For Love of Love 23: A Day In The Park II

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#23 of For Love of Love

Lex watched as Jeth brought the tree back from the dead. Giggling slightly at the Kaizramon's reaction to what she was doing, Lex rested his head on Angie's shoulder, happy that both of them were still mostly alright. The Kaizramon had only clipped Angie's wing, so she was probably going to be alright, and it would grow back in a few days.

"Ohhh, Lex," Angie shivered a little, which wasn't what she usually did when he snuggled up to her.

"Angie, are you okay? Is something wrong?" Lex held her concernedly, hoping with all of his heart that there wasn't anything else wrong that he didn't know about.

"Yes...well, k-kind of, I feel weird...I think it's coming..." Angie looked at him with a mix of excitement and fear.

Lex squeaked a little, realizing that this might be the moment he would see the egg containing his child.

"Oh, Angie...Angie, I love you..."

"Heehee...I love you, too...aaah..." Angie moaned slightly, rested against the tree and spread out her legs. Lex helped Angie undo her clothes, eagerly putting one hand on her side and one hand on top of her stomach, feeling the small bulge that was the egg that was about to come out. "Ahhh, Lex, it hurts..."

"It'll be okay, Angie, girls do this all the time..."

Angie giggled slightly through short pants and muscle contractions. "Yeah, Lex, you know all about what girls do all the time..." Lex giggled slightly and shrugged at Angie, moving his hand down to follow the egg's progress into her tunnel.

"Nnnn..." Angie shut her eyes tightly and spread her legs out farther. Lex pushed down a little on the egg; it must have just been passing out of her womb, judging by the painful sounds that Angie was making. "Lex, it hurts..."

"I know, I know." Lex rubbed her sides gently even though he knew that it wasn't going to help her at all. Angie started panting harder and making grunting sounds with each one of the contractions that she went through.

* * * * *

Angie had never felt pain like this before in her life. Every part of her lower body ached with pain from having the massive-feeling egg slowly slipping through something that had never held anything that big before. But at the same time, she felt the happiest that she had ever felt in her life; she knew that as as soon as it slid out of her, she was going to be able to see the egg that was containing her child...Lex's child...their child. That made the pain worth it. That made ... everything ... worth it.

She felt the last bit of the egg pass out of her womb and into her awaiting tunnel. Having the whole thing in there made it hurt more than anything else, and she didn't want anything more than for it to come out of her. "Ahhh..." Angie shut her eyes tight against the pain. Every contraction of her muscles made her ache even more, until it felt like pushing one more time was going to tear her apart and kill her. Stopping for a moment,

she tightened up all the muscles in her body against the pain.

"Keep pushing, Angie, I can see it..."

"But it hurts," she whined from the pain.

"I know, Angie, I--"

"No you don't!" Angie snapped. "You have no idea what this feels like, you aren't a woman!" Lex recoiled from her, taking his hands off of her and landing on his butt into a sitting position a foot or so away from her. She regretted what she had said just as soon as she had said it, quickly apologizing to her emotionally fragile mate just as another convulsion racked through her body.

"Lex!!" she cried out for her mate, who immediately came to her side and grabbed a hold of her hand.

"It's okay, Angie, I'm here... just keep pushing, it'll all be over soon and you'll be able to hold our egg."

"Okay, Lex, I'll ...ngggh... try..." She started pushing every muscle she had; having that egg pass through her was thr most unpleasant thing she had ever experienced. She felt another hand -- this one human -- grab onto the one that Lex wasn't holding and squeeze it.

"Angie, just keep pushing..." Oliver said. Angie giggled weakly and kept trying to get it out. The egg was almost out now, she could almost feel it as it slid through her insides towards her mate, who diligently had his hand out ready to help coax it out when it was almost out. "There, Angie, it's almost more push..."

The pain was absolutely incredible. Almost screaming from the pain, she gave the egg one last hard, push. This was going to be the last one, it had to be; if she had to do any more, she was going to pass out.

"There! Again, Angie, one last time..." Lex coaxed, giving her hand a loving, affectionate squeeze. She didn't think she was going to be able to do another one, but it was almost like Lex had passed on extra strength through their connected hands. Bracing herself up against the tree for one final push outward, she gave it all the strength she had left.

"aaaAAAhhh!" she felt the egg slip past her entrance and outside of her body. She quickly opened her eyes to make sure that it was alright, that she hadn't been too hard on it and cracked it or anything. Lex immediately passed it into Angie's cradled arm, then put his head underneath it; she could see both the egg that she had made and the man who had helped her make it at the same time.

For a moment, life paused. Oliver wasn't there, the Kaizramon wasn't there...Jeth, her tamer, Jamie and Jean were all gone. It was just her, Lex, and their egg, all in the most beautiful place that they had ever been in together. A flood of happiness filled every inch of her body. It was like ... pure, unadulterated happiness. Happiness wasn't strong enough of a word; the only time she had ever felt like this before was when she had merged with Lex and felt just how completely in love he was with her. Her heart felt like a warm fountain that just poured out elation into the rest of her body. All the pushing that she had to do to get it outside of her was a small price to be for the feeling that had enveloped her so completely.

Lex put his cool, scaly hand next to hers on the egg, with his thumb just on top of one of her fingers. She didn't think it was possible considering how happy she was already feeling, but somehow having her skin touched by Lex's scales made it feel even better. The bottled up happiness inside her managed to find its way to the outside and expressed itself in a gentle coo to both Lex and the egg that they had made together.

"Angie, I love you..." He said. Giggling weakly with happiness, Angie knew that he was telling the truth; not that he wasn't telling the truth all of the other hundreds of times that he had told her that he loved her over the past few weeks, but it just seemed like it meant more now that the two of them were holding a child that they had produced together.

"I love you, too, Lex," she cooed back at him, stroking both her new egg and her mate's hand at the same time. She smiled happily, pulling Lex tightly up against her and giving him as tight a hug as she could, keeping their egg in between them through the hug.

* * * * *

Jean had never seen the process of birth before. It looked like it was extremely painful, but looking at Angie's face now, she looked like the happiest person in the world. At the Citadel, it wasn't so simple...most of the Digimon who were born there were born from the Breedorium, a terrible, terrible place. It was there that disgraced Interdictors who had committed one of the sensual sins were sent to live out the rest of their lives, repeating out their sins over and over and over again to produce more Interdictors for the Order. If you were male, you were lucky; you could keep doing the same thing over and over again for the rest of your life, which could be a very, very long time.

A female Clerimon in the hands of the Breders wasn't so lucky. Clerimon suffered from an imperfection in their data that made it impossible for them to give birth to an egg that would hatch into a living Digimon more than once in their life. Females were bound to the ground in shackles on their hands and knees day and knight while they were penetrated over and over and filled with male seed until an egg came out of their body. If you weren't a Clerimon, then you'd live out the rest of your life, repeating the process over and over. If you were a Clerimon, then after your first birth you were killed the way that you had lived. A spear was shoved through and through your body, entering through your female parts, and coming out through your heart. The data derived from you went to the eggs and was evenly distributed among the future Interdictors before they were even born.

It was disgustingly efficient. Everything about the place was disgustingly efficient.

"Aren't you happy for Angie, Jean?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes, of course..." she said. "I was just thinking..."

"It doesn't seem like very pleasant thoughts..." he pointed out. "Is it something about where Clerimon--"

"Yes; I don't want to talk about it. I...I'm very happy for Angie and I can't wait to see their child..."

Jean blushed a little at the fact that Angie was still half-naked, and instead looked over at the Kaizramon and its tamer. They seemed like they were both trying to stay away from each other, which didn't really surprise her considering the realizations that the two of them had. She didn't really blame them. She had gone through something similar when she had realized that Viruses were just as capable of love as everyone else, and her whole life was turned upside down. She was grateful that she had Jamie to help her through that; neither one of them seemed like they had anyone to go back to and console them about their new lot in life as Tamer and Digimon. All they had were each other, and until they realized that, they probably weren't going to have a very pleasant life.

"Jean...have you ever thought about ...?"

Jean immediately blushed, and didn't have to think at all about what he was saying to figure out what he meant. It'd probably be nice to have a child, but she wasn't Angie; she wasn't ready to jump headfirst into being a mother without thinking about how well she would be able to do it. She was never trained in how to care for children, how to make sure they don't get sick, how to feed them and figure out what they want before they can effectively communicate their desires. She hadn't grown up in the kind of environment where you could pick that kind of thing up...Angie probably had, she was better suited for that kind of thing than she was.

She only had one chance to have a child...maybe it would be best for her to keep waiting until she could pick up on how to care for children so she could do more for it rather than give it to someone else that knew what they were doing.

"Jamie, I don't know. I just ... I don't know. I mean, I want to, I love you, but I just don't know if I'd be a very good mother."

"I understand..." Jamie put his hand around her waist and squeezed her a little. Jean cooed a little with happiness and sat back down. Maybe now she could finally live out the daydream that she had talked about. She liked the flowers that grew hadn't dawned on her when she was facedown trying to hide from the Kaizramon so she wouldn't have to fight him unless anything happened to Jes.

Cooing excitedly, she stuffed her muzzle into a small patch of flowers and inhaled happily, enjoying the fact that she was alive, happy, with Jamie, and about to go with him to go secure their future in the world that she lived in now.

"Heehe...don't you have an interview that you should be going to?"

"Oh, right!" Jamie quickly lifted her up onto her feet, grabbed her hand and started running off with her in tow. Jean giggled in excitement, eager to see what all this stuff about the spa was. They ran for a few minutes until they came out of the park. On the other side of the street was a luxurious looking little building that had a small waterfall and a little river at its base that went back inside the building. The only way to get to the door was to get over this little stone bride that went across the tiny river, surrounded by small bushes and trees that were growing out of rock formations sitting in he little river.

Jean cooed a little at the setup. In between the urbanized buildings that occupied the rest of the street, there was this adorable, beautiful little place. It was almost like the beauty of the park itself had moved itself across the street into this cute little place.

"'s cute, isn't it?"

"Mm-hmm." Jamie nodded at her, adjusting his grip on her hand and taking her across the bridge; there was just barely enough room for both of them to walk over it hand-in-hand. Jamie opened the door and looked in. It was just as nice inside the building as it was outside; there were a bunch of little gurgling streams that came from a water source somewhere. There were dug-out areas filled with raked sand, rocks and tiny little trees. Jean's tail swished around happily as she examined the surroundings, wondering if she was going to have the opportunity to be here with Jamie while he was working here.

"Jamie, man, where have you been?" A guy sitting behind a bamboo counter said to Jamie.

"I went on vacation for a while in the Digital World."

"That's what I heard...are you looking for your old job back?"

"Uh, yeah, if it's still around."

"For you, always. Who's the girl?"

"Oh, uh, this is Jean. She's my new Digimon. And my girlfriend." He turned his head toward her, put his hand on her muzzle to turn her towards him, giving her a quick kiss. Jean cooed a little at the sudden display of affection and returned the kiss, putting her hand around the back of Jamie's head to hold him there for a few seconds longer.

"Uh...what happened to Jes?"

"... ... it's kind of complicated. I don't really understand it all myself. But she's mine now, and I'm hers, so I guess we'll just have to live with it."

Jean giggled a little. "Well, I'm not complaining..." She giggled slightly and gave her another kiss. "So this is where you do massages?"


"Why don't you take her into the rooms and show her what we do here?" Jamie's employer grinned at her and gave her a little wink. "You can have the rest of the day off with pay; consider it a falling in love present."

"Thanks, boss..." Jamie grinned and pulled her through a few similarly-decorated hallways into a room with some slightly louder water effects and a beautiful, flower-like smell. Jamie told her to lay face-down on the table after setting up a pillow that looked like it had a place for her to put her face down in while Jamie squirted some kind of lotion onto his hands and rubbed them together. Jean giggled a little, wiggled out of her robe and got up onto the table, her tail swishing happily from side to side.

She felt a towel slide up over her butt and tail. After that, Jamie's hands found their way onto the top of her back and started rubbing. Jean cooed quietly, enjoying the gentle rubbing like she always did. The muscles that had tensed up in her back and shoulders from the stress of watching that fight and worrying about what she might have to do started to relax, the stress and the pain excised through Jamie's gentle, loving hands and the warming lotion that he had put put on his hands before massaging her put her into a near-sleeping state, where she was only aware of what was going on above her back.

Jamie's hands moved farther down her back, around her sides and onto the curves of her stomach, then down to the small of her back just above her tail. Jean murred silently at the sensation, trying to still her tail, which had already knocked the towel off of her lower back. This was the part of the massages that she always enjoyed the most, when Jamie rubbed near the base of her tail. It made her feel really good; her tail always god rigid when he did that whether she wanted it to or not, and when that happened, she always got these intense little pleasure sensations that went through all of her body and then concentrated down in between her legs.

"Ooooo..." Jean cooed slightly, resisting the urges of her body to spread her legs and get Jamie to stop massaging her and do that thing with his tongue that he always did that drove her crazy.

Instead, she tried to get her body to relax so Jamie wouldn't complain to her about tightness in her muscles. Cooing quietly, she wrapped the wrest of her tail around Jamie's arm without realizing she was doing.

"Heehe...Jean, I can't do this with your tail around my arm..."

"Oh..." Jean giggled a little and uncoiled her tail from Jamie, letting it flick off to the side and over the edge of the massage table. Jamie started rubbing her tail extra-hard, his fingers pressing down through her scales and rubbing the muscles that lay underneath. She moaned a little and dug her claws into the padding on the massage table.

When he was finished with her tail, he played with the very end of it a little bit, then moved back down and started rubbing down her legs. Jean moaned a little, further resisting the urge to beg Jamie to take her.

" must love your job, Jamie..."

"Only when I do it on you. Some of the people who come in here, Jean, they're not very attractive."

Jean giggled a little, then moaned slightly as Jamie rubbed down her thigh and legs. Continuing to coo every few seconds or so, she flexed the muscles in her lower legs and feet and then relaxed them, enjoying the deep, pleasurable sensations that Jamie drove deeper and deeper through her lower body. Losing herself in the moment, she closed her eyes until Jamie started rubbing her feet, which he had never done before.

"Heehee...Jamie, quit it, that tickles," she giggled, twitching her foot every time Jamie pressed down somewhere on the bottom of it. Jamie didn't stop, and only kept doing it, driving her into a fit of giggling. "Jamie, come on, that tickles!"

"I guess you'll just have to live with it, then," she giggled.

He finally stopped when she started panting and didn't think that she was going to be able to breathe any longer. Once he did, she calmed down and relaxed, feeling many times better than she had before Jamie rubbed down her body.

"You want to spend a few minutes in the sauna?"

"The what?"

"The's like a hot room filled with's really relaxing. You might like it."

Jean turned over onto her back, sat up and reached down for her robe. Slipping the clasps together, she got up and followed Jamie through some more of the building's cute little hallways. Two doors down and to the right, Jamie pulled her into this other room. It was exactly what he had described; there were a bunch of very hot rocks sitting on a metal grate that boiled water into steam when it was poured over them.

After a few times pouring water over the rocks, the room was filled with hot steam, and Jamie motioned her to sit down next to him on a wooden bench built into the wall of the room.

Warmth always made her tired, and this wasn't any exception. With a happy, pleased expression, she closed her eyes and leaned on Jamie's shoulder, putting her arms around his chest and enjoying the warmth of the sauna.

* * * * *

Jamie smiled happily, stroking the back of Jean's head. He figured that she was going to enjoy this, thinking that she might like this because she was a reptile, and reptiles liked warm environments like this; it seemed like she was right. It wasn't long before Jean was sleeping peacefully, making the cute little cooing noises that she always made when she was asleep.

He would have fallen asleep too if it wasn't for the fact that it was extremely hot in here and that he was already sweating bullets. Still, Jean looked like she was really enjoying the heat, and he wasn't really in a position where he could move out of the position that she was in.

"Jamie Brooks?"

"Yes...?" Jamie looked up. At the entranceway to the doorway there were two intimidating-looking men wearing suits and some kind of badge affixed to the front of their jackets that he didn't recognize through the steam.

"We'd like to talk to you and the other Digimon and humans that you're living with. Give us a call when you're all together. Trust us, this isn't the kind of thing that you want to blow off."

"Uh...okay...?" Jamie looked down at the card the two of them left dropping it on the floor. When he looked back up, the two men were gone. Letting Jean down into a laying position on the bench, Jamie picked the card up on the floor.

"Lucas Golding," he read quietly to himself. "...British Digimon Detection Office."

* * * * *

Jeth thought it was kind of cute, the way that Megan's Digimon watched her as she fixed all of the plants that had been destroyed during the fight.

"Eeeek!" Something threw her up into the air and then held her in place. It took her a few seconds to realize that she had lost control of what she was doing and had let the tree grow out of control.

Jeth blushed down at Kaz, settling herself down in the tree. She liked the way that he looked at him. He looked embarrassed when she was trying to be cute for him, and she thought that was pretty funny. Giggling at him, she blushed a little and crossed her legs right before promptly falling out of the tree. She screeched a little and closed her eyes, not wanting to get hurt when she hit the ground.

But she never did. Something else broke her fall. She giggled and opened her eyes, expecting to see Ian there and protecting her like he always did. Her giggling stopped when she saw Megan's Digimon's face instead of Ian's. Her eyes widened a little. His eyes looked kind of like the eyes of a snake...she thought it was kind of cute.

"Thanks for catching me!" She giggled after a second or so of looking at his features, then clung tightly onto his neck. "You move really fast."

"It's what I do," he answered simply, putting her back down onto her feet. Jeth giggled a little at the simplicity of his answer.

"What's your name?" Jeth asked, giggling a little and straightening out her green robe.

"Kaz," he answered, taking a quick look at Megan before he looked back at her. Jeth played a little game with him, jumping up and flipping over Kaz's head and onto his back to see what he would do.

He immediately stopped moving every part of a body for a few seconds, then grabbed a hold of her ankles, pulling her down against his shoulders, probably so she wouldn't fall off of his back while she was up there.

She giggled a little, putting her arms around Kaz's back again. He had a pretty nice-looking neck; she thought it would have been pretty funny if she bent down and nibbled on it. He'd probably get really mad at her, and so would Ian. Rather then doing that, she snuggled his head and rested her head down on top of his, yawning a little. She had never done that much work before, and it made her pretty tired. It was actually pretty comfy up there on top of Kaz's back with him supporting the way that she was laying up there.


* * * * *

Kaz was at a loss of what to do. He wasn't good with children in the least, and now, completely against his will, there was a child literally sleeping on his back. Looking as pathetic and sad as he possibly could have, he looked at the child's Tamer for help. Grinning a little at him, the tamer came over and helped him get Jeth off of his back and down into a laying position on the ground.

Sighing slightly, Kaz sat down as far away as he could get from where Jeth was while still being able to see her. If Megan didn't want him to be her Digimon anymore after he had failed to protect her, he would understand; he wouldn't like it, and he didn't know what he was going to do with himself when and if that happened, but he understood why Megan wouldn't want a Digimon that couldn't even keep her safe during combat, much less emerge as the winner from it.

Sighing a little and trying not to concentrate too much on the bothersome Digimon that seemed to have taken some kind of looking to him. Usually, when Kaz was very bothered by something like this, he would train with Megan, using her as a partner in martial arts so the two of them would both advance together. Megan usually seemed to enjoy it, but he wasn't going to try now; he was still a little angry at her, and her probably a little mean at him. One of them might hurt the other one, and it was more likely than not going to be him hurting her, and he didn't know if he would ever be able to forgive himself for doing something like that. Crossing his legs and taking a few deep breaths, he tried to clear his mind of everything but the art he was about to practice.

Standing up slowly, he moved into the first position of the most basic form that he knew, performing a few basic blocks against a non-existent enemy who was making a series of high strikes directed at his head. Life was so much more simple in combat; every strike that could possibly be made had a block that could stop it and a counter to take advantage of whatever configuration the other combatant it was in.

Kaz kept going through a number of imaginary combinations of attacks, blocks and counterattacks. Usually it was Megan performing those strikes and blocks to produce the same series of movements that he was making now; it just wasn't the same without her there, he thought to himself, before immediately trying to throw those thoughts and distractions out of his mind.

Growling a little at his inability to maintain his composure, he sped up his movements, trying to throw himself off by increasing the speed that both him and his imaginary enemy were moving at.

* * * * *

Jeth hadn't stayed asleep for very long; it had only been a few minutes at most, and when she opened her eyes and saw the Kaizramon practicing his moves, she cooed a little and sat up to watch. Sometimes when her and Ian traveled to China, she would go out early in the morning when the humans who worked in the fields got up and practiced Tai Chi. She always liked the way that it seemed so flowing and graceful, and yet could be a very deadly force if used correctly.

She didn't like it was much when it was actually used to try to hurt others, but like this, Jeth really liked it, and she had never seen anyone as well-practiced and graceful with it while practicing like that.

Cooing a little at the Kaizramon's movements when he sped up, she wondered if she ever practiced with anyone like some of the humans that she had seen in the practice places that Ian and her had seen when they were traveling together. She hadn't seen any humans with the ability to move as fast as he did, though.

Sitting down and propping herself up against a tree, she kept watching the Digimon, realizing that she didn't even know what his name was. Closing her eyes, she wondered what it would be like to have speed like that. If she had it, she'd use it to all kinds of fun stuff; knock stuff over by speeding across the room and freaking Ian out, which would just make everything even more fun.

Hmm...messing with Ian was always fun, but what else could she do that was interesting with that kind of speed...

"Oooo, heeeheee..." she giggled impishly and got a mischievous look on her face when she thought of how good she would be able to make herself feel. She might even be able to finally climax like Oliver made Jes did when they were on that plane together. She could make herself do it by using her abilities to change how she felt things from the outside world, but she had never managed to make herself do it the way that everyone else did. If she could move like he did ...

She giggled a little at the thought of Ian watching her masturbate. She knew how to read breath to see if someone was sleeping or not, and she knew that he was awake listening to her the first time that she had ever played with herself, and ever since then, she always made sure to do it only while he was awake, just to play with him and see if he'd approach her about making their Digimon-Tamer relationship into anything else.

Maybe she didn't need to be the one with the speed, she thought with a giggle and looking at the Kaizramon again. Lately, she had been thinking about sex a lot, maybe it was time she got serious and found someone to do it with. She giggled excitedly at the thought of getting into bed with him; at this point, he was nothing less than a blur now. Could he move that fast while having sex? If he could, that would be really, really hot, she thought with another set of giggles.

She looked back at the Digimon only to realize that he was gone.

"Hi." Jeth jumped a little, made a little squeaking sound and twisted her head to see the Kaizramon behind her.

"You're fast," she said, giggling a little. "By the way, I never found out your name!" she smiled as cutely as she could, titling her head slightly to the side.

"Kaz." he said, sitting down on a root.

"Jeth!" she giggled, pointing at herself. Making sure she was out of Ian's sight, she giggled some more and looked into Kaz's snakelike eyes.

"Can I show you something, Kaz?"

"Um, of course...what is it?"

Jeth stepped back from him and willed herself to evolve into her Ultimate form; she grew a little taller, she felt her breasts grow out, her hips widen a little, her tail and cat ears got a little longer, and the color of the robe that she was wearing changed to a deeper shade of green.

Kaz's eyes widened up, making her giggle again. Did that mean that he was hot for her? She kind of liked the thought of someone thinking that she was hot. Grinning impishly at Kaz, she started fumbling with her robes, managing to loosen the parts of it that kept it open, then stood there holding it closed with a mischievous look on her face.

"W-what are you doing?"

"You want to know?" she murred quietly, stepping closer to him and whispering into Kaz's ear. She didn't really care whether he did or not at this point, she just wanted to see what kind of reactions she could get out of him. "You really want to know?" she giggled a little more, thinking whether or not it would be a good idea to nibble on his ear or not. Grinning a little more when she didn't get a response.

"Uhh..." he finally said something, if it could be called that. Immediately after hearing him, she moved as quickly as she could, opening her robe, jumping on top of Kaz and closing it as tight as she could.

"J-Jeth, what!?!" he hissed a little.

"Ssshhh..." she tweaked his nose a little with the hand that wasn't holding her robes shut on Kaz's back. "Just enjoy it," she whispered to him.