Unexpected Chapter 6

Story by Oryonhunter on SoFurry

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#6 of Unexpected

Wow. It's been six months since I posted tha last chapter of this story! I've been workin tons of overtime at work, and workin on stuff at home when I'm not there. This chapter was written a coupla paragraphs at a time, sometimes on a laptop, sometimes on a smartphone.

This chapter felt a little disjointed when I read back through ta edit it, but I had ta re-write it a coupla times ta get it where I needed. Mostly ta add a new character as a love interest. Worked out pretty good, though, as I needed a solution ta a little problem near tha end of tha chapter.

All in all, it is fast paced, but it needs ta be ta move tha story along. Again, I apologize fer it takin so long ta write.

Comments are welcome, as always. I hope ya enjoy!



Endeval Barbados blinked awake to a soft, warm breeze coming in through his open window. His eyes flicked to the personal chronometer on his nightstand as he pulled the light sheet down off his body. As usual, he was awake nearly five minutes before his alarm was set to go off. Smiling to himself, the big human rolled over slightly in bed and reached over to cancel the impending alarm. Swinging his legs over the side of his full-sized mattress, he sat up and reached to stretch his arms to the ceiling, groaning happily as he felt his stiff muscles respond. Rising, Endeval rubbed at his bare buttock and padded barefoot to the open window. In the distance, the rising sun twinkled merrily across the greenish-hued ocean in the distance. Even from here, Endeval could see the forms of the yardarm birds swooping among the crashing waves, their dangling proboscis' snatching at the herds of wave spiders riding the swells.

After pausing to admire the view, he turned and bent his seventy six inch high frame nearly double to touch his fingertips to his toes. Even at two hundred and forty five pounds, the human was still flexible enough to almost put his palms on the soft stone floor. Holding the pose, Endeval rubbed his hands up and down his legs, working the twinges out of his calves. Straightening from his stretch, Endeval's eyes fell on the bed and he sighed. Two gorgeous green eyes, twinkling with amusement, watched every motion of the human as he stretched in the middle of the floor. The curvy alien was still sprawled out on the bed, one arm propped up to support her head. She was sporting a cheeky grin as she waved her other hand in his direction.

"Look delicious. I have some?"

Endeval chuckled as he crossed back to the bed and crawled in. On hands and knees, he leaned over his native lover and kissed her thoroughly before replying.

"Don't you mean 'some more'? After last night?"

Angela rose up to give him a gentle smooch, her merry eyes glancing all over his beaming face.

"More? I like more!"

The human gave her a look of mock indignation.

"What? After last night? And this morning? BOTH times this morning?"

The native woman took in the upturned corners of his mouth and giggled.

"Mmm...make three morning?"

Endeval grinned widely and shifted his body off to one side where he could stroke the soft fur of her belly with a hand.

"All this pouncing on me and molesting...will I ever get any rest?"

The curvy native spotted his cheeky smirk and pulled him down.


Then the human completely disregarded the rest of his morning as Angela kissed him thoroughly while rolling her hips up at him. Her fingers traced tiny lines up and down his back as he ground himself against her. In moments, he was hard as a brick, the female's short, soft pudendum fur brushing over his erection with every twist and roll of her pelvis. Angela pulled him hard into her kiss with one hand while the other slithered down her front and over his throbbing manhood. With one more flex of her waist, she lifted up slightly and pushed down on him with two fingers, guiding him into her sopping sex. Endeval settled into her slowly, parting her silken passage with a slow, gentle thrust. Angela gasped softly into his mouth as he delved deeper, burrowing into her depths with his full length. Even after so long together, the curvy native still trembled over the last few inches sliding home in her body. Snug inside, the human rocked his hips slowly and sensuously, drawing out each movement to prolong the pleasure.

Angela writhed beneath him, adding her own dynamics to their lovemaking. Since the day he had made his oath to her, the beautiful female had used nearly every opportunity to drag him off somewhere private and have sex. Sometimes it was hot and intense, other times it was as it is now, where the lovers moved slowly, basking in each other's bodies as they coupled. Endeval stroked her hips and sides as he osculated heavily, tangling his tongue with hers. His movements were torpid and deliberate as he conveyed his love to her through his gyrations. He ground his hips to hers with lazy, easy motions, enjoying the way her body clutched at him, coaxing him with every stroke. Angela reciprocated his efforts, kissing him back with obvious enthusiasm and rolling her hips up to meet every slow thrust.

Time lost all meaning. There was only the two of them, panting and groaning through every delicious movement. After a brief eternity of wonderful pleasure, Endeval recognized the onset of his peak coming fast. His thrusts grew more frantic as he lifted his upper body and supported himself on his hands. Angela's bounteous breasts stirred with every wet slap, her eyes drinking in his copulating form as she gripped his upper arms tightly. Her breathing grew labored, and without warning she arched her back and stuttered her purr through an intense climax. The sudden increase in friction from her clutching tunnel set Endeval off as well. His hips jerked forward reflexively as his smooth rhythm faltered with powerful thrusts. He shook and shuddered through his own orgasm as he delivered his essence deep inside his curvy lover. The human bent his back, dropping to his elbows as he throbbed through the last of his climax. Angela took advantage of his close proximity by burying her fingers in the hair on the back of his head and pulling him in for another deep kiss. The two tongue-wrestled for a time as the soaring sensation of their lovemaking transitioned to post-coital bliss. Eventually, Endeval leaned his head back to smile warmly into her eyes.

"I love you so much."

The buxom alien gave him a little lick on the end of his nose and grinned.

"Love you also."

The couple remained in bed for a while, stroking and touching each other before reluctantly making their way to the bathroom. A quick, joint shower later, the two pulled on some clothes and made their way downstairs. Halfway down the steps, the smells of cooking in progress wafted up from the kitchen. Jeremy was stirring something at the island, his "Kiss the Cook" apron present as always, while Antony lounged in a chair at the table. The younger of the two males spotted the couple reach the bottom of the steps and broke into a wide grin.

"T'ndaaer, both you..."

Endeval chuckled as he slid into the chair next to Antony. Angela rounded the table and started for the plates in the cupboard. Jeremy glanced at the curvy native as she pulled the platters out one at a time. The older native male smiled and continued to stir the contents of a pan. Across the table, Endeval took a deep sniff and smiled wide as he glanced at Antony.

"Something smells wonderful! What's for breakfast today?"

The young Alemucian gave him a lop-sided grin as he propped an elbow on the table and leaned closer.

"You come down more early, you know. Spend all morning make bed squeak!"

On the far side of the table, Angela began to set out plates, one ear tilted to listen as a small smile adorned her features. Endeval picked up on the playful attitude and raised an eyebrow.

"You listen for that? Are you jealous?"

Antony slid his arm out straight to sprawl half on the table. He whined up at the human from where his head rested on his arm.

"Yeeeessss! No ship come. Nobody come play with me!"

Endeval felt a little stab of sympathy for him. Since Corporate security increased operations in response to pirating actions in the system, all tours to the planet were suspended. Supply ships still made drops, but only after exhaustively thorough searches, and no one was allowed layover. The human reached out to rub his cheek.

"Antony, why don't you try to find a nice guy here in town and settle down?

The young male tilted his head into the rub and sighed before batting his eyes playfully up at the human.

"You nice guy. Want change? Come play?"

A sharp crack made the native yelp and leap upright in his chair. As he turned around in the seat, one hand dropped to rub at his bottom. Angela set a plate in front of him and shook her head, still smiling. She waggled a finger at the male as her tail twitched in his direction again.

"No. Mine."

Antony shook his head, still massaging where her tail had impacted his rear.

"Ah! N'jllaa! Is joke! Is kidding!"

The buxom alien smiled serenely as she rounded the table. She set a plate in front of Endeval and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. The human began to chuckle as she turned and sat down in the next chair. Jeremy came over from the grill, also chortling as he began to dish from the pan.

"N'tonee play with fire, get burned."

Endeval laughed even harder at the phrase. It still amazed him how similar some of the native sayings matched up with human proverbs. Soon the whole table was chuckling along, the feeling of family even more present. The human paused and took a second to take it all in. It was hard to believe that Angela had just come into their lives only three short months ago. After the first couple of painful nights, the dynamics of the house had changed a bit, but it seemed like they were now all closer than ever. Jeremy returned the pan to the stove and sat down. He bowed his head, prompting the others to follow as he prayed over the morning meal. When he finished, everyone dug in with enthusiasm. Endeval was three bites into the delicious fare when his eyes caught something different on the arm of the youngling next to him.

"Antony? What happened to your tattoo?"

The young male grinned around a mouthful of food and shifted his left shoulder forward to give the human a better look. Smack in the middle of the color-shifting fur was a familiar-shaped mark in solid black. Endeval blinked at the shape in recognition. The pattern matched the branded scar on his right arm! He looked up at Antony in shock.

"When did you do that?"

The young native grinned at him.

"Have tool to shut off colors. Copy from G'rmee."

The human blinked in astonishment.

"But why, Antony? You don't need a mark of ownership!"

The youngling glanced around the table and then reached out to gently stroke a finger across Endeval's marred shoulder.

"Is mark of family, not ownership."

The human gaped at him for a moment before looking around the table. Both Jeremy and Angela wore small smiles, their shirts all sleeveless to display their own brands. Endeval paused as he thought about this startling revelation, and then it occurred to him how Antony was interpreting it. To the young native, everyone else in the house wore the mark openly, especially after the human had explained that it didn't stand for the typical relationship in which it was intended. Somehow, somewhere, the brand had become a symbol of something more. Endeval suddenly felt a twinge in his eyes. The knowing smiles of the others told him that they had already agreed to the same thought. With Antony's adoption of the mark, it somehow made their impromptu family all the more special. Slowly, the human smiled and turned back to the youngling.

"Family eh? Like...a clan?"

Antony grinned as Jeremy spoke out loud across the table.

"Small for clan. Just family."

Endeval glanced at the older male to see him smiling serenely between forkfuls of food, and then his gaze went to the side to spy the same smile on Angela's features. The human shook his head in disbelief and sighed.

"You both knew about this?"

The furry female waved her fork to take in the whole table.

"Is family, yes?"

Endeval swallowed his current bite and took a long pause before replying.

"Yes. I would say this is a family."

The curvy native gestured at her shoulder with the fork.

"Then family mark."

The human blinked in surprise, and then smiled and shook his head.

"You know what? I think I like that idea..."

The small group finished their meal in companionable silence. Endeval rose from his seat to help clear the table. As he was gathering up Angela's plate, he stooped and gave her a little lick inside her ear. The female giggled and gave him a playful swat on the ass as he scooted away with a chuckle. Antony joined him at the sink as the human began to wash. They were two plates into the chore when the young native paused his drying and looked over.

"N'dvaal, we check compy? See if ships gone?"

The human glanced at him and then nodded.

"As soon as the dishes are done."

Antony bobbed his head eagerly and stepped up his efforts. In moments, he was plucking items from Endeval's fingers to rinse before swiping them dry with the towel. Jeremy joined in to start putting things away. In just a few minutes, the human rinsed his hands, dried, and turned towards a shelf on a nearby wall. Reaching up, he pulled down the new viz screen he had purchased shortly after he had destroyed his last one. A vendor in town had thankfully received a shipment right before the corporation had initiated the pirate blockade around the planet. The new device had been an expensive purchase, but with a public De-salinization plant, geothermal well, and solar technology to provide for the basic needs, Endeval had been saving credits for years. The human was actually quite comfortable as far as monetary needs. As for the viz screen, he felt the cost worth it to keep in touch with the modern world. He activated the screen as he laid it on the table and began to scroll through some of the menus.

Antony slid into the seat next to Endeval, gawking over his shoulder at the device. The human exhaled melodramatically as the young native male propped his chin on the human's shoulder in an effort to see what he was doing. On the other side of the table, Angela leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed. She had a small smile on her face as she looked on at the young male with serene patience. Jeremy was the last to sit, also smiling at the eager youngling on Endeval's shoulder. As he scrolled through the options, the human chuckled to himself at the various reactions from the natives. Exposing them to such advanced technology had been a gamble, and the results were apparent. Antony saw anything modern as near-magical and fascinating. Jeremy simply found amusement at the youngling goggling at the screen. Angela had been the most surprising. The first time Endeval had displayed the compact computer, she had gaped at the screen in mild trepidation. With a little help from the others, she was soon asking to browse it for herself and questioning how it worked. The human had explained all he could; using the others to translate what words she didn't know. Now, the curvy native treated nearly all technology with a calm, nonchalant manner.

On the viz screen, the human found the item for which he was looking and tapped a menu on the near-paper thin device. Unlike his old screen, this new instrument came with a few extra features. Endeval activated one of those features, leaning back as the screen leaped into the air over the table. The holographic display hovered a little over a foot above the flat mechanism and showed a three dimensional representation of a planet scaled down to a few inches in diameter. With a spreading motion of his fingers, the transparent planet zoomed larger until it filled the center of the table. Around the holographic planet, several glowing representative icons circled slowly. Six of the icons were in the shape of Light cruisers, each moving in separate orbits designed to cover all sides of the planet simultaneously. Endeval counted out the icons and pointed with a sigh.

"Looks like they added another one. Six ships to cover every side of the planet at the same time."

At his side, Antony gave a little sniff of disapproval.

"More ships? All Clan K'rp'shun?"

The human nodded even as the native sighed in disappointment. When he had tried to explain to them all the politics of the human world, it had been easier to speak in terms of Clans. Using ideas with which they were familiar had allowed them to grasp the concept faster. The Corporation who founded WindFall was "Clan K'rp'shun" and the Federation was...

"Clan F'dr'shun no send ships?"

Endeval shook his head.

"No, buddy. The Corporation has the planet locked up tight. All comms from the surface are directed through their systems and no other ships can come down."

Of the three natives, Jeremy was the quickest one to pick up the nuances of the politics. He was also the only one who didn't need the alliteration of clans. The older native waved a hand at the display.

"Corporation lose money now with no trade?"

"A little, Jeremy. The planetary settlement is not doing well with this. They rely on WindFall to make a lot of trade and it can't as long as they block tourists. The Corporation, however, is still getting Song Rock from the planet, so they are not hurting too much."

The slim native rubbed his chin.

"You say that Federation take over, make Corporation follow Federation rules. How not come to planet?"

Endeval took a second to think before he tried to explain.

"The Corporation has always maintained control here. If they ask the Federation to come and help with the pirate threat, then they risk the Federation discovering the violations of their rules on the planet. My guess is that the Corporation is accepting their losses here just to keep the Federation out of the area. If the Galactic Federal Council ever discovered the way the People are treated here, they would immediately take control of the settlement and the Corporation would lose one of its biggest trading planets. I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't the reason this is all happening."

Jeremy looked surprised.

"You? Why?"

The human shook his head.

"I've filed nearly ninety petitions for amendments with the Council over the last three months. I've been trying to create a loophole in the regulations that would allow me to find a way to free natives from control of the mines. The Council knows what I'm doing, if not exactly why. When I go tomorrow for the meeting, I'm going to be under a lot of scrutiny."

Angela slid one hand over the table to grasp his.

"You try free N'gree?"

Endeval gave her a tired smile.

"Yes. I swore I would find a way, just as I swore I would take care of you until I could get you back to the Clans."

The buxom native's ears flicked out to the sides.

"I go back to Clans, where you go?"

The human had thought long and hard about that same thing, and now had an answer.

"I will go anywhere that you go. I don't want to lose you."

Angela sucked in a breath, her ears flicking, before leaning over to embrace him.

"I stay with you. In Clans or here. You my P'moee ct'h'mra."

As Endeval embraced her back warmly, a quiet cough from across the table had the couple turning their heads to look at Jeremy. The older native flicked an ear in their direction as he spoke.

"Is P'moee ct'h'mra, but still need blessing from F'laoo Ct'd'creea for the People."

The human looked puzzled.

"What is that?"

Jeremy scratched his chin.

"Is one of the People who take Sun as mate. Lead in prayer."

"You mean...like a priest or holy man?"

The older native thought for a moment, and then nodded.

"Yes. One teaches others. Gives Sun to mates for life."

Endeval rolled the thought around in his head for a second.

"So it's something like a wedding."

Now all three natives were listening intently. The human cleared his throat and explained.

"In human culture, when a man and woman decide to be mates for life, they stand before a religious or authority person and give their oath to each other. That person then officially recognizes their union and makes sure it is documented for everyone to see."

Jeremy nodded his head.

"Yes. Is like for the People. Wear jewel on ear to show P'moee ct'h'mra."

Endeval chuckled and held up his left hand.

"That is pretty close to the same. Humans wear a ring on this finger to show they are married."

Angela tilted her head, ears flicking forward.


The human smiled at her.

"Yes. When humans take a mate for life, they go and have a wedding, which means they get married. The male is called 'husband' and the female is called 'wife'."

The furred woman thought for a second, and then grinned.

"You my husband?"

Endeval smiled at her gently.

"Not yet. We have to have a wedding first."

A brief flick of her ears showed her disappointment.

"We get married? You want be my husband?"

The human cupped her cheek with his hand and gazed at her lovingly.

"I would love to be your husband."

As their lips met, a small sigh drew attention to the other side of the table. The couple turned to see Antony watching with his chin in his hands.

"I want mate."

Endeval smiled as he shut down the display over the table and powered off the viz screen.

"Be patient, Antony. I'm sure there is someone out there for you."

The sound of a buzzer startled everyone at the table. As one, the four turned to look at the side door, three sets of alien ears perking in interest. Usually, only deliveries and guests buzzed at the door, and there were none expected today. Endeval stood and started around the kitchen table even as the buzzer sounded again.

"Hold on a second. I'm coming..."

The human opened the door and blinked in surprise. His first impression of the figure across the threshold was purple, a whole lot of purple. Long, raven-black hair pulled into a hasty ponytail framed a round, cherubic face complete with dark eyelashes and black lips. A light, pale yellow tank top with a low, scalloped neckline revealed quite a bit of the woman's more-than-impressive bust. A mid-calf skirt and matching sandals revealed even more dark-purple skin. The woman was obviously modded, even as she stared expectantly at Endeval with her white irises. He cleared his throat in mild embarrassment before speaking.

"Um...may I help you?"

The purple woman held up two rope-handled bags and replied in a husky, matter-of-fact tone.

"I'm looking for Antony Barbados? He ordered some clothes?"

Endeval smiled with chagrin. He found the use of his last name amusing, as well as his surprise at discovering a purple woman outside his door. He took a step back and gestured into the house.

"Antony is inside. Come on in."

The woman stepped through the doorway, her eyes scanning the interior. When her gaze fell on the young native male at the table, her face lit up in a smile.

"Hi Antony!"

The young male gaped at her in astonishment.

"T'auneea? You come here?"

The woman giggled and started around the table.

"How many times do I have to tell you, silly, it's 'Tawnya'. I was just dropping off those clothes that you ordered."

Endeval watched with fascination as the purple human plopped the two bags on the table next to Antony. The young native's ears flickered uncertainly as the woman brushed her hip against his shoulder when she leaned over to dig in one of the bags. Behind the two, Jeremy watched in amusement as clothing appeared on the table top. Endeval stepped up next to Angela as the woman continued talking.

"...and I found some more of that nylon mesh you like, so I made you two more shirts. The shorts are done. They shouldn't pinch your tail anymore..."

Endeval continued to watch the two with interest. Judging from the woman's close proximity and excitement, it was obvious she felt some sort of affection for the young male. Antony, on the other hand, appeared to be unconsciously leaning away and uncertain. The human male cleared his throat, prompting all eyes his way.

"Aren't you going to introduce us, Antony?"

The young native's eyes flickered from Endeval to the woman and back as his ears slowly splayed outward.

"T...Taawneeya is make clothes in town."

Antony pointed to each person in turn.

"Is G'rmee. Is N'dvaal. And is N'jllaa."

Tawnya nodded as each person was named. When she saw Angela, she paused and gave the furry woman a cool, up-and-down appraisal.

"Wow...pretty. Are you with Antony?"

Angela blinked at the blunt question, and then wrapped her arms around Endeval before replying calmly.

"No. Am with Endeval."

The purple woman blinked back at the couple, and then broke into another grin.

"Oh! Nice to meet you! I guess this other bag is for you then..."

The female native flicked her ears forward and slowly disengaged from the human to approach the table.

"Clothes for me?"

Tawnya slid the woven bag across to her.

"Yep. Antony picked out a bunch of stuff and asked me to modify the pants for a tail. I thought he was just being flamboyant, but there are some nice ladies outfits in there."

Endeval watched as Angela began to pull clothing from the bag, gasping happily at each new article. Across the table, the purple female continued to chatter, holding shirts under Antony's chin and remarking on how they went with his eyes, or accented his fur. The furry male smiled wanly, clearly disconcerted with all of the attention and trying not to let it show. Watching the two, Endeval felt a prickle of memory. He was sure that he recognized Tawnya from somewhere else. The ghost of a memory suddenly coalesced in his mind and his eyes widened in sudden recognition.

"Uh, Tawnya? I hate to interrupt, but would you like to take a minute to see the courtyard?"

The purple-skinned female looked up at him in confusion until he gave a small nod of his head towards the outer door. Tawnya glanced at the doorway, understanding the gesture but clearly confused as to why.

"Erm...sure, why not?"

Endeval rounded the table as the woman turned to follow. A quick glance at Jeremy assured the human that the older native understood that he wanted a quick word alone with Tawnya. Jeremy stepped forward to provide a distraction even as Antony breathed out a quiet sigh of relief. Reaching the courtyard, Endeval turned to the violet-hued human, who looked back in confusion.

"So. I'm guessing you wanted a word?"

The human male grinned reassuringly.

"I wanted to ask if you've ever been on the Polaris 17 Station?"

Tawnya blinked in shock, clearly unprepared for the question.

"I did the last two years of my schooling at the Academy there! Why?"

Endeval grinned and nodded.

"Ever been to the Portside Officers Club?"

The woman suddenly looked tense, her eyes wary.

"Um...I used to go there...a lot..."

The male smiled again.

"I spent some time on that station. I remember seeing you there."

Tawnya stiffened, her voice going soft.

"Then...you know."

Endeval nodded, still smiling.

"Relax. I really don't have an issue with it. In fact, it may be to your advantage."

The purple female had started to hang her head, only to look up in surprise at his words.

"What do you mean?"

The former soldier grinned at her.

"Judging from what I just saw inside, you have a thing for Antony, right?"

Tawnya looked down and shuffled her feet.

"That obvious? He's so cute. I just didn't know how to tell him that I'm not all... female."

Endeval chuckled, adding to her confusion.

"My advice? I think you should let him know. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised"

That earned him another puzzled look.


He grinned at her again.

"Antony likes guys."

Tawnya gaped at him as realization dawned.

"You mean he's..."


The purple human looked over her shoulder through the open doorway. Jeremy was speaking with Antony as Angela continued to examine the small stack of clothing on the table. The young native male was shaking his head, hands held out to the sides in obvious consternation. Tawnya turned back to Endeval, her motions and face hesitant.

"Do you think I have a chance?"

The male just shrugged.

"I don't know. How did the two of you meet?"

The female sighed.

"He comes into my shop all the time to get his pants altered. He's so bouncy, and funny, I just love talking with him. I thought we were really making a connection, and then one day I measured him for some clothes he wanted. Since then he's been...distant. I thought maybe I just did something wrong, but I guess..."

Endeval held up a hand, stalling her out.

"I'm betting I know what's going on. Why don't you give me a minute to talk to him?"

Tawnya nodded numbly, still shuffling her feet. The male stepped around her and entered the kitchen. As he approached the table, Antony glanced up, his eyes flicking to the doorway when he didn't spot the purple woman with him. Endeval smiled as he stood next to Jeremy and addressed the young native.

"Your friend is very nice. I think we met before I came here."

Antony glanced at the door again, his ears splaying out, before looking up at the human. With his dipped shoulders and lowered eyes, the human could immediately tell the young male was troubled.

"What's wrong, Antony? Aren't you friends with Tawnya?"

The youngling shifted on his chair, his voice hesitant.


"Then why do you seem so uneasy?"

Antony sighed deeply before replying.

"I no understand. I go to store, talk every day. Is nice female. One day she take me in back, measure for new shirt. I get good smell of her..."

Endeval smiled gently.

"And then what?"

The young male looked up in obvious confusion, his hands spread wide apart.

"She smell excited! But...like...like male excited..."

The human shook his head, still smiling.

"I can see how that would be confusing. Did you not like that? Or are you not interested because of how she looks?"

Antony rubbed the side of his muzzle as he responded thoughtfully.

"She have pretty skin, but is...girl. Not understand why she make me..."

The native trailed off his sentence with a confused shrug. By now the other two aliens were listening as Endeval stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on Antony's shoulder.

"I think you might want to try talking to her. She's out in the courtyard waiting to explain everything."

The youngling turned abruptly to the door, eyes wide.

"She is?"

The human nodded. Antony rose slowly and started for the door. He paused and looked over his shoulder, but continued when Endeval nodded again. As the native exited the door, the human turned back to curious looks from the others.

"I guess you are both wondering what that was about?"

The other two aliens both bobbed their heads, eyes focused on the human. Endeval grinned at them.

"Jeremy, I think you may remember, but I don't know if Angela will. I told both of you at some time a story about a Corporal in my unit who was attracted to a girl in a café. The girl had purple skin, but when she went to the bathroom, she went to the one used by males?"

Jeremy widened his eyes as he made the connection even as Angela flicked her ears in confusion.

"Tawnya is not female?"

Endeval shook his head as he rounded the table. Behind him, the older male alien was watching out the door with a thoughtful look on his face. The human stepped close to his furry lover and rubbed her shoulders.

"Remember when I explained modding to you?"

Angela nodded as he continued softly.

"Tawnya did not start out as a girl... and she still has her male parts."

The native woman paused and then gaped at him in understanding. With a blink of surprise, she also looked to the doorway to the courtyard. Jeremy chuckled and glanced back at the couple.

"Now see Antony confusion. Maybe Tawnya is what young one needs?"

Endeval draped his arm over Angela's shoulders as the buxom native leaned close.

"Let's hope, Jeremy. He has been moping around here for months, and could really use someone stable in his life right now."

The older native nodded in understanding as he began to gather and fold the clothing on the table to return it to the bag.

"We shall see."

A few hours later, Endeval was perched on a stool in the workshop, staring at the chassis of a water filtration unit. The units were around the same size as a mop bucket with an opening on top and bottom for liquid to pass. Made of hardened steel, the units were nearly unbreakable and actually sat on top of a four-legged stand that allowed the user to place a container underneath to catch the filtered water. Each device was constructed in a way so as none of the inner workings could be accessed from the outside except for an access hatch secured with a case-hardened lock. Endeval reached for the keys he wore around his neck, selected one, and opened the panel on the side of the water purifier. A single glance inside told him all he needed to know about why the unit had stopped working. The filtration device was designed with a sort of rotating faucet inside that would periodically flip over to divert the incoming water. For a brief moment or two after this occurred, the unit would actually be back-flushing the two-way, permanent filter that was installed in the internal chamber, allowing the unit to work indefinitely. The dirty water was momentarily rerouted to a side opening until the filter was clear enough to not contaminate the clean water coming from under the unit. As tough as the unit was built, every so often a jar to the housing would loosen the filter inside the device and render it inoperative. Endeval had seen it happen many times before, usually when the unit was knocked over. He was just reaching a hand inside when Angela walked into the room.


The human glanced up from his work.

"Hey gorgeous!"

The buxom alien sat down on a stool nearby and watched him reach into the housing of the unit.

"What are you doing?"

Endeval grinned at her as his fingers found the filter askew.

"I'm fixing this water filtering machine to send back to the Clans."

Angela leaned closer and smiled.

"Is good for you take care of the People. You good man."

The human smiled gently as he felt the filter click back in place. He leaned back and wiped his hands on a nearby cloth.

"Thank you, hun. I do what I can with what I have. If anything, you have given me even more reason to want to help."

Furred ears flicked forward curiously.


Endeval brushed his fingers along her jawline.

"With you in my life, I want to know more about from where you come. Helping the People feels like helping you...and I would do anything to help you..."

Angela sighed into his touch, smiling back at him with half-lidded eyes.

"I would know where you from also."

The human kissed her on the nose.

"I try to share all I can with you, but it is hard to explain what it's like among the stars."

Endeval had in fact spent hours describing his career in the military and other planets. Surprisingly, all of the natives had embraced the idea rather easily. Alemucian religion revolved around the sun providing life to the ground, so all of his alien family simply accepted that he was from "beyond the sun". The human fondly remembered the moment he sat on the beach with his native lover and watched her face as she witnessed her first supply ship drop from the sky to dock in the cradle. Angela had been astounded, and had dozens of questions for him afterwards. Endeval had answered the best he could. Now, some months later, the lovely native seemed to have a solid grasp of the idea of technology. Endeval stroked her face as she nodded, his hand brushing the fine chain that held her tag. Seeing the twinkle of the reflection, the human suddenly remembered a surprise he had planned. He stood up and offered a hand to Angela.

"I have something for you."

The furry female's ears flicked forward as she took the offered hand to rise.


Endeval grinned as he led her to the door with an arm about her waist.

"Yes. Something just for you."

The human led as the couple exited the shop and started down the street. A few streets and turns later, Endeval approached a quaint little store front composed of dry white brick and huge glass windows. A sign outside hung motionless, a stylized diamond ring circling the name embedded on its wooden surface. The male opened the door and gestured with a flourish for the native woman to enter. Angela stepped through the doorway, her ears and eyes turning every direction. Endeval followed behind, his vision adjusting to the darker interior. Inside, the setup of the store was similar to the one at home. A single glass counter separated the back of the shop from the entrance, and a few small, many-tiered cases were prominently displayed around the front near the windows. As the couple stepped further into the space, a stocky, slightly rotund human in a crisp suit entered the area from a door in the back. The short man spotted Endeval and widened his grin. As he approached the back of the counter, his full, black mustache twitched as his lips parted in a full-blown smile and reached across the counter.

"Greetings Endeval! How are you today?"

The taller human smiled back and shook the proffered hand.

"Hello Micah. I stopped to see if that order was completed."

The stocky man ran a palm over his thinning black hair and smiled.

"I have to tell you, I never thought I would see the day when one of my competitors came to buy from my shop."

Endeval smiled in response.

"You make jewelry for the Corporation, Micah. My stuff is already made when it comes to the shop. I don't have the training to make my own."

Micah chuckled, his eyes flitting over to Angela.

"Oh hello. Who is this?"

Endeval put an arm around her shoulders and gestured.

"Micah, meet Angela. She's the one I was telling you about..."

The suited man grinned as he bowed slightly in the native woman's direction.

"Greetings! Welcome to my store!"

Angela smiled hesitantly as she waved a hand in a circle.

"Hello...you make all jewelry?"

Micah raised an eyebrow in surprise, but smiled as he answered the question.

"Yes! I take raw stones from the settlements and make custom pieces for the Corporation. Most of my work gets shipped off-world, but I am allowed a certain percentage to display and sell here in the store."

The native woman bobbed her head in understanding as her eyes roamed the cases. The stocky jeweler returned his attention to Endeval.

"She has only been with you for three months? She speaks very well."

The taller male grinned at him.

"She is very smart. We play this word game together, and she picks up stuff really fast."

Micah rubbed at his mustache as he looked the native woman over again.

"Not to mention that she is very pretty for a native."

Angela looked up at the statement.


The jeweler nodded as he casually waved a hand in her general direction.

"Oh definitely. With that dark chocolate fur and facial markings, I have several pieces here in the shop that would look fabulous on you."

The native woman smiled at his statement as Endeval chuckled beside her.

"This is very true, but right now I'm wondering about one certain piece?"

Micah nodded and ducked down below the counter. When he stood back up, he held a velvet-lined display tray. With a flourish, the jeweler pulled back the fabric. Angela gasped when she saw what was inside, and Endeval whistled appreciatively. Micah grinned at them both.

"This what you wanted?"

Lying on the tray was two necklaces. One of the necklaces was in the shape of a heart that was missing the upper right lobe. The other necklace was in the shape of the missing lobe, both pendants laying a little separate in the tray. The edges of the necklaces were intentionally toothed, meant to fit together to form a complete heart. Both pendants were embedded with a beautiful, green stone. Micah set the tray on the counter and picked up the larger piece.

"I made this just like you asked. It's duralloy, so it's practically indestructible. The registration information was stamped in while it was still in the forge. As you can see, I traced the stamping with polished iridium and decked the highlights with platinum. The rainbow color of the metal comes from a second-gen laser I have back in the workshop, similar to the old method on copper when you heat it with a torch. I set each of the stones you gave me so one side is facing the joining. When you hold the two pieces together..."

The jeweler scooped up the smaller necklace and slowly fitted the two together to complete the heart. The two embedded stones were mounted next to the break, so they would touch when the heart was whole. As one green stone touched the other, a low, melodic note sounded out from the joined pieces. Micah grinned as he looked at the couple's delighted faces.

"I have to say, I don't get to see this very often. Having two stones that resonate with each other is rare. They have to almost be from the same original raw stone!"

Endeval nodded slowly even as his eyes traced the two pieces.

"I've been saving those for over a year. I can't believe how nice the two of them look. You are a master of your craft!"

The stubby jeweler grinned as he separated the two pendants. He turned the smaller of the two around and showed it to the other human.

"Thank you. I've been doing this for a very long time. Now why exactly did you want this split ring added to the back of this one?"

Endeval grinned and tapped his chest, causing the keys under his shirt to clink softly.

"I needed a spot for my keys."

"Then this one is yours?"

The taller human glanced at his furry companion.

"Yeah. I wanted to make it something unique to us. She has to wear a tag, but there is no regulation stating that it can't be decorative. It just has to be stamped, indelible, and worn around the neck."

Micah held the smaller necklace out across the counter. Even as Endeval reached for it, Angela plucked the bauble from the shorter man's fingers and held it up with the fine chain spread apart. The tall human grinned and leaned over to let her slip the necklace over his head. The iridescent metal winked softly against the front of his shirt as the female touched it with a finger.

"Is pretty..."

The human grinned at her and then reached up to her neck. His fingers burrowed briefly in the soft fur around her neckline as he lifted the fine chain on her current tag. He slipped it up over her head, Angela's eyes watching thoughtfully as he coiled the chain and tucked the whole thing in his pocket. When he took the fancy necklace from Micah and held it up, her face beamed with love and adoration as she leaned forward to allow him to slip it over her head. He traced a finger across her jawline and smiled at her.

"Very pretty...and the necklace isn't bad either."

Angela grinned happily as she touched the ornate pendant reverently. She held it out where she could see for a moment, and then looked at Micah.

"Have place I see?"

The stout jeweler pointed out a mirror hanging on the wall across the room. Angela dashed over to look, stroking her new adornment with her fingers and grinning at herself in the reflective surface. Endeval smiled at her and then turned back to the man across the counter. He leaned over to whisper conspiratorially.

"Micah, do you have plain gold bands?"

The shorter man raised his eyebrows in surprise, took a thoughtful glance at the native woman, and then motioned for Endeval to follow him to the other end of the glass counter. With a dexterity born from years of practice, Micah pulled a tray from below and slid it on to the crystalline surface. The taller male regarded the rows of rings and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He selected one and then paused.

"This is my size, but I don't know hers..."

The jeweler glanced at Angela again, and then deftly plucked a slim band from the tray.

"Here. Plus a half size to account for the fur."

Endeval took the ring in surprise.

"You're sure?"

Micah nodded with a small smile.

"I've done this a long time."

He then nodded almost imperceptibly towards the furry woman.

"You sure about this?"

The larger human didn't even turn his head.

"Absolutely. Does that bother you?"

Micah tucked both rings into a small box and dropped it into a bag. Start to finish, he was done in mere seconds. He was handing the bag over when Angela approached and snuggled up next to her love. The stout man glanced at the interaction and smiled.

"No. Not anymore. Your native friends are seen all over the community. I just had an interesting discussion with Jeremy the other day at the produce market on what local leafy vegetables went well with indigenous fish! Ever since you invited them to live with you, a lot of the other shop owners have been remarking as well on how personable and charming they are. Having them around became familiar, and now most people will at least wave hello, if not stop and talk. I personally am not that surprised at your choice."

Endeval found himself pleasantly amazed at the man's words. He had often wondered how his friends had fared in the settlement, especially after witnessing the general reaction to Jeremy shortly after arriving on the planet. He could feel the winds of change, despite the fact there were few things that continued to irritate him.

"Thank you for telling me that. It really makes me feel better to know there is tolerance and friendship possible for Humans and the Alemucia."

The tall male glanced down at the native woman snuggled into his side.

"And as for this one, I just got really lucky when I met her."

Angela lifted her face for a quick kiss, grinning up at him. Micah watched the two with a smile.

"You two certainly seem happy together."

Endeval nodded at him.

"She makes me extremely happy. I only wish the Council felt the same way as the humans here in LandDown .You would not believe some of the things I've seen above the cliffs."

Micah frowned and nodded.

"I have heard some of the rumors. I don't condone the actions of the Corporation, but I do need the credits I make from their business. You should say something in Chambers. Don't they meet tomorrow?"

The big man nodded back in understanding.

"I plan to voice a protest. I need to find a way to make them see the natives as people, not as just some vague group mentioned in the regulations."

The jeweler's eyes slid over to Angela.

"Why not take your fiancée with you?"

Endeval glanced at the native woman in surprise.

"Take her? Into the Chambers? I don't know..."

The furry female placed a hand on his chest.

"I go to Council?"

He stammered wordlessly as the idea bounced around in his mind. Would it even be possible? The treaty allowed for a native to be present at the council to allow for the occasional visit from the Alemucian ambassador, but he wasn't sure how they would react if he brought a different Alemucian to a Council meeting. His voice was hesitant as he composed a reply.

"Are you sure? This Council is all human, and none of them would be very happy to see you there."

Angela squared her shoulders.

"I go to Council of the People many time. I would see Human council. Show the People have a voice."

Endeval felt a flutter of warmth at her words. He had almost forgotten the courage that came along with her love and affection. He smiled softly.

"If you feel you can do it, then I will take you with me."

The furry woman grinned and hugged him, her ears flicking with happiness. Across the counter, Micah looked on with a grin of his own.

"Now I see why you found her so attractive. There is more to this one than just a pretty face."

Endeval smiled at him over the top of her head.

"Now you see why I said I am sure. How much do I owe you?"

The jeweler glanced around as he thought through the figures in his head.

"Let's see. You paid in advanced for the necklaces. There's the other two items...oh! I almost forgot something!"

The suited man turned and dug a soft velvet bag from a small pile of things on a table. He reached in and pulled out what appeared to be an ornately twisted, thin metal ring that gleamed in the same multi-hued pattern as the necklaces. He held it up for display.

"Not sure why you wanted this, but I made it how you requested. There is this catch in the front, and the back has a hidden spring hinge. You pull the two sections apart here and the entire thing opens wide."

Endeval took the ring and examined it minutely as he spoke.

"One of the regs requires a collar for natives above the cliffs. They use these big, ugly steel things that are very uncomfortable. I have to take Angela up north at some point and I didn't see it necessary to have her wear something like that. This is well within the requirements...and will be way nicer than the alternative."

Micah raised an eyebrow at the statement, and then nodded solemnly.

"I think I understand now. Just so you know I fashioned this like a choker. The metal is stiff, but I added a little extra bend in each side so it will lay flat on the chest when worn around the neck. Judging from her size, it should offer plenty of room so it doesn't feel tight around her throat. The tag pendant on her necklace fits these little hasps on the front...just like you requested."

Angela peered closely at the piece, her hand brushing absently at her throat. She looked at Endeval, one ear flicking forward.

"Is for me?"

The human nodded apprehensively. He was hoping the idea of a collar wouldn't upset her.

"Yes. I knew we were going to need a collar to go North at some time. I just couldn't stand to see you in that ugly metal thing they put on you before. I hope its ok?"

The furry woman appraised the metal band for a moment more, and then nodded to him.

"Is ok. Much nicer than other."

Endeval felt himself letting out a tiny breath of relief. He wasn't happy with the idea of needing a collar to travel and he was unsure how the female would react. Angela's acceptance made him feel a lot better. He handed the piece back to Micah, who promptly slipped it back in the cloth bag and added it to the stack on the counter. The stout jeweler waved his hand across the small pile and then pointed to a small terminal cleverly hidden at the end of the surface.

"With the other two pieces, it should be around one hundred credits total."

The larger human nodded and waved his credit comp over the recessed terminal. A soft chime indicated the transaction complete as the jeweler tucked everything into a recycled bag. He handed the bag across the counter and smiled.

"I hope everything is to your liking?"

Endeval took the bag and smiled back.

"Yes. Very! Thank you very much for everything."

The taller human nodded to Micah, and turned towards the door. Angela smiled and waved at the stout jeweler before turning to take her place beside her lover. Micah smiled at the two as they started out and returned the wave.

"You are quite welcome. Come back anytime. Oh! Good luck tomorrow!"

Endeval grinned as he opened the door.

"Thank you, again, for everything!"

The couple left the smiling jeweler's store and started down the road. Angela held Endeval's hand as they walked, alternately gazing at her new adornment and grinning at the human. Endeval smiled at her as they walked.

"You know, the only reason that looks so nice is because it is you who is wearing it."

The furry female giggled in response as her ears flicked with pleasure. She kissed him on the cheek and snuggled into his shoulder for the rest of the trip home. When the couple reached the house, Endeval held the door for the beaming woman. Walking into the dining area, he was surprised to discover Antony and Tawnya sitting together at the table. The purple woman was leaning over close to the young native, grinning and whispering in his ear. Surprisingly, Antony was leaning right back, giggling and flicking his tail. His body language clearly showed far more comfort with her than earlier that morning. Angela strolled over to get a drink from the cooling unit as the two at the table suddenly took notice they were no longer alone in the room. Antony blinked in surprise and then stood up from his chair to dash across the room towards Endeval. The broad-shouldered human chuckled as the excited native dragged him by the hand to the far side of the room. Antony's ears and tail quivered with eagerness as he just managed to keep his voice to a whisper.

"Tawnya is...is..."

Endeval grinned.



The human chuckled quietly.

"Sounds like the two of you talked?"

Antony's tail practically vibrated behind his head.

"Yes! She tell me how she get pretty skin, and look like girl, and..."

The young native trailed off, his eyes locked on some faraway point over Endeval's shoulder. The human smirked and shook his head. He found himself unable to pass up the opportunity to rib his friend a little.

"So you like this girl, huh?"

Antony's eyes locked back on the human's face as his words registered.

"Uh...Tawnya is not all...girl."

Endeval chuckled and clapped him on the shoulder.

"I am aware of that. I thought you might like that about her."

The young native nodded his head.

"Yes! Like that very, very much!"

The two turned and looked across the room. At some point in their conversation, the purple woman had spotted the new necklace around Angela's neck. Tawnya was currently standing directly in front of the furry female, holding the pendant gently in her hand as she leaned over for a better look.

"This is absolutely gorgeous! I love how it shines like a rainbow!"

Angela nodded happily, pointing out details with a blunt-clawed finger.

"Yes! Has nice shine and big Song rock. Has shape? I not know it..."

Tawnya chuckled and traced the edge with a finger.

"This is a heart. For humans, it stands for love. But there is a piece missing..."

Endeval approached from around the table. He dug into his shirt and produced his own necklace.

"I have the other piece. When you put them together, the two rocks sing out together."

The human held his pendant up and fitted it together with the larger. A clear, sweet note sounded out as soon as the green stones touched. Tawnya and Antony both gasped. The violet-hued female blinked up at Endeval.

"That's incredible! Do you know how rare that is?"

The male nodded.

"Yes. That is why I saved them. Plus, they remind me of her eyes..."

Angela gazed up at him with a smile as he dropped his half of the necklaces and reached to touch her cheek again. His pendant tinkled softly in the afternoon light as he leaned in and kissed her.

"As pretty as they are, your eyes are still prettier."

Tawnya watched the lovers for a moment, her arm stretching back to pull Antony closer. The human woman grinned and kissed the young native on the side of his head as she nodded in their direction.

"I like them. They look good together."

Antony nodded even as Endeval turned his attention back to the others. The human then glanced around the room and sighed.

"I still have a few more things I need to do tonight before the big day tomorrow."

Young male and purple female both glanced in mild concern.

"What's tomorrow?"

Angela laid her head against the larger human's shoulder.

"Is Council tomorrow. We go speak for the People."

Antony was the first to recognize her statement.

"We? Is N'dvaal go..."

Endeval glanced down at his furry lover and gave a wan smile.

"Angela is coming with me. It's time we shook them up a little."

He rubbed a finger over his upper lip.

"Speaking of...we need to find you some formal clothing for tomorrow."

Tawnya brightened up with enthusiasm.

"I have some things at the shop! I could fix something up for you in just an hour or so!"

Beside the purple woman, Antony didn't appear as enthusiastic.

"N'jllaa sure to want go? Is Human council. Be not nice to one of People!"

Angela squared her shoulders.

"I go. Speak for all People. Will be strong."

Endeval gave her a soft kiss on the back of her ear.

"Remember, I'll be there to help."

The furry woman glanced up at him gratefully as Antony went nervously silent. Tawnya took the opportunity to speak up.

"Um. So you'll need that outfit tonight then. Antony and I can go and get it from the shop."

Before the young male could voice the question obvious on his face, the violet-skinned woman took his hand and half-dragged him to the door.

"Ok! We'll see you in an hour or so!"

Angela chuckled a little at the stunned look on Antony's face going out the door before she turned to her human lover.

"What have to do?"

Endeval smiled as he pulled her close.

"I have a few things I need to dig out of storage, and then I need to sit with you while we talk about the rules in Chambers."

The native woman nodded sagely, and then suddenly nuzzled up under the human's chin. She gave him a tiny lick and chuckled softly.

"And after?"

The human chuckled back.

"Then we can do anything you would like to do..."

It was several hours later, and the two lovers lay together in the bedroom. Angela sprawled across Endeval's chest, her throaty purrs still echoing off the walls. The human twitched inside her tightness as she rubbed the end of her muzzle against his cheek. The furry woman was in one of her favorite positions, straddled across Endeval's hips in the same way as the first time they had made love. The human had taken a few hours to instruct her on the protocols of the human Council, and then the curvy native had dragged him off to the bedroom with a sultry giggle. Now, he ran his hands down over the soft fur of her naked back and basked in the afterglow of their coupling. On the wall across the room hung her new outfit, a soft, cream-colored affair that Tawnya had brought to the house in the midst of the lessons earlier. It hung on a wooden hanger from a peg set in the stucco. Endeval's eyes were drawn to it when the distinct thud of a door sounded from behind the wall on which it hung. At the sound of the noise, Angela's purrs stuttered to a stop and the buxom native snapped her head around to stare at the wall, ears flicking in curiosity. The faint sound of voices in the next room had Angela listening closely, her sensitive ears fully tilted to catch the murmurs. After a moment, she whispered loudly.

"Is Tawnya and Antony!"

Endeval glanced up at her. The native stared at the wall as the faint voices continued. After a few long moments, a high pitched giggle reverberated on the other side of the stucco. There was a faint creak, and then, shortly after, an audible thud sounded against the wall. Angela recoiled slightly at the noise before turning to look down at the human. A few seconds later, the collisions on the wall started back up at regular intervals. Abruptly, there was a long drawn-out groan that rapidly transitioned to a rumbling purr. The furry female blinked in shock as she reflected on the noises, and then her ears folded back as she looked down at Endeval with wide, sad eyes. The human immediately deduced from her demeanor that she was recalling a similar situation that had happened three months earlier. He reached up to touch her cheek as he gave her a small smile.

"I know what you're thinking about right now, but please stop worrying. That's all in the past. It was a misunderstanding, nothing more. Besides, it brought us closer as a family and it showed me just how much I love you."

Angela gave him a small smile back.

"I happy to hear that. I never want hurt you again."

The human levered up to kiss her softly.

"I know, hun, and that makes me happy."

The buxom native stared lovingly into his eyes for a long moment before glancing at the wall again. When she looked back at him, her gaze was full of mischief.

"They very noisy."

Endeval took a quick glance at where the grunts, thuds, and purrs continued behind the partition. He looked back up at Angela with a grin of his own.

"They sure are, aren't they?"

The furry woman wiggled her hips, slowly grinding in circles on his crotch to stir his softened length still tucked inside her body. She tilted her head at him, one ear waving lazily.

"We make more noise? Show them how it done?"

The human chuckled as he felt his erection begin to come to life once more. He kissed the native woman and grinned as his hands found her hips.

"That... is a fantastic idea..."

The next morning, the couple stood in the kitchen, adjusting their clothing as they prepared to head out. Endeval wore a long, white suit jacket made from a thin, lightweight cloth. The bottom of the jacket extended to just below his knees and was worn over light, khaki pants with a traditional, button-up shirt. Everything was pressed and crisp in preparation for the Council meeting. Angela stood next to him, smoothing down the soft, cream colored jacket she wore for the first time. Tawnya had provided a matching set of voluminous pants that were pleated to appear as a skirt when standing at rest. The native woman had opted to wear a light, high-necked, stretchy white shirt under the coat. The shirt covered her nearly to the chin, but sported an oval cut-out on her chest that perfectly exposed the top of her generous cleavage. The chain of her new registration tag draped smartly around the high neck of her shirt as the pendant dangled in the center of the oval. The human ran an appraising eye over her outfit, admiring the soft fur he had just spent an hour helping her brush that morning. Angela caught his small smile and twitched the corners of her mouth.

"You like?"

Endeval turned and stroked his hands down her upper arms.

"You are pretty while wearing anything...or nothing."

The female alien giggled in appreciation. At the table, Tawnya and Antony stopped cooing at each other to look their way. Both of the new couple looked a little exhausted after last night. The purple woman chuckled as she heard his words.

"I think she looks great! I love that shirt! I'll have to borrow it sometime. I think we're about the same size up top..."

The young male at her side nodded with a grin.

"Yes! Very close!"

Endeval pretended to frown, but his lips couldn't stop curling up.

"Hey! Quit peeking at Angela's chest!"

There was a small round of chuckles, and then Tawnya stood and came around the table to help the furry female finish adjusting her garments. Endeval took the opportunity to cross the kitchen to where a thin, metallic box sat on the counter. He had pulled the package out of his old military gear the previous night and now dialed a code into the keypad on the side to open the container. Nestled in the compartments inside was an odd combination of items. The human extracted a flat instrument covered in various mottled designs and held it to his left wrist. The device suddenly warped and wrapped itself around his lower arm to take on the appearance of a large bracelet. The hardened top of the band flipped open and retracted out of sight to reveal a miniature viz-screen. Instead of touch controls, a tiny keypad adorned most of the lower section of the screen, each button raised slightly from its recessed housing. Endeval reached back into the case and removed another small container. Flipping the plastic lid open, he dipped his finger in and pulled out what appeared to be a contact lens. With a practiced motion, the human dabbed the tiny cup on to his left eye where it adhered easily. Blinking, he watched as the nano-tech in the contact synched up with the ruggedized wrist comp on his arm. As the virtual Heads Up Display indicated a solid network connection, Endeval glanced over to see Jeremy watching him in interest. The human smiled and wiggled his arm with the comp.

"Backup plan."

The older native stared in curiosity for a moment and then nodded. Endeval grabbed one more thing, a small envelope, from the case before turning back to the rest of the kitchen.

"Ready to go?"

Across the space, Angela smiled wanly and nodded. The human crossed the kitchen and brushed her cheek with his hand.

"Whatever happens, we'll be together, okay?"

The buxom alien smiled lovingly at him before following him to the exit. The couple waved their goodbyes as they opened the door. The other three in the house called out encouragement, with Jeremy saving his voice for last.

"Be with courage!"

The couple exited the house and started out, hand-in-hand, across the settlement. With every block, the female Alemucian's ears flicked with nervousness. Endeval caught her mood out of the corner of his eye and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. Angela gave him a grateful smile and leaned a little closer as they crossed the last intersection before the Council building. The couple paused at the bottom of the steps as the human turned to his lover.

"This is it. Are you ready?"

Angela gave a small nod even though her ears were splayed out in trepidation. Together, the two mounted the steps and crossed the small veranda to the glass doors. Endeval opened the door and held it, one hand resting in the small of the female's back in reassurance as she passed through the entrance. Inside, they paused as Angela gazed around in awe. The interior of the building was fully modern, chrome edges around every entrance, plastic tables along the smooth walls, and cup-shaped, plastic chairs that rolled on the low-piled carpet with wide wheels. Vases filled with native flowers adorned the tables and recessed wall niches, adding splashes of color to the white interior. Endeval gave the female a moment to look around, and then gently led her by the hand to a door in the back. He paused only long enough to wave his ID at the scanner next to the door before entering. Angela glanced curiously at the scanner as they passed, and then stopped dead inside the open space. A long, crystal-topped table surrounded by more cup-shaped rolling chairs sat in the center of the room. Each chair sat in front of a viz-screen mounted to the table's surface with a thin, elegantly-curved pedestal that held the screen tilted for easy access. At the far end of the room, both tabletop and floor transitioned abruptly to a raised section a little over a foot higher than the rest of the area. A rolling chair and mounted screen sat all alone on the platform, giving the impression of a seat of authority overlooking the rest of the room.

The seat was not empty. In fact, nearly all of the fourteen chairs arranged around the table were occupied. Men and women, all dressed in fine clothing, turned to stare as the couple entered the chambers. The individual perched in the upper section frowned as his eyes came to rest on the furry female. White, bushy eyebrows drew down over piercing blue orbs that, despite his considerable age, still shone with razor intelligence. Marcus Foyer had held the position of Chairman for the entire duration of Endeval's time on the planet, and looked as though he planned to continue doing so for many years to come. The whip-thin, elderly human covered his white shock of hair with a stylish cap that matched the elegantly tailored suit hanging on his frame. He stared for a moment, and then raised a thin hand to beckon Endeval to approach the chair. The former soldier patted Angela's arm in reassurance before starting around the long table. As he moved, he slipped a hand into his pocket to dip two fingers into the envelope he had dropped in there earlier. Stepping up on to the platform, Endeval casually leaned on the Chairman's viz screen and waited expectantly. Marcus glanced at the native woman again, his lips a thin line, and then turned to the younger man.

"What is the meaning of this?"

Endeval forced himself to keep his composure as he took a breath.

"She is with me. I brought her along to sit in on our meeting."

The older man scowled even more.

"Barbados, this is highly irregular! That...being...should not be in here!"

The younger human grit his teeth before replying.

"The regulations clearly allow the presence of an Alemucian at Council meetings. She wishes to add a native voice to the proceedings."

Marcus shook his head.

"That was written for the Ambassador!"

Endeval held up a finger to stall him out.

"But the regs do not specifically state that it has to be the Ambassador. According to the treaties, one native can sit at the table during the meeting. We both know the Ambassador has not sat in on a meeting in well over a year."

The older human sputtered for a second, and then growled.

"Fine. But this matter WILL be addressed later!"

Marcus turned away in clear dismissal. Endeval shrugged his shoulders and slowly spun away, but inside he was worried. The chairman's words had sounded like a threat. As he returned to the other side of the table, his insides churned with apprehension. Angela watched him come, her eyes leaping from his form to scan the room. As she took in the looks from the other humans, her ears attempted to splay out to the sides. The furry woman shook herself slightly, and then composed herself with a deep breath. Squaring her shoulders, she smiled thankfully when Endeval gathered a nearby chair from the extra against the wall and slid it into place near the table. He quickly sat down behind his own viz screen as Marcus began to call the meeting to order.

"The 39th Meeting of the Windfall Governing Council, Corporate Chapter 113-238, Acquisitions Division, will now begin..."

Endeval and Angela sat quietly as the Council began to address the various petitions filed over the last six months. Some seemed to get approved with a nod, others required some discussion among the group before being placed to a vote. The former soldier listened and voted dutifully on all petitions, tending to vote with a keen eye on how each would affect the native population. More than once he was the sole negative vote, causing the other members of the Council to frown in his direction. After a few hours, the Chair called a break for lunch. Endeval guided Angela out to the front door before the other council members could stop them and ask questions. Across the street from the building was a small, open air cafe that catered heavily to the workers of the Council building. The couple ordered sandwiches, and then moved to a secluded table to eat. The furry woman paused before biting into her lunch and flicked her ears in puzzlement.

"Endeval, why other council human stare? Is make mad look at me."

The human paused for a moment as he pondered the best way to answer.

"The members of the Council are uncomfortable with you in the chamber. It is much easier to assign a fate to an entire race when a member of said race isn't sitting in the room and observing them. These people are used to tossing out judgments, and now they are thinking twice. It makes them uneasy, and then because they don't like that feeling, they get mad."

Angela thought about the statement for a moment before she nodded in understanding.

"I make nervous, and they mad cause be nervous?"

As usual, the lovely native seemed to grasp the idea quickly. Endeval nodded and smiled, his mouth full of sandwich. Angela flicked her ears forward and grinned wickedly.

"They nervous now...wait for me to talk!"

The human chuckled as he patted one of her hands.

"Like you said, it's time to give the People a voice!"

The furry woman grinned at his support and then seemed to remember her sandwich. She was just finishing up when it was time to go back inside. The couple returned to the chamber, studiously ignoring the disapproving stares from some of the other humans. The Chairman called the meeting back to order and brought up the next petition for review. With a start, Endeval realized it was one of his. Marcus intoned the familiar words with an air of disbelief.

"...by Section 7 of the Unilateral Treatises. Authorization requested for modification of Regulation 12, Line 24 to read 'Indigenous inhabitants have access to preeminent quality Level 3 technology...' in place of 'indigenous personnel have access to preeminent quality Level 3 technology...'. All in favor, vote now..."

The young councilman raised his hand, glancing around the room to see he was alone. The Chairman took note and then continued.

"All opposed?"

A flurry of raised hands had Endeval clenching his teeth. Nearly every one of his proposals was designed to make a single change in a critical area that could make a significant improvement for the natives. He knew from the beginning that most would not pass, but actually sitting through the rejection made the entire situation feel even more visceral. The couple sat as proposal after proposal, all attributed to Endeval, were read and voted upon. Rejections piled up as none of the human's bids passed the council vote. The last of his proposals, a request to change the barbaric marking process to one using a form of tattooing, came up for review. It was inspired by the multi-hued ink on Antony's shoulder. Marcus read the proposal and called for a vote. Endeval's hand was the only one raised in support. The Chairman scoffed and shook his head before he even asked for opposition.

"This is ridiculous. We have far more important things to consider than this."

At this point, Angela stood and waited till all eyes turned her way. She took a deep breath and looked around the room.

"Is very important point to the People. Mark hurts us! Causes great pain!"

Marcus frowned, obviously unhappy with the interjection.

"Be that as it may, it is still required by the bylaws to place an indelible mark upon indigenous natives who are associated with a registered sponsor."

The native woman blinked in confusion at the unfamiliar words, but seemed to grasp the intent well enough.

"If mark must be made, why not use less painful method? Serve same purpose, but less cruel."

The Chairman tapped his viz screen, which had Endeval suddenly leaning forward in his chair. With the activation of the viz, the former soldier now had the opportunity to implement his backup plan. He reached surreptitiously under the table and depressed a key on his wrist comp. The HUD in his contact lens flared to life and began to scroll as the system established a connection with the nano-molecular film adhered to the back of the Chairman's viz screen. Endeval had casually placed the film there earlier when he had leaned on the device while talking to Marcus. The film was the invention of a member of his former Ops team and allowed sixty seconds of covert access to any viz screen into which the owner was logged on. As his wrist comp worked, Endeval heard the Chairman speak again.

"According to these calculations, the procedure would not be fiscally compatible with the current operating budget."

Angela blinked and glanced at her human lover in confusion. Endeval frowned at the way Marcus was using big words to make her seem foolish. He whispered a quick translation.

"He means it would cost too much."

The buxom native nodded and turned back to the table.

"What is cost of torture? Would make large improvement in relationship with the People if not hurting them at start!"

The Chairman frowned, and before he started to speak again the contact's HUD stopped scrolling. An icon blinked to indicate the connection was established, and then a timer began to count down in the upper corner. Endeval's fingers flew over the keyboard on his wrist. When he had thought of this plan earlier, he had agonized over what he could do in such little time. Sending a message was out of the question. Any message, even from Marcus, was processed through the surface transmitter and had to pass through dozens of filters. With so little time, the human decided to try a more subtle approach. Twenty seconds of searching finally found the correct document. Another twenty seconds to change the information, and then he was digging into the global address list. He found the contact for which he was searching, attached the document, and sent it off just as the timer reached zero. Endeval glanced up, but looking for it he was unable to see the film drop away and destroy itself. He was able to see Marcus standing with a frown on his face and suddenly he was aware of the conversation yet again.

"...what difference it would make. Right now there are an abundance of natives below the Northern Treaty line who still require sponsorship. We simply cannot afford to change procedure at this given moment."

Whenever credits became an issue, it seemed as though the Council was quick to vote in favor of saving money. Endeval became suddenly more aware of the other council members in the room as the thought crossed his mind. Marcus wore a nicely tailored suit, but now the younger human took more notice of the finer details. The Chairman wore an ensemble of subtle jewelry; necklace, cufflinks, tie clasp, wristcomp, and more all winking in the overhead lights. Closer attention revealed that these pieces were all very high-end, expensive goods. The small computer on Marcus' arm alone was probably worth more than the yearly income of Endeval's store. The details became even more apparent as the Chairman spoke again.

"Judging from this conversation, it would behoove us to revisit the policies regarding all natives inhabiting directly in the settlement."

Endeval glanced around the room suddenly at that statement. Nearly every eye was turned his way and most of the faces bore frowns. Angela's impassioned plea had left a bad taste in the mouths of the Council. The former soldier suddenly felt anxious. They were going to target his family! The curvy native noticed the shift in mood and sat down without another word, her ears drawing back. Endeval scooted closer protectively as Marcus cleared his throat.

"We will discuss that later as new business. Right now, with proposals complete, we need to address the possibility of a visit from the Federation."

As all eyes shifted back to the front, Endeval listened with minimal attention as fear churned his gut. The statement made by the Chairman was obviously a thinly veiled threat. Up till now, there were few to no limitations placed upon natives living in LandDown. Of course, with the less-than-cordial relationship between the Races, very few natives chose to live there. He looked at Angela, suddenly wondering if he had done the right thing by bringing her into the Chambers. One of the other councilmen was speaking as Endeval tuned back into the conversation.

"...would put Corporate operations at risk. Can we convince them to stay out of orbit and just hunt the pirates?"

Marcus rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"We are going to try. Security has the planet monitored well. Recent developments have shifted the Governmental power balance back to the Federation, as you know. Corporate is very anxious to keep this planet out of the loop. They are relying heavily on our annual projected supply of exported items to maintain solvency, so communication and transport will remain truncated for now."

A round of nods followed the statement. Endeval suddenly felt confined. He glanced around furtively as the Chairman closed the discussion and called for new business. He abruptly stood up, drawing attention.

"My apologies. I just realized I have an urgent matter I must address quickly. Please excuse me."

He ignored the grumbles and motioned for Angela to join him. The furry female rose and followed him as he started for the door. As they passed out into the next room, Angela whispered to Endeval.

"I glad we leave, but why go before done?"

The male glanced over his shoulder to reassure himself they were far enough from the door of the Chamber to not be overheard. His voice was tight as he replied.

"We have to get home right away."

Both furry ears slicked backwards at the tone of his voice.

"What happening?"

Endeval led her through the outer doors and started down the street. He kept his pace to a brisk walk, even as he fought the urge to run.

"Marcus just stated that he wants to change the laws about the People being in the human settlement."

Angela looked at him worriedly even as she hurried alongside.

"Change how?"

The human shook his head.

"I don't know. The Council was clearly unhappy with my proposals and your speech. Whatever it is they want to change, it will not be good for any of us."

Angela was quiet for a few moments as they crossed yet another intersection quickly.

"What we do now?"

Endeval spared her a glance, his eyes worried over his grim smile.

"I set a plan in motion while you were talking, but we need to move fast."

The couple continued in silence, hurrying along as quickly as they could without breaking into an outright run. When they reached the side door to the house, Endeval glanced back as he held the door for her to duck inside. At the table in the kitchen, Antony and Tawnya looked up from their conversion, confusion evident on their faces. Jeremy stepped into the room from the back hallway, also looking confused.

"Are home early? Not good day at council meeting?"

The human frowned as he rubbed at the short hairs on his chin.

"We have a problem. The Council voted against all of my proposals, and then the Chairman made the suggestion of tightening control regulations on members of the People who are living in the settlement."

Of all the people in the room, Tawnya was the first to understand the implications. She gasped as her face showed shock.

"Oh no! What kind of controls? What are they going to do?"

Endeval sighed and shook his head.

"I don't know exactly. Marcus was visibly upset when Angela stood to speak and the rest of the Council was not far behind. I think it would be safe to say it's going to be awful."

Jeremy grew very still as his soft words filled the quiet room.

"What we do now?"

The human male glanced around the chamber. Every face was still, and every eye watched him fearfully. He sighed forcefully and licked his lips.

"We have very few options. I think it would be best if we leave the settlement."

The purple woman gasped softly again, looking around the room.

"Leave? Where are you going to go?"

Endeval took a long, slow breath before answering.

"Any regulations will target natives and go into effect immediately. I think it's time for us all to go North."

Antony's ears were flat to his skull at his words.

"N'dvaal. Can not go North. Am banned from Clans..."

The human grimaced.

"Damn, I almost forgot about that."

He turned and began to pace the kitchen.

"You can't stay in LandDown. I have to figure something out..."

Tawnya tapped a painted fingernail on the table.

"He can come with me."

Endeval looked at her in surprise.

"Back to your shop? He has to get out of the settlement! If they find him here there's no telling what will happen..."

The purple woman waived a hand in dismissal, cutting him off.

"No. I mean he could come with me to my house. I have a place beyond the cliffs to the South."

She turned to look at the younger native male. Antony was staring at her, stunned.

"That is...if you would want that?"

Wordlessly, the young male leaned forward and hugged her. She beamed down at the top of his head.

"I'll take that as a yes?"

White irises framed in purple skin turned to rest on Endeval.

"I totally understand the need to get the locals out of LandDown, but why are you in such a hurry?"

The male human pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You have to understand. Regulations, policies, and bylaws passed by the Council go into effect immediately. If we had stayed in chambers till the end of the meeting, Angela would have been subject to the new regulation before we even left the building. It probably wouldn't have been long afterward till Security showed up here."

Jeremy sat down at the table. His face was calm, but his ears and tail showed his worry.

"N'dvaal, we not run forever."

The big human sat down with a sigh. Angela stepped close, allowing him to wrap an arm around her waist.

"I know that, but I refuse to allow anything to happen to my family. While we were in the meeting, I used my wristcomp to tap into the Chairman's computer and issue myself a Security Pass. I was planning on using it to go North to the Mine."

A round of stunned faces looked back at him. The oldest native was the first to speak.

"You get in much trouble! What you do at Mine?"

Endeval composed himself and replied levelly.

"I'm going to free them all."

Utter silence followed his statement. The human had spoken with quiet conviction, and most of the people in the room knew he meant every word. Tawnya gaped at him in astonishment.

"They...they'll burn you for that."

The male nodded at her.

"They will, but I'm not going to let this continue any longer. I swore an oath to help. I tried to do it legally, but now I am going to do it another way."

Everyone else at the table glanced worriedly at each other. Angela pulled her lover's head close to her body where he could feel her trembling as he hugged her in return. In the silence of the room, his quiet voice was louder than a shout.

"We better start packing. I have a promise to keep."

Unexpected Chapter 5

**UNEXPECTED - CHAPTER 5** **"RESULTS"** Endeval awoke to his name being said quietly and a gentle shake on his shoulder. He blinked his sticky eyes rapidly a few times as he slowly became aware of his surroundings. He was still leaning on the...

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Unexpected Chapter 4

**UNEXPECTED - CHAPTER 4** **"PROBLEMS"** Endeval awoke quietly in the semi-darkness of the tent. The glowstone had long since gone out as the residual heat in the air had dissipated through the night. Sometime in the dark, Angela had slid to...

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Unexpected Chapter 3

**UNEXPECTED - CHAPTER 3** **"RELATIONS"** Endeval stood with his arms around Angela. He had no idea how long they had been standing there, and he really didn't care. In the bitter wind, her body was warm and wonderful pressed against his chest....

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