The Pumpking

Story by Gilias Azzeroc on SoFurry

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#1 of The Girls

So originally I was going to call it "Horribly-Delightful, Juicy, Wet, Raging-Tentacle-Boner, Pumpkin Seed Explosion Ravaging Palooza" but that just didn't feel right, so I stuck with "The Pumpking."

Also, one of the characters in this story is a chamrosh. This is basically a canine/avian gryphon rather than the more common feline/avian gryphon. I figured there would be confusion so I decided to attempt to clear it up right away. Another word for a chamrosh is cynogryph, but chamrosh is a bit easier. Also chamrosh is pronounced with an "sh" sound at the beginning like shamrock. Like I said just getting it out of the way. Now. Begin!

"Come on Valysia. You know all the legends about being outside tonight." The usually shining scales of the black, with white stripes, dragon girl could hardly be seen from the lack of light as she searched for her friend in a peculiarly smelling forest. The moon was full as she recalled, but from the density of the leafless branches above her, it could've been a cave just as easily. She moved easily through the thicket of dried branches and gnarled trees with the help of her draconic low-light vision from dark emerald eyes. She didn't know how long she'd been walking after Valysia, her trouble-making chamrosh best friend.

Sometimes Rhyanon wondered why the two of them were friends at all. Val, as the dragon girl often called her, was the nicest, most caring person that she'd ever met, but she never really thought about what she was doing. Rhyanon, on the other hand, was very careful about what she did. The only time that she rushed into anything without thinking was times like these, when Valysia lead the way. Without the chamrosh Rhyanon would have a calm life of not having to make sure that she wasn't getting into trouble.

After several more minutes of wandering in what she could only hope was the right direction she saw a clearing and began running. The peculiar smell grew stronger as she got closer to the gap in the trees. She finally stepped out of the forest and looked around her to see a patch of orange... gourds? She figured that they were what smelled so strange. She looked up to see that the full moon had worked its way higher into the sky while she hadn't been able to see it. Rhyanon continued searching around for her friend, ignoring the unknown plant.


Rhyanon heard her friend shout and quickly sighted her. "Valysia!" She shot off in her direction quickly. Suddenly, she tripped over one of the green roots that extended from each of the plants. Falling to her knees, the dragon glanced behind her to get a look at it. She was positive that it hadn't been there originally, but now it was coiled around her ankle slightly. She shook it off and looked back over to the chamrosh who was waving her over excitedly.

The female drake finally worked her way over to her friend and got a better look at her. Valysia's burgundy falcon feathers only showed on her head as her upper half was mostly turned away from Rhyanon. The bright yellow scarf that she wore covered the area of her neck that would have been visible and the brown cloak that she wore further concealed the rest of her body from view. The girl's fluffy wolf tail wagged excitedly against the tree stump that she was situated on. Her tail was the only part of her beige-furred lower half that could be seen with her pants on. The smallish chamrosh turned slightly and grinned up her friend. "Look what I found Rhya." She raised her arms and rotated them to each side slightly to show her grand discovery. "I haven't seen any of these since I was a cub." She added sentimentally.

"What are these, exactly?" The dragon asked.

The chamrosh turned back to her friend quickly almost dropping the orange plant that was sitting on her lap. "Haven't you ever seen a pumpkin before?"

The dragon shook her head solemnly.

Valysia's beak dropped. "What?" She asked incredulously.

"You know I've always lived in the Granovaia Mountains. We don't have any farmers up there that plant... pumpkins. You've lived there for years, you know that!" Rhya almost sounded angry at the end. It was building up from having to chase the chamrosh all the way out here for some stupid gourd.

"So you don't even know what they're used for?" Valysia turned back to the one in her lap and dug a claw in.

"What do you think?" The white striped dragoness retorted.

"Hmph. Well every year, on this particular night, people will use them to ward off evil spirits. Some people carve faces into them like I am doing right now."

Rhya rolled her eyes and could've sworn that she had seen something move off to her side. She got closer to her friend. "That's great. Just take it with you so we can get to the inn, it's getting late and I'm cold. Plus we really shouldn't be out here with all of this wild magic tonight."

"No. I might want more than one."

"Then grab a few more and let's go."

"I can't just grab a few. I need to find more that I like. You should find one and make a face in it. It's a lot of fun."

Rhyanon saw movement from the opposite side, only this was much closer than the last time. She was sure something had made its home in this pumpkin patch and she wasn't that excited to find out what it was. "Alright, how about this one?" She picked up the nearest pumpkin that she could find.

"No! That's way too small!" The chamrosh reprimanded.

The dragon rolled her eyes again. "I don't want one anyways. Can't we just go?"

"Mine's done! Look at it." Valysia extended her pumpkin to Rhyanon. "If you put a candle inside of it, then it's called a jack-o-lantern. You really should find one and carve it. I just know that you're going to like it." Val put her pumpkin down on the stump that she'd been sitting on and began searching for another good specimen.

The zigzag of a mouth and wide, unblinking eyes of the pumpkin disturbed the drake as she continued to gaze at it. Her attention was pulled away from it when she heard something behind her, even closer than before. She spun around and looked down towards the ground, fear telling her that she'd see some horrible beast staring at her.

There was nothing. She searched the ground frantically with her eyes, but she only saw more of these damned vines. There was no way that it was her imagination; there had to be something around here.

"You need to move around to if you want to find a good pumpkin to use." Val instructed knowledgably.

The black dragon turned on her friend suddenly. "For the last time, I don't! Want! A stupid! Pu-hhhhaaaa!"

Rhya was cut off as the two of them were suddenly hoisted into the air by their ankles. Her cloak fell down over her eyes and blocked her vision. She thrashed around violently against whatever had her upside down, but it was like a vice. "Valysia! What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. I didn't know pumpkins could be alive."

What?! Rhyanon tugged her cloak off over her head so that she was able to see again. She shivered without the extra protection from it, but was now able to see what her attacker was. A green vine from one of the pumpkins below her had lifted her off of the ground and upside down, though it looked more like a tendril at the current time.

She bent up on herself to grab the dagger from the sheath on her leg. Removing it she quickly cut the vine that held her boot captive and fell hard onto a heap of vines below, she noticed a difference between some of the vines; while many of them were smooth and dull, a few were adorned with different and very distinctive features. Rhyanon thought about grabbing her cloak, but decided against it in her haste to stop whatever was happening. Above her the chamrosh dangled horizontally in the air as the pumpkin tendrils worked their way across her body, going beneath her clothing and tugging at it.

Rhyanon was able to cut through only one of the vines that held her friend before a familiar feeling twisted around her ankle. The drake tensed her whole body as she expected to be hoisted from the ground again. She was shocked when a second of the tendrils wrapped around her other ankle and they pulled her in unison. Her legs were yanked out from beneath and she could only squeak silently as the wind was knocked out of her by the force of her hitting the ground.

She was dragged backwards over the rough ground. More of the clutching vines gripped at the clothing that she had left after she removed her own cloak. The dragon girl fought and strained against her captor until several of the restraining tentacles pressed her arms, along with her still covered breasts, tight to her chest, the ones at her legs pulling them apart and leaving them wide open as even more of the strange appendages began shredding through her pants with ease.

Unbeknownst to the two girls, the pumpkin that Valysia had set on the tree stump began to glow. The eyes and mouth lit up in a purple hue

Valysia wriggled around, her free arm tearing at her binds until the vines restrained it once more. She continued to squirm uselessly against the tendrils as continued to jerk at her attire. Riiip! Her shirt was torn apart to reveal her plump breasts, her nipples hardening on contact with the cold, night air, that she was just about to have even less protection from. She felt pressure as her pants were gripped all around her waist at the hem and pulled at. A slow tearing began after just a few seconds and she shivered as her fur covered thighs were exposed to the night air.

Her attempts at twisting and struggling against her captor weakened as they seemed more and more useless. She felt them spin themselves around her body, something squirting out of them from the tips as they seemed to pulse like a heartbeat. Whatever she was being coated in was sticky and the chamrosh felt it being rubbed into her fur and feathers.

She realized that they were supporting her; a multitude of them below her to lie on like a bed, a writhing, pulsing, sticky bed. The tendrils began to wrap around her neck and she began thrashing again as she thought she was about to be strangled. They continued to work their way up her head until reaching her beak and stopping there. Valysia felt another of the countless tendrils rub its way across the fur of her bare abdomen. It roughly slid through the fur of her stomach up to the down feathers of her chest. It pressed between her soft breasts and rose up off of her body and stopped in front of her face. The slimy, green appendage waggled slowly in front of her face, dripping orange ooze onto her neck. It seemed as though it was looking at her and she looked back, taking in the little bumps that were on its tip and the rib like segments that stretched along it further than she could see.

Another of them entered her entered her vision, this one drawing closer to her beak and even rubbing against it, the fluid smearing from the tip and trickling down to her nares. The chamrosh could smell the fluid vividly; it absolutely reeked of male, though not of any species she'd smelled before. The chamrosh quickly realized what exactly was about to happen and her breathing picked up in alarm of her frightening situation. The first of the tendrils traced its way back down her body, stroking against the lips of her sex and just slightly spreading them apart. Val twitched pleasurably each time a segment of ribs rubbed against her clit. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine that something less creepy was bringing her pleasure, but at the same time was very aroused by her current situation.

After what seemed like an eternity, the tip of the vine rested at her entrance. Valysia felt it pressing against her vulva, the ridged bumps of the tip prodding against her unprotected slit. It continued pressuring against her as it began to slowly slide in. A pulse of the hot fluids was ejected into her waiting hole. The moment all of the bumps had entered her, the tendril gave a hard thrust forward, getting the first set of ribs into her tight passageway. The chamrosh produced a sudden gasp as she was spread by the girth of the slimy appendage.

With her beak now open, the tentacle that was still swinging in front of her quickly entered her mouth, grinding against her tongue and forcing its way into the warm, wet cavity of her throat. The ones that had snaked around her neck moved to hold her beak wide as the textured appendage began quickly thrusting deep down her gullet. The poor girl's eyes widened in panic as her air supply was abruptly cut off, but the taste of male musk drove her crazy with lust. Her body took over as she started to grind her tongue against the vine as it leaked down her esophagus. The feathered canine bucked weakly against the tentacle that had impaled her and was now protruding from her tail end at the same time that it gave another, resounding thrust and _slurped_in a few more inches.

Rhya gazed up at her friend; the lewd scene above terrified her and slightly aroused her. She wasn't sure what frightened her more; these vegetables, these pumpkins were raping Valysia, the burgundy feathered chamrosh was enjoying it, or the inevitable fact that the very same thing was about to happen to her as well. The white streaked dragon had lost all control of the alarming situation when her dagger was knocked from her claws. "Get off of me!" She shouted. "Valysia do some - mmm, mmph!" She was no longer able to speak as two of the more elaborately adorned tentacles curled into the corners of her mouth and snaked their way down her throat.

They tasted disgusting, although she wasn't sure whether she gagged because of the foul taste or the depth that they delved down her esophagus. Rhyanon tried to bite down, but two more of the restraining vines held each side of her maw wide. However, she continued her attempts to get them out of her throat, shaking her head violently, to no avail. The vines were wedged far too deep into her throat for her to remove without her hands. They both began to draw out and she would've given a relieved sigh if she hadn't seen the tentacles plundering her friend's body while still suspended in the air. They slipped back into her mouth and held there so that she was forced to taste the slimy essence that was secreted from their tips.

The pumpkin that rested on the stump, the Pumpking, displayed no emotion. He showed no amusement for the two girls feeble struggling; no pleasure in what he was doing, no anger or sadness for their retaliation, no concern at all.

While the dragon continued to rebel to the best of her ability Valysia was enjoying this encounter of theirs. Each time the tendril in her cunny pulled out she humped towards it weakly, not wanting to have to wait for it to reenter her. It felt so good to have the thick shaft filling her tunnel, the way it stretched her out, how the ribs provided extra stimulation as they rubbed all along her tight passageway. She moaned surprisingly loudly considering the vine that was still thrusting in and out of her beak. The tentacle removed itself from her throat and hovered over her head. The chamrosh whimpered helplessly as she waited for it to do something.

The sudden burst of a syrupy substance both surprised and delighted the trapped girl, some of it spraying into her mouth, but most of it coating the feathers of her upper body. It tasted much better that the slime-covered appendage that it had come from; something like pumpkin pie, but not quite as sweet. Now dripping with this alien fluid the girl was free to pant as her unsuspected and unconventional lover continued to ravage her pussy. This was short lived however as a third vine joined the fray, working its way into her throat with ease. She willingly parted her beak for it, eager to get another sample of that strange nectar. In the meantime, the now saliva coated tendril shifted down to her lower body.

Valysia emitted something between a gasp and scream as her already full cunny was penetrated slickly by a second tentacle. It hurt... it hurt a lot, but the pain almost instantly faded to a dull ache as her pleasure suddenly skyrocketed. With the ribs of one tentacle and the rigid bumps of a second working her over-stuffed cunt in different ways she hit her climax quickly. She could only shudder as they continued fucking her through her orgasm, she didn't even think to moan as the vines assaulted her body. They slammed into her, now in earnest as her tunnel clenched down on them, she believed that she could feel the two wedged in her rear battering against her cervix.

Rhya had mostly forgotten about her friend as she was more focused on trying to breathe around the two girths stuffed down her muzzle. Her breathing was coming in ragged, wheezing sputters as she sustained her struggle against the unwelcome intrusion. Just as she feared she might blackout, the pair slipped back out of her throat, one of them exited her mouth altogether while the other sat in her gaping maw. The one above her blasted out a gooey, glowing purple fluid and coated her scales with several ropes of the stuff; it seemed like it was trying to plaster a different area with each burst. All the while, the other one slowly ground itself back and forth over her tongue until she felt it tense and pulse before it let loose its own gush of the unfamiliar fluids. It produced a considerable amount of its ejaculate into the warm confines of her mouth.

By this point Rhyanon had long assumed what this creature - if it could be called that - was shooting onto her body, but the strong musk and taste confirmed her fears. These pumpkin vines were saturating the two girl bodies with pumpkin seed. Not the conventional sense of pumpkin seed, but a virile, musky twist on it. Rhya's mouth was quickly filled up by the tentacle's juices. It was either swallow or drown as she found out that neither of the tentacles had an orthodox capacity of the fluid. Deciding to pick the lesser of two evils, she began to swallow, her throat muscles working quickly to gulp down each drop in her body's desire for air. It didn't seem possible to keep up as the excess spilled out the corners of her mouth and splattered onto the ground. Both vines held for a moment as she dripped hopefully in their seed. The poor girl whimpered as the one in her mouth started throat fucking her again. She thought to take solace in the fact that she only had one to deal with, but had an idea as to where the other was going.

The dragon girl's resolve was already fading quickly, but when she saw the sizeable bulk of a third tendril it seemed to hit bottom. This one was a monstrosity, not only was it at least three times as thick as any of the others, but it looked as though it had every ridge, bump and groove imaginable as it brushed against her tiny slit. She quietly groaned at the action even as the one in her throat gave a jarring thrust, her body enjoying the attention despite the fact that the action had no appeal to the dragoness. The girl's mind, however, was still very terrified by the ordeal that she was about to be put through. The vine moved slowly towards her exposed sex, as if taunting her. Resting its tip against her opening, it pulsed a few times; leaking its equivalent of precum all over the entrance to her body, much of it trickled down over her tail hole before covering her tail base as well.

The whole time the poor dragon girl had been too engrossed in watching the colossal member that was about to penetrate her vulnerable cunny that she hadn't cared to think about the tendril that still dripped with her saliva. Rhya was reminded of it when it pressed against her tail hole with a goal in mind. She wasn't sure if it was a blessing or a misfortune that the entrance was so well lubricated by both her slobber as well as the very slick precum that was provided by the one resting at her other hole. It was definitely a misfortune she decided, as her rectum was stretched wide by the invading tentacle. She emitted a screech from her occupied throat, which came out as more of a gurgling squeak, at being violated so harshly by the strange creature. Her body went limp at the agony of the intrusion. Under the mercy of these perverse appendages, she could only whimper as she felt the pressure of the largest vine against her nether lips.

There was no way it could get in. The head itself was too broad, not to mention how it widened out even further down. The enormous appendage pressed into her fleshy folds in a straining motion. Despite the great amount of lubrication her body was far too small to take such a large girth; the one in her tail hole already hurt immensely, but this would tear her apart if nothing else. Nonetheless it seemed intent to try to fit within her tight tunnel and gave several lurching thrusts into her cunt while she tried to focus on breathing around the one still thrusting itself deep into her throat. Relentlessly, this unbidden lover of hers rammed at her defenseless pussy lips with no apparent intention of stopping until her belly was distended by the leaking shaft.

The Pumpking remained motionless. The devious lord of pumpkins acted almost as though he was and inanimate object.

The enjoyment that Valysia was receiving from their plight seemed to be a stark contrast to Rhyanon's own emotions. Her vaginal walls clung to the two vines inside of her, each of their vibrant thrusts sent pleasure through her whole body until she simply let her tongue hang absently from her beak while the mixture of drool and precum oozed from her throat in copious amounts. Even if the chamrosh was no longer bound there wasn't even a tiny chance that she'd try to stop what was happening to her vulnerable body. The various formations on the tendrils in her sopping cunny seemed to rub all the right places inside of her. Her climax was fast approaching once again when she felt both the vines tense before they pulsed their burning hot seed into her waiting body. The feathered canine howled shrilly as she climaxed, feeling the seed throbbed against her already aching cervix. Her inner wall was weakening and she was quite surprised that the forceful blasts of these things ejaculate hadn't been enough to get through it. The stuff spilled out of her just quickly, most of the space within the chamrosh girl's tunnel was already occupied and it squirted out in harsh gushes around the vines in unison with both the clenching of her over-stuffed passageway and the intense throbs of the plants.

They pulled out just before their ejaculate stopped to cover her naked rear in the musky, orange liquid. Valysia simply murred as she felt it pooling in her fur, knowing that it would eventually dry just like the stuff on her upper body already had. The rumbling of her throat muscles seemed to set off the one in her mouth as it let loose another astonishing volley of its gelatinous nectar about halfway down her willing esophagus, once again pulling out of her muzzle to ooze all over her upper form. She gazed down towards her rear through a haze of pleasure as the devious pair of tendrils moved towards her quivering folds again. This time however, the two of them wrapped around each other, intertwining themselves with the other in a lengthy, grooved lance pointing at her already tight shut hole. Once they came together just right they plunged back into her clingy folds with juicy, wet squelch. She groaned once again as her almost too eager pussy swallowed their combined girth.

Her whole body quaked as the joint appendages sunk deep into her body, pressing roughly against her inner wall. She writhed in her bondage at the intense pleasure of being spread so deep and wide. She could feel every contour of the slimy organs as they schluuurped into her almost painfully. They wriggled around inside her tight passage, ruthlessly stroking her insides until she was nothing more than a drooling mess of fur and feathers. Still they continued to ravage her, the one retaking the unoccupied cavity of her beak once again.

Rhyanon's eyes went wide as she felt the delicate lips of her dragon cunny spread even wider. The thick girth of the tentacle at her slick passageway was actually beginning to penetrate her. There was a good chance that she would be torn apart by that thick appendage. She cringed when it suddenly sunk in a few inches, with the help of the very slick precum, to the point where she was sure she could stretch no further to accommodate the monstrous vine. Yet still more of it slowly worked its way in to her stretched vagina; her walls inadvertently massaging the enormous appendage in an effort to remove it from her crammed passage.

The vivid feeling of all the various bumps and ridges made the dragon girl all but forget about the tendril that was spreading her tail hole wide until it began to wildly thrust in and out of her slightly lubed tunnel. She gave a cry of shock from the sudden activity as a burning pain spread through her loins. The binding tentacles seemed to tighten around her as she tried to flail out of their grasp to escape this brutal intrusion by her questionably-sentient rapist. The pain slowly died away as the massive girth forcefully worked its way further into her; powerful thrusts that stopped only a short distance further than the last. No matter how endlessly wide the member became it seemed that her body was able to yawn open around it just enough for each thrust. Her lithe form shuddered as the gargantuan appendage finally found its way against her inner wall. She would've screamed if the breath hadn't been so harshly expelled from her lungs; the only sound that she was able to produce was a throaty garble.

The Pumpking felt that he should conclude his task before he got too worked up by these receptive females. Without any sort of exertion, or any real movement at all from the Pumpking, the vines switched to short, quick motions into the sensitive bodies of the girls that he held captive.

Valysia was quick to notice the sudden surge of activity in her rear as she sucked down on the tentacle in her throat; her flat canine tongue pressed to the bottom of her beak as the invading member worked deeper down. The feathered canine felt another climax preparing to tear through her body so soon after the last. Sweat covered her naked body as she was becoming exhausted under the attentions of the tendrils that were ravaging her body. She gave another hard slurp as the two in her cramped passageway speared against her cervix roughly. Her tunnel gave an involuntary clench just before the pair of tentacles began an onslaught of short thrusts with the intent of breaking through the barrier of her womb. Valysia couldn't control herself as her body climaxed again and caused her pussy to convulse around combined girths inside of her.

With another jarring thrust the tendrils peeled open the tight seal of her cervix and entered into her now unprotected womb. Valysia gasped just as the one in her throat began to release its fluid; however, instead of pulling out it seemed to work its way even further into her cutting off her oxygen. The lack of air combined with the pleasure of another earth-shattering orgasm proved more than enough to cause the poor girl to pass out. The last thing that she felt was the two tentacles buried in her pussy explode inside of her, coating the walls of her womb with an almost continuous stream of cum. Each pulse seemed only to become stronger as they went on. The one in her mouth continued to ejaculate directly into her stomach and her belly began to distend from the sheer volume that was being pumped into her until it looked near to bursting. Thankfully, the torrent of pumpkin seed finally tapered off; the girl's unresisting body seemed to relax a bit as it adjusted to the strain of such a huge amount of fluid.

Rhyanon just barely registered the moans of her friend while she was under the vicious assault of this monster that had them both bound. The uncomfortable barbs on the tentacle in her tail hole mercilessly raked along her tunnel every time the member withdrew from her. Each time it simply buried itself within her again and she knew that the pain would fill her rear just as vividly as the last. Without warning, the tendril in her pussy pulled out of her tunnel until only the very tip remained within her. She cringed, knowing what was about to happen, and then suddenly began to gag as the one her mouth began much deeper thrusts, its ridged, bumpy length making her esophagus stretch wide around it and cutting off her air. The largest of them all seemed to just be waiting in the entrance of her vagina as the other two continued to violate her in their own ways.

With a resounding thrust, and an accompanying series of squelches, the tentacle once again stretched her tunnel open. The massive girth made her writhe and squeal as she was violated so thoroughly against her will. She felt the incredible impact of the great appendage against her cervix, the spongy wall bowing under the pressure of the too large intruder. She found solace in the fact that she was quite near to losing consciousness until the one in her mouth pulled itself from the confines of her wet, hot throat and she was given back her ability to breathe. It rested just above her maw, which was still held open by the two binding tentacles, and drooled an almost constant stream of its admittedly tasty precum onto her bare tongue. Before the poor girl was able to take more than a dozen breaths however, the slimy tendril delved back down into her orifice and began to thrust in and out of her.

The two in her rear were now thrusting opposite of each other. As the barbs of the one in her tail hole scraped her inside brutally while it pulled out of her, the much larger girth of the other viscously spread her wide yet again; both of them flooded her insides with their respective precum. The white striped dragon was sure that all three of her holes would've been raw and bruised if it wasn't for the incredible slickness of the repulsive fluid. She cringed as the barbs raked through her tailhole again; her pained and stretched insides clenched up around the bulky lengths within her body. The tendril in her dragon cunny continued to drool its thick pre seed into her which seemed to leak back out of her strained tunnel, along with her own body's natural lubricant.

While she was thankful for the extra slickness from her juices, she refused to believe that her body was aroused by this disgusting intruder. Without any warning the one in her maw shoved down into her esophagus again before it began to pulse heavily. It surged its sticky heated seed directly into her stomach; she wasn't even able to taste it as it filled her up. A soft bulge began to form as the sickening fluids poured into her tummy. Just moments behind she felt a tensing in her rear before it suddenly ran hot with sticky, warm gushes of the luminescent purple seed. She moaned around the still idly thrusting appendage in her mouth as she was stuffed even further crammed with her captor's virile fluids.

That was when she finally acknowledged the heat in her nethers; the one that her own body was producing. As though this thing that was raping her was trying to insult her it was going to make her orgasm. It was going to make her concede its conquest and domination over her, even as she milked it for every last drop of its seed that her body could and then some. The poor dragon girl felt it like a bolt of lightning as the monster breach through her womb and continued thrusting forward until it hit the hypersensitive flesh on the opposite wall. It started in her crotch and traveled like a wave down to her toes and up to her horns. Her over-stuffed vagina clenched down like a vice around its massive intruder; rhythmic pulses constricted around the green tendril until it simply exploded.

Her womb was filled at an alarming pace, but she didn't even notice the almost painful swelling of her belly as her climax was heightened by the sudden burning heat within her innermost area. If her mind could function with all the pleasure overtaking her body, then she may have been attempting to struggle out of its powerful grasp, but that wasn't the case. She couldn't stop crying out in the throes of her orgasm for what seemed like hours. Finally, pleasure ridden state melted away into a contented fuzzy, sleepy state and the tentacles that were still buried deep within their respective orifice withdrew themselves and the binding tentacles disentangled themselves from her. Small torrents of the purple goo flooded out of her two lower holes, yet most of it had found some sort of inward destination for the time being.

Rhyanon's anger still hadn't surfaced from the echoes and tingles of pleasure that continued to radiate through her body. Next to her Valysia's body dropped the few feet it was off of the ground and a large shot of cum was expelled from her dripping holes like a geyser as she impacted. The shower of seed landed mostly across the dragoness' body, drenching her form in another warm, sticky coating of the stuff. The dragon's eyes began to lid as a sudden exhaustion took over her. Before she was lost to sleep she felt the warmth of her cloak slipping over her still naked body.

The Pumpking took care in covering the two creatures up with their respective garments to protect them from the chilling air of the night. He would need to depart soon; the frost was sure to come to this region and he had more business to take care of before that happened. For now though he would ensure that these mortals' sleep went undisturbed. He felt that they deserved that much at least.

* * *

Rhyanon awoke with sun already high in the sky. Despite the subtle chill in the air she felt rather warm and noticed her cloak covering her slender body. The memories of what transpired the night before flooded into her mind and she suddenly panicked as she began to sit up. There was a gentle resistance in the area of her stomach as she got upright, so she removed her cloak to examine it. While the dragon girl noted that most of the excrements left by her unwanted suitor had spilled out of her during the night, most all of that which had been pumped into her womb remained firmly locked there for the time being.

A sudden rustling caught her attention. Just as she braced herself to be raped again she heard Valysia call out her name. "Hey, Rhya. You finally woke up." She was noisily ambling over to her with some rather extravagant looking clothes on. The slim fitting dress that she'd donned was a beautiful burgundy color and trimmed with gold. The second thing Rhyanon noticed was the distended bulge of her belly; it was made all the more prominent by just how perfectly fit the dress was for her. "Do you like the dress? I think he left them for us." She said, idly stroking the lump of her tummy.

The still confused dragon girl shook her head at the chamrosh. "You're impossible. We just got raped by a...-"

"A pumpkin." Valysia interjected happily.

"-a pumpkin, and you're not even angry at him." She stood up and began to wrap herself in her cloak, but suddenly realized it was soaked with juices that had spilled out of her.

"Well I can't say that I minded terribly. And it is a rather nice dress. Here I'll help you with yours." The feather canine quickly picked a second dress from the stump that the Pumpking had rested on, and began assisting her squirming, idly-protesting friend into it. After a few moments of complaining, Rhyanon had a wonderful, verdant dress trimmed just like Valysia's. "It fits you so well. And it really brings out your eyes too." The chamrosh said in wonderment.

Rhyanon took a moment to inspect herself; the dress fit to her every curve. She felt as though it had been made specifically for her. However, much like Valysia, she was forced to display the incredible protuberance of what she held in her womb. Rhya groaned softly as she stroked it softly, feeling the liquids inside slosh around.

"If you were wondering... Yes, it makes you look fat." Valysia said jokingly.

The dragon scowled at her friend while furiously blushing in embarrassment.

The chamrosh grinned. "By the way, I told you that it would be fun."