The Adventures of Lewis

Story by Ligiastorm on SoFurry

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Lewis glanced down on his map, and checked his position, he didn't have a road on the way he was headed so he explored this mysterious path, fresh tire tracks lead down the way. As Lewis neared an outcropping of rock, there was the rattling sound of dollars opening, and a truck flew by, barely missing him. Dusting himself off, Lewis walked into the underground area, not sure what he would find.

The trainer glanced in shock as he walked down the corridors, clones of a new type of pokemon called Lucario, was in all of them. There was variation to these, they looked more like black foxes with clothes. Their eyes were soulless, and he couldn't help but feel like he was looking at himself. His pokemon had been taken away from him, and he was trying to find where they stored them when he came into the labs. As the trainer walked, the walls surged with electricity, and he heard the screams of a pokemon, it sounded more human than any other. As he rounded the corner he placed his hands on the far wall, and was shocked till he lost consciousness.

A few hours later, the being woke up, he looked down at his hands, yet they were not his own, it was the pokemon he had seen earlier. He screamed with horror as he stared back at his reflection, the glass shattering from his psychic powers. He looked around for his body, and found it terribly destroyed by the electrical wall. He heard a dark chuckle behind him and he turns," Funny, how you showed up, when I was trying to infuse human dna and the pokemon dna in your body. The transmission of you into this creature, will always be your body now. Your old one is beyond all saving. " , the scientist said. The creature screamed and energy surrounding his body made the labs explode, and he disappeared from the place.

As the new creature walked he stopped at a small stream, tears flowing down his cheeks, looking at his reflection, he cursed deeply wishing he'd never had become an elite trainer. Now being torn between sorrow and rage, he carves his name into a stone, "Lewis. " , it read. As he walked down the road he notices some trainers, and he avoids them easily, and walks down the road some more.

When a voice stops him," Huh? What kind of pokemon are you? " , he turns to see a trainer with a Machop at his side. ' Leave me alone...I am not a pokemon worth capturing. And I will not be as I remain here. ' , Lewis said telepathically. The trainer narrows his eyes and smiles," I could use a psychic type. " , and orders Machop to attack him, which it obeys. Lewis raises a gloved hand at the Machop, and it stops in mid-attack, and with a hard punch Lewis sends him flying away. ' Like I said leave me alone. ' he says again this time, disappearing from sight.

Lewis went into the wilderness, and stayed there, unable to go back to his home and family, he decided that it was best for him to live out his life away from everyone. Something then caught his attention, his mind sensed someone powerful, and he looks above him. He sees Mewtwo, he rolls his eyes,' What do you want? Can't you see I want to be left alone?' , he asks. Mewtwo just looks at him, and lands not to far from him, ' I had to see what Giovanni was doing so I managed to sneak into his compound and see you escape. You're far more powerful than me, or Mew. Who are you?' , Mewtwo asks. ' I am Lewis, I am abomination made by the scientist who was known as Mr. Sherad. I am the ultimate pokemon. I am have powers that only you could wish for, I have power over the weather, fire,water, air, ice, metal, earth, light, and darkness. I am the beacon of light that remains in this world. I was also a trainer who had been put into this body, my original body was destroyed during the transfer. ' , he explains.

Mewtwo looked at Lewis with understanding, " I know how that feels to be treated like a lab rat. I was supposed to be the ultimate pokemon too, but I was power hungry and nearly destroyed a young man in the process, ' , he says. Mewtwo and Lewis were really close now, and Mewtwo trailed his hand over Lewis' shoulder while the black fox wept. After the tears were dry, Mewtwo leans down and kisses him, Lewis was shocked at first, but then he liked how he felt on his lips.

The two intertwine themselves around each in the hug, one long passionate kiss seemed to last forever, but they stopped for breath. Lewis laid back for Mewtwo, and he felt as the pokemon places his cock at his entrance, and slowly pushes in.

Wincing a little, Lewis told him," Keep going it feels great..." , he said, and Mewtwo takes control, and fucks like there was no end to their night of endless fucking.Lewis was getting really hot, and his balls churned as Mewtwo fucked his ass, and he nearly howls as he feels Mewtwo explode in his ass. Lewis returns the favor to Mewtwo, and sucks the pokemon off. His mouth moves up and down like a bouy on open water.

Lewis then lowers his hips to align his cock against him and finds himself panting as the two hot places touched, his cock to the back of Mewtwo's ass, and the hot pulsating cock that ebbed after he pushed into him as few times trying to get his hot cum into Mewtwo's body, looking at Mewtwo, and he looking back at him, he realises that its time to says. " Oh gawd....Metwo, you're amazing. " he says, fucking him harder, and he sighs as he release into Mewtwo.

By the time Lewis and Mewtwo stopped, the sun started to raise up over the horizon. " I have a place we can rest. " , Mewtwo teleports them to a cave, and he lays down next to Lewis, and soon they're both asleep.

The gentle breeze inside the cave made him stir, and he looks at Mewtwo laying next to him, sleeping softly. ' I really can't stay, I need to find my own path. But thank you for making me happy again.' Lewis thought, and he walks out of the cave, the night sky hung overhead, as he walked through the forest, and came to rest at a stream.

" What do you mean Mewtwo is missing? We just recaptured him! ", Giovanni yelled. " Yes, sir, something disturbed his slumber, sir. There was nothing we could do to stop him. " , the scientist replied. " Oh well, its not like he won't come back, even though he's a lonewolf, he still comes back loyal to his old master. " ,Giovanni replies. After the transmission ended, he petted his persian on his lap, and went to bed.

The following morning Lewis walked along the road, and saw a town, jumping from wall to rooftop to rooftop, he carefully managed to avoid the prestine Aquamarine City. After stopping to rest, he goes and eats some wild berries.

The next thing he remembers is waking up in a poke center...

End of Part 1