Chapter 1

Story by Aeturnus on SoFurry

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Taur World: Home Sweet Home1 There's a planet much

like ours known as Zeploid. The planet circles a sun, has two moons, and is

surrounded by planets, asteroids and comets. It takes Zeploid four hundred and

ten days to orbit the sun. Their calendar only mentions the number of days that

are in a year and the seasons, and their first day of spring marks the

beginning of a new year. There are four continents with the biggest one being

close to twenty million square miles, and one nameless ocean that covers sixty

percent of the planet. Species evolved into what they are now just like on

Earth. The one difference; there are two dominant species on Zeploid: humans

and animaltaurs. Animaltaurs are like

centaurs of Earth myth lore, except they're not part human. Caninetaurs,

felinetaurs and hyenataurs make up the species. Their average height and length

is anywhere from eight to eleven feet tall and seven to eight and a half feet

long, and their weight ranges from three to five hundred pounds. Animaltaurs

become full grown at around ten years old, and hit sexual maturity at around

twelve. It's common for animaltaurs to wear clothes on some continents, but on

others they choose to be nude. Females go into heat four times a year, and give

birth to one cub after a hundred and thirty days of being pregnant. It's rare

for them have twins. The legs of an

animaltaur are three and a half to a little over four feet long, and their paws

are between ten to thirteen inches wide and seven to nine inches long. Every

animaltaur has two sets of ribs. The one in their chest protects their heart

and lungs, and the one in their torso protects their stomach, liver and small

intestines. The rib cage in their torso ends two thirds down the animaltaur's

body. The length of their tail varies between species, and their spine starts

at the base of their skull and ends at the base of their tails. Humans age a bit

slower, but they become full grown before they're thirteen. Females hit puberty

when they're around eight years old and can grow anywhere from five feet five

inches to around six feet and weigh a hundred thirty to a hundred seventy

pounds. Males don't hit puberty until they're ten and can grow to around five

feet nine to six feet five inches and weigh one hundred seventy to a little over

two hundred pounds. Female have their periods every thirty-five days, and may

give birth to one to three babies after a hundred fifty days. Very few have

four babies. Humans are considered an adult by the age of sixteen. Fertile land was

plentiful when humans and animaltaurs started to migrate and create their own

colonies and settlements, but in time conflicts would arise. In some cases both

sides were able to come up with an agreement, but in others there was

bloodshed. The longest war took place on the largest continent, and it lasted

for close to five years. Generations later humans and animaltaurs have found

ways to live together in peace. Each continent and independent country has

their own government, but they all share the same currency called dinars. A

dinar is a copper coin that has a one, five, ten, fifteen, twenty and so forth

printed on both sides. One hundred is the highest amount. Bantam is the

smallest continent at around three point five million square miles. Majority of

the population live within two hundred fifty miles of the ocean. Criminals tend

to live farther inland. They know the authorities won't track them if they have

to travel great distances into unfamiliar terrain. Bantam is best known for its

ports. Cargo boats and fishing vessels pick up and drop off supplies and crew

all year round. A quarter of what the population eats comes from the water, and

the rest comes from farms and the woods. The ports provide steady work. Those living on

Bantam haven't had the same kind of problems as those living on other

continents. Humans and animaltaurs were quick to resolve a dispute without

going to war. Both creatures realize they have to work together in order to

prosper, but that hasn't stopped a third of the population from having some

hate towards each other. Humans and animaltaurs have their own hotels, schools,

and restaurants in a small number of villages, but in others they share

everything. Some doubt segregation will ever end in villages with a population

of around thousand. Bantam is the only continent to outlaw slavery, but that

hasn't stopped some animaltaurs and/or humans from finding ways around the

rule. There are two major

mountain ranges and several small ones throughout Bantam. The biggest mountain

range runs north to south on the east side of the continent, and the second

runs southwest to the northeast on the northwest. There are several dormant

volcanoes on Bantam. The rest of the continent consists of grasslands, forests,

deserts and a couple of swamps. If possible, humans

and animaltaurs are to attend school and/or be homeschooled until the age of

fifteen. Every settlement allows the youth to take a couple of months off

during the summer to help on a farm and/or at a port, and in some places, it's

a requirement for them to work during their vacation. Along with reading,

writing and math, humans and animaltaurs learn basic survival skills, carpentry

and other abilities that'll help them into adulthood. Those who want to further

their education may attend a university. On the southwest lies

one of the busiest ports in Bantam known as Cea, and close to two hundred miles

northeast is a village known as Cauldron. It's one of several places that allow

segregation. Animaltaurs has always made up the majority of the population. At

one point there were over a thousand residents, but only a hundred were humans.

Humans had their own businesses for several decades, but were forced to close

their stores due to lack of costumers. The animaltaurs went as far as to take

over the school meant for human children. The human population

dwindled to below fifty within five years. Those who left knew they had no

future in Cauldron. The families that stayed doubt they can make the journey to

wherever things might be better. Only ten humans are under the age of fifteen.

Animaltaurs have agreed to serve humans, but they're to follow strict

guidelines. They refuse to allow children to attend the same school as cubs.

Only half of the human population can read and write. While most of the animaltaurs

have very little love for humans, there's a small number that wishes things

were better. The authorities do treat everybody as an equal, and they have

arrested several animaltaurs for mistreating humans. The hotel, the farm

and the fulleries are the only places that allow humans to work. Those who work

at the hotel are to replace sheets, warm up water and bathe costumers, and

prepare the room for the next guest. Those who work at a fullery have to wash

sheets and towels. The process starts with a small number of humans stomping on

what needs to be cleaned in ankle deep water and chemicals, which includes

urine, wringing and rinsing them out, and hanging them to dry. Most humans have

to work there in order to pay off their home the owners of the business gave

them. Cauldron's farm use

to be two different farms: Watson's Farm and Grey's Farm. Watson grew most of

the fruits and vegetables, and Grey produced milk, cheese and meat. Nobody in

the village is sure on when the owners agreed to merge. Things were doing great

for a long time, but years of little rain and warm temperatures has made things

tough, and with the farm not doing well has made things rough in the village. Cauldron's farm is

where Trevor, a white human with a dark tan, and Martin, a grayish-brown

coyotetaur, met. Trevor was eight and Martin was nine when Mr. Watson, a

wolftaur, had them pick blueberries on their first day. Martin had no idea what

to think about the human, and was rather shy around him, but in time he grew to

enjoy his company. On his fourteenth year he learned something new: Trevor

can't read. The coyotetaur's mother, Martha, agreed to teach the human how to

read and write providing he grooms them. The fact they have different

backgrounds doesn't bother them. Martin has had a more

luxurious life than Trevor. The coyotetaur's parents have jobs. His father,

Zues, manages the dairy farm and his mom works at the hotel, and they live in

the more upscale part of Cauldron. Martin has no interest in rubbing what he

has in his friend's face, and invites him over whenever possible regardless of

what his neighbors think. Trevor's mom works at one of the fulleries, and his

dad is a woodsman. Neither of them can read, and although they're not happy

their son has to be taught by an animaltaur, they knows it's the only way he'll

have a chance at a better future. They live in a shack. All of the humans and

a small number of animaltaurs consider Trevor's dad to be the best at what he

does, and Trevor is a close second. They both know what plants are safe to eat,

to use as medicine, and ones to avoid. Trevor's dad can't hunt with a gun, but

he's dead on with a bow and has taught his son how to use it. Trevor shares

what he knows with Martin and a few others whenever possible. The only thing Trevor's

dad hasn't taught his son is how to throw knives. A foxtaur at the farm is

guilty of that Martin, now fifteen,

stands shy of eleven feet tall and has a body length of around eight feet. He

weighs roughly four hundred pounds, and has the basic fur colorations of a

coyote. Trevor is fourteen years old, stands at around six feet one inch and

weighs over a hundred and eighty pounds. Years of working at the farm has made

him rather strong. The coyotetaur likes to think his friend is an animaltaur

stuck in a human's body. The fact Trevor has the ability to beat a creature

that's close to twice his weight shows how strong he is. It's something Martin

didn't expect to happen one of the times they wrestled. Martin and Trevor run

through the woods with their friends: two humans, a black furred and an orange

furred foxtaur, a wolftaur and a tigertaur. The coyotetaur and human have the

day off, but are to report back tomorrow morning. For most of the afternoon the

youngsters have done nothing but play Capture. While the animaltaurs have to

physical restrain their opponents before carrying them away to prison, the

humans just have to hit them with a small pebble from their slingshot. The

rules don't change regardless of how outnumbered things are between the animaltaurs

and humans. Today everybody

agrees on a best two out of three. Trevor's team took the second match, and

Martin's team won the first match and is on the verge of winning the third. The

black furred foxtaur and wolftaur were caught right off the back, but the

coyotetaur and tigertaur caught two of the three humans shortly thereafter.

Trevor has been the hardest to catch in all three matches. Martin follows the

tigertaur but stops when they hear a whistle. Both sides use whistles to inform

each other when they're caught and/or found somebody, need backup, or they're

hurt. "I take it he

found'im," the tigertaur said. "It's my second

guess," Martin said. "My first is he finally learned how to whistle." "Ya, probably. Let's

go." Martin follows his

friend. The orange furred foxtaur may have found their last opponent, but it

doesn't mean the game is over. That's how they lost the last match. The

coyotetaur holds back a chuckle. Things will become interesting when, and if,

Trevor has to be by himself whenever they play Capture. It'll be tough but he

knows the human can do it. The animaltaurs find their friend by a tree. "I'm hit. Thought I'd

had him, but he got me here," the foxtaur points to his shoulder. "May have

used his last pebble if it'll help." "Maybe, but he may

find more. Which way he went?" Martin sniffs the air. "I can't pick out his

scent." "There," the foxtaur

points. "We get'im and

make'im pay," the tigertaur said. "Yeah, but he's

downwind. His pa taught him well," Martin said. "Come on. Can't allow him to

get too far." Trevor ducks under a

branch and looks over his shoulder. There's only two animaltaurs left, but

doubts he put enough distance between him and them since the foxtaur whistled.

The human comes across a small clearing and looks around. He needs to find a

place to hide if he wants a chance to win. The teenager checks his pouch. He

has one pebble left and knows he doesn't have enough time to find more. Trevor

spots a hole and tosses a rock inside. Nothing comes out. He climbs in feet

first, pulls a branch over his head and spots a couple of animaltaurs run into

the clearing. He holds his breath. Martin jumps over a

log and sniffs the air. There's still no sign of the human's scent. The

coyotetaur scans the area. He's about to run off when the tigertaur points at a

branch. The coyotetaur is about to shrug it off, but decides to study it a

little closer. That has to be where Trevor is at. The caninetaur lowers his

nose to the ground. He picks up Trevor's scent. From now on he'll stop sniffing

the air when it comes to tracking his friend. Martin motions for the tigertaur

to stay put and follow the scent to the branch. The human's scent becomes

stronger. The caninetaur pulls it to the side to reveal a hole but doesn't find

his friend. Trevor crawls deeper

into the hole. It'll be a miracle if they don't find him. The human stops

moving and covers his head with dirt. He watches Martin toss the branch to the

side and look inside. The coyotetaur doesn't see him. He overhears the

animaltaurs discuss looking for another opening. Trevor stays put. Their plan

could be a trick so they can grab him as he crawls out. He's unsure of how long

it's been, but he can't hear their footsteps and/or voices. Trevor shimmies

towards the entrance and looks outside. They're nowhere to be seen. The young

man climbs out and stands. His mom won't be happy with how dirty he is. Trevor hears a twig

snap, readies his slingshot and follows the sound. He spots the coyotetaur

sniffing the ground. The human stands behind a tree and aims at Martin's rump.

He's about to fire when somebody knocks him to the ground and slams their paw

onto his back. There's no way for him to escape. "Caught'im," the

tigertaur cries. "Caught'im aiming at you." "Guess this means we

win once again," Martin whistles loudly and lowers his head. "What you got to

say about the outcome, hm?" "Nothing, other than

to watch my back next time." "A mistake you won't

make again, but next time we may just go after you first." "Naw. You enjoy a

good chase." "True. I'll give you

that," Martin raises his head and looks around. "Guess today makes it

animaltaurs ten and humans four." "We could be doing

better if we weren't outnumbered," Trevor said. "You drive a good

point, but that's how war works, so deal with it." "Let'im up?" the

tigertaur said. "Yes, let him up.

We've won," the coyotetaur said. "Ugh, that's better,"

Trevor stands and brushes dirt off his pants. "The others say to

tell you they went home," the black furred foxtaur said. "Where was this one

at?" "I was about to ask

him myself," Martin blows dirt off of Trevor's head. "Where'd you hide that

caused you to become so dirty?" "In that hole you

found." "Rather gusty, and I

ask you not to do it again. I don't want to tell your ma her son's gone." "Okay, I won't do it

again." "Good," Martin looks

at his friend. "Me and him better git. He needs to wash up, and I'm sure my ma

and pa want me as well." "Get'im nice and

clean," the tigertaur said. "See ya at the tomorrow." "Later," the foxtaur

follows the felinetaur. Trevor and Martin

head in the opposite direction as their friends. The coyotetaur grins. It's not

his responsibility to make sure the human stays clean, but he may dirty himself

up just so his friend has to bathe him. He chews on his tongue and shakes his

head. His bath can wait, but he'll have Trevor trim his claws. They arrive at

Martin's house. Trevor stays outside and pretends not to notice some of the

stares the coyotetaur's neighbors give him. They will always have something

negative to say regardless of how he looks. The young man peers inside and

spots Martin's mom in the kitchen. His nose picks up a rather pleasant scent,

and spots a pie on the counter. "Ma, you know where

the clippers might be?" Martin looks around. "It's that time Trevor uses it." "Here," Martha pulls

them out of a drawer. "Should've warned you. I've done some rearranging in

here." "Oh. Thanks. How

come, ma?" "Keep me busy all

afternoon is all, really. I enjoy my time off, but I also despise it," the

coyotetaur looks outside. "Hello Trevor. Thank you for staying out there and

not tracking dirt in here." Trevor smiles and

nods but doesn't say a word. He listens to Martin explain to his mom what they

were doing. "Well then, it'll

explain why he's dirty," Martha smiles weakly. "I won't keep you any longer.

Get them claws trimmed. I hear them clicking against the floor." "Yes, ma," Martin

heads outside and looks at Trevor. "You better ask her, runt." "Ask me what,

darling?" "When's... my next

lesson, Mrs. Patton?" "I almost forgot. It

won't be for a while I'm afraid. I'm sorry. I'll inform you when it's time,

okay?" Trevor nods and

follows Martin to the back. A voice in his head tells him it may not happen.

Mrs. Patton has been rather busy for quite some time. The young man fills a

bucket with water from a well, sits on the ground and goes to work. He shortens

the coyotetaur's claws by quite a bit without drawing any blood. He washes some

dirt off his arms and head once he's done, informs Martin about the hunting

trip his dad plans to take him on and asks if he'd like to tag along before

leaving. Martin shakes his

head. He does enjoy having Trevor do simple tasks for him, but he also hates

how willing he is at accepting certain excuses. It's been close to a year since

his friend's last tutor session, and he doubts his mom will ever return to

those. Then there's the village. The coyotetaur knows not every animaltaur is

rude towards humans, but the majority of them seem to think they have the right

to walk over them. Martin has thought about leaving Cauldron, but he hasn't

mentioned it to Trevor yet. He'll be sure to say something when, and if, the

farm goes under. The coyotetaur

twitches his ears. His dad must be home. Martin stretches his front and back

legs, places his hands onto his lower back and stretches his upper back and

chest and shakes himself. He's beat and all he did today was play several

rounds of Capture. Martin should've had Trevor massage his body when he had the

chance. There's always next time. The coyotetaur walks into his house. "What's the word on

the farm, pa?" Martin puts the clippers away. "Not too good, but

you and Trevor are to still report," Zues looks around. "Where's the little

lad? Was hoping to have him brush my fur." "Trevor went home

some time ago. His pa returns today." "Then I guess my

brushing can wait. Anything else on your mind?" "He asked if I'd like

to go with on their next hunting trip. He'll ask his pa tonight. Will it be all

right?" "I suppose it is, if

it's okay with Trevor's dad," Martha sticks several pans of meat in the oven.

"Providing you keep up with your chores and don't back talk." "Yes, ma," Martin

bites his lower lip. "Ma, I got to ask you something. It involves Trevor." "Yes, what about him?" "Why did you stop

teaching him how to read and write?" "You know the answers

to that," Martha shakes his head. "Things been rather busy. Besides, I'm not

the only one in the house who can teach him those things. You can do it too,

you know. You're no longer attending school." "Perhaps I will. It's

only right." "What's that to mean,

Martin?" Zues asks crossly. "Trevor still does

his part of the bargain, but none of us have done ours." "We do allow him to

stay over and eat our food, and no more of this, understood?" Zues points his

finger at his son. "If you want to go on his dad's hunting trip, you'll drop

it. Clear enough for you?" "Yes, pa." "Good." "Unless you need me,

I'll be in my room." "Go on. I'll let you

know when I need you," Martha said. Martin nods, closes

the door to his room and sits on his mat. He looks out the window. His parents

don't seem to care about Trevor's education and/or future. The coyotetaur nods.

If his mom has no interest in teaching his friend how to read and write, he

will. Martin lights a couple of candles, and grabs a book. He'll inform Trevor

his lessons will start up again on their next day off. The coyotetaur

doesn't say such much for the remainder of the evening. What his parents said,

especially his dad, about Trevor has left a bad taste in his mouth. Martin

thought they enjoyed having the human around, but it sounds like they view him

to be a pest, which is a damn shame. His parents know Trevor is a hard worker,

and has done an excellent job of brushing their fur and trimming their claws.

Then again their attitude towards his friend shouldn't surprise him. Neither

his mom nor his dad has any love for humans. Martin can't wait

until he's older and in charge, providing he's still in Cauldron. The one thing

he'll abolish is segregation. No longer will humans have to eat outside, wait

outside the store until all of the animaltaurs are done shopping, or work in

awful conditions. If certain residents don't like it, then they can leave, and

that includes his parents. Humans deserve to be treated as an equal. The young caninetaur

helps his mom clean and put away the dishes, and heads to his room. He makes a

list of things he'll need for Trevor. Books, charcoal and some plywood to start

out with, and the rest can wait until later. The coyotetaur chews on his

charcoal. It wouldn't hurt to see how much Trevor remembers. It's something

he'll bring to his friend's attention tomorrow afternoon. Martin blows out his


Chapter 2

2 Cauldron's farm has been the main source of employment, and the driving force behind the village's economy for over a hundred years. Animaltaurs and humans work together picking and cleaning fruits and vegetables, milking and butchering cows and...

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Oral Pleasures

Oral Pleasures Rook steps out of his car and inhales the warm air. It's another beautiful Friday evening in Bellingham, Washington, and receiving some sort of pleasure is a good way to end the week. He looks around the parking lot. The place seems...

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A Dept Paid

A Dept Paid A gay, nineteen year old pit bull named Dexter steps out of the shower and dries off. The only thing he puts on is a jockstrap. The dog flexes his muscles in front of a mirror. Years of lifting weights has finally paid off. As of now...

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