In the Shadow of Blossoms

Story by Sanguin on SoFurry

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::Legal Hoopla, Mumbo Jumbo and all that Freaky-Deeky Jazz:: All characters involved in this story are of legal consenting age. All descriptions, images, names etc. of characters in this story are copyrighted either by the author, or the players/owners of said characters. This story is fiction, any similarities to peoples lives, living or otherwise, is purely coincidental. The following text includes HETEROSEXUAL situations of a graphic sexual nature, as well as depictions of violence/gore. If you are not of legal age to view sexual material of an explicit nature, please leave this website immediately, the author will not be held responsible if said 'sexual' material is viewed by a minor, or by a conservative idiot with to much time on their hands and the IQ of a baked potato. Huzzah!::: (P.S. Hetero not your thing? Try my story section on YIFFSTAR for my older M/M situation stories.) ***HEY! Check back at the following URL for Illustrations by Raiyue, now a work in progress!*** A Few words from the Author, Lye 'Sanguin' The following story takes place in the Edo Era, a time when the Japanese borders had just been opened to foreigners and the way of the Samurai had begun to die out. In this time, Samurai struggled to make a living, with the advancements in weaponry and changes in government, the time of honor and Bushido was headed into a downward spiral. I like to think that there is a well thought out story and plot, rather than just pointless sex, however, if you are simply here to read fiction-fuck, then I have separated sexual situations with lines of **** as well as a small description of the content; I hope however, you will read the entire story, otherwise, the situations will make no sense and my hours of hard work will be going to waste. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me (The Author) at the following Address: [email protected] (Please put YIFFSTAR as the subject.) I also want to thank my girlfriend 'Raiyue' for the fantastic illustrations which are nearly finished, her talent does not go un-noticed. I would like to dedicate this to my love for her, as well as to the romantic warriors which once wandered Japan, living and dying for love and honor.

(M/F)(Romance)(Sex, Oral, Solo/Masturbation)(Wolves) In the Shadow of Blossoms By Lye 'Sanguin' * * * Chapter 1; Part 1: The Lotus With slow, graceful strokes of a brush, Raiyue skillfully drew the damp watercolors along a piece of tan parchment; at first, it was never certain what masterpiece was being created, but after only a few moments of watching the young female wolf do her calligraphy, a picture would appear, captivating whoever happened to gaze upon the hard-working girl. Raiyue lived in a small village near Kyoto, nothing exciting ever seemed to happen here, life consisted of the same routine, walk into the market, set up shop and sell her work to whoever might find it beautiful, or at least, unique, if not intriguing. She had been practicing her art from a very young age, as she had been born into a lower-class family and felt it wise to find a suitable duty, which she could perform; eventually, her father died and she was left alone to fend for herself, which she had done very well, considering the day and age she lived in. A smile seemed constantly to be spread across her pretty features, thoughtful hazel eyes gazing out just over the top of small, feminine spectacles. Raiyue concentrated carefully as she continues to paint, paying attention to even the tiniest details, making her particular style of calligraphy rather exquisite, as some were prone to say as they passed by, sandals clacking against the well traveled roads. She tilted her head to the side as she gave a final stroke of her brush, looking over her painting carefully, it had been commissioned by the local magistrate, a tribute to his 'just rule' over the province. Her ears suddenly perked up however, as she heard the slightest of wisps from behind her; a young male observed her artwork, delicately lifting the thin paper closer to his eyes, which seemed to shine with a deep blue, from the shade of his sun-hat. "Do you like them, my lord..?" she spoke softly, almost shyly to the tall, darkly dressed male, her head tilting in a faint bow, though her gaze still risen, searching for a hint of approval. By the site of a dark furred tail, waving from beneath a concealing cloak, she could at least tell, that he was also a wolf himself.. upon closer inspection, his arms and hands appeared strong and worn, the occasional scar on display, as if they had been worked very hard; though his eyes.. they still seemed soft, deep and calm. After a few moments of silence, he turned his gaze to the young girl. Speaking in a dull, yet pleasantly warm tone. "You not only have a unique talent.. but also a wonderful gift.. rarely are such gifts granted." Raiyue once more lowered her gaze, she could only blush modestly, lightly shaking her head as if to disagree, though she was stopped by a faint chuckle.. the voice once more directed toward her.. "Modesty is a characteristic of the wise.. never stop doing what it is you do.. only one with true passion and love, could create such beautiful pictures and words.." he set down the painting he had been holding, then let himself bow ever so slightly, before he turned on a heel, heading back down the path. It took a moment for the young female to realize what had happened, before she quickly rose to her feet, picking up the painting of several lotus blossoms, which the male had been admiring, then chasing after him. "Wait, sir.. I.. I want you to have this.." she said as she came to his side, causing him to stop. She was greeted with an almost surprised smile, even slight confusion, before he once more spoke up.. "I'm afraid I cannot pay.." he simply stated.. though Raiyue simply blushed, rolling up the paper and tying it with a ribbon, she bowed her head once again, placing it into the strong wolf's paw. "No, take it.. think of it as my thanks for your kind words.." His eyes again gazed upon her, almost lovingly this time.. but they were soon struck with a sudden sense of urgency; he bowed quickly in reply, before heading off at a faster pace, tucking the painting under his cloak. Raiyue was also rather shocked by his quickness to leave, unable to say anything more and simply standing in the middle of the street, watching his figure fade into the distance; before returning to her tent and her work. ================= Chapter 1; Part 2: Ink and Lust The sun had just begun to fall behind the distant hills, a cold breeze whipped dust along the village streets, that, along with dark cloud, gathering overhead, hinting that a storm would no doubt hit before the night was over. Raiyue quickly gathered up her things, rolling up any scrolls or paintings and carefully slipping them into her bag. She took off at a quick pace after closing her shop, hoping that she would reach her home before it began to pour rain; Raiyue lived in a small cottage along-side an Inn, she had lived there for some time now, finally able to afford her own accommodations, even as modest as they truly were. As she became closer to her home, she could just make out two figures waiting by her door; she was not startled however, as she often was visited by people, whether they were suitors, or simply fellow villagers, hoping to trade or share a cup of tea. Unfortunately, her visitors were neither of these, but magistrates; they approached calmly, yet with a sense of anger about them, as if she might be in trouble. "Is something the matter, my lord..?" Raiyue shyly asked as she was approached.. she was soon surrounded by the two, before the obviously higher ranked of the men , a sturdy looking panther, spoke, his tone was stern, even cruel.. "You were seen speaking with a certain ronin earlier this afternoon, where is he?" Her ears perked up slightly at the accusation, her head tilting to the side.. "Y.. you mean that nice young traveler who was admiring my work..?" she questioned, before her wrist was suddenly grabbed, rather tightly and uncomfortably, causing her to drop her things.. "Yes, where is he, he's a criminal, you know him!" one of the officers shouted; She cried out painfully as her hand was twisted more sharply.. "Owww! I don't know him, I swear! .. He.. he was just a customer!" After denying what had been said, she was pushed to the ground, both of the men glaring down at her.. before the panther motioned back towards the male which had grabbed her, an even more intimidating tiger.. "If we find out you are lying, my colleague here, will break your pretty young hands.. and you will never paint again." with that, they both turned away.. leaving Raiyue shocked and somewhat sore, to gather her things.. she also noticed, it had begun to rain, several of her scrolls already damp. The InnKeeper's wife was already by her side just moments later, helping her to pick up her things.. offering soft, almost frightened words of advice.. "You must be careful who you speak to.. these are uncertain times.. and a pretty young girl like yourself, may not be safe.." Raiyue only took her words with an understanding, yet faint dip of her muzzle.. soon heading to the front door of her cottage and slipping inside, her kimono already dripping, along with her calligraphy supplies. ::::::::::::::: "I wonder.. what someone could do, to bring out such cruelty from those magistrates.." Raiyue thought aloud in a whisper, as she dried her headfur, and bundled up in a snug fleece night gown. She had managed to calm herself now, her still somewhat damp paintings having been carefully patted dry and hung up above a small, warm stove, which was also heating a pot of water, for tea. "I hope that they don't find him.." she whispered yet again. Raiyue imagined the male's eyes, the way the stared at her, admiring, warm.. and somehow, mysteriously seductive. The drying scrolls and paintings somehow made her home seem as if it were some wonderful art gallery, romantic with gentle poems and also exciting, depictions of brave Samurai battling cruel, evil demons. The pretty female imagined that the ronin she had spoke with, had experienced such fights, attacking fiercely and without fear, his blade as skillful and graceful as her brush. "So strong.." She could see him now in her mind as she closed her eyes, as if he were right here with her.. although she had not seen his face, her dreams pieced it together, rugged, yet handsome.. a gentle smile ever present upon his lips, even as they kissed at her own. ************(Solo, Female Masturbation)*********** The lovely wolf soon found herself growing warm from these somewhat taboo thoughts, the virgin crease between her thighs already damp as her deep, beautiful mind, allowed her to paint the romantic. sexual images in her head.. his fingertips caressing over her stomach and breasts, gliding through her silky fur; his muscled chest, pressed against her body in a loving embrace, as he began to undress her. Raiyue sat upon her floor, her art supplies spread out before her.. one paw began to paint, her brush gliding over the paper with the same previous skill as before, the other.. nestled between her thighs, teasing at her slit delicately, occasionally causing her to shudder, or moan out with pleasure. She painted the pictures of lust that ran through her mind, the strong ronin laying her down, her legs spread apart in submission, welcoming the thickness of his male organ to penetrate her. Her fingers worked with more urgency now, stroking against her clit and occasionally sinking her fingers within the damp, clenching confines of her sex, she had done this before.. but never had she been given such a wonderful fantasy to work with and now, it was almost as if her dreams had become a reality. Raiyue soon let her brush rest next to the fresh painting, laying back and letting her thighs open more lustfully, one paw rubbing quite vigorously upon her clitoris, whilst the other thrusted the tips of feminine fingers into the damp embrace of her vaginal walls.. causing her to quake with lustful delight. "Oh.. yes, my handsome Samurai.." she let herself moan out as she managed to reach a deep, pleasant climax, her insides throbbing around her fingers wildly as she thrusted up against them, the sounds of wet squelching echoing softly in the small bedroom, her body rigid throughout a series of almost instinctive pumps of her hips, before she relaxed, tired and spent. Raiyue lay there now upon her bed.. the room warm from not only the stove, but her lust; her fingertips danced playfully now along her labia and inner thigh, teasing ever so softly, urging out soft little moans from her smile creased lips.. as she drifted off into sleep. ========================== Chapter 2; Part 1: A Rain of Blood As Raiyue slept, she dreamt deeply, though there were no images of warmth and romance, only vivid images of a violent battle, which waged on nearby to the village. In the background, she could make out the outline of the shrine which sat only miles from her own cottage; the rain poured down violently, flashes of the scenery and several figures being lit suddenly and brightly by the flash of lightning and a boom of thunder only moments later. The familiar figure of the male she had met in the marketplace ran quickly alongside the gate to the shrine, a limp to his step and a shining katana drawn at his side, the flashes of light causing the sharp blade to gleam brilliantly in the night. Not far behind him, two dark figures, their faces hidden, pursued the young ronin, their movements quick and stealthy, no doubt they were ninja. Raiyue could see another masked figure was waiting just around the corner, which her handsome samurai was now approaching; she tried desperately to shout out and warn him, but it was too late. The wolf ronin growled out painfully as a sharp blade tore across his left arm with great force, a splash of crimson blood seeming to rain along with the raging storm, causing him to tumble to the ground. The assassin was soon upon him, slashing down at the ronin with sharp steel claws, the wounded wolf desperately slashing his sword, deflecting each quick strike from the black-clad warrior. Raiyue jumped suddenly as the thunder pounded again, light flashing to reveal that her fantasy lover had managed to make a brilliant strike, thrusting his katana into the abdomen of the attacker with great force, then twisting it harshly as he withdrew, killing the ninja fierce fully, his body dropping to the rain-soaked ground lifelessly. Before she had time to celebrate, she saw that the other two figures were nearly upon her ronin, she once again tried to shout, but found that the other wolf was one step ahead of her, running as quickly as he could, blood streaming from his arm, as well as a leg, where he had previously been cut. Raiyue jumped suddenly once more, as the thunder boomed outside, causing her to spring from her sleep, it was still dark outside, the candle-light which had lit her small home, long since fading. She gasped out softly, finding that she was out of breath.. the dream she had, was so real, she could have sworn that she was right there and it all had truly happened. Drawing her sleeping robes tightly around her body, she rose to her feet and moved quickly to her door, slipping on her sandals and sliding open her door, ready to run out into the night, to find her charming Samurai; but just as she stepped outside, she tripped over something warm and wet, a dark figure, slumped over at her doorway.. It was him, the ronin, wounded badly and nearly unconscious. "Oh my!" Raiyue whimpered softly.. kneeling down and using all of her strength to help the larger male to his feet. His blood stained her white robe a dark, painful red as she helped the injured ronin into her home, his legs barely seeming to work at all, dragging behind him, along with his katana, his fingers still tightly wrapped about the hilt, as if he were ready to attack the next dark figure that dared to approach. Raiyue managed to drag the weak figure over to her bed.. she blushed deeply as she noticed her new painting was still out in view, so she took a quick moment to roll it up and place it aside. She could now see the male's face, it was quite identical to the way she had imagined it, even though his fur was wet and he was quite fatigued. His muzzle was broad and strong, the occasional warrior's scar crossing over an eye or a cheek, a tuft of fur at his chin dripped with rain, giving him a small goatee. The male also seemed quite exotic, many hoops of silver piercing through his ears and even his nose, showing that he had indeed traveled far. Raiyue however, did not have enough time to truly admire the samurai, as he was quickly losing blood, his eyes closed to nearly lifeless slits, the once deep blue eyes, a nearly dead gray. The female wolf spoke as calmly as possible to the injured male, her voice frightened, yet more concerned.. "Don't worry, I'm going to help you, just try to stay awake.." the other wolf's dull eyes drifted over to her face and he managed a weak nod. Raiyue urgently removed his cloak and gi, his muscled chest scarred as well, but also showing several new wounds; she immediately after began to tear at her bed sheets to make some bandages.. she also went to her stove, gathering up the pot of hot water, along with a few small bags of herbs. "You're going to be alright.. my name is Raiyue..." she said softly as she began to nurse and bandage his wounds; the weakened samurai smiled back at her, ever so faintly.. speaking in a near whispers.. "I am Lye.... thank you.." ========================= Chapter 2; Part 2: The Wandering Ronin Several days had passed since the night Raiyue took in the wounded samurai, Lye; he had been nearly bed ridden since then, sitting up only if he must, only occasionally eating or drinking, in an attempt to regain his strength. Although he had not said much, due to his current state, Raiyue rather enjoyed his company, helping him to clean his wounds, singing to him and even doing so much as to hold his chopsticks for him when he needed to eat, she seemed to enjoy nursing him back to health immensely; she never wanted him to leave. Raiyue worked only feet away in the kitchen, letting Lye sleep in her bed, just in the next room, until he felt well enough to move about; she had been busy preparing a mid-day meal for some time now and had just finished.. dishing up a heaping bowl of fried rice, along with grilled salmon, steamed vegetables and a pot of tea; she had spent nearly a week's wages to pay for everything, only eating plain rice when by herself. "Lunch is ready, Lye.." she said cheerfully as she stepped into the room, holding a tray of food; she was surprised however as she entered the sleeping chamber, Lye, was no longer laying down, but he was standing nearby, tying the belt of his gi and greeting the young female with an even warmer expression of gratitude. "Thank you, for taking care of me.. Raiyue.. I only wish I could repay you." he said quite softly as he walked over, to help her with the tray. She blushed faintly, seeing that his eyes had once more regained their depth and seemingly supernatural ability to make her tremble.. after staring for a few moments, she came to her senses, shaking her head humbly as always, "No thanks are needed, my lord.. I was simply happy to help.." she followed behind him quickly, taking the tray before he had a chance to set it at the table and laying out the meal before him, bowl by bowl, plate by plate.. then lastly, pouring his tea. "You really should not go through so much trouble for me.. and please, call me Lye, I am no lord.." the young ronin spoke sincerely, bowing his head. Raiyue only let her ears splay back, taking a seat upon a cushion to the opposite of where her guest had sat. "So modest.." he whispered almost playfully, before he fell silent and began to eat, the female wolf doing the same just after him, dishing up some rice for herself. They both sat quietly, not speaking for some time.. but Raiyue soon let her naturally curious nature get the better of her, speaking up.. "Lye.. what have you done to be hunted so violently by the magistrates..?" At first, he only perked his ears, not replying.. and simply continued to eat his rice; but Raiyue continues to gaze at him intently and thoughtfully, and he soon answered her question. "I have been branded as a murderer.." he stated quite calmly.. taking another bite of fish. Raiyue was not satisfied however and continued to stare at him, waiting for the story of his 'crime' to unfold, which it soon did, just after the ronin had finished swallowing that last bite. "Several years ago, before our borders had been so widely opened to foreigners.. I was an assassin." drawing a napkin to his lips, he wiped them gingerly, raising his thoughtful gaze to meet with Raiyue's as he continues. "I worked for a faction that was against the Shogun's order, they had decided, that instead of allowing him and the magistrates to continue welcoming barbarians from outside our lands, to change tradition; that they would simply.. end the lives of those who would oppose old law." The female nodded her head occasionally as she listened, he paws folding in her lap.. Lye continued, "I was adopted by the rebel clans at a young age, I was trained to kill with the skill and honor of a true samurai.. I became.. exceptional at doing so.." his tone became somewhat stern, if not saddened by the statement, as if he were quite ashamed. "I did as I was told without question.. I killed many men for the cause; however, this did nothing, but cause the government to lash out even more violently and fiercely. There was a traitor amongst us, he revealed our location and plans... the rebels were hunted down and either killed, corrupted or imprisoned." Lye closed his eyes, sighing out mournfully.. his face hardened in deep thought.. "With no master and no mission, I began to wander.. over the years, I have come to realize that what I did was wrong.. I only wish to atone for my sins.. yet, I will never be able to rest, as long as.. The traitor from our clan, lives." Raiyue moved to her feet, yet only for a moment, before she lowered herself down next to Lye, a paw reaching out to delicately rub over his chest, in an attempt to comfort him.. "You shouldn't feel so much regret.. you did your duty.. you can move on now." The strong ronin opened his eyes at her touch, allowing his own paw to rest upon hers, giving a firm, tender squeeze.. "That is all I wish to do.. move on.. I don't want anyone else to be hurt, on the account of my wrong-doings.. I don't want you to be hurt, Miss Raiyue.." A hint of pink flushed over her cheeks at the sound of his caring words.. her head resting upon his shoulder, the caress of her paw turning now into a protective embrace.. "I will be fine.." she let herself whisper against his ear.. to which he nodded.. slowly beginning to rise to his feet.. "Yes, you will, I must leave.. because I will not let them find me here.. if they do, they will hurt you.. they may even kill you.. and I will not let that happen." The young female cried out softly as he moved away, taking his sheathed sword in hand and fastening it at his hip. "Please.. don't leave.." she spoke softly, her voice trembling, tears in her eyes. Lye slowly shook his head, bringing his now clean cloak about his shoulders, "I am sorry.. but I must protect you.." ========================== Chapter 3; Part 1: Love and Fate Lye had left, it had been almost a week now, Raiyue had not been to the market, she had simply sat at home, crying longingly for her Samurai to return. The magistrates had not come to find him, so she assumed that he had found a way to lead their search away from her. Despite how lonesome the wolf had become, she had not stopped her calligraphy; but had begun to put her heart and soul even more into every brush stroke. Poems of love and longing had filled her mind, although she understood why her ronin had left, she had not given up hope that he would return to her; she had seen his face in her dreams, she saw the battle which had injured him so badly in her dreams, she knew him, and loved him, as he did her, if only from the look in his eyes. :::::::::::::::: Candlelight flickered absently and dimly around Raiyue as she worked into the night, writing a symbol, which she had now come to know and appreciate more than ever, over and over. Raiyue rose to her feet, moving into the kitchen for some tea, she noticed a rolled up piece of parchment had somehow fell to the floor, concealed in the shadows.. she moved into her bedroom and sat down in front of her art supplies.. then unrolled it curiously and found that it was the very same kanji symbol which she had been so diligently practicing.. it was somewhat crudely written, and had been slightly damaged, crumpled. Love, love was the symbol which had been painted onto the tan paper.. but not only that, Beautiful Artist.. and.. "Lonely Warrior.." a voice came from behind her.. warm and familiar.. she felt the strong hold of two arms circle about her waist.. it was Lye, he had come back to her... he had written the note. Raiyue gasped out softly as she felt his lips against her neck; she smiled shyly.. taking her brush in hand and gracefully writing upon the paper in front of her.. 'Love'. "What made you come back.." she whispered softly.. he carefully rested a warm paw upon her cheek, leading her gaze to his own, before he replied, in the most loving of tones, "Because I realized.. that I can protect you.. and I will protect you.. by loving you, and remaining by your side, no matter what forces they send at us.." *********(Sex/Mutual Oral/Love-making) ********* Raiyue sighed weakly against his paw, pressing her lips against it, in an offering of loving little kisses and nips at the tips of his fingers. The male from her dreams was now with her, he was reality, as was the love he felt for her and now showed to her. Lye's chest came to press strong against her feminine back.. his touch drifting once more, coming to slide from her chest, to her waist; Raiyue gasped out in anticipation as she felt her body being exposed to the warm air, as he untied the obi of her kimono, letting it fall open, spilling at her shoulders. Her lover's lips were warm passionate upon her neck, kissing and suckling damply at the tender flesh beneath her muzzle; the ronin's touch meanwhile, had drifted.. his fingers dancing over her chest, carefully squeezing the hardening pink nipples, which rose from softly furred, supple breasts. Raiyue's breath quickened as she savored each touch from the masculine wolf, one of her paws resting atop his own as it began it's descent from her chest.. to her stomach.. then tucking between her firm, trembling thighs. She braced her young figure as the new feeling of another's touch, began to take her in love and lust; Lye's fingertips calmly rested over the hood of her pink clit.. beginning to rub slowly, attentively as he seemed to react according to her every moan and twitch. The lovely young female had now come to rest back against her lover completely, collapsing into his embrace lustfully, even more so as a thick finger pressed between the slickened lips of her vagina, causing her to growl out softly with pleasure, her insides clinging around the digit, as if needing it's penetration, begging for it. Soon, Raiyue felt something she had never felt before.. between Lye's legs, a firm bulge had now formed, his length pressed against her from behind, obviously more than formidable in size, as she could even tell through the cloth of his trousers. Without any worry, she let herself reach back behind her.. her feminine paw running from the base of the covered length to the tip.. before slipping beneath the waistband of the ronin's pants. He replied to her loving touch with a soft moan against her ear, his breath rather warm, whisping through her fur, tickling ever so slightly. Lye's fingers soon began to sink a bit deeper into her wet insides, inching closer to her virginity.. but always falling short, almost teasingly, but more likely, because he hoped to penetrate her truly.. to feel her tightness wrapped about his length, which was now being firmly stroked by an attentive paw. "Oh.. Lye.. my love.." she moaned out lustfully, letting her un-used paw move to the one which worked between her legs.. although she was enjoying herself.. she also wanted to explore her lover's body, as he had been exploring hers. The male did not protest.. he only let himself smile tenderly, as his pants were unlaced by curious fingers; his erection was now exposed to her, thick and tall, a pale shade of pink.. the swollen head pierced at the tip in a more exotic fashion.. the silver ring disappearing through the slit, then coming to wrap around the creased underside of his penis tip. Raiyue let her head tilt curiously to the side, before she dipped her muzzle, flicking out her damp tongue in a warm, twisting stroke from shaft to head. The ronin moaned out a bit more sharply this time, showing his enjoyment and approval, with a warm paw atop the female's head, his fingertips stroking through the soft locks of head fur. The pretty wolf soon curled her lips around the tip of her lover's length.. taking it into her mouth with a warm, slow suckle, her head beginning to gently bob upon his lap. Between her thighs, Raiyue's wet sex began to drip with arousal, her juices running down her legs, stinging wonderfully as cool air rushed against her. She continued to flick her tongue along Lye's cock for a few more moments.. enjoying the new, musky taste of a male, even more so, the one she loved; but soon she came to desire something more, she wanted to feel her ronin inside of her, she wanted to give herself to him, completely. "Mm.. my love.. please.. I want you to take me.. make me yours." she whispered against his pierced ear with trembling lips, her fingers still wrapped around the shaft of his member, stroking delicately. The other wolf let a seductive.. yet still loving smile spread across his features.. "Not just yet, my sweet one.." although he was more than eager to feel the pretty young female, wrapped around his length, he felt the need to return a bit of the pleasure she had given him, if even just for a short while. She perked her ears up curiously, unsure of what her ronin had in mind, though she would soon find out; remaining calm and tdner, Lye lowered the smaller wolf down to the bed upon her back. His lips skillfully kissed against her neck and chest, working steadily lower. Raiyue closed her eyes, her breath momentarily relaxing, only to occasionally grow sharp at a nip or suckle upon a perked nipple. She rested her paws carefully upon Lye's head, her fingertips combing through the soft fur and caressing behind his ears; the strong male's touch continued to creep in kisses and damp little flicks from a playful tongue. Soon, he had reached his destination.. his fingers rubbing upon her thighs, before leading her legs to spread apart, his muzzle tucking between her thighs. Raiyue let out a faint gasp as she felt the heat of her lover's breath upon the arousal damp lips of her sex, her ears splayed as she soon felt the even more pleasant warmth of his tongue, drawing out against her clit in a slow, tickling lick. "How does that feel.. my love..?" he whispered from his lowered position, this causing her to tremble with pleasure yet again, her young loins, to his pleasant surprise, apparently quite sensitive, even to the smallest touch. Lye let a paw return to the heat of his lover's vagina, a thick finger slipping just short of her virginity, caressing upon the upper walls of her needy insides.. his tongue meanwhile, continuing to tease and flick against the small pink nub. The young artist soon began to cry out softly in a series of moans and whimpers, her hips pressing up to her ronin's every lick and caress. "Mm.. please.. I need you.. don't make me wait any longer.." she managed to hiss out through smile curled lips, her figure rising up, just enough for her to slip a paw beneath the male's chin, raising it up and away from her vagina.. her gaze not simply showing arousal, but also appearing, quite seductive. Lye gave a faint nod in reply to her words.. offering one last gliding stroke of his tongue along her sex, eliciting a sharp moan of pleasure as the actions had done before. Sitting up calmly, the male wolf lowered his strong paws to take hold of her waist, squeezing gently, before guiding her smaller, lovely body into his lap.. "And I will be yours.. my dearest Raiyue.." with those last words of love, he began to press the tip of his hardened length to the slick lips of Raiyue's young vagina, her legs upon either side of his own, straddling him. She carefully allowed him to help her lower herself, the first pinch of his thick head, filling her sex, causing her to moan sharply, almost painfully.. but she knew it would not last. Whispering words of comfort against Raiyue's ear, Lye eased inch after inch of himself into her virgin insides, soon sinking fully within, taking her sexual innocence with a faint growl of pain and pleasure, which she shared, kissing and licking at his muzzle. With trust in her eyes, she gazed at her lover, letting her arms curl around the back of his neck; after a few weak grinds, the female wolf had managed to become somewhat used to the new feeling of fullness, pleasure soon masking the pain. "Move in me.." she growled weakly against the male's ear, not just pleading, but almost demanding it, her feelings of love and lust soon taking over any worries or fears. Lye did not speak, he only pressed his lips against her own in a passionate kiss, his tongue flicking out against her own.. before he began to thrust his hips upwards, starting a slow, deep rhythm inside of his new mate's tight, yet pleasantly hot and slick sex. She tilted her head back in a moan of bliss as he began to pump his length within her; she too moved with him, riding his lap slowly, grinding down against the throbbing member more roughly with each passing moment of passion. Lye's firm hold came to rest upon the young female's rear end, squeezing and caressing as he guided his thick erection between his love's thighs, his breath now nearly as quick and needy as her own. The new feeling was so much more exquisite than the penetration of her own fingers; it wasn't long before she felt the familiar rush of tingles running from her vagina to the rest of her body, causing the rocking of her hips to become much more urgent, her slick walls clenching and convulsing about her samurai's cock. "Oh.. Lye.. don't stop.. I'm... Ungh!" The strong male seemed to know that climax would soon take his lover, his movements becoming much stronger as he felt the rippling sensation around him, his teeth clenched to hold back his own peak of pleasure.. wanting this feeling to last longer, his desire to pleasure Raiyue, more important than his own wants. She continued to ride him with harsh, rigid grinds of her hips.. her claws raking slowly across the muscled back of the other, larger wolf; this continuing until the pleasure of orgasm had faded to a more steady, yet more sensitive feeling of fullness and need for more. Without speaking, the male started to lead Raiyue down onto the bed, carefully resting her on her back, upon the soft blankets; Lye withdrew his thickness from her dripping sex, if only for a moment.. calmly raising a leg beneath his arm and about his waist, then once more, slipping his member between her thighs, from head to base, eliciting yet another moan, from his panting lover. "Mm.. this time.. I will climax with you.. and fill you.." he spoke to her as he leaned down to kiss against her muzzle, the female's attention tilting towards his own, to lead in another damp embrace and flick of warm tongues. She nodded without question at his words, wanting this as well, wanting no-one but him and being sure to show him this with a firm press towards his swollen maleness.. a paw also slipping down between her thighs to rub upon her throbbing clit. "Yes.. please.. harder this time.." she drew her tongue out along her lips after speaking, her gaze locked with his own. The wet sound of flesh penetrating flesh soon began to fill the small room once more, Lye's thrusts not nearly as gentle this time around, his movements now seemed more dominate.. more instinctive. "So.. wonderful... aaah.." She cried out between moans of pleasure, meeting each powerful thrust with a firm press of her own; Raiyue began to clench her sex tightly about her love's cock just as he began to draw out of her, feeling every contour and inch, before bucking against his hips once more as he returned to sheath his fullness within her tight heat. Lye did his best not to howl out, not letting orgasm overtake him to soon, instead, he tightly clenched his teeth, growling with pleasure as he gazed more hungrily down at the beautiful female beneath him, her muzzle now tilted in growing ecstasy, the paw between her thighs now vigorously stroking and caressing at the firm nub of a clit. The lovely girl brought her legs up about the thrusting male's waist, wanting to feel him deeper, almost as if she could not possibly be close enough to him; Once more, Raiyue felt the tightness of her vagina and the warm rush of pure pleasure nearly taking her into climax, she rubbed faster between her legs, pumping rigidly against Lye's length, but she was only brought to the peak of her orgasm, when she felt the thick, erection within her, tighten and spasm, hard, strong jets of her mate's seed beginning to fill her young insides. As Lye began to cry out in climax, so did she, throwing her arms over her head, clinging to a soft pillow as she felt herself being penetrated so completely and deeply, not only by the thick member, but by the heat of cum,; both of their bodies thrusted and tightened, working through the orgasm.. their eyes only opened to small slits of arousal.. gazing passionately at one another. Soon, the moment of shared ecstasy had passed, the two wolves laid warmly upon the bed, bodies curled around one another in passionate embrace, breath hard and exhausted.. but their hearts swelling with love for one another. Smiling weakly.. Lye whispered damply against his female's ear, bringing a smile to her lips, as she began to drift off into a peaceful slumber. "I will love and protect you.. my beautiful blossom.. my Raiyue." ======================= Chapter 3; Part 2: The Way of the Samurai Lye sat up suddenly, the room was dark, both him and his lover had been asleep for sometime, but he was suddenly brought out of his slumber by the faintest of sounds.. he very carefully began to rise to his feet.. slipping on his trousers. Raiyue shortly after sat up, she stretched out tiredly.. then turned her attention to the risen samurai, she was about to speak, but stopped when the male curled his fingers around the hilt of his katana. He motioned to her with a calm downward swipe of his paw, directing her to stay low.. he then drew his sword quietly with only the faintest sound of steel against steel. Narrowing his eyes to focused slits, the ronin readied himself for a fight.. once more, he heard the sound which had caused him to stir.. footsteps, nearly inaudible upon the wooden patio towards the back of Raiyue's cottage. The female shook her head slowly, watching him move carefully along the thin screen walls, her body nearly trembling as she waited, quietly and patiently. The samurai twitched his ears once more, tilting his head to the side.. with a sudden twist and thrust of his blade, he penetrated the thin back door, a surprised gag from the other side, proved that Lye had indeed hit his target; a spray of blood splashed out against the white cloth, staining it the darkest of reds. As quickly as he had struck, he pulled back, causing the body of an assassin to drop lifelessly to the floor with a thud. Raiyue cringed at the sight of this; Lye passing by her once more, lowly, quietly, as any others present, would have no doubt heard the groan of a sudden death and the fall of a comrade. She grabbed his free arm as he passed, shaking her head quickly.. "No.. please, I don't want you to die.. I love you.." she whimpered in a whisper. Her ronin stopped his stalking at this.. kneeling beside her, the arm which she had grabbed, drawing her closely to his body in a strong embrace.. "My love.. the way of the Samurai.. is death.. I will not leave you.. I will always be with you." the warmth and seriousness of his tone was shortened as he gave her one more, passionate kiss, lips mingling slowly. The kiss was broken as a more obvious approach was heard, fast footsteps thumping against the wooden platform. Without another word, Lye rose up, rushing out to meet his foe. Raiyue followed after him, the distinct echo of clashing steel being the first sound to strike her ears. She had seen this male before, it was the magistrate who had threatened her before, the cruel panther. The panther's eyes burned with an undaunting sense of hatred, his gaze and his blade, locked tightly with the wolf ronin's. Lye returned the stare, his demeanor as calm as ever.. though his narrowed eyes flooded with so much more emotion. "Leave this place, Hide.. you have no business here.." the bandaged canine spoke softly but firmly, throwing his weight forward quite suddenly, the surprising strength throwing the sleek-furred feline back several feet, just enough for Lye to pick up his feet and lead his enemy away from Raiyue, who watched almost helplessly from the deck of her cottage. Hide, the panther persued Lye with a skillful speed of his own, the two once more clashing steel to steel with a quick stop and turn from the leading warrior, his katana slashing out quickly and gracefully, the un-nerving hiss of two razor-sharpened weapons, sliding along one another, breaking the night's silence. "You cannot escape me, Lye Kamitsura.. you will pay for your crimes!" The magistrate snarled hatefully, his muzzle merely inches from his opponent's, the wolf ronin. "I did my duty.. and now the rebels have been wiped out.. I serve no-one! Can't you see that!?" Lye fierce fully snapped a leg forward, pushing Hide back once more with a solid kick to the ribs, which seemed somehow dulled by the magistrate's armor; Once more the ronin managed to move once more, his footsteps carrying him swiftly, blade at the defensive ready as before. To Raiyue, her lover and the panther were only crude outlines of battling shadows in the distance, she turned into the cottage quickly, taking a moment to tighten her kimono; as she reached for the only weapon she might be able to use, she seemed unaware, that a shadow crept up behind her. Lye perked up his ears, his attention leaving the battle if only for a moment, the cruel black feline striking out violently with a downward slash of his sword, only to find that he only struck air, his opponent rushing back towards the small home of his beloved one; his blade drawn more intently. A sudden scream caused the ronin to make his pace much more urgent; his feet carried him at an impossible speed up the small wooden staircase, "Stop where you are!" a gruff voice growled from the now dim candlelight within the cottage; the large figure of a tiger holding the smaller body of a young wolf, his arm curled about her neck.. his other paw, showing a dagger to be displayed, resting upon the lovely female's throat, and threatening to cut. "Drop your sword, Samurai.. or I'll see that your woman chokes to death on her own blood.." Raiyue gazed out to her lover, tears in her eyes as she remained still in the deadly grasp of the other cruel magistrate, stunned with fear. Without question or hesitation, Lye did as he was told.. his ears splaying.. eyes narrowed once more in anger, hate.. and possibly fear as well, "Don't.. she has nothing to do with this.." he spoke coldly, tossing his sword to the side, the metal clanging loudly to the floor.. "Let her go.." The tiger grinned cruelly.. pressing his muzzle to Raiyue's neck, breathing in lewdly as if to take in her scent, "Oh.. but I've rather taken a liking to her.. maybe I'll just take her, right here in front of you.." but before the large male could say another word, he howled out in pain; Raiyue, had been clenching a palette knife tightly in her fingers, on of the only 'weapons' an artist possessed, she had violently driven the sharpened tip of the tool into the paw which held the dagger against her neck. The tiger groaned, releasing the captive female quite suddenly, she then dove to the floor, sliding Lye's sword back to him and shouting out.. "Behind you!" Hide, had crept up behind the ronin, his sword just being swung back, about to slice the wolf upon the top of his head. Raiyue's warning and actions, had given Lye just enough time to kneel and grip the hilt of his sword, which he raised up, causing the panther's attack to only clash against deadly steel once again; moving with the same speed and grace as before, the wolf swept the cruel magistrate off of his feet with a well swung leg to the knees. The panther once more tumbled, falling backwards and clamoring down the small set of stairs upon the front of the house. Raiyue had then since crawled away, tucking herself into a dark corner, where she could watch with a faint feeling of safety; the tiger still seemed quite distracted by the small knife, which had pierced his good fighting paw. Something unfamiliar burned in Lye's eyes now, the once deep and thoughtful blue, now seemed cold and gray, his expression nearly lifeless; in one blindingly swift motion, the ronin had risen to his feet and with a strong twist, he drove the length of his katana deeply into the tiger's abdomen, facing away. Before withdrawing his weapon, the wolf gave a firm twist into the feline's guts, ripping his weapon away immediately after. The tiger groaned sharply, his eyes rolling back into white, lifeless orbs, before, in a splash of blood, he fell to the wooden floor, his figure limp, soundly dead. Raiyue covered her eyes at the sight, feeling somewhat sick to her stomach, not so much at the sight of the violence.. but at her gentle ronin's actions; he seemed so cold and emotionless now, as if he were someone else. Lye snapped his sword to his side, the blood upon his blade running quickly from the length to the tip, in a cleaning spatter of dark red liquid; he then turned his attention back to the doorway, where Hide was rising to his feet at the bottom of the stairs, ready to attack once more. Before the wolf could rush out to slaughter the magistrate, he felt the warm arms of a familiar female.. his Raiyue, his beloved blossom; she held him tightly, shaking her head as if begging him not to leave.. "You don't have to kill anymore.. my love.. you promised to protect me.. but not like this.." tears gently streamed down her blushing cheeks as she spoke. Once more, the warmth of Lye's gaze returned, he came to face her, slipping his arms tightly around his mate in a loving embrace.. "I must insure that we can live peacefully.. for you.. for our future family." His tone was strong, but tender.. and the female nodded, understanding, and releasing her hold upon the other canine. "You are no longer a samurai.. you are my lover and my mate.." Raiyue whispered, unsure if the ronin had heard her.. ========================================= Chapter 4; Final Chapter: The Rising Sun "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.." -Confucius :::::: Lye turned calmly away from his lover, it was as if time stood still; he approached the doorway, there, his enemy waited for him, ready to strike him down, but the ronin remained calm. His blade gleamed faintly in the fading moonlight as he stepped out into the night, at the bottom of the stairs, the panther waited, his teeth clenched in a cruel sneer. "Prepare yourself, Hide.." his voice remained steady.. with a sudden leap, he left the top of the stairs, wielding his blade overhead, he swung down upon his enemy. The magistrate seemed to anticipate the attack, dodging to the side and retaliating, slicing at the wolf's neck, only to yet again, find his weapon blocked. Wasting no time, Lye struck once again, the armor upon Hide's stomach being sliced cleanly, chips of bamboo and a small splatter of blood following the motion of the ronin's katana. The panther stepped back with a painful snarl, though he did not back down, he rushed again recklessly at his enemy, "Die, Ronin Scum!" Once more, the wolf countered the attack with calm precision, this time, drawing a clean cut along Hide's shoulder, the same audible crack of bamboo and cutting of flesh, echoing in the cool night air. "I would rather be ronin scum, than a magistrate pig... you dishonor yourself." Lye spoke firmly as Hide fell to his knees, his arm limp from the last strike, apparently, the crack had not only been bamboo, but bone as well. Remaining turned away, the wolf sheathed his katana.. "You killed our master.. betrayed the clan.. attacked the innocent; now, you are defeated. You would be wise to do what is honorable.. and commit seppuku.." The panther growled softly at the ronin's words.. but suddenly stopped.. rising to his knees slowly.. Lye perked his ears and turned to face the kneeled magistrate.. "Perhaps you are right.. Lye.. but do me one last favor, as an old friend.. take my head at the peak of agony, so that others will know I died honorably.." Hide spoke softly.. unsheathing a smaller tanto from his belt. The wolf appeared somewhat surprised, though nodded his head, once more drawing his katana and slowly stepping up behind his fallen enemy.. "Are you ready then, Hide..?" he asked.. raising his weapon; before he could answer, the panther turned on him, throwing a strange powder up into the ronin's face. The canine stumbled back, growling painfully, his eyes burning with the most agonizing pain he had ever felt. "You fool.. you really thought I would let myself be killed by a piece of trash like you.." the panther chuckled in the same cruel fashion as he always seemed to do, gripping his katana as he rose up, moving over to face Lye. The ronin tried to open his eyes, but he could see nothing but a blur of shadows, he was blind, he had been deceived.. he thought himself rather foolish to ever trust Hide.. the disgusting traitor. "Don't worry, Lye.. the way of the Samurai is death.. maybe I'll take your woman as my whore after I kill you.." the ronin closed his eyes, a stream of tears spilling down his cheeks, both of pain and sadness. The wolf kneeled strongly.. bravely.. awaiting his fate. The panther stood over him, his sword ready to strike.. "Any last words..".. suddenly, the strong wolf could hear the last words of his mate, he could see her beautiful face.. she smiled at him, holding out her arms, waiting for his embrace. Lye remained calm and collected, taking a deep breath.. "Yes.. I am no longer.. A samurai.." Hide growled raising his blade, And striking to decapitate the young ronin. The sun had just risen over the hills, it was glowing a brilliant orange, filling the sky with it's bright light. A katana gleamed, reflecting the flaming colors; a pool of red, stained the dirt between two warriors.. Lye twisted his blade deeply into the panther's chest.. blood spilling out over his fingers and face, his eyes closed, expression vacant in deep thought. Hide's sword fell to the ground.. he could only gasp in pain, the shining sun reflecting in his eyes, he had lost. "You will have plenty of time to realize your sins, as I have mine... In hell." with these last words, the wolf removed his sword, the panther's figure collapsing in a heap to the ground, a cloud of dust swirling around the two males. Raiyue waited in the cottage patiently.. she only stirred from her calligraphy at the sound of footsteps slowly moving up the steps, then into the kitchen. Her mate's once brilliant blue eyes were now pale and faded, blind.. he gazed towards her thoughtfully, letting his katana fall to the floor, before the two met in a tender embrace, their arms wound tightly around one another.. "It is done, my love.." Lye spoke softly.. his lover reaching up to take his cheeks in her warm paws.. before she kissed delicately over his eyes.. then passionately upon his lips. "You have protected me.. and I will do the same for you.." she whispered against his mouth.. tears in her eyes.. tears of hope and happiness. ========================================== The couple would soon leave the small village, unable to remain in the small home and unable to remain in a place of such sadness and violence; their enemies would no doubt follow them, but they would fight for love and for one another, until the end of their lives. "If you wait long enough by the river, your enemies will soon float by.." -Confucius ========================================== I hope you have enjoyed reading this story, I certainly enjoyed writing. Stay tuned for more stories involving Lye and Raiyue, as I will continue to write them; as long as there is a story to be told, between these two star-crossed lovers, you will be a witness to it. If by chance you wish to do any fan-art, just remember that the characters are copywritten, and as such, neither Raiyue, nor Lye, should appear in anything romantic, or sexual, with ANYONE other than each other; if by chance any fan-art is done, please e-mail it to me! And now, it is the time, where we dance! ::Boogaloo!:: All comments, fan-art, etc, should be sent to this e-mail address, thankyou. [email protected]