For Love of Love 22: A Day In The Park

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#22 of For Love of Love

Jes grinned at the thought of Jamie working at the spa again; he had told her before that he really didn't want to work there again because of the sketchiness of some of the people that came in; he was no doubt doing it for Jean, since she seemed to be into the massage thing in a big way. Jes smiled a little and looked at Oliver. Now that she thought about it, she didn't really know that much about Oliver or what he did during his regular life. Not the she really cared, though; she was just happy that she had someone to share her life with that would never, ever be taken away from her by anybody.

* * * * * *

The Kaizramon watched the prey that his tamer had presented to her. They was more than one of them, and at least one of them was considerably stronger than him; that one would be the first target on which he would use the weapon of surprise. After that, the others would put up resistance, but with the possible exception of the large, furry, fox-like one standing next to one of the humans, they weren't anything that he wouldn't be able to handle.

"This isn't too much for you, is it, Kaz?"

"No, Tamer," he answered confidently. "I will do my best."


He first had to catch them off-guard. The Angewomon seemed like a good target to break everyone's attention and take them by surprise. The one that she was making out with and hugging was probably his mate, so he'd have to go after him next; he'd have enough time to immobilize him and kill him after he was done with the fox-like Digimon with the human tamer.

Taking a small fraction of a second to close the space between him and the Angewomon, he flicked his finger, creating a sharp, quick wave of motion through the thread that was attached to it. The thread snapped through the air, making a high-pitched sound that went unheard by everyone but himself, before slicing cleanly through one of the Angewomon's six wings.

The Anewomon screeched in pain as his weapon separated her wing, and just as he was expecting, rather than looking for the source of the danger, he rushed immediately to his mate's aid, just like any good male would. Grinning to himself and his ability to predict the movements of less perceptive Digimon, he changed his position, taking a series of quick steps to reposition him behind the short scaly creature and tied his hands together then tied his hands to his back, wrapping a length of wire around his body. Kicking the pitiful thing against his mate so they could be close in their last few moments together while he killed the rest of these problem Digimon.

* * * * * *

Jes had heard the whiplike sound just before Angie's wing fell off and starting bleeding. The first thing she did after thinking about how much of a complete idiot Lex was was run to Oliver to protect him, evolving into her infinity level as quickly as she could manage. She had just fallen in love with someone and managed to get out of an especially bad heat with her pride mostly intact, there was no way that she was going to let anyone mess up her life and harm Oliver now, when she had accomplished so much now. She wasn't going to let this fucking bastard hurt her or her mate.

"_ Vispassanian Slaughter! _" Jes immediately unleashed the most destructive attack that she had in her arsenal, launching a wave of dark energy at the offending Digimon. The other Digimon seemed to disappear from the place where he was, moving; the attack missed completely, instead killing all living matter in the northern end of the park. Trees withered and died, birds fell out of the air and landed on their heads or backs with sickening cracking sounds, and small mammals rolled over onto their backs and breathed their last.

The whiplike crack of his weapon came from somewhere to her left, and a fraction of a second later, it scraped against her dark black scales. At her rookie level, that would have literally cut her in half, but now it only stung a little and made her bleed for a few seconds before it clotted. Growling loudly at the Kaizramon to make her displeasure with him known, she launched herself at the Digimon, ready to kill it completely and tear it limb from limb until someone wouldn't be able to figure out that the parts had once belonged to a humanoid being.

* * * * * * *

Lex pulled and tugged at the wires that were keeping from helping the woman that he loved. In terms of power, the Digimon hat was fighting a very angry, growling Jes wasn't anywhere as strong as he was, but Lex didn't want to hurt him unless he really didn't have any other choice. Concentrating briefly on the wire, he evolved to his completely bodiless Perfection form and simply slid through the wire, reforming himself and devolving back down to his Mega form as soon as he was free.

"Lex..." Angie shivered a little when he touched her damaged wing, which was starting to lose a lot of blood. "I'm okay, help Jes..." Lex nodded a little. He was about to freeze both Jes and the Kaizramon when he heard the characteristic swipe of a card through a Digivice; he then realized that this Digimon had a tamer who was standing about a hundred yards away, eagerly watching how well her Kaizramon was faring against Jes in combat.

Why would a human want their Digimon to fight? It didn't make any sense to him why anyone would want their Digimon to risk their life like that for no reason. Even if Jes had done something to one of them in the past, this wasn't the way to solve the problems that they had with each other.

Lex scowled at the thought of using Digimon as a weapon like that. The Kaizramon probably didn't even know what he was doing was wrong. That human ... she couldn't possibly know what it felt like to have your data chipped at and slowly broken, attack after attack until you couldn't hold yourself together any longer and you agonizingly ripped yourself apart and lost everything that made you yourself...She couldn't possibly understand that, not as long as she was ordering her Digimon to put others through that for no reason.

A growl started forming underneath his breath in the back of his throat; trying to calm himself down and tell himself that hurting her was only going to bring more pain and suffering into the world and he had done that more than enough already.Forcibly teleporting the human over to where he was, he grabbed her by the neck and flung her to the ground. She had to know what it felt like for the Digimon whose deaths she had ordered...she had to... if she did, then maybe she would understand how wrong it was and stop ...

"_ Glyph of pain! _" A sharply angled, evil-looking symbol formed near the palm of his hand and threw himself down onto the human females chest. When she screamed, writhed and arched her back in pain, he did it again. And again. And again, every time increasing the amount of energy he put into the attack.

"This is what you're doing!" Lex yelled, tears streaming down his face, mad at both himself for what he was doing and at the human for what she was doing. "This is what you're ordering your Digimon to do! Every time you let him raise a hand against another Digimon, this is what they feel!" Lex's growl got louder and louder with each new glyph that he produced.

* * * * * * *

Megan writhed in agony, trying to get into some kind of position where she couldn't feel the unbearable amount of pain that was being forced through her body, moving from her chest outward. Moving made it hurt a lot more, but at least it let her know that her brain was still working.

"K-Kaz!" she managed to yell out in between attacks from the Digimon that was attacking her. "H-h-he--AAAH!" her cries for help were quickly interrupted by another set of pain attacks from the Digimon. He never ignored her like this, what the hell was he doing?

In a brief moment of painlessness in between the pain attacks, Megan turned her head. Kaz wasn't winning any longer; in fact, he looked like he was losing. The furry fox Digimon had gone up to what could only have been her Infinity level, and even though Kaz was a lot faster, he just didn't seem like he was doing any damage to her with his attacks. No matter how fast Kaz was, up against someone that strong, it was only a matter of time until --

"_ Glyph of pain! _"

* * * * * * *

Kaz ducked under a blow from the Infinity and counter-attacked, but it didn't seem to do any good. He simply wasn't doing enough damage to make a difference, and her angry growling was starting to have an unnerving effect on him. Thoughts of what she might do to him if he slipped up enough to give her an opening started trying to worm their way into his mind.

"_ Neurowhip! _" Using one of his special attacks, he flicked his fingers and wrapped a few of his wires around the neck of the Infinity. An electrical shock went through the metallic fibers. Usually, this was enough to completely knock out an enemy for a while, but all it did to this one was stun her for a few seconds while she thrashed around tugging at the wires around her neck. Not one to waste any time, Kaz quickly and gracefully ducked under his outstretched right arm and turn around to face the small, childlike nature Digmion that had arrived while they were fighting.

Somehow, the Infinity managed to get away from him by summoning some strange substance out of nothingness that dissolved away his wires. Having only a few feet left that drastically reduced his range, he made a fatal mistake and widened himself out too much. The Infinity grabbed his outstretched arm, twisted it enough that he couldn't counter, and threw him directly into one of the trees that littered the area.

"Heehe..." In the few seconds that Kaz was stunned, the young nature Digimon put her hands on the tree and made it literally grow around him, trapping his torso completely. His eyes widened as he realized the seriousness of the situation that he had just been put in. He wasn't able to do anything. He couldn't help his tamer now ... he couldn't even help himself. Unless ... the young Digimon was still there, so he used what was left of his mobility to wrap wires around her neck and pull the young thing up against his front.

"Let Megan go or the nature-type dies!" he yelled, tightening the string around the young Digimon's neck.

"Y-you bastard..." The Infinity's tamer said, still standing off to the side of the battle where he had been standing the whole time. "How can you do things like that?"

Kaz felt guilty about doing what he was doing, but he didn't have any other choice, at least not until his other hand and what was left of his deadly wires could finish the task of weakening the wood enough to get him out of his present predicament.

"That isn't a good idea." The Angewomon said, having formed her bow and drawn an arrow that was now pointed at his head. To take the attention off of what his remaining hand was doing, he growled and pulled the nature Digimon closer against him. He was almost out ... the Angewomon wasn't going to shoot him on her own--she didn't seem the type to do something like that--so he had at least a few extra seconds to get out of the tree.

"_ Glyph of pain! _" The reptilian Digimon put another one of those terrible spells into his tamer.

"K-KAZ, PLEASE! HELP!" Megan yelled out miserably. His tamer was in trouble. His tamer was in trouble. He had to help her; he had to. That scaly Digimon had to die, and he was going to be the one to do it. He took out his anger on the young thing who he had by the neck, pulling the wire ighter around it and getting a perverse satisfaction out of the weak, pathetic choking noises and struggles as she tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

Suddenly, she disappeared, her data dissociating and flying toward a human holding a Digivice. He struggled for a few seconds, having lost the little cover that he did to cover up what he was doing. Luckily, he managed to break the tree's hold on him and get out of it.

* * * * * * *

Lex's head snapped to the side as he heard the cracking of wood when the Kaizramon broke free and leaped at him. Great. He had been looking for a good excuse to teach the wire-wielding Digimon.

"_ Abysmal barrage! _" Mentally pulling energy out of the air around him, Lex formed it into a number of fireballs which launched themselves at the Digimon Jes had been fighting. The barrage of fireballs wasn't strong enough to kill the Kaizramon, but it more than enough to stun him and throw him into another one of the trees in the valley, shattering it into a mist of leaves and bark.

They had to learn that what they were doing was wrong. Disappearing in a puff of mist and reappearing standing in front of the stunned tamer and Digimon.

"_ Glyph of _ --"

"Lex, stop it!" A hand slapped him across the muzzle, stinging madly. "Stop!" Lex turned to whoever it was, ready to destroy whoever it was that dared to interrupt the work that he was performing.

It was Angie...

"Angie..." Lex started coming to his senses, driven by the memories of Angie's soft, warm, loving face that had now turned more harsh and angry than it had ever been before. He looked again at what he had done to the tamer and her Digimon. Had he really done that...? He had... Lex turned away, ashamed of losing control of himself like that in front of the person that meant the most to him.

Lex collapsed onto his knees and wrapped his arms tightly around Angie's legs. He wouldn't blame her if she didn't want o be with him anymore because of this, but that wasn't what he wanted. "Angie, I'm sorry...I..."

"I know, Lex..." She stroked his head. Lex almost immediately started crying; crying because he had hurt a human, crying because Angie had hit him, crying because he was going to be bringing a child into the world, crying because he was crying in front of Angie.

* * * * *

Kaz stared in confusion at the Digimon that had been attacking his tamer. How could someone so physically strong be so emotionally weak? It didn't make sense with him.

"What is wrong with him?" Kaz asked the Infinity, who had devolved down to what looked her Rookie level.

"His mate got hurt; she's pregnant, about to have a child any day, he's giddy and spent his entire life trying to get away from Digimon like you. Take your pick." The furry fox growled under her breath as she was speaking.

"That's so ... weak." Megan said, getting back up on her feet and looking at the quivering, crying, scaly Digimon. "Why do you all put up with the presence of such weak Digimon?" Her head turned toward him, giving him a hostile glare that he was quite used to by now. "Not that you're much better, Kaz," she added.

The furry Digimon, whose name he later learned was Jes, tiilted her head back and started laughing at his tamer.

"What's so funny!?!" Megan turned on Jes, dripping with hostility. Kaz flinched a little; he knew that there wasn't much that she could do to him, physically speaking, but he was still scared to death of his tamer.

"I don't understand it; why don't you two fight? Why don't you kill the others and take their data? Why do you put up with this kind of crap?" Kaz watched Megan closely. now that the fighting was over, he had reverted to keeping a close watchful eye on the human in his life and do the best that he could to make sure that no one came close enough to her to hurt her.

"What would that accomplish, exactly?" Jes asked. "I'm already at my highest possible level.

"You can still gather more data to be more powerful," Megan pointed out.

Jes immediately looked at Kaz with a toothy, menacing grin as she evolved back up to her Infinity level again. "Thanks for pointing that out," she answered.

"That isn't what I meant," Megan said exasperatingly; she didn't look like she was going to stop her from doing anything.

"Still ... I get the data," Jes pointed out, moving menacingly closer to Kaz. Kaz was still mostly frozen by the aftereffects of whatever attack the magician Digimon had used on him; there was no way for him to even run away, let alone properly fight back or move at all other than turning his head from side to side and make small, minute movements in his wirst and fingers, but nowhere near what he needed to engage the other Digimon.

Jes looked at Megan, looking like she was trying to get an emotional reaction out of her, or at least seeing whether or not she approved of what she was doing with Kaz. As was her usual behavior whenever he failed his tamer, she was completely ambivalent and apathetic toward any threat to him that came about.

"Tamer, please..." Kaz pleaded with her, which wasn't how he usually reacted to his tamer's treatment for his failure. Normally he didn't mind the abandonment punishment, but his life was in danger now...

"Hmmph," she said, turning away from him. "If you're going to kill him, hurry up and get it over with so I can get a new one. A stronger one." Kaz's eyes opened wide in fear. He had always thought he was going to die fighting another Digimon, but he had never thought that he was going to die like this, frozen in place, abandoned by his tamer. He gritted his teeth a little, trying not to think about the inevitable.

"Ha!" Jes started laughing. "You really don't care, do you? Well, I guess I could use the extra data," she said, putting her hand around Kaz's neck and lifting him up off the ground. Kaz choked a little, struggling to breathe through the extremely tight grip. " do you want to die? Any preferences?"

"T-Tamer...Megan, please!" Kaz whimpered a little, losing the composure that he normally had and trying desparately to move despite the spell that had been put on him. Megan didn't so much as flinch.

Jes put her claw against his stomach. "Mmm, good choice," she grinned evilly, piercing his clothes and skin enough to make him start bleeding.

"Jes, don't." The human who could only be this Digimon's tamer put his hand on Jes, stopping her from penetrating into his skin any further. "You're better than they are." Kaz tried not to pay attention to the two of them talking, waiting either for Jes to let him back down so he could wait for he spell to wear of or for Jes to gut him, finish him off and end this life.

In about half a minute, she finally put him down and walked off.

* * * * * *

Megan kept looking away from Kaz even after she knew that he had been put back down on the ground. Truth be told, she didn't really want him dead, but what other choice did she have? If that damn fox Digimon was going to kill him, then she was going to kill him, and there wasn't anything that she could do about it, at least not until she--

A hand grabbed her right wrist and twisted it behind her and up in the direction of her neck. She screamed a little, immediately crying out for Kaz.

"Oh, now you want you Digimon?" The fox Digimon's tamer said to her, twisting her wrist more. "You want him now, but when he's in danger, it's 'go ahead and kill him, I'll get another one later'?"

Megan was about to yell out an angry reply, but then she realized that he was right. When he needed her, she had ignored him, but when she needed him, she just automatically took it for granted. Kaz had taught her martial arts, she easily could have fought off the other tamer, but he was at least a little bit right. Was Kaz really more than just some computer progrm that could be easily replaced and used to destroy other similar things to make it more powerful? "Its a game for you, isn't it?" He said, letting go of her wrist and forcing her to turn around and face him. "This is all just some huge game for you."


"They aren't cards anymore, Megan! They're living things here! Living things that feel love, that feel hate, that are just as intelligent as you and I! What you're doing is far, far worse than what he did by attacking Lex and Angie! He's just been doing what he's been doing his entire life. What you did was worse! You should be trying to adapt him to the real world and teaching him only to fight when he doesn't have any other choice rather than looking for other Digimon and siccing him on them at sight!"

Megan looked at Kaz. The other tamer was right. He was right, and there wasn't anything at all that she could say that wouldn't make her look like a complete idiot. She was going to have to apologize to him sometime...sometime when they weren't anywhere near all of these other Digimon and tamers. It seemed like the other tamer wanted her to apologize now, though, and that wasn't what she had in mind.

"I'm sorry, alright?" she finally said to the other tamer when she couldn't stand the silence anymore. She was going to try to explain why she had done what she had done, but something past the human and her Digimon caught her eye; it was another Digimon/human pair who had both taken refuge over by one of the trees that littered the park. A white scaly Clerimon--she recognized the type because Kaz had killed one before--and her tamer were cuddling and kissing underneath the tree's branches.

Megan's face flushed ever so slightly, but most of her wanted her to recoil in disgust. It was one thing if it was a human-like Digimon like Kaz, but ... that Clerimon was basically a llarge lizard ... the thought of that guy sticking his dick into the Clerimon made her shiver a little more; she looked away so she wouldn't have to see anything like that.

"What? Oh ... you think that's bad?" The tamer that had grabbed her wrist pulled the fox Digimon, who had again gone back to her lower level form, bent her downward and started making out with her.

"That's disgusting!" She tried to turn away, but she found the sight so disgusting that she might has well have been under the same spell that the magician Digimon who had been using those horrid pain attacks on her had put on Kaz. Now she was looking at the tamer of the young nature-type that Kaz had almost strangled.

"Don't tell me you..."

"No!" He answered quickly; he looked almost as disgusted with what was going on around him as she was.

"I never thought of them like you do," she said, trying to apologize for her actions. Even if she found it physically revolting, they were right; they were in love, and they were right.

* * * * *

Kaz watched in confusion as his tamer gave up everything that she had learned and known while the two of them were together. It wasn't a very pretty sight, but Kaz was grateful that she wasn't givingww up on him and letting him die. He looked over at the Angewomon whose wing he had severed in half, who was being tended to by her mate, the Digimon who had frozen him in place and almost resulted in his death.

"Can you let me out of this?" Kaz asked.

"Are you sorry for what you did to Angie?" he asked just as soon as he had finished the question. "You won't attack her again?"

"No...I am sorry," Kaz said, putting emphasis on the being sorry part. "I ... it's what I've done ever since I was paired with a tamer. I've done everything I had to to keep my tamer and stay here in the Real World." The other Digimon nodded at him; within a second, he could move again.

"Angie..." he said the name of the Angewomon carefully, like just saying it was going to hurt him somehow. "I'm sorry for hurting you. I know that there isn't really anything that I can say or anything that I can do to make up for what I've done to you. I didn't know you were pregnant; if I had known that you were carrying a child, I never would have attacked you like this."

"It's okay," she said slowly, holding her stomach protectively like there was something dangerous about to happen to her and her child. "Just promise that you won't attack anyone else like this."

"I promise."

"I don't blame you," the magician Digmon, whose name he said was Lex. "I've never been in your position, but it isn't pretty and I can understand it."

Kaz sighed a little. He couldn't get forgiveness from all of the Digimon and the few humans that he had killed under Megan's orders, but he could at least get forgiveness from the ones that he had hurt here today. Sighing slightly, he looked over at the tamer of the young nature type that he had alost strangled to death to cover up his escaping from being stuck in that tree. The tamer was there, but where was the Digimon?

"Where is your Digimon?" He asked, approaching him slowly. "I'd like to apologize."

"You won't try to kill her if I tell you, then?"

"No!" he answered quickly, almost angry at the accusation. "Of course not..."

"That didn't exactly stop you before," he said slowly, sounding like he was hesitating to do anything.

"Yeah!" The young female voice of the child came from somewhere in the hands of her tamer; the only explanation was that she was somehow hiding in the Digivice that was connected to her.

"I'm not going to pretend like there's something I can say--" Kaz stopped midsentence and cocked his head slightly when he realized where the young Digimon had to be.

"Jeth, it doesn't make a lot of sense to yell like that when you're trying to hide."

Kaz waited while the two of them talked. He didn't blame her for running away and hiding, especially after what he had done to the young, innocent thing. Being as patient as he possibly could, he looked around and surveyed the damage that his fighting had caused. More than a few of the trees that decorated the park had been destroyed, at least two of them because he had been thrown into them. A few of them had simply died, probably from whatever attack the virus at her Infinity level had thrown at him earlier during their battle.

"She said she'll come out, but if you so much as lay a finger on her--"

"I won't," Kaz quickly answered, stepping closer to the Digivice and looking to see what was on the screen. Rather than the normal status display that showed information about the Digimon and a rotating image of the Digimon who was connected to it, it showed just the young nature-type sitting on a health bar against a dark background.

"Eep!" She looked at him through the screen, squeaked, and then hid behind the solid red health bar at the bottom of the screen.

"I'm sorry...please come out," Kaz coaxed, putting his hand on the Digivice much to the annoyance of her human tamer. When she didn't respond, he felt even more guilty than he had, looking again at some of the destruction he had caused. "I was wondering if you might be able to do something about these trees that got killed."

"Oh..." her head popped up over the health. "Yeah, I'll try." She smiled a little, faded off of the screen and came back into existence over by one of the trees whose trunk had almost entirely shattered. "Go over there," she said, pointing in Angie and Lex's direction where he had come from. "I'm Jeth, by the way."

"Jeth, you know what happened the last time you tried this..." He heard the young Digimon's tamer whisper to him. They probably thought that he couldn't hear them, but he could. His finely tuned senses let him hear things a lot farther away than those two. From what he could gather from their conversation, Jeth had tried this before, but it hadn't ended very well, and the tree didn't stop growing until it had completely engulfed the building that it was growing next to.

"Oh, shush, Ian; what's the worst that could happen? We're in the middle of a park." Jeth giggled, then went over near the base of the nearest crushed tree. She put her hand down on a root that was sticking up out of the ground and closed her eyes like she was concentrating very hard on something that was stumping her. She kept doing it for at least a few minutes, well after it seemed obvious that it wasn't going anywhere. Kaz sighed and turned away, firuging that this was all some kind of elaborate ruse to make fun of him.

A loud creaking noise, like the sound of a tree that was about to fall over, and then a series of odd crunching sounds. He quickly turned around to see if anyone was in any kind of danger, then saw something that was absolutely incredible; the tree had grown back into exactly the same position it was before.

"Wow..." Kaz watched a little. Between his martial arts skills and his weapons, he was capable of destroying just about anyone or anything that he had put his mind to, but he had never thought about what it might be like to create something from something that had already been destroyed. It was kind of symbolic, he thought. Assuming this wasn't some kind of trick on Megan's part, his life killing every Digimon she ran ito that she didn't like the look of was over. Now he was free to be what a Digimon with a tamer was supposed to be, and live a life that didn't involve wantonly going around and killing half the Digimon in London.

"Heehe, you look like you've never seen a tree brought back from the dead before."

"I haven't ... how do you that?"

"Well, it really isn't that complicated ..." she started.