Friends, fun - Forever

Story by Rainster on SoFurry

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A short Adult-orientated story involving three Eeveelutions that end up getting into quite a heated situation!

This is the first fic I ever actively finished, everything else remained left off in the middle or even just at first draft. I hope that you'll enjoy it, though it's not amazing, please feel free to comment or provide feedback alone! Any critique is appreciated though it would be more helpful in private! Thank you very much and..


Fun, Friends - Forever

The moon raised silently over the small town on the edge of the nearby forest, the trees rustled with the gentle western wind, all was quiet and peaceful. All but the Nocturnal Pokémon of the forest and town seemed to be out that night, their trainers soundly asleep in their bed for those who had them, with very few exceptions. Two of which where the uncanny duo of Eeveelutions, green twinkling eyes meeting those of the brown ones belonging to his opposite typed friend.

The Vaporeon and Flareon's padding almost in time, both tails gently swaying adorned with a band on each of their tails, Blue and Orange respectively. They weren't ones for early nights and tonight was no exception, their usual midnight walk seeming just as uneventful as ever but their quiet, constant chatter was more than enough company for either, the occasional Pokémon passing greeting was the only time they weren't engaged in idle conversation. This night would be different though, and soon enough it would become apparent why, nearby rustling soon revealing another Pokémon of much the same family as the two friends.

"Why hello there, boys, what brings you out on this fine night?" came the voice of a stranger, the dark type eon stood in front of them, her dazzling ruby eyes seeming to sparkle in the light of the high full moon, illuminating the area around her eyes softly. Both Water and Fire counterpart paused as she had emerged, now blinking and turning to each other, quite surprised by the sudden transaction of words. After all they'd never met anyone who was in for more than a hello, though it wasn't long before each of them spoke in turn, exchanging their own words.

"H-hello there!" came the Vaporeon's own personal sound.

"It's nice to meet you though.. we've never had anyone really speak to us!" added the fire type, both seeming a little flustered.

"We were just out for a walk, like we do every night."

"Guessing the same for you?"

They inquired, Vaporeon first and Flareon second, it was all rather perplexing for them, though certainly not unwelcome, it had been a while after all. "Oh yes, it is only fitting after all, no? The moon is so lovely.. I'm glad to find more who can appreciate the night as I do," the rings on each of her appendages, along with her forehead had begun to glow softly, a soft purr rumbling through her chest. "Though it is getting a little cold.. would you two like to go somewhere a little warmer? My trainer has fallen asleep, and you seem friendly enough. If we're quiet there should be no problem with getting to know each other."

At her words the two would blink, their muzzles slightly agape. They had only just met and already she was inviting them round to her own abode? Though, being two not to pass up an opportunity to make friends, they nodded their heads energetically almost in-sync, tails wagging up a storm of excitement at the possibility of someone else to tag alone on their journey.

"Oh yes, that would be wonderful!" was the Water's reply, shortly followed by the Fire.

"What he said, just show us the way."

A warm smile formed on the Umbreon's face, rather happy herself with the acceptance. She soon turned tail, motioning with her head for the two to follow. All three pressed their paw pads to the pavement with every step, both banded eons following closely behind their new found companion, hoping that it would indeed strike true. It seemed to take a while though really it was mere moments until they had arrived, a flap big enough for the female along with the two trailing behind her awaited. Her form soon disappeared into it without a word, the two following after a momentarily scuffle and a little pushing competition to decide who went through first.

Soon they had emerged into a sizeable hall, the house was dark other than the gentle glow of her natural bioluminescence, just enough to help them find their way. The short journey through the house also remained relatively silent, though it was nice to be somewhere warm now, the lack of voices would soon be cut off as they reached an open door with another flap. "Aaah.. here we are, come on in guys, and welcome to my room!" the flap accenting the end of the Umbreon's speech with it's own sound, the soft flick of a switch being heard before the males made their way through as well.

Gasps of surprise were what came next, her rings had now returned to their usual state against her fur, the light above giving them quite a scene. This is her room?! They blinked, looking around, the carpet below lush, the bedside topped with treats, toys, and all sorts. The same lined the room from top to bottom, though there was still plenty of space. And in the middle of the room, against the purple wall lay a bed, enough for all three of them and more, the sheets that lay on top almost matched the wall, pillows matching her eyes. They didn't blink for quite some time, the Umbreon tilting her head to the side in confusion. "Hey.. boys.. is something the matter?" she waved a paw in front of their unblinking gazes as she said this, her voice alone causing them to snap out of it.

"N-no! Not at all!" voiced the first, his blue tail still.

"I-It's just that.. well.. back home we just have a blanket and a basket! Or sleep at the foot of the bed! This is just.. wow.. your trainer must really love you.." added the other, voice full of exasperation and surprise, he was almost speechless.

"Ooooh! Right, I suppose living here for so long has caused me to forget how lucky I really am.

But as long as you're here you're free to play with anything you like! Though I would like to get to know you two better. How about you two go grab a midnight snack from over on the cabinet and we get to talking?" her eyes gently glowed as she spoke, her own tail swaying gracefully. Being opportunity seekers it wasn't long before they were back, the Vaporeon now taking a bite of an Oran berry, a Pokémon favourite, while the Flareon had chosen a Pecha, being more of a sweet tooth.

"Tasty huh? Imported from another region, the very best money can afford!" the Umbreon said quite proudly, almost vainly though it didn't quite have that air.

"Oh mmfff.. yes, mnmhhmm!"

"Very much.. best I've ever tasted!" one followed the other, half way through their berries already.

"Glad to hear it! Now, what do you two like to do in general? If this is not too much to ask, considering the suddenness of our meeting here."

Finishing off the last of their berries at her question they wiped off each of their muzzles, licking their chops before they answered.

"Many things! Midnight walks as you now know, we like to battle, explore, play together. Our trainers are friends so we even get entered together in competitions! All kinds, the usual along with a few new things here and there." fins perked and gently twitching, the Vaporeon explained.

"But whatever we do, we do together! Buddies for life, right?" the fire type said with a smile and simultaneous nod of both of their heads, gazing at each other for a moment before back at her, eagerly awaiting her reply.

Her tail swished to one side, her smile only grew. She had noticed the banded tails and it seems their bond was just as she thought it would be, especially with the words they had exchanged before she came out of hiding. Aww.. they're adorable! "You two really do make quite the pair. Unfortunately I don't have many friends, though I would like to have someone to do more with! If you'd like to, we could be friends?"

They blinked again, something that seemed common around her. She had a way of taking their words and making them look at each other for some kind of answer though their enthusiastic nodding a moment later along with their harmonious and synced "Yes!" was more than enough. A new friend, an exciting event for both of them, especially one so nice and with the same love of the night as they shared. With that she got to all fours and walked over to give each of them a friendly lick on the cheek, causing a slight blush for both before stepping backwards, sitting closer now.

"Thank you so much! I know it's a little bold of me but.. I'm happy to have made some friends so soon, I was afraid you wouldn't come here with me.." she teared up, tear-rimmed eyes wet for only a moment, her head turned so she could calm herself quickly before turning back with that same warm, comforting smile. "I think celebrations are in order! Though, I would like to know if either of you have a special someone? We're friends now after all, would be nice to know more."

For a moment they wondered why she would want to know that, though accepting her reason for asking they shook their heads. "Oh no, nothing like that, we're mostly happy just being around each other, not in any hurry." the Flareon being the first to speak this time, seeming quite content with this.

"Yeah, friends are just as fun! It would be nice, but we're happy like this for now."

"I see.." murmured the Umbreon to their replies, her face unreadable. Though soon enough she'd look up at them again, her gaze having been on the ground. "I agree, what's the fun in rushing when you can just be with friends? Though there's something I've always wanted to do.. perhaps you'd like to help me? It'll be fun! Never had someone to play with before."

"Sure!" the two males said in unison, no hesitation this time.

"How can we help?"

"Well.. first you have to close your eyes and wait until I say you can open them! Trust me, you're going to love it."

The Bre twitched her ear, watching as they silently nodded after a moments hesitation, taking a deep breath and closing their eyes. She could feel they were a little nervous, after all it was all so sudden.. but as she moved, a rustling, the sound of springs and some fabric their ears would be greeted by her voice again. "Alright.. you.. you can open your eyes now." her voice sounded less confident than before, and just as they opened their eyes their noses got to work, a rather appealing scent close at hand.

"Oh.. my.." their voices seemed to echo together, wide eyes meeting the source of that scent head on. There stood the female eon, her tail high, legs slightly spread with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, muzzle open. Her eyes met theirs moments before their eyes wandered further down, a sigh that leaked with need being exhaled from her muzzle. Their legs instantly closed as a flush ran over their faces. Her engorged, dribbling vulva lay just below her dark, tight tailvent, nothing escaping their gaze as she beared herself to them out of nowhere, the two inexperienced males quite unsure how to react with more than just staring, their eyes transfixed.

"What's wrong..? Never seen a lady from behind before? Well.. I haven't shown anyone either and I was kind of hoping.. you two could help me out with.. a little problem.." she swayed her hips from side to the other, some of her delicate juices dripped down onto the bed below, her eyes half shuttered as she looked back. "So.. which one of you is going to come over here.. and celebrate our friendship with me from on top?" she asked, her nervous voice was blunt all the same, all three of them still though there was certainly more than just a little of their arousal poking out from behind the two male's forelegs.

"I... I.. wow.." wavered was the voice that came from the Vaporeon now, his previous confidence seemed to go long as he looked forward, blinking softly. Though instead of words it was action his friend took, the matching banded Flareon took a few steps forward before jumping up onto the bed, causing the Umbreon to take a deep breath in anticipation. The Vaporeon frozen on the spot as he watched his friends length bob between his legs, a soft moan sounding out as the thick, sweet taste of her own genitalia met the Fire type's lips and tongue, his heart beating like a drum.

"Mmnmfff.. ah.. it tastes nice.." the more confident male purred into the folds of her private area, his confidence only growing with pre that now dribbled below, the Vaporeon still speechless though his own twitching length was only held back by the anxiety that gripped him watching the scene unfold. "O-oh.. yes.. deeper.." answered the Umbreon in reply, her chest slowly moving towards the bed. While both Flareon and Umbreon enjoyed themselves the blue balled one looks on, his forepaw slowly finding the stick between his legs, stroking up and down the sensitive flesh while letting his eyes wander from length and balls, to tongue and vulva.

This went on for quite some time, less than it felt but with trembling legs, the female came to the point where she needed more, more than just a tongue. Gently brushing her tail against the top of his head with a blush below her fur, she spoke. "P-pleaase.. I-I.. I want you.." she moaned breathlessly.

"O-of course.." was all the now brightly blushing and slightly wet muzzled Flareon could managed before he swung himself clumsily over, stepping on her hindpaw with a rushed apology and a slight yelp before he took his position, instincts taking over as much as the thrusting went, though he missed quite a few times. Tip pressing and smearing his precum against her rear before he found her folds and that entrance, pressing up against it. "Y-you.. you ready for this? I've never done this before." Can't mess this one up.. he thought afterwards, wanting to make the best of this incredible opportunity.

The Umbreon closed her eyes, her rear higher than before while she readied herself. "Don't worry, it's my first time too, big boy.. just do what comes natural.. and you there, Vapster.. come over her to my side and I'll give you something to do too." she said in a sultry tone, referring to both. Swallowing down the rest of his anxious nature he shakily stood up, his paw slick with pre along with his drippy member. One paw after the other brought him to the bed, climbing up on top with a squeak of the springs and from the Umbreon, the Flareon letting out a groan of satisfaction as half of his length slowly sunk into her tightness, stretching her out.

"Y-yes?" the Aqua Blue green eyed 'mon stuttered, gulping down while trying not to look at what was happening as much as he had to, looking her shakily in the eyes.

"Come.. oh.. come here and.. rest those haunches of yours with your back against the bed board, then spread those hinds out for me, okay? Trust.. aaah.. trust me."

The moment she had finished she let out a soft, shuddery moan, the Flare having pressed the last inch of his member inside of her tight vulva. Pre and juices lining and lubing her tunnel up for him, he panted, wordlessly looking over to the Vap who had looked back for a brief moment, a smile from the Flareon and a wink all he needed to get into position. A moment later he had his legs splayed out, eyes closed due to his nervous disposition while he relaxed back, his pecker beading with pre.

"Good boy.. now.. lets take care of this too, shall we?" she spoke gently, before kissing up from top to bottom, running her tongue slowly and tantalisingly up the Vaporeon's shaft, uttering another moan, both from the pleasant taste and the gentle, eager thrusting that now rocked the bed and her body, planting her lips involuntarily against the tip that she now allowed to penetrate her lips. Her moans were now muffled by the rod she was engulfing half of, lapping up each inch. The soft slapping of sac against furred flesh and lower folds were joined by the moans and groans of all three of them, the carnal activities filled with the shared lust and pleasure of new found friends.

So.. good.. she's amazing.. simple thoughts flowed through the minds of both males, her head falling further down between those wide open legs, the bottom of her muzzle gentle tapping against the blue sac that pressed up in wanting against her, the large furred sac of his companion meeting and slapping wetly with her rear, his pace increasing as instinct took over once again, his eyes opening and staring directly at his friend now enjoying her other end, a smile being exchanged. "I g-guess.. we really do do everything_together don't we?" he'd offer in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere despite the situation, a short giggle was joined with the unseen rolling of eyes from the female below, enjoying herself just as much as they were. _Tasty.. and it feels good..

One blue paw slowly fell over the top of the that black, ringed head, gently rubbing behind one of her ears but not putting any pressure on. It was better than anything he had ever felt, even stopping him from replying to his only friend before now for a moment while he caught up mentally with the physical pleasure. Each bob and suckle she made, and each thrust her body allowed gave them both that intense pleasure and mutual affection that came with such activities, their liking towards the Umbreon growing exponentially.

"Sure d-do buddy.." finally came the reply, his other forepaw high up, stretched out towards the Flare who soon briefly unhooked his paw from her haunch to smack them together, a high five of sorts before they reset their positions, merely enjoying what was to come. Her eyes were closed now, her body undergoing the increased roughness and feral nature of the heated member that leaked out into her love tunnel, her first experience going a lot better than she had expected it too, the shaft that she was bouncing her head on only made it all the better. She didn't even notice the extra bit of flesh that was now peeking out from beside where her paw was rubbing on the inside of his blue thigh, while more than just a sac was slapping against her hind end.

The entire scene was quite busy, even in it's relative simplicity, the noisy moaning of all three would have waken anyone that was in any room opposite, though the room was mostly soundproofed. The wet slapping grew sloppy, pre dripping along her tongue and back her throat, heavy breathing from both males would be a good indicator of their ability to last any longer. It was only now that her eyes opened and she noticed what was coming, the thick bulb of flesh that lay in her gaze would likely also be what was smacking against her folds, threatening to tie her. Soon...

"I can't take.. take much more of this, Flarie.. I can feel it winding up to something but I just don't want her to stop.. please keep going.." she twitched her ears to what he had said, her anticipation was growing, not planning to stop, only bobbing her head a little faster, her tongue wrapping around to allow him to slide through the middle of it, making sure he'd get there sooner rather than later. Sudden purring vibrated over the blue males rod, causing him to twitch and spasm, thrusting up against her lips which kissed against his knot.

The grip against her haunches tightened, the Flareon all but grunting his acknowledgement of what his friend had said, his more natural position robbing him of more than the action of pressing himself needfully against her continually, seeking some release, some hold on him that was missing. He watched his counterparts own pleasure through half lidded eyes, each moan filling him with increasing spur to his thrust, his knot pressing in more each time. He couldn't hold it much longer, wanting to seal their friendship with more than just words, but to seal something else too.

"Mnmnmmm.." her paws rested at the side of the Vaporeon Package she was happily suckling on with this moan, trying her best to prepare herself. She was trying to relax her gag reflex, knowing if things got to a peak she might end up taking more than just a shaft in both her ends. She wouldn't have to wait long though, a strained gasp and moan followed the sudden pounding she hadn't been expecting, the Flareon having taken the incentive to move forward and all but force himself without warning inside, his knot stretching out her muscles before they closed around the now swelling mass of flesh, his body trembling from head to tail.

Her muffled cry was followed by her head falling lower, pushing and pushing until her jaw stretched with the slight pain, soon finding two knots penetrating her body, not just one, tying both her ends. With two fully swollen males inside, their bodies trembling before at last they howled out as one, both Vap and Flare voicing their pleasure in the only way they knew how, an exchange of blissful enjoyment that filled her ears. Sticky, warm, seed splashed into her tunnel, past her cervix where the Flareon's tip had hooked close to, constant spurting out his warmth that made her shiver in ecstasy.

At the same time she found her mouth was and throat was being assaulted by the comparatively slick essence of the recently anxious water type, it was still sticky though watered down compared to what was flooding her insides from behind. She swallowed down the slightly bitter sexual fluids that didn't just end up down her throat, joining the acidic contents of her stomach, her frame all but still other than her squeezing and suckling throat with each swallow. Vappy muzzle open and lively with sound, head tilted up towards the ceiling, throbbing violently with each spurt.

Each desperate throb of release brought more and more, giving her just what she wanted, sating her need in the best way that she could have asked for, soon enough all that was left was the lesser spurts that came with being knotted. Her nose was pressed up against his crotch and lower belly, warm breath washing over the panting individual above her, his eyes slowly opening as his head fell to watch her, his paw now gently caressing her cheek, as grateful for her actions as the Flareon was by the way he rubbed over her sides.

"That.. that... huff.. that was the best thing we've ever done together.." panted Vap, drool running down his cheek, looking up to meet the Flareon's dreamy gaze, seeming lost in thought about what had just happened.

"Yeah.. brilliant.. but we do have someone else to thank, and she can't exactly reply right now but.. on 3?" inquired the fire type, which was followed by a nod and a countdown. 3... 2... 1!

" Thank you!" they said loudly in unison, slightly less effective with how out of breath they were, followed by an affection lick to the back of her occupied head and neck, grins stretching over the satisfied muzzles of the males, who were still basking in the jolts of pleasure that came every now and again. She seemed to find this rather amusing, giggling despite herself, muffled over him before smiling. She had felt apprehensive before hand, giving herself up so easily had made her had it's reservations. But now she felt lucky to have met the two now attached to her, a lot better than finding someone who would take advantage of her.

The Flareon stayed in place, preferring to have a view of his friend so they could talk, the Umbreon listening happily as they spoke, every now and then making reference to the one who's body they were tied to, crotch and mouth against either of their crotches, the Flareon grinding on her which stimulated her past the point of their intercourse, making her groan and twitch, unnoticed by the two. The way they spoke so fondly of her and freely about other things made it all the better, hoping he wouldn't deflate too soon as that grinding was working her up.

"... that time out by the river? Yeah I remember that!" the flareon and Vaporeon exchanging idle conversation above while they waited somehow only made it better. Not that it was viable to speak to her, mouth full and being coated every now and again in that constantly spurting mess that she let slide back her throat. The digits on her forepaws curled inwards, having idly wrapped around the water types back, playing with that band and rear of his, much to enjoyment of the talkative Vaporeon she had become friends with above. The pleasure of that grinding was really starting to build, rubbing her sensitive nerve ending coated folds in all the right places, along with sliding ever so slightly inside of her.

The fluids within her muzzle began to pool up, her motivation to swallow them was replaced by the mental thoughts flowing through her head, trying her best to make everything more appealing than they already were, urging the release forward. It would come as a surprise to the two males, her sudden loud moaning being muffled over him causing them both to look down, grinding never ceasing. "Seems someone is enjoying themselves still.." the Flare said softly, his grinding increasing, being rather astute and having caught on to just why already "Let me help you with that.. friend."

Ruby eyes widened open, blinking and staring forward into nothing but blue, her body beginning to tremble. The Vap could only look on and groom the back of her head while his friend worked away, his own spent shaft pressing and rubbing against her tongue casually, soon leading her to the very edge. Within moments of the increasing attempts to get her off the fruits of his labor came to fruition, holding her tight while he body jerked here and there, unable to get away though he did have to hold her up and still. Her juices squirt over his crotch and down onto her sheets, coating them with her feminine scent while her tunnel convulsed over his member adding extra moans to the mix.

For close to twenty seconds she writhed around in pleasure until her body trembled again, calming down. Shaking all over, the prolonged experience of her first orgasm in company took the last of her energy, only just managing to keep herself up with his strength, her body being treated with the caressing touch of the two who had helped her out.Friendship.. is certainly amazing.. she thought, unable to voice her own thanks until they were free, which was just a short while off now, chatter shortly continuing again.

Time passed slowly, her eyes opening and closing, resting her body in whatever way she could. The voices of both males becoming rather familiar by this point with just how well they got on together, the Flareon seeming to be the one that took charge while the Vaporeon happily followed him, an inseparable pair. Or.. trio? Her hopes were high, though there was the fear that her trainer wouldn't approve if she ever found out. It wasn't much concern to her, given how little her trainer entered her room as she wasn't much inside, happy to be with her instead.

"A-ah.. I think I can get free now.." her train of thought was interrupted by this, the vaporeon echoing the remark before with a slight tug and groans from all three they slipped free, allowing her to pant and collapse onto the bed below, coating her fur with juices and her muzzle with whatever was left of the spurted Vappy waters in her muzzle, dripping slightly with the seed that ran from between her legs after the plug had been removed. Before she got a chance to speak a tongue was pressed below her tail again, cleaning her of both juices and cum without hesitation, surprising her more than anything though she appreciated the gesture, looking up towards the Vaporeon who had leaned to lick her nose.

"T-thank you guys.. really, I never thought it would happen so suddenly but.. I'm happy to have you as my friends, and what we just did.. w-would you mind keeping that between us?" She looked back towards the Flare and back to the Vap, eyes hopeful and a little nervous. "I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong!"

"Don't worry, we won't tell a soul.. it's you we should thank, that was the best feeling in the world, we feel close to you already." the Flare had lifted his head from beneath her tail, licking his lips while he delivered this speech.

"Yeah, I mean we don't really have anyone to tell and why would we? Wouldn't be very nice of us, and you've certainly proven yourself to be a very nice girl indeed! We're the ones happy to have you as friends, I'm sure the sentiment is shared." Vappy echoed the statement, looking to is partner in crime who only nodded once she had looked to him, the two now positioning themselves to lay at each side of her exhausted frame, tired themselves as both thick, smooth tail and fluff covered soft one lay over hers. "So don't you worry about a thing, we got your back! In some cases.. literally."

To say she was touched would have been an understatement, all her reservations about her body being taken in the way it had melting away. She turned to one and the other, rubbing her head affectionately against each of their chests, wiping her happy tears from her dewy eyes. "O-oh.. you guuuys! You wouldn't want to sleep here tonight? I don't want your trainers to worry but.. I would appreciate the company and my trainer won't check in on me until afternoon, I like to sleep in usually, the night is more my thing.."

"No worries at all, we're the same! We'll be home before lunch time and there won't be a problem."

"Yeah, we'd rather keep you company, they know we're not always one to stay in one place. Sleeping here sounds wonderful, thank you for the offer, we accept!"

"If he's in then I am plus.."

Flare and Vap spoke one after the other in turn before both yawning.

"We're both a little tired out now.. the walk home is less than worth the effort compared to being here with my two buddies."

Her smile only grew as they both gave her their opinions her forelegs stretching forward to bring their heads close to hers as she lead down, then laying them one of their forepaws each, smiling happily. They didn't resist as she brought them all closer together, breathing and yawning softly before snuggling close, curling around her, tails entwining. "Hey.. before we drift off.. where did you learn to do that? Never seen a Pokémon do that kind of thing yet.." the Vaporeon was curious, after all of all the things he'd witnessed it was only really the way both Flare and Bre had done it he had seen.

"Oooh that? Well.. my trainer has a friend.. or something, and I was watching them, he seemed to like that! Um.. I know I shouldn't have but.. it looked nice, I can see why humans like it." the explanation made her giggle, curiosity satisfied as they now settled in to rest, quite happy to end the conversation on that note with each of them yawning one after another.

"Good night you guys.." she whispered, beginning to drift off.

"Night night.."

"See you two in the morning.."

With that the night was silent once again, forward and hour or so. The breeze had calmed to a pleasant stillness, chests rising and falling in restful sleep throughout the night all over the town, each resting soul with their own stories to tell. Their tale only just beginning. As the morning light began to spill over the bristly forest, illuminating the town with it's soft like a door was opened somewhere, a quiet giggle followed by a smile falling on deaf ears and unseen before it closed again, the sound of the flap that was attached to it echoing into the coming future of a trio of friends.