Making Assumptions (Request for PaulShep on FA)

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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#9 of Requests

So my buddy PaulShep wanted to be a donkey. He asked me to write the TF story about him becoming a donkey. He can be an ass sometimes XD

By CimmaronSpirit

For PaulShep

**WARNING: Nudity and donkey transformation. That's it. This is the shortest warning I've ever written!**

The sun began to set in the west as the lonely car continued down the dusty road. The glare of the sun made it difficult to see straight ahead, but at the same time Bryan had no idea where he was going. The GPS had decided to die a few hours ago, leaving the young man to try to find his own way back to his friends over unfamiliar roads and unremembered directions.

He was getting tired, cranky and angry at himself. He placed so much trust on his GPS that he didn't write down the directions for where he was going. And he was in an area where the cell service was non-existent, so help wasn't anytime in coming.

"Now I'm almost out of gas," he mumbled after a look at the dashboard. "And patience." Bryan scowled, looking around as the sun began its final plunge below the horizon. A few miles ahead in the last golden rays of the day, a small group of buildings surrounded by trees gave away the fact that other's indeed live in the barren stretch of the Earth.

"He should be able to tell me where I am, and how to get away," Bryan thought, as he drove up the long lane to the farmyard. As he approached, he noticed an older man walking out of the two story farm house and to the large barn. Both buildings, though still appearing to be structurally intact, seemed almost derelict with their peeling paint and rather dirty appearance.

Bryan came to a stop in front of the house, and the farmer stopped in his tracks.

"Can I help ya, youngster?" the farmer asked with a drawl of a man not used to running from place to place.

"Hi, I'm currently looking for a friend's house," Bryan replied, giving the farmer the address.

The old man rubbed his unshaved chin for a minute before chuckling. "Sorry to tell ya, but that has to be almost five hours east of here."

Bryan's heart sank as he heard that. He was going in the wrong direction for that long? He really should have considered actually taking the instructions.

The farmer looked over to the car, and back to the young man. "I highly doubt you'd make it there. If you don't mind me saying, you seem in pretty rough shape, so why don't you stay the night? I have an extra bed, if you care."

Bryan sighed. The farmer was most likely right. "Alright. I could use some gas as well."

The farmer smiled. "Oh, I can do that, no problem. Though, I have one small request to ask."

Bryan shrugged. "What is it?"

"I hate to admit it, but I've really slowed down over the years, and it takes longer and longer to help look after this place. I have most of the chores finished, but I still need to feed the animals in the barn. I would really appreciate your help in finishing that job."

The young man pondered for a minute, but nodded. "The least I can do."

"Excellent! If you'll follow me," the older man exclaimed, and began walking to the barn.

"By the way, downright impolite of me to not ask, but what is your name?"

"Bryan," the young man said.

The old man extended a hand, which Bryan accepted, and gave his own name.

They arrived at the barn and the old man unlatched the wooden door and opened it up for both of them to enter. "Okay, there are a few pails in the far corner, and a hopper of oats on the wall. If you could load them up and feed the cows and donkey, that would be much appreciated."

Bryan nodded, and walked the length of the barn, past the pens of all the different animals. There was so many of them, and all of them were quiet, which surprised Bryan. Weren't farm animals always nosy? Growing up in the city most likely didn't help that preconceived notion.

He reached the old wooden pails and picked them up, and walked over to the grain bin that had been built into the side of the barn, opening the rusty metal door, he was greeted with a stream of dusty oats, which he hurriedly tried to fill the two pails with. When they were full, and the door was pushed back, Bryan walked up to the pen with the donkey, who appeared to be curious and anxious at having a new person walk up to him with food.

"Hey there guy," Bryan said, unlatching the gate to allow himself in. The donkey stood there, and watched with curious eyes the strange human pour the pails into the nearby food trough. After dumping both pails, Bryan began to walk out of the pen when he noticed a leather harness hanging from a nail. It was old, and well worn, but the metal still sparkled in the dim light of the barn.

"That looks pretty cool," he thought as he reached for it. It felt old and worn, but not frayed or damaged, as it was well cared for.

"Is this yours?" Bryan asked, holding up to the donkey. The equine didn't even blink, though Bryan though he saw a glimmer of amusement in the large black eyes.

As Bryan worked it in his hands, an itch started up on his hands, but he didn't pay much attention, even as the hair on the back of his hands began to grow thicker, and darken to a shade of brown. After a moment, he shrugged, and reached up to put the harness back on its nail. But at that moment he saw the fur growing on his hands, he gasped, and leapt backwards, allowing the harness to fall to the floor.

The human backed out of the pen, afraid of what was happening to him. The smooth horse hair was working its way under Bryan's shirt and over his arms and his chest, even as he panicked, hoping and wishing that this was just a dream. But as he watched in shock, Bryan's fingernails began to grow black and larger, turning into little miniature hooves.

"What the HAWWWWWWWW?" Bryan brayed, before slapping his changing hands over his mouth. Did he just bray? Is he turning into a donkey?

The tickling fur began to go up his neck and face, and soon the fur reached his mouth. As if deciding that the current body shape wasn't what they wanted, Bryan's mouth and nose were pushed out from his face, growing into a large, broad muzzle, his nostril's splitting and growing larger. The human teeth that once filled his mouth were enlarged and broadened, more suited for an herbivore than an omnivore now.

His entire body began to grow warmer as the fur continues its relentless advance. The arms that were already covered in fur began to bulge out, his toned muscles from being an athlete of soccer and hockey insufficient for the brute force that would be required for a farm animal. With a loud, sharp rip, the shirt Bryan was wearing split at the sleeves, showing off new, larger biceps, covered in the brown fur that had spread over his body.

Bryan grunted and gasped as the heat traveled further downward, making his chest also bulge out with new found power and muscle mass, enough to make several buttons of his shirt snap and fly off across the barn.

"Oh... my... HAWWW!" he brayed again as the heat and itch started working over his lower body. First a sharp pain over his rear, followed by the sensation of another appendage merrily swishing behind him with a thick tuft of blond fur at the tip confirmed he now had a tail. The fur continued to work its way down his leg, the calf and leg muscles gaining more strength and size until they destroyed the jeans he had been wearing before. His shoes were the last to go, as they stretched and were demolished as his toes began to fuse together and turn black as two hooves took the place of his feet.

The last change to occur was focused on Bryan's groin, where all the heat that had filled his body now seemed to focus all its energy. With his pants in tatters, Bryan could only look in disbelief as his manhood began to stretch longer and thicker, parts of it becoming as brown as the fur that now covered most of his body. A band of flesh began growing on the bottom that attached to his body, forming a sheathe for his member to retreat whenever it would go down.

Bryan panted heavily, looking down at his new body, the clothes that, even had they not been in shreds, could no longer fit on his bigger, more muscular body. He just panted heavily, small brays and hee-haws passing his vocal cords. The shock from the transformation, and his mind trying to make sense of what happened, didn't even give him a warning to when the farmer slowly walked into the barn.

"Bryan did you... oh," the farmer said in surprise.

"Huh, so another one found that damned harness. I should really get rid of that someday," the old man grumbled, walking over to Bryan.

"What?" the donkey anthros asked. "You knew about this?"

The old man shrugged. "Sorry, slipped my mind."

The former human shook his head. "Alright, fine. Can it be undone?"

"Unfortunately, no, or so I have been told. You may just be stuck like that for a long time."

Bryan rubbed his forehead. Great, he was a donkey. Well, make lemonade if you get lemons... "Alright, fine. What now then?"

"Well, I think the only thing you can do is maybe start a new life. I know these people, er, company rather, that specializes in dealing with animal people. CIMIndustries, if I recall right. Should be able to help you."

The donkey sighed again, and rose up on his new hooves. He nearly fell right over, as he realized that due to his changed body, it felt like he was standing on his tiptoes. Once he finally got standing up again, he realized he actually wasn't that much taller than he originally was. Just a lot more muscular and beefy than before.

"Well, since you are going to be a donkey, you might as well make the most of it... maybe a new name?"

He hadn't thought of that. He really wasn't Bryan anymore, was he? He couldn't really go back to his friends and say he was Bryan... could he? Sure he could, right before he was either laughed at or shunned.

The donkey thought for a moment, before grinning to the farmer. "How about Braydi?"

The farmer winced. "That pun actually hurts."

Braydi laughed. "Well, I can do that because I'm an ass now!"

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