Welcome to the Family

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#2 of The Mistress

Day two of no internet,? ?though now it's worse as also no power?! ?Well I should have had the internet back and will yell at them once they're open.? ?Power is my fault for not getting the bill payed on time,? ?though they never did give a shut off notice which ticks me off.? ?Hopefully before the week end the internet and power will both be restored.? ?Honestly I'm not missing the internet so much as not being able to talk to my friends,? ?in particular my Australian friend who serves often as a muse for my dra gon stories and who I love so very dearly.? ?The loss of net though has helped me get to doing some much needed writing.? ?Being with out power though truly sucks?! ?Even more than being stuck working with windows,? ?but windows has better power management than linux.? ?Hope you enjoy this part of the on going story.

?Note: Comments above where made at the time of he first draft.


Warning:? ?This story contains sexual play between non-morphic female dragon hatchlings of various colors and ages.? ?Read at your own risk and only if it is legal to do so where you live.


Welcome to the Family

The recently rescued baby dragoness? ?lay asleep in her new nest.? ?Her nest was a smaller one,? ?nicely padded and lined with animal furs.? ?It was connected to the back of a larger nest which usually was used by the parents,? ?though now would be used by those who visited the little one,? ?including other hatchlings.? ?The small nest was usually used by older chicks who where getting a bit big to be sleeping with their parents yet still too young for a nest of their own.? ?For this little one the smaller nest would feel much less empty and lonely than the large one.? ?Few chicks slept alone for long though,? ?finding other young ones to join as to not be alone.? ?Just outside the nest where two bowl like indentations in the stone.? ?The deeper one held water,? ?the shallow one was for meals and both where full right now.


The young one woke to the smell of fresh meat, followed shortly by the sight of twelve hatchlings watching her expectantly. They where of various colors, ages, and sizes. Some where sitting closer to each other, showing signs of deeper bonds. Such things where lost on the young one. Her attention focuses fist on the fresh meat. With her nose leading, her body willingly following, she is soon attacking the meat as viciously as a baby dragon can. With a savagely shake of her head she tears into the first meal of her life . The others watch and wait, smiling, with a few whispers and giggles between them. The little one growled and snarled at her meal, tearing it up with ever growing strength as she fills her little belly. There is almost nothing left over, the Mistress knowing well about how much the little one would eat. She is more practiced in the raising of chicks than any mother ever could be even though she would never have any of her own.

By the time the baby was done there where only a few bloody tidbits left scattered about. Nothing worth tracking down with her belly already so full. She had all but forgotten about the others while she was eating. Now, though, they are starting to close in on her for an attack of their own. The few scraps that are left are grabbed up by the passing chicks as they converged on they true prey. The baby is quite apprehensive at seeing so many converging on her like this. She cries out for help but that cry is quickly drowned in a sea of forked tongues. It does not take long for her to realize that they are not a threat. She quickly warms to the attention as they lick her face and muzzle clean of the blood from her meal. Warm scaled bodies press against her, rolling her onto her back where the assault becomes more intimate. Soon tongues start to force their way into the muzzle they had been cleaning while others travel down to start licking all around and over the now exposed baby slit.

? The baby soon surrenders fully to her attackers, giving her self to them as they continue their oral onslaught. The feel of the tongues in her mouth and slit quickly bring back memories of when she hatched, when another tongue had done much the same thing. With those memories come those of the pleasure it brought her. With the memories of that pleasure comes excitement to feel it again.

It takes only moments for those hatchling tongues to start pressing deeper, slithering down that little throat and up into her immature passage. The baby is already soaked between her hind legs with excitement as her she feels half a dozen tongues doing battle in her muzzle and slit. There is little she can do more than lay there while she is played with. Her breath rasps over three to four tongues at a time as they slither about inside her throat. Down below her young passage is getting its first good stretching as tongue after tongue worm their way into her until all six are slithering about inside her passage. They thrust in and out at random, struggling against each other as if fighting for a better position while lapping up her sweet slimy baby juices.

Her small body is completely hidden, lost in a sea of heads and necks as the twelve chicks continue their oral attack. Randomly they change places, moving from slit to muzzle, muzzle to slit. She never even notices the occasional taste of her own juices. The chance to tasted them is fleeting though as the tongue with those juices would quickly be lapped clean by the others filling her muzzle and struggling for dominance of her throat. She sees none of this, her eyes closed, her mind nearly overwhelmed with all the erotic sexual sensations that are filling it. Yet she never wants it to end. Lost in a sea of pleasure her body stars to quickly tense up under the continued onslaught of tongues. She is soon shaken by her climax, her body shaking violently, rocked by wave after wave of intense pleasure. The tongues that have been filling her muzzle and throat retreat, giving her more room to breath while the ones between her legs become more frantic, trying to lap up as much of her juices as they can.

When she starts to relax the hatchlings retreat some with much giggling and whispering,? ?not that she could understand them anyhow. ? At only about a day old?,? ?she is far from learning speech.? ?They give her a short while to recover while talking among them selves about what to do next. Soon enough though a couple of chicks near once more.? ?They look to be the oldest and youngest of the bunch,? ?a blue and a gold.? ?From the way they look at each other and move together they seem to be much more than just play mates.? ?The blue, who seems to be the older one,? ?moves down to the baby's flanks. She? ?moves up over her, straddling the little one, blue slit pressing down on white.? T?he smaller gold moves up over the chicks muzzle and smiles warmly down at her.? ?There is a brief exchange between the two now standing over the baby that ends with the gold giggling and nodding as she starts to rub her slit along the white muzzle muzzle.? ?The scent of an older chick's arousal fills the the baby's nostrils and she soon finds her self licking the gold's slit with out needing any coaxing to do so.? ?The gold lets out a cute little chirp of surprise at the unexpected licking then churrs happily,? ?rubbing her slit against that little muzzle tip. The blue watches this while starting to rub her self against the baby,? ?pressing her clit out to rub through that little white slit and over the nub hidden inside.? ?The baby lets out a cheep as she feels this and bucks up against the blue while licking more eagerly at the gold,? ?her tongue slipping easily onto the older hatchling's passage.

While the gold is quite enjoying having her self licked out by the baby,? ?she wants something more.? ?She reaches? ?paw down between her hind legs to hold the white's tiny muzzle steady while starting to press down on it.? ?She starts out slowly,? ?just slipping the tip in for a moment then back out so the iridescent white can catch her breath and come to realize she's not going to be smothered.? ?With a bit of patient teaching though the baby comes to learn to breath through her mouth while her muzzle is slipped inside another.? ?She is a quick study,? quickly getting? the hang of it. As she does the gold takes more and more of that little muzzle into her slit until she has it all inside and the younger chick is breathing through the back of her mouth.

? The blue watches all this with a grin. Her rubbing has stayed slow through out the lesson despite her own desires and the eager wanting thrusts of the baby. Content now in their positions the two lean in to each other and nuzzle and lick each others muzzles lovingly. Muzzle licking becomes tongues caressing. That leads to deeper and deeper licks before the two lock muzzles in a deep kiss. The gold starts to ride the little chick's muzzle like a toy, enjoying the fruits of her labor earlier in the first round. At some point, while the little one was distracted with the kiss, the gold took the time to work her egg horn off the tip of her muzzle. Although the removal might have been a bit premature it was quite harmless, just leaving an odd circle atop the baby's muzzle that will go away soon enough. As the gold enjoys that muzzle the blue is quite happily grinding against the baby's slit, their nubs now stroking together at a quick firm pace.

The rest of the chicks have been enjoying the show while exchanging intimate rubs and caresses with each other.? ?Now two more approach the scene coming up behind the white, a green and a red. They look? around? the same age as each other and? ?about half the age of the blue.? ?They too seem to be more than just playmates,? ?rubbing sides and looking at each other as the move in.? ?They split up as they reach the little chick,? ?moving up along either side of her.? ?They stretch out on their sides and scoot in close until their slits are pressed to the chick, against the soft spot between flanks and ribs.? ?They start to rub them selves against the baby,? ?churring with pleasure at the wonderful sensations those soft supple scales give their tender slits.? ?They lean in above the white's head and nuzzle each other while gazing up at the wonderful sights at that end. They ? ?have a lovely view of a white muzzle sliding in and out of a gold's slit.? ?The sight only adds to their excitement,? ?causing them to rub faster and harder against the baby dragoness, smearing slimy juices along her sides.

The chick is too young to fully appreciate all the lewd acts that are being preformed on her though she is very much enjoying them. She is enjoying the feel of her muzzle being inside the gold's slit,? ?quickly coming to love the smell and taste of the other female.? ?She also finds the feel of those slits being rubbed along her sides to be quite pleasant too,? ?both from the stroking of her scales and the warm slick feel of them against her.? Most of all she is loving the slit that is rubbing against her own and making quite a mess in the process. ?Another hatchling starts to move to join the play,? also ?slipping up from behind.? ?She is a cute little black,? ?about the same age as the rather young gold.? ?She makes her self at home between white and blue tails,? ?laying along and rubbing against the white with the blue resting over her back.? ?She sniffs deeply at the rubbing slits,? drinking in the scent and ?admiring the slimy mess between the two before she starts to lick. ? H?er forked tongue slithers through both slits,? ?teasing the nubs as they grind together,? lapping up? the juices that are making such a taste mess between the hind legs of the two.? ?She is soon making a mess of her own along the iridescent white tail that her slit is pressed against,? ?the little black humping it happily as she enjoys a tasty feast of immature juices.

At the other end of things the red and green are now eagerly licking all over the baby's muzzle and the gold's slit,? ?driving the gold into a frenzied rutting of that little snout.? ?She kisses the blue hard and deep,? ?whimpering and growling as she humps the little one's muzzle with two tongues dancing all around between her hind legs.? ?The blue returns that hard kiss passionately while enduring the? tongue of the chick who's settled under her blue tail. It adds to the already intense pleasure of grinding against the baby's slit, driving the blue to an even more heated pace.

As for the one who's the center of all the attention, she's already endured several smaller climaxes that are quickly building up to the most intense one of her short life. Her little paws clutch desperately at the gold's hind legs as her small body tenses under the assault of the five chicks. She is soon letting out muffled cries and screams pleasure as her body is rocked a powerful climax, this one stronger than any before. Her little body convulses under the older chicks, the sound and feel of the baby cumming so hard quickly sending them over the edge too. All six chicks cum hard, though none harder than the youngest one of them all, her little body shaking hard as she's covered with the sexual fluids of the others.

While the other five slowly come down from their climaxes the baby all but goes limp her head drifts off to the side as her muzzle is freed, a glazed look in her eyes. The other slowly disengage from the little one, nuzzling her affectionately before slipping away. The seven who have not had a turn using the newest member of the family look on with eager eyes, ready for their chance. It is then that the dark presents that has been watching makes her self known. The Mistress steps out from the shadows and shakes her head?.

?<<That's enough fun for one day, my little ones,>> she says, speaking to them telepathically. <<She needs rest now. There will be time enough to play with her later.>> The group quickly disbands,? ?a couple sulking for a moment as they go but they are eager to tell the rest of the harem of the days events.? ?This little one will be the talk of the of the harem for a while to come.? ?As they leave the Mistress moves over to the baby and curls around her,? ?her mind gently nudging the chick from her sexual stupor.? ?The baby looks up at the one she knows as mother with eyes full of love and affection.? ?The Mistress returns that look and nuzzles her new baby gently and gives her a few licks.? ?She can smell and taste the others on the little hatchling,? ?the flavor of immature female juices always a pleasant one to the large black.

?<Have you enjoyed your hatching day, my love,> she asks the baby with wordless thoughts. This allows the chick to understand them better though it still takes a few moments. Once she does it doesn't take long for her to decide she has enjoyed her life greatly so far. The Mistress nestles the little one in close, content to stay with the baby for a while as she drifts off to sleep. 'I'm glad to have you back once more,' she thinks to her self. 'I just wish your return had been under better conditions.


?Bleh, I don't know what I'm going to do with winter fast approaching. I've found the best way for me to write is outside away from distractions at night. Though often only when I feel up to it which I hadn't for a while. I hope I got the end of this story okay, and I do know I only used one set of at the end there instead of two. It's to signify the use of pure thoughts instead of word. Anyhow, this is the last of the Mistress stories for a bit as I have another in the works which I plan on writing two ways. One as a story, but along side it I'm going to try to do it up as another 'little kit's production' which seems to be my most popular story format. Then again, no one else has ever wrote a story up like you're watching something. Anyhow, thanks for reading, please leave comment or rate. This should be published on both CC and yiffstar and maybe on FA. Again, thanks for every thing to those who read and enjoy my stories. It means a lot to me and is why I do write. I do this for others to enjoy, not my self. I enjoy your enjoyment.

Two whom ever checks this, please tell me why yiffstar can't hold a format even when using it's own editors? And some how manages to mess things up each time so I have to fight to get my stories to look half way right?