All Part of Being A Soldier

Story by Oros Triago on SoFurry

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Operation code name: SABATEUR.

Operatives: Captain Ivan McCulivan.

Sergeant Akira Samai

Specialist Harold Ferris

Private First Class Devon Macrow.

Mission objective complete. Casualties one. Injured one.

Report shows Intel was secured. Private First Class Devon Macrow died during escape. Cause of death: target rigged with explosives, was trapped inside as his team escaped when left with no choice. Specialist Harold Ferris requested discharge: approve and deemed an honourable discharge.

Eyes up, keep up. Devon thought as he and his other squad members made their way deeper into the large building. They were on a infiltration mission. Main objective: get in, find what you can then get the hell out. Alive.

Which brings up why the young private Devon Macrow was on a mission behind enemy lines along with several other squad mates. They were to infiltrate a building that the government had known about for some time now and recently it had a sudden explosion of activity.

Of course, they immediately wanted someone to get in and find out what was happening. And that was where Devon came in. While the young twenty one year old was a rookie, he sure as hell had one hell of a shot! His quick reflexes aiding him both in fights and in his shots, having the highest score to the target range. All head shots, no civvie casualties.

Devon, along with three others, quickly pressed themselves against either side of a large wooden door. Devon was on the inside while across from him was the squad leader and captain, Ivan. The grizzled soldier looked up from below the combat helmet he wore and nodded once, his hand already holding a flash bang.

Most of the building had been empty save for the lone man or two. They were dispatched easily, two shots winding them either on their knees to be tied or fallen to the ground dead. But now standing at the door they heard massive activity from the other side. Feet shuffling, machines rumbling and a strange mechanical noise that Devon had never heard of.

Devon returned the nod, his blue eyes already ready to shoot to his assault rifle should they need to make a blood bath. 'On my mark.' Ivan mouthed to his squad members, holding his hand out to show his three fingers up.


Devon slowed his breathing, preparing for the worst. Behind him was his one and only friend, a man named Harold, readying his clip. Across from them and standing behind Ivan was Aki, shuffling his feet as he readied to go in guns a blazing.


Their grips tightened, all breathing in slow unison.


Here we go. Devon thought as the last finger was lowered. He quickly reached over and pushed the door wide open. "Flash out!" Roared the squad leader as he popped the pin and tossed the small non lethal explosive out. A loud bang followed by a flash followed and men began to roar.

Devon was already in the room, his gun at the ready. Sure enough, bullets whizzed past his head and one even ricocheted of his helmet but he ignored it. The rule was not to fire unless fired upon. He was definitely being fired upon.

His gun darted several times, flashes from his barrel indicating his bullets flying out before finally flipping a nearby metal table and taking cover behind it. Next to him, Harold took cover as well. Both looked at each other and grinned.

"Going in whole..." Harold began, grinning like a child at a party. Except this party was deadly, bullets whizzing past over the table and into the hard thick steel.

"...and going out the same the way. Let's do this Harry!" The private first class grinned back, completing Harold's sentence. Both looked up and over the table and opened fire, their bullets smashing into several men wearing lab coats and guns in their hands as they ran to better shooting positions.

"YEEEEEE FUCKIN HAAAAAAAWWWW MUDDA FUCKERS!" They heard Aki scram as he whipped out two SMGs. Several men died before the Asian-Canadian as he blasted in a wide arc. Ivan meanwhile, sat back at the door, his DMR doing his talking for him as men fell over, blood dripping from their heads.

Devon was forced to duck when a bullet smashed into the metal just below his chin, but even then he heard the screams of the dying and he looked up in time to see Aki take a bullet to the leg. "Gods damn you!" He roared out as he rolled behind a large machine.

"Macrow! Ferris! Cover fire now!" Ivan roared out and Devon and Harold followed their orders, standing up to fire off several rounds. The enemy troops ducked behind cover as Ivan ran to the side. There he began to bandage up the Asian before returning fire once more.

The battle didn't last much longer and soon, all was still and quiet in the large room yet again. The only casualty they had was Aki with a bullet just above the knee, through the thigh.

"Right. Harold, get to that terminal and download anything you see interesting." Ivan ordered, pointing at a nearby computer terminal. Harold nodded and began typing away at the keyboard, a USB hard rive plugged in. Ivan turned to the wounded Aki "and you....don't touch anything."

Aki only grinned sheepishly and shrugged. "Ain't my fault I'm a curious little man." He chuckled. Ivan shook his head and turned to look around for Devon.

"Devon?" He called out when he didn't see him. "Devon?! Where the bloody blazes is he?"

"Over here Captain!" The trio heard call from behind some strange machinery. Ivan and Aki left Harold to tinker with the computer more and followed the source of Devon's voice. The two had indeed found him rather easily but what he was looking at stunned them.

It was like a giant machine from the show Star Trek, the one that portals them down and off planets. The bottom and top covered in glowing white tiles while all around was glass save for the back which was made of metal. The way in was a door, one that had no handle and appeared remote control. The metal above and below it was polished to a shining gleam, various tubes and wires running from the top to the other smaller ones near it.

"What the hell is it Captain?" Aki said as they approached it. Devon sat at the top of the stairs, just outside the door. He had removed his helmet, his natural brown hair free from its confines.

"I don't know and I sure as hell don't want to." Ivan muttered, slowly poking the side of the machine. He took a step back like it would've bit him if he didn't.

Devon meanwhile had his curiosity going hay wire. He wanted a closer look. A reeeeaaal close look. Slowly and carefully, he began to enter the machine. "Macros! What the hell are you doing?!" He heard his captain call out but he only looked back over his shoulder to answer.

"Just taking a look Cap." He grinned, slowly making his way to the centre of the transparent walled machine. But then his eyes went wide when he saw movement behind his two squad members. "CAPTAIN!"

Sensing something was amiss, Ivan spun on his heels to see a once believed dead soldier jump to the side towards a console. The bastard was playing dead. "Shit!" He yelled, grabbing his gun. A second later and the man was smacked by a bullet in the chest. But he had did what he needed to do, his finger pressing a rather large ominous red button.

Immediately the door on the machine closed, sealing Devon inside. The room suddenly went dark, red alarms all around going off to bath the room blood red. "Captain!" Devon screamed from within the machine, smashing his fists against the glass.

He watched as Harold ran over and the three had a fierce talk. Ivan turned to look directly at Devon and he knew at that moment what was happening. They were going to leave him. "No! NONONONONONO!" He screamed over and over again as he bashed at the glass but it did not yield. He looked back up helplessly as Harold argued with the Captain before suddenly pulling his rifle out to blast the glass. Still it did not give as the bullets bounced off like they were nothing.

"Hell." He murmured, realizing the 'glass' was a bullet proof alternative. Devon watched as his friend ran up and began to bash against the resistant fibre, trying with all his might to free him. But then Devon smiled assuringly and placed his hands up to the glass.

"Go." He mouthed to his friend. "Go. Don't worry about me. Just go." Devon knew what was happening, the large countdown clock in the ceiling telling him what was happening. The building was set to blow.

Harold watched him for several moments with tearful eyes then finally, reluctantly, he turned and left along with Aki and Ivan. He stood there for a moment before finally turning away from the glass and leaned against the flat metal on the other side. As soon as his head hit the surface, he felt a click then a whir.

"Tee minus twenty seconds until initiation." He heard a prerecorded voice say within the chamber and turned to watch as a panel slid open to reveal a small screen, numbers quickly going down. Looking at the outside room he saw that the clock had twenty one.

At that moment, Devon didn't think of anything of it. More then likely the machine he was in was meant to kill as well. Either way, which timer went of first had no meaning to the man as he was dead either way.

"C'mon then..." He muttered to no one as he watched the red lights go down and down. "...take me to the grave then you piece of shit."

Then a bright flash blinded him, making him cover his eyes. He heard a loud boom then he felt the floor give way and he began to fall. Down, down, down Devin fell feeling like he was being torn apart, his body being pulled in every direction possible. It was like he was sucked into a raging vortex, his body flown this way and that. Instinctively, he began to thrash about as though he might be able to grab something.

Yet, as he flailed about, there was nothing for him to grab. After falling for several seconds, he gave up and allowed the current of white light to take him. Where he was going, what was to become of him, didn't matter. All that mattered was the simple peacefulness of it.

Then that too was gone and the soldier fell flat into something hard.

His mind was foggy, his vision blurry but as he opened his eyes he saw he was in grass. He was alive but he was barely conscious. Closing his eyes once more, he only opened them against to see the blurry shape of booted feet of a soldier standing over him.

The rest he couldn't remember quite well. What he could was merely him being picked up and carried a ways away. Devon couldn't recall how long his saviour had carried him but soon his idea of the person being a saviour was wrong as he was tossed roughly into a empty cell save for a metal bed along with a mirror opposite of the bed along with a small toilet.

It was there where he fell unconscious completely, where he had dreamt of nothing. And when Devon awoke, he found himself to be in a white room, a puddle of foul liquid next to his face. Nothing more then a cell meant to hold people for questioning. He assumed he had been captured by the enemy for further questions, to know what he knew.

Standing up, he slowly limped his way to the bed where he sat down and sighed. He escaped death by some stroke of luck but now he was to be tortured for answers. "Join the army they said..." He groaned as he rubbed his aching ankle. "'ll be great they said. You'll make friends, be a hero, get laid, yet not a single fucking thing about being captured by a country on a world domination spree."

Looking up, Devon spotted a tray just underneath of the door with a glop of some gruel there. It was then he realized how hungry he was and he went over. Bending down, Devon snorted when he saw it as just a mess with no utensil to help eat it. "Could've at least given me a spoon or something." He muttered and jumped when a spork was slid underneath as well. He grabbed it and went back to the bed. "Thank you."

He ate in silence, his eyes on the window before him. He knew it was a one way mirror. Why else would there be one the size of a frigging wall in a cell? But he didn't care. Let them watch, they'll want him dead by the end of this anyways.

After finishing the meal, he went and slid the tray under the door only to watch it be grabbed and pulled away. Sighing, he went and laid down to wait for his captors to appear. The rest of the day nothing happened save for a new tray later on to indicate dinner. Afterwards, he merely began to exercise. There were bars above his head so he did various things on them to keep boredom at bay until he fell into a fitful sleep on the metal bed.


The next morning was the exact same as the day before. Breakfast followed by exercise. But in the afternoon he was shocked beyond belief when the door opened and a man entered the room followed by two others, each holding a rifle towards him. But it was what the man was that made him gawk.

He was humanoid, with feet and hands like any ordinary man but the rest sure as hell wasn't. He was covered in thick grey and black fur from head to toes, his hands had claws sticking out of each finger and in his one hand was a cigarette which he puffed on. His face however, was that of a great white wolfs and he wore the suit of a general within his own army!

The men behind him were two different animals as well. The one to his right was a raccoon, the badge on his shoulder indicating him as a Sergeant while the other was a bald eagle, his emblem a private. What the hell was going on here?

"So..." The wolf began taking a step forward to inspect Devon. "...this is our little alien huh? Not what I expected." The wolf man suddenly grinned. "Not what I expected at all."

Devon felt suddenly insulted as the wolf turned to the two behind him. "A chair if you will Private." The eagle saluted and left, coming right back in to open a folding chair for the wolf. "Tell me boy, why are you here?" The wolf asked the man before him. "Why have you come to earth?"

Devon sat back appalled. Earth?! The last time he checked there was nothing of the likes of humanoid Wolves, eagles, and raccoons on earth! "Look..." Devon began as the men raised their weapons once more at him. "I-I don't know what the hell is going here! One moment I was to be killed in an explosion and now I'm here, alright."

The general nodded as he leaned back in his seat. "Then tell me what you were doing." He mused silently taking another inhale of the smoke. "Why were you to die? How did you get here?"

Devon made an audible gulp. "Look I don't know what the hell is going on-" the General stopped him by raising a furred hand to silence Devon. He promptly sat back, breathing a sigh.

"Look either you tell us willingly or..." He indicated towards one of the soldiers behind him which approached Devon with his rifle up. "...we can do it the hard way." Without warning the raccoon smashed the butt of his rifle into Devon's face, his head shooting off to the side. It wasn't full force but it did hurt like hell.

"Look..." Devon began, rubbing his chin as he looked up at the raccoon angrily before the general. " said that earth right?" The wolf nodded and Devon spat to the side, blood splattering along the pearly white flooring. "Then bring me a damn map. You won't believe me home...was called earth as well."

The wolf blinked as Devon's fists suddenly clenched. "I-I need to know...what the hell is going on! I was in a damn building set to blow! Not a machine-!" His eyes went wide as the general whispered to the eagle who immediately left. "A machine...that's it!"

Both the wolf and raccoon jumped when Devon shot to his feet. "The machine!" When both the wolf and the raccoon stared he promptly went on to explain what happened to him and his squad members. The details of the mission, who he was with, the battle, the machine and how he was trapped inside due to a enemy trooper faking his death before setting the times explosives in the building.

"That must have sent me here!" Devon finished, slapping his fist into his open palm. "When I activated it, it went off shortly before The bombs did! But..if that's true..." His eyes went to the ground. "...and the bombs did go"

The general sitting before him finished what Devon was about to say. "It's destroyed, thus you can't return home..." The wolf had a grim look to his face. "...nor can anyone come and get you."

At that moment the private returned with a folded up piece of paper. Standing over the generals shoulder, he gave it to the wolf who spread it down on the ground. Devon looked down as he unfolded it and, as piece after piece showed, his eyes went wide incredulously.

"No..." He whispered as he bent down to look at the world map. "No...this IS earth! Look!" He suddenly pointed to the strange boot shaped piece of land Italy. " and over here! America!" His hand went towards the eastern continent, pointing to the larger land mass with USA written in bold letters across it.

"But...but how...?" His hand shaking violently, Devon sat back in his chair and began to tremble. "This has to be a dream..." His eyes squeezed shut, as though closing them would wipe away what had just transpired. "This has to be! I can't a goddamn parallel universe!"

Suddenly, the wolf smacked Devon hard on the arm and made him yelp. Devon glared at him afterwards as he rubbed his now sore arm. "A dream wouldn't punch you boy. Somehow you wounded up here and I don't know how. If what you say is true then ya damn well better get used to being here." He stood up to leave. "I doubt you'll be going home anytime soon and I know the government doesn't trust you. They believe your a goddamn alien meant to harm us."

Devon stared at him slack jawed as the wolf began to leave. "But don't you worry. I'll talk them into at least giving you the rights of an ordinary citizen." He turned to look at the private once more. "But until then you'll be stuck in here until the government sees that you are no threat. You'll be given some outside time from time to time to keep you fit and I'll see the cook feeds you well."

Then he was gone, the door closed shut and he was alone. Another universe?! He screamed in his head, his blue eyes never leaving the door. ANOTHER UNIVERSE?! Then it all sank in. After mindless thinking for several hours, Devon laid himself back down on the bed where he cried himself to a fitful sleep.


The next day he had slept in. When he awoke, a tray was immediately pushed into his cell. Seems the cook sure as hell didn't like the idea of feeding something not of this world. But at least it was normal this time. Bacon, eggs, and toast. As he ate he wondered if the people slaughtered their own for food or if there were more animalistic versions like normal animals. Either way it was good. Real good. Just really fucking creepy to think of what they had to kill to eat.

"Compliments to the chef." Devon called out as he slid the now empty tray back underneath the door. There was a snort, like a pig, followed by the fading sounds of hoofs on metal.

After that, he relieved himself of buildup within his body and, shortly afterwards, the raccoon and eagle from the day before walked in. While they appeared less threatening in their new, modern day garb, the guns on their hips proved that they didn't trust him.

"C'mon alien boy." The raccoon smiled. "The general says we gotta get you some exercise so move that furless ass." He promptly smacked Devon hard on the shoulder, getting him to move.

The eagle glared at him. "Knock it off Sam. He's didn't do anything to you." He retorted angrily as they began to walk. At least someone didn't view him as a monster.

The raccoon only snorted in reply. "Yet." He muttered. "He didn't do nothing yet Kendro. Just you wait. By next week..." He glared at Devon suddenly. "We'll be over run by the freaks."

Kendro merely sighed as the raccoon went on ahead after that. Seems he didn't even want to near Devon. "Sorry about that." The eagle apologized, turning to look at him. "He's a nice guy really. He's just...a little judgemental at first."

Devon nodded before following the strange humanoid bird. "Don't worry about it." He comforted. "I'm actually used to it. I was...kinda a loner back home to be honest."

"Ah...I see." Kendro mumbled looking down at his feet for a moment. "Well no matter." He looked back up and smiled at Devon as he turned to leave. Just outside he indicated for the man to follow. "I'm sure you'll find friends here."


A few minutes later and Kendro lead the way to outside the base of the facility. Looking back proved it was a simple building looking much like an high school. But outside proved other wise, various barracks blocks and hangars and the such. But he was also freaked out, various people walking around and marching in line, most staring at him incredulously.

"I really don't agree with this idea." Devon groaned as what appeared to be a pit bull stared at him as the male walked past. Nearby, Sam snorted as he leaned against the wall outside of the main office while Kendro merely smiled and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry man." He grinned as more men and women walked past, their jaws dropping. "I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm right here and the general asked to make sure no one hurts you. Well, at least until we find someone to guard you properly."

"Sigh whatever." Devon shrugged, noticing a nearby basketball court. " I'm just...gunna shoot some hoops."

The eagle watched Devon slowly make his way across the field towards the paved area, his head slightly down. "Do you...want me to join you?" Kendro asked slowly, a little worried for the man. Devon didn't reply verbally, only shook his head back and forth as he walked.

Devon gazed around sadly as he stopped in the middle of the court. He ignored all the glares from the various people around him, to him he thought just let them stare. What did it matter? He wasn't going home nor will he ever...he shook his last thought away, far too depressing even for him.

His heart heavy with sadness, Devon grabbed a nearby idle orange Basketball and began to dribble it, the slow bounces showing to the many glares he was getting how depressed the man was. And yet, he smirked as he realized how well he was doing in this situation. Most would be scared shitless over the idea of being in some 'alternate world' with anthropomorphic animals inhabiting it and not humans.

Instead, all he felt was sorrow. Sorrow for losing his only friend, sorrow for being in a place he didn't know anything about, where he...would never find his parents. The one thing he yearned to know about himself was who his parents were. The first chance they got and they dumped him at a nearby orphanage. The reason was that they 'couldn't afford to keep him' so they felt they had no choice. But Devon...he wanted to know for himself, wanted to know why he was abandoned, to know why he was left behind.

But now he never will meet them and he was greatly depressed about it.

So there he was, dribbling a ball with his mind set on things a person should not be dwelling on. After all...should one find himself in a strange place would it not be a wise decision to try keeping oneself happy? But no, instead Devon threw the ball several times with each one missing, ignoring the looks of bewilderment directed at him.

"What's wrong with you Big guy?" He heard a feminine voice ask from behind him. He didn't even bother to look over his shoulder at the approaching foot steps, instead just grunted and threw yet another ball. It bounced off the back board and towards him but when Devon turned to catch it, he was stopped when a brown hand covered in small scales caught it.

Devon's gaze wandered up the firm and strong looking yet feminine arm, up past the shoulder with a tank top strap and into glorious gold eyes with slits for pupils. Without thinking, he was immediately captivated by the woman's eyes, like his soul was being sucked into them. Blinking, he looked away and examined the rest of her only to be captured by that just as much.

She was a snake, a type of Python by the looks of it and a gorgeous one too. Her curved hips making her already appealing, her large breasts only adding to her perfect body. Her legs and arms showed muscle, her torso too having a masculine appearance despite being the opposite sex with a faint outline of a six pack. Yet it was not the kind of masculinity that made her handsome but rather sexy, like a supermodel wearing military issued clothing. Her mouth was on a neutral appearance as she stared at the smaller man for she dwarfed him in size, standing a good seven and a half feet tall with a lollipop sticking out of her luscious lips. Behind a her a long, thick tail swished behind her with some of it trailing on the ground.

"Mind if I joined you?" The python asked, her eyes looking him up and down while she hung the ball between her arm and body. He felt his face begin to flush red at the sight of her. "You look like you could go for another player, Big Guy."

Devon scowled at her. "Leave me alone." He complained, turning as though to leave. He didn't want to deal with anyone of his own people, let alone some python girl. Even she was...quite attractive to say the least.

"Why?" He heard her question as he began to walk. It made him stop dead in his tracks. Such a simple question and yet so hard to answer. Devon looked back at her only to see her face still in that serious manner, her one free hand scratching her hairless brown head. Does that piece of candy sticking out of her mouth make her look more mature?

"Look, I don't want to answer that." The human sighed, turning to leave once more. But once more she stopped him.

"And again: why?" She asked again amusedly, taking a slow step only to lean towards him allowing him a clear view of her cleavage which bounced a small bit as she moved. He took a step back and blushed, quickly looking away. Such milky white belly scales and such big breasts....

"Just leave me alone alright!"


"Please! I just don't want to deal with anyone!"

"Why not?"

Devon squeezed his eyes shut tight. "B-Because I'm depressed alright!" He finally yielded, blurting out at the beautiful snake before him. A faint smile played on her face.

"Why?" The snake questioned yet again. Now He was furious with her. What the hell was this chicks problem? Why was she harassing him so much?

"Are you seriously..." He began to say angrily, pointing a finger rudely at her. "...that desperate to play a game of basketball with me?!"

Now she really was smiling. "Yes." Was all she simply said as she stood back up. She began to dribble the ball back and forth between both hands. Her golden yellow eyes never leaving him as she did so. The snake did it in confidence too, each bounce showing a little skill as though she's done this for years.

Devon blinked and took a step back in surprise at her simple answer. But then he regained his composure and snorted. "Fine then." He grunted, quickly looking off to the side to see Kendro staring at them with a slack jawed expression. "Kendro! That a timer round your neck?!"

Kendro jumped when his voice was called and grabbed the thread around his necklace, staring dumbly at the watch. Then he blinked, realizing he was asked a question. "Y-Yes!" The eagle cried running up to the side of the court.

Devon nodded. "Good. Set it to five minutes." He growled, eyeing the snake angrily. She wanted a game fine. Not his problem if he beats her into the ground because of how bad she wanted it. Now she had such a smug expression as she turned to watch as a crowd began to form around them.

"Bruce!" She hollered out and a burly gorilla with arms as thick as a man came lumbering over. The snake held the ball out to the newcomer. "Care to do the honours?"

The gorilla saluted the woman. "T'would be my honour Colonel Jetner." He snorted, his wide nostrils becoming even wider as he took the ball. Both Devon and the 'colonel' approached while the ape between them held the ball low. Both stared intently at each other, Devon with a sneer while the woman had a bemused smile.

Colonel? Explains for the crowd. They want to see what the strange creature before them was capable of and what better then to pit him against one of the more experienced soldiers. Devon thought as the eagle Kendro approached, his thumb on the button to start it off. Yet Devon paid the eagle no heed, his focus solely on the woman before him. W_ould you stop smiling at me?!_

"Rules of the game are simple..." The gorilla, Bruce, began to explain to them both. "One on one, no foul play, the one with the most points by the time the timer goes off wins. Points increase the farther the shot." He raised his arm to pint at each line before each post. "One at the closest, two at the middle, and three at the farthest. Half point or farther will give you five points. Ready..." The hairy man lowered the ball, both contestants tensing as he did so. A moment later and he tossed it into the air far above. "GO!"

Almost immediately the python jumped up and used her bigger height to her advantage, grabbing the ball before it even hit the ground. Devon however expected this and instead jumped back rather then up. When she first bounced it, he made a swipe and grabbed it only to dribble down the court.

He didn't even make it halfway before she was in front of him. Thinking fast, Devon tried moving to the left only to feign it and instead go to the right. He was surprised when it didn't work and she stole the orange ball right back.

Damn it! The human swore in his head as he tried to keep up with the speeding snake only to stop and watch her shoot the ball at the two pointer. It made a swishing noise as it sunk into the basket, the crowd giving out a cheer as she did so.

"Two points!" Roared Bruce as the girl began to walk back, Devon fuming as he went to retrieve the ball. He blinked however when a kangaroo gave the basketball to him.

"Ya ain't gunna win mate." He grinned ridiculously. "Good oil' Evelina never lost a match since she joined!" Devon only rolled his eyes as he ripped the ball away.

"Neither have I 'mate.'" He scowled as he turned to face the snake. He dribbled the ball lightly up to half court where he stared at her. Even now, Evelina still had that smile. It was now REALLY starting to piss him off. But he ignored her for the moment.

Suddenly grinning from ear to ear, Devon turned to face the kangaroo behind him. A look of curiosity crossed his face then Devon did something unexpected. He threw the ball *backwards* towards the basket. Up and up it went and...

Went right through the basket, the fabric barely moving as it did so.

"Five points!" Roared Bruce, his eyes wide in disbelief. Devon heard the people around begin to whisper at each other and he snorted. Course if the stranger wins, he'll be painted as a damn superhuman. Damn he was in a tight spot, labelled something that's inhuman or labelled as a weakling. And it sure as hell didn't help that damn woman kept grinning at him!

"Not bad." Evelina chuckled at him before taking the ball. Her grin only widened as she held the ball with both hands making his eyebrow cock in curious wonder. "But if you want to have a test of've got it."

Without warning she feigned a throw of the ball at him making him flinch as she slid to the right, basketball still in hand. It lasted only a moment and he spun about. Luckily, she didn't get as far past him as she wanted and, despite being faster, Devon had a burst of adrenaline in his system. He caught up to her in no time but once more she dodged and did what he did to her: feigned to the left only to move to the right. There she threw the ball and it went in.

"Three points!" The crowd cheered once more for the snake as she began to walk back to the half point. Devon mentally kicked himself. Now the game was tied and he was furious. There was no way he would lose! He was the best damn player back home!

"Alright then." He whispered to no one as he grabbed the ball and dribbled to the half point. The girl stood at the third line, her smirk still plastered across her face. He stood there, calm, cool, thinking. He had to get past her but how? She was faster then he was and definitely knew some tricks as well. Then it hit him. It had worked once before but if she didn't anticipate it...

In a blink of an eye, Devon dashed down the court towards the python who readied herself of the approaching man. Just as he hoped, she was ready in case he tried faking to either side or to shoot but he wasn't going to do either of those. Grinning, he suddenly bounced it violently, sending it high over her head. Gawking, she watched it go over her and Devon ducked under her wide arms only to catch it right in front of her and toss it.

Up and up it went, higher and higher and soon enough it arced. Down it went now, Devon's heart beating hard in his chest. He couldn't explain why it was, it was like drums were being pounded by large trees instead of drumsticks in his chest. If it didn't go in...


Everyone in the area went silent, Devon's jaw dropping as the ball smacked between the metal bar of the hoop and the board. It was stuck and wasn't moving an inch.

"Time!" He heard Kendro roar out and the crowd around them began to mutter amongst themselves, as though surprised by what happened. And yet, he jumped when a hand was felt on his shoulder. Looking back, he saw the woman standing before him and he was surprised to see her scales glistening from moisture despite being a reptile. And his eyes bulged when he saw her shirt soaked, her massive breasts barely showing while her nipples stood out towards him.

"Not bad Big Guy." She whispered to him, patting his shoulder and winked. "Not bad at all. I'll see you a more...private spot." She chuckled as Devon took a step back in surprise, slowly turning around. She began to walk away, Devon's eyes never leaving her as she swayed her hips more then she should've.

With a snort, Devon turned and stormed away from the court to Kendro who was watching as the snake left. "Hoooollly shiiiiiit." Kendro said, his face a noticeably more red colour even through his feathers. "Hollllly shiiiit man! Do you even know who you just played against?!"

Devon only growled a reply. "Don't know, don't care." He hissed angrily. Why was he so pissed? "Just bring me back to my damn cell. I want to get this day over with. Alone."

Kendro blinked as the human walked past him the. Squawked before turning. A running to catch up with the man. "Dude! That was Evelina Jetner! She the hottest and most talented woman in the friggin army! What the hells wrong with you? You trying to get yourself killed?"

Devon looked at him shortly. "What the hell are you talking about bird brain?" He asked as they pushed open the doors. It was then he realized something. Everyone around them was glaring at him angrily.

"Yeah, now you noticed." Kendro muttered as Sam walked up to them. "Because NO ONE ties with her. No ones won against her and all love her." Devon only shrugged.

"Then let them hate me." He practically shouted. "I was a damn loner even back home! Like I care about any of you fucktards!" Kendro looked at him shocked at his sudden outburst.

"Dude...c'mon..." He mumbled, looking like he was about to cry. "I'm...just trying to help man." Sam smirked as they lead him down a hall, stopping at a door where he opened it to reveal an actual room instead of a cell.

Devon sighed. Sure he was a loner but he sure as hell wasn't a jackass either. Normally he pushed people away gently not scream at them. Sometimes life for him was terrible.

"Sorry." He apologized to the eagle. "I-I just...what do you expect?" Devon turned and smiled sheepishly. "I was in the middle of a fucking mission, had myself trapped in some devil spawn machine and nearly died in an explosion if it wasn't for the idea of me teleporting to some weird ass world. You can't expect me to a good mood to say the least."

Kendro nodded and he smiled sadly. "Yeah...apology accepted." He held out his hand and Devon hesitated. By shaking his hand...wouldn't it mean they were friends?

Sam just snorted, interrupting his thoughts. "Just get the hell back in the damn room." The human nodded and slowly walked into the bedroom, Sam holding the door open for him. "Thank god you'll be getting a personal guard soon."

"Huh?" Devon gasped as they slammed the door shut. He was alone now, nothing but the small cot and private bathroom all that kept him company. So he was to get a guard then, more then likely until they figured something out. He spun on his heels and jumped onto bed.

No matter. Devon merely had to prove he was a good little boy and they'll see he's not a threat. All he had to do was think about the future and what he needed to do to prove it. And yet, he was distracted by the woman from before. The python named Evelina Jetner.

"Just who the hell was she?" He mumbled to himself, his hands clasped before his face as he stared at the door.



Sam jumped up in his bed the next morning, turning to look startled as a mole wearing thick glasses and a white lab coat shuffle in. "Subject seems able to walk on two feet like us." He mumbled into a microphone as Devon stood up.

"The hell you doing in my room?!" He shouted, nearly screaming. Devon looked at a nearby bed stand with a clock set to military hours sat. "Its four in the damn morning!"

"Subject capable of speaking English." The mole mumbled once more onto the microphone before suddenly holding its long nailed hand out to the man. "How do you do, My name is Alexander P. Duchard. May I ask what yours is?"

Devon blinked as he finally figured this all out. "Devon Macrow." He watched as the mole spoke into the microphone once more. "Your...gonna be following me around all day aren't you?"

"Oh heavens no!" Alexander laughed and Devon relaxed. At least this wasn't going to be all day at least.

"I'll be studying you and your anatomy. Please lay yourself down and remove your cloths before you do."

"Ngggh!" Devon jumped back before shaking his head furiously. "No!" He shouted. "No way! There is no frigging WAY I am getting naked in front of you!"

Alexander turned to his microphone once more. "Please sir, I assure you that it is for science!"

Devon raised his hand and shook his head once more. "Listen here buddy!" He replied angrily. "The last time science had its way with me was nearly killing me in a explosion, sent flying through some kind of inter-dimensional rift and trapped me in an alternate world!" He lowered his hands a tad bit. "I am not getting naked for you!"


Five minutes later.


"IM GOING TO RIP YOUR DAMN HEAD OFF MOLE!" Devon screamed as the soldiers grabbed Devon and tackled him to the bed, tying his limbs to the bed posts. Before that they had ripped his military cloths off to reveal his chest, legs and naked groin and rear. The mole merely pushed his glasses up his long nose, a probing rod in hand.

"I assure you Mr. Macrow..." Alexander began quietly as a grin spread across his face. "...this is for the good of science!"

Oh god oh good fucking god! Devon screamed in his head as sweat rolled down his head, the doctor slowly walked towards him. He felt his bonds suddenly loosened only to be flipped onto his front, his ass straight at the mole. SOMEBODY FUCKING DO SOMETHING!

But he screamed something else entirely, one that startled them all. "SCIENCE IS ASS RAPING ME!" That made them all stop in their tracks, each person in the room staring at him before they all began to snicker then finally laugh.

"Oh, yes that is indeed one I have not heard before." The mole said as he wiped a tear from his eye. Before?! The crazy bastards done this before?! On what?!

Finally calmed down, Alexander reached down and grabbed the man by his flesh on his rear, slowly lowering the tool in his hand into position. "I am now beginning the examination..." The mole whispered excitedly as the tool went inch by inch towards his bare flesh. "...I must move gently lest the test fail and I must start ov-"

"THAT IS ENOUGH DOCTOR DUCHARD!" A strong voice roared behind the group. Both the doctor and the soldiers in the room turned to see the wolf general staring hard at them, his arms crossed and a furious frown on his face.

"I told you you damn bastard.." The General began, slowly walking up to the mole. Suddenly, he grabbed the man by the collar of his coat and lifted him up only to slam him into a wall. "...that you are to LEAVE THIS MAN ALONE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!"

Alexander pressed his head against the wall as though it would ease the level of the shout. "I understand." He whimpered in a small pathetic voice. The general stared at him for several long second before finally tossing him off to the side. The scientist quickly scrambled to his feet and began to back towards the door. "Your superiors are going to hear about-"

"HEAR ABOUT WHAT?!" The wolf screamed spinning to run after the man. With a yelp, he disappeared around the corner to escape his wrath. "HEAR ABOUT WHAT YOU SNIVELLING WORM?! LAST I CHECK I WAS IN CHARGE OF WHAT HAPPENS TO HIM, NOT YOU!"

Devon stared awe struck as the wolf breathed in quick hard breathes before he brushed his hand along his head, fixing the black hair there before turning to Devon. "You alright Macrow?" He asked worriedly as he walked over and began to untie him.

Devon rubbed his sore hands before looking up at the man standing above. "I'm fine, thank you." He suddenly looked past the general to the door. " the hell was that insane bastard general?"

The wolf grinned down at him, poking himself in the chest. "Just call me Derrick, Macrow." He suddenly turned to look at the door. " and that mole bastard was Alexander P. Duchard. Douce bag Duchard as everyone calls him." He suddenly sighed before spitting in the nearby sink, as though saying his name was disgusting "and the man is insane, caring only to progress in science. He has a degree in many topics, most in biology and astrology. Ever since you came here, people have been hearing him mutter how he want to rip you apart to see how you work."

Devon beloved that as Derrick turned to look at hi with a smile. "But don't worry Macrow, so long as I'm in charge that mole won't touch a hair on you." He began to leave the room. "And that's a promise."

General Derrick closed the door, a gentle click indicating his leave.


The next morning, or afternoon as it was indeed that time, Devon awoke feeling rather relaxed despite yesterday's ordeal. He had decided to sleep in once more as he hadn't slept in since he first joined the military. He flipped himself over, his eyes still closed as he smiled in blissful content.

"Mornin' Big Guy." Devon yelped, his eyes shooting wide as he sat up immediately. Giving out an oath, he turned to stare with one eye open across the room. There she sat, flight jacket and military cargo pants on with a pile of clothes on her firm thighs. The woman that he played against, the snake woman Evelina Jetner.

"The hell you doing in my room?" He asked angrily, quickly leering at her. Once more all she had was a small smile. "Last I checked I was alone in here!"

Evelina chuckled at him, tossing the bundle of cloths at him. "Well not anymore. I'm in here now." She grinned as he unfolded the cloths. Civilian clothing but its better then wearing his current attire. The smell of sweat and blood was getting to him

Devon peered up at her. "Ya mind?" He growled but she did not budged. All Evelina did was cross her arms, squeezing her large breasts together, and placed one leg over the other.

"No I don't." She replied as Devon slowly slipped out of bed. He snorted at her, obviously pissed off.

"I mean leave."


"Are you serious?!"


"What, you want to see me naked?"


His eyes narrowed. "Then get-" he stopped when Evelina suddenly stood up and walked slowly over to him, her hand slowly unzipping her flight jacket down to below her chest. There, she grabbed her collar and pulled it down slowly, revealing inch after inch of her tits.

"I want to do more then see you naked..." She whispered heatedly as she slowly placed her hands on his chest and push him back down on the bed. Devon's face was pure red as he stared at the naked mounds hanging out over her collar before his face as she crawled onto his lap.

Evelina smiled as she watched him gazing over her beasts longingly. "Go ahead Big Guy." She whispered, placing both her hands on his face to bring him into a kiss. Devon was amazed when she did, her lips so soft and wonderful despite being a snake. It was like he was kissing a goddess.

As though by instinct, his hands went to her hips and he began to feel her body against his hands. Devon closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her against him, her mouth pressed against his. At that moment he realized he never wanted to leave this room so long as she was here with him.

He felt Evelinas hand on his combat jacket, slowly unzipping it to show the white shirt underneath. That did not last long either, both pieces of clothing being tossed off to the side to be forgotten. As she undid his jacket, Devon was busy soon bringing his hands up to grasp both large breasts in his hands, slowly groping them as she in turn felt his well chiseled body.

"Wow." Devon whispered awestruck as he squeezed the glorious mounds in his hands. Leaning down, he began to heatedly kiss the right one only to soon bring her nipple into his mouth and sucked hard.

"Impressive aren't they?" Evelina groaned as she wrapped her hands around his head, feeling his tongue do a slow twirl around her nub of flesh there. "Every...ah!...everyone believes they're fake. That they're...that they're implants."

Devon, while it may not look it, was in fact listening as one hand groped the tit with less attention while the other slowly slid down her body to her pants. There he pushed into her pants and realized she wasn't wearing any under wear, giving him the freedom to slide even further down until he felt a moist wetness there. Evelina's groan of approval told him he had reached his objective.

Devon slowly began to rub in massaging circles over the pythons sensitive area, feeling her grasp on his head tighten as he did so. He fancied a quick glance up and saw her eyes closed, her mouth slightly agape as he rubbed her slit. Seemed she was really enjoying it.

Devon licked and kissed her, his hand sliding up along the small wet forbidden entrance she had. He felt Evelina shiver against him, her hands rubbing in thanks and wanton lust. He smiled when the snake jumped, his finger having slid in easily from her own bodily lubrication.

"Oh god..." Evelina whispered, feeling his finger curl inside her cunt to add pressure on her walls. She moaned into his face as he began to pump his digit in and out, thrusting deep into her velvety depths. "D-Don't stop!"

Devon continued on with this method, surprised that she was enjoying this so much. To switch things up a small wee bit, he gave her tit one last lick before moving to the next, squeezing it as he kissed her nipple. But he was stopped by a mere second later when Evelina suddenly slid off his lap, his finger now noticeable wet as it left her pants.

Smiling, Evelina began to slowly turn and unzipped her pants and began to bend over to remove them from her body. Inch after inch was soon revealed of her shapely legs, her long tail barely covering her sex as she looked back to grin. Devon's jaw had dropped, his eyes wide as he stared at her beautiful form.

Slowly, she twirled around, her tail still covering her most private area, and slowly walked back to him. Standing above him, Evelina smiled and bent down to kiss him once more. He felt her tongue flicker across his lips and he yielded to what she wished. He opened his mouth and didn't regret it as her tongue darted within his, twirling across his tongue in a mad dash to explore his own.

Devon kissed back, his own dancing along with hers as he sought out her own mouth. He was disappointed in himself when he couldn't do more then go slightly past her own front teeth. But she didn't seem to mind as she purred into his mouth, slowly pulling back as a single strand of their saliva was all that connected them until that too broke.

"Tell me..." She whispered to him slowly, going down on her knees only to grasp at his pants button. Evelina looked up with her golden eyes into his, a tint of lust and yet...oddly love. " you find me attractive?"

Devon blushed as he slowly nodded his heard and she giggled. "Good..." He gasped as he felt his pants suddenly pulled right off, his semi-erect shaft hanging loosely as the snake gazed over it. Devon sucked in a breath as she took it in one of her hands. " I can finally taste this wonderful meal before me then."

And with that Evelina flickered her tongue across his sensitive flesh, chuckling amusedly as she watched Devon squirm at the feel of her forked tongue darting across his member. She did it once more only this time she decided something interesting. Keeping her tongue out, she slowly licked the base up to the tip where she gently guided it in just underneath his foreskin. There the horny python began to slowly twirl it in circles around his head, watching as it engorged in her one hand which slowly stroked him.

"Man, am I ever glad I decided to take the initiative Big Guy." Evelina purred up at him as she watched his manhood grow in her smooth hands. Once it was fully erect she gave the tip a quick kiss before going back to her strokes, Devon's body shaking from the feel of her soft luscious lips touching his member. "Mmmmh. You really are big for your size."

Licking her chops, Evelina slowly brought her mouth to his base and began to gently kiss the skin there. Devon gave out an involuntary groan, each and every kiss that ended centimetre by small centimetre sending trembles up his spin. He suddenly felt really light headed, like he would float away at any second.

But then Devon came crashing back to the surface when he felt Evelina begin to lick the bottom of his shaft repeatedly. "Ohhhh god." He moaned as she licked up to the tip where she nestled it between her voluptuous lips. Then he watched slack jawed as she slowly pushed forward, inch after inch of his thick girth disappearing into her maw until he was hilted and he could barely feel the back of her mouth.

Devon stared long and hard at her golden eyes as they peered up at him before arcing his back and giving out a soft cry when Evelina gave a long powerful suck, her slick mouth caressing him gently. She pulled back, suckling on his tip, then slid right back down and soon she was doing a bobbing motion with her head.

Devon watched as his member appeared only to disappear back into her lips repeatedly, I and out in and out, the python smiling up at him and made it look like she was sucking on the lollipop she had during their earlier game. A very big and very dirty lollipop. She pulled off with a small pop, giving out a murr as she began to lick and kiss along the side of him before sliding him back in.

A small spurt of pre came forth from him, quickly coating her long tongue in it. Evelina savoured the bitter taste, loving the thought of how dirty the act was. While there was no physical sensations, she began to become wet down below and her one hand slid down to finger herself, rubbing in slow circles before sliding inside her wet slit.

Devon leaned his head back and moaned, Evelina pulling back to the flare of his head and gave a powerful suckle. Looking back down he began to caress her smooth cheek to show her how wonderful he felt. With a smile around the embedded cock in her mouth, she began to pick up her pace. She sucked and pulled, licked and kissed and it wasn't long until he felt something begin to happen, his loins tightening up while his tool began to twitch repeatedly.

But Evelina wanted to do something else and pulled away, denying him his impending orgasm. But Devon only gasped in surprise when he felt warmth of a different kind surround him and he gazed down to see her breasts wrapped around his manhood. The snake smiled up at him and quickly began stroking him with her large mounds.

It wasn't long until he felt it again, that strange wondrous moment where he could tell what was about to transpire. Evelina knew he was about to finish and instead sped up her ministrations, moving them both in opposite directions until he finally gave out a cry.

Devon began to twitch and spasm as his dick spurted his seed over her large tits, covering them in white cream. His mind was nothing but haze, all he felt was the gentle movements of her breasts as they moved up and down his shaft as it twitched and spasmed between them, Evelina milking him dry so that not a single drop went anywhere but her prized mounds. Finally, after she was thoroughly coated in his glaze, he calmed down to breath.

Devon, after several seconds of recuperating, opened his eyes to see her covered in both sweat and his own bodily fluids. But it seemed she wasn't done as she began to push him onto his back. He yielded and laid himself down on the bed and he felt her begin to crawl up on top of him. But hew as shocked when Evelina came into view only to spin about so that her rump was hovering above him, her sex practically drooling in her own desires.

He made an audible gulp as he stared at her tear shaped ass, the moist lips tempting him into kissing it. His breath was caught in his throat for a moment before he smiled, wrapping his arms up and around her waist until he was holding her fir ly, his hands on either side of her tail.

Now with a strong grip on Evelina, Devon pulled her slowly down until she was a mere inch away from him then he gave her nether region a small yet slow lick, a tremble shaking through her frame. Smirking, Devon gave her another lick and another and another until his tongue never returned to his mouth, tasting her sweetness upon his taste buds.

Evelina gave out her own gasp, Devon beginning to lick her clit in quick twirling movements that made her knees weak. But Devon soon grew bored of that and instead went back to her slit, licking it several times before spreading them open and going deeper.

He heard the python groan above him as he licked, telling him he was doing something right as he licked her slick, velvety walls. Devon smiled, loving this moment until he moaned into her when he felt her hands slowly rubbing his jewels. He was in blissful heaven, not caring that she wasn't even human as he took his one hand to rub where he could not lick at the same time, mainly that small sensitive nub that made her spasm on him.

Evelina had the exact same thoughts. While he didn't have the longest tongue he certainly knew how to use it. Twisting and coiling, licking and probing in all the right spots. She was surprised she was even able to last this long. He was just so damn good at this but, just as she thought, she felt herself begin to tighten up in her lower body.

"Oh godddd...." She moaned out loud. Devon smirked at her cry, a naughty idea rolling I to his head as he slowed down. "Yeesssss! Lick that cunt, lick my pussy until I cum." She suddenly bucked into his mouth. "Ah! Lick me till I gush all over your face! Oh god! OhgodohgodohgodoohGOD!"

That didn't really sound appealing to Devon but by the time he even comprehended what was happening it happened. Her vaginal walls suddenly clenched together, moving in ripples as it suck at his tongue. Immediately liquids gushed out, coating his lower mouth and chin. He gasped and sputtered at the sudden torrent but decided not to fight it and instead closed his mouth over her hole, gulping as much of the sweet nectar as he could so as to not drown in it.

Evelina's entire body shook as her orgasm caused her to tremble. Her heart was pounding in her chest, like a hammer pounding against a wall. Her vision, no, all her senses were blurred as she came hard, feeling Devon struggling against her. But, after what felt like an eternity, she finally calmed down enough that her body relaxed and she collapsed.

There they rested for several moments, both breathing hard when Evelina opened her eyes and peered at his once again hard erect penis. Reaching up, she traced the length of it and smiled when Devon shuddered underneath her large frame.

But the snakes small grin turned even bigger as she suddenly spun about and sat down on his waist, feeling that same boner against the scales of her ass before grinding against it. "Are you ready Big Guy?" She whispered into his ear as she gently reached down to grasp him. She began to slowly raise it into position while she raised herself up off of him. Evelina shuddered as it came into contact with her nether lips, Devon staring with a wide eye expression. "Because that was only the appetizer!"

Without another word, Evelina swiftly sat down. Immediately she cried out as she was opened wide by his thick girth, loving the feel of his head rubbing against her deepest walls. Devon meanwhile gave out his own small grunt as he was surrounded by warmth and pleasure he had never once felt. His hands shot to the snakes side, holding her waist as he stared at his cock embedded within such a forbidden spot.

Evelina was overjoyed at the idea of how excited the man was beneath her. To make things a bit more fun for the man, she leaned back to give him an even better view of her swollen lips that was wrapped around him. "Enjoying the view?" She chuckled as his eyes began to bulge at the sight.

Still leaning back, the python began to bounce on him, his eyes never wavering as he watched his own tool appear then disappear into her warm body. And yet he loved the way it felt more then seeing it happen. All he felt was the feeling of her own vent sucking him as she bounced up, as though begging for him to go back in. And that's exactly what she did, slamming back down to shove it back in in deeper then before

After several moments of watching the woman fuck him cowgirl style, he leaned back onto the bed and gave out a small sigh. Devon had to admit, it was bliss having sex with a woman even if she did have a tail.

Evelina herself was enjoying the fuck. While he wasn't the longest she'd taken he definitely was the widest! And the way he rubbed her flanks, as though he wanted her to enjoy it. While that was the main reason she was doing this it certainly didn't hurt to admit he seemed like a rather sweet lover.

Now she decided to switch things up and flipped around to show her ass at him, keeping her impaled on his meaty length and raising her tail to keep him staring as she leaned forward. Now in a different position, Evelina began to not only hump him but also gyrated her hips, rolling on him as she pounded him into the sheets.

Devon stared long and hard at her shapely rear then, taking a deep breath, he began to grasp her butt cheeks and went to massaging both of them. Evelina gave out a coo of delight and asked that he kept going and he did just that, kneading her firm muscle as she sucked him into her wet depths again and again. Then, he grinned and brought his finger over a small tad bit and suddenly gave a push, shoving his finger into her tail hole.

Evelina cried out but did not stop as Devon shoved his finger deep into her anal passageway. Squeezing her eyes shut, she began to pant as she was not only attacking her own sex with his own but now he was torturing her ass with his finger!

"Oh goooood!" Evelina cried out as he shoved yet another one into her tight hole, both curling to rub against the walls. Pressure in both her ass and her pussy didn't go well for her and she felt herself tightening up. "D-Don't stooooAAAAH!"

With a final cry, she pushed down to squeeze and suck at his prick, her juices flowing out and onto his lap where it pooled around him. He didn't stop his fingers but instead wiggled them a small but, making her cry out in dreamy bliss. In return, she fought the weakness in her knees and continued on, the room soon filled with wet slaps once more.

Devon absolutely loved the feeling of the snake cumming on his dick and didn't stop. The feeling of her wet flesh trying to suck him and milk him dry of spunk he wasn't yielding filling him even more with lust. Devon gasped and his hips bucked only to be stopped by the girls massive tail which had coiled around his waist and upper thighs to stop movement.

At first, he frowned at the thought of not being able to take control only to moan when Evelina picked up speed. Occasionally, she would stop to grind against his base, making him squirm at the feeling of constriction there. Devon suddenly grimaced, feeling his own body beginning to tighten up and he grasped the flesh in his hand tightly. But he still went on with his gentle thrusts within her tail hole, feeling it squeeze tightly.

And yet, he bit his lip and fought it back as he tried to hold out as long as he could. He didn't want it to end yet. With his mind preoccupied, Devon lasted for several more minutes, enough to make her reach yet another one as well as for her to sit up straighter. Evelina looked over her shoulder to see him fighting his impending climax and smiled as her own loins felt like they were about to explode.

"Fucking cum in me!" Evelina ordered, Devon's eyes bulging as they opened to stare at her. "Come one, cum! Fill this dirty bitch with your spunk!" She suddenly sat up straight and began to fondle his sack once more, both hands holding an orb as she rolled them. "Cum in me! Fill me! Make me feel warm and gooey inside!"

And yet, despite her intentions, all she did was speed up her own final push and came hard on him once more. Devon roared out as her sex pulled and suckled his manhood, wanting his spunk as though there would be no tomorrow. And he gave it to her, his cock twitching once, twice, then exploded deep into her moist love hole.

Evelina's cry died only to be replaced by a content sigh, her hand feeling her lower belly as Devon's cum invaded her body. While he wasn't even close to her cervix, he certainly had a powerful orgasm that probable shot it deep enough. Even now, she could feel her body trying to suck his cream deeper into her, trying to fertilize the eggs that weren't even there do to her not being in the mating season.

Devon himself felt his eyes go cross as he felt his member twitching within her body, giving up its gift. When it was finally done, he felt a mixture of their mingled juices running down his length and down his thighs onto the bed. He felt the woman slid off of him and suddenly arms wrapped around him, holding him close to her bosom. Evelina kissed him on the cheek and sighed into his ear of how wonderful he did. Together, they laid there for several moments and recuperated from the wonderful afterglow of their love making before Evelina pulled away and stood up.

Devon, now free from her grasp, sat up and watched as Evelina walked to her pants. As she walked, she brought her collar back up to conceal the now hardening white splattered across her chest before zipping her jacket up as well. After that she placed her pants on and began to walk away to the door where she stopped and looked back at him.

"You should take a shower Big Guy." She smiled at him. Devon looked down at the mess that they made, both on the bed and on themselves before looking back up at her.

"Macrow." He muttered as Evelina pushed the door open. She stopped and peered back at him curiously and Devon sighed. "My name. Devon Macrow." He explained looking down at his new clothing nearby.

Evelina smiled and pointed a thumb at herself. "Evelina Jetner but call me Eve." She told him as he stood up and grasped his clothing. "And now I'm glad I decided to bring you back here Dee."

Devon cocked an eyebrow as he pulled a pair of jogging pants up. "Dee?" He mumbled as he grabbed the shirt next followed by a pair of running shoes. "And what do you mean by that?"

Evelina smiled as she placed her hands on the back of her head, turning to face him completely. "Well who the hell do you think brought your ass back here lover boy?" She chuckled. "Certainly not Kendro! He's too much of a bird brain and far too weak to have brought you here!"

Now fully clothed, Devon used his old shirt to clean up as much of the hardening goop on his face as he could. Afterwards, he eyed the snake woman in his room. "So you dragged me here?" And she nodded. "Okay, now for the next one: why the FUCK did you just fuck me?!"

Evelina shrugged at his question. "Cause I felt like it." Devon shook his head and mumbled a curse as she began to leave. "Now are you coming, trucker mouth?" Devon looked up and waved her off.

"Yeah, yeah." He hissed as he turned to the mess of a bed. "Just gimme a moment. Ill be right out." Evelina stared at the back if his head for a moment before finally nodding and leaving.

When he heard the door shut, he crossed his arms and looked back over his shoulder at it. "What the hell just happened?" He sighed as he turned back to the bed. Devon gazed out over the hardening stuff on his bed before turning to leave. Let the janitors deal with it.

"Well..." He grumbled as he grasped the door in his hand. "I suppose that's one helluva way to lose your virginity." Opening and closing the door, a hand suddenly wrapped around his neck and knuckles rubbed into his head. Looking up, he spotted Evelina smiling down at him as the two began to walk but Devon pushed her away for a split moment.

I suppose... Devon thought to himself as several people walked past! gawking both at the human and at Evelina. I suppose...staying might not be that bad. So far the people I've met aren't that bad...well save for Sam but he's an ass by the looks of it.

Devon looked up at Evelina once more, spotting a golden eye watching him before looking back forward. He smiled as he looked back down the corridor. I'll be just fine here.

Authors notes:

Hoo, this one was one heck of a story to write. Not because I found it annoying but because it blocked all my other ideas for my other stories. It simply is a pain to me to sit here and write just one story when I want to get the others done and over with. Not that i don't like them of course, I just don't like swamping myself with far too much work lol.

But anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it and if you want more, just leave a comment saying how you found it and let me know if you guys want another installment of Devon and his various adventures in this new earth. May make this a two parter but until them I'm going right back into my other stories! Have a good day...or night... wherever you live!