For Love of Love 25: Coming to Terms

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#25 of For Love of Love

Jamie didn't know what to think about those two men that had came into the sauna when Jean and him were together ... thank God she was asleep, he didn't want to upset her with anything else; her life was already complicated enough without other humans trying to screw with it, too. He wanted to tear up the business card that they had given him and never thought about them again, but if they really were some kind of secret government organization, there were probably a lot of things that they could do to them...

He sighed and stroked Jean's head; he hadn't been able to get any sleep that night, but Jean had slept wonderfully. He was happy for that, even if that blissful ignorance was only going to last for a few more days, or even a few hours.

"Mmm...Jamie..." Jean stirred a little, and he could see the outline of her tail swishing slowly from side to side underneath the covers. Jamie smiled happily, watching the slow, snakelike movement of her tail underneath the covers. Sometimes, when he was cuddled up against her in the middle of the night, he'd wake up and find her tail practically wagging in between his legs or across his side depending on how they were laying in bed together.

As weird as it sounded, he couldn't really imagine what it would be like to be with a human woman ... being with Jean was just so much more interesting; the feel of her soft scales, the slow gentle movement of her tail, the quiet murring noises that she made when she was happy ... maybe there was something that made being with another human girl special, but Jamie couldn't imagine what it might be.

Smiling at Jean, he stroked her head gently, feeling along the scales of her muzzle. He'd give those people a call when he was at work in a day or two; he didn't want to upset Jean, bu he wanted to know if he was going to have to worry about her future. He kissed her head a little to wake her up.

"Mmm...Jamie..." He giggled a little at her, putting his hand inside of hers and giving her another kiss. "Is it morning already...?"

"Yup..." he watched happily as Jean got up and stretched; he could tell when she was stretching hard, because her tail always went straight behind her and tensed up. This was one of those times. "Fancy a bath, Jean?"

"Oh, that'd be have your own?"

"Of course I do..." Jamie grinned. "Why wouldn't I?"

"At the Citadel, you cleanse yourself once every week for the time you're there; you have to share it wieth everyone else, and there's a long ritual that you have to follow whenever you use it, to show proper respect to both yourself and--"

"Sssh." Jamie put his finger on Jean's lips. "I don't care how many bathrooms you had at the Citadel. I don't care how many other Digimon you had to share it with, and I certainly don't care who you had to show respect to whenever you took a bath."

Jean paused for a second, looking like she was going to say something else, but she didn't. She just smiled the smile that she always did when Jamie tried to separate her from the life that she used to know.

"Okay...what do I do?"

"Whatever you want," Jamie laughed, taking her hand, pulling her into the bathroom and closing the door. Jean looked around for a few seconds, then took her robe off and put it on the hook. Jamie tried not to stare at Jean, but he couldn't help it; she was so beautiful, standing there in complete, unashamed nakedness, smiling at him innocently. It was kind of ironic ... she used to view sex as something completely evil that should be avoided at any cost, but now she was completely trusting and innocent, to the point of being naïve. She just stood there, without any of the embarrassment that you would expect when a girl undressed herself in the bathroom.

"Can I ...?" she got onto her knees and put her hands on the faucet, looking up at him questioningly and swishing her tail silently from time to time. Jamie giggled a little at Jean's subservient attitude, nodding quickly and kneeling down next to her.

"Why are there two of them?"

"One of them is for hot water, the other one is for cold," he grinned, turning the hot on all the way. He could have told her about the water jets, it being a jacuzzi tub, but he thought that he could save that as a surprise for later.

"Oooooh," Jean seemed new to the idea of having separate hot and cold pipes. He put her hand under the faucet and turned on the hot water, then the hot water. There was room inside for both of them to sit down on the small indents on the lower inside edge of the jacuzzi tub comfortably, so Jamie got in with her once she decided on a temperature that she liked. It was really hot for Jamie, but he didn't really care; if that's what Jean wanted, then he was going to do it with her.

He watched Jean close her eyes and lean back against the spot where the water jet was. Grinning impishly, Jamie reached back and twisted the dial that turned the jets onto low power.

Jean immediately made a squeaking noise and jumped a little out of the seat that she was sitting in.

"It's just water, Jean, you don't need to worry about it," he told her once she had turned around and started trying to figure out what was going on behind her. "It's supposed to be therapeutic, like a massage."

"Oh..." Jean sat back down in the tub where she had been before. "It does feel kind of good," she decided after a few seconds of sitting in front of it. Jamie grinned a little and turned it up; he watched Jean shift around a little until the jet of water was pushing directly against the base of her tail, that special place that really got her going whenever he rubbed it during a massage.

"It feels nice," she said, her white face turning a little red. Jamie giggled a little at the blushage.

"Would you like me to wash you, Jean?" he asked, picking up a sponge from the side of the tub. He didn't know if that was the best thing to use on scales, but he didn't exactly have a variety of options; it was either that or the brush that you were supposed to use to do your back, and he figured that Jean would appreciate the sponge more.


Jamie happily obeyed with what Jean wanted, taking a bar of soap and rubbing it over her shoulders before doing it with the sponge. Her scales felt softer than usual when they were wet...maybe it had something to do with the water being warm, he didn't know, but he know that he liked the way that they felt and that Jean liked him feelling them, so that was all that mattered to her.

Smiling at Jean and getting a smile back, Jamie slipped the sponge in underneath the water and started moving it down in the direction of her crotch. She recoiled a little, quickly grabbing hold of his wrist and moving both his hand and the sponge that was in it back up towards her stomach. Oh, damn it, I'm going too fast again, he thought.

From then on, he washed her wherever she moved his hands around; at all times, her hands were on his wrist, guiding him around on her body where she wanted him to go. He was happy to wash every bit of Jean, going from her shoulders to her face, then down her neck and back, then down her sides and stomach.

By the time he got down near her butt, she seemed like she was more ready than she had been before. Smiling reassuringly at the Clerimon, he rubbed her tailbase with the sponge, drawing out a long coo from her before he started cleaning lower and in between her legs.

Jamie was absolutely in love with Jean's legs. They were so so slender, so feminine...Jamie was already quite hard by the time he got to them with the sponge, but whenever he did anything with her legs, he always got a little bit harder.

Jamie blushed as he turned the sponge around the inside of her legs, gently rubbing her thigh and crotch with it. By then, Jean had relaxed a lot, and Jamie thought that he could take a little bit of a move. Putting the sponge on the edge of the bath, he slowly moved the hand that was holding it down her stomach and on top of her crotch, rubbing the top center where he clit was with his thumb.

Jean stopped him again, though, moving his hand back onto her side. Slow down, he told himself. Jamie smiled apologetically at her and gave her a hug. He really needed to stop being so forward, he thought. Maybe he should let Jean make the moves. He didn't want to seem like a bad guy who just took advantage of the woman he loved all the time.

But, on the other hand, when they had been in Japan together, she was never like this once she had gotten over her initial fear of being intimate. Maybe there was something else...what had happened lately that might have caused Jean to be so nervous about sex?

" something bothering you?"

"What do you mean?" she answered quickly, only making him more sure that there was something weird going on.

"I don't want to sound weird or anything, but whenever I try to be intimate with you, you push me away; if you're not in the mood, Jean, just tell me..."

"No, it's not that...I like being with you, Jamie, it's just..." she blushed; she was obviously hiding something, but she couldn't tell what. "I don't know if I could ever be a mother. I saw Angie having her egg, and I think that was the most painful-looking thing that I've ever seen in my life."

" you're worried about what might happen if you get pregnant," Jamie said. That made sense. But at the same time, it wasn't anything wrong with him or anything that he had done, and it was something that they could easily fix once he showed her how to use a condom. "Well, we can fix that..."

"What do you mean? I ... I'm not ready to have children, Jamie. I'm not like Angie, I'd be a terrible mother..."

"We can wait as long as you want to, Jean, but that doesn't mean that we have to stop being together..." he went into his room and dug out something that he didn't think he would ever be using again: a box of condoms that he kept in the drawers sitting next to his bed.

Coming back into the bathroom to find Jean out of the tub and drying herself off with a towel, he took her back into their bedroom and put one of the condoms on, showing how it would keep him from cumming inside her.

"Oh..." Jean blushed a little. "So that means we know...?" she paused,letting Jamie figure out what he was talking about on her own. Jamie smiled at her and nodded; it was only a few more minutes before he was on top of Jean in bed and she had her legs around him, swishing her tail from side to side in anticipation of what he was going to do to her.

Giving her a kiss, Jamie slowly slid inside of her and started making slow, gentle thrusting movements. Jamie had never actually used a condom before, and honestly, it didn't feel anywhere near as good as it was when he was with Jean normally; he couldn't feel the wetness inside of her, he couldn't feel the smaller contractions of muscles around himself, or the change in texture as she got wetter and wetter from rubbing against his dick...

Still, it was better than nothing, and at least it was a way that she could be together with Jean until she got over her fears of motherhood. Jamie moaned a little, sliding his dick back and forth through Jean's insides. Jamie didn't think he was going to be able to cum like this, but as long as Jean was happy, he was happy, and he'd keep doing it for as long as he could or until Jean was satisfied, whichever came first.

Jean didn't seemed particularly thrilled with the sensation of latex rubbing against her insides, but a few minutes of gentle thrusting back and forth between them had both of them forgetting that Jamie was wearing the thing. Jean slowly splayed her legs outward until there were as far out as she could get them, and the farther apart her legs got, the farther inside her he could get. Once that happened, he was thrusting quickly while at the same time keeping it as gentle and caring as he could for her, knowing that was the way that she liked it.

"Ooo...Ooo, Jamie," she cooed out his name every few thrusts, her tail waving about in between his legs and against his thighs. Jamie put his hands on both sides of Jean's stomach, gently holding on to them while he thrust repeatedly inside her.

Jamie started panting a little from the intensity of the feelings that were going through his lower body. Moaning out Jean's name, he rapidly started quickening his thrusts so he could cum; the tingling feeling that always came just before orgasm filled the tip of his dick.

Not able to handle any more of the stimulation that he was getting from sliding against Jean's, he groaned out her name one last time before collapsing next to her and clinging tightly to her scaly body.

* * * * * *

Megan hadn't slept all night. Normally, she was either tired enough that falling asleep wasn't a problem for her, or she had a one night stand set up with some guy that she would never meet again in her life. It wasn't very often that she slept alone and wasn't tired.

Groaning a little, she got up and edged towards the shower. She wasn't normally a morning person, and this morning didn't seem like it was going to be any different than usual. Dragging herself into the shower, she turned the water up as hot as she could and let the water rush over her body, washing away the thin film of sweat that had developed the past day and overnight.

Sometimes when she hadn't had sex the previous night and she was very stressed out, she'd lay down in the shower and finger herself for a while; not necessarily until she came, but long enough for her to get rid of some of the stress that had accumulated; she just didn't have the energy this morning.

Picking up the little thing of shampoo that was sitting on the edge of the tub, she poured some of it out and ran it through her hair. There wasn't any conditioner, but she wasn't complaining; she didn't usually use it anyway. After applying bodywash over her body, shaving her legs and around her crotch, leaving a small, trimmed semi-triangular strip of hair there to keep herself from looking like a prepubescent gymnast or something.

Splashing some more water on her face in a vain attempt at further waking herself up, she dragged herself downstairs, hoping that she could locate something containing caffiene.

Ian was already down there, looking quite happy while he was eating his cereal and his toast. Megan certainly wasn't a morning person, and she hated those that were.

"Morning, Megan," Ian said, taking a quick sip from the glass of milk sitting next to his breakfeast. Megan gave him a flat, grumpy stare, not understanding how someone whose Digimon had almost been killed by Kaz could possibly be so damned cheerful.

"I don't understand how you aren't mad at me. You do realize that Kaz almost killed Jeth, don't you?"

"Yes," he said after a short silence. "But now they're off by themselves, having a one-night stand or maybe something more; Jeth isn't the kind of person to hold grudges, and neither am I."

"I guess not..." Megan knew that she should apologize to him again; if it wasn't for him and his Digimon, Kaz probably never would have came back. Megan found it very difficult to apologize to him, though; she didn't want to give him that kind of credit because it meant that she wasn't as strong as she really wanted to be, that she wasn't as in control of the world around her that she really wanted to be. Sighing slightly, she picked up a piece of bread from the plate that Ian had his toast on and put in her mouth.

"I'm sorry," she said in as soft and timid a voice as she could manage, half-hoping that Ian wasn't going to be able to hear her.

"It's okay," he said. Damn it; he had heard her. "I'm sure you had reasons for everything that you did; besides, Digimon and humans aren't paired together for no reason. If you don't already know why the two of you are together now, you will eventually.

"Do you know why you're with Jeth?" Megan asked. Megan wasn't very comfortable talking about her relationship with Kaz with someone that she had only known for two days.

"Not really, no. I just kind of found her when she was younger. She had gotten here into the Real World somehow, and she didn't have anyone to take care of her; she was still a child, so I let her follow me around for a while. After a few weeks of being together, I found my digivice in my bag; I don't know how long it had been did you and Kaz meet?"

Megan winced slightly at the quick manuevering of the conversation back to the subject of her and her Digimon. For a fraction of a second, she considered pouring out the details of his life to Jeth's tamer and tell her all about the life that she had with Kaz. But none of that really mattered anymore, anyway...what good would it do to tell someone else about what the two of them had done together.

"I, um, I'd really rather not talk about it," she answered, drawing the line there. That was a very personal part of her life, and she didn't think that she was ready to share the details of how she had met Kaz with anyone like Ian.

"Oh...I understand," he answered after a few seconds of silence. That drove her over the edge of her already fragile mental state.

"No you don't!" she angrily snapped at Ian. Why the hell did people always say that when it was obvious they didn't have the slightest clue what you were going through? Things like that really got on her nerves. "You don't even begin to understand what I'm talking about!"

Storming off angrily, she went back to her room. Coming back to London was a terrible idea; if it hadn't been for her position in the Philharmonic, she would have stayed away from London and the entire damned island that it was attached to. Everything just had to make itself more and more complicated...

* * * * * *

Jeth moaned as Kaz entered her for the sixth time that night. He was positively insatiable, and by now, practically every time he went inside her she almost came. Her insides were literally coated with hers and Kaz's juices. Even though her whole body ached from the minor pains that went along with the multiple spasms that went along with the orgasms that Kaz was bringing her with his rhythmic gyrating and thrusting.

She grinded against Kaz, every pore in her body pushing out sweat to cool down her hot, writhing body. She gushed again and again, a little less each time until her body struggled to find something to push through her urethra.

"Kaaaaaaaaaz......." she moaned out his name constantly, rising and falling in pitch with every one of his incredibly rapid thrusts that brought pleasure to every part of her insides at the same time. "KAZ!" every muscle that she had tightened up in response to the superhuman thrusting of the Kaizramon, and she came one last time, the muscles in the lower part of her body pushing out every last bit of juice that she had to cum with.

"Ohh, Kaz..." she closed her eyes and slowly relaxed the various muscles of her body. She felt herself drifting into a different states of consciousness, falling asleep even as she felt something wet touch her stomach and start moving down toward her crotch.

Everything felt a bit different from that point, but she wasn't in a position to complain. She felt Kaz's tongue moving up and down her dripping wet thighs and crotch, so she moaned slightly and spread out the legs that she could have sworn were open and welcoming Kaz's dick time and time again only a few minutes ago. Again, she wasn't in a position to complain. She felt those increasingly familiar long, slender fingers gently spread her lips apart to open the way for his tongue to explore farther into her. His tongue moved around her entrance in a small circle, tracing out the sensitive skin on the inside of her labia.

Jeth cooed in ecstasy; she could feel that her insides were incredibly slick from the juices that were already inside of her, but some of it was leaking out of her into Kaz's mouth as he started sucking eagerly at her entrance. Jeth let a small moan escape her; having his mouth clamped down on her entrance like that while his long, elegant fingers toyed with her clit were literally the best physical sensations that she had ever experienced.

Her tail started waving around when Kaz started licking at her insides; she knew that sex felt good, but she had never known that it was ever going to be anything like this or she would have lost her virginity a lot longer with Ian...

She could feel an orgasm coming on that started rousing her more and more; it didn't really make sense considering the circumstances, but somehow she got a feeling that it was going to be more intense than any of the ones she had experienced earlier.

"Kaaz," she shivered a little and came a little, letting the pleasure of the orgasm flow freely through her body. "I ... ... I love you ... ..." she said at the spur of the moment before passing out.

She awoke with a start a few moments later, to an incredibly similar scene to the one that she had just been in. What had been going on? She felt wet in between her legs, and Kaz was quietly snoozing next to him on the bed, but she didn't remember anything happening to them after they came home ...

"Did you have a nice dream?" Kaz, who apparently wasn't snoozing after all, asked, putting one of his arms over her stomach. That was it...she must have been dreaming about Kaz, she realized with a giggle.

"Oh, yes...I was laying ... well, here, I guess, and you were licking me..." She shifted around a little, then realized that her crotch really was wet with Kaz's saliva. That last part hadn't been a dream; that last part was real. "Oh, I guess I wasn't dreaming ..." she blushed a little as she realized that Kaz really had heard her say that she loved him.

" do?"

"Yes," Jeth cuddled up to Kaz. "I think I do..." She admitted. She wouldn't mind spending her life with Kaz, or at least however long the two of them could be happy together; he was nice, caring and understanding, and he was even pretty good in bed despite how shy he was.

"Oh...m-me too..."

"EEEEEEE!!" Jeth squealed with delight and squeezed Kaz in as tight as a hug as she could manage. She had never been in love before, but it felt wonderful; she wanted the feeling to last for as long as she could make it. When she wrapped all her body parts around Kaz, clinging to him tightly, she felt one of the more special seeds in her pocket rub against her through her clothing, like it was trying to get out.

Ohh, I bet Kaz would like that, she thought to herself when she remembered what the seed was for. Giggling gleefully and detaching herself from him, she put the seed in the carpet and put her hands over it, using her abilities to try to draw out the plant from its seed.

The roots set themselves into the floor, and before long, there was a tall tree with glittering bark and leaves that seemed like they glowed with a life and light of their own. Jeth smiled proudly. The last time she had tried to grow one of those, she ended up with a ball of wood. The time before that, she hadn't gotten anything out of the process.

"It's beautiful," Kaz offered.

"Yeah," Jeth said, putting on the cutest face that she could muster. "I've tried to grow it before a few times, but I've never managed to get it quite right before." Giggling slightly, she reached into one of the other seldom-used pockets of her robe and showed him the result of the last time that she had tried to get that particular thing to grow; she put a small ballish bit of wood into his hand.

" long ago did you try this?" Kaz asked, returning the thing back to her hand as if he was afraid of somehow breaking it.

"A few months's still alive, I think," she pointed out a small leaf-like growth that stuck out of the side of the thing by a few centimeters. "But I don't think it's going to get any bigger or do anything exciting."

"And this one will?" Kaz looked at the tree that she had just grown; obviously, he didn't have any idea what the tree really was or what it was capable; if she told him now, though, it wouldn't be as funny; she'd have to wait for the opportune moment for that.

"Maaaaaaybe," she trailed off into a cryptic giggle, flopping down onto the bed and waiting for Kaz to say something else while playing with her tail.

"Jeth," Kaz said to her after a long silence spent by both of them looking at the tree. "I owe you a lot. A lot more than I think I can ever repay you for in the time that Megan will be here."

"Nah..." Jeth giggled, sitting down next to the male that she had lost her virginity to.

"Yes, I do ..."

"Well, if you do..." Jeth crawled onto his lap and licked her lips as sensually as she could; she kind of failed, because she ended up bursting out in small giggles three times in the process. "Wanna repay some of it?" she licked her lips.

"Uh...okay..." Kaz replied nervously. She could say his long, pale face turn a slightly brighter shade. Giggling a little, she put her hand on his face. She thought his shyness was really cute. Giving him a quick kiss, she settled down into a more comfortable position, putting her head on his chest and nibbling playfully on one of the buttons on his coat.

One of Kaz's long-fingered hands started going through her hair and rubbing the base of her ears. Cooing quietly at the good feelings that brought her, she flattened out her ears a little. Kaz kept doing that for a while, and even though it wasn't really sexual, Jeth wasn't complaining. She liked the way that he was kind of shy about anything pertaining to sex. He kind of reminded her of Ian in that way ...

No matter how shy Kaz was, though, there was one part of the male body that did something he couldn't keep secret from her if he was attracted to her. Actually, she thought with a giggle, if she wanted to, she could have looked at Kaz using her abilities and sensed the hormones that were going through his body, sense his heart rate, his blood pressure, anything about him that she really would have wanted to know.

But she didn't need to do any of that. All she needed was to push her butt down a little and feel Kaz's hard dick pressing back through his pants and coat, which she did more than a few times.

"Mmm..." Jeth closed her eyes and moaned a little at the sensation, kissing Kaz's neck and trying to coax him to get a little more sexual and assure him that she was ready for him to do it. "I want to feel you inside me again, Kaz," she whispered to him as sensually as she could manage.

"I...oh..okay..." Kaz hesistated for a bit; Jeth giggled at the shyness. He was so much like Ian. Undoing her robe from the front, she let the two flaps fall to either side, exposing her naked body to Kaz. He immediately stopped running his fingers through her hair and stroking her eyes, staring at her body instead. Jeth giggled a little and blushed from the attention; she had the urge to whisper something slutty to him like 'I know you want this', but she thought maybe she'd save that for later instead, when he wasn't so shy.

Her thoughts stopped as Kaz's hand moved onto her breasts, squeezing them slightly. It was nice, but it wasn't quite the same as the last night when the two of them had been together. It seemed like something was missing, like maybe something was keeping Kaz from going all the way. Or maybe it was just him being a little more shy than usual.

"What's wrong, Kaz?"

"N-nothing," he answered shyly. "I...It's just that you and Megan are the only two women that I've ever seen naked. Whenever I see you like that , I can't help but think about her a little."

"There's nothing wrong with thinking about your tamer like that," Jeth giggled a little, whispering into his ears. "Sometimes, when I'm alone, I think about my tamer like that, too...I know he'd never respond to me if I acted on those feelings, but I can't help myself but think about him sometimes. I think it's just part of the nature of our relationship with our tamers."

"Maybe...I just don't think it's appropriate to have those kind of feelings for my tamer."

"Why not?"

"I just...i don't think of us as being like that. She's my tamer, she helps me be stronger, and in return, I serve her and protect her."

"And that means that the two of you can't share a physical relationship?" Jeth held back a giggle at Kaz's reservations towards sex with her tamer.

"Yes...well, no...I...I don't know," Kaz looked away. "I'd really rather not talk about it, Jeth, if it's all the same to you."

"Oh, alright," she conceded. "But I think I have a 'feeling you inside me' overdue." Grinning a little, she reopened her robe and displayed herself in her nakedness to Kaz, pushing him down onto his back and straddling him, waiting for him to take off the rest of his clothes.