The old red hen and the big bad fox chapter 3

Story by industrystandard on SoFurry

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#3 of Big Bad Fox

The story of a starving fox, who busts in on an old mother hen and her baking.

Inspired by Vrghr and his delicious story starting here:

A gluttonous romp through the garden of baked delights.Note: I updated chapters one an two, changing his shirt into a vest

PLEASE COMMENT if you want to see more!!!

The Old Red Hen and the Big Bad Fox

Chapter 3: make yourself comfortable

The Fox's nap proved to be a long one, as he slept through lunch and into early evening, though it wouldn't last as an audible gurgle declared that he was hungry once more. Of course by the time he was roused enough to stand up the old hen had absconded back into her hiding place with a slice of pie and another cup of tea. "How long have I been sleeping?" he wobbled over to the pie on the table, arching an eyebrow at the missing slice before dropping his hands onto his belly. There was a moment where he froze then gave two hearty pats, and grinned down at the amiable paunch pressing out behind the vests brass buttons. The villainous vulpine smoothed the vest and rubbed the new flesh, grinning at the prospect of not being emaciated from starvation for once. Leaving one hand on his fledgling gut he picked up the remaining pie and looked at the hens hiding place. "I've always wanted to do this..." he shoved his muzzle in and pigged out ala eating contestant. Licking the blueberry stains from his muzzle he tossed the empty tin into the corner before moving to the rest of the pies, still sitting where they had cooled the evening prior. he rubbed at his paunch, feeling the first inklings of fullness creeping in as he drooled over a brilliant red raspberry pie.

"Hope you don't mind if I eat dessert first." he then resumed his greedy pie snarfing, leaving this pie on the table so he could rub his belly. The hen ginned a bit, between the bits of pie smeared on his fuzzy cheeks and his greedy grunting he almost looked like a pig. "... if you're not careful you're gonna end up turning into one..." he pushed away from the table and looked over to her. "What was that?" he wobbled over to the milk cans and took several full ladles to wash down his pies. he sauntered over to the apple pie sitting in front of the hen and her cupboard. The newly plumped fox leaned against the table with his newly plumped rump and tilted back on the tin, giving the hen full view of his greedy gobbling. The old hen watched the foxes plush belly with great intent, it was almost within reach, and there was great temptation to just reach out and touch it. While she had had several pigs in her kitchen before, even with their girth, they didn't eat with such abandon or earnest as this greedy chowhound. Yet here he was, a 'svelte' fox, finishing an apple pie and moving onto the peach. As he licked a particularly large portion of the sugary pie he was forced to grunt a few times as he got the filling in his nose.

The hen was forced to stifle a guffaw as he continued his piggy antics. Finishing the pie he grabbed for another pie, but was met with a blueberry cobbler instead. He snarfed this new treat with great earnest, allowing one hand to rest on his paunch as he forced himself to eat. He let out a healthy *Belch* as the casserole hit the table with a thud. He took a moment to scrape the remaining goo of his maw and lick it off his claws. The hen watched with a bashful grin as he adjusted his suspenders to ride more on the sides of his protruding belly, before retrieving the pumpkin pie. He mashed his muzzle into the smooth surface but was met with a bit more resistance than he probably figured, dropping it onto the table he dug his claws in and stuffed a handful into his gaping maw. Happy chewing and grunts let the hen know just how much he was enjoying the rich desserts. She didn't know if it was her ego or her curiosity but she felt the need to speak up. "Maybe you should try some of the cheesecake... in the bottom of the icebox..." He stopped, licking one of his gooey hands clean before resting it on his plumping belly. "Not trying to get me to turn my back are we? try and sneak out maybe?"

She snorted. "Oh get over yourself...I could have just snuck out when you slipped into your food coma..." he drummed his claws thoughtfully before turning to the ice box. "That's right... you've some eggs in there with you haven't you?" he dipped down, making sure to adjust for his altered stature, and pulled out an eighteen inch wheel of gooey white delight. Placing it on the now vacant pie counter, directly across from the hen and her clutch. he grabbed several more and put them in a neat eating row. The old hen was pleased with this, her baker ego growing as overfed as the vulpine glutton setting his own buffet before her. Sure he would be monstrously obese when he was done, but it wasn't very often she got to see someone react to her work with such honest gusto. he plunged his claws into the creamy cheesecake and stuffed several handfuls into his plumping cheeks and maw before swallowing it down, the old hen relishing in the sight of his sleeves growing tight on his flabby biceps and the brass buttons pulling taught on his belly, now neatly framed by his suspenders.

Halfway through that first cheesecake he grabbed his chair and positioned himself for the coming slaughter. He sat down and licked his lips with anticipation, but he stopped, pausing to release his belt before diving in again. now that it was freed of it's bondage, that great pot belly rested handsomely in his lap, pressing heavily on the thickening fox's thickening thighs. the hen grinned as he continued to stuff himself, taking heaping handfuls of cheesecake and stuffing it in, suck the goo of his claws and happily patting his tight gut, leaving stains on his tightening vest. Finishing the second cheesecake he pulled the third in front of him, he scooted in front of it. Holding his gut he flopped his muzzle into his creamy victim. It was apparent to the hen he wasn't really trying anymore, now rolling his muzzle around and nuzzling into the cakes cardboard base. his long tongue lapped and slurped out in front of his muzzle, pulling in a few more gobs of the sweet caloric goop before he flopped back into his chair. "Ooooan" he grabbed his gut and moaned, belly ache back in full force.

The hen giggled a bit at his greed, when suddenly he reached forward and opened the top button on his vest, then moved down to the next. She watched bashfully as he released his belly to the world. Basketball smooth, the downy ball of tight white fluff was revealeded by the vests curtain pull. Laying back a bit in the chair, he patted and petted his gut, and licked the remains of his excessive dessertt of his muzzle. Wiping himself clean with the adjacent tablecloth he leaned back and yawned, before his overfed body succombed to the latest stuffing. he was now happily snoring, his paw kicking beneath the plumped calf above as he chased some dream pastry. the hen once more ventured out, putting the tea on before once more approaching the snoozing fox. "you really were hungry weren't you?" she looked at his stuffed belly, there was no way she could risk it... could she? she was careful, slowly resting her wing on it's firm surface so as not to tickle him. "ohh it's warm..." she gently rubbed it's soft fluffy surface, carressing the smooth curves as they swelled slowly with his gentle breathing. Her rubbing must've been getting through because now that thick bottlebrush tail started in with the wagging, his leg kicking just a bit faster. "Don't worry sweety, the only struggling you'll have to deal with now will be fitting those extra helpings of dessert. she poured her tea and started towards the cupboard, pausing to heft that stuffed dome and feel it's gentle warmth once more. "My goodness you're a pig... You're gonna get really fat..."

fin... for now...

The Old Red Hen and the Big Bad Fox Chapter 2: Help yourself

The Old Red Hen and the Big Bad Fox Chapter 2: Help yourself... A soft shuffling broke the quiet of the early morning kitchen, the fox awake to the sight of the red hen carrying a few doughnuts back into the pantry. He stretched and yawned, then...

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"...yes Dave... more pizza, and fried lasagna balls..." there was a ruffling of sheets and a creaking of springs "and more butter stuffed doughnuts..." there was a gurgling growl "What do you mean we're all out?" suddenly there was a loud creaking of...

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Knight time snack or "I'm going in after her!"

\*Word of warning... though I usually despise such stories this isn't going to end well for the Fox. the manner in which he will be dispatched is the only reason I'm writing this in the first place.\* The bunnies quickly ran up the path to their...

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