Every day starts with the most humble beginnings, even the most bizarre ones. _PING!_ The equally cut golden slices of bread launched from the recoiling metal from within the toaster, landing back down within the device, protruding more in length than...
Forest's nose picked up a heavenly scent as soon as he stepped out of his car. Someone was baking cookies. Several bags of groceries crinkled against one another as he walked up the...
It was still there, sure, yelling at him for even contemplating enjoying the swell of overindulgence on his torso. '_how dare he let the small pockets of fat along his frame bring him any enjoyment?'
Harem Harlot, Part 6
overindulgence meant little to those who had everything....and even less to those who had never had anything. lucidum...raven, woman, overindulgent harem harlot....she was all of these things, but it had not always been so.
Bucky: the Oh Deer ending
\*Glorp\* followed by an audible \*creeeeak\* and a thump as his head hit the wood. Tongue lagging out of his mouth he pulled a dopey grin and just let his hands lay, applying a slight pressure just in case. "Okay..." he breathed slow "...did I go too...
The Old Red Hen and the Big Bad Fox chapter 1: come on in...
As he stood up straight the hen grabbed at the rolling pin in preparation, but the fox only strolled around the chair back to the baguettes, licking his lips at the genesis of his overindulgence.
Thick and Thick Intro
He knew that the wolfdragon buried under the years of overindulgence and lard was a kind soul, and that had always been enough for him. he didn't question why the draolf did what he did, and just served him as he always had.
He had heard through the grape vine of a massage parlor that specialized in keeping those that either overate, or were just overindulgent in general, sated.
\*gulp\* \*gulp\* \*gulp\* the hose forced the sweet mixture into his mouth. he reached for the handle, but found it to far away. he pushed at the floor but had grown to heavy with his overindulgance. he whimpered, rubbing the sensitive stretched skin
Day One... Off by the edge of a generic vegetable farm, a soft rustling came from the bushes beyond the wooden fence. A rather small set of antlers, six points specifically, popped up, followed by the sly grin of a young buck. Bucky watched off in the...
Harem Harlot, Part 4
Lucidum was never quick to rise from slumber after a night of overindulgence.
Life, Love and Growth
The vicious circle he has put his lover in seemed to be working better than intended, given nicolas' lust-driven want for overindulgence (not that he minded one bit.).