More Than A Footfull

Story by Sithris on SoFurry

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Dragoness on Human... Yeah just read it.

It had been a long week, and Megumi was glad the weekend had finally arrived. She drove along the familiar streets of her neighbourhood, pulling up into her driveway. She got out of the car and stretched, happy to be home at last. The front door was open, and her roommate Rachel was standing there with a big grin on her face.

Rachel was an anthropomorphic dragoness. A couple of years ago, the government had issued each household an anthro roommate to test if they could be civilised. Rachel was an uncommon species, being a dragon, but had turned out to be one of the best friends Megumi had ever had. Rachel was a beautiful mix of red and yellow, with burgundy wings protruding from her back.

Since no-one would employ anthro's without good reason, Megumi worked for the two of them while Rachel cooked and kept their house clean.

"Welcome home!" Rachel exclaimed. "How was your day?"

Megumi sighed, walking over. "Tiring, but I'm glad it's over for the week"

Rachel smiled, parting her beak-like mouth to show the rows of teeth within. "Well I'm glad your back, I've got a surprise."

Wondering what Rachel could have done, Megumi walked inside slowly, hanging her coat up on the way. She walked into the kitchen and was met with a pleasant surprise. The kitchen table was lined with foods ranging from meat to sweets. Rachel stood next to her, a proud grin on her face. Megumi embraced her friend and gave her a kiss.

Though they were a different species, Rachel and Megumi had gotten intimate with each-other many times, finding the differences in each-other an exotic experience. Rachel was practically her partner, and there was no doubt that she loved her.

Rachel returned the kiss and led Megumi over to the table, showing off all the food. "I made all this for a reason," Rachel said. "Do you know what day it is?"

Megumi glanced over at the calendar on the wall, and noticed a heart drawn on today's date. "It's our anniversary." She answered, smiling despite herself. "You really didn't need to do all this."

Rachel laughed and wrapped her tail around Megumi. "I know, but I wanted too. Besides, it's the least I can do since you work all day."

Megumi rolled her eyes and sat down, too hungry to argue. Glancing over at the food, she knew that most of the meat was for Rachel, being a carnivore after all. She set her sights on a chicken and took a piece. Rachel sat down next to her and started feasting on the food on her plate. After they had eaten their fill, they wrapped up the left-over food and sat on the couch.

Megumi felt the smooth, cool scales of Rachel's tail gently wrap around her leg. She returned the favour by gently stroking Rachel's leg, causing her to let out a barely audible moan. The tail tightened around her leg, encouraging her. Megumi gave the leg a gentle squeeze and stopped, grinning to herself, teasing Rachel.

Rachel let out a groan, aware this game and knowing Megumi wouldn't treat her. She tightened the grip on Megumi's leg and wrapped her arms around her, humming slightly into her ear. Sighing as Megumi leaned back to relax, Rachel began to rub her leathery hands along her lover's soft arms, giving quick licks to her neck.

Megumi closed her eyes, content in the knowledge that she was teasing Rachel to no end. She felt the tip of the tail around her leg begin to slide up her thigh, and let out a laugh. Pushing the tail back down her leg -much to Rachel's displeasure- and stood up. She leaned over her partner and planted a kiss on her lips, taking Rachel's hands with her own.

Rachel stood and followed her lover into their bedroom. Closing the door with a flick of her tail, she began to strip; watching as Megumi pulled the curtains closed and began to strip as well. Seeing a glint in Megumi's eyes, Rachel began closing in on her, tail swishing behind her, and took her in her arms.

Sharing a kiss, the two shuffled over to the bed and half fell onto it. Rachel felt her instinctual dominance taking over and rolled Megumi onto her front, standing over her exposed frame. Licking her lips, Rachel extended her tongue and slid it up Megumi's back, eliciting a moan and a shiver. Encouraged, Rachel began to run her scaly hands up and down her lovers back, leaving a trail of soft kisses as she followed.

Feeling the scaly chest of her partner glide across her back, Megumi lowered herself slightly, spreading her legs a little. She shuddered as she felt the flexible tail begin to wrap around her leg. Knowing full well what that tail was capable of only increased her anticipation. Completely collapsing on her front once she felt the hot tongue reach her neck, Megumi could do nothing but moan as she was subject to her lovers dominance.

Rachel had always enjoyed being dominant, being a proud creature, and relished in making Megumi beg for pleasure. A smile escaped her lips as she felt Megumi fall, and slid her teasing hands around her mates' sides and onto her chest, gently grasping the small mounds there. Content with the situation, Rachel slowly unwrapped her tail and slid it under Megumi's body until it reached her head. With very little resistance, Rachel slid her tail's tip into Megumi's mouth and began to gently thrust it in and out of her mouth.

Megumi moaned as best she could with the slender tail moving within her mouth, shuddering under the pleasure of her partners' hands. Feeling the tail begin to retract from her mouth, she gave it one last lick, making sure it was as wet as possible. She felt the wet tip trace down her body until it reached her slit. Glancing up with one eye to give Rachel a grin was all she could do before she felt the wriggling mass of tail slide into her already wet pussy. Letting out a squeal at the sudden intrusion, Megumi jerked backwards, forcing more tail into her.

Rachel began to slowly slide her tail back out, wiggling it in circles as she did. Once she got to the tip, she gave her tail a quick flick, teasing Megumi's clit before plunging her prehensile tail back in. She moved her right foot from its position behind Megumi and placed her little toe against megumi's lips. Almost instantly it was sucked into the warm confines of megumi's mouth. Wriggling her tail in response to megumi's tongue movements, Rachel continued to pump more tail into her until she felt the tip hit bottom.

Suckling on the toe in her mouth, megumi squirmed under the pleasure the thick tail was bringing her. Taking another toe in her mouth, she began to lightly graze her teeth against them. The tail in her slit began to withdraw, until it pulled out completely, leaving megumi feeling empty. A light push to her already pleasure wracked body was all that was needed to tip her onto her back, still panting. The slick tip of tail pushed its way into her mouth, allowing her to taste herself while Rachel moved around on top of her. Finally opening her eyes again, Megumi's vision was obscured by Rachel's crimson ass tongue roll out of her mouth, Rachel began to return the favour, sliding the first few inches of her flexible tongue into megumi's stretched pussy. The sudden wriggly insertion set megumi off, causing her to orgasm.

Rachel began to lap up the flowing juices, prolonging megumi's peak. All through it, megumi's tongue kept at work, now flicking frantically across Rachel's folds. Feeling her own climax approaching, Rachel pushed her hot sex against Megumi's mouth and released. A roar escaped her maw, her whole body shaking with her pleasure.

Both lovers collapsed side by side, only partially satisfied. Rachel crawled over to Megumi and gave her a long deep kiss, letting their tongues entwine and lick at each other. Breaking the kiss, but leaving their tongues playfully wrestle, Megumi positioned herself with her legs scissored to Rachel's. Sliding forward, they both began to grind their slits against one another, leaning back in for another kiss.

Moaning into her lover's mouth, Rachel ran her hands down Megumi's back, feeling her every curve. She broke the kiss and ran her hands up her lover's leg, pulling it upwards and began suckling on Megumi's toes. Feeling her own leg lift and get the same treatment, she began sliding her tongue through the toes in her mouth, wrapping her tongue around them occasionally.

Megumi felt the pressure in her belly build up, sucking hard on Rachel's toes as she ground her dripping slit against Rachel's. Releasing both the leg in her arms and the toes in her mouth, she fell back onto the bed, squirting powerfully down Rachel's legs, moaning the whole time.

Feeling and hearing Megumi's orgasm, Rachel's own went off, causing the pair to spasm against each other, prolonging both their climaxes. Both panting in lust and exhaustion, the couple fell backwards onto the bed, strings of fluid connecting them.

Being an energetic creature, Rachel got back up and began trailing her toes down Megumi's shuddering body, making sure to play with her nipples and tease her belly. Before Megumi had a proper chance to recover, Rachel drove her big toe into Megumi's honeypot, careful to keep her toes straight in case of her claws scratching.

Not prepared for another strike of pleasure, Megumi's body shot up, still shaking and letting lose more fluids. Moaning, she felt herself clenching around the scaly toe, involuntarily pulling it further in. Willing her own toes to unclench, Moaning, she felt herself clenching around the scaly toe, involuntarily pulling it further in. Willing her own toes to unclench, she slowly but surely began to rub them against Rachel's slick lips, earning a moan in response.

Ensuring her toe was at a safe angle, Rachel began to slide her toe in and out, using her other toes to tease at megumi's clit. Not one to dissapoint, she also curled her tail around to rub and squeeze at Megumi's breasts, teasing at her nipples. Scooting a little closer, she positioned herself at Megumi's foot and thrust her own toe in, causing Megumi's body to jump, and giving Rachel her blessed penetration. Working her lovers orgasm-wracked body to sate her own lust, she continued to thrust until she felt a splash at her toes, and a sharp vibration in her own groin.

Crawling over to lick at Megumi's blissed-out face, she curled up beside her and drifted off, sated....

For now.

A Girls Best Friend

This here sexy story was written as a request from HopelesslyBored, a fellow dragon lover. "I'm going out for a bit, I'll be back before nightfall!" Suzi shouted as she opened the front door. "Where are you going?" the questioning tone of her...

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DragonBlood Ch4

Reena stirred as the first rays of sunlight peaked over the mountainside, and into her little house. She curled her neck down and lifted her wing slightly to see Chris snuggled up against her belly, still sleeping soundly. Sighing, she thought back...


DragonBlood Ch3

"You fantasize about me?" she asked. "On occasion." Chris admitted. "Though I'm sure I have different thoughts to you." Reena nodded and stared at Chris for a minute. "Could we... Please just forget this conversation happened?" She...

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