A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 25 (Clean Slate - Part 4)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#26 of A Fox, a Dog and a Raven

With the slate now wiped clean, Naruto, Kiba and Sasuke head for some breakfast. The potential threat of assassination lingers in the back of Naruto's mind, but he tries to ignore it best he can.Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto in any way, this is a non-profit fan-fiction written for fun.

In any case, you came here for the story, so I hope you enjoy it.*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

"Like I said before... I'm sorry. I kinda blew up at you last night, even though you did deserve it." The pairs lack of response suggested that they felt the same way. "I know you both like me... so I want to just... wipe the slate clean and start again." Both Sasuke and Kiba smiled in relief. "But if you want to..." Naruto hesitated to say the next word, it seemed alien and strange to be saying it to two men. "... date me, you'd better go the right way about it." Naruto raised an eyebrow at Kiba, referring to the incidents in the hot springs, Kiba coughed nervously and diverted his gaze before nodding. "And no fighting with each other either!"

"Agreed..." Sasuke mumbled looking relieved.

"Fine, I agree too." Kiba added, Akamaru barked walked up to Naruto and licked him on the hand making Naruto giggle.

"And you can try and keep your master in line." Naruto knelt down and pet Akamaru, getting a happy whine from the canine.

"Hey! Not fair!" Kiba exclaimed, offended. "What makes you think I need supervision?" Sasuke, Naruto and Akamaru gave him a look. "Traitor..." Kiba glared at Akamaru who barked happily, a bark which Naruto and Sasuke could have sworn sounded like a laugh.*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

Clean Slate - Part 4

Feeling better now that there was an agreement between them, Naruto headed for breakfast, Kiba and Sasuke deciding to join him. As they approached Naruto saw Ayame, dressed in her white uniform, her long brown hair hidden underneath the white bandanna she wore. She was just beginning to open the metal shutter to the shop when she spotted Naruto.

"Hey there stud!" Ayame grinned giving him an affectionate punch in the arm.

"Hi Oneesan." Naruto chuckled, while he did consider her a 'sister' of sorts, she had that tomboyish way about her.

"You all coming for some breakfast ramen?" She asked looking at Kiba, Sasuke and Akamaru in tow.

"Yeah! Naruto grinned. They followed Ayame inside and took their seats. Kiba and Sasuke sitting on either side of Naruto.

"Naruto my boy!" Ichiraku smiled coming over to greet them as he was wiping his hands clean on a towel.

"So how did the big date go last night!?" Ayame's question sent cold needles running through Naruto's body.

"Oh... it... could have gone better..." Naruto sighed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, hoping he wouldn't ask any more questions.

"Aww, that's a shame. Was it father? Did he scare her off? I told him..." Ayame clenched her fist in anger, Ichiraku flinched at his daughters anger.

"No, no!" Naruto tried to reassure her. "It wasn't him."

"Of course it wasn't! I am offended that you would think I would even try to ruin Naruto's date!"

"If you say so." Ayame visibly relaxed completely ignoring her father. "Think you'll go on another date with her?"

"Eh... well... who knows..."

"Don't worry about it son, plenty more fish on the sea as they say!" Ichiraku chuckled. "Now what can I get you three gents?" After ordering Ichiraku and Ayame left them to go prepare their meals. Leaving the three of them to talk amongst themselves.

"I forgot just how often you came here, they treat you like family." Sasuke chuckled. "Do you actually eat anything else other than ramen?"

"I don't know..." Naruto replied, feeling like Sasuke was mocking him. "Why does your hair style look like a chickens ass?" Sasuke shot him an evil glare, Kiba almost chocked on the mouthful of water he had just swallowed before bursting into a fit of laughter, he laughed so hard he fell of his seat and began to roll around on the floor laughing. Sasuke heard a stifled laughter from the kitchen and began to blush.

"It's not that funny Kiba!" Sasuke growled through his teeth.

"Oh yes it fucking was!" Kiba said between laughs. "Chickens ass... that was priceless!" Naruto giggled, finding Kiba's reaction funnier than the insult itself. Sasuke huffed and began to pout. Kiba eventually managed to compose himself and sat back down. There was little talk after that and soon they were served their meals. After finishing their meals the trio began to walk along the streets in an awkward silence. Sick of the silence Sasuke began to speak.

"So... what do you want to do Naruto?"

"Uh... I don't know. I've not really thought about what I going to do after breakfast!" Naruto sighed, remembering that he had begun the day with the threat of assassination over his head.

"Well then why don't we go to the hot springs!" Kiba announced, both Naruto and Kiba giving him a look of suspicion. "What?!"

"The hot springs?" Naruto asked sceptically, remembering what Kiba had done to him there.. "Really?"

"Come on! It's not like I'm going to try and take advantage! I mean, Sasuke can come too! Besides, what's more relaxing than soaking in the hot springs with a full belly?"

"He has a point." Sasuke added. Kiba wouldn't be able to take advantage of Naruto with him there, as a bonus Sasuke would get to see Naruto naked. That was more than worth putting up with Kiba's presence.

"Well I suppose a soak in the hot springs would be kinda nice." Naruto agreed, he was tired, he hadn't had a decent nights sleep in days. His body was stiff with fatigue. "Okay then, I guess we're going to the hot springs."


Through Kiba's insistence they headed to a hot spring a couple of miles out of the village, Kiba argued that the one in town was always busy at this time of day. The spring was surrounded by a bamboo wall and appeared to be unisex pools. Naruto was immediately concerned of bumping into Jiraiya, his perverted master laying in wait for some young woman to come use the pool. Shaking such thoughts from his head Naruto followed Kiba and Sasuke into the wooden building. After paying at the desk they made their way to the changing room and began to undress. Naruto pulled his t-shirt off over his head, then hooking his fingers into his waistband he pushed both his pants and underwear off in one smooth motion. A wolf whistle echoed through the room and Naruto glanced over his shoulder to see Kiba grinning, standing there naked with a towel in his hand, with a raging erection jutting out in front of him.

"Really Kiba?" Naruto asked exasperated.

"Not my fault I find you sexy." Kiba smirked, as he leant against a wall and continued to blatantly watch Naruto as he bent over to pick up his clothes. Sasuke watched in silence enjoying the view of Naruto's ass as he bent over as much as Kiba was. Naruto and Sasuke wrapped their towels round their waist while Kiba decided to simply carry his.

"Your taking that in with you?" Kiba asked pointing at the sword that Naruto was carrying.

"Uh... yeah I guess I am..." Naruto replied, he hadn't realised he'd picked it up but not wanting to appear like an idiot he decided to run with it. "Just to make sure you don't try to pull anything!" Naruto grinned waving the sheathed blade threateningly in Kiba's face.

"As if I'd try anything like that!" Kiba exclaimed in mock hurt.

"Yeah, well see that you don't or something might get cut off!" Naruto retorted, padding past Kiba to the sliding door that led to the hot spring. Kiba pouted and followed Naruto out, Sasuke following close behind with an amused expression.

Compared to the hot springs in Konoha it was very simple and rustic. The floor around the spring was natural stone that had been worn smooth through use. The pool itself was not that large, but was big enough to fit a dozen people comfortably. They all dropped their towels at the edge of the pool and stepped into the warm waters, Naruto let out a sigh of satisfaction as the heat penetrated his muscles. He didn't miss his opportunity to take a peek at both Kiba and Sasuke's naked bodies, smiling to himself as he drank in the sight of their toned bodies, feeling for the first time that maybe liking other guys wasn't as strange as he had first thought. He leant back against the edge of the pool an sat cross legged, closed his eyes and felt a heavy feeling of relaxation wash over him, his lack of sleep finally catching up on him.