Hell Hound Chapter 4, part 1

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#4 of Hell Hound

The story continues as things for the brothers heat up and their unique adaptations continue to develop. How will the family deal with the growing inhuman influences both inside and outside their bodies?

This is roughly half of chapter 4 (maybe a tiny bit more, but broken up for readability)

If there are errors or spelling mistakes let me know.

Thanks, and enjoy!

Transformation, Wolf, Hound, Hell Hound, Brothers, Family, Bestiality, Rape, Incest, Demon, Male Lactation, Milk, Milking, Growth, Muscles, M/M, Blowjob, Cub, Puppy, Underage, Humans, Muscle Growth, Cock Growth, Hairy, Musk, Beard Growth, Body Hair, Body Hair Growth, Corruption, Ash, Soot, Strong Language, Cursing, Smoking, Orgy, Muscle Worship, M/M/M, Burning, Destruction, Violence (not in yiff),

WARNING! This is a crazy story! It has all sorts of violent, socially unacceptable, and explicit topics in it. I try to cover as many tags that fit the story, but I will probably miss a few. If you are sensitive about these topics please don't read this story. I have other more vanilla work that you might enjoy.

So, do you really want to read this?

If not that's cool. If so read on.


Morning found Clay holding the sleeping forms of two young males to his chest. His arms were wrapped around his brother and Spike, holding them close to his torso. A layer of dry black drool covered most of Clay's body and was practically caked onto his groin, chest, and ass. His bed sheets had long since succumbed to the growing heat of his body, but Clay was actually enjoying the heat pouring off himself and the cubs in his arms. Clay frowned as he looked at the two sleeping males beside him. He had just thought of them as cubs. Right about then the steady clenching of the man's chest made him realize he was still feeding the two. Clay tried to pull away from Rex, but the soft whine his brother made in his sleep broke the man's heart. He gently shook Rex and Spike awake before speaking, "I need to get ready for work boys," he said and gently stroked his brother's and Spike's heads.

Rex didn't stop sucking when he opened his eyes and saw his brother's black chest. He did look up into Clay's eyes and smiled around the large teat in his mouth. When he finally let the teat go Rex blushed. "You're all dirty Clay," Rex said and returned to the nipple.

A low growl was Clay's only response as he began to tire of being sucked on. It didn't feel bad, but a sixth sense told the male that these two cubs had fed enough for the moment. It was a little past six when Clay finished washing himself. Through his shower he began to realize something was very wrong with his body. It had started when he had gotten up, but now Clay was sure everything looked a bit smaller and slightly lower to the ground than it had before he had gone to bed. When he tried to get dressed it only confirmed his fears. "I'm bigger!" He said in surprise as he looked at the jumpsuit in his hands.

Rex yawned as he sat up in his brother's bed. "Can I get breakfast before you get dressed?" Rex asked and whined softly.

Clay's cock began to grow hard at the thought of feeding his brother. "We'd better go downstairs," he said and grabbed an older jumpsuit out of the back of his closet. It was one of Dave's that Clay had borrowed a long time ago, but at least it would fit him. As he carried the clothes downstairs Rex and Spike stayed on his heels. He couldn't help but feel like he had a couple of cubs following him around. "So, how are we going to do this?" Clay asked and looked at the two hungry pairs of glowing red eyes fixed on his muscular torso.

A few minutes later Clay found himself laying on his back in the middle of the living room floor. Rex was hungrily sucking on his right pec as Clay held him with his huge arm, and Spike was busy with the left. It took about ten minutes for him to fill their bellies with his rich milk, but by then Clay himself was starting to get hungry too. He quickly dressed after his little brother and dog were both happy and full. Clay prepared a huge breakfast for himself and his two sleeping brothers upstairs. "I'm sorry about last night," Rex said shyly and blushed as he looked up at Clay, "you must think I'm some sort of freak for... drinking your milk like that..."

Clay growled as he frowned down at his brother. "You were hungry, and you can't eat normal food like your brothers can... you... you aren't old enough yet." Clay kept growling as he tore into his bacon, toast, and eggs. "I don't mind feeding you two. In fact, I think Spike's been doing this for a while now."

"Really?" Rex asked shyly.

"Yea, and honestly it feels pretty damn good." Clay said eagerly. "If you get hungry tonight just let me know and I can feed you again. Ok?"

Rex nodded and smiled at his huge brother. Clay didn't know it, but his beard was already growing back in, and he had just shaved after he got out of the shower. Rex thought his brother's hair looked darker too. It wasn't just his beard either, all his hair was a bit darker than before. Rex didn't say anything, but he loved the way his brother looked with thick dark stubble on his face. He was glad Clay didn't mind feeding him, but for Rex to realize that he found the older male attractive seemed very odd to the kid. He hadn't really ever thought about how manly and muscular his older brother really was.

When Bo and Hunter came downstairs Clay was just about to go out the door. Both his brothers looked pretty rough, and for the first time ever Clay noticed a dark shadow on Bo's face. "Hey Bo," Clay said before he left for work, "why don't you use my shaving kit before you go to school?"

Bo nodded and ran a hand over his face. "Whoa," he said softly and frowned, "I hardly ever need to shave."

"We all get there eventually," Clay said and noticed that Hunter and Rex had wandered off into the other room. "Wait till you start growing this!" Clay said and unzipped his jumpsuit down to his groin.

"Shit Clay!" Bo said in surprise. An army of short jet-black hairs had sprouted over night on Clay's chest; they marched in a dense fur-like pattern from Clay's neck, down past his stomach, and into the darkness of his jumpsuit. As he looked at himself Clay swore the hairs were a tiny bit longer and maybe even more numerous since he had fed Rex and Spike earlier that morning. Could they really be growing that fast? Bo surprised his brother when he reached out to touch his Clay's huge muscles and run his hand over the hairs growing on them. "When did you start growing body hair?"

"That's not the only weird shit going on..." Clay said and shook his head. "Just promise me you'll watch out for your brothers. Ok? They aren't as big and tough as we are... I worry about them at school."

"Err, I'll try," Bo said before looking away from his brother, "you watch out too Clay." Bo said and tried to look tough, "you aren't superman. You know? You can't take care of everybody all the time."

"I know that Bo," Clay said and bent down to plant a kiss on his brother's forehead. He pulled the other male into a hairy muscular hug that Bo returned with a surprising amount of passion. "You three are everything to me. Please stay safe for me. Ok?"

Bo nodded as his brother turned and walked out the door. Clay sure was looking bigger lately; maybe he was more muscular now too? Bo couldn't help wonder if he would sprout some chest hair like that soon. Jason probably wouldn't mind if Bo was bigger and hairier. Thinking about Jason made Bo hard, and getting hard made him want another cigarette. Maybe he could smoke on the way to school as long as nobody noticed him? Maybe he could get one cigarette in before he had to leave?


The walk to school went faster with Hunter and Spike walking beside Rex. Bo got a phone call from one of his friends who was supposed to give him a ride. "I hope Bo makes it to school alright... I didn't see him walking to work yesterday." Rex said and looked over at Hunter.

"I know," Hunter said and frowned, but he seemed lost in his own thoughts. Whatever was bothering him, Rex's brother didn't seem to want to talk about it. Hunter was a great brother, but he could be pretty self absorbed at times. Regardless, Rex didn't bother talking with his brother on the way to school.

It wasn't until they got to school and Hunter snuck off to find his friends that Rex finally realized he was alone. Spike woofed in response to the other male's darkening mood. It was almost like the dog was trying to say, "hey I'm still here Rex!"

"You're a good doggy." Rex said and hugged his canine friend and companion. The bell for class interrupted their embrace, but Rex smiled warmly at Spike before hurrying to get to his first class. He hated leaving his furry friend outside all day. Spike didn't seem to like other children, but nobody had complained about him yet. Rex didn't even know where the dog went during the day. "You be good today Spike."

A loud woof was the only response Rex got from the dog. Sometimes it was hard to believe Spike was just a dog. He sure seemed to understand things better than any dog Rex had ever met. Leaving Spike always made the young teenager sad, but he couldn't help but feel like he would see spike again very, very soon.


Rex was a sophomore, which meant he had lunch before Hunter and Bo. The three brothers almost never saw each other during school because they were in different grades. Normally Rex ate by himself, but he wasn't hungry that day, so he wondered outside to find Spike.

After sneaking out through the front lobby Rex emerged into the front courtyard where he had left his dog. Spike obviously wasn't in this courtyard anymore, so Rex went to the back courtyard and looked around behind the school. A large forested track of land separated the school from the park that had been built on the other side of the undeveloped land behind the school itself. The woods were connected to the city parks and hiking trails, but Rex had hardly ever gone into the woods for fear of getting lost. A loud bark distracted the young man as he sat alone in the back courtyard. "Spike!" Rex exclaimed and jumped up from the bench he had been sitting on. The bark came again from the edge of the woods, and a black shape at the bottom of the hill caught Rex's attention.

With an excited bark-like yelp Rex leapt up and ran down the steep hill towards the tree line where he had spotted his missing canine companion. Just as Rex reached the place Spike had been standing a soft bark came from beyond the chain link fence that separated the school from the forest. The excited teen noticed that a tree that had fallen onto the fence and provided an easy way to cross over the flattened section of the flimsy barrier. Rex cautiously climbed over the downed fence and into the thick brush beyond the edge of the forest. Before he had gotten three steps into the dark trees a large black shape tackled Rex and wrestled him to the ground. Spike growled playfully as he rolled around and wrestled with his master. In the darkness of the forest the dog seemed to be slightly larger than he had been in the light of the sun, it wasn't until Spike came out on top of Rex that the younger male realized the dog was biting his neck gently. The instinct to submit to his playmate caused Rex moan softly and relax below the muscular canine.

A thick musk began to roll off the panting black and red striped dog as he buried his nose in the soft hair on Rex's neck. If the teen could have seen his neck he might have noticed that his hair was darker than usual. Also, the hair was just beginning to grow down his neck like a soft black and red shadow. Spike grunted as he smelled his mate's arousal. The dog's long black tongue slurped over Rex's neck causing Rex to giggle and making the tiny hairs bristle and grow both longer and darker. In mere moments Rex's neck was covered in soft black hair. As Spike's own needs began to mount the dog moved to nuzzle Rex's protruding backside. "Not here Spike," Rex said and laughed as his dog furiously sniffed at his airborne ass, "we could get caught!"

Spike didn't seem to care much about getting caught. He growled at Rex when the male didn't comply to his demands. The growl sent a tingle down the teen's back and made his new neck-hair stand on end. Somehow the thought of denying Spike's urges seemed wrong to the reluctant teen. It wasn't like Spike was trying to hurt Rex. In fact, the musk rolling off Rex's canine companion told the teen that Spike wasn't trying to hurt him at all; Spike actually was trying to pleasure him. Rex sighed as he pulled his pants down to expose his muscular ass cheeks to the growling canine behind him. Rex had gone commando that morning In his rush to get dressed, and his dog couldn't have been happier with his lack of underware! Spike went to work right away, plunging his tongue into Rex's ass hole and prepping it for a proper mounting doggy style.

The sensation of being plumbed by that long black tongue made Rex writhe in pleasure. His own musky smell began to fill the air as Rex gave into his big strong doggy's desires. When Spike did rear up his huge canine cock was already dripping black pre onto the leafy forest floor. The smoke from the burning brush had just begun to circle around the two males when Spike roughly speared Rex's ass. Like any true canine would, Spike didn't waste time being gentle with Rex, but the young man didn't care about gentle anymore. The growing heat of their sexual union was making the smoke dance in the air around them. Rex pulled his shirt off for fear of it burning to a crisp. It was a good call. Almost as soon as he was naked Rex's cock began to spray pre in thick jets out across his chest and onto the ground.

By now Rex's seed was as dark as his dog's behind him, and it burned everything it touched too. A small brush fire erupted around the two as Spike's growls began to grow lower and more savage. The smoke was quickly pulling into Spike and the human below him. The ground was burned black by the heat of their thrusting bumping bodies. Waves of heat were accompanied by soft moans, grunts, and growls as the two males fucked and rutted like animals. It felt so raw, so bestial, and so fucking tight! The heat around the two reached its peak when Spike finally slammed his knot into Rex's tight pucker. The smoke, heat, and fire... everything was being drawn into the two males with quick whirling whooshes of air.

Spike leaned forward once he hilted Rex and sank his fangs into the boy's right shoulder. The would healed around Spike's teeth, smoldering slightly as the heat of his mouth caused the skin to burn and scar at the same time. The bite gave the dog more leverage to thrust his knot further into Rex's ass. The sound of their rutting filled the forest around them with animal growls a steady thump thumping sound. The smoke seemed to swirl faster and faster as it fed their pumping bodies. Before Spike deposited his load into his mate he released his mating bite and tilted his head back. A beautiful howl erupted from the dog's throat in time to the explosion of black cum from his cock.

Rex groaned as his voice dropped into a low growl. Below him his cock began to shake and clench as it too exploded and sprayed cum across his chest, splattering the ground below him, and even reaching up onto his chin. The thick wads of black cum fell on the blackened ashen ground and tainted it as the cum soaked into the charred earth. Rex was distracted by his cock which continued to shake and clench even after his orgasm had ended. He looked down at himself and watched in awe as his member began to darken in color. The base of Rex's cock seemed to be changing as what looked like a flap of thick hairy black skin grew up and towards his navel. The flesh of his cock continued to darken as the member began to grow longer, but it was actually the motion of his cock moving upwards. As Rex's anatomy changed the transformation made his new fleshy bits seem longer in perspective to how they had hung from his waist before.

A gasp escaped the young teen's mouth as he watched his hard member pull into the thickening tube of hair-covered flesh. Once his cock had finally disappeared Rex recognized the appearance of his new anatomy. It was just like Spike's sheath! Even the balls hanging below the new fleshy sheath were covered in shaggy black fur; they even looked identical to the ones hanging below Spike. In response to his excitement a pointed blood-red cockhead pushed out of Rex's new sheath. It was slowly emerging from its new fleshy home in response to Rex's arousal. In a few short moments Rex had a thick blood-red cock that was still drooling leftover black seed from his last orgasm. "Oh no," Rex said in shock as he realized what had happened to him.

Getting dressed was a little strange now that Rex had a sheath and big furry dog balls, but thankfully his new package still fit under the edge of his denim jeans. But it just barely fit. Being so far away from the school Rex hadn't realized he'd missed the bell for class. By the time he was up the side of the hill the unfamiliar sounds of the juniors eating their lunch distracted the teen from his thoughts of sheaths and red rockets. Rex was so scared to see the older students that even Spike was getting concerned. At the same time Rex was making his way along the back of the school another teenager was just walking out of the cafeteria. Unlike Rex, Hunter was quite hungry for his lunch, and his mood was darker than usual because Neal hadn't shown up to school that day. When he saw his brother on the other side of the mostly empty courtyard the older male frowned. "Rex," Hunter said as he hurried over to his brother. "What are you doing out here?" Hunter asked and grabbed his brother roughly by the arm.

"I was playing with Spike and lost track of the time," Rex said with a soft whine to his voice. Even Spike looked a little scared by Hunter's anger. A teacher had just spotted Rex talking to Hunter when the other male pushed his brother behind him. The shadows around Rex seemed to darken and cover him like a blanket. To him it was like a cloud had covered the sun and stopped it from shining, but to the teacher walking towards them it was like Rex had simply disappeared.

"Where's that kid you were just talking to?" The teacher asked and looked over Hunter's shoulder to where Rex should have been standing.

Hunter's grip on Rex's arm tightened. "He ran off," Hunter said quickly. Spike growled softly beside him and Rex swore the shadows seemed to thicken just a bit more.

"He looked too young to be a junior, if you see him tell someone right away," The lady said and looked behind Hunter again. A long black shadow extended behind the young man, and when she looked back at Hunter she almost didn't recognize him. "I've got my eye on you young man," She said before turning and walking away.

"I'm sorry!" Rex whispered from behind his brother as he buried his face in the older male's back. "I didn't mean to get you in trouble!"

Hunter laughed as he turned back around, but the shadows remained thick and heavy like black syrup, "I can't believe she didn't see you..." Hunter paused as he looked at his brother, "Why did you miss the lunch bell?"

Rex happily showed hunter how to get into the woods at the bottom of the hill. He even took him to the burnt spot where he and Spike had fucked. Spike was busy sniffing around the clearing when Rex's stomach began to groan loudly in hunger. "Did you eat lunch?" Hunter asked with concern. "Bo told me that Clay wanted to make sure you were eating today."

"Um, no," Rex said and frowned at his older brother.

"Damn it Rex," Hunter said gruffly, "now we're going to have to go back through the line somehow!"

"Not really..." Rex said shyly and sniffed his brother's perky shirt-covered chest. "You can feed me yourself... if you take your shirt off..."

Hunter frowned, but took his shirt off anyways. "What's this got to do with... wha?" Hunter was cut off when Rex nuzzled his brother's exposed chest and slipped his mouth over Hunter's swollen right nipple. A thick jet of steaming hot milk instantly shot out of the teat in response to the stimulation. Hunter moaned softly and put his hand on the back of Rex's head. "Oh wow... fuck... Rex... that feels... shit."

It took at least ten minutes to finish, but once Rex had drained both of his brother's throbbing nips the young man sighed and looked up at Hunter. "You know, Clay can do that too? Maybe it's a family thing? Do you think Bo can do it?"

Hunter laughed in response to Rex's questions. Part of him wanted to keep Rex nearby; to shelter and protect him like a big brother should. It wouldn't be too long before Rex would need to feed again. Who would be there to help him if not Hunter? "I don't know Rex," Hunter said and shook the powerful instinctive thoughts out of his head, "you need to get back to class. Can you get up there on your own?"

"Sure," Rex said and beamed at his brother.

Once Rex was gone Hunter sighed and sat down on a log. He was about to make his way back to class when Spike tackled him and playfully nipped at his shorts. "What's up with you boy?" Hunter asked and smiled as Spike began to sniff his backside. He wouldn't mind a blow job if that was what Spike wanted to give him. Hunter didn't know it, but Spike had something else in mind for the young man below him.


Bo was relaxing with Jason in the back of the pool hall when Joe walked over. "You two sure owe me for those clothes I gave you yesterday," he said and smiled at the two of them. "Maybe you could tell me why all the furniture in that private room is cooked now?"

"I think Bo is some kind of demon." Jason said excitedly. Bo looked hurt at his accusation. "When we were fucking he was all red eyed and shit!"

"I'm not a demon," Bo said gruffly and crossed his arms over his chest.

"A demon huh?" Joe said and pulled out his lighter.

"Oh I know." Jason said and jumped up. "Do that thing you did to me in the truck Bo."

Bo blushed as he remembered getting picked up that morning. Jason and he had been making out when Bo had sensed the smoke in the other male's lungs. As they had kissed Bo had pulled all the smoke out and into himself.

"What sort of thing?" Joe asked as Bo stood up and smiled.

Joe was a good looking guy with shoulder length black hair. His face had a constant five o'clock shadow. He looked pretty fit under his clothes, and it wouldn't have surprised Bo if the man was gay, or at least bi. Jason didn't seem to mind watching as Bo leaned forward and pulled Joey into a long kiss. Before the man could object Bo was pulling years worth of smoke and grime from inside the man. The smoke and tar fed the fire inside Bo, but unlike yesterday he was careful to channel the heat into his core where he locked it safely away. When Bo pulled away from Joe the man looked stunned. He took a deep breath and then a drag off his cigarette.

"Fuck," Joe said and looked at the cigarette in his hand. It was like he had taken his first drag all over again. The taste and sensation were so strong they gave the man a slight buzz. "It's like you undid a life time of smoking in one moment."

"That's not all I can do," Bo said and pulled the man back towards him. This time Bo breathed into the man with a carefully controlled breath. He could taste the musky tang of his personal smoke as it filled the man with thick coiling black vapors. When he pulled away this time Joe was dazed. He breathed out a plume of the black smoke after holding it in for as long as possible.

"What the hell was that?" He asked and shook his head. A warmth was spreading through his body, and it seemed to settle in his groin as his cock began to fill with blood.

"It's like smoking sex." Jason said and pulled Bo over to him. Jason actually pulled the smoke out of Bo as they made out. It billowed out from between their lips and from both male's noses. The smoke curled around their heads and formed small tendrils that slipped through the air towards Joe. Watching the two young men make out was turning the man on so bad that he was absently stroking his cock in response to his arousal.

"I think I have an idea..." Joe said and smiled as the two boys broke their kiss and looked at him with black smoke pouring out of their faces.


Bo smiled as he looked around the strange room Joey had taken them too. It was way down below the pool hall, and according to Joe it was an old bomb shelter. "What's in these boxes?" Bo asked and walked over to the first box.

"You're not going to believe me when I say this, but those are all old cigars." He said and chuckled. "This used to be a bomb shelter, but the first owner used it to store illegal shipments of cigars and alcohol. When I inherited the place I learned about this room, but these cigars are still illegal to sell. I thought I would offer them to you as a sort of experiment."

Jason smiled as he opened a box and pulled out a cigar. "What sort of experiment?"

"This isn't a good idea guys." Bo said as he looked at the boxes of cigars on the floor around him. "I'm not sure I can absorb this much smoke."

"You said it makes you stronger right?" Jason asked, drawing on Bo's explanation of what had happened the day before.

Bo groaned as he looked at the boxes. "Are you two going to stay in here?"

"Fuck yea!" Jason said and looked at Joe, "last time we smoked a dozen cigars and you turned into a sexy fire demon, what will a couple thousand do to you?"

"Could we try a hundred first?" Bo asked and frowned at the pair.

"Too late," Joe said as he finished sealing the door shut. "I don't know how much oxygen is in this room, but if you really can breathe smoke, and we can breathe your breath, than we might want to hurry up and do this." Joe took out his lighter and lit the corner of a box on fire. Even in the dim light above them they could see the smoke pulling into Bo as soon as it began to fill the room. His eyes shot open and began to glow red the moment his lungs began to draw in the air-borne char and soot around him. "I call dibs on Joe's ass," Bo said and moved over to the older man.

"Suits me just fine," Jason said and eyed Bo's muscular backside.

In less than five minutes the room was filled with a black cloud of smoke, but Bo was quickly growing stronger with each breath he took. The strangest sensation began to fill the young man as he pushed his cock slowly into Joe's experienced ass. He couldn't help the steady stream of pre that poured into the man, but Bo was vaguely certain that if he hadn't been filling Joe with his juices than the man would have suffocated by the time Bo finally hilted his huge cock in the man's ass. Even with his growing ability to breath the noxious poisoned fumes Joe was coughing and groaning in pain from both the burning in his ass and in his lungs.

Jason was doing even better at breathing the soot-filled air than Joe, and even though he was having problems seeing in the black cloud of smoke he was breathing it just fine. Even if he hadn't been fine the heat growing around Jason's cock, as he continued pushing into Bo's ass un-lubed, was driving Jason crazy. Every second the three of them humped and bucked the heat radiating and pulsing outwards from Bo grew stronger and stronger. It wasn't until Jason looked at the metal ground below the three guys that he realized something was seriously wrong. "Floor... red... hot... melting," Jason moaned between thrusts into Bo's ass.

A low growl tore its way up and out of Bo's throat. His cock began to clench as he began to shoot more than just sticky black pre into Joe's ass. The smoke and fire began to pull into the young man with such intensity that the other two males couldn't see anything else in the room for a few moments. The surge of heat reduced what remained of the boxes to smoke and ash which were in turn pulled into Bo. The inferno inside the young man reached its breaking point and exploded out of his body in a surging wave of intense heat. And this was only Bo's first orgasm! The force of the resulting wave of heat caused the metal and concrete walls of the bunker to groan. What felt like gallons of cum poured into poor Joe who was quickly reaching his capacity. Judging from the screams of pain, but also pleasure, coming from Joe the man was experiencing a truly life-changing moment. However, Joe wasn't the only male in the room that was experiencing a profound sensation.

The blasts of heat and cum kept pulsing over and over as Bo felt his ass clench and a flood of Jason's cum, which was oddly dark in color, erupted into him. Bo groaned in pure bliss as his body began to groan and crack. Muscle packed onto his young body as he pushed upwards in height by about an inch. To Jason it felt like Bo was getting bigger in his arms, and to Joey it was like having his ass pulled slowly upwards. By the time Bo reached his second inch of growth he had packed on a hearty thirty pounds of pure muscle. His previously blonde hair was now jet black, and the patches of dense hair on his chest were beginning to bristle with new growth. Bo growled even lower as he felt his cock push even deeper into Joe who actually cried out in shock.

After a terrific savage snarl Bo experienced the biggest orgasm he had ever felt up to that point in his life. The resulting increase to the volume of liquid pouring into Joe made the man groan as he fell forward and Bo slipped out of his ass. Bo's thick black juices hit the floor and began to bubble and churn violently. Joe was being soaked in the juices, but he was quickly joined by another male who dropped into the pool of boiling cum and began to smear the stuff all over his body. "Oh FUCK, it's like bathing in FIRE!" Jason yelled. The teen's face contorted into a mask of pure pleasure and he moaned shamelessly as his body was painted black.

Bo watched with unrestrained lust shining in his eyes. His two fuck buddies began to sink into the unholy pool of his juices. Their forms writhed in ecstasy as the metal floor below them began to melt and form a basin. Before too long Bo was unable to remain standing beside the growing pool of what looked like lava. He didn't know it, but the metal and stone below the bunker were actually melting into the black liquid. Bo fell forward with a terrific splash and joined the other two males as they swam in the growing lake of cum and lava.

When Bo's body plunged into the molten pool he felt two pairs of arms wrap around him. Jason and Joey worshiped him as their black cum-covered bodies rubbed, squeezed, and spread the molten metal and cum across Bo's body. More and more cum poured out of Bo as he began to somehow absorb the metal and stone being spread across his muscular hairy body. Eventually the three guys were downright floating in a huge pool of molten iron and boiling hot cum. Bo pulled the two males up to the surface and growled as their heads broke into the shimmering super-heated air that filled the room. "What the hell is this stuff?" Jason asked once the three of them were leaning against the side of the molten lake. "Is it melting the floor?"

"Who cares?" Joe asked and shrugged. "We're pretty far down below the pool hall, and I bet nobody can even tell we're sitting in a pool of lava... and cum. A groan cut him off as the liquid in front of him began to bubble and churned. "I... I think... I just came... ugh!"

A small geyser of black cum exploded from in front of Joey. The man grunted in a sexy low voice that broke into an inhuman growl as the cum washed over him. He actually opened his mouth eagerly to drink in the sticky black liquid pouring onto him as his unnatural urges briefly overwhelmed his conscious mind.

In response to the erotic display the other two males watching Joey also began to moan, groan, and grunt as their cocks exploded and fed the growing pool. The resulting explosions of cum made all three males shout out in ecstasy. Ten or fifteen minutes later Bo growled softly as his orgasm ebbed and he looked at Joey and Jason. They looked so sexy lounging in a pool of their own cum. He wanted this to last forever, but he knew he had to go to work soon. "Too bad I can't work here with you Joey." Bo's voice sounded deeper than before they had all descended into the subterranean vault.

Joey looked up with surprise and excitement at the two young men. "Why the hell not?" he asked and smiled at Bo and Jason. "Hell, if I got you two uniforms and fake IDs you could pass for twenty one. Just stop shaving and grow your beard out Bo, I bet you'd look hot as hell with a big thick biker beard..."

Bo reached up to feel the thick stubble on his face. "I could try," he said and smiled at the thought of looking older--or maybe actually *being* older--than he actually was.


Hunter groaned as Spike thrust in and out of his ass with wild abandon. The dog was grunting and growling as he eagerly rode the human below him. The shadows of the forest seemed to thicken in response to Hunter's low grunts and the soft growls rumbling forth more and more often from the young man's throat. He didn't want to admit it, but the sensation of Spike fucking his ass was heavenly. Hunter couldn't believe he was letting his brother's dog ass fuck him. On the other hand, Hunter had been thinking of fucking with Neal today. Having Spike instead was an acceptable replacement, but the randy young man couldn't help but yearn for his little fuck buddy.

Spike had just mated with Rex, so it took him a little longer than it normally would have to work himself to orgasm a second time. Hunter actually blew his load first while Spike pounded his huge doggy cock into Hunter's ass. The spray of black cum burned the ground below him and created more smoke that swirled around the pair. It was hard to see the smoke in the darkness that was gathering in shadowy the forest, but Hunter swore he could smell something burning as the smoke poured into his body. Perhaps it was the smoke, or maybe the sensation of Hunter's ass clenching around Spike's cock. Regardless, Spike shot his first load into Hunter's ass soon after the human had finished painting the ground with his own dark cum.

A loud crack made Hunter gasp as he felt his hands and feet dig into the ashy ground. It was an odd sensation, but hunter thought he could feel his body growing larger... and heavier. His skin was stretched tight as muscles the teen didn't even know he had grew larger on the young human's frame. In moments his arms, back, neck, and shoulders had bulked up by a noticeable amount. His legs and ass followed suit, and Hunter swore he could feel himself pushing Spike up off the ground a bit as his legs and arms gave him added height in his crouched position. It was obvious that all of Hunter's muscles were growing, but none grew quite as much as his pectorals. Before spike had even finished shooting his first load into Hunter's ass the young man had already grown a miniature version of Clay's massive, bulging, muscular pectorals. If they had been visible in the growing shadow of the forest Hunter might have thought they looked quite armor-like in appearance.

Below Hunter, and somewhat farther to the south of his growing chest, something amazing was happening as his cock throbbed and audibly groaned in response to his changing body. The throbbing member quickly changed to match the package of the dog behind him. Just like Rex had done before, Hunter was shocked when he looked below himdelf and discovered his new plump sheath and the canine cock emerging from his furry flesh. If anything, as his new cock emerged it seemed even larger than before! Hunter guessed he was at least as long as spike was. That made him nearly twelve inches long and significantly thicker than he had been as a human.

All the while, during the teen's transformation, the shadows of the forest grew progressively thicker and darker. Half way through the changes no mortal human or animal could have seen through the unnatural penumbra. Eventually even the slightest hint of light was lost to the liquid darkness, and when the changes finally stopped the shadow had completely dominated the area. Spike dismounted and woofed as he surveyed the black shadows around the teenage human he had just fucked. To the two of them it was like everything in the shadows was gone, but thirty yards away things were just barely visible at the edge of the darkness.

Hunter couldn't help but relax and close his eyes as his mind spread out through his own personal midnight. He could feel everything inside the shadow around him. It was as if his mind could sense and touch the rocks, trees, and dirt through the darkness itself. When his eyes finally opened again they glowed softly like smoldering embers. Everything was visible again, but what Hunter 'saw' no longer defined by light and darkness at all. A soft red hue illuminated every object in the extent of the shadow as if it were glowing with its own personal light. Hunter saw rocks in more detail than his human eyes could have ever perceived. His new eyes could even see through objects so long as there was nothing but shadow beyond them. The teenager began to feel the extent of his new sixth sense when he began testing his growing powers. With little effort Hunter could extend and contract the zone of complete darkness around him. At its smallest the zone was a perfect thirty by thirty foot sphere of complete and utter darkness. When fully extended it was twice that size, but not half as dark as Hunter would have liked. As more natural light fell on his shadow zone maintaining it became more difficult. In direct sun light Hunter could just barely maintain a perfect fifteen foot sphere of darkness, but it was still more than enough to make him completely invisible to the naked human eye.

Speaking of naked, Hunter realized right about then that he had ruined most of his clothes during or after his act of sex with Spike. Naturally, he wasn't too concerned, but at that particular moment Hunter had no idea that humans couldn't see into his black sphere of darkness. In fact, humans wouldn't have noticed anything in the sphere at all. Spike could see Hunter just fine, but when he gave the teen's cum drooling sheath a good lick Hunter didn't find the attention very arousing. "Aw Spike... my clothes are ruined, I think I just grew an inch taller, and I still haven't sorted out what I'm going to do about Rex. How am I supposed to keep him fed if I have to go home and find more clothes to wear?"

Spike just woofed in response to the teen's questions. Before Hunter could stop him the dog bounded out of the woods and towards the school. Hunter groaned and hurried after his brother's dog. He left his ruined clothes in the middle of the ashy circle of burnt forest ground. He didn't think much about the disregarded the rags as he ran naked after his dog.


A soft sigh, followed by a moan of pleasure, accompanied the powerful clench of Clay's mighty pectoral muscle. A literal blast of steaming hot milk exploded into Mark's mouth as the young man sucked hard on the quarter sized two inch long teat in his mouth. Admittedly this was the fourth time today Mark had forced Clay to take a break from work so Mark could milk the muscular giant, but Clay was beginning to appreciate his employee's diligence.

Things had started deteriorating that morning when Clay had been working on a car and had accidently touched his chest to the vehicle's overheated hood. Instead of burning his skin it had sent a lightning bolt straight to his nipples. In seconds the man had been groaning in pleasure as his nipples grew hard just like a cock would. Not that his cock hadn't grown hard, but when your nips were two inches long the sensation of getting hard like that was incredibly erotic. Mark had quickly ushered the distracted mechanic into the office and taken over the repairs himself.

Thankfully the elderly lady in the car hadn't noticed that her mechanic was having an erotic breakdown. When Mark had finished the maintenance, put up the equipment, and put up the "closed while on break" sign nearly fifteen minutes had passed. The curious apprentice mechanic had discovered Clay in the office gasping in mixed pain and lust as he struggled to control his urge to milk himself. From that point on Mark had been insistent on keeping Clay's urges to a minimum. "We can't have you stroking those mini-cocks out in public," Mark had said just before unzipping Clay's jumpsuit right before they had started their last break for the day, "what would the customers say?"

Something about feeding the sexy red-haired man with his swollen teats made Clay growl in lust. A quick glance at the clock told the mechanic that it was just past five. Usually they closed down the shop at five and worked on overnight drop-offs, but who would care if they took a little time to themselves? Mark had done so well today. He was learning in leaps and bounds, but there were still things to teach him. After a steamy twenty minutes of milking his boss Mark pulled off Clay's empty left teat and smiled as steam curled up and out of his mouth and nose. "Did I ever tell you how hot that looks?" Clay asked and leaned in to kiss the other male's face.

A soft growl bubbled up from Clay's chest as their lips met. He couldn't help but growl in lust as he stood from the edge of his desk and broke his kiss with Mark. "So when are you going to tell me how you grew four inches over night... not to mention how you're packing on all this muscle overnight?"

Clay growled again as he fell onto Mark and the two of them crashed onto the floor with an office-shaking thud. The urges were too strong to resist any longer. Clay didn't care anymore about keeping up appearances. He could smell Mark's arousal every time the man fed on the Clay's milk-shooting teats, and now it was time to show him how the boss felt about his employee. "I... grr... think something has been happening to me," Clay growled as he effortlessly tore Mark's jumpsuit off the other man's body. Mark was too surprised by his growling clothes-ripping companion to say anything in response. "It's got something to do with my brother's dog."

Mark gasped as he was pushed onto his arms and legs by the larger male behind him. He was starting to sweat as the temperature in the room quickly rose. A thick musky smell was coming from Clay, and Mark swore he could detect a slightly acidic quality to the air around them. It was like sulfur, but the smell was much stronger and far muskier. Another gasp of surprise came from the man when Clay shoved his face into Mark's ass cheeks. A burning hot tongue began to rim his sexy ass hole. Mark struggled to find something logical to say in response to what Clay had just told him. "You... you mean Spike right? That's Rex's dog... the one he picked up... at... the petshop?"

Clay didn't respond right away, he was too busy tongue fucking Mark. "Yea," he finally gasped as he pulled his face out of Mark's ass, "the dog gave me a fucking blow job last night..." As he positioned himself behind Mark the horny male paused. "... you don't mind if we fuck, right?"

Mark looked over his shoulder at Clay and froze in fear. He'd never seen a cock that big before! He could have sworn Clay's cock flesh looked slightly redder than a human's should, and how did a guy get a cock that big? "Don't make me beg for it." Mark said and couldn't believe what he had just agreed to do. "Just be gentle ok? I can tell you need this. Right Boss?"

"Grrrright," Clay growled as he positioned the head of his throbbing slab of meat against Mark's ass hole. Thankfully Mark wasn't a virgin, but nothing could have prepared him for taking Clay's titanic cock. If there was such a thing as hyper endowment; Clay had it. Nothing about a huge, leg-sized slab of meat was natural when you were being speared from behind. Fortunately all that milk had been causing some slight changes in Mark's anatomy. It seemed impossible, but as Clay sank into Mark's ass it was as if that titanic cock was meant to be there. Mark groaned low as the softest hint of a growl worked itself into his voice. Before Clay had even pushed himself half into Mark's backside his cock was oozing lava hot black pre into the young man's ass.

The men were silent for a long while. Their grunts and growls filled the office as their musk grew stronger. Before now taking another guy's cock had always felt wrong to Mark. The young man had bottomed before, but he considered himself more of a top. As more and more burning hot cum, not to mention searing hot red cock-flesh, was pounded into him though Mark began to struggle against the sensation of 'rightness' he was experiencing. Mark almost couldn't believe what he was feeling when the sensation of Clay hilting himself in his backside made the young man groan in lust. "Fuck Clay, how the hell did you get all that meat in my ass?"

Clay didn't replay. Unless you could count a low growl as a reply. Instead he pulled his cock half way out and then slammed roughly into Mark with a low and savage snarl. All pretenses of gentleness were gone after that, but Mark didn't seem to care. A mind bending wave of heat radiated from the stud fucking his ass. Clay wasn't just hot, he was burning up. Loose paper in the room began to crackle and curl in response to the pounding waves of heat. Mark tried to look around himself, but the whole room was growing darker by the second. The smell of smoke and musk, along with the steady body shaking thrusts of the man behind him, were the only things that told Mark that they were still alive. Smoke and ask swirled around the two males as Clay lost himself to his instincts. He didn't need to talk in order to tell Mark his feelings. This was real, raw, and sexy as fuck!

Despite Clay's thoughts Mark would have enjoyed an explanation for what was going on. It wasn't until he glanced behind him that the man got a vague impression of what was making his boss act like a fucking sex-crazed animal. Clay was possessed by an inhuman urge to fuck. His eyes were blazing with red light in the oven-hot air of the office. Smoke swirled around his head and shoulders like a dark unholy mantle. Even in the pitch-black darkness of the room Mark could see the twinkling of tiny flames as they licked up and down Clay's huge muscular body. A thought came to the man's mind as he looked past Clay at the black mass of smoke behind him. The smoke was dark and solid as it stretched behind the man into two huge black wings. Demon, Clay was some kind of ass-fucking huge-cocked demon!

A final blast of heat rocked the room and the sound of the windows shattering distracted Mark from watching Clay fuck him. All the smoke and airborne ash in the air drew rapidly into Clay just before a tremendous explosion of pleasure shook his huge muscular frame. The man above Mark growled and grunted in bliss as he pumped what felt like gallons of cum into Mark's body. The heat from the cum was far worse than the heat of the man above him. Mark felt like he was being burned from the inside out, but his body didn't hurt at all. In fact, he actually began to absorb the cum far faster than any human had up to this point.

A soft crack came from Mark's body followed by a loud gasp. To Clay it was like his partner was growing, but to Mark it was like someone had caught his body on fire from the inside. A wave of intense pleasure washed over him as his muscles bulged and his bones cracked with growth. It was hard to imagine, but Mark swore he could feel his body growing larger and his muscles building beneath his skin. He packed on mass faster than any bodybuilder could, but his body was just beginning to change.

Another soft cry of shock came from the young man as he felt his pectorals clench and a thick jet of creamy milk splatter onto the floor of the office. The milk almost instantly evaporated into a puff of steam, but it was followed by countless progressive jets. Steam flowed from the room out into the shop. It was a musky and sulfuric steam that stained the walls with its potent smell. Mark could feel his pecs hardening and growing as the clenches continued. He didn't understand what was happening, but it felt wonderful. Before long Clay could smell the steamy milk in the air. It was simple enough to pull Mark into his lap and bend over the other male. After taking a throbbing teat into his mouth Clay began to drool and drink at the same time. Thick gray slime quickly coated Mark's pectoral muscle soothing his burning skin and encouraging the muscles to grow thicker and larger. The uncontrollable pectoral clenching slowed as Mark's feeding instincts kicked in. By the time Clay swapped the right nipple for the left Mark almost felt like he could do something other than groan in pleasure at the sensation of being milked by the sexy demon behind him. "You... you're some sort... of demon!"

Clay growled as he sucked and drooled on Mark's still growing teat. He didn't like being called a demon.

"No man really. When I looked at you earlier... you were on fire." Mark said and gasped as a particularly large clench rocked his body. "I think... whatever is happening to you... it's changing me now too."

Clay had plenty of time to think about Mark's words as he sucked on the man's nipples. They laid together for a long time before the clenching ended and it seemed like whatever was happening to Mark had stopped. Well, it had stopped for the moment. When the young man finally did stand up he looked far larger than before. He was at least three inches taller and possibly as muscular as Clay had been before all this mess had started. It was hard to resist the urge to fuck Mark all over again, but they still needed to close the shop up. "This place is a wreck." Clay looked around the office and took in the extent of the damages. It looked like there had been a fire in the office.

"We might need to file with the insurance... this is pretty intense Clay." Mark didn't seem any less impressed with the damages than Clay was, but at least he was still thinking straight.

After a long moment of silence Clay decided Mark was right. "Why don't you come over to my place tonight?" Clay suggested. "Chances are good that if something weird is happening to me, than it's happening to my brothers too. We could use someone with their head screwed on straight to help us sort all this crap out."

Mark smiled and looked up at Clay. He couldn't help but laugh a little when he noticed that the other male was sporting a week's worth of beard growth. Not only was Clay looking a lot hairier, but the beard had crept down his neck to cover most of his exposed torso as well. It was hard to tell with the lights as dim as they were, but Mark swore he could see soft red stripes punctuating the otherwise black fur-like hair covering all of Clay's chest and stomach. He secretly thought it looked hot as hell... "Hot as hell," Mark mumbled and laughed.


"It's nothing," Mark said and nodded at the hairy beast standing beside him, "I'd love to meet your family Clay. Does this mean we're officially dating now?"

Clay blushed and scratched his shaggy hair, "I don't know about dating, but I wouldn't mind having sex again..."

"I'll take that as a yes then." Mark said cheerfully and smiled at the prospect of dating Clay. "We'd better get dressed Boss. I bet I could wear some of your old jumpsuits, and you look like you'd fit in my uncle's clothes."

Clay nodded and smiled as Mark turned to walk towards the small room where they kept their spare work clothes. It was nice having someone to talk to, but what if Mark really was changing like Clay was? Would he think it was weird for Clay to feed Spike and Rex? Thinking about the two younger males made Clay growl softly to himself. He couldn't help but feel like leaving them alone during the day was a bad idea. He could only hope that Bo and Hunter would look after his vulnerable little brothers. Rex was just a cub after all. He shouldn't have to stay out so late working at that pet shop. Clay had always felt like he should be there for his brothers, but he had to work if he wanted to keep food on the table... not to mention a roof over their heads.