Late Night Running

Story by Ooraka Kutanaga on SoFurry

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#1 of Crimsonpelt Clan

Ooraka is my character. Ossiande Faxon is care of Eirene Crimsonpelt.

Ooraka was out in the back woods, running about. Being a large, non-anthro wolf had it's up and downs, mainly the fact he could not use doors or many things requiring fingers. He was able to speak and understand most he came into contact with, and his friends knew him well enough to not call the pound. Pure black fur, except for a white paw print upon his forehead, and moon yellow eyes full of intelligence, this was what he was.

Ossiande had stayed home that day, as she was not much into running. Ossi, as her friends called her, was able to shift from feral to anthro forms, her history will be explained another time. She stood about 5'3, a nice B cup breast usually contained within a shirt she wore around the house, and an appealing figure most men would chase for. She had love for Ooraka, ever since the day he helped her.

Anyways, Ooraka was coming home from his nightly runs, and pawed at the door to come in, signalling to Ossi that he was home. Letting him in, she gave his nose a lick and nuzzle, glad to have her mate home safe and sound. The door lead into the kitchen, which was pretty simple, not so much updated, but neither minded. Moving from the kitchen into the living room, they curled up in front of the fireplace, not needing the television tonight.

Ooraka blinks and sniffs the air, murring softly as he caught a familiar scent coming from Ossi. In the past, they had wanted to try for pups, but Ooraka wasn't ready then, as he wanted to enjoy some time with his mate alone. Nuzzling into Ossi some, he licks her neck and nips gently, paw lifting to be placed gently on her knee.

"Mmmm, you smell divine, my love. Is the time almost upon us? I know I said I wanted to wait a few more years, but the house has been getting a bit too quiet..... when we aren't having our daily romps." Blushing some, Ossi nods and giggles, her tail swatting his side gently.

"Yes. I am just entering my heat, but it will be a few days before I'm fertile and in the prime need." She leans her head back to give him the room he wanted, hands sliding up to remove her shirt. Breasts were let out a split second before Ooraka's head dipped down to lick between them. "Mmmm, you know just how to get me going, my LARGE, Alpha male." She giggles before laying on her back.

"And you know I will always be here for you, my love, my Alphess." He spoke before flicking his tongue over her nipples. Teasing her breasts with his tongue, the paw on her knee began sliding up and under her skirt. Thankful for the fact it clasped, he would not need to worry if the cut the catch in his haste. Blunt claws were run along her inner thighs, teasing her while he pleasure her breasts. Soft moans came from her as she closed her eyes, back arching into his tongue.

Ossi reached up and over between his hind legs, teasing the sheath and wonderful treasure he kept inside. As the tips poked out, she recalled how she felt when she first found out he had two cocks. It lead to many a night of cleaning up until she was able to handle both within her, but now she could not think of any other way. Soft groans came from Ooraka as he gave slow thrusts against her hand, more of his lengths sliding from the sheath and dripping pre.

Ooraka's tongue was circling around her breasts, slowly working towards the nipples. However, instead of teasing them with his tongue, he ran his cold nose against her nipples before switching to the other breast. Ossi's hands were each working on one of his lengths as she arches her back to push her breasts against his tongue, soft whimpers coming from her. He was glad she enjoyed their daily romps as much as he did, for during her heats, it was nearly an all week sex fest.

Now and then Ossi had brought some of her friends over during their heats, or when she felt like showing off, and it had lead to many a weekend spent in the arms of another, but they never swayed. They had even joked about Ossi letting another male fuck her during her heat, but they always played it safe. After all, Ooraka wanted his mate to carry his pups first.

Soft whines were coming from Ooraka while he thrust against Ossi's hands, the signal she knew all to well. Removing her hands from his cocks, she makes a show of licking them clean from the pre before rolling onto her stomach. Stretching, she would sensually move so her hips were up, and her tail draped over her back, dripping vulva and anus on display.

Ooraka took the invitation and moves behind her, licking along her sex to taste her juices. Letting out a soft shudder, he works her tail hole with his tongue, making sure she would be well lubricated as he knew it would be a night of double penetrations and multiple stuffings. Moving over her back, he nips her neck with a soft growl, lining himself up to her holes. Looking back, Ossi shakes her head, reaching back to gently squeeze both his cocks together.

"Love, I think it's time we try something new. I know it was an accident before, and you only got a bit in, but let's try it." Blinking some as she had lined both tips to her sex, Ooraka licks her ear to show he was a bit apprehensive, but the look on her face told him to go ahead. Pushing in slowly, he heard her wince some, not used to being stuffed so much so soon, but the lubrication of his pre and her own juices, combined with his saliva, helped make it so he could slide in, albeit slowly.

Pushing a bit in, he would pull out to the tips, the pre adding lubrication, and making each thrust easier. Gaining some depth with each push in, soft groans and whines were coming from both of them. Now and then, Ooraka would push in and hold, licking Ossi's cheek and seeing if she wanted him to stop. Every time, she would shake her head and wriggle her hips, and push back.

Once he reached her cervix, he pulls out to the tips and holds. Ossi looks back and nods, fingers bracing and digging into the carpet while she waits for him to hilt inside her. As much as it hurt initially, she always came more when he would breach her cervix in a full thrust, and she was on the edge, as her whining was gaining volume. With a quick, forceful thrust, Ooraka buried both cocks in to the knots, forcing her cervix open wide to accept him, causing her to scream out in pain and pleasure, the latter overwhelming the prior quickly.

Now that his tips were in, and his knots smacked against her lips, he would only pull out until the tips were to slide out, and then thrust back in, slowly forcing her open to stuff both knots in. Thankfully she was able to stretch, partially due to her demonic blood, turning some of the pain into pleasure. Each thrust had him gaining a bit more, until with one strong thrust, the knot popped into her, causing Ossi to howl out in her orgasm, walls closing tight and milking the dual cocks within her for all they were worth.

As she clamped down on him, that set off Ooraka's own orgasm, both cocks swelling slightly before the first shot was fired to the back of her womb. Unbeknownst to either of them, it was at this time that not one, but two eggs were released, though somewhat fused. During their orgasm, Ooraka bit down on Ossi's shoulder, further distracting her from what her body was saying, as he muffled the howl with the 'mating bite' Marking her as his mate for life.

6 months later, after Ossi gave birth to two wonderful young pups, Ooraka noticed something odd about the girl. Leaning in some, he could see she had some panther marks in her fur, along with the body structure. Growling softly, he was not mad at Ossi for this, as he reasoned something must have happened on the few days he was out hunting during her heat, but at himself for not making sure she was properly satisfied.

"Love, I know you would not stray, and of your past, but can you please explain to me why our daughter is showing panther traits?" His voice, while soft and curious, showed there was some hurt there.

"Ooraka, you know I love you with all my heart, and I would never allow anyone around me during my heat but you, but the reason for our daughter's panther traits is from the demon who saved me from the curse, and helped me break it. She was strong, but not completely strong enough on her own without some sort of sacrifice. I offered to share the genes with my first born child, whomever the father was, the child would be a hybrid." Leaning in some, she reaches to rub his cheek before twin squeaky yawns drew her back to the two pups carried in her arms. "Please, do not think anything is wrong, and that all is set and forgiven. I will introduce you to her sometime, when I can get ahold of her. She did kind of also 'bestow' upon me the love of big, meaty cream filled sausages." Ossiande gave a wink before yawning, falling asleep with their children. Ooraka went and turned the lights off before curling up around his family, his heart full of pride.

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