped his arms around her back and drew his claws lightly through her fur, barely touching her skin. He buried his muzzle between her breasts, inhaling her scent that always drove him wild. It was like rain, after a hunt. It was refreshing and invigorating to him at the same time. He moaned as Vapora's hand rubbed against the tip of his exposed flesh. "Now wait a minute," he said huskily. "It's your birthday, not mine. I should be treating you." He lifted her up so he get get on his knees on the hard rock and laid her down.

He moved over her body, nipping and lapping in seemingly random areas until he reached her slit. He inhaled her scent again, this time stronger and more concentrated. "The holy flower. The sacred feminine. Women are not to be deminished." He said under his breath. He looked up at her. "They should be worshipped as goddesses." He leaned his muzzle in and lapped at the outside of her slightly swollen lips. He lapped like a thristy animal at so much water. He lapped hungrily for her taste and desiring of her pleasure.

Vapora shuddered and put a paw on the back of his head, gripping his night green hair. "Then worship me." She said, lust infusing her voice. She pressed Irefay's muzzle to her sex, forcing his nose slightly passed her slit. He pushed his muzzle as far in as it would go, closing his eyes and plumbing her depths with his tongue. He rubbed the outside of her cunt with one hand while playing with her clit with the other. She moaned and shuddered at the feeling of his homage to her. She forced his head slightly back and pushed him in again, using his muzzle as a phallus. He lapped at her inner walls, savoring the flavor of her lubricant. He pushed his tongue in as far as he could and just barely reached the small cluster of nerves he knew was there.

She screamed and bucked her hips on his muzzle as he hit her most sensitive spot, causing her to orgasm on his face as he greedily drank all she gave him. When she finally came down a little from her high, she extricated the sodden male from her loins and brought him closer to her. "Deities reward their followers for their homage." She said simply and kissed him passionately, tasting herself on him and not caring. She used her free hand to reach down to his fully erect organ and used the tiny amount of pre she found there to start rubbing him. Slowly and meticulously she worked him up until she knew he was completely hers for now. "Mount me. Tie me and make a first attempt at giving us the family we want." She ordered him as she got up on her paws and knees.

"I obey," He replied to her. He came up behind her and moved her gorgeous tail out of the way as he slowly guided himself into her slit, letting her become accustomed to him being inside her. After she streched to accomidate him, he started to slowly move in and out of her. His eight inch length able to reach back to her cervix when he fully hilted. He increased his speed as their pleasure increased, very slowly at first, but quickly picking up. He had a steady pace going when he leaned over her back and wrapped his arms around her possessively, reaching a hand back to play with her clit.

She closed her eyes again as he plunged her into heaven, spiritually and physically. She started to thrust her hips back against his, matching his pace, willing him to cum with her and tie her. They sped up their pace to the pounding of their hearts, until her brother was about to cum. His knot swelled and pounded at her entranced until he finally forced it into her. He bit into the scruff of her neck as she screamed silently in pleasure at the sudden intrusion. The combined feelings of his fangs and knot was enough to make her cum as he did, his seed shooting up into her, hopefully to become the first of their pups.

They lay on their sides together, blissfully ignorant of the world when the beam of a flashlight struck their faces.

They shaded their eyes as they heard a familiar voice ring out saying, "Oh my god."

It was a classmate from their English classes. The feline had never really been a friend of either of theirs, but she had never had any reason to dislike them either. Unfortunately she was also a devout christian. She was one of the few that did not accept "alternative" beliefs at all, and was disgusted by the idea of even light bondage. She had already seen the pentacle circle. She had seen them tied together there on the rocks. The flashlight flashed from their faces and they heard soft padding fleeing from them down the boulder strip.

Irefay whispered in Vapora's ear. "Sis, I do believe that we are royally screwed."

She struggled until she could pop off of his almost deflated knot. When she finally succeeded she turned and snuggled into his chest. "I believe so too." She mumbled into him as he felt a tear roll down his eye and on roll down his chest and onto the rocks.

They washed in the ocean and gathered their belongings, putting on their clothes and washing away the circle with the remainder of the wine. They went home to go to bed, and wonder at what was going to happen to them.

The next day, they heard a crowd assembled outside their door and looked out their peephole to see at least twenty other people gathered outside with looks varying from disgust to anger to hatred. One of them, a massive boar, banged on the door and demanded they come out so they could be punished. Vapora told her brother to call security and ten minutes later the mob was being broken up by the officers and their clubs. They were escorted to their classes every day for two weeks. The officers had to help them because they could not prove that they had broken any laws. After the two weeks went by, people started to give up on the idea of lynching them, and just started ignoring them. None of their friends talked to them any more, they were alone.

After another week they started to go out to movies and dinner again. And all seemed well again. But on their third dinner date since being discovered they were taking a shortcut through an alley and found themselves faced with an enormous bear in a black trenchcoat holding a handgun pointed at them.

"You sick freaks." The bear said.

"Run!" Irefay shouted, and dragged his sister away as their would be assailant fired a shot that ricoched off the wall next to them. He ran blindly, taking her down random paths in the back alleys of the neighborhood. Left, right, right, right, left. He turned randomly at crossways, always followed by the bear who wisely saved his ammunition. Irefay was running out of breath, and his sister was tiring when they turned the final corner, and ran right into a brick wall.

Irefay tried to turn around an run the other way, but the bear was blocking their way. Vapora's brother shoved her behind him.

"You sick freaks." The giant ursine repeated. "You perverted devil worshipers. I slay you in the name of God." Lightning quick he raised the revolver and fired a shot at Irefay's chest, who fell to the ground clutching where his right lung used to be. "Begone from this world witch!" The male fired another shot at Vapora who fell across her brother. "May your souls burn in the firey pits of Hell." The bear said, before running away.

Vapora struggled to get off her brother and wrap her arms around her brother. She hugged him close to her and spoke to him brokenly. "I'm s-sorry... to have gotten... y-you int-to this brother."

Irefay focused his eyes on her and forced his arms to open and draw her in. "I chose... this fate... as well as... you," he wheezed from his now single lung.

Their spilling blood ran on the pavement. Like a river of death and decay that had destroyed their lives together.

Vapora drew upon her remaining strength before she slipped away to join her goddesses and ancestors in the eternal forest. She whispered to the one who had always to meant so much to her, and had been the only one to understand her, "I w-will always love... you brother. For ever... and eternity."

Irefay used his last breath to speak his almost ritual reply. "And I... will al...ways... love you. For this life... and all others."

They said these words as their lifeblood poured out onto the street, carrying with it their hopes, and dreams; leaving them at the end, dying in each others arms, never to have the family they desired or the peaceful life they deserved. When at last they almost passed, they saw a vast ocean of trees, and smelled the sweet scent of the lupine and foxglove that they believed grew rampant in the eternal forest that was their afterlife.