Chapter 5

Story by godgodpl on SoFurry

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Sarah left some time ago, and Amber was getting impatient now, she started to worry that David might have already found a place to live. Long talk with her best friend helped her a lot, there were a lot of advices that she heard but the most important one is to be patient about it. She knew that holding back her feelings will be difficult but Sarah assured her that in the end it will be worth the efforts.

Soon rain started to fall, and Amber hypnotized by the sound of raindrops hitting the roof quickly got lost in her thoughts, and not long after that a familiar feeling of floating followed. She had a really vivid dream involving her and David walking through some fields, when suddenly she heard a loud bang and everything ended.

It took her a while to realize that it was in fact a slam of closing car doors, and then she immediately realized what this means and ran downstairs.

Ambers mother had already let David in and was closing the doors behind them. But Amber went straight to greet David and when she saw him regardless of all the advices she just couldn't stop herself. The vixen ran straight to him and hugged him tightly pressing her head to his chest. David wasn't quite sure how to react, when he looked at Ambers mother to maybe get some clue on what he should do, unfortunately she was too busy trying not to laugh out loud at her daughter actions.

"I was so worried that you might have found someplace else to stay, or refused... David, I'm so happy right now!" Amber said still hugging the human and smiling widely.

"I'm happy too amber. I don't want to be rude, but would you at least let me put my things down?" David asked the vixen still unsure how to react to her actions.

At those words Amber realized the entire situation and let him go blushing and giving her mother an annoyed look.

"Well Amber, why don't you show our guest his room? I'm going to make you something to eat and then I'm off to my job." Lara said noticing that her daughter wasn't sure on what to do now when everything worked just as planned.

"Oh, that quite a good idea, come on David follow me" Amber picked up on her mother's motives. She immediately grabbed his hand and went upstairs practically pulling the human behind her. She thought to herself that maybe she is displaying her emotions too much but she has the right to be excited to care now, time for controlling herself and taking things slowly will come later.

David's room was nothing special, not big, in a shape of a rectangle with its shorter walls being the ones with the door and the window. The walls were painted white, which together with a sizable window made the room quite well lit and bright but not too much.

The furniture wasn't standing out either, consisting of a bed, wardrobe, a desk and a chair. It was really enough for the humans needs.

When David looked back at Amber after examining the room he noticed that the vixen was trying to judge if he liked it or not, probably because she prepared it itself and clearly wanted to make positive impression on him.

"It's nice, I like it a lot." David said, it was a perfect place for him.

"I'm happy to hear that, I was hoping you'll like it." Amber looked satisfied with humans response. "I can help you unpack, what do you think?"

"I appreciate it, but I don't have a lot of things so there is really no need to."

David was placing his things inside the wardrobe while Amber just sat on the bed and watched him. She was feeling slightly confused, why the human didn't want her help? It would make it easier for him. The fact was that he just wanted to be nice to her. It wasn't long before silence and the feeling that Amber is staring at his back annoyed him to the point where he tried to start some conversation:

"Amber, I'll be going to the same school as you are, you know that closest one, could you tell me a little about it?" It was the only subject that came to his mind and besides he was quite curious about it.

"Huh?" Vixen was one again lost in her thoughts a bit. "Oh yes, to be honest I'd say that it is rather normal. Here are some good teachers, others not so much. Considering the neighborhood there are many rich and spoiled students, it's not pleasant to have to do anything with them, even attend the same classes."

"I can understand, there were a couple people like that back home, and yes they were annoying beyond understanding. How does the high school look here, what kind of final exams do you have? I didn't really talk with the mayor about it."

"No, there aren't any 'final' exams here, what are you talking about? It's nonsense to judge someone not by his entire work but a onetime test. Getting to university or co ledge is dependent solely on your grades and references from teachers nothing more if that is what you are asking about."

"I see somebody here had the normal and sensible ideas. Now the most important thing when do the lessons usually start and how long it takes to get to the school?"

"I, or rather we live just inside what they see as a walking distance, what it means is that taking the bus is not an option unfortunately, the walk takes about fifteen minutes but its unpleasant in the winter. I get shivers just thinking about it. Normally first lesson begins at eight a.m. but there is a small chance of having some days start later than that which is great, but there was no such luck this year."

"Well, it doesn't sound to encouragingly, but must is a must. I have no choice, besides it will give me some insight on your history and in general what is going on here."

"Don't worry, you'll get bored soon enough." They both laughed at that. "Are you done organizing things?"

"I think so. Should we go back to your mum?"

"I guess so. Come on." The vixen got up and started walking out of the room.

"Amber, one more thing" She stopped in the door and turned back to him. "Thank you for letting me stay here, you don't even know how much this means to me."

Amber was somehow flattered by that, yes she knew that David would be thankful for what she did for him, but it took her a bit off guard. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She stood like that for a moment and then turned around and quickly went downstairs.

David joined her soon after, and three of them ate some kind of pasta. During the meal Lara was telling the human how to operate things around the house, how to get to the closest shop and things like that. Amber didn't really contribute much to it, in fact she was silent the entire time. She was feeling bad for how she reacted to David thanking her for help, and was wondering why she couldn't come up with anything. On the other hand the human didn't seem to be bothered by it, he noticed that, for some reason Amber was really nervous and knew that her reaction was a result of it.

"Amber, since it stopped raining you could take David for a walk, show him the neighborhood. Unfortunately I have to go now, I should be back in the evening." Lara spoke after they finished eating. She noticed that something was bothering her daughter and hoped that some time spent out-doors would help her love the problem whatever it was.

"Well, why not?" Amber picked up on her mother's intentions "What do you say David?"

"I say that a great idea." He noticed how fast Ambers expressions changed, he was starting to be concerned about her being so worried and withdrawn from conversations beforehand, now he finally felt some relief.

They said goodbye to Ambers mother and went outside. It has truly stopped raining, now there was not a single cloud in the sky, and all the puddles of water had already dried up. The sun was slowly lowering since it was around four p.m. right now.

"So where do you want to go?" Amber asked not paying attention to anything that has bothered her before.

"I don't know, you live here longer, show me around." Human felt like he just should let Amber decide what she wants to show him.

'Ok, let's go than." She showed the direction and they both started walking.

"You didn't tell me where are we going." David noticed.

"Don't worry I will tell you once we get there." Vixen cut the conversation and the rest of the way passed in silence. This time though it wants unpleasant or awkward, it was the kind of friendly silence that indicate that nothing is needed to be said. Both of them to really wanting to break this special moment.

Vixen led David into a small pathway between the buildings, there was a small playground there, visibly old and not used for a long time, here Amber stopped and turned to face David.

"When I was younger, I used to spend a lot of time here, it was always quiet and calm here, nobody ever showed up here. I came here when I had enough of others and wanted to be alone. I'm sure no-one else knows about this place, and even if they do they just avoid it. Come on let's sit down" Amber mentioned towards the bench, on their way there she came up with a brilliant idea of getting close to the human without showing her true motives. She was sure that it will work considering that it is partially true and wanted to implement it right now.

When they sat down vixen continued "You know I always wanted to have a brother or a sister, someone that was always with me and I could share secrets with. Others would go home and play with their siblings and I went here and played by myself. As years have passed it became a much smaller issue - I started having friends, but that feeling of lacking something remained. An you know what? Now I practically have a brother!" Amber made a happy expression and hugged David tightly.

"I'll happily fulfill that role. To be honest from the way you were talking I was getting worried that you might confess to me right here." David laughed sincerely. Amber forced herself to join him although she turned her face away from him so he could not see small tears forming in her eyes.

"Yes, that would be really strange wouldn't it?" She managed to say.

Yes, Sarah told her that it's not going to be easy, and that the human is not going to love her from the beginning , but Amber was scared of being stuck in his friend zone forever. These words broke her mood, still he didn't say a definite no, and besides they were still holding each other. If it wasn't for that vixen would probably take it even harder, because regardless of the context the humans touch always gave her that feeling of comfort and care.

They sat like that together for a while, talking about various things but the sun was getting closer to the horizon and everything darkening. Amber wanted to show the human other places too, but she simply forgot and now it was too late so they slowly went back home.

Lara was already home when they returned, so she welcomed them back. She acknowledged with a smile them holding each other's hands, but she made no comment on that point knowing how touchy subject of relationships is in that age, remembering herself denying any feelings towards her love when she was young too.

The human was really tired, so after a while he excused himself and went to sleep quite early, happy to be able to lie somewhere comfortable for a change. Amber stayed with her mother downstairs. When David closed his door Lara finally spoke to her daughter:

"He seems quite nice so far, I think that inviting him was a good idea. Besides, it looks like he likes you too, what do you say?" She said confident that human would hear the conversation, she noticed that towards the end her daughter started blushing slightly, 'so I was right!' she thought.

"Mum!" Amber was annoyed at how easily her mother could read her intentions. "To be honest I like him a lot, but imp sure that you already noticed?" It came more hostile than she wanted it to, "But I'm more interested in your opinion about all of this? I'd really use some help."

"Amber, first I have absolutely nothing against it, if you'll be happy I don't care about his species. As to the help, well, I could tell you what would I do in your place but to be honest you should do what you feel is right, let your actions be actually yours not the, so called, 'optimal' ones. Mabel it won't work out as well, but at least you will know that you're not exactly the right mach. I know it sound rough and like I don't want you to be together, I just want to protect you from making some major mistakes, and changing for someone." She hoped that she'd been able to get the message across, she truly wanted Amber to be happy, she just didn't want her stop being herself no matter the reason.

"Yes, but I just want to make a good imprison on him" Amber wasn't fully convinced, she expected at least some small advice.

"That exactly is the point, you need to show him what person are you, not how well you can change, remember that. Still I know you for a long time so there are a few tricks for someone like you that you should know." Both of them smiled, Lara enjoyed moments like this when they understood each other more like friends than anything else.

They discussed different ideas for o good while, they lowered their voices and turned on the TV, just in case that human wanted it eavesdrop on them. Amber carefully noted everything her mother told her, both things she should try, and ones she should avoid. The vixen didn't tell her mother about what she to David when they were on the walk, she already knew it was a pretty big mistake , but didn't want to admit it to her mother, deciding that her friends might know better what to do in that case.

Amber would probably start taking notes if she wasn't scared that on some chance human might come across them, which wouldn't be quite helpful in implementing them.

"I'm sure that all I can tell you and its getting quite late, remember you have school tomorrow, it will be David's first day so you should be awake throughout the day to show him everything. Remember? Always try to pay attention to what he does and says, not only it will make you seem interested, but also might be a big tell on what is going on inside his head." Lara cut the conversation after it lasting just short of two hours.

"Ok, Ok, I get it, goodnight that." Amber wasn't happy, but she knew her mother was right. She got up and started walking towards her room, but she stepped and turned around. Hs had a strange idea, but she really wanted to do this. "Me... Mum, would it be OK if I took a quick look at David before sleep? I know it sounds strange but please?"

"If he won't notice you, I see no harm, I did that too when I was young. On the other hand is he is still awake or you'll wake him up he might see you as a creep and that you be hard to overcome, because it is in fact a weird thing to do. But again it's your choice, if you really have to just go, and in case you can say you were checking if he's already asleep. "This question took her a bit of guard, she didn't expect her daughter to be into the human so much, but again she understood her need.

Amber slowly opened the door to David's room and saw him lying face down, head buried in the pillow, he was clearly asleep and really tired. He actually looked quite hilarious, but Amber just stood there not sure what she was feeling herself. She wandered how it would be to sleep there with him, be really close to each other.

Sound of Lara preparing for rest brought he back to reality, she realized that she was staring at sleeping human for several minutes, what would he say if he woke up! Amber silently closed the door and went to her room, she knew that tomorrow is going to be an interesting day introducing David to school life, only now it got to her that there may be other girls fighting for his affection.

Amber finally fell asleep herself forging new plans for the future, going over different scenarios of what might happen, and how to not get pushed aside by others.

The alarm clock woke her up in the morning, she couldn't quite remember her dream but she was sure it was a pleasant one. On her way to the bathroom she knocked on humans door and received conformation that human was awake, in fact he had washed himself already and was waiting for Amber to get up and eat breakfast with her.

After breakfast, they took their bags with David's being fairly empty as he was promised to receive all the books at school. They left the house and heeded to school, now after a long time of uncertainty of tomorrow human happily welcomed his new routine, regardless of him knowing that he will be probably bored by it by the end of the week.