Runaway Experiment Redux - Part 6: Divergent Paths

Story by StrikerSA on SoFurry

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The sun peered over the edge of the hills that bordered the town of Huskyville, its rays turning the sky an orange color as morning broke on the night after the events at the town's stadium. Far beneath the ground, however, there was little indication to the plant that the sun had risen, until it had to send out its gatherers again. For now though, it was idling deep beneath the streets of the town, still savoring last night's feast that resulted in it growing to twice its previous size.

Queen Tanzi was out of her pod, being carried around the immense feeding chamber while seated in some vines like a kid in a swing. The nude hyena female's eyes glided over the field of pods that clustered on the chamber floor like dozens of purple light bulbs, her ears taking in the muffled sounds of groans, moans and other pleasure-induced noises coming from the plant's victims. The vines lowered her down and carried her between the pods on her request, letting her survey the contents of the pods.

The first pods Tanzi viewed contained some of the plant's first catches. There was a female spaniel and a female coyote, a male raccoon that was now paired up with a female raccoon caught at the stadium, and Andronia the female Border collie. The hyena briefly paused to look inside that one's pod. The collie now also had a sex partner as well, this time being Tanzi's colleague Collin. The hyena's grinned as she watched how Collin was busy pumping his cock into Andronia's love tunnel while their pod vines yiffed them at the same time. The male collie's resistance was all but gone in the pleasure that overtook him. And by the look on his face and that of Andronia, it was clear they were enjoying every second of their partnership. Tanzi smirked, and then ordered her vines to move on.

The next set of pods contained the plant's first victims from Huskyville. Tanzi looked at a female husky with yellow and white fur, watching her buckle and shudder in pleasure as she enjoyed the molestations of her pod's vines. Her muffled moans, groans and yips echoed within her prison, her dancing body churning the liquid in her pod. The hyena noticed a big red flower tattoo on the husky's right leg and hanged there for a minute, admiring the lovely pattern. Tanzi then continued on, passing a pair of male otters who were both cumming at the same time, feeding their seed to the plant. Next to them, a female dragoness with electric blue scales shared her prison with a female rabbit. The two of them were rubbing and dancing their nude bodies against one another, teasing one another's vine-filled private parts and adding to their pleasure.

A thumping sound drew Tanzi's attention to the pod behind her. She turned around and saw another couple, a male cocker spaniel and a female Pomeranian, inside the pod. The female was leaning forward against the pod with her paws on the walls and her legs wrapped around the male's waist. The male was thrusting his vine-covered penis into her body; pushing her against the wall and making her suckled breasts bounce against the walls with a soft thumping noise. Tanzi smiled as she watched the two yiff while the vines continued to feed and stimulate them at the same time. Her decision to allow those victims who had submitted completely to the plant more freedom of movement was paying off. Though the vines still held their bodies, they were given more slack to allow the subjects to move about and help stimulate one another in their positions of choice. This intensified their experience, which in return resulted in more energy for the plant. The hyena moved on just as the couple began to cum.

Tanzi was carried past more and more pods, mind spiders scurrying out of her way as she came to the pod cluster where the plant's newest victims were held. The soldiers and civilians caught during the battle with General Whiska had greatly expanded the food supply. Many of those caught, like the two foxes who were supposed to be have been bait and were now sharing the same pod, had already submitted to the pleasure of their vine pods. One enthusiastic victim, a dragoness with emerald-colored scales, was so big that her pod had to be enlarged, making it stand out from the others around it. However, a few furs were still trying to resist even after being screwed for hours. One of them was the mayor of Huskyville, the wild dog female named Luna. Tanzi stopped by Luna's pod to watch the nude wild dog thrash and struggle against her bonds, churning the liquid she was suspended in. Her growls were interspersed with yips and moans of pleasure as the vines continued to thrust into her ass and pussy, despite her best efforts to force them out. Tanzi grinned, watching Luna's futile efforts to free herself while the indifferent tentacles kept up their work on her body. Ordering her vines again, the hyena moved on just as the wild dog reached another orgasm.

Finally Tanzi came to the pod she had been seeking. Unlike the other occupied pods, this one had not been filled with liquid and its captive, a female dark elf, wasn't being harvested yet. Two of Tanzi's lieutenants stood guard by the pod, while mind spiders scurried about on the floor around it. The elf stood up, her dark skin glistening with the slime covering her nude, slightly muscular body. Her silver hair stood in contrast to her skin, while her red eyes stood out from among her beautiful facial features. She certainly was going to be a good meal, Tanzi thought. But first...

Tanzi got off the vines carrying her and walked up to the pod. The dark elf's attention turned to the hyena, a look of defiance on her face.

"What are you waiting for?" The elf asked irritably. "I know what fate you have in store for me, so what is the hold up?"

"Patience, patience." Tanzi replied with a chuckle. "You'll soon join the others, but first I got a few questions that you need to answer for me. Firstly, what is your name?"

The dark elf frowned, staring at the naked hyena for a minute before replying. "Lithium."

"Lithium." Tanzi repeated as she looked over the dark elf's body. She was quite a muscular girl, and her figure was more curved and full. Though she tried to cover her private parts with her arms and legs, Tanzi could admire her firm and round breasts and notice the silver tuff of public hair peeking between her folded legs. The hyena figured that she had plenty of stamina, too. And that should be very useful when she becomes a harvested one. "I like that name." Tanzi said as she locked eyes with Lithium again.

"What are you up to? Who are you?" Lithium asked suspiciously.

"I am the Queen." Tanzi replied with a smirk. "And I want to figure out why you and your friends helped us beat General Whiska's plan at the stadium."

"I am not talking." The dark elf said defiantly.

"I somehow knew you were going to say that." Tanzi said her grin wider. "Actually, I was hoping for it."

"Hoping for it? What are you..." Lithium began to retort, but the elf was interrupted by the appearance of four vines inside her pod, two from the floor and two from the ceiling. Moving quickly, the lower vines curled tightly around Lithium's ankles while the top vines lassoed her wrists. The elf gasped, but before she could fight the vines had spread her legs and lifted her arms above her head. Now Tanzi and the others could see her breasts and her silver-haired pubic region more clearly, a sight that made Tanzi grin and wag her tail in approval. Lithium, however, continues to struggle and squirm, trying to free her limps from the tentacles that held her.

"Let's see if you will talk after this." Tanzi said ominously as three more vines appeared and went for Lithium. Two of them hovered near her breasts while the third approached the area between her legs. The elf struggles some more, then inhaled sharply when the first two vines began to slowly around her chest orbs. She could feel their slightly rough texture gliding over her smooth, ash-colored skin, going round and round until their tips came to her tits. Each tip started to play with a nub, gently poking and prodding the elf's tits. Lithium's breathing rate increased in speed as she felt the ticklish enjoyable sensations from her melons.

Lithium gasped and stiffened when the third vine poked at the fleshy folds of her vagina, feeling the tip slide up and down along her slit. Her muscles clenched at the touch at first, and the elf tried to keep it that way. But the vine wasn't seeking entry just yet. Instead it located her clitoris and began to rub the tiny flesh nub like its friends were doing to her tits. This made the female elf gasp even louder, her naked body shuddering in her bonds. I must fight, must resist, Lithium thought even as her brain started to get hit by little shocks of pleasure coming from the stimulation.

Tanzi decided to ask the next question at this point. "So why did you help save the plant?" She asked the squirming elf.

"I... I am not talking... oh gawd..." Lithium answered with deep breaths, and the hyena smiled when she saw she was starting to give in. The elf shuddered and shook, her vine-covered breasts swaying with her movements as she rocked her hips. The vines kept it up, rubbing and caressing her tits and clitoris. Lithium's breaths now came in short, quick bursts. The hyena could see she was close, very close indeed. That's when she sent out the order with her mind.

Lithium was at the point of having an orgasm, feeling it build deep within herself. Suddenly the stimulation stopped. The vines on her body had ceased their movements and caressing, even moving away from her sensitive spots. The dark elf felt cheated, her body's orgasm fading away from her mind even though she had wanted it. "No... come back..." The elf said with longing, jerking her naked body about in a vain attempt to try and come. But the tendrils didn't respond. Tanzi watched Lithium's torture with a grin.

"Awww. Did the little elf miss her orgasm?" The hyena asked mockingly.

The more her body recovered, the more Lithium got her thoughts together again. She looked back up at Tanzi, giving the bitch a cold stare.

"Why are you doing this?" The elf asked.

"Because I want answers." Tanzi replied. "And if you give me the answers I need, I will reward you."

Before Lithium could respond, the vines on her body went back to work. She gasped when she felt their textured skin rubbing her already sensitive tits and clit. The elf shuddered, feeling her orgasm build even quicker this time. Despite herself, she began to moan in pleasure as the rubbing and teasing on her nubs became more rough and faster. Her breasts rose and fell more quickly as her rate of breathing increased. Lithium clenched her teeth, trying to fight the sensations building within her. Her muscles tightened the closer she got towards reaching her peak. She was getting close, so close...

Then the stimulation stopped again. The vines moved away, leaving Lithium hanging there on the edge. "No, please... come back..." The elf couldn't believe she was giving in like this, and yet she was. She desperately wanted to come, but the things were denying her the chance.

Tanzi grinned. The iron, or elf, was hot enough to strike. "Will you answer my questions now? I will let you come if you answer."

"Yes! I will answer!" Lithium said in desperation even though a voice in her mind told her otherwise.

"Good." Tanzi said triumphantly. "Now, what are the names of your friends?"

"Airie and Tsing-tao." Lithium answered quickly. "Arctic wolf and Siamese cat, respectively. The three of us were on a mission here."

Tanzi nodded, and then ordered her vines to tease the elf back up. The rubbing continued, making Lithium groan out a "yes" in reply. The hyena waited for a few moments before she asked her next question.

"And why did you three help fight off the military?" Tanzi asked while ordering her plant to cease pleasuring the elf again.

"We were hired to capture the plant on behalf of our employer." Lithium answered quickly, now desperately wanting the pleasure to continue. "He wanted the plant alive, so we snuck in as soldiers and sabotaged the military's plans to destroy it... please, I need it..."

Tanzi's grin grew even wider as she quickly asked her next question. "And who is this employer?" To be sure of a quick answer, the vines on Lithium's body teasingly glided over her clitoris once.

"Sir Hood!" Lithium replied with a gasp from the touch on her lower body. "He hired us! He lives in Eastrock!.... More, please!"

"In a moment, pet." Tanzi said. "How can I contact this Hood fellow? Got a number?"

"No, but Airie has it! Please!" Lithium almost screamed. The dark elf then gave the address of the apartment block they were staying in and the number of their flat. Tanzi smiled. She got what she needed.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" The hyena lied, then she gave her plant the go-ahead to take this young and energetic elf. The vines again went at Lithium's sweet spots, this time not stopping. At the same time, more vines began to appear from the top and bottom of the pod while liquid began to pool up at the floor. The elf gasped louder and louder before screaming out as she, at last, reached her orgasm. Her nude body shook hard, hips grinding and her breasts jiggling from her movements. The plant then sent in its other vines, sensing how much energy the elf was giving. Tendrils penetrated Lithium's vagina and ass while others opened up and sucked onto her breasts and her exposed clit. Finally the face vine attached over Lithium's mouth and nose and thrust its feeder into her screaming mouth, silencing her. After her orgasm, Lithium was left to recover for a minute while her prison filled up with the same goo as the other pods. Her long, silver hair floated about as she blinked to adjust her eyes to her changed environment. The plant then began to pump and stimulate the dark elf, starting the harvesting process again.

Tanzi did not watch Lithium as the elf joined the other victims. She had other objectives on her mind. She sent out her orders to the plant to begin moving to their next destination as her vines lifted her and her bodyguards up to their own, private sex sacks on the ceiling.

Airie the arctic wolfess and Tsing-tao the female Siamese cat arrived back at the motel they were staying very early in the morning. Having dumped the humvee they had stolen, the two females snuck past the lone female King Cobra security guard and unlocked the door to their room. They went inside and shut the door, locking it before the two of them collapsed on the couches in exhaustion.

While their mission had been successful, both of them were still reeling from the loss of Lithium to the plant. Not only that, but seeing the huge size of the plant they were sent in to capture had thrown all their previous plans down the drain. Now they were in limbo, unsure of what to do next or how to do it.

"What are we going to do next, Airie?" Tsing-tao finally decided to ask the obvious.

Airie took a deep breath, trying to think up a response to the question. She finally settled at what she thought would be a good starting point to continue from. "I think we should call Hood again and give him the latest on our situation. Tell him things have not gone as expected. We'll then work from there."

"Good idea." Tsing-tao nodded in agreement. "While you do that, I'm going to take a shower. These fatigues are starting to smell unpleasant." The feline got up and started taking off the camo jacket she wore with her military fatigues.

"Yeah, I could do with a nice hot shower too." Airie replied, deciding to also take a shower after Tsing-tao.

Tsing-tao tossed the jacket onto the couch, then proceeded to the door that led to their room's shower. Airie, still feeling tired, leaned back on her seat and closed her eyes. A few minutes later she heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom.

Tsing-tao stood with her legs apart and her arms leaning against the shower's tiled wall as she let the warm, soothing water flow down her naked body in dozens of tiny rivulets. The Siamese cat couldn't resist purring softly as the stink, sweat and aches in her lithe body was being washed away. After such a long night she was looking forward to a good day's sleep. Sleeping during the daytime had become second nature to Tsing-tao, since many of her mercenary and criminals activities tended to take place at night.

Tsing-tao took a sponge and a bottle containing a soap gel, then squirted some of the liquid onto the sponge. She placed the bottle on the soap holder then proceeded to mix the gel inside the sponge until it became a big ball of foam. The feline then lathered the foam onto herself, starting with her shoulders and neck. The feline then guided the sponge between her somewhat small but firm and round breasts, covering the cream fur on them with white, soapy foam. Tsing-tao purred again as she drew the sponge around her left breast in a circular motion, then repeated the process with the right breast. Her tits peeked aggressively from under the white fluff.

"Hmmm... good..." Tsing-tao purred, feeling much better now. The steam was now building up in the shower, obscuring visibility. Tsing-tao rubbed the sponge over her flat, furry tummy, going lower and lower towards the tuff of fur at her pubic region. Her purring became louder as she came closer to that spot. Finally she meowed when she felt the touch on her nether regions. She now really wanted to please herself, so she dropped the sponge and probed at her pussy with her fingers. The feline's opening was wet, not just from the shower's water, but also from her own moisture.

As Tsing-tao pleasured herself, the accumulated steam in the bathroom was bubbling out through a partially open window. It was a flat, horizontal shape high up in the wall that was just wide enough to squeeze through. Unbeknownst to the feline, several green tentacles snuck in from the outside, slithering through the opening into the bathroom. Having sensed and detected their prey, the lengths made their way over the tiled walls and floor of the bathroom towards the shower.

Tsing-tao was in bliss as two of her fingers wiggled and rubbed around inside her pussy. Using her other paw to lean against the shower wall, the Siamese cat's purrs had turned into moans and mews of ecstasy. Her tail swished left and right rapidly while her breasts rose and fell with her deep breaths. She closed her eyes, enjoying the pleasure shocks she was getting from her lower body. At that moment, the tentacles made their way to the shower's sliding door. They slowly slid it open enough to sneak in, and then went for Tsing-tao.

Tsing-tao barely heard any other sound except the ones she made as she stimulated herself. In her mind she imagined a handsome male feline coming into the shower with her. The Siamese smiled as the male took her wrists and came closer to her. She then let out a loud meow as she felt his wet, slightly rough cock slide into her vagina, causing her to shiver and nearly slip on the shower floor. But the male held firm, thrusting his length deeper and deeper into her body. She could feel that penis with her fingers; it felt so real to Tsing-tao... so very real...

It was at that moment Tsing-tao snapped back to reality and opened her eyes. There was no male feline with her, and yet she could still feel something inside her pussy. She looked down, and then her eyes widened in shock. A green tentacle was pushing itself into her body, while two others held her wrists. Immediately Tsing-tao sprang to action and tried to turn to the source of the tentacles, but she slipped on the shower floor. Luckily the vines holding her wrists kept her from collapsing. Now the Siamese could see the tentacles were coming in through the open shower door, with many more quickly coming in. Tsing-tao tried to shout for Airie, but just as she opened her mouth a vine thrust in. Her shout became a muffled gasp, unheard over the sound of running water from the shower head.

More vines came up and wrapped around Tsing-tao's ankles, the base of her tail and around her waist. The feline struggled, trying to pull herself free while also attempting to scratch at the vines with her extended claws. Despite her resistance, the tentacles were besting to her. To make things worse, Tsing-tao felt a wet tentacle poke at her anus, causing her to meow out loudly. Two others had wrapped tightly around her breasts, squeezing them hard for extra purchase and making her tits point outward hard. The Siamese's muscles stiffened when she felt the tentacle thrust hard into her tailhole, worming up her ass.

The tentacles then began to pull, dragging the struggling Tsing-tao out of the shower and onto the bathroom floor. Droplets of water flew everywhere as the Siamese cat thrashed around, both from trying to get free and from the sensation of having two vines thrust up and down her anus and pussy. Her claws desperately tried to grab something, but all for naught. The tendrils pulled Tsing-tao closer and closer, then up towards the opening window head-first. Horrified, Tsing-tao saw something that looked like a green mouth just outside the window. Even more vines came out of that hole to grab her arms, neck and breasts and pulled her in.

Tsing-tao was pulled through the opening window, just barely squeezing through the opening. Her legs kicked and her hips buckled wildly in desperation, then her muscles stiffened as an orgasm came out of nowhere to rake her brain with pleasure. Tsing-tao's shapely buttocks were next to be pulled through, followed by her legs. Finally her feet and swishing tail were engulfed by a mass of vines as the hapless feline was dragged out the bathroom to her fate.

Airie relaxed back in her couch, hearing the sound of running water from the bathroom. She had unbuttoned her fatigues and taken off her camo pants and boots, leaving her wearing only a sky-blue bra and panties. The arctic wolfess already felt better from being freed from the hot and sweaty confines of her uniform. Now she let her muscles regain their strength before she made the call to Hood. She could still hear the sound of running water from the shower, and Airie figured that Tsing-tao must really be enjoying the warm water.

Something touches the sole of her padded foot, making her jerk away in response. Airie was very ticklish at that spot and she a small yip from the sensation. She didn't think much of it until it tickled her foot again. This got the wolfess' attention, who sat up in her couch.

"Okay, what's going on?" Airie asked as she looked around, and then froze.

The front door had been unlocked and stood open, where a gigantic flower Airie recognized as belonging to the Super Plant was blocking the doorway. Vines slithered across the carpets, while green beetle-like creatures scurried in front of the flower but keeping their distance from the arctic wolf, for now. Through the window Airie can see the female King cobra security guard desperately trying to fight off the plant even as she is drawn head first and naked into another flower. Behind her, a plant stem going towards the apartment next door boasted two female-shaped bulges that traveled along its length.

Airie jumped to her feet, stepping back from the plant and its minions as it started to close the distance between them. The wolfess' mind raced as she tried to figure out how to react and defend herself. She couldn't go for her weapons; they were in a bag lying by the front door where the plant was.

"Tsing-tao!" Airie shouted for the feline, stepped back further. "I need help over here!"

The only reply was the sound of running water.

Airie was still thinking of a plan when she suddenly back into someone. Without looking back, Airie thought it was Tsing-tao standing behind her.

"Tsing-tao, we got big trouble here! Do you have a plan?" She said as she turned to look at the Siamese cat.

Only it wasn't Tsing-tao behind Airie.

Tanzi the hyena was standing with her paws on her hips and legs spread apart, almost defiantly naked. She was flanked by two of her furry/plant lieutenants, while behind her on the balcony were three large flowers and even more beetles scurrying about. The hyena licked her lips as she looked the female arctic wolf over.

"Hmmmm. Who do we have here?" Tanzi said with a smirk.

Airie backed away from, growling with her fangs bared and her fists clenched. "Who are you? What do you want?" She asked between her teeth.

"You're Airie, right? Your friend Lithium told me about you." Tanzi replied, taking a small step forward.

"What have you done with her?" Airie asked as she stepped back again, her ears perking up from hearing about Lithium but still keeping her combative stance.

"What have we done with her?" Tanzi repeated the question, her grin now wider. "Let me show you."

The last sentence had barely left Tanzi's lips when the giant flower behind Airie, which had moved closer to her while the wolfess' back was turned, struck. Two vines wrapped around Airie's ankles and yanked, causing her to lose her balance. She flailed her arms as she started to topple forward, but two more tendrils came up and grabbed her wrists before she hit the floor. Airie was then hoisted off the floor and into the air as more vines came for her. Tanzi sat down on one of the couches to watch the show.

Airie struggled for all her worth, growling fiercely and jerking her limbs to break free from her captors. The vines did not yield one bit. Two other vines came up to undress Airie, not that there was much to remove. The wolf's bra and panties offer no resistance and ripped easily. In a few seconds Airie was nude, her captors holding her in such a manner that nothing private was hidden from Tanzi's eyes. But the wolfess continued to fight, desperate to break free.

"Now that you are in the... proper position, I think it's time for ask something of you." Tanzi said to Airie, still sitting down but with her eyes wandering over Airie's exposed breasts and femhood. The arctic wolf only gave a snarl in response.

"What is your employer's telephone number?" Tanzi asked, ignoring Airie's snarls. "I'm very curious to have a chat with Mr. Hood about why he wants to capture my pet."

"I'm not telling you that!" Airie half-shouted in defiance.

"Tut tut, dear." Tanzi said, wagging one finger at Airie. "You are going to tell me that, one way or the other."

Airie's growls became a gasp when she felt a touch on her pubic region. Looking down she saw a vine was brushing its tip up and down along the edges of her pussy lips. The wolfess shivered from the feeling and her muscles tensed up. She tried to jerk her hips away from the vine, when she felt another one sliding against one of her furry butt cheeks. That tendril slid lowered and lowered, gliding along the smooth curve of her backside until it went between her legs to touch at her tailhole. Airie clenched her teeth, as did her tailhole muscles, when she felt that vine poke at it. Two more vines came up to her chest and curled around the underside of her breasts. The duo rubbed and patted the white-furred orbs, making them jiggle slightly. Despite Airie's best efforts, she couldn't prevent her tits from growing erect and hard or keeping her tail from wagging.

Tanzi's grin grew even wider as she rubbed herself while watching Airie getting molested by her servile plant. The tentacles that had been probing Airie's lower holes began to force their way in. Airie gave out a loud, startled yelp as she felt the slightly rough texture of the vines rub against her inner flesh. Instinctively she clenched her muscles again, but the one in her vagina was already inside and wiggling its way up through her love tube. The one at her ass had more difficulty in getting, but a combination of hard pushing and the brief unclenching of muscles finally allowed it to also gain access. The arctic wolfess buckled and shuddered as her body became violated.

The tentacles on Airie's breasts started coiling around her melons, going around a few times before having half of the wolfess' soft mounds in their grip. They then squeezes firmly, making her tits stand out even more. They then released the pressure, only to apply it again in a steady rhythm. Airie panted heavily, her mind bombarded by all the stimulation. Suddenly the vines in her holes began to pump her, sliding their skins against her love muscles. Her hips shook and her head bent back as she let out a loud moaning. The wolfess bounced up and down in her captors' grip as she was being yiffed. Tanzi kept watching, murring from both watching Airie getting it and from her own rubbing of her pubic region.

Airie tried to hold back, but her body was betraying her the closer she got to climax. She couldn't do much anyway, and the pleasurable feeling was becoming too good for her to resist. The wolfess closed her eyes, groaned and bucked her hips left and right in response to the thrusts within her. Suddenly, just before she came, her captors stopped abruptly. Airie's eyes sprung back open as she felt the pause. She whined as her imminent orgasm began to slip away. Desperately, she tried moving her body to get more stimulation, but the vines held firm and denied her what she wanted. "No! You can't do this! I was so close!" Airie whined.

"This one is close." Tanzi said to herself, watching the helpless arctic wolf try to get the pleasure back. The hyena waited for a few more moments before asking her. "Now what is Hood's telephone number, my dear?"

Airie almost gave Tanzi the information she wanted, but something within her kept her from answer. She shook her head weakly in reply, but the hyena could see her resistance was almost all but spent. "Very well." Tanzi said, "On with the show."

Immediately the tentacles inside Airie's ass and pussy started thrusting again, eliciting a sharp gasp from the female. This time another tentacle came up to Airie's pubic region, seeking out the wolfess' clitoris. Finding the little nub, the tendril started to rub and prod at it Airie arched her back and groaned loudly, her tongue hanging out as she panted. Her resistance crumbled within moments of the yiffing resuming, and she felt her climax coming closer and closer again. She danced her hips in a circular motion to get that little extra from her intruders. Her vagina was now so moist that the vine inside was sliding up and down it like a bather going along a water tube. Airie's tail wagged furiously, brushing over her buttocks and the tentacle going into her ass.

Near Tanzi was also panting while she thrusted a pair of fingers into her own wet pussy, enjoying the show while pleasing herself at the same time. The hyena enjoyed watching the arctic wolfess surrender to her captors and having fun with the yiffing vines. She could see that Airie was now close to an orgasm. Perfect. Tanzi gave the signal to her plant again.

Again, just as she was to hit her peak, Airie felt the vines stop pleasuring her body again. "Oh no..." She cried. "Not again! Not now! I'm so close!" She whined and shook her body, trying to get them started again. Now was the time to strike the hot iron, Tanzi thought.

"Give me Hood's phone number and I'll let you go, my dear." Tanzi told Airie with a smug grin.

This time Airie did not even hesitate for a second. She almost screamed the number out for Tanzi, who noted it in her mind because she had a very good memory. Satisfied, the hyena signaled her pet to take over for good this time.

The tentacles on Airie resumed their work, much to the arctic wolfess' relief and joy. She let out a sigh of satisfaction, then a howl of pleasure a moment later as she hit her peak. Her body shook and shuddered while her muscles clenched tightly around the vines inside her holes. Her toes curled in joy and her tail wagged happily at finally getting her orgasm. Tanzi also gave sharp moan as she also came, her nude body shivering in delight. The couch where she sat was stained with the moisture from her vagina.

"Why did you not just let one of the mind spider make her get you the number, my Queen?" One of Tanzi's lieutenants asked.

"Well," Tanzi started to reply between each deep breath. "I could have done that, but this was more fun."

The lieutenant grinned, then turned to watch as Airie, still deep in bliss, was being pulled towards the flower that waited for her in the doorway. But Tanzi didn't watch. Instead, she stood up and walked over to the near telephone. She picked up the receiver and began to punch in the number that Airie had given her.

At that moment, in the study of his mansion in Eastrock, Sir Hood the hyena businessman was sitting in his wheelchair. In his lap he had a book containing reports from his many global businesses. He was reading through them when the telephone on the tea table next to his chair rang. Without looking away, he reached for the receiver and answered.

"Sir Hood speaking." He answered.

"Ah, so you're this Sir Hood I've been hearing about." The female voice said on the other end. "A pleasure to finally meet you."

"You're welcome." Hood replied, curious as to who the caller was. "And whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"

"This is Queen Tanzi, the mistress of the plant you're trying to capture here in Huskyville." Tanzi answered. "Or tried to, at least."

That made Hood drop his papers and sit up in surprise, clutching the receiver closer to his ear. "How did you find out about me? How did you get this number?"

"Simple. I asked your mercenary girls about you. They were very willing to share after a bit of... persuasion." Tanzi emphasized the last word.

"Where are they now?"

Back in Huskyville Tanzi turned to look at Airie. All she could now see of the arctic wolfess was her sexy, bare buttocks and legs sticking out of the mouth of the flower that was swallowing her. "On their way to becoming food for my pet." Tanzi said with a smirk. "Don't worry. After a while they will be quite happy with their new jobs."

In his study Sir Hood didn't say anything for a few moments, his mind racing to calculate a plan of action. "What do you want, Miss Tanzi?" He asked.

"I guess the first thing I'd want is to know why you want my plant." Tanzi replied. "Is it for some kind of scientific experiment?"

"Strictly business." Hood answered.

"Business? You mean you want to make a profit off my plant?" Tanzi laughed. "What are you going to do? Sell it like a potted flower at a nursery?"

"It's more... complex than that."

"Ah, I see. You want to keep it so you can offer its services to paying consumers?"

There was a pause before Hood finally answered. "Yes."

"What a novel idea." Tanzi laughed again. "Maybe you and I can come to an agreement. A deal, of sorts."

This got the male hyena's attention. Bargaining and business deals were always two things that were guaranteed to make him stand up... if he still had use of his legs that is. "A deal, you say? And what would you want from my side?"

"Just the usual. My plant always needs more food, so perhaps you can help provide them and make a profit too. In more ways than one." Tanzi said the last sentence more softly.

Hood put two and two together, realizing what Tanzi wants. His original plans for the plant did call for a business scheme similar to what she was mentioning. However, Hood was no fool and quickly caught on to Tanzi's ambiguous last sentence. He would have to think this one over carefully.

"Let me think about it and I will call you back, Miss Tanzi." Hood said. "Your offer sounds generous enough."

"All right. Here is a number you can try." Tanzi said smugly, giving Hood the number of a cellular phone that she got off a victim. "Hope you call back soon, Sir Hood." She then put the phone down, abruptly ending the conversation.

Sir Hood stared at the receiver then placed it back on the telephone. He leaned back in his wheelchair, his mind working quickly to process the information. On the one paw, he was being offered the super plant on a plate. So there would be no need to go out and hunt it down. But Hood also felt a little uneasy. This "Queen Tanzi" talked about the plant being her pet, but was she really controlling it or it controlling her? He sat there in his study, thinking the whole affair over and over in his head. Does he go with Tanzi? Or make his own plans?

It took a good while before Hood finally came upon an idea. He smiled, and then reached for the telephone to make the necessary call.


Story by: Gerhard "StrikerSA" Naudé

Airie, Collin copyright to: Gerhard "StrikerSA" Naudé

All mentioned characters copyright to: Their owners

Proofreading by: Kazufox

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