Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch 13

Story by XenoElite on SoFurry

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#13 of Xenomorphs

Sorry for the what, 2 year wait? Yeah it's ridiculous and I'm not happy about it but here's the next segment as promised. Again, sorry.

Author(s) Note: The group of 4 (5 depending on who you ask) moves on and more, *Ahem*, intimate moments occur and people/creatures getting shot at by other people/creatures. You know.... the typical war stuff in an abnormal battle field with raging sex hormones on all sides. Criticism, good and/or bad, is openly welcomed here, that is if you want me to improve my writing faster or help provide me ideas.

Warning: I tend to use "Foul Language" in my story(s) and will often make fun of, or prod at, certain topics from personal issues to things like morals and religion. PLEASE bear in mind that the things I say/write in these stories are mere comedy and for entertainment and NOT actual fact or personal opinion of discussed topics. If you are offended in some way or another..... Well there is nothing I can really tell ya but to get over it. No one's forcing you to read this stuff, that's your choice.

Disclaimer: I do not own Alien(s) & Predator(s). I'm a simple guy writing a story for your pleasure and entertainment, don't like it? Don't read.

Italic words; will indicate thoughts/ideas/memories.

Bold/Dark words: Are important things and MAY foreshadow things to come..... Possibly. Or used to help distinguish multiple dialogs (Used with/for important characters)

Traditional line breaks separate story segments as well time. Areas separated by ===== are merrily separated by location/area, but are occurring at the same time as previous segment. (Just to clear that up if you were confused or curios.)

Story and Character are copyrighted by me.

Without further ado let's begin

Time: 5:45 a.m. Location: Beneath Vergo, Emergency Pressure Release Tunnel

"So that's it then? You weren't kidding about this being a steep climb." Voiced Aaron as he, Nathan, Mark, and Venotrix followed the access ladder on the wall up and past the ceiling of the tunnel they were in. "Well, since there's no elevator, guess I'll leave things to the 3 of you to continue from here." He finished.

"You're not coming with us? What makes you so special for not having to go along?" Asked Mark.

"Well I am highest in rank as well designated squad leader and two, does it look like I can climb all of that (Aaron pointed to the ladder) without hurting myself more or be quick about doing so? Besides what help am I going to be with this part anyway? You and Nathan are perfect for this part, along with Venotrix guiding you along of course."

Venotrix was next to voice her point. "Like I'm going to leave you behind and ALONE while your caring a weapon. How stupid do you think I am?"

"Are you still under the misguided belief that I may commit suicide during your leave of absence? Venotrix, I'm hurt, I thought you trusted me." Aaron pouted.

"I trust you when I can see you and are within my hitting range. Only then do I trust you."

"How are we going to keep in touch with each other when shit starts falling apart around us?" Nathan asked.

"We won't, that will be the fun part of all this. We are going to have to give the benefit of the doubt about all this working somehow." Mark mumbled. "Since none of our portable com pieces survived our detaining process by your kind, Venotrix."

"And that's my problem or fault how exactly?" She countered.

"Right so let's run through the plan together one more time: Mark and I go up into the colony, we both sneak our way to a colony transmitter and send out our signals, then high tail it back down here and head for the evac site." Nathan paused to ponder a bit on the overwhelming odds of this "Plan" actually working. The results that came to him were of no comfort to his already shaken sanity. "Yep, sounds great, can't wait to have my skull mounted to some Predator's trophy wall."

"You forgot staying alive the entire way." Spoke Mark. "Plus, I don't much like the tone in your voice. You need to either reach down and pull your balls out and act like a trained soldier or stay down here with Aaron and wallow in self pity." Mark finished in a bored tone.

"And not bringing any Predators back with you upon your return trip." Aaron inputted after a moment of giving Mark a disapproving glare.

"Could you please come with us?" Nathan begged towards Venotrix who had gone off to the side a ways and was now lounging on the floor in comfort. "It'll be great to have another pair of eyes scouting around for this as well as some guidance about the things we are attempting to hide from...... other than your kind."

Opening her mouth(s) to yawn, Venotrix shook her head before replying back. "Sorry, but I am not leaving him," Venotrix pointed at Aaron with a clawed finger, "alone down here..... By himself, with no one else around to hear...." The last part coming out in a faint slur as Venotrix grinned back at the trio.

"...... How steep of a climb is this ladder again Nathan?" Aaron asked in a hesitant tone as he limped his way towards it.

"A good half mile or so till it emerges in one of the lower rooms of this place. Why?"

"That's not too bad, guess I'll come along with you two anyway because strangely enough my shoulder and leg feel a lot better now." Aaron chuckled uneasily.

"Like hell I'm staying down here with her, I know what she's up to."

"Oh no you don't." Mark broke in seizing Aaron by the collar of his vest and dragging him away from the ladder. "You're just going to hurt yourself more and slow the rest of us down with this part. You are staying down here till we get back, is that clear?"

"Ordering and manhandling your superior Mark? Someone needs to go back to basic training and restart their career path again." Aaron grumbled, collapsing on the ground and leaning against the tunnels cold rounded wall right in front of the ladder with a defeated look on his face. "Try not to take too long, the sooner we can get this over with the better." The last bit of the statement he directed inadvertently towards Venotrix out of the corner of his eye. Who of course returned his gaze with one of her eerie smiles that Aaron knew meant she had something planned... for the two of them to partake in.

"We'll be back as soon as we can and if all goes well the three of us will be sitting in a bar 18 hours from now joking about all this. Or Nathan and I will, you'll be stuck in the medical deck eating that god awful food they serve." Mark answered in kind, giving Aaron a goofy smile as he did so.

"That's reassuring..." (Aaron)

"Alright then, let's get started." Nathan was already standing near the ladder and had begun his climb up out of the tunnel. Before he went past the ceiling he stopped and looked back at Venotrix. "He better still be alive when we return or else I am going to be very pissed about doing all this shit from start to finish for nothing."

The only response he got back from Venotrix was a small chuckle and a wide smile. "Don't worry he's in good hands now. I'll help him "relax" some and ease some of the burdens on his mind and body." She continued to smile evilly.


Without another word Nathan continued his climb disappearing from sight followed soon after by Mark with only the two's faint echo's being left behind.

Closing his eyes and letting out a deep sigh Aaron did his best to prevent his anger and annoyance from showing physically, as well take over mentally. But even his mind was no longer a private safe haven for him anymore which just further annoyed him to no end.

"So, how does it feel to have sent your two remaining friends off to their death all in sake of some small chance of rescue?" Snickered an inner Voice within Aaron's skull.

"I'm really not in the mood to argue with you right now. It's bad enough that I have her to deal with now." Aaron replied looking over at Venotrix who had risen from her spot and was making her way towards him. "If you will leave me be for half an hour or so I will argue with you on any subject of your choice once this is done." Aaron continued while keeping his gaze on Venotrix.

"Fine, but do try to keep the noise down some during your..... Session. While there is no one around now to hear, that doesn't mean we aren't being watched by others elsewhere." The Voice replied before abruptly leaving Aaron's consciousness entirely. With that problem out of the way temporarily Aaron began to address the new, and much larger, one now standing in front of him.

"I suppose trying to persuade you into leaving me alone won't work in my favor right now will it?" Aaron asked in a bored tone, he received no verbal response other than a chuckle from his abuser. He made no attempt to stop the clawed hand reaching to undo his pants and the other one that began to stroke his now hardening equipment below.

Once standing at its full height, Venotrix positioned herself over the hard flesh and with help from Aaron began to descend upon it. Gritting her teeth as Aaron's cock pushed her inner walls of flesh aside and nestled further within her wet, hot tunnel till they came hip to hip (Pelvis, same thing).

The two paused briefly to accustom to the other before Venotrix raised herself off of Aaron stopping when only the tip of his cock was left inside her to quickly lower back down with a hiss of pleasure and a moan from Aaron. Placing her hands on Aaron's shoulders for support and wrapping her tail around one of his legs Venotrix started to rise up again but more quickly and again drop back down harder making the 2 moan aloud more. Upon Venotirx's 5thraise Aaron placed his hands on her hips and pushed her back down on him while giving a thrust upward to meet her decent.

"Grrr. I thought you, *Grunt* didn't want any part of this." Venotrix hissed through clenched teeth as she continued to rise and fall; each new decent a little faster and harder than the previous as well her grip on her mate and her repeated vocal encouragements, from hissing to screeching.

Painting back between impacts, Aaron only gave a small chuckle, focusing on the timing of his thrusts with Venotrix's; meeting her halfway in her warm and tightening embrace. "I still don't, but I might as well enjoy the last time I may get a chance for some much needed release."

Tightening his grip on her hips he proceeded to pull her down harder on him while of course increasing the strength of his impacts with her. Venotrix was more than willing to accept the increased pace and soon match his pace squealing in delight as she was continuously spread apart by her lover. Out of the spur of the moment, as well a instinctual type of deal, Venotrix clamped her jaw on Aaron's right shoulder as her building orgasm was quickly numbing her body in pleasure, thus urging her to go faster.

Aaron didn't have much of a choice but to accept the large, sharp set of teeth biting into his flesh and soon after yet another set within that. Letting a rasped sigh, he used his newly obtained blood rush to further quicken his thrusts and moan at the smooth tunnel of muscle embracing him ever more and more.

With the two's ever increasing volume of moaning and the now echoing *slapping* noise bouncing within the tunnel neither of them were aware of the now third presence now in the tunnel. Remaining a good few hundred yards back and remaining in the shadows, a cloaked figure was overlooking the scene with a shock/surprised expression underneath its hard mask.

On one hand, Isis was appalled and disgusted at the scene of the two in the middle of their mating session. Yet on another hand, the repeated echoes of pleasure emitting from the two as well as the scene itself was starting to stir up Isis's own sexual drive of desire. Much to her embarrassment and anger at letting her pheromones get the better of her at a time like this.

Isis was now torn at what to do regarding her role. It wouldn't really seem right to interrupt the two yet she really didn't want to just sit here and do NOTHING while waiting for them to finish. Perhaps she could have a little fun of her own.......

Glancing behind her then back at the two, Isis relaxed on her knees imitating the position the female Xenomorph was currently in while loosening the small piece of metal fabric covering her womanly slit. Once out of the way she continued to watch the duo in their passion while rubbing a finger or two across her now moistening vent. Isis didn't stay long on a gentle pace for she then inserted a finger into her snatch and proceeded to ride, and later grind, on it in some fashion while matching the pace of the others.

With her body now being assaulted by both verbal and physical acts of stimulation she too was beginning to moan and grunt in pleasure at her body's antics and was having a difficult time controlling her verbal responses from being heard by the other two. But at her current state, Isis didn't really care anymore for as long as she could reach her own orgasm she would be content to observe the two a while longer before acting.

"And who knows, maybe they might tire each other out making my job easier." Isis happily mussed before strictly concentrating on her body's new urgent need.

At this point all three individuals were reaching a much needed and wanted climax. Venotrix and Aaron where slamming and moaning like wild animals as the two knew their release was close to hand. Having released her death bite from Aaron's now bleeding shoulder Venotrix raised one final time before slamming herself down on Aaron's cock up to the hilt and let loose a screeching cry as her body was hit with her awaited orgasm.

As a result to Ventrix's orgasm Aaron followed right after, giving a pleasurable cry of his own as his balls churned and erupted their load into the now tight spazzing walls hugging his member in blissful contractions. His hips continued to do their best to thrust into the warm tunnel as he emptied himself and Venotrix of course continued to squeeze her inner muscles around the erupting organ nestled inside of her till the two's orgasms past.

Looking at the others dazed expression in satisfaction in labors panting, Venotrix was the first to regain her breath. *Pant Pant* "Can you stand?" *Pant Pant* She asked in a slurred tone.

"Yeah, thou I may need to lean some." Aaron responded between his own breathing.

"Excellent." Ventorix purred.

Before Aaron could ask what she was getting at Venotrix slowly pulled off of him hissing the entire way as her tunnel tried to clamp back down on the hard flesh in an attempt to keep it awhile longer. Once off she crawled away on all fours a few feet before stopping to raise her tail in Aaron's direction.

"Come and get it my love." Venotrix purred seductively over her shoulder at Aaron, swishing her tail and hips from side to side in desire.

Admiring the display being shown to him as well the taunt, Aaron got up and took his position behind Venotrix, lining his cock up with her sex's lips once again. "Ready?" He asked while rubbing his tip along her lips. Venotrix gave an approving growl for him to continue.

Not wasting anytime Aaron slammed in to the hilt in one go making Venotrix yowl in pleasure, the new position allowing Aaron to hit more of her sweet spots. Fighting to remove himself from her tunnels grasp, Aaron gave another thrust into her warm leaking tunnel of pleasure but this time leaning more of his body weight into it.

Venotrix had no trouble supporting Aaron's weight but the pleasure from his hard thrusts were another story. "More!" She cried aloud while bracing for the next impact. Aaron gladly obliged her request and quickened his thrusting while leaning ever more on her. Venotrix cried out again and again as Aaron did so spreading her walls apart roughly every time in quick succession and tightly squeezed her ass , digging his fingers into her flesh as his thrusting and panting became increasingly irregular. An evident sign he wasn't going to last very long with the rough pace.

Venotrix wasn't far from reaching her second orgasm as well, spreading her legs a bit further apart to allow Aaron greater access to her needy tunnel she unconsciously began to wrap her tail around his torso and yowl ever louder. Taking these obvious hints, Aaron held back no more, grabbing her hips as tight he could he pounded away at her sex forcing it to spread to his invading member. Both of their crotch where drenched in Venotrix natural lubricants and a small puddle was now forming underneath the two's joining.

Yelling out in bliss, Aaron again was rocked by his orgasm spraying what little was left of his thick waves of cum out to seep into his partner who gladly took all she could. At the sensation of the warm cum now filling her tunnel Venotrix also hit her second orgasm and clenched down on the pulsing cock nestled inside of her as her own wave of juices met Aaron's and managed to seep past the vice grip being applied to him.

Now spent, wet, and relieved Venotrix and Aaron simply bathed in the afterglow of their reunion and the feel of the other still conjoining. After a few minutes Aaron went to pull out only to be met with almost a pained growl from Venotrix and a reinforced death grip from her wet tunnel making him stop immediately in slight confusion.

"Oww, don't *ugh* pull out just yet." Venotrix panted while tightening her tail around Aaron's chest. "Just.... Stay inside awhile longer." She looked back at him with a desperate, begging tone and look.

Aaron, not having a problem with the order or much choice as is, laid himself on Venotrix's back gladly content to let her warm insides continue to constrict on him. Venotrix gave a thankful hiss to his actions and slowly lowered the two of them to the ground with her lying on her side, legs apart and Aaron along her back still inside her with her tail wrapped securely around him. With that the two slowly let their exhaustion over take them and rest till Nathan and Mark came back for the group to continue on.

The two were so caught up in their orgasms and exhaustion that they had failed to hear the third cry echo down the tunnel as yet another figure had reached its orgasm as well. Now panting with soaked fingers and thighs Isis leaned on her unoccupied arm, focused on catching her breath as she felt her clouded mind beginning to clear somewhat. Isis had been on all fours just like Venotrix and had been furiously fingering her vent at Aaron's and Venotrix's wild rutting. Now that she had regained herself and relieved some built up stress and sexual tension she felt better than what she had in months.

Moving over to sit against the wall she quickly refastened her groin piece and resumed to watch the two in now quite observation some more. After all of their moments and displays Isis was content to simply sit and wait in her orgasms afterglow for the group to continue moving on before she made her move at capturing her human prey.

Before she forgot, Isis quickly went into her helmets video display options and recorded the recent scene of events into a private folder in her hardware for.... Future references of a later time.

Time: 6:10 a.m. Location: Maintenance room, Emergency tunnel access.

After an exhausting climb up the endless ladder, Nathan and Mark now found themselves confined in a small engineering room of some sort with only one door to enter or exit from. As expected it was sealed closed and by the looks of it, suffered some abuse from previous attempts to open it..... Or shut it to start with. To add to the problem the door was without power and the middle of it dented to crap so the traditional method of fixing the problem was now nonexistent for the two humans.

Mark had long since started the slow task of cutting away a section in the sheet of steel for the two to slip through and continue on from. Nathan was of course being a nuisance and nervous case while this was occurring.

"I don't like this. Ten to one odds are they're already waiting on the other side of this door, or the next, waiting for us to make trophies out of. Or whatever it is they do with their prey." Nathan rambled at a frustrated Mark.

"With as much noise you're making I don't doubt that." Mark whispered against the burning metal. "How far away are we from the nearest working transmitter?"

"Well, we are currently on the Southern Eastern edge of Vergo aaaand the heavy duty server to reach the Carolina is obviously not here; so we need to go to....." Nathan paused to check his map; a gloomy look soon pasted itself across his features. "Dammit, we have to go to the center." He moaned with his hands now obscuring his face.

"So? Might take a bit longer to get there and back than originally planned but at least there are plenty of places to hide at along the way there." Mark replied.

"No, you don't understand, the transmitters we need are outside on the roof. We have to somehow get up to the top and reset the network connection to the control terminal in the control tower in order to send out a clear accurate signal. All while remaining unseen or suspected by our predecessors that will surely be scattered around on the high ground as well." Nathan groaned.

"Hmph." Standing up and delivering a few strong Spartan kick to the center of door, resulted in it popping out of place, revealing Marks handy work. "Doors fixed."

"Awesome, guess I'll lead." Nathan mussed, passing Mark and stepping through the open gap.

The two made their way up to the first sub floor below the surface and proceeded to follow what pathway for as much as they could towards Vergo's center complex. Along the chosen path for the two, sections of the floor and/or ceiling forced them to detour off. Resulting in grumbling and swearing from Nathan as he franticly reviewed over his map in search of another option that he THOUGHT would be clear of more destruction or more importantly unwelcome figures. Coming to the end of another hall, the humans faced a tough choice as displayed by the helpful navigation signs hanging from the ceiling.

"Well Fuck. This sucks, some navigator you are." Mark voiced as he overlooked the scene in front of him.

"Screw you! If you would have gotten us through that last door two junctions back we wouldn't have been forced to take this route." Nathan countered while again scanning his map of the place in search of any other path. Results: None within close walking distance. "We are going to have to find another way from the surface I'm afraid. Or if you want we can back track 20 minutes of walking to only find another predicament like this one."

"Fine. Let's hurry this up and get back down below ground before we are spotted." Mark replied slinging his rifle over his back in preparation for the running to come, as did Nathan.

Without bothering to even act inconspicuous or stealthy in any regard. Nathan and Mark bolted out and up the stairs across the deserted streets of Vergo in search of another non-scenic route below. Mark was leading the way with Nathan close behind, both looking this way and that for anything promising, as well the possible figures that could be lurking in plain sight waiting to kill them. Upon reaching the 1stintersection in the road a loud roar erupted from somewhere behind the two followed quickly by others answering its call of alarm. No doubt about the humans discovered presence.

"Well it was nice knowing you Mark, I still hate you for leaving me to die earlier but I'm willing to put that aside right now."

"The feeling is awkward, but I accept your obvious failed attempt at expressing you're built up emotions to this point. If you want, you can cry to Aaron all about it when we meet backup. But for now let's focus on surviving awhile longer." Mark hastily replied as he stole a glance behind him.

"THERE! That's it up ahead!" Nathan yelled pointing at the large tower with multiple satellite dishes lining its side and roof top.

"No way really? Man you're awesome." Mark responded.

"Shut it! Without me you would have missed it somehow and we'd be dead by now."

The whistling noise and soon after the appearance of several plasma bolts sailing in-between and around the two soldiers quickly ended the argument and reminded the both of them of more pressing circumstances

By some miracle or extreme stroke of luck, the two managed to reach the doors of their desired destination and disappear in its darkly lit halls. Neither wasted time in ascending the stairs, aiming for the top floor and hopefully a brief reprieve from the newly stirred chaos behind them. Their momentum was briefly held as the stairwell above them abruptly ended with in its place desks, chairs, cabinets, you name it; had all been meshed together to cease further advance.


"This way!" Nathan motioned Mark towards a doorway whose door had been forced open by something with sharp claws and great strength.

After a brief sprint through a small hallway, the two humans emerged in some cubical looking office section that had suffered a cyclone by the looks of it. Upon closer inspection revealed to the humans that it was a dead end with no other branching exits other than the one they had just used to get in to start with. Which really explained a lot as to why there was so much blood and gore lining the floors and walls; this was a death trap to the previous colonist survivors.

"The window," Mark pointed, "let's follow its outer edge around the building. Chances are we can reemerge in a less conspicuous location and keep going."

"You know I hate heights......." Nathan trailed off.

"Fine, good luck finding another way around." Mark quickly spoke before stepping out on the ledge underneath the window that in circled the entire building. "Ohhh, I hope I don't get sniped. It's already hard enough not to slip off this thing." He voiced aloud to really no one after glancing down at the ground way below.

"Hurry up already! Who knows how long we got before those Predator assholes come barging in here." Nathan growled behind Mark giving him a soft nudge.

"Alright alright, I'm going." Mark replied scooting down the ledge some more allowing Nathan to join him on the outskirts of the building.

Slowly, yet steadily, the two navigated around the building clinging to what hand holds they could as they went. At first the two thought they might not come across anything breakable for them to get back in but about halfway around the next side of the building the previous concrete wall was again replaced by smooth glass. Pulling out his side arm Mark hammered away at the first glass panel till it shattered from the constant abuse allowing them to step back onto stable ground.

"Another office cubical, executives by the looks of it." Nathan chimed while inspecting a nearby desk. "Yep, they have those nice pens with the ultra fine point and the awesomely soft grip holders. This desk's previous owner has douche-bag written all over it, I'm taking his pens......"

"Why? Do you really need a pen right now?"

"If I want to write my Will I do."

Rolling his eyes Mark made his way to the far door and slowly opened it to which he was happy to see an empty hallway. Nathan quickly rejoined him and the two continued on in silence up another flight of stairs not too far off since neither one of them felt like trying the elevator.

Without any further interruptions or detours both Mark and Nathan finally arrived outside the main Navigation/Communications control room in which they would need to start at with their project. Mark went straight to work on disabling then attempting to rewire the doors panel in order to perform some type of by-pass without destroying the door. If things went south he figured that a still functioning door would be nice to hide behind.

"You aren't going to try hitting the "Open" button first before tearing this thing up?" Observed Nathan from behind as he kept surveillance behind the two.

"Tell me Nathan, would you leave the door to this particular room unlocked during a major crisis such as the likes here? Or even during any other event or activity?"

"Well I don't know about you but when I'm in the middle of a life and death situation I tend to overlook the minor details and focus on the much broader ones; like the distance of the thing trying to kill me compared to me and possible escape routes. Checking to make sure I locked the door or turned the oven off or even wondering if I flushed the toilet that day tends to become irrelevant." Nathan replied in thought.

"I'd think locking doors would be at the top of that list."

"What's the point with the things chasing us? They have plasma cannons...... PLASMA CANNONS! Which will make short work of that steel door, locked or unlocked; I don't think they give a shit. Then others, the Xenomorphs, can smash their way through or just smear that acidic blood of theirs all over it, locked or unlocked, and get in."

"Why don't you go find a way up to the roof and start resetting the dishes while I do this instead of crying to me about your life problems? That way when I get inside here all we have to do is re-sync the network, send the signals, and get the hell out here." Mark replied during a brief pause in his worry some work.

"Fine, I'll go get sniped at out in the cold weather. Or just get blown off the edge by the wind, guess that'd be okay." Nathan continued to ramble as he proceeded further down the hallway in search of some way to gain access to the roof.

"I swear to God he sounds just like a women. Always complaining about this and that and always bringing up the minor stuff." Mark mumbled to no one in particular.

Having reached the end of the hall and turning to the right where the hall continued, Nathan paused to overlook the scene before him.

"Huh, I can't help but feel like this hallway is missing something..... No wonder it's so cool up here." He joked with himself as he continued walking on.

While the hallway its self was intact the ceiling for it wasn't. In fact it was missing and with minor adjustments from Nathan with the ruble lining the floor helped provided him with the means of a make shift ladder up. Once emerging at the top his face was hit with the biting force of the wind making his eyes instantly tear up.

"God dammit."

Ducking back down and wrapping a thin piece of cloth over his eyes he tried again to get up. Results were better however Nathan was now afraid of stepping off the edge or falling down some random hole to who knows where.

"Shit can't be helped."

Resurfacing Nathan steadily made his way to the nearest dish all the while fighting to keep his balance against the wind. Once beside a dish, he carefully unscrewed the protective plate over its wiring components. From there figuring out what was okay and what was screwed up was a dawning task for him. But after guessing around awhile Nathan managed to get the green light housed within the panel to light up; signaling the dish to be functional now.

"One down, two to go."

The second dish was easier to repair with only a wire or two being loose. While the third required a new circuit board, the old one having shorted out from a power surge of some sort.

"Wonderful, just wonderful." Nathan scorned tossing the useless chunk of copper and zinc off the ledge of the tower. A few seconds later a faint *Tinking* noise echoed in response making Nathan stop his fuming as an idea hit him.

"The side dishes....."

Scurrying his way towards the ledge on his stomach as to not blow over, he removed the cloth over his eyes to get a better look below.

"Hmm..... Gana need a cable or rope of some sort to reach those."

Looking back at the 2 dishes behind him, then back at the few below, Nathan shrugged his shoulders in defeat. "Fuck it. Two should be enough, if need be I can always come back up and try boosting their power signal manually." Nathan determined as he began to reset his course back to Mark.

///"Unauthorized access to terminal door. Security is being notified."///

"Can it bitch." Mark replied.

///"Warning. You are in violation of several Vergo civic codes; please step away from the door."///

"Ask me if I care." Mark replied to the automated security voice that was giving him a headache from its constant babbling.

///"Beginning system shutdown."///

"Oh come now don't play hard to get. We both know you like this. Aha! Here it is." Mark exclaimed with joy having finally found the power cable that connected the door to the security lock system. "Since you won't be reasonable, I'm cutting our date short." He laughed as he tore the cable.

///"Door malfunction. Engineering work requested."///

"Keep requesting because it's not coming anytime soon."

Configuring the final few wires in place and pressing the open button allowed Mark to proceed inside. Quickly diving inside the small room he started booting up all the systems he could and reconfigure the network settings back to default. Once that was done, a screen popped up with the 3 main dishes condition and status listed.

"Looks like Nathan got two of them fixed." Leaning in for a closer look at the subtitles rolling across the screen as well try to locate the Caroline and begin relining the dishes towards it caused his screen to freeze up then crash, kicking Mark off completely. "The hell?"

///"Main terminal control panel has been compromised. Cutting power to sections F and G. Security please respond to intrusion."///

Not a second later had the automated voice spoken did the display screens and lights inside and outside the room go dark with only the red backup lights providing some faint illumination in the area.

"I....Fucking....Hate you, so damn much." Mark hissed out between his teeth as he slammed his fists on the keyboard multiple times. Kicking his chair back and crawling his way underneath the terminal, he continued to mumble to himself. "Let's try this again."

The echoing of footsteps in the hall made Mark pause before conducting his work.

"Mark? You in here, what happened to the lights?" Nathan emerged in the doorway with a puzzled look at the change in scene.

"Down here." Mark replied.

"Ah, so what's up? Are we ready to send out our messages?"

"Was about to do that, but the damn automated security program in this tower put an end to that plan." Mark grumbled still underneath the terminal as he began to pull wires out.

"Great, you can get the power back up here right? Or are we screwed." Nathan continued.

"Well.... If I can't bypass the lockdown for this area one of us could go to this buildings core processer and overwrite any and all of the security limitations from there. But then again that would require sneaking past our still lingering friends below and somehow gain access to the mainframe there."

"So all in all, we just hit a major halt in our operation here."

"That's one way to put it yeah. Did you happen to see any possible escape routes from atop the roof? Because if possible I would like to find another way down from here that may provide for a safer passage then the one we took to get up here."

"Not unless there is some long ass rope or cable lying around somewhere that we can use to shimmy our way down. Or we could just jump off and hope for the best."

"Pass on that last part, why don't you see about finding some cable long enough to get us at least halfway down. Oh, and before you go, I think there is a com set in one of those lockers on the wall. Take it with you so we can keep in touch."

"Can do."

With com set in place and working, Nathan again set out alone in search of something of use for the two's benefit of survival.


(Back to our loving couple)

"*Yawn* That was great. Sure you don't want to go another round?" Venotrix teased a rather frustrated human.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Wouldn't want to risk catching anything...." Aaron responded. "Or be the farther of some deformed cross breed...." The thought making him physically shudder at the possibility.

"Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean." Venotrix hissed.

"Nothing at all. I respect you as an independent female hu--, oh wait, sentimental being cable of emotions and desires." Aaron quickly corrected.

"Hmm. I think you're lying; I think your simply using me to fulfill your sickly desires and needs to empty your rocks inside me against my will. I should kill you, but you keep tying me up, making it hard for me to stop your advances." Venotrix continued in a fake quaky voice.

"Damn, now I have to find another way to subdue you or find someone else to use my tricks on in order to relieve myself."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Meh, depends on my mood, and the appearance of your competition."

"What's wrong with my appearance?"

"Beside the lack of tits, the twin mouths, your tail, and obvious bestial appearance, I'm not sure." Aaron snickered.

"That's.... so cold....." Venotrix pouted while looking down at her chest in defeat. "Not my fault I happen to be flat chested, makes me more aerodynamic and flexible. I don't understand the appeal or practicality for such appendages your species females possess."

"And I do not hold that missing info against you, just the lack thereof appendages described. Matches your heart and personality rather well, cold and lacking."

"Now Aaron, don't be silly. You already know from hands on experience that I am most defiantly not cold in anyway. Besides, I have what all you males really want." Venotrix grinned.

Aaron, lying on his side facing away from Venotrix, gave a visible shudder at the statement. "That doesn't mean your personality still is or isn't."

"Aren't you just clever."

"I know. Yet here I am being held hostage and on the run from creatures I don't know or understand. A clever person would have already escaped to safety by now or at have come up with a course of action to get to safety." Aaron trailed off.

"I am still amazed that you haven't thought out the final details of that yet." Inputted the Voice.

"Then again some say ignorance is bliss. The less I know, the less I care and we all die happily in the end." Aaron continued as he ignored his inner agonizer's statement much to its disapproval.

"You're difficult to understand sometimes. One second you have a death wish and the next you're wallowing in self-pity and doubt over random shit. Are you always this way after sex? Because if you are, our relationship is about to get really abusive, by which case I will give you a reason to cry after every session." Venotrix voiced while eyeing the back of Aaron's head as if seeking out the best spot to land a blow to it that wouldn't kill him.

"What relationship? I thought we were still at Date-Rape status. And no I'm not always like this, had circumstances been better I probably wouldn't mind the constant abuse I put up with around here as much. However that isn't the case and with my life constantly being put on the line yeah, I've been a bit pissy lately." Aaron mumbled back still facing away from Venotrix while on the floor.

"How can you say that after everything we've been through?" Venotrix continued in a disbelieving tone.

"What the rape sessions? The running for my life episodes? Wondering what the fuck is going on periods? I'm not seeing how those combine to form are quote, "Relationship" unquote, status. I think your hormones are clouding your reasoning abilities for any other sane individual would see the flaw in our commitment."

"Why are putting all the blame on me? Had you truly not wanted to proceed in the act(s) I probably wouldn't have come back for more. Of course that would mean I'd be a bit stricter with you and your actions but at least you would feel better inside." Venotrix shot back, "Besides, what's so wrong about what we've done? We both have urges and needs, we happen to satisfy those drives by using each other regardless if we are biologically compatible or not. Explain to me what is wrong with that WITHOUT bringing up..... Oh what does your kind call it, Ra-religion? And your kinds stupidly complex as well as nontraditional law structure that you, for some reason, follow so obediently. Because if those are the only two things making you doubt your recent actions thus far then obviously you wouldn't mind our fuck sessions had they not existed or you never were aware of them." Venotrix finished in a smug voice with confidence in her points logicality and eagerly awaited what she believed would be a witty retort from her lover.

"Why is this so important to you all of a sudden?" Aaron asked, tilting his head back a ways to glance back at Venotrix with a questioning stare. He had to admit he was impressed at the legitimacy of her point with religion and his government's structure. It made Aaron wonder how she was aware of such things since he highly doubted her kind followed any sort of religion based practice or complex leader ship for command that he was at least aware of.

"I want to know why your kind goes so far to hide their biological needs and desires. More importantly, why do you find our mating sessions taboo and unnatural? The act of two different species mating isn't as uncommon as you would think so what specifically do you and your kind find so wrong about it?" Venotrix answered back with a tilt of her head and swish of her tail in waiting for a response to one of her most frequently asked questions that she wanted to know. "That and since you're about to die sometime today I just wanted to clear the air some." Venotrix finished.

"I want to know too." Spoke up the Voice, "I don't see what the big deal is either, what the hell is wrong with satisfying your urges with someone that's of a different species then you? If both sides comply, what's so wrong about it?"

"Alright, you want to have an argument over social structure and psychology of my kind's behavior and acts? FINE!" Aaron yelled at both figures as he shot up to a sitting position facing Venotrix with a scowl. "ONE: I am placing the blame on you Venotrix because it was YOUR idea and YOUR advances that started this shit trend. TWO: Had I rejected your advances, which I did, you simply forced yourself on to me to get what YOU at least wanted. THREE: Even if I was unaware of religion and my kinds stupid laws/policies my conscious would still find our acts taboo. For the fact still remains that I am of one species while you are of another thus hesitation and regret would still be present before, during, and after our engagements; for I would know from an early age that individuals of the same species go together since they are similar in both appearance and genetics while differentiating pairs would appear, different and strange along with wrong to me based off of my parents coupling!" Aaron paused to catch his breath and lower is temper a little before he suffered a stroke or heart attack.

"But that is all based off of assumptions made BY you based on prior assumptions of those around you, so on and so forth. So what you choose to accept or believe as "Normal" is influenced on the acceptance of that standard by the majority of those around you or your race as a whole. One could easily make their own belief/standard the definition of "Normal" if they can get one other person to believe in it also, as well as that person gaining another follower, etc. Thus it spreads and all rivaling ideas are shunned and criticized till actual proof can be shown to disprove and question the current popular belief for a new one. Logically, had your parents embraced the idea of different species intertwining, then reason would stand that so would you. Since most of your early ideas and thoughts are shaped by them either inadvertently or directly however, that is not to say you could choose not to follow that trend. Yet often enough we share a similar view on how things work as our care takers do." Inputted the Voice, breaking Aaron's train of thought and forcing him reconcile with his memory bank to get it back. The extra distraction allowed Venotrix to formulate and counter back Aaron's statement(s).

"So majority rule and overall acceptance from your peers and family are your only reasons for believing our acts to be wrong and unnatural? Wow. I was expecting something a little bit more based on practicality and logic then a person's views and standards." Venotrix trailed off, Aaron's answer having been a disappointment to her sought out question.

"I agree. So really if no one was around to judge you for this negatively you wouldn't mind, correct?"

"No that's not it!" Aaron shot back, lifting his arms up in exaggeration of his frustration. "I could care less what people think but logic still stands that since we are different species there is a reason for that. So our actions' remaining different and separate isn't so far stretched!" Aaron yelled back at Venotrix in attempts to settle this pointless discussion.

"Yet we share the SAME basic needs and urges for intimacy. WHO or WHAT we choose to interact with should be left to our discretion, not to whoever is standing on the sideling jacking off to the show alone and then being a hypocrite in front of others for not getting any ass about it." Venotrix continued in a now bored tone at the outcome of the argument.

"Oh my God!" Aaron hissed out between his teeth and hands that were now obscuring his face. "Do you not understand--"

"ANSWER ME YOU SHIT!!!" The Voice blared within Aaron's skull, causing him to instantly cringe in pain at the sheer volume of the shout now making his head pulse in discomfort. As he leaned back against the wall in wait for the throbbing to reside Venotrix on the other hand was giving him a confused look at the sudden drop in hostility.

"Hey" Venotrix gave Aaron's arm a poke with one of her claws to regain his amusing attention "you going to finish that statement?"

"I'm done talking about this stupid subject that I am, and always will be, indifferent on. All I will say is that if both participants are okay with it, fine. Everyone else can fuck off and mind their own god damn business."

Turning around and reassuming the position he was in before this discussion began as well closing his eyes and tuning out what ever next came out of Venotrix's mouth(s); Aaron reached back into his consciousness in search of his other headache agitator. He didn't have to search long before it made its self known to him rather abruptly like it always did.

"Oh NOW you want to talk." Growled the Voice.

"Look I--"

"Shut it. I don't care anymore..."

"Well, that was easy."

"That doesn't mean I forgive you or am no longer annoyed with you."

"I think I'll manage to get by without your consent"

"Ohh I beg to differ. Remember my warning earlier about possible guests nearby?"

"Yeah I remember, was that important? I thought you were just rambling on about random stuff."

"I know your pretty resourceful on your own, hence our meeting, but you would be dead by now without my purely unselfish acts of guidance that you ignore. To prove my point, and get some entertainment, I'm going to sit back and watch the show and not say a fucking thing on what's about to happen next."

"Am I supposed to freak out now that my suppose savior is abandoning me? Damn, how will I ever think and do shit on my own now? Guess I better assume the fetal position and slowly cry to myself while I rock back and forth in self pity and agony."


The appearance of Venotrix's forearm and her evident shadow falling over his vision, and very evident warm feeling of her breath on the side of his cheek, broke Aaron's inner concentration, removing the glassy look that had glazed over his eyes from starring down the dim tunnel for an extended period. He tried to act like he didn't notice and continue staring down the tunnel on watchful guard; However it was slowly starting to look, and feel, like a lost cause. In fact Aaron almost lost it when Venotrix started to, for lack of better words, kiss/bite him all along his neck and face while seemingly purring either to herself or to him, probably both.

"Venotrix?" Aaron spoke as calmly and quietly as he could manage.

"Hmm?" She purred back, still continuing her treatments.

Aaron abruptly paused before continuing, ".... Are we supposed to be expecting any visitors from your kind down here?" Aaron continued to whisper and stare out down the hall with an attentive look; having thought to have caught sight of something, something that moved.

"No. Why? Don't tell me you're getting embarrassed."

"Then tell me, do you hear or smell anything down the way we came from?" Aaron continued to stress.

"Grrr. This better be good." Venotrix growled as she turned her attention down the corridor Aaron was starring down. At first she didn't notice anything out of the ordinary and was about to pass it off that Aaron was trying to distract her attention away from him. Venotrix was about to turn her attention back to harassing him until she caught the slightest scent of something, more accurately it belonged to someone, one she recognized from earlier. "I remember tracing this before, that feminine scent, when I went chasing after Aaron. It was following his trail and reached him before I did and it--" Venotrix thought trailed off into quick realization at the immediate danger both the Embryo and Aaron were now in, again.

"Ack! Dammit Venotrix get your claws out of me, I can't afford to lose anymore blood!" Aaron voiced, at Venotrix's sudden death clench she was applying to him. Venotrix was slow to answer him in kind, although when she did it wasn't the answer Aaron was expecting.

".... Listen to me very carefully" spoke Venotrix in a low tone as she resumed her previous acts of harassment towards Aaron while keeping a watchful glance down the tunnel. "Your Yautja friend is back" she whispered in Aaron's ear.

"What! The one that shot me!? Get the fuck off me and let me shoot at it or at least allow me to run in the opposite direction!" Aaron replied not as quietly as maybe he should have, given the current circumstance.

"No, right now with me being on top of you is the only thing keeping me alive and you from getting shot again yourself."

"So your solution is to continue the stalemate? Fuck this; I have a way better plan."

Acting nonchalantly, Aaron reached into right pocket while at the same time turning to face Venotrix and with his left hand, reach up and cup Venotrix jaw. "What are you doing?" Venotrix mumbled as Aaron drew her in close, just a hairs width apart from locking lips/mouths. "Don't get excited, this is still part of the plan" Aaron mumbled back as he slowly pulled the item he was looking for out of his pocket and readied it for use. "Now then," Aaron continued, "I am going to toss something over your back, it will be up to you to send it flying down the hall by hitting it with your tail; if this works we will have two to five seconds to high-tail ass down the hall. If this fucks up, well, we will probably both die."

"At least I'll die in your arms then if I miss" Venotrix purred back, "But don't worry, I rarely miss."

Aaron swore he heard laughter in his head, but chose to ignore it and removed the pin with his thumb, letting the grenade cook for two seconds, then chucked it over and pass Venotrix, who didn't miss a beat at sending it flying with a whip of her tail down the tunnel towards a startled hunched figure in the dark.

"Paya C'jit!" Isis swore aloud, diving towards the ground as the live frag came right towards her general direction and soon after with a concentrated detonation as well enhancing *Bang(ing)* noise due to the closed proximity of the tunnel.

"Get on!" Venotrix had managed to yell before the deafening explosion, crouching down on all fours to allow Aaron quick access to her back. Once on she wasted no time in sprinting at her maximum speed down the tunnel away the angered figure rising off the floor.

Isis, who was now brooding in rage, wasted no time in regaining her stance and activating her personnel built in AI unit within her helmet; cycling a multi-dart round into one of her mounted shoulder casters; taking careful aim, then preparing to fire the round down after the two. She would have opted for a volley of plasma bolts, but she didn't want to run the chance scorching a giant hole through the human on the Xenomorph's back or better yet, have him be showered in acidic blood.

Increasing her visors magnification by three clicks, Isis locked onto her desired target and sent the round sailing after the fleeing Xenomorph Runner and the human mounted on her back. The whistling noise of the shot was soon replaced by a startled, pained hiss from down the tunnel before both figures (Xeno and human) were engulfed in the darkness and out of Isis's range for another accurate attack. While Isis did score a hit on what she was aiming for, it didn't quite produce the best desired result she was expecting. Then again, the present outcome was the main reason Isis had chosen a multi-dart round to start with. Giving off an intended calming sigh before also sprinting down the tunnel, Isis pulled up her personal map layout of the area to check on the now active tracker moving across it....


(Jumping ahead 15 minutes)

Aaron thought he was going to vomit, he was fighting if off every time his "heroic stead" would scale up the side of the tunnel wall or completely start running on the tunnels ceiling itself before again dropping back down to the floor, sprinting at full speed the entire time. While the speed and quick dexterity were no doubt impressive, his human senses couldn't keep up with it without his stomach clenching up in protest while his head would briefly become hazy from the quick cycle of different level transactions. But given the occasion Aaron wasn't about to protest the pace or bazar pattern.... having heard and felt the whistling noise of the projected shot that had struck his equally bazar companion earlier. Despite all this, the ride was actually somewhat enjoyable as well relatively smooth; not to mention that ground the two were covering was phenomenal (to Aaron anyway).

Venotrix, presently acting the role of heroic stead, was starting to have difficulty keeping up her fast pace. After a few more minutes of continued mad sprinting she stopped her elaborate running style and concentrated on just running straight ahead on the tunnels concrete flooring and keeping a controlled breathing pattern. Even with that thou, the pain in both her thighs and lower legs was starting to become more sever and now started actually (performance wise) affect her. Granted Venotrix knew that she had covered more than enough ground to provide her mate and herself some breather time, she still pushed her body to hold up the present pace.

Really for the entire trip neither of the two spoke. Aaron would occasionally glance behind them only to be met with a dark empty passage staring back at him; glancing back ahead provided the same result with only the brief appearance of a faint glowing wall socketed light here and there. The clinking noise of Venotrix's claws across the concrete floor along with her controlled breathing provided the only means for Aaron to know that time was indeed passing by.... even if it felt extremely slow. However as the journey continued to drag on, he noted that Venotrix's breathing was becoming steadily more labored; it was a slow process, but it was starting to be apparent. Remarkably though Aaron couldn't detect any signs of her speed dropping in the slightest bit, which he found both again impressive but also slightly alarming.


No response.

"Venotrix?" Aaron tried again this time tapping the back side of her neck.

"What?" Venotrix responded back.

"Pullover for a minute."

"No." She flatly answered.

"You're tiring out, and my crotch is going num. Stop running for a few minutes to recover before you pass out from exhaustion. I can't carry you very far or very quickly if that happens." Aaron continued to reason.

"I will stop when we reach the end of this tunnel. Until then, shut up."

"You are also wounded." Aaron ignored the last stubborn statement.

"So what? It will heal." Venotrix countered.

"Not at the rate you're going" Aaron replied while glancing down Venotrix's back side, "it may be a bit dark in here for me to see 100% but I CAN see a few small blood trickles on your flank."

"I thought I told you to shut up?" Venotrix growled.

"Just pullover."

Growling, Venotrix reluctantly slowed down her pace until coming to complete stop in which Aaron wasted no time in getting off her backside to stretch his legs and crotch some to regain proper circulation. Venotrix did likewise to prevent her arms and legs from cramping up but was ultimately inspecting the condition of her legs.

"So far they seem fine." Stretching her left leg out fully and slowly retracting it, doing the same for the other. "Then why do I have a slight stinging sensation within them?" Venotrix continued to pounder. Hearing Aaron's footsteps behind her, she turned her head to see him kneeled down behind her examining her legs as well. She almost thought about teasing him, and had their situation been a bit more laxed, ask him for a little "treatment".

Pulling out his knife, Aaron carefully ran the flat ended face of the knife down Venotrix's right thigh. While trying to concentrate on locating signs of puncture wounds Aaron caught his gaze slowly drift up towards the (currently) thin green slit and darkened hole just above of that, belonging to the female Xeno that plagued him relentlessly ever since she managed to find him. "Great, it's finally happened.... My sub-consciousness has filed in female Xenomorph genitailia to my "finds attractive" list and also to the "release extra testosterone now" protocol, and then followed closely to the awkward boner stage.... Speaking of which....you've betrayed me." Aaron silently thought, forcing his gaze away from the site to continue his previous task and forcing his pelvic "inflammation" to reside.

Venotrix had to admit the cool surface of the knife felt sort of nice, until the blade rubbed over a small split in her chitin like armor skin. She had to fight the impulse to kick her leg straight into Aaron's stomach; had it been anyone else Venotrix wouldn't have bothered to hold back.

Noticing the restrained jerk, Aaron took silent note and hurried his inspection(s) to the rest of Venotrix's right leg and left before speaking. "I'm finding five puncture wounds, two on the right and three on the left; however I am not seeing anything poking out. Whatever hit you appears to have gone in clean, although with your extended sprinting session I can only image what their condition and location are now." Aaron finished, standing back up and cleaning of his knife to sheave it.

"Could you get them out if you knew where they were?" asked Venotrix who had now turned fully to face him.

"Not without losing my fingers." Aaron chuckled, "Also those punctures are quite small and thin, I would need a surgical tool to extract them.... Also one that can resist your acidic blood would be nice; otherwise I'd need several normal ones."

"*Sigh* Well we stopped, just like you wanted. Get back on and let's go before that Yautja bitch of yours shows up again."

"At the pace you were going, I don't think we will be seeing her anytime soon."

"Don't be so sure. Their kind is nowhere near as fast as mine, but they have quite the impressive stamina and endurance reserves. I would feel more at ease with the two of us out of this fucking narrow corridor. Or at least within an area with things I could conceal myself amongst." Venotrix mumbled the last bit more to herself than she did to Aaron.

"Alright. Just give me a few minutes to rig something up here." Ignoring the confused look that he received from Venotrix as well not brothering to give her a chance to object, Aaron went straight to work in looking for a good spot to leave behind what he had in mind. Without much to work with, he decided to use the two parallel wall lights nearby to conceal the first important part for the setup. Tearing up a small reel of gauze to connect and hold two grenades behind the lights, connecting the separate bundles in the center of the tunnel with another thin thread.

"Now I need some convincing bait that she'd want to closely inspect..." Aaron glanced down at his injured leg, "That, could work.... It would at least make her stop for a second." Pulling out his knife Aaron carefully cut off the bloodied gauze wrapped around his leg, quickly setting it to the side while he applied another batch of disinfectant over the two still apparent puncture wounds. Good news was the bleeding, for the most part, had stopped but his muscles still hurt like a bitch. Pulling out another role gauze Aaron rewrapped his leg and finished up setting up his trap before turning to face Venotrix, who had been overlooking the entire ordeal with curiosity.

"What is this about?" Venotrix asked, indicting the entire setup.

"It is a grenade bandolier, or that's one name for it. In simple terms when the thread is pulled," Aaron indicated the concealed string underneath the bloody gauze bandages, "the grenades pins that I hung on either side of this tunnel will be pulled loose. Making them active and set to explode within four seconds. If my other pursuer trips this, it might kill her; but given her kind's size and obvious strength it will more likely just send her spinning off to the side in a confused state, slowing her down for a while."

"If you say so, but neither of us is going to stay to find out. Get on and let's keep heading for this tunnels exit." Venotrix spoke after giving Aaron's setup a look over. Facing their previous direction of desired travel and crouching down low on all fours to allow him on.

"That's not necessary," said Aaron as he walked passed Venotrix, "it wouldn't sit well with me riding on you when I know your legs are injured; not that it did start with but that's for an entirely different reason. Besides, we are going to take a scenic route out--"Aaron was cut short of finishing his proposal as Venotrix abruptly sprang in front of him, lips back and snarling.

"No you are NOT doing one of your stupid stunts again!" Venotrix quickly objected. "Every time you come up with one of your miraculous ideas shit goes array and within the process you either cause more trouble or come close to dying." Regaining her composer a little, Venotrix continued, "If your life wasn't tied to the Embryos than I wouldn't have any objection. Yet at the same time I probably would have killed you before this whole ideal transpired."

"What can I say, I live on the edge on a consecutive basis; despite my attempts to fly under the radar. But that was in the terms and conditions when I signed up for the service life so I'm not complaining, much. And in any case, what do you expect us to do when we reach the end of this tunnel? I don't expect that the very thick bulk door(s) are going to: A. Work, B. Open, C. Have reliable power, D. Some of your friends intercept us before we get there, and E. Not have some of our pursuer's friends waiting on the other side. The latter of which would get you killed along with me being caught and everyone is left a bit disappointed. Except for the Predators, they'll have a field day with that one.

"Hmm. I suppose you have a point..." Venotrix pondered, "Don't worry about the fourth scenario thou, I already received permission from the Queen for this whole operation. She was even kind enough to lend us, more correctly me, some backup support."

"Buh? How did--"

"You really didn't think that I managed to get your friends out of imprisonment and get us all this far without any mishaps, excluding the one still occurring, let alone not have half the Hive on our tail bent on retrieving you? Come now, be smart." Venotrix replied, giving Aaron's forehead a light jab with her bladed tail. "The Queen also held similar views to yours about you surviving for much longer than a day or two with your new wounds and should worse come to worse; the Yautja overrunning and taking the Hive, it would be best to have you be elsewhere. Not to mention the "session" the three of us had earlier also helped persuade her opinion for my--your request."

"There's another memory I didn't want to remember resurfacing...." Aaron briefly thought while rubbing his forehead before saying, "So we have backup, where? Not a lot of good they have done us so far."

"They are all scouting ahead and relaying to me safe passages and/or enemy whereabouts; I guess I should have had one or two stay behind in case the others missed something, or in this case the enemy flanked us.... Well in any case I will consent with your new stupid plan....... Lead the way, hot shot."

"Right then." Aaron uneasily answered still rubbing his forehead as he walked past Venotrix, a feeling of uneasiness starting to grow inside him. "Since when has she been that easy to persuade.... And without mention or partaking in sex? She's not telling me something...." Shrugging it off for now, Aaron turned his thoughts to more pressing concerns as he and Venotrix continued down the tunnel.


(Our Tech Support Team)

Having no success in regaining access the Control Network or finding anything that would help the two escape from the building, Nathan and Mark had given up with playing it safe and were now in the process of carrying out their next plan of action. In which Mark stayed up in the Navigation/Communications control room waiting for Nathan to reset the system(s) down in the Engineering Tech. area; as to allow them to continue on with their pressing endeavor.

"Alright remind me again, which wire do I pull and reattach to the circuit breaker?" Nathan asked through the headset to Mark for the umpteenth time. Between awkwardly hanging within the engineering area for the Central Relay and Control module for this entire building while also rearranging devices of which he honestly had no clue about their function/purpose and also having to keep an alert monitor of his surroundings for Predators, well, Nathan was having a rough time orienting between the three tasks efficiently.

"Ughh. The wire set wrapped in either a blue or purple plastic cable. Once connected reset THAT circuit breaker and open its flow. That should reset the security up here for me." Mark wearily replied back through the headset.

"Right but there's several wire bundles that match that description." Nathan groaned back, holding two identical sets of wire(s) in his hands. "Can't I just unplug then re-plug this entire system to restart it?"

"Do you know the admin password? No? Then don't. You will completely fuck everything up in here."

"Okay fine. Here...." Nathan paused as he struck the two wire sets together and into the circuit, opening its flow. "Is that doing anything?"

"Yeah it is. The lights are starting flicker on and off in quick succession. Now I just need the security taken down like I asked for earlier!" Mark yelled back.

"Alright, that does it." Throwing the wire bundles in his lap aside Nathan crawled, then marched his way towards the far wall lined with breaker boxes. Going down the row he started to pull down the levers for each one till only the one for the mainframes power was left. "Here it goes, start praying!" As soon as the last lever was drawn the entire complex (within and out) went pitch dark, not even the emergency power kicked on. Nathan quickly ran back down the line flipping the levers back up and after a pause the lights began to kick back on.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! I TOLD YOU NOT TO--oh hey, the screens are firing up.... And the security is not activating.... Seems good to go." A surprised Mark replied.

"See? What I'd tell ya, I knew it would work." Nathan boosted as he began to make his way out of the Engineering Tech. area as quickly and quietly as possible.

"We are extremely lucky that it worked, most cases that type of stunt either fries the entire system or locks it down completely. But more concerning now is the fact that this entire building is starting to light up. With it being the only one around to be doing so... We will be having a lot of unwelcomed company soon. So Thanks for that Nathan, I mean really, way to go."

"You gave me the task of getting all this junk to working condition for your end of operation, and I did. So quit your bitching and hurry up and send out those messages so we can get out. I'll make my way down into the basement near tbe Sewer Maintenance lift that I showed you on the map for us to escape through and have the area all set and cleared upon your arrival." Nathan quickly responded, sprinting towards the mentioned destination.

"And I'm to get there how exactly within our limited time frame here?" Mark asked.

"Take the elevator, jump out the window, fall down the stairs even. I don't know! Like you said we will be having visitors soon so why bother trying to act inconspicuous any longer given our circumstances? Let's just fucking go!" Nathan yelled back over the com.

"Fine, you better not ditch me is all I'm saying." Mark grumbled back while furiously typing awhile at the keyboard(s) in front of him.

Within a minute's time, Mark had successfully uploaded and downloaded Nathans scripted files onto Vergo's Colony transmitter as well begin sending out the broadcast to as many locations within range as possible. Once satisfied with the amount of white noise chatter he was creating in the area, did Mark begin setting up a communications channel with the USS Carolina still flying in Vergo's stratosphere.

/// This is EBR Marine unit Echo. Ground situation is a no go, numerous life and equipment casualties. Home base has been destroyed and no contingency plan or leadership is within place. Requesting IMMEDIATE EVACUATION to discrete and coded site ASAP along with time frame estimates. WARNING: Enemy is monitoring all aspects of the area. Communications is not secure. Disperse reply. I repeat: DISPERSE CODED REPLY. ///

With the message signal sent out, Mark could only nervously and anxiously wait for the remaining crew in the USS Carolina to receive and hopefully respond relatively quickly to the distress call. More hopefully, the response would go unnoticed by the Predators for a time as well the code being scripted enough to mask their exact location and allow him, Aaron, Nathan, and what few others remained of their group arrive to the evac site and get the hell out of here alive.

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