Story by dismas on SoFurry

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Jen scrabbled over a huge jutting rock which protruded from the mountain-side, bare to the elements. She set her book bag down, shaded by the close standing and imposing pines, deciding to take a small break. From her pocket she produced her dad's small GPS, and opening her bag she pulled out a small black notebook.

On the cover of the notebook a single word was stencilled in huge, bold, green letters. "Dragons" it enthusiastically shouted, surrounded by at least a dozen dragon stickers. She opened the notebook and looked up her position on the GPS. She made a small note, referencing her position, annotating the entry with "NDH". She flipped back through the pages, sheet after sheet listed longitude, latitude, and the disheartening "NDH."

"No dragons here," She muttered as she stuffed her notebook back inside the bag, and pulled the little dragon attached to the zipper closed. She rose to her feet, shouldering the book bag, and proceeded on in the woods, up the small mountain that hosted and hid her hometown.

Her grandmother, while still alive, had told her countless tales of dragons when she was young, and to her parent's amusement, her boyfriend, Nate's, annoyance, and the occasional teasing in school, it had become her passion. The little town had a history of it anyway, or so it was rumoured... Dragons in them hills. And several of the older buildings had weathered and worn dragon statues and mantles much to Jen's delight.

For the second summer now Jen searched the mountains, looking for caves or any kind of sign in the hopes of maybe someday finding one. Her parents weren't too happy with it but as long as she had the GPS and told them when she went out and when she expected to be back, it was ok. A few times Nate had come out, but he quickly grew bored, and had mostly left her to her own devices to play his computer, only spending time with her when she came home.

The loose soil of the mountain quickly became more sparse, large patches of bare rock held together by webs of tree roots; climbing was becoming more difficult. It was getting close to time to turn back anyways, and she turned to walk parallel to the mountain, planning to cut back down, towards home.

Here the rock rounded overhead to her side, but broke off sharply below, presenting a shear face wall with a broad ledge to walk beneath. The trees parted, far away, here and there, the tops of a few buildings interrupted the sea of spiky green. She looked carefully for her own housetop, continuing to walk along the rock wall. The ground grew more unstable and broken up as she proceeded along and as she was about to give up her search for her home and pay more attention to what she was walking on, one of the rocks beneath her feet decided it had had enough of her presence and skittered off down the mountain slope, bringing it's friends with it. Jen quickly lost her footing, and fell to her side, sliding down the ledge behind her errant support.

As she rolled and turned, she struggled to regain control of her situation, and was beginning to slow her descent using her feet as brakes when she found her first cave after two years of searching.

Jen choked on the scream that punched her square in the chest, a rush of adrenaline to her stomach clamouring for her attention and the immediate evacuation of, but before she could concentrate on any one feeling they were all quickly, suddenly, and painfully interrupted by the ground. She rolled to her side, silent tears of pain streaming down her face as she coughed, fighting to get back the breath that had been knocked from her.

She lay like that for some minutes in the dark opening of the cave, waiting for calm and regular breathing to return and the various pains to dull. With slow movements she shrugged her backpack off and reached inside, searching for her flashlight. It was massive and easy to find, and as she clicked the button it reassuringly flickered on. "Thank you" she mouthed silently.

She slowly shone the light over herself and then around the cave. At least she hadn't broken anything, lots of scratches and abrasions but no serious cuts. She painfully rose to her feet and examined her surroundings, the walls were dark and dusty, and along cracks and in nooks her light shone an almost neon green from strange moss. The cave appeared to go some ways back inside the mountain, her light unable to penetrate very deeply.

Finally, she had found something interesting. Not the best way to find it, but still. She felt closer to her goal and walked a little more lightly as she continued further into the cave.

As Jen walked slowly into the darkness, she thought she could smell the scent of something like sulphur and ash. The smell seemed to increase in strength as she went further back. Her heartbeat quickened in anticipation of finding what she had always hoped and dreamed for. Real dragons! Her pace increased as she almost skipped along, her light making quick slashes at the darkness.

For the second time that day, Jen found the support of the ground disappear and herself falling into another hole. This time she wasn't as overcome by fear and panic, allowing herself a few thoughts. "Shit, not again. God I am so stupid! Why me?" The flashlight tumbled from her hand in slow motion, falling away, leaving blinding tracks of strobing light as her hands sought for something, anything to catch or slow her.

With a loud plop she landed in something liquid, the flashlight landing and floating in the liquid as well, suspended at a strange angle a couple arm lengths away. She struggled to move but found that it wasn't water. It was gooey, it was sticky, and after a few seconds she realized it was really really stinging her cuts. Panic set in and she flailed her way to the flashlight and then desperately sought a way to climb out.

Jen was surrounded by featureless walls, but on one side, just a little further away, she could see huge, broad steps unnaturally cut in the stone of the cave leading up and out of the pit. The pain kept her moving against the cloying goo and after what seemed like an eternity in slow motion, she had first a hand, then her upper body, then her entire body on the lowest step.

She laid on her back, crying again and gasping for air, every muscle in searing agony from the ordeal. With some disgust she realized she had swallowed some of it, and turned to vomit and heave into the pool. She only now noticed that the smell by the pool was overwhelming and with a few wobbles she started climbing out of the pit, to get away from the putrid stench. She was almost on hands and knees as she made her way back to the small, distant spot of light that was the cave's entrance.

As her feet dragged leadenly along the cave floor she felt something crunch under her foot, accompanied by a loud audible crackle. Her light quickly turned to the floor immediately under her. She found long strings of thick snakeskin, the circle of light followed them over to the nearest cave wall and up along it finding several pieces hanging off jagged edges of rocks, fluttering minutely in the very slight breeze.

Her various aches and pains reminded her very loudly that she had to get home and have a very nice and relaxing bath. She could note the location with the GPS and come back later. She picked up a piece of the skin in her free hand and returned to where her backpack lay, the skin went into the bag and she winced as she put the bag on her shoulders.

For the first time she really examined the cave entrance. It opened at a slight downward angle, and she had fallen perfectly over the apex of the opening, suffering the longest downward distance possible. Ouch. On the plus side, it wasn't really any effort to get out and as she cleared the opening she paused to record the location with her GPS.

An hour later, a very sore, very tired, and now very hungry Jen found her way to her backyard gate. She was late, the streetlights were starting to turn on as the sky turned from orange to grey-blue, her parents would probably be a little upset with her. She quickly hopped up the porch steps to slip inside.

"I'm home!" she yelled as she kicked off her shoes, running to the bathroom in order to avoid being caught and questioned in her current state. Her nice red backpack literally peeled off her back, long ropey stringers of the goo, almost like snot, clung between it and her shirt. As she struggled to take her shirt off it tore in her hands, ripping in two. The pieces were pasted to her skin by the goo and each attempt to take it off shredded it further, almost like paper. She managed to get the lower parts of her pant legs off and several scraps of her shirt off from various spots. She was too tired to keep struggling, and stepped into the shower with the remainder still basically glued to her body. As the hot soothing water washed over her, it slowly took her clothes with it. The pieces collected in the bottom, making a squishy mess. She'd have to clean that up after, but for now... This was heaven after all that had happened that day.

She finally stepped out of the shower when the water started to become cold, turning it off. Her eyes went to the drain, anticipating the large mound of ruined clothing she would have to clean up, and probably explain later, but was surprised to find nothing.

The tub was clean and bare. Had the slime eaten her clothing? She gathered the few scraps on the floor, stuffing them into her bag and wrapped a towel around her torso, going to her room.

Once inside she found some fresh clothes and only then took out the skin from her bag. The skin smelled like the sulphur and ash she had noticed earlier. The individual scales were huge and had a slight green tint to them. Her breath caught in her throat, it had to be a dragon's skin. She had finally found it! Real dragons! Here be dragons for sure! She lovingly put it on her desk and started to record her day's activities in her journal.

As she put the date at the top, she realized she wouldn't get a chance to visit the cave again for five whole days. Sunday night, damn it all! After writing a few minutes, she heard her mother calling her to dinner. She probably wasn't going to sleep tonight, the excitement of going back to explore overwhelming her thoughts.

It was Tuesday when she noticed the rash. It was mostly around her armpits and crotch and it itched like crazy. When she got home from her summer job she looked herself over carefully in the mirror. Her skin looked red, like it was sunburned, and was starting to peel in a few places. It must be from the slime, she thought, hopefully it'll pass in a few days.

By Thursday the itching had subsided, but she was still peeling like crazy. Worse than the worst sunburn she could ever remember having. Her mother had pretty much bought her a case of calamine lotion out of concern and everyone was keeping their distance from her snowy presence. With all the skin it seemed like most of her body hair had fallen out also. Nate may like that she thought with an inward sigh, he had been keeping his distance as well. She had tried telling him about the cave but he didn't seem that interested. But she had managed to talk him into coming with her that weekend, promising him a little "special" time if he did. That was one sure way to get his attention.

Friday came, the flaking had died down, and her skin was back to its pale complexion. It still felt very rough, though, and her fingertips, never really calloused before, were almost as hard as plastic. She had to replace her backpack as it had deteriorated also, and she carefully packed and repacked the new one in anticipation of going back to the cave the next day.

With one hand she idly stroked the skin as she wrote in her diary that night. She could hardly wait.

Nate met her at the foot of the trail with his dog. "Parents are gone for the weekend, said I had to take care of him." His expression was a little sour at what he felt was an unfortunate inclusion to what he was looking forward to later that day.

"Aww, c'mere Brain." Jen patted her thigh encouragingly towards the black labrador, but he hid nervously behind Nate; he was usually more excited to see her. "Your parents are so weird. They need to stop watching cartoons."

"I know. I really miss Sprocket, our first dog, but I bet the next pet we get will be named Scooby-Doo or something retarded like that." Nate laughed out loud. "Well let's go see this fantastical cave."

Using the GPS, Jen led the little exploratory party to the mouth of the cave she had found, exchanging only a few words on the way. They found it easily, the large cave opening was completely in shadow this early in the day, appearing uninviting, perhaps a little foreboding.

Jen found a fairly comfortable looking rock to sit on, taking off her backpack, and motioned for Nate to join her. Nate attempted to approach but as he got hearer, Brain pulled away on his leash not wishing to get closer to Jen. With a look of disgust, Nate took the dog to a nearby tree and tied his leash to it.

He took a seat beside Jen who had meanwhile been tugging absently at her clothes. Jen leaned against him affectionately. "Thanks for coming, even though it did take some convincing." She poked him in the side. "Want to go see?"

She pulled her flashlight from her backpack and took him by the hand, pulling him to his feet. Carefully flashing the light in front of her, not interested in falling yet again, she led the way further into the cave. She first took them to where she remembered the skin had been, and, to her surprise, she found a sort of bowl formed in the rock. Inside the bowl were many pieces of the same skin which was practically beside the same spot she had found the other night. Upon its sight she felt flushed and excited. A strange urge started to overcome her, and she hugged Nate tight. Her lips went to his in the darkness and she kissed him.

Nate was completely taken by surprise, but too much of an opportunist to let the moment pass by. His hands went behind her, slowly rubbing her back, returning the kiss.

After a few moments, Jen was kissing him harder and with a growing ferocity, her tongue sought his. At this Nate's hands went to cup and squeeze her ass, kissing her back for all he was worth.

As the kiss ended abruptly, Jen pushed him away. Her hands went to her clothes, and she quickly took off her shirt and slid down her pants. Her fingers lightly stroked her body before tugging at his shirt in an upward motion. Nate quickly complied, taking off his shirt and then undoing his pants. She had undone her bra and slid down her panties meanwhile and now helped him slide off of his own underwear.

As Nate stood a little uncertain in the darkness of the cave, Jen set the flashlight on a nearby rock pointing at the bowl in the rock. Seemingly unfazed by the cold of the bare rock, Jen lay down in the bowl and made a come hither look at him with her legs spread.

Nate's eyes centered on her recently brazen and bare pussy, becoming drawn in like a moth to a light. The rock hard stiffness of his cock only faltered for half a second as he realized he had no condoms, but he quickly went to his knees and nuzzled her thighs.

His attentions slowly worked their way up towards Jen's love canal under her encouraging gaze. Bits of the dead lizard skin flurried slightly at their movements, which Nate felt was really weird, but they had sex so rarely he'd do it here regardless. Jen was so hot, her beauty was almost wasted. Her skin, rough of late, was usually so smooth and milky white. Her hair was a natural fire red, and her figure was amazing. She had huge tits. Oh man, just to touch them... His fingers brushed her outer folds lightly, eliciting a small coo of joy from Jen. He could see beads of juice forming along her sex. Her thighs spread wider.

His fingers went slowly inside her, meeting no resistance, and he slowly began to work them around. She shook softly in pleasure breathing out slowly.

"More." her voice was almost a whisper, while her hands were slowly caressing her breasts.

He put all five fingers inside, something he had never managed before, and wiggled them wildly, watching her reaction.

Expecting some reaction of pain, he was surprised by a louder, "More." Her hands squeezed her tits as she slowly rocked her hips in pleasure against his fingers.

He slowly put his entire hand inside her and pistoned it in and out of her quickly.

Her breaths were coming faster and she now growled at him, "More."

With growing amazement he took his other hand and also slid it in her distended quivering snatch. She sighed long and low, relaxing momentarily, content with the feeling of fullness. Nate pumped his arms in and out of her in unison, eliciting loud gasps and moans from her. After a few minutes it seemed like she was reaching an orgasm, and he tried pulling his arms back to his wrists in order to plunge into her harder and longer. As he attempted to withdraw his arms he felt some resistance. He couldn't pull his arms back at all; in fact, with every moment he seemed unable to get less slack to piston them in and out of her hugely engorged pussy. And now he felt like he was being pulled inside her with increasing speed. Her legs were spread out in a split, and with growing alarm he realized his face was being drawn towards her opening.

His arms fully disappeared inside her, his nose was now rubbing against her button, and she cried with delight, totally unmindful of Nate's screams for help. Brain started barking at the noise but was unable to assist due to his leash. As his face was pressed at a painful angle against her slit, it seemed to widen a bit and his head popped fully inside. Jen's voice was a flurry of short loud gasps of pleasure and now his shoulders were fully inside. As Jen approached a mind numbing orgasm, the rate at which Nate disappeared inside her quickened, her hips undulating against his diminishing body.

As Nate's feet were sucked inside Jen she came, letting out a long, full, satisfied scream of delight. For a few minutes she could feel Nate struggling within her, causing a few smaller aftershock orgasms. She ran her hands over her hugely distended belly. Brain was barking furiously outside the cave. Poor doggy.

Once the pleasure had subsided a little, Jen rolled to her knees and first crawled, and then managed to stand and walk slowly as Nate's weight settled comfortably inside her. As she approached Brain his barks increased in fury and speed, spittle whipping off his black muzzle. She made cooing noises and waddled towards him slowly, trying to appear trustworthy.

As one of her arms came within reach of him, he bit her firmly, clamping his jaws on the proffered appendage. She was slow to react, but didn't feel any real pain. Looking at her arm, Brain still attached to it, growling loudly, she didn't see any blood. She firmly grasped his leather collar with her other hand, and ripped her arm free. Brain struggled against his collar and snapped at her, unable to catch anything in his teeth. As she grabbed his leash clip, he again bit her, but Jen managed to undo his leash, maintaining her grip on him.

She laid on the ground and spread her legs again, not sure what she was doing, but sure she had to do it. Bent over almost double she took Brain by his collar and forced him head first into her vagina. He frantically fought against her but as his head suddenly popped in, he seemed unable to free himself. Jens hands relaxed their grip on him, returning to massage her breasts and distended belly as her voracious loins consumed the large black dog.

She lay back as she felt another powerful orgasm building, poor Brain disappearing inside her. As the last of his tail was slurped inside she lay back on the rock outside the cave and purred in content, loud and rumbling, letting the intense pleasure of the dog induced orgasm subside.

As the morning's sun hit her, breaking through the trees, she felt sleepy and curled up in a ball to nap where she lay outside the cave, her hands wrapped protectively around her now huge stomach.

Jen awoke to the sun beating down on her, morning again. She struggled briefly before managing to get to her feet, and waddled back inside the cave. The flashlight was almost completely dead, and shone feebly on the bowl in the rock. The fullness in her stomach was becoming a little uncomfortable the closer she got to the bowl, and it seemed to her like it wanted to come out.

She stood with her legs spread wide apart over the bowl and felt an instinctual need to push what was inside of her out. As she pushed she could see something huge and leathery parting her folds as it forced its way out of her pussy. She was laying an egg she realized, how heart-warmingly amazing. This went on for some time and as it finally cleared her she was straddling the point, on tip toes. The egg was soft and like leather, coloured green and brown. Her egg. She loved it. Jen was absolutely exhausted after laying her first egg ever, and curled up around its base, hugging it lovingly.

The light from the mouth of the cave was red and orange, indicating sunset, her flashlight now appeared completely dead. She felt ungodly itchy again, she ached for relief, starting to scratch all over herself frantically. Jen crawled up to the cave wall and rested her back on the cool rock. It felt fairly soothing, but she still needed to scratch so badly. As her fingers clawed at her front, she rubbed her back against the jagged rock wall using increasing pressure. She could hear a ripping sound and turning to examine the wall she found fresh, slightly moist dead scale. Her fingers reached around behind her and she felt along her back, stopping when she found a different texture to her skin... exactly like a snake's scales, only larger. How delightful, she thought: she was so proud of her egg and now her new scales. With the removal of the old, dull skin from her back the itching subsided, and the need to sleep overtook her again.

For several more days she would wake from nesting her egg with the need to itch and scratch, tearing away more of her old skin and revealing more and more of new beautiful scales. In the light of day she occasionally took the time to examine herself. Her "skin" was now an ultra hard and thick, down of interlocking scales coloured a bright, beautiful white, with tiny red speckles throughout. The remainder of her hair had fallen out at some point but she hardly cared: she loved every new change she discovered. She could hardly wait until her egg hatched.

On another morning, a few days later, she awoke to find she had a long ridged tail, the end sluggishly flopping back and forth, as it had fallen asleep under her. It curled happily back and forth as she waved it around, easily as long as she was tall, and when she returned to her egg, to sleep, it protectively wrapped them both.

Finally, after many days of nesting, she awoke to a cracking noise. Her egg had changed from leathery and soft to hard and dull and it was finally finished maturing under her affectionate care. She watched enraptured as her egg hatched, willing it to hurry and finish, but not yet daring to help.

From the egg a black scaly hand broke forth, disappearing back inside shortly after, then a long black snout with huge teeth appeared at the hole, the mouth parted and a long sinuous tongue languidly tasted the air. The face pushed insistently against the opening, widening it, and then soft eyes that glowed with trust and affection met hers. The new young dragon purred at the sight of Jen, her similar long white snout parted in a grin, eyes glistening with tears of delight.

Jen rushed over and used her new claws to help break Nate free. She hugged his snout close to her chest, leading him from the shell, and then nuzzling her long neck against his. As the last of Nate came free, large globs of green slime oozing down his glistening scales, he kneeled at Jen's feet, nuzzling against her abdomen. His long black tail reflected shards of polished onyx as it intersected the faint light that penetrated this far back into the cave, waving back and forth in happiness. Jen slowly stroked the smaller scales along his head and the back of his neck lovingly, making reassuring and encouraging noises to him.

She gently helped him to his feet and led him outside the cave where the sun was slowly setting. Stepping back, Jen carefully examined her new partner, the tip of her tail curling back and forth slowly as her eyes traced the jagged black form.

Nate's eyes watched her patiently, but eagerly, for the next command or permission to return to her side. Those eyes bore a soft, friendly, and trusting expression, but their new appearance was completely alien. Rivulets of luminous blue branched outward from the razor thin ring of shining sky blue that served as his iris, dancing and shimmering within the perfect blackness that was the rest of his eye. Hard, thick ridges of black scale, flaked and edged with inlays of gold and silver, served as eyebrows, marking the long slope of his now longer skull, which extended outwards into twin spirals of jet horn, curving widely around the base of his ears. Above his eyebrows whispers of gold and silver curled out, growing back to thicker veins which webbed almost protectively around the base of his very long and sharply pointed black leathery ears. Going down the back of his neck the veins of aureate subsided to the width of hairs, the mesh of gold lines curling languidly around the neck and base of his skull, as these disappeared, the occasional gilding of edges of some of his scales became more apparent. This gold and silver flaking lightly covered his entire powerful, onyx body, sparkling almost like a vast but sparse starscape. Thick ridges of scales crowned the crest of his spine, developing into a massive and long tail which seemed to wag happily back and forth. His long arms swayed loosely by his sides, rippling with muscle under a skin of gold speckled black scale, each finger ending with an imposing looking dull black claw. Nate now stood digitigrade, balancing on longer, hugely clawed feet, all supported by his powerful thighs. Jen's eyes now fixed steadily on the bobbing prize, fully erect at Nate's crotch. A scrotum, heavy and very full, hung polished black, wreathed and circled in gold. Above this a short canine-like sheath extended, the edge of which appeared to be entirely crusted with gold, very visibly marking where the sheath ended and his cock began. This cock was the same black as the rest of his body but appeared to have tiny, very soft scales. Sets of twin ridges of thick gold intertwined as they travelled over the massive canine knot at the base and continued up the long shaft to the pointed tip, belling into almost a Celtic knot of interwoven gold threads.

A thin, serpentine tongue darted from Jen's mouth in a silent hiss of desire. She felt drawn towards it and licked her newly scaled lips in anticipation. Nate stood transfixed as Jen almost dropped to all fours and crawled slowly towards him with a predatory grin. Her skin, which had been pale before, was now highly polished: a pearly white. All over her body were tiny, bright, red speckles which flexed and shimmered as she moved, helping to give her form definition in the falling light. Where once she had long red hair was now a long red expanse of soft scale, dotted with white, starting near her forehead and travelling down her back to just above her ass, appearing like fractal butterfly wings as it neared her bottom. His eyes lingered on the tight shimmering globes of her cheeks, each flexing with newfound, erotic power. A long white tail flashed back and forth quickly, marking her intense concentration. He found himself drawn back to her face, and in particular her eyes. Eyes which once had been bright green, were now almost neon, glowing of their own accord, amid a sea of perfect white. The iris of her eye branched out delicately like a bold green sun casting it's rays into the cosmos. He was caught, enraptured, momentarily and felt a hard jerk of longing and belonging in his heart, followed by an intense throb in his crotch. He looked slowly away, following red ridged lines where once was eyebrow, as it grew out into long straight horns which ended in wicked points. Thin and shapely shoulders grew down to long and elegant arms, ending with incredibly long and thin fingers and claws. And trapped between those arms, two large and delicately scaled breasts hung, swaying softly side to side as she slowly advanced closer. Each nipple was a many pointed star of bright red amid the softly curving area of flesh. Down lower, lines of red criss-crossed almost like a spiderweb, centering on the red scored succulent white lips of her scaly sex. The spiderweb of carmine branched out, broadening, onto the insides of her thighs, and her smoothly curving stomach, shimmering bright red as her hips flexed back and forth. Those same thighs stretched out to longer, thinner feet with long bright red claws. She stood centered on the balls of the feet now, like Nate.

Jen had by now reached Nate and she reached out tenderly, stroking his thigh, before nuzzling her long snout against his crotch. Her tongue lapped softly all around his engorged penis, caressing the inside of his thighs, and softly stroking his scrotum. She gently reached around behind Nate, and squeezed his ass lovingly and rhythmically while opening her mouth widely. Her tongue darted about in the air, tasting his length occasionally, before she focused her attention on her desires, her huge red leathery ears waggling with the motions of her tongue. That long, sinuous tongue wrapped several times around the length of Nate's shaft and she practically pulled herself down onto his length, swallowing his huge cock whole. One hand wrapped around the inside of his thighs and reached back towards herself to slowly squeeze and tug on his massive ballsac between long carmine claws. Her tongue contracted in time to her bobbing head, squeezing and tugging on his cock. Nate felt incredible pleasure building in himself and his tail involuntarily started to thump roughly against the ground. To maintain his balance, he grabbed her horns tightly, making small thrusts with his hips against her muzzle. As he felt himself quickly reaching his first orgasm since his re-birth, a low rumbling started in his chest. Jen sensed his nearness and began to lightly nick his scaly length with newly grown jagged canines while squeezing him tighter. The rumble grew in power until it exploded from Nate, his orgasm overwhelming him, and he roared, his head arched back, the strength of the sound shaking the nearby trees.

Jen let go of his firm ass, and used her hands to ease Nate's claws from her horns. She pulled away slowly, savouring the taste and licking her lips. She laid back on the ground and spread her legs wide. When Nate had calmed enough to fully notice her new position, she patted the inside of her thigh encouragingly, motioning for him to join her there. Nate quickly fell to hands and feet, and approached her white and red web. His tongue darted in and out in eager anticipation and he burried his nose inside her, breathing deeply of her smell there. Jen just laid back and made soft cooes of delight, one hand idly caressing a breast while the other slowly stroked the thick folds of her hood. Nate's tongue quickly went to and fro, sweetly touching her most intimate parts. As he lapped in earnest against Jen's folds, delighting in every taste, his tail had resumed wagging quickly back and forth.

Excitement and happiness intermingled as Jen's noises of pleasures quickly heightened, he felt intense pleasure at being able to please her so well. His snout wiggled in and out of her eagerly, his tongue now stroking her insides, rapidly passing over and rubbing her g-spot. As the excitement crested, he felt a new form of lust building in him and as he wiggled happily about in her pussy, his cock, now engorged again, rubbed between his thighs, and occasionally against one of her outstretched legs. Jen responded with louder and louder noises of pleasure. A hand had wrapped around one of his horns, holding him tightly inside her, while the other almost brutally pinched and squeezed a hard, red nipple. Jen's tail thrashed about wildly beneath her and her legs wrapped suddenly around Nate's torso, holding him tight, her grip on his horn also tightened, reducing him to little more than movement with his tongue. He devoted his entire attentions to its use and pushed and licked as hard as he could against what he had by now determined was her magic spot. Jen tensed, squeezing him tightly, and what started as a loud scream of pleasure deepened quickly into an earthshattering roar. Her roar lasted for several seconds and reverberated about the cave and surrounding mountains. As the last of sun faded away, flocks of birds, once rested, now rose to the air, alarmed at the incredible sound. The shaking of Jen's scaly body and sense of accomplishment triggered a deep-seated response in Nate, and the building pleasure and pressure in his mammoth organ released suddenly, spewing dragon seed on the earth beneath him. His roar of pleasure was greatly muffled due to his circumstances, but the rumble as it sought escape caused Jen to shudder again in several smaller after-orgasms.

Jen slowly relaxed, laying back against the ground. As the moon and stars slowly took light, she guided Nate out of her still quivering sex and bid him lay his head across her stomach. Something akin to a purr of delight and happiness welled up in her as she slowly stroked Nate between his huge leathery ears. There were dragons after all in those hills.