Beautiful Stranger

Story by Siing on SoFurry

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#2 of Dizzy's Grand Adventure

Hey all!

This was a collab done by me and Slowchu!

We roleplayed it all out and I converted it into story format..

So I hope you enjoy!

There very well could be some yiff to come ;D

A young chu lay in the soft wet grass where he'd fallen asleep after, stimulating himself in what he thought was a private space. His eyes twitched and he murmured some incoherent phrases. After a few moments or so of babbling to himself he slowly opened his eyes, wine-red eyes shimmering with discomfort. He groaned as he heaved himself up and wrinkled his nose at the gooey mess he was covered with. With a sigh he began to laborious task of cleaning himself up. Once the act was finished he started on the path home, still dabbing at his chest fur to try and remove the quickly drying liquids.

Leaning on a tree, a young Raichu stared into the woods, some weird, yet somehow exciting noises caught his attention. He looked around one time, two times, but simply couldn't make out the source of the squeals and shrieks. Lifting himself up, the Chu saw a figure appearing, slowly walking between the trees. At first it wa kind of hard to make out who or what it was, but after another intense gaze, it appeared a Pikachu

As Dizzy continued down the path he caught out of the corner of his eye a Raichu staring at him. He shifted uncomfortably, how long had he been there? He couldn't possibly have heard him right? Just how long had he been asleep anyways? He shrugged off this thought and frowned at the Raichu. "Do you need something?" He asked.

Tim just stared at the Pikachu in front of him, noticing the white patch over his eye and a large, already dried stain on the fur of the yellow bring in front of him. Should he confront him directly with what he just heard? Torn apart between curiosity and rational think, the Raichu decided on the latter option. "W-was that y-you...s-s-screaming?"

Dizzy immediately seized up when he heard the Raichu's response, his cheeks sparkling in embarrassment. He looked away from the Raichu and nervously fiddled his paws together. "Y-you heard that.. W-well.. Well it wasn't me!" He suddenly shouted, looking at the Raichu fiercely in the eye. "What makes you think I would be making all those noises?" The blush was certainly apparent by now, and Dizzy fought to keep the tears from coming.

Blushing just as hard as his partner in the conversation, Tim felt it was wrong to ask. But he had done it now, so he'd go on, it couldn't get any more embarrassing. Staring back into the eyes of the Pikachu, he tried to make up a sentence in his mind. "This is a rather...lonely place, I never saw anyone else here, so I just thought...." His tail twitched hard as he waited for the response of the unknown Pokémon.

Dizzy shifted his weight from one foot to the other and looked down at the ground, his one showing eye glazed with a sharpening layer of fresh tears. He sniffed once to try and keep himself under control, but knew that he wouldn't be able to last long. "W-well.. what if it was..?" He whispered lightly, very ashamed of himself.

Now Tim felt that he crossed the line, seeing the poor Chu in front of him. He looked at him, his face expressing compassion. But as he let his eyes wander over the yellow body, he couldn't stop thinking about the cute appearance of the almost crying Chu. "If it was sounded like you had fun...Did you?" Immediately he frowned, how could he ask that now? The blush tinted more and more of his face red.

Dizzy's head snapped up to face the Raichu and he edged back a little bit. "J-just.. what exactly do you want?" He stammered, a little frightened about the Raichu's intentions. What if this man was secretly some sort of murderer?! Or wanted to kidnap him?! Just at the thought Dizzy's cheeks sparkled with frightened electricity.

"W-what I want?" Tim asked in a very awkward tone. He wanted to see what exactly the Pikachu did to have such 'fun', but decided to take it slow form now on, seeing the frightened look in his eyes. " could...tell me...your name...?" He reached out his paw and forced himself to smile the best he could in this moment. "I'm Tim."

Dizzy hesitated as the Raichu echoed his question. Was he trying to lure him into something that he didn't want? He inched forwards a little bit, hearing the Raichu's name and committing it to memory. He gingerly reached out his shaky paw and placed it in the man's own grip. "D-dizzy.." He muttered, shaking the chu's hand and retracting his arm back to his chest. He fiddled with the fur, hoping that the Raichu didn't smell anything out of the ordinary. "I was just on my way home.." He said, not really knowing what else to say.

"What a soft fur..." he thought to himself. "You're going...?" Tim felt how he couldn't help but to look sad. He wanted to know more about the Pikachu, who just introduced himself as Dizzy. "Well...I guess, it's already kinda late...I don't wanna be in your way..." His eyes became watery, he just didn't want him to go already, even though they have been there only like 3 minutes.

Dizzy nibbled his bottom lip, feeling guilty against his better judgment about leaving the Raichu. The -chu seemed sincere enough, and kinda lonely too. So, with a deep breath he went against all the rationale he had in his body. "Well.. you can.. y'know.. walk with me if you want. My home-town is big enough for you. We accept Chus from all over. And I have some space in my room.. you know.. If, you don't have any other place to go.." He offered, eyes looking around everywhere but into Tim's eyes.

Instantly, Tim's eyes brightened. He was invited to go with the one, he wanted to spend time with. "T-thank you!" was his cheery reply. The very same second, he felt that he was shivering in excitement, finally finding someone who wanted to hang out with him.

Dizzy was taken aback by the overly excited reaction he got in return. "It's common courtesy.." He muttered, turning and started to toddle down the path again, expecting the Raichu to follow him. "So.. Have you just been alone this whole time?" He asked, trying to start a conversation.

Tim rubbed his paw against the back of his head, feeling a bit queasy to admit that he hadn't any real friends. But seeing how the slightly smaller Chu was asking him and even inviting him to his place, he had no other option than to tell the truth. "Yea, I often wander through this forest on my own, enjoying nature and know?" He said in a very quiet voice, blushing again.

Dizzy looked at the Raichu with an incredulous look on his face. "So.. you've been alone all this time? Nature isn't that amazing. We live in it everyday. Don't you ever get tired of it?" He asked with a frown.

"Well...seeing and enjoying are two different things in my opinion...When you're alone, you can hear every sound and smell every's...different..." He looked into the one visible eye and hoped that he didn't sound too weird.

Dizzy shook his head, his frown clearly visible. "I don't really get it but.. I'll just take your word for it." He answered, shrugging off the subject. As the two neared the edge of the forest, Dizzy could see the small community of Chus he belonged to. He could see the small grass huts and the little bazaar all tastefully made by expert architect chus. It was very rural looking, but for wild Pokemon it was very cultured. He sighed and stopped walking. "I don't.. know if I want to go back just yet.." He muttered.

It was a now-or-never-moment for Tim. They could return into the forest and maybe he'd have a wonderful night with his new acquaintance or let his shyness win again. 'No, not this time!' He turned his head from the buildings and looked to Dizzy. "I-I liked the f-forest..." Another blush, but luckily less visible since the sun was almost gone.

Dizzy looked to Tim, he could almost see some sort of a blush but he wasn't sure seeing as how the sun was going down. Both of the chus were painted in red-orange and pink light, so it wasn't easy to distinguish any real features. "Well.. do you have anywhere I could stay? I'm sure you have some sort of a home right?" He asked, not really sure if he should willingly go spend a night at some stranger's house.

"I-I...I have place...but it's on the other side of the forest..." He lived in a shabby cave that he covered with grass and other things to avoid sleeping on the floor. But he couldn't tell Dizzy, it would make him look like some perverted creep. "But...I would just like to spend some time...with the forest..." he mumbled, really embarrassed at his pushy remark.

Dizzy squirmed a little before taking a deep breath and looking back to the town. Now was the time to decide, go with this stranger into the forest or go back home and never have anything new or interesting happen to him. He smirked at himself, how foolish could he be? What was there in the community but a boring and stale life? He took his new acquaintance's paw and face the forest. "Alright, that sounds like a plan!" He exclaimed happily.

Tim tried his best not to squeal in joy, but his body told what he was trying to hide. His tail waved back and forth, his cheeks spraying some little sparks. "Thank you so much..." he whispered, hoping that the Chu wouldn't hear it. Happily, he squeezed the tiny paw in his.

Dizzy heard the bigger chu say something but didn't quite catch it. He started walking, trying to be a little fast so he could keep up with Tim's bigger strides. "So where exactly in the forest do you want to go?" He asked, eyes searching the sky for stray stars.

"Uhm..." Tim thought for a moment, searching in his memory for a nice place to settle and enjoy the company of Dizzy. He looked at him and noticed him staring into the sky. "If you like stars..." He took another deep breath, already preparing for a rejection. "I know an awesome hill, where you can see all of the sky," he said under his breath, still hoping that the Pikachu wouldn't notice his affection for him.

Dizzy thought about the hill, still looking for stars. "Hm.." He hummed in a considering tone. He looked back to Tim and saw the eagerness in his face. With a smile he nodded and said, "Yeah that'd be alright."

A smile adorned the Raichu's muzzle, feeling a warmth inside of him. "I'm sure you will like it, it's beautiful...and it'll show you why I enjoy nature." After all his little wanderings through the forest, Tim knew the place pretty well. His eyes sparkled when they came to a clearing, which would elevate into a beautiful hill, lit by the stars and the moon.

Dizzy nodded, not really noticing the strange emphasis the Raichu put on his words. He toddled alongside the chu until they came to the clearing, where he felt alive. It was very pretty, the fresh grass draped in moonlight and the wind tossling through the tufts of flowers-- as if playing a game of tag. He let go of Tim's paw and dashed into the field, jumping into a bunch of flowers. He hadn't seen something so enrapturing in a long time. his soft laughter faded away when he looked to the hill and stood. Their destination was at hand, he darted back to Tim and took hold of his paw. "Let's go!" He exclaimed.

Tim couldn't hold back a slight giggle, loving the scenery. Especially how the nocturnal lights played with the fur of Dizzy, making him shimmer a bit in the dark. "Ok, let's go!" he exclaimed and dashed on the hill, pulling the Chu behind him.

Dizzy let himself be dragged up to the top of the hill, only sometimes letting his hind paws touch down to Earth. Once on the hill, he flopped on his back and looked up to the shimmering stars over-head. "I haven't done something like this in a long time.." He said. "And especially not with a guy.." He thought to himself.

Doing it just like the Pikachu, Tim rested on his back, letting the infinite stars in the sky intrude his mind. "I do it quite regularly...but then I'm alone." He shifted his position resting on his elbows and tried to look concentrated on the dark blanket above them. But what Dizzy didn't know, was that the Raichu often took a peek at him, hoping his cover wouldn't be blown soon.

Dizzy sighed as he watched the stars. "Yeah? Does.. that mean I'm intruding?" He asked, turning his head to look at Tim, but found the other already looking at him. He blushed and averted his gaze off to the side. "I guess not.." He muttered through his shyness.

He tried to adjust his vision back into the sky, but it was too late. Dizzy found him staring. "Actually...I'm glad you're here..." Tim couldn't stand it anymore, having to be so shy. It was simply too much, seeing the Pikachu resting next to him, completely relaxed and so...innocent. Before he could tell himself to stop, his mouth opened and let words escape. "I think you look really cute..." After realizing what he just did, his eyes opened wide and he put his paws on his face.

Dizzy's blush deepened and he felt the little fizzle of nervous energy bounce off his cheeks. "Wh-what?" He stammered, visible eye locked on Tim with sudden astonishment. Sure he got compliments before, but never from somebody outside of the family.. And from another guy too! "Th-thank you.." He responded, paw unconsciously thumbing over his patch. That was the usual deterrent for other Pokemon.

Seeing him fumbling on the patch, another question shot through Tim's mind. He had taken so many risks tonight, he wouldn't stop now. "M-may...I-I see...your other...eye...?" he asked, turning away form the yellow Pokemon, not wanting to meet his gaze. His blush was persistent, not fading away for a single moment.

Dizzy thought about it for a minute before complying. It wouldn't hurt, and it wasn't such a big deal anyways. It was just an eye, it wasn't as if he hadn't one. He sat up, pulling the patch from his face and neatly folding it. His eye didn't need to adjust to the open air because it was used to the darkness already. He blinked a few times and looked back at Tim. "It's no big deal really.." He muttered, the milky green eye's color seeming to wink at the other chu.

Tim gasped in astonishment. "'re beautiful..." Maybe it was dark, but the moon proved to be a sufficient light source. His eyes were locked on the two completely different colored ones. They looked unique, yet united. Without even knowing what he did, he shuffled a bit, coming closer and closer to Dizzy.

"You.. think so? It's a little weird if you as-" Dizzy started before he noticed Tim coming closer. He blushed and held his breath as the chu neared him. Thoughts of today rushed through his head and he felt silly thinking that the man he met just maybe an hour ago was now about to.. about to.. What was he about to do? Everything was so new to Dizzy who up until now had lived a very sheltered life. He'd never been into romance back at home.. And suddenly this Raichu shows up and he's interested?

Moments which felt like millennia passed. With each inch he got closer, Tim could feel his hear beat go faster and faster. 'He isn't backing off...Maybe...?' he thought. He never had anyone to play with and now he was slowly approaching a Chu, he was attracted to? It felt unreal, simply too great. But in the same moment the Raichu was thinking about the possibility of Dizzy suddenly screaming and running away. He stopped, tears filling his eyes.

Dizzy let out his pent up breath when Tim stopped and looked confused. "Is.. something wrong?" He questioned, a little concerned about this lonely man. Used to being on his own all the time.. Always having to rely on his own mind for comfort.. Maybe the fact that he was close to another chu was a little too much for him? Dizzy wiggled his way over to Tim and wrapped his arms around the chu the best he could, mixing his yellow fur with Tim's unique gray fur. "I hadn't even realized how different you look! You blow my strange eye out of the water." He commented, his words muffled slightly by the chest fur he had his head burrowed into.

Feeling the warm fur on his, hearing the little compliment, knowing that Dizzy cared for him, made Tim burst out in emotion. "I-I'm so s-s-sorry..." he whimpered. "I-it's just that...that I really l-like you...and I don't know, i-if you do as much as I-I do..." His sobs made it hard to follow what he said, rendering him almost useless by any means of talking.

Dizzy was surprised, this man was so emotional. He supposed that that's what one acted like after being alone for so long. He wiggled up so the two chus were face to face, noses nearly touching. "I'm sure you like me a whole lot more than I like you, but that doesn't mean I don't like you! You're interesting, and new compared to my boring life back at home.." He said, smiling sweetly.

More sweet words of encouragement. Completely puzzled again, he looked into the Pikachu's eyes, felt the warm breath on his nose and the touch of yellow fur on his. It might have been the closeness or just instinct, but the next step he took was sure to be one that took the breath of Tim. He tenderly licked the nose of the Chu who was hugging him, blushing hard. It would all come down to this moment, either Dizzy would return the favor or the most awkward silence in the world was about to follow.

Dizzy felt his chest leap, and a tingling high follow. It was buzzing around inside of him and it felt weird. But good too. He was a little anxious, and it showed in his clueless expression that looked into Tim's eyes. What should he do now? What would be too far, was he supposed to lie still and not do anything? He held his breath again, his eyes trailing down Tim's face. Shyly, he poked his tongue out and touched it to Tim's nose, holding it there and looking up at him as if begging with his eyes to be told if this was what happened next.

This was Tim's sign of reasdurement, he needed so badly. He felt his guts pounding as he felt the wet tongue on his nose, gazing into those beautiful eyes that almost screamed 'What now?'. Repositioning himself, sitting straight up, Dizzy sliding on his lap, Tim gently wrapped his tail around the Chu and pulled him closer. He closed his eyes and let his blurred mind shut down. Slowly and carefully, his lips approached those of the Pikachu until they finally met. All he could feel was his heart bouncing against his ribcage and the soft lips on his.

Dizzy felt the atmosphere change around him, and he retracted his tongue, assured that he had done the right thing. He let his breath go and shook off his tension, now relieved by his actions. And that was when he was slid into Tim's lap. What an unexpected surprise! He gasped and felt himself wrapped tightly into Tim's warmth, and then lips on his own. His eyes were wide and shaky, his first kiss. He finally let his eyes drift closed and enjoyed the kiss-- reveling in the waves of joy it brought him. His tiny paws grasped onto the chest fur of the Raichu he was sitting on and he let his tongue stray from between his lips to wet them. All the excitement had made them a little dry.

Tim felt the tongue that was on his nose only seconds ago, poke against his lips. He pulled Dizzy even closer to him and let his arms go around the smaller body. A second poke and finally he opened his mouth to take him in. Overwhelmed by the flow of emotions, Tim began to lap the wet muscle in his mouth and cherished the moment. The taste seemed to be indescribable, maybe sweet. But the odds were that the Pikachu had eaten some berries over the day. But it didn't matter, as all he wanted was to feel, taste, touch Dizzy.

Dizzy felt his tongue slip into Tim's and his eyes opened again. He gazed at Tim's face, his tongue being stroked within the moist cave of Tim's. He shyly played back, his tongue dancing over the other, running over it, and tasting the fresh taste. It was gentle, but firm as well. A nice combination of sensitivity, and of hidden desire. As he felt the two become closer he couldn't help but notice the small twitch in his lower region. He gasped, and pulled back-- not sure if Tim would take it well or not.

Tim noticed Dizzy backing off. Still dazed by the kiss, he couldn't comprehend what was wrong. "D-did I do something w-wrong?" he asked, saddened by the sudden interruption. However, he knew the reason, when he looked down into the crotch area of Dizzy, seeing something pink slightly poking out. "Oh..." was all he could whisper, before his brain refused to work again, his eyes focused on the nether parts of the small Chu.

Dizzy blushed as he was discovered and he shifted uncomfortably in Tim's lap, his member tempting him to push up against the Chu beneath him. He noticed Tim was staring so he squirmed free of the grasp and tried to move away and calm himself down. Unfortunately, on his way off of the Raichu's lap he tripped over the tail in his way landed halfway off of the lap and halfway on, rump proudly sticking in the air. His tail waved frantically and tried to cover his blushing cheeks. "Ahh! I'm so sorry!" He cried out, trying to wiggle free of the tangle he'd gotten himself into.

Tim's expression went from concentrated to sad in a matter of split seconds. Dizzy was getting off him, obviously ashamed by his arousal. When he stumbled, falling on the ground, exposing his bare bottom, all Tim could was chuckle. "Hey...Dizzy...No need to be ashamed..." Instead of equally excited, nervous or his usual shyness, the Raichu was completely calm, seeing the shattered Pikachu. "Look...I don't think it's bad what's going on...down there..." With that said, Tim popped his body in the air, revealing the same reaction to the kiss, Dizzy was showing. "See...? You're not the only one..."

Dizzy adjusted himself as Tim moved, scooting around to face Tim's now upright body. He saw the pink tip peeking out at him as if teasing him to get the whole thing out and he blushed heavily. He stood and toddled over to Tim, the taunting pink member brushing against his tummy. He looked up and smiled, "Yeah I guess you're right. I shouldn't have been so scared!" He lifted his arms to hug Tim again, and nuzzled the soft fur with his head, "I'm sorry."

The incredible feeling of his most private area stroking the fur sent shivers down Tim's spine. But he wouldn't give in to lust now, having something way more important; the affection of Dizzy. Resting his head between the yellow ears, he smiled the most honest smile he had. "It's ok, don't be sorry...It's new to me, as well," the grey Chu said, placing a peck on the red cheek of Dizzy.

Dizzy nodded, now completely convinced of it's innocence. He just wasn't used to the company of others in this way is all. He stood up on his tip-toes, his pink tip brushing along the tickling fur of Tim and sending shivers down Dizzy's spine. "So.. what.. now?" He asked, not really wanting to sound immature, but needing direction. Wherever Tim wanted to go, Dizzy would go too. He trusted Tim enough to never hurt in terrible terrible ways.

Tim thought about the innocent offer, it could turn out in such a naughty way. But for now, all he wanted was to hold Dizzy, feeling his breath in his fur and enjoy the night with him. "I'd like to put anything sexual aside for now...Please don't get me wrong...But it's just such a beautiful night...I just wanna that ok?" he asked, hoping that the Pikachu wouldn't take it as putting him down.

Dizzy smiled brightly and nodded, hopping up into Tim's arms and snuggling into the fur once again. A lot of excitement went on during such a short span of time, but Dizzy felt that those few hours were some of the best of his life. "I'd love that~" He whispered happily.

"Thank you..." Tim whispered, a single tear of joy running down his cheek. "Thank you for brightening my day..." He nuzzled into the soft chest and enjoyed the fresh, grassy scent. "You think, we could do that again?"

Dizzy smiled and nodded. "Of course!" He replied, looking deeply into Tim's eyes and feeling a striking tug in his chest. His lips caught Tim's and he closed his eyes happily.

Tim gladly accepted the kiss, returning it with all the joy and closeness, Dizzy had given him this night. They kissed for a long time, Tim enjoying every single second. But he broke the kiss, eventually and spoke. "Dizzy, I think you're the best thing that happened in my life... But before the Pikachu could answer, his lips were locked down again by another kiss. There they sat, the night passing by. A shooting star crossed the heaven, making Tim think 'I don't need one of those anymore...'