Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter one: Why me?

Story by twilightiger on SoFurry

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#1 of Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar

Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar

Chapter one: Why me?

_Congratulations on your acceptance to the prestigious school of sorcerous arts Veil. The foremost academy of magic in the entire Arcadian Empire.

Special dispensation has been granted to you, Shiro Tora, bestowing you with the honorary rank of journeyman wizard first class.

Please find enclosed: one airship ticket, funds sufficient for your journey. And a list of classes best suited to your level of ability.

We look forward to meeting you.


Renia Kyaro

Headmaster of Veil Academy_

Shiro read the letter for the hundredth time. Hating every word of it. "Why me?" He said, tearing the letter in half. "What did I do wrong!" He tossed the letter into the air. Feeling a sense of smug satisfaction as the separate pieces were sucked into the airship's propellers, reducing them to confetti. It was a futile gesture, but at least it made him feel better.

Shiro sighed in frustration. Just trying to get rid of the letter would never work, he had buried it, burned it, torn it to pieces. As long as it was keyed to his magical essence it would always return. Even now it was probably sitting in his pocket, quietly mocking him.

The people around him moved even further away, for the most part leaving him alone.

Elves, nymphs, even a handful of humans; all of them carried themselves with an air of superiority, an arrogant overbearing aura of condescension that made him want to puke.

Dressed in matching school uniforms, all neatly pressed and without a speck of dirt to mar their perfect complexions. No doubt they were used to having everything handed to them on a silver plater.

He didn't belong in their world and they knew it.

With his plain white robes and pale skin, he was more suited to living in the mountains of the Seirei province; amidst its many temples he would have gone practically unnoticed. The closer they came to the capital of the empire, the more his foreign looks would serve to mark him as an outsider; someone to be avoided, ridiculed, shunned.

Shiro leaned against the rail, watching as the clouds slowly drifted below them. His only possessions in the entire world were the clothes on his back and the medallion around his neck. Both of which were precious reminders of the life he had been forced to leave behind.

"At least things can't get any worse." He said to no one in particular.

* * *

"117 . . . 118 . . . 119." Shiro counted off the room numbers as he walked down the hall, looking for his room, desperate just to get away from the stares and mocking whispers. "Room 120. This is it." He felt a slight shiver run up his spine as he opened the door. Pausing briefly to wonder what he had just felt.

Inside the room a silver haired Nymph was on her hands and knees, her skirt pushed up around her waist. Her face was making an o of pleasure as a massive wolf, positioned on top of her, fucked her from behind.

"Mmm . . . harder. Harder." Her words came out in short gasps.

The werewolf whispered. "Yes . . . Yes." Increasing the rhythm of his thrusts. Rocking her forward as he pounded into her from behind.

Shiro felt his face growing red. Stupidly he said the first thing that popped into his mind.


The Nymph's eyes widened in surprise. "What the hell are you looking at!" She screamed at him, and then, realizing the compromising position she was in. "Get the hell out of here!"

Shiro stammered out an apology. "I'm, I'm so sorry. I must have the wrong room." He slammed the door.

He rest his forehead against the cold wood, wondering if he had just made an enemy for life.

* * *

"What was that all about?" Asked Koji.

"Who knows." Said Stephie. "It was just a kid or something." She glared at the werewolf on top of her. "I thought I told you to put a shield around the door."

"I did." He said defensively. At least I thought I did.

* * *

Shiro sat in the ship's galley by himself, picking at a plate of roast fish. The image of the silver haired Nymph had been burned into his mind. He just couldn't shake it no matter what he did.

Even now, the image of well endowed Nymphs danced naked through his mind, committing wanton acts of carnality upon each other. Shiro groaned. At least the table hid some of the more embarrassing aspects of his affliction.

What am I going to do? Inwardly he berated himself for being a coward. I can't go back to that room. Now where am I supposed to sleep?

* * *

Koji moved through the galley, searching the tables one by one.

"That's him." Stephie pointed Shiro out for him. "The one sitting all alone."

"That little white haired kid? This is just going to be mean." Stephi glared at him. "All right all right." He held up his hands to placate her. "Don't get your tits in a twist."

Koji looked at Stephie in a newfound light. She was turning out to be more trouble than a quick lay was worth.

* * *

Shiro felt a hand close over his shoulder. The smell of earth and loam surrounded him, mixed in with it was the faint musk of a wolf. Shiiiiiiit!

Stiff black hair, pale brown eyes, pointed ears a tail, add to that a face that wasn't happy to see him, and you had only one thing. Pissed off werewolf.

Shiro smiled politely. "Hi."

"Hey kid, what's your name?"

The hand on his shoulder tightened its grip. "Um, Sh-Shiro."

"I'm Koji. Sorry about this." He clenched his fist, and unleashed a punch that smashed a small hole in the table.

Shiro stood a foot away, breathing heavily. "That was dangerous! You really could have hurt me."

Koji was momentarily surprised. He . . . he dodged my punch? And that stance. He's not just some kid. He's a trained fighter like me!

Shiro dodged a flurry of blows, swaying slightly as he allowed each one to pass by him "What are you doing?"

Koji grinned, it had been a long time since he had had an opportunity to test his skills. "Isn't it obvious?"

Someone shouted. "Kick his ass already!" Others picked up the chant. "Fight. Fight. Fight."

Shiro sighed. Why does this always happen to me?

* * *

This kid is fast! Koji was hardpressed to follow Shiro around the room, even keeping up with with him was proving difficult. No . . . it isn't just speed, he's moving after I attack. He's reading me like a book!

"I don't want to hurt you." Said Shiro, swaying slightly to avoid a punch.

Koji increased the speed of his assault. "Then stand still and I'll make this quick."

This isn't working. Koji centered himself. He's waiting until I get tired. He knows I only need to connect once.

Shiro ducked a right cross that would have left him sprawling.

I can play that game as well, I'll just study him until I know his moves, then I'll hit him with a finishing blow. Let's see. His exaggerated movements. The way he dodges without blocking. He doesn't have much physical strength, so he'll rely entirely on techniques. But what kind?

Shiro lashed out with a succession of rapid fire strikes. His stiffened fingers moving with blinding speed. Each hit was like being touched by a feather, but their accuracy. If their had been any power behind them Koji knew he'd be lying flat out on the floor.

He tried to lifting his arms without success. His eyes widening in surprise. My arms, they won't move!

Shiro spoke calmly. "I've partially sealed your chakras. You won't be able to move your arms for the next four hours. Now there's no reason to continue this fight." He said it without a hint of arrogance. "Walk away while you still can."

I can't lose like this. Koji stared at Shiro as he considered the offer. The way he was just standing their, waiting. It's as if he's in a another world entirely. Koji growled low in his throat. "Don't think I'm beaten just yet. I can still kick." His leg swept out, hammering into Shiro. The blow sent him flying across the room.

* * *

People were patting him on the back as he crossed the room. "Well done." And. "Great fight." Meaningless platitudes. They had no idea of what had just happened.

Koji stood over Shiro waiting until they were alone. His fist was trembling. "Why didn't you dodge?"

Shiro looked up at him and smiled.

* * *

Alone in their his room Stephie was busy pawing at Koji's pants, toying with the zipper.

He pushed her hands away. "I'm not in the mood."

Stephie's reply was a flat. "What."

"Its just, something that kid said after the fight is still bothering me."

She gave him a dismissive flick of her head. "Whatever. There are still plenty of other men on board. Maybe I'll go find that white haired kid. He looks like he might know a few things."

Right, good luck with that. Out loud he said. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out." She glared at him before she slammed the door. "Bitch." He muttered with feeling.

Shiro's words were still echoing inside his mind. "Why are your fists, silently crying?"

Koji knew he had won. So then why didn't it feel like it?

* * *

He found Shiro on the deck of the airship. He was moving through a series of complex motions designed to stretch the body. Koji even recognized a few of them. The crane, the panther, even the mantis. In and of themselves the motions weren't all that impressive. What was was the fact that he was executing them perfectly, all while balanced on the airship's railing.

One wrong move, one little bit of turbulence and he wouldn't have much time to regret his mistake as he plummeted towards the ground below.

Koji held his breath as Shiro executed a running leap that held him suspended in mid-air for several moments. His landing was as perfect and graceful as any dancers.

Finishing with his daily practice Shiro finally noticed Koji standing in front of him. He bowed. "Sorry, I tend to get a little distracted when I practice."

Koji took a deep breath and said. "It's about earlier I . . . I might have gotten a little carried away. I'm sorry."

Shiro seated himself on the railing. His back towards the open sky. "It's okay, you looked like you needed to win."

Koji leaned against the railing next to him. "So what? You were just going easy on me?"

"No, but then again. I wasn't fighting to win."

He was taken aback. "What do you mean? Everyone fights to win."

"Maybe." Shiro shrugged his shoulders. "But what does winning mean? That I am stronger than another man? If thats all fighting is to you. Then your life will become nothing but a never ending succession of meaningless battles."

Koji smiled, his face splitting in a lupine grin. "You lost on purpose. Just so everyone who watched that fight will think of you as some weakling kid. That's pretty sneaky."

Shiro laughed, the sound was full of mirth. "A few bruises are a small price to pay to keep people from asking themselves how a shrimp like me could manage to beat a werewolf barehanded."

Koji nodded sagely. "And my reputation of being a big bad wolf is kept intact. Forget sneaky, has anyone ever told you that you are downright devious?"

"Just the monks that raised me."

"So that medallion your wearing . . . its real?"

"This?" Holding it with both hands Shiro traced the raised relief of a jade dragon in flight. Fighting back a flood of memories he whispered a soft. "Yes."

"I thought the monks of Shin Kami Ryu swear an oath to forgo sorcerous arts and shun the use of magic entirely."

"They do." He said, surprised that Koji had recognized it. "But when it was discovered that I could use magic . . . I . . . I was banished from the temple. They sent me here, so I wouldn't bring misfortune down on them by breaking the taboos."

Koji idly scratched himself behind an ear. "That's rough. Not as bad as me mind you. But still pretty bad."

Shiro forced himself to laugh. "Oh yeah? And what'd you do to get sent to the boarding school for the rich and snobby."

"My old man is our pack's alpha. A real hard nosed son-of-a-bitch to boot." Koji crossed his arms, looking up at the moon. "He sired seven of us, all brothers, all on different females. He would beat us every day too, just so we wouldn't have time to think about challenging him for leadership." Koji slammed a fist into the railing. "It's just. Who'd want to rule over a screwed up pack anyway."

Koji didn't know why he was telling a perfect stranger about himself. Maybe it was because Shiro had the same look in his eyes as he did. Maybe. . .

He spread his hands. "So I applied to Veil, farthest place in the empire I could get from my father. Figured I'd get out before I did something stupid like kill the bastard. The way things are going, one of my brother's will do him in sooner or later. At least this way I might get accepted into a new pack if I can distinguish myself."

Shiro listened to him intently, nodding silently. So He's a hereditary werewolf, that explains why he can transform without the aid of a full moon.

"This will be my second year at Veil. Figured I'd specialize in magical combat. What about you, what'd you apply for?"

"Eh?" Shiro had only heard half of what Koji said. "Oh," He reached into his pocket. "I forgot to look, its all here in the letter anyway." He held it out to him.

Koji flipped through it briefly, his eyebrows raising when he read the class list. "Magical theory? That's some pretty heavy stuff, wait. This says you're a journeyman wizard first class." His eyes narrowed. "I'm only a second class."


"So that's a whole class higher than me!"

"I've never been to Veil before, I don't know what any of that stuff means."

Koji's ears twitched as he rolled is eyes. "Listen up cause I'll only say this once. Veil is divided into four grades: Apprentice, Journeyman, Master and Adept. Your assigned a class within each grade anywhere from third year to first year before advancing another grade."

"Sounds simple enough. What's the problem?"

"The problem is fighting with an upper-class man is grounds for expulsion. If anybody rats on me, I'll get sent back to the pack."

"Oh." Shiro smiled. "Then I guess it's a good thing we didn't have a fight."

Koji looked suspicious.

Shiro was quick to add. "Because if anyone asks, all we had was a sparring match, a casual duel between friends." Shiro held out his hand. "Right?"

Koji clasped Shiro's hand in his own. "Ha! I like that, it's a promise between men." He scratched at his nose, something about the way Shiro smelled was a little odd. "You know something Shiro, you really are devious, and for a true-human, I guess your not so bad."

"True-human? Eh?" Shiro tugged on his pointed ears that were almost hidden by his snow white hair. "But I'm a Nekomata. See."

Koji eyed him mischievously. "You're a cat?"

Shiro didn't like the hungry look spreading across Koji's face. "Ummm . . . Yeah?"

* * *

"C'mon down Shiro. I just want to see your tail. That's all." Koji was moving in endless circles beneath him, his tail wagging eagerly. "I promise."

Shiro was sitting on top of a flagpole. Yeah right. Like I really believe that. He shouted, not wanting to look down. "Somebody save meeeeeeeeeee!"

* * *

Master taught me, that true strength in battle comes not from defeating your opponent, but from overcoming your own weaknesses. With Koji as my friend. Maybe living at Veil Academy won't be so bad. Besides, its nice to have someone to spar with.