The Best Way to Fall Off a Cliff

Story by dark_moomba on SoFurry

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The usual warnings and such. 18 and in your area...etc. If you meet all of the warnings, go ahead and read if you want to. If not, you're not a very good person, because you're lying. also Benji and Silver are mine! Not yours! * * * It was early in the morning when I went out. I had taken my shower and brushed my white fur, packed some food for lunch and possibly dinner and grabbed my camera. I was taking the day to go out into the wilderness that surrounded my cabin and take some pictures. I lived alone and the only people I ever communicated with were at a store ten miles away where I bought supplies that I needed. I enjoyed the solitude. With so much time on my hands I thought when I moved there, that I would be hopelessly bored. I wasn't. I'm not sure what takes up my time, but I never wandered around wondering what to do. I set off hiking on a trail that I had only been on for a little ways before. The trees were beautiful, and just in the middle of changing colors. Fall was my favorite season because of the trees and the weather. I walked along with a quiet smile on my face. One of the leaves fell right in front of me and I grabbed it out of the air with my striped paw. The trail wound up along the base of some foothills. I passed by a gorgeous lake and took a few pictures of it before heading on. The scenery was just too good to pass up. Soon enough, the vegetation had become scarce and the views became panoramas to die for. I was walking along a path with a rock wall to my left and a sheer drop to my right. Normally, I'm extremely paranoid about getting anywhere close to the edge, but the view was too perfect. I pulled out my camera. It wasn't anything special. I wasn't a professional photographer, it was just a hobby. I crouched down and made my way to the edge. In the horseshoe formed by the cliffs there was a gorgeous lake with a waterfall feeding it from over on the left side. I had been above the lake before, but this was a much better picture. I slid closer to the edge, very slowly and took a few shots of various parts of the lake and the surrounding woods. I put my camera back into its pouch and stood up. Just as I was reaching full height, my foot slid out and I went careening over the edge of the cliff. Normally I'm fine with freefall. I've been on some of the world's biggest roller coasters and I've always had fun. This type of falling was completely different. This time there were no screaming riders, shouting at the pure exhilaration. There was no safe car with its secure belts and bars to hold me in. There was no mechanical contrivance to ensure that just before I hit the ground the car would turn upwards again. The instant I felt myself slipping off, my entire body went rigid. If it had not, I might have been able to stop myself. As I fell, I noticed a burning sensation in my chest. I couldn't breath. No amount of will power could force my body to move at all. I thought that if the fall were long enough, I would die of asphyxiation. My body decided to shut down. I was relieved, this way I could die in peace without terror completely suffusing my being. I woke up in a cave. It was dark inside, but I could sense a red glow from one end. The sun was just beginning to set. I tried to stand up but fell down again when my knees refused to support me. I noticed I was shivering uncontrollably. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, hoping to weaken the convulsions. I met with some success. Once my shudders were under control and I could stand, if somewhat wobbly, I began to examine my surroundings. The cave was cool, grey stone that arched up to the ceiling. Where the wall met the floor, there was a rounded area so there was no real corner. There was enough light to see, but it was fading fairly quickly. I began walking towards what I hoped was the mouth of the cave. The sun was indeed setting as I emerged from the enclosure. It was an amazing sight. The cave was hidden on top of one of the highest cliffs and the whole region stretched out below this perch. I think I took somewhere around fifty snapshots of the panorama. Normally, I'm pretty perceptive about things moving around me, but with the amazing view, I completely missed the soft footfalls of a large creature moving behind me. I took pictures until the sun had finally gone down, causing the horizon to change from pink to red to purple. "Shit! There's no way I can make it back to the cabin now." I sat down, still gazing at the horizon, and began to contemplate how to pass the night. I could light a fire and keep it going without any problems. It had been a fairly dry week and it wasn't supposed to rain tonight anyway. I thought about using the cave, but I didn't know what sort of creature would call it home. It was gigantic. These were the thoughts that probably roused me enough to look back. I was looking straight into large purple eyes. It was a good thing I was no where near the edge, or I would've gone straight over when I jumped backwards. The eyes were placed on either side of a silver scaled head. The creature had a long sinuous neck that joined a powerful body with wings tucked in near its body. This was the creature that lived in the cave. My breath was coming in shallow gasps. The only name I had for a creature like this was "Dragon." The only thing that didn't match up was that dragons didn't exist. There were unnumbered tales that told of them, but they didn't really exist. The only problem with this logic was that there was pretty substantial evidence to the contrary less than ten feet away from me. I couldn't move. It was just like when I was falling; my muscles just seized up and refused to cooperate. The hair on my body was standing straight on end. Even my eyes refused to move away from those purple orbs. "Hello." I screamed. My muscles finally lost their rigidity. Unfortunately, they lost it too quickly and completely so I ended up in a rather undignified heap. I swore to myself that if I survived this trip, I wouldn't be afraid of anything ever again. "Excuse me, are you alright?" The voice seemed to be as deep as the earth. It was a rich, dark sound that seemed almost like a song. "Uh...I...uh...gulp...I'm...f-f-fine..." I could barely form any sound at all. It made responding to the powerful creature rather difficult. The dragon's face was very expressive and it appeared to be confused. "Oh!" Its eyes lit up for a moment and then it smiled. I thought it was supposed to be reassuring. "I must be scaring you half to death." One would think that after meeting a mystical creature that didn't exist, I would be pretty much ready for anything. That's not the way it works. The silver scales on the creature melted and began to glow. The dragon's form became completely indiscernible other than a glow vaguely shaped like a lump. I covered my eyes and shook my head. This couldn't really be happening. Once I checked, the large dragon had disappeared. "Yup," I said to myself, "you've gone completely nuts. Bound to happen eventually. You've been away from any sentient being for so long you've made one up in your head." " you normally talk to yourself?" The voice was new, it was strange. It belonged to the dragon, but it was lighter, almost like a little kid's voice. The only thing that would run through my head was that my imaginary friend had schizophrenia. When I actually looked around I noticed the dragon had a new visage. Now it was shorter, by a lot. He was actually shorter than I was. He also stood on two legs like I did and hand hands more like mine. He kept some of his more draconic features like his wings and tail and his face, but he looked like a normal person, aside from the silver scales. It didn't have any clothes and I saw that it was definitely a he. Then the sun finally gave one last flare of light that lit his scales on fire before it dropped below the horizon. This creature, even if it was my imagination, was one of the most amazing creatures I had ever seen. I couldn't resist, even with the little light remaining, I reached into my pouch and pulled out my camera. The fire from the sun had died, but I didn't know if the opportunity would ever present itself again. Besides, this could be proof for or against my insanity. I always like to have proof. The camera flashed and the creature looked dazed for a moment. "What was that?" "It was a picture." The creature still looked confused. "It shows you as you look right now." "That's interesting. Can I see it?" "Sorry, I have to get the film developed first." His face fell. "Can you develop it?" "Not right here. There's lots of stuff that I need, chemicals and the like. I have a special room in my cabin that has all the stuff I need." "How long will it take you to get there?" The dragon's childlike voice was extremely innocent. "Usually about three hours from here, but I can't travel at all at night." "Wow, you must live really far away if it takes three hours to get home." "It's a couple of miles away. I don't have wings." "Why not?" "Uh...I wasn't born with them." "Oh, that's sad." "How old are you?" Surprisingly enough, the dragon got slightly embarrassed at the question. "I'm only 200." I nearly choked in surprise. "Two-hundred? How long does someone of your species live?" "I don't know, a really long time." A sudden gust of evening air blew and I began to shiver. "It's really cold out here." "Really? I think its fine out." "The fur isn't quite as warm as it looks. Do you mind if I build a fire?" "I don't mind at all." I thanked him and went about gathering some dry wood that happened to be lying about the cave's entrance. It's kind of weird that even when presented with a revelation on such an enormous scale, I still managed to think about practical matters. Once I had the fire built, I was about to pull out a few matches from my pouch when the dragon breathed on the pile and it ignited. I gave a startled yelp and jumped back. I don't know what was wrong with my mind. I just couldn't get it through my head that I was sitting with a dragon, not a normal lizard. "Uh, thanks," I said in a shaky voice, "but next time, warn me before you do that." "Oh, I'm sorry." As I sat there, staring into the fire, trying to get warm, I started thinking. I tried to make sense of the day since I fell off the cliff and woke up here. I didn't really recognize any of the surrounding landscape so I figured that we had to be fairly far away. It must be really easy to travel when you have wings that are so wide. I thought about the dragon a lot too. He was obviously young. In his smaller form, he looked like he was about 15 or so. I shifted my gaze over to the dragon; he was amusing himself by tossing rocks up into the air and trying to juggle them. He was actually really good. He had five already and the most I could ever juggle was two. "Hey, uh, dragon," the creature didn't even turn his head. "Hey, you with the wings, can you come over here?" I chuckled softly as he turned around confused. "What's your name?" "My parents call me Quicksilver. I can fly really, really fast." "Do you care if I just call you Silver?" "Only my friends can call me Silver." "Oh..." I sighed. "So, yeah, you can call me Silver!" I laughed and thought again about how young this dragon really was in comparison with me. He acted just like a little kid, like a very intelligent, well-mannered kid. Or at least I thought that the dragon acted like them, but I think that they are even rarer than dragons. I laughed at the thoughts running through my head. "What are you laughing at?" The dragon looked hurt. "I'm laughing at a comparison I made in my head. It's about a group of people that doesn't exist." "Oh, okay. Do you want to play catch or something?" "Uh, it's kind of late, and cold, can we just play tomorrow?" "Okay, I think my mom would be upset if I was up this late anyway." Silver giggled. "How long will the fire stay lit?" "Maybe an hour or so, it's small enough. We'll just let it burn. It won't hurt anything." I gave him a reassuring smile. "Okay then, let's go. Uh, sorry, what's your name?" "I'm Benjamin. But you can call me Benji, like all my friends do." It wasn't really a lie. Truth be told, I hadn't spoken to anyone in several months, but the last time I had talked to anyone, they called me Benji. "Okay Benji, lets go to bed." "Uh, do you sleep like that or uh, your other form?" "I can sleep in either. I'm usually in my other form though, so I think I'll try sleeping in this one." Silver smiled, it seemed like such an innocent smile. I got up and followed Silver into the cave. It didn't have a lot in it. I guessed that the dragon lived like any feral animal did. There were several branches in the tunnel leading to different areas that confused me a bit though. It was actually down one of these side-tunnels that Silver took us. "This is where I normally sleep. In this chamber, there was a raised platform maybe two feet of the ground and a small waterfall in one of the corners. "Wow, this is a really cool bedroom." "You stay here for a little bit. I have to go grab some blankets." "You have blankets?" I only got half way through the sentence when I realized that Silver was long gone. That little kid was really fast. I walked over to the waterfall and the small pool that was underneath it. It looked fresh, but I wanted to check with Silver before I drank any of it. I did however, wet my hands in it and put some on my forehead. Without the dragon there, I began to get the shakes from my near-death experience. The reality of everything crashed on me all at once and I couldn't even stand up. I couldn't control it at all. My breathing became quick and shallow. I felt cold all over and wrapped my arms around my shoulders trying desperately to get warm and to stop the shakes. I couldn't even see anything; my whole world consisted of black and red swirls. I focused as hard as I could on regaining my composure. First I forced my body to stop shaking, then my breath to come slowly and evenly. I unfolded my arms and folded my legs under me. I closed my eyes and forced my breathing to become deeper. When I opened my eyes, Silver was standing in the doorway. "That's a neat trick. I've never seen anyone do that. What is it?" "It's called autohypnosis. It's a trick I learned a while ago. It helps with all sorts of situations, like calming yourself down. Just so you know, I might thrash in my sleep tonight. I've got a phobia about heights and the fall I took today didn't help." Despite my little stunt, I still gave a little shudder. "I never thanked you for saving my life. If there's anything at all that I can do to repay you, just let me know." "Okay," Silver looked confused by the sincerity in my voice. "And thanks for letting me stay here overnight." "Just don't let my mom find out." "I've never seen your mother. You're actually the first dragon I've ever seen." "Huh, oh well, I'm tired." He jumped up onto the platform and I climbed up just a bit slower. He handed me a large quilt. The floor on the platform was surprisingly clean. I coughed a little and then remembered my thirst. "Is the water good to drink?" "Oh yeah, take all you want." I hopped down and drank my fill. I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and nothing to drink since I was actually at the lake around 10:00. I needed something to fill my stomach. Once I was done, I gasped for air. I drank too quickly and ignored my need for oxygen. Sometimes I can be practical, but only sometimes. I climbed back onto the platform and lied down beside Silver. He wasn't quite asleep yet, but he was very close. As I curled into my blanket, facing my new friend, Silver slid over so he was pressed up against my stomach. I could sense the heat of his body even through the blankets separating us. It was such pleasant warmth that I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his small form and pull him closer. I woke up to a very warm, very wet sensation slightly below my waist. Before I knew what had happened I was already five feet away out of the blanket in the cold morning air. Silver was looking at me very confused and I had to say that he wasn't the only one. "Why'd you jump like that?" His childlike voice was full of innocent curiosity. It was a very odd tone for a creature that had just been sucking me off. "I wasn't expecting a wake-up call quite like that." Silver laughed, but the confusion remained in his eyes. "That's how everyone wakes me up, and how I wake everyone else up. Well at least all of the males." "I've never heard of waking someone up like that, except maybe lovers." "What's a lover?" "It's a polite term for two people who have regular sex or are 'in love' before marriage." "So does that mean my friends and I are lovers?" "I...haven't met any of your friends so I can't say for certain." " you want me to finish?" "What? Uh, no thanks, I'd rather just get something to eat." "When was the last time you ate?" "Yesterday morning" "Then why do you need to eat again? Are you sick?" "No, I just need to eat two or three times a day to stay healthy. My body is built differently than yours." "I'll say, if I ate that often I'd get really fat." "Well, I'd be willing to bet that I don't' eat nearly as much as you do. Ten ounces of food is enough for me at one of my meals." "I'd starve!" "That's why I eat so often. Besides, eating like that helps me stay fairly thin." I flashed a toothy grin at the dragon as I wondered how he could so stealthily undo my pants. He must have a lot of practice. I shook my head to stay away from that line of though. He looked five years my junior. Never mind that he was almost two centuries my senior. I had some food in my pack. I had it when I fell off the cliff but hadn't seen it since I woke up in the cave. I asked Silver about it and he said that it was in one of the side rooms. He went to go get it. I got up of the stone floor and walked, somewhat stiffly over to the pool of water. Sleeping rough had never really bothered me, but I usually tried finding a soft patch of grass rather than a rock to sleep on. I rolled my neck to try and rid it of its kinks while I bent down to grab some more water from the pool. The water was really cool and felt wonderful going down. I hate mornings. I sat down and began to work on hypnotizing myself. I used it for resolutions and stuff. It worked surprisingly well. One of the reasons I was in shape was because I decided to eat only what I needed. Just as I was letting my conscious mind regain control, Silver walked in with my pack. It was fairly small and made of deerskin. I didn't go shopping a lot. There was a small wrapped loaf of bread and some jerky that I opened and began to eat. The size of my meal confused Silver, who was probably used to eating an entire deer for a single meal. I chuckled at the thought and got a confused look from the dragon. "Just more amusing thoughts in my head, kid" By the time I had finished my meal, Silver was shifting around uncomfortably. He really did act like he was a little kid. "So what do you want to play?" "Let's go swimming!" "Okay, sure, where do you have to go swimming?" I was fairly conscious of my lack of bathing suit, but wasn't overly worried. Silver had yet to put a single stitch of clothing on so I knew he wouldn't mind. "The best place is the lake by where you fell." "How long will it take to get there?" "It won't take long." "You'll have to carry me there, I can't fly." I looked at him apologetically. "That's okay, I can't do it like this, but we'll be fine. Do you want to go now?" "Sure, why not?" I smiled. All he wanted to do was have fun. And it had been so long since I had had anyone to talk to at all. Silver transformed into his other form and I climbed on right above the joints of his wings. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we took off. The view was amazing from this high and I was tempted to try and take a few shots with my camera. Unfortunately, my body was still too frightened by being this high up to do anything other than cling desperately to the large mass beneath me. The trip to the lake only took fifteen minutes, but my arms were sore and slightly raw from gripping the hard scales. We touched down in a small clearing that had probably been used before for this very same purpose. Silver changed again and we walked down to the lake together. Silver ran everywhere, jumping onto and off of rocks beside the path and a few times climbing into trees and dropping down. I had to chuckle at the small dragon's antics. It also made me a little sad. I had moved out here to get away from all of the bad elements in society, but apparently I forgot all of the positive things too. Such unadulterated innocence of it made me think that I might have made a mistake. At the lake, I continued with my thinking while I took a pause to wash off my arms. I also rubbed them to try and get rid of some of the stiffness. Just as I got up, I heard Silver's voice somewhere behind me on the path. "WATCH THIS!" I turned and saw the small dragon sprinting down the hill as fast as he could. Just before he ran into the water, he jumped as high as he could and spread his wings. His small legs carried him at least twenty feet into the air. His wings might have helped, but I thought he was just using them to glide out to the center of the lake. Sure enough, as he reached the middle, he tucked his wings in and spiraled straight into the water. The splash made me think that he had been working on the dive for a while. I stripped down and waded into the water slowly. It was very cool, but not terribly unpleasant. It would feel wonderful later that day. Silver began swimming over to me and I saw that his wings were only slightly awkward in the water. "Wanna race?" "As long as you promise not to use your wings. I don't have any, so it'd be really unfair if you used them." I had already decided to let the kid win even without his wings. "From where to where?" "We'll start here and end up at that spire that sticks out of the water over there." He pointed of to the left and about 50 yards away was a large rock that jutted out of the water. "That sounds fair. I'll count it off. Ready, set," I took off right after I said 'set' and then shouted "GO!" as loud as I could after. I checked back to see how Silver was doing and he was still fairly close. In a real race, I would've beaten him, but I slowed down just a bit and allowed him to catch up. I pretended that it was taking all of my energy to keep up with him and then just short of the rock, I slowed down just a bit more. He took the race by maybe a foot. He turned and grinned at me triumphantly. "Ha, I still beat you." "Yeah you did." I smiled back. "Wanna try again?" "I'm way too tired. There's no way I can beat you." His smile widened even as he tried to convince me, but the attempts were half-hearted. His breathing wasn't exactly normal either. We swam, slower this time, further up the left side of the lake, closer to the waterfall. There was a small cliff about a foot out of the water that I climbed out on. The sun was up further and the whole shelf was lit up by it. I wanted to get a little bit warmed up. "I'm gonna take a quick break, okay?" "Oh, fine..." he said it with a little bit of a pout. "I'll be back in the water in a minute." He seemed mollified and went back to swimming around. He really was a quick swimmer. I lied back on the warm rock and let the sun warm me as best it could. It felt so good against my damp fur. "BENJI!" I jerked up at the sound of my name but didn't see Silver anywhere. I looked around thinking he may have gotten out and was back in the woods. Apparently I had fallen asleep. The sun said it might have been an hour or so. Just as I turned my head back to the lake, there was an eruption under the water as Silver leapt out of the water and straight at the shelf of rock. He hit me square in the chest with an extra ton of water behind him, completely drenching me again. I fell over backwards and as soon as I could breath again began to laugh. Silver was already smiling and giggling. He wound up lying on top of me with my back pressed up against the rock. He had grabbed onto me as he hit me and just stayed with me. "Oh man, you should have seen your face. You were so scared. You looked like this." He screwed up his face to try and imitate me. I really hoped I didn't look quite that startled, but I laughed along with him. "That was a really impressive jump out of the water." "I've been practicing it. I'm gonna show it to my mom next time she visits me." "Why do you live here all alone?" "I got grounded. I have to live all by myself for a week." "That sounds dull." "It was, 'till I met you." He gave me a big hug. His arms were really strong for being so small and I had to fight to breath. "My life's been pretty dull recently too." Silver grinned at me and I smiled back. I missed the mischievous gleam in his eyes. Before I realized what was going on, I felt his mouth pressed up against mine. Again I felt an intense heat within his small form and I couldn't help but kiss back. It had been so long since I had been kissed that I had almost forgotten how. That was remedied shortly enough and soon my tongue was exploring Silver's mouth just as his was exploring mine. As we kissed, Silver seemed to grow even warmer. His sheath was rubbing up against my own as he squirmed on top of me. I couldn't stop myself and I freed my arms and placed them on the back of his neck, forcing him top deepen the kiss further. I lost track of time in that kiss, but when it broke, I was breathing heavily and so was Silver. Both of us were fully aroused and I was slightly dazed. Silver grinned down at me, then slid off and moved down lower. Once again I felt the heat of his mouth on the soft fur around my sheath. He was just licking it as his hands played with my balls. It had been months since I had so much as kissed another creature and I didn't masturbate, ever. I almost blew my load right then and there; at the first instant his tongue touched my shaft. As his tongue played up and down, I vainly tried to grab the rock with my paws. The stone wouldn't yield and I ended up just flexing my claws in and out. My tail was trapped underneath me rather uncomfortably and I lifted my rump up and let it slide out. Silver took this as a message to step it up and engulfed my member in his open maw. My eyes shot open wide and my claws scraped uncomfortably against the rock, even my foot-paws clenched at the wave of pleasure flooding through me. This sensation continued for a few minutes while my mind was in complete shock. Then mercifully, and cruelly, the warmth withdrew. I felt one of Silver's paws running up and down my shaft as his other paw lifted my butt off the ground. I could have seen this happening, except that my muscles weren't cooperating and I couldn't lift my head off of the stone. I felt a tiny, wet slap at my tail-hole and reflexively clenched, drawing in a gasp of air as I did so. I relaxed and his tongue slid inside of me. It was long and thin and it writhed in a most amazing way. It squirmed so deep inside that I was sure I was going to explode. My breathing became heavier and heavier as this treatment continued. Pre was running all over Silver's hand by the time he withdrew. He licked it all off of me before moving on. He stuck one finger inside of me and I was the one who squirmed. It was just thicker than his tongue, but nothing had been in there for so long that I wasn't sure how much he could fit in. I was worried that there would be too much, but at the same time, I wanted so badly to be filled. Soon a second finger joined the first and I let out a low moan. I was panting by then. My tongue was lolling out of my mouth and all I could do was stare at the sky while this magnificent dragon had his way with me. The fingers withdrew and I let out a long breath. My legs were spread as far apart as they could go, but I tried to spread them farther. Silver crawled to me and looked down. "Can you roll over on your stomach?" All I could do was shake my head 'yes' and roll over. I lifted myself up so I was on my knees and then collapsed my head on my arms. Silver moved around again and abused me further with his tongue. I let out another low moan and continued panting. Then he moved on his knees and I felt something hot pressed up against my tight hole. I knew exactly what it was and I whispered as loud as I could, "be gentle." A slight bit of pressure and I was invaded by a steaming hot rod, just the tip, but I could already tell just how big it was. A little more pressure and a bit more slipped in and then withdrew. This kept up for a while. Silver was being very gentle. Soon enough, but not for me, I felt his groin press against my but and his scaled sack slap against my own. I arched my back as far as I could and let out a rather loud yell before slumping back down. "Are you okay?" Silver's childlike voice was filled with concern. "Gods, just fuck me!" And he did. As kind as he was before he was now rough and brutal. He pulled out all the way before slamming back into me as hard as he could. I began to purr harder than I ever had before. Still panting, I managed to meet his strokes in counterpoint. Just as I was about to hit the edge and fall over, he slowed down. I almost screamed at him to continue, but I lacked the voice. He pulled out and I almost cried. He crawled over to me and kissed me again. "I think I'd hurt you if we continued like that." He pulled me up. My own muscles were virtually useless. Then he laid flat on his back with his tail stretched down in between his legs, his silver wings spread out at his sides flat against the rock. His proud shaft was sticking nearly straight up at his chin. It really was gigantic. I fell to my knees and ran my sandpapery tongue over the entire length. I only got a short taste of dragon-meat and pre before he pulled my head off. "I want you to fuck me now." I nodded and obediently lifted his legs and placed them on my shoulders. I ran the tip of my dick against his hole letting my own pre ease entrance. I slid in easily and I began to thrust slowly in and out. I noticed with delight that Silver was big enough that I could pull his shaft up and suck on the tip while I pumped him. Soon I felt something pressing at my anus. I took a break from sucking and looked behind me. It was Silver's tail. I looked back at Silver and saw another grin. I grabbed the tail and pressed the tip of it against my hole and slightly in. Silver pushed more of it in and I pushed hard into his ass. His tail got thick fairly quickly and it was stretching out my insides with every twitch. I returned to pumping Silver, but I knew as an absolute truth that I couldn't stand the multiple sensations for more than a few minutes longer. The only thing that I didn't expect was Silver announcing that he was going over the edge. I desperately tried to swallow the massive amounts of dragon-juice that flooded into my mouth but it was insanely hot and actually burnt my tongue a bit. He clenched all of his muscles at the instant of release and the tightness on my own member and the extra inch or so that his tail slid in knocked me over the edge better than being kicked by a donkey could've knocked me off my feet. I threw back my head and roared at the top of my lungs as I slammed as hard as I could into Silver. I had forgotten how good sex feels and the rush of sensation as I dumped months of pent up sexual frustration into this small dragon was pure ecstasy. I didn't realize it then, but Silver had grabbed hold of himself and aimed it at my chest just in time for another huge blast of good to fly out. Then he shot me in the face and then shot himself. By then, there were no more bursts, just a steady drip. I collapsed on his chest and began to run my tongue all over his face, cleaning him up and reveling in the taste and texture of his seed. Once he was clean enough, I kissed him as forcefully as I could. I was extremely weak, but I wasn't about to let this opportunity pass. I broke that and began to kiss his neck and bite softly at the hard scales. I wanted to leave my mark on this dragon. I bit hard and drew just a little bit of blood from between the scales. I got a similar nick from Silver and then I collapsed completely on his smaller form. I woke up later and neither one of us had moved. Both of us had pulled back into our own sheathes, but with his tail still firmly stuffed inside my ass, I could feel a little bit of cool air on my head. The sun was sinking on the horizon and I realized yet again that I wouldn't be making it back to my cabin to sleep. I pressed my lips against Silver's muzzle and he stretched his arms, even as he opened his mouth to kiss me. "Morning, sunshine." "Its not morning, its evening." Silver looked confused. "I know, but you were asleep. As much as I'm enjoying it, could you please pull your tail out?" I sighed regretfully as I felt him leaving. "I need a bath." My fur was all sticky and clumped up because of our encounter. My entire chest seemed to be one huge glob of sticky, and my face didn't feel much better. I climbed off of him and lay down just beside him. Despite my need, I couldn't summon the energy to make it back to the water. "I do too." He tried to get up, but my weight was pinning down one of his wings. I rolled off rather ungracefully and he stood up. "You gonna come with me?" "Help me up?" He reached his paws down and pulled me to a standing position. Then he lifted me up onto his arms and carried me to the water. "I'm sorry I'm so exhausted. I haven't had sex in months and I have never had sex like that." I smiled at him and crawled on over to the water and did my best to clean up my fur. The water was really cold and it didn't work too well, but I finally made it so my fur wasn't sticky. "Can you fly us home this late?" "Yeah, if we leave now." We left. Back in his home, we curled up and fell asleep together yet again. This time, there were no blankets between us, and I didn't jump when I was woken up the next morning. Dragons were strange creatures, but I could adapt. * * *

I hope you enjoyed reading this. Let me know what you thought by voting or leaving comments (I heart comments) As per usual, Questions, Comments, Concerns, Death-threats, Stalker notes can be emailed to [email protected] (if you write to me i promise to write back ;) Also i'm inserting a shameless plug for my other stories 'An Old Friend, a New Lover' and 'Everything's Jake' Thanks in advance for reading them, or if you're not going to oh well... :(