An Unexpected Adventure Ch. 5: Nari's First Christmas

Story by notaguestanymore on SoFurry

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#6 of An Unexpected Adventure

Back to your regularly scheduled program.

I sat on my tiny porch watching Nari playing in the snow. It had been a few months since she had come to live with me. It felt like no time at all. When I was with her time flew by. We made our bi-weekly trip to the counselor at the police station. It seemed to be going well. Her violent behavior had all but completely subsided and the counselor sessions were starting to seem pointless. I turned my attention back to Nari, she was playing with the kids from my apartment complex. Over the last couple months the kids had taken a shine to her after they had seen her outside one day. She was nervous around them at first, but warmed up to them quickly. Watching her play in the snow with a group of kids brought a smile to my face. It was a warm sight. I rubbed my left calf, my wound had pretty much healed, but the cold made it hurt sometimes and I still walked with a slight limp. I rubbed my hand against the gruff on my chin, I hadn't shaved for a few days and the stubble was starting to get thick. As soon as the thought passed through my head that I should shave Nari's voice popped into my head.

"Don't do it." I looked up at her, but she was still playing with the kids. Levitating sticks and such for their amusement. I looked at her, confused, wondering if I had actually heard it. "You did. Don't shave." She still never looked away from the kids. I chuckled to myself, she never ceased to amaze me. I looked at the sky noting the time that had passed.

"Nari come on we have to go." I called out to her and the children responded with a resounding no. "Sorry kids, we gotta go. She'll be back later, go inside so you don't get sick."

"Ok, bye Mr. Straitham. Bye Nari." The kids waved goodbye and ran back inside. Nari made her way back to me, trudging through the snow. "You seemed to have had fun." I smiled at her, jumping out of the chair as I did, favoring my right foot as I landed.

"I did indeed. You seem to be feeling better."

"Indeed I do. Still hurts a bit, but what's a little pain compared to a stab wound? Come on we're gonna be late." She nodded and we started off down the road.

About halfway to our destination I could tell the walk was wearing her out. I scooped her up and sat her on my shoulders. Her legs dangled over my shoulders and her hands gripped my head.


"No problem." I continued to walk down the road thanking Arceus that she weighted next to nothing. "Why shouldn't I shave?"

"I like the beard. It makes you look manly."

"Are you saying I'm not manly?"


"You little jerk." I grabbed onto her legs with my hands and pulled on them, jerking her forward slightly.

"Hey now, calm down." I felt her grip tighten on my hair and she pulled on it as she straightened back up.

"Ow. Careful."

"That's what you get." She kicked her legs happily against my shoulders, I decided not to push the issue and pressed on. By the time we arrived at the police station my leg was starting to ache pretty bad. I gently took Nari off my shoulders and held the door for her as she entered.

"Ah. Hello Mr. Straitham, you're early again." Officer Jenny greeted me as we walked in. "And hello to you Nari." Nari waved to her as she hopped into one of the chairs in the waiting room. "How are you two doing today? Enjoy the snow I hope?"

"I don't know about me, but Nari certainly is." Nari smiled happily and swung her feet back and forth in the air. Her toes just barely scraped the ground.

"Well that is wonderful, we never get snow around here. Anyway sorry, you can go in and see her." I thanked Officer Jenny and made my way into the counselor's office with Nari.

Counselor Rita was a nice enough woman. She always treated me and Nari with a modicum of respect and that went a long way in my book. She was a thin woman who always wore tall heels. She always had a pair of glasses on her desk, but I had never seen her use them. I didn't know her exact age, but I would hazard a guess somewhere in the early thirties range.

"Well hello you two." She greeted us as we entered, standing up from her desk as she did so. "How nice to see you again. I trust we've been behaving ourselves." She smiled at me and I smiled back. Nari took her seat and resumed swinging her legs and smiling, she was always on her best behavior during these sessions. I sat down next to her and looked at Rita across the desk. I had no idea what her last name was. She insisted from day one that I simply call her Rita.

"How are you today Rita?"

"Oh you know Alex, same old same old." She smiled politely at me and looked back down at her papers. "Alright so let's get right down to brass tacks shall we? Has Nari been behaving herself recently?"

"Of course. top notch behavior from her." I reached out my hand and scratched Nari behind her horns. She leaned her head into my hand and smiled warmly at me.

"You two seem to have become awfully close during this whole ordeal. Make friends fast do we Alex?" We both laughed politely and Rita turned her attention back to the paperwork. "Right, so no more outbursts?"

"No. None what so ever. In fact she's been well behaved for the last few months."

"Well, it seems these meetings are becoming more and more pointless aren't they?" I shrugged not answering either way. "I think I'm going to recommend that we move the meetings to once a month instead of every two weeks."

"Really? That'd be fantastic Rita, we'd both appreciate it."

"Of course Alex. Nari's behavior seems to have improved greatly while under your care. You're a very caring man." I peeked at Nari out of the corner of my eye to see that she had stoped swinging her feet and her smile was gone. "I will speak to the higher-ups and see what kind of strings I can pull. But...yes, I think that will be all for today. I suppose I will see you two in two weeks time. Or possibly a month, who knows."

"I suppose you will. Thanks a lot Rita." I got up to leave, but Nari didn't move. "Come on Nari it's time to go." I was confused at her behavior, but she quickly hopped down and followed me out of Rita's office. I smiled and waved at Officer Jenny as we left the police station. I picked Nari up and deposited her back on my shoulders. "What's gotten into you?"

"She was flirting with you."

"What? Rita?"

"You didn't notice?"

" exactly was she flirting with me?"

"You're clueless sometimes aren't you?" I shrugged and waited for her to explain to me. She sighed heavily before continuing. "She always smiles at you and compliments you."

"What can I say I'm pretty great." I meant it as a joke, but Nari didn't laugh. "Nari, compliments and smiles are far from flirting."

"I can read minds Alex."

"Right...forgot about that. Well what is she thinking." I waited for Nari to speak, but she didn't. "Nari?"

"She likes you. She thinks your attractive and nice. She wants to ask you to dinner." Her words were solemn. She was sad that someone else liked me. I knew she liked me, but I thought it was behind us now. That kiss was months ago.

"Well that sucks. I'd hate to have to tell her no and hurt her feelings." Nari didn't say anything after that, but I could tell she perked up. She sat up straight and after a bit her feet resumed swinging against my shoulders. I smiled to myself and kept walking towards the doctor's office. When we arrived the ache in my leg had grown stronger. I hope the doctor had some medicine for me. I sat Nari down and held the door open for her. We walked in and the nurse greeted us immediately.

"Hello you two. No need to wait there's no one else here."

"Sweet." We followed the nurse to the room and she immediately started asking questions.

"How's the leg?"

"Better, it still aches when I walk too far though."

"Your leg hurts? Why did you carry me then?" I heard Nari's voice in my head, but ignored her.

" walk here? Everytime?"

"Well...yeah I don't have a car or anything. Walking is the only option really."

"You shouldn't be walking so much on you're leg. It needs rest. You have to be careful or your going to have that limp for the rest of your life."

"Oh...well shit. Had I known that I probably wouldn't have walked so much."

"Yeah, but hopefully you haven't done any permanent damage. Only time will tell. say it hurts sometimes? Is that only when you walk?"

"Well...sometimes it hurts when I'm outside in the cold."

"Why do you sit outside with me!?" Nari's voice entered my head again, but I didn't answer her, keeping my attention focused on the nurse.

"Ah yes, that is to be expected. I'll get the doctor to write you a prescription for a light pain med and that should take care of that. I'll be right back." As soon as the nurse left the room Nari whirled in front of me and glared into my eyes. Her eyes were usually golden with flecks of red, but the red was starting to spread in her eyes. She was pretty angry.

"Nari calm down."

"Why did you carry me and sit out in the cold with me if it was causing you pain!?" I shrugged, I only had one answer.

"It made you happy." She froze. The red slowly receded from her eyes until they were mostly gold again.

"Oh...well...don't do that." She looked away and quickly sat back down, but I saw what could have been a blush. I was pretty sure Nari still liked me and I had no idea what to do about it. We sat there in silence until the nurse came back.

"Here is a prescription for a light dose pain medication. It should take care of the aches. You can get it filled today, just read the instructions on the pill bottle when you get it and follow them to the letter." The nurse walked me and Nari to the door of the doctor's office. "Have a nice day Mr. Straitham, you too Nari." Me and Nari waved as we walked outside.

"Ok...that means we have one more stop to make." I went to pick Nari up again, but Nari backed away.

"No. I'll walk." I nodded and we started off down the road towards the Mart.

I hadn't worked at the Mart since the incident in the town square. I only worked part time anyways and the manager didn't really need my help, so he was happy to give me a leave of absence. We walked in and I heard the familiar ding of the bell signal our arrival.

"Ah, Alex and Nari how are you two today?" I had been in the Mart quite a few times since the attack, buying groceries and what not. My boss had become quite fond of Nari, often giving her treats when she came with me shopping.

"Doing good boss how's business?"

"Same old same old. Nothing has changed much really. How's the leg?"

"Doing better." I handed him the prescription. "Need to get this filled please."

"No problem Alex it'll just take a minute." He went back behind the counter and started filling my prescription. Me and Nari wandered around the store and picked up a few things we needed. After a few minutes we went back to the counter and paid for the medicine and groceries. "Bye Alex. Bye Nari, see you guys next time." We waved goodbye and headed home.

Halfway home I could tell Nari was getting tired. She didn't want to admit it, but she started walking slower and slower. She fell behind too far and I stopped. She caught up with me and I picked her up and put her on my shoulders before she could argue.

"No. Alex, put me down." She struggled against the grip I had on her legs.

"No, I'm carrying you Nari." I started walking, making a point that it was useless for her to argue.

"I don't want to make your leg worse."

"Nari, you weigh next to nothing. It's not a big deal." She didn't answer, but she stopped struggling. I relaxed my grip on her legs, but kept my hands there. As we kept walking I started gently rubbing her fur to calm her down more. She leaned over, supporting herself on my head, but still said nothing.

It took me a bit longer to get home, the pain in my leg worsening as I went, but I made it. I opened the door and ducked as I went in to keep Nari from hitting her head.

"Nari, we're home." I got no response from her. I put down the groceries and slowly picked her off my shoulders seeing she was asleep. I smiled as I gently lowered her onto the couch. I popped two of the pain pills and started putting all the groceries away.

"Hey." I jumped as Nari's voice entered my mind. I turned around to see her small frame standing in the doorway to the living room.

"Holy shit Nari don't do that." She giggled at my reaction and walked into the kitchen.

"Sorry." She slipped past me and lifted herself onto the counter. She watched me intently as I put away all the groceries. After what seemed like a long time she spoke. "You carried me all the way home."

"Of course I did. I wasn't going to wake you up and make you walk...I didn't even know you were asleep until we got home."


"Anytime." I finished putting away all the groceries and made my way back into the living room. Nari hopped off the counter and followed closely behind me. We both sat down on the couch and I turned on the new TV.

"Hey Alex...can I ask you a question?"

"Of course you can Nari, anytime. What is it?"

"Where do you get all your money? You don't ever work anymore."

"Haha I figured you'd ask eventually. My parents own all the pokemon day cares and breeding centers in the region. It makes quite a bit of money. My Mom puts money into my account every month so I don't have to work. I'm not proud of it. I don't like living off my Mom, but it has helped me a lot. You might have noticed I'm kind of aimless. I don't really have any clue about what I want to do with my life. The money allows me to do what I want. I try not to talk about it though. People tend to judge me for it, although I can't really blame them."

"Oh...can I ask you another question?"

"Yes Nari, you can ask me anything."

"What's with all the decorations around town?"

"It's Christmas Nari." Her brow furrowed in confusion. " do you not know what Christmas is? Didn't you have a trainer? Even then you've lived by this town for a while haven't you?"

"Yeah but... he wasn't...very nice. I wasn't with him for very long." Touchy subject so I decided not to delve into it. "And I noticed all the decorations and stuff before, but I never had anyone to explain it to me."

"Alright well...Christmas is a time where...people are nice to each other and give each other gifts." Her eyes went wide in horror at my statement.

"But...I didn't get you anything!!"

"Hahahaha. Nari you don't have to get me anything. Its nice that you even think you have to."

"But...but...did you get me anything?" I was stuck. I didn't want Nari to know I had gotten her anything, but at the same time I didn't want to lie to her.

"Yes I did."

"I have to get you something! What should I get you?" I laughed at her enthusiasm.

"I don't know Nari. You don't have to get me anything." She seemed to think about this for a minute before responding.

"When is Christmas?"

"Three days from now." She nodded and started thinking hard about something.

"Ok, that'll be enough time."

"Enough time for what?"

"You'll see. It's a surprise remember?"

"Of course, silly me."

"Oh and...can I have some money?"

"What do you need money for?" She had never asked me for money before, I was curious.

"...Stuff." I laughed and took out my wallet. I handed her a wad of bills. "Thanks Alex!" She jumped up, gave me a hug and ran towards the front door.

"Hey, wait. Where are you going?"

"I gotta go to the store, duh."


"Wouldn't make sense for you to go would it?"

"I guess not...just be careful." She waved goodbye cheerily and raced out the door. I laughed at her enthusiasm and turned my attention back to the TV. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

Nari woke me back up on her return. She had two bags from the Mart in her hand.

"Sorry." She said as she zipped past me.

"Where are you going now?"

"I'm gonna use your room to make your that ok?" I wanted to say no, but I couldn't. Her happiness was adorable and infectious. Sitting there watching her bounce up and down with anticipation I just lifted my hand in the air.

"Alright go ahead, but don't touch any of my stuff." She was gone as soon as the word alright left my mouth. I shook my head and started watching TV again. I fell back asleep almost immediately.

I woke up the next day. I looked down at my lap to find Nari bundled up in a blanket and using my leg as a pillow. I gently put my hand on her head and started scratching behind her horns.

"Morning Alex."

"Your awake?" She had startled me when she spoke, she kept doing that.

"Yup couldn't sleep."

"Why not?"

"I'm excited for Christmas. Is it here yet?"

"I'm afraid not. Two more days."

"Dammit." I laughed at her anger at having to wait.

"I know I'm sorry. Now get up I need to shower." She lifted her head and I slid out from under her. I went to my room to grab a change of clothes and headed to the bathroom. When I walked into the hallway I was surprised to see Nari standing there waiting for me. "Nari, what are you doing?"

"You didn't see your present did you?" She looked worried, this present meant a lot to her.

"No, I didn't see anything."

"Good." She perked up and skipped back to the living room. I heard the TV click on. I shook my head at her and headed into the bathroom. I checked on the progress of my beard in the mirror. It was filling in nicely, I brushed my teeth and jumped into the shower.

After showering I headed into the kitchen to make me and Nari some breakfast. I cooked some toast and eggs, something simple, but good. I didn't fuck it up and when it was done I took Nari her plate. She was watching TV as per usual. After we ate I asked her if she wanted to go outside and play in the snow. She jumped off the couch and rushed out the door before I could even finish the question. I threw on my coat and boots and followed her out.

I arrived outside to find even more snow than the day before. I looked around and saw Nari playing with the kids a few yards away. I walked over to see what they were doing.

"What's up kids?"

"Hi Mr. Straitham, wanna have a snowball fight?"

"Hmm, I dunno is it teams or free for all?"


"Ok, but I call Nari on my team." There was a collective aww from the kids.

"Nari do you know how to play?"

"I do not."

"Alright so basically each team builds a snow wall, you then start throwing snowballs at each other."

"How do you win?"

"Oh....I dunno, no one really wins its just fun."

"Ok, let's go."

"Alright ready kids?" The all cheered happily and ran off a short distance away to build their snow wall. Me and Nari went to work building ours. After a few minutes everyone was ready. "On your mark...get set...GO!" At the word go everyone huddled over and started making snowballs like mad. I had shown Nari how to make one while building the wall, she caught on pretty quick. Soon snowballs were flying back and forth like mortars. After about ten minutes my jacket was soaked with melted snow. All of a sudden I felt a snowball hit me in the back of the head. I turned around to see Nari standing there with a wicked smile. "Nari, why'd you do that?"

"Sorry Alex, but they're much more adorable than you are." She winked at me as she lifted herself off the ground and flew over to the kid's side. A collective cheer rang through the yard from the children.

"Traitor!" I called after Nari. The kids starting hurling volleys of snowballs at me. "Alright, alright I surrender. You win." Another loud cheer from the kids. I walked over to their snow fort, brushing loose snow of me as I did. "Alright kids, go inside before I get in trouble with your parents."

"Okay, bye Mr. Straitham. Thanks for the snowball fight. Bye Nari thanks for helping us win." The kids all ran back inside their collective apartments, I watched them go, chuckling to myself. I turned to the traitor who was still smiling wickedly.

"Now what am I supposed to do with a traitor such as you?" She just kept smiling at me and soon starting laughing. "What's so funny Nari?"

"That, Alex, is how you win a snowball fight." I started laughing with her and we made our way back inside. I stomped the snow off my boots, and held the door open for Nari. We collapsed on the couch and watched TV for the rest of the night. Eventually falling asleep.

The next day was pretty uneventful. I got up, showered, made breakfast for myself and Nari again. We went outside and had another snowball fight. It was a free for all this time, but everyone eventually ganged up on me anyway and I had to surrender again. Tomorrow was the day Nari was excited for, I could tell. She could barely contain it. We fell asleep on the couch again.

Nari woke me up Christmas morning by jumping up and down on my stomach.

"Alex, wake up!! Its Christmas!" I coughed as she knocked the wind out of me. She stopped jumping and slid off me standing on the ground looking up. "Come on Alex! Its present time!!" She was practically leaping with anticipation.

"Alright, alright. Calm down." I sat up and stretched, yawning as I did so. "I don't suppose I get a shower first?"

"No, you need to see your first present." She was standing by the door now, bouncing up and down with anticipation.


"Yes, first. Now come on!" I threw on my snow wear and followed Nari outside. She led me to the back of my building. No one went back here really. There was a big open yard, but all the kids played in the front yard area. I saw something standing in the middle of the yard, but from this distance I couldn't tell what it was. Nari was running ahead of me, I followed her tiny footprints in the snow wondering what she had in store for me. We stopped in the middle of the yard and faced Nari's creation. Standing there a few feet from me was a snowman. That was me. A smaller one stood next to me, that was Nari. She had recreated us in snowman form.

"Nari...where did you learn to do this?"

"I saw it on you like it?" She seemed worried that I wouldn't.

"Of course I do its...its amazing." I circled the snowmen marveling at the details she had put into them. My snowman even had a scar on the right side of his face. "When did you even do this?"

"This morning while you were sleeping. I had to wait until you fell asleep so I could sneak away to do it."

"Nari this is...the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you." I lifted Nari up and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her to my body. "Come on, lets go inside. You can have your present now." I cradled Nari in my arms as I carried her inside. I stomped off the snow and shut the door behind us as we entered. I set Nari down on the couch.

"Wait here." I went to my room and opened up my locked desk drawer using the key on the top shelf of my closet. I took out the long, slender black box that sat in it. I returned to the living room with it behind my back. "Its not anything big but...I think you'll like it." I could see her eyes swell up in excitement. I handed her the box from behind my back and watched as she ripped it open.

"Oh, Alex." She pulled out the necklace I had bought her. It had a thin gold chain and at the end of it was a ruby surrounded by a circle of emeralds. I could see tears welling in Nari's eyes as she held it out to me. I took it from her and undid the clasp. Looping it around her neck I closed the clasp and stepped back to admire it. The chain was long enough to fall to the direct middle of her chest. There it rested. "Alex..." She didn't say anything else instead throwing herself into me and hugging me ferociously.

"Ow alright, no need to squeeze so hard. Geez your strong." She finally let go and stepped back, holding the jewel in her hand, admiring it.

"I'm sorry my present isn't as nice as the one you got me." I laughed at her.

"Nari, I love your present. And I'm sure I'll love part two as well." She beamed at that and ran off down the hallway. I heard the linen closet door open and she rummaged around. She eventually returned, grasping something in her hands. She handed it to me without a word and hopped onto the couch, watching me intently. It was a book. She had made me a book. I opened it up to realize it was a book telling the story of us. It started with her attacking me and it told everything that had happened in between. She had drawn the story of our friendship and given it to me as a present. I flipped through the book as tears silently fell from my eyes to dot the pages. The last page was a drawing of me, sitting on the couch reading the book. I closed it and stared at the cover.

" you like it?" I turned to look at her with tears rolling down my face. "Alex why are you crying? Are you sad? I didn't make you sad did I? She stood up on the couch and walked over to me. I stopped her once she was right in front of me.

"I'm not sad Nari, I'm happy. Possibly happier than I have ever been in my life. This...this is the greatest thing anyone has ever given to me." She beamed at this, staring up at me eyes.

"I'm glad you like it." I continued to stare into her eyes, not saying a word. I realized that there was one more present I could give to Nari for her first Christmas. I leaned down and pressed my mouth against hers, kissing her deeply. I eventually pulled back and look down at her shocked face. I smiled.

"Merry Christmas Nari."

That's right a happy chapter. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. As always feel free to comment and leave feedback.

An Unexpected Adventure Ch. 6: Alex's Mind

Welcome to the next Chapter. I hope you enjoy it. I tried something new. * * * I waited for Nari to react, but she just kept staring at me in shock. I smiled at her, waiting for the surprise to die down. "Why...why'd you do that?" She...

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The Android and the Chamber

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An Unexpected Adventure Ch. 4.5: Meet the New Guy

Enjoy the different. Enjoy it! * * * I walked down the hallway, trying to keep up with the already tall lady wearing too tall heels. "We're glad to have you at Giovanni Incorporated Mr. Sanders." "Incorporated? I thought it was the...

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