Not Another Rapefic

Story by Sharpfang on SoFurry

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A rape fic that leaves a warm fuzzy feeling? A story that manages to subvert that terrible act into something quite positive, making both the perpetrator and the victim likable? A believably positive outcome? Why not?

A "My Little Pony" fanfic, where Princess Celestia gets drugged, bound and raped.

Cover image by WilkolakNerevar. Proofreading by Unimpressive Vagaries.

Iron Night

I crumpled the hanky, dropping it in the waste basket. I zipped up and sighed, closing the webpage as I fought a queasy feeling, anger rising. No, wait. Ctrl-shift-T, and the loathsome page popped back from the browser's history. There. Thumb down for the fic to which I just came. Fucking rapefics. I tell myself over and again not to clop to them and then I clop to them anyway. Yes, they turn me on like hell. I come buckets. So what, they evoke so much hate and disgust in me that I'm trembling with rage and self-loathing whenever I finish reading one. I hate the abuse, I loathe what happens to these poor mares, yet still it turns me on like nothing else. And then, if I succumb to arousal, I feel like shit once I finish. Shitty loathsome stories shitting up my already poor self-esteem playing on some instincts I can't quite control. That red thumb is my point of self-hate shared with the author, whom I hate for coming up with that crap.

Still not sleepy. One in the morning and not feeling sleepy in the least. Six hours of rest if I manage to sleep now. Except I won't.

Well, let's check what's on /mlp/.

I loaded the page.

Prominently, on the first position, before the janitors could take it off, there was a sexy picture of Celestia in bondage. A wide belt around her chest and wings, her hooves tied with short straps to rings in that belt, her tail pulled over her back under the belt, a bridle with a ring gag attached to the same belt with reins, holding her neck arched so far back that her head was upside down, tip of her horn poking her rump. Some sort of golden ring on her horn suggesting her magic was blocked. Very simple background, just plain, featureless walls of some kind of room with her in the middle.

The picture was hot, exceptionally good quality too.

There was green text next to the picture.

>>See this

>>What do

There were five replies there already:



"Clop furiously, come onto wings."

"GTFO shitposter"

"Rape mouth"

My trollish temptation fought with my kind love for the poor ruler of Equestria as I typed and erased my reply two times before I settled on "Rape tenderly". Captcha, Submit. F5, there, my reply followed by another: "Fuck her ass till she bleeds."

I left the tab open and switched to Derpibooru, hoping to find the image with source there. It was good; surely the author would have more, and if it was on /mlp/ surely it would be on Derpibooru, likely added hours ago.

Login, "Celestia, bondage" in search box, and... nothing. Three pages back and the image wasn't there. Two more likely places: e621, and Rule34, and still nothing. Maybe the furry ones? Furaffinity, Inkbunny, SoFurry, still nothing. Either it was an old one from an artist I overlooked, or someone posted original content on /mlp/. Oh well.

I went back to the thread. Still up, janitors asleep. About 30 replies, some of them really disturbed me. Generally, most would use the opportunity and abuse the princess.

Finally, fatigue began catching up with me. 1:37. High time to sleep. I opened the image and saved it to my porn folder, then closed the lid of the netbook, went to empty my bladder and brush my teeth, then back to bed, light off, and close my eyes.

Sleep came surprisingly fast.

* * *

The first thing I saw was Celestia, bound just like in the picture. She was in the middle of a featureless room with a nondescript, bright light source in the ceiling. And there was some fat guy with trousers down to his knees, straddling her back and stuffing his small cock through her ring gag, holding her head so that she couldn't struggle away.

I felt cold sweat of anger.

This was on the other side of a venetian mirror splitting the room in half.

My dim, unlit half of the room was occupied by thirty or so other men barely outlined by the little light filtering through the mirror. Some of them were clothed, some just in boxers, some wore MLP-themed T-shirts. I thought a few were naked. Most of them watched the scene through the glass, some were masturbating.

The even sheet of the mirror glass was disturbed by a rectangular outline of a door, allowing entry to the other side. There was some door in the side of the brightly lit room too.

I watched the eerie scene: Celestia coughed at a more violent thrust.

"Hey, a new one!" - some guy turned to me. "What's your number, anon?"


"On your palm. We enter by number." he pointed at the door. "What did you declare?"

I looked on my palms. My left palm shone with a bright, yellowish, thick "3". I showed it to him.

"Oh, lucky! You're next. I'm number twenty; by my time she'll be drenched in cum and completely loose and numb. So, wait... 'Rape tenderly', is that you? Like, be gentle and make her enjoy?"

"Yes," I nodded, then frowned. "Why '3'? I think I was fifth or so."

"These who didn't declare they want to sex her up were omitted."

"Where are we?"

"No clue. Some villain's torture chamber. She appeared briefly when that began, looked a bit like Nightmare Moon except thick-boned, bulky, kinda Nightmare Big Mac. She told us about the numbers and about the portal back, it's right behind the side door, and she told us some more newcomers will appear and we're to inform them about the rules.


"Do what you declared in the thread. Don't remove any bonds. When you're finished enter the other door and you'll be brought back home," he pointed to the side door. "Disobey and suffer greatly. I could see #1 was pissed when he heard all he can do is jerk off on her wings."

I saw Celestia still struggling to remove the sweaty cock of her rapist from her mouth, as his movement sped up, and then stopped. I saw her working her tongue to eject his semen from her mouth, it dribbled onto her nose and from it onto her back.

The fat guy pulled his pants up, zipped up and groggily headed to the door in the side of the room.

"Your turn," one of the guys tapped my shoulder. "I'm right behind you," he gave me a leer. He was big, bulky, hulking brute, all muscle. He wore a way too small Rainbow Dash sleeveless shirt, and bahamas.

Gulping a bit and trying not to question facts, I pushed the mirror door open and entered the room with Celestia.

I walked up to her, and I knelt by her. She eyed me, with fear clearly visible in her eyes.

I ran my fingers along her slender neck, her trachea exposed under taut skin. Her white fur was plush and short, barely a fluff on her skin. She shuddered under my touch.

I bowed to her cheek to kiss it lightly, as she squirmed away from my mouth. I held her head with my both hands and placed my mouth by her cheek.

"I want to help you. Do you understand me? One blink no, two yes." I whispered with my mouth touching her skin.

Her pupils widened a little. After a second of thought, and she blinked twice.

"Can you escape if I remove that ring from your horn?"

A second of hesitation, she froze unmoving. Two blinks.

"Can I remove it before they stop us?"

One, two, three... Three blinks?

"You don't know?" I whispered, while covering her ear with my gentle kisses, holding it with my hand. She blinked two times.

I ran my hand along her back and to the base of her tail, I rubbed the end part of her spine right before the tail. She squirmed under my touch. "Squirm, my pretty, squirm, you can't escape my tender love," I said out loud.

I caught her horn with one hand, her mouth with another, and turned her head till I had the horn pointed at me. She struggled really hard and tried to jab me with it, but I held it firmly. She struggled some more, whimpering through her nose. Rubbing the horn with my cheek I bowed to kiss her forehead. "Calm down, I need to have a good look at it," I whispered. "If worse comes to worst I'll let you stab me dead, but now..." I tugged on one of the reins, the one that was taut with the horn pulled to the side, bending her neck even closer to her back, probably a bit painfully as she whimpered a bit. I loosened the rein a little and began kissing her long nose, sparing the ring on her horn a few glances.

It had wide internal threads, screwed onto the spiral of her horn. It was golden, with four red gems around and engraving of some runes. I reported my findings, while gently chewing on Celestia's ear.

She blinked twice.

"Can I remove it?"

Double blink.

"Just unscrew it and pull it off?"

Blink once... then another.

"It's not quite that simple?"


"Now I really want to kiss your mouth but that gag is in the way..." I said out loud, looking for a way to undo it.

"NO" boomed a deafening voice from somewhere.

Oh well. I reached to Celestia's cutie mark, massaging it with my hand. "Too bad. But you'd probably bite my tongue off anyway. Well then, let's get to promised rape."

Celestia's face tensed. She struggled in her bonds. I held her horn firmly, by the base, by the ring... and then I jerked my hand off.

The ring was burning hot!

"Owww," I hissed through my teeth and licked my palm, blowing at it. "You should have warned of it!" I shouted in nondescript direction. Ouch. That would blister for sure.

I pulled my shirt off and wrapped it on Celestia's horn, holding it firmly with my hand, trying to ignore the pain, increased by heat radiating from the ring through the cloth. I kissed Celestia's mouth, ignoring the fact it was dripping with juices of my predecessor. Well, I didn't feel much beyond saliva and iron of the ring gag...

"Can I remove it now?" I whispered, while brushing her chin with my other hand.

Her eyes opened again, and she gazed at me for a second, shocked.

Then she blinked twice.

Still holding the horn with my hurt hand I stepped over her, changing hands and turning her head to the other side... and getting a half-turn of the ring wrapped in my shirt under my palm. It was loose now, though still it wouldn't slip. I teased Celestia's flank, moving my hurt hand along it now towards her privates. She struggled and jerked her head rapidly. I let go of her horn as she tried to jab me with it.

This provided me with opportunity to replace my hand on her horn again and get another half-turn without arising more suspicions. "Naughty," I said. "You almost hurt me!"

Muffled shout came from behind the glass of the mirror I now faced. "Shorten her bridle!" sounded a jeering male voice.

"No," I pouted.

"Get to work!" I heard another shout.

I bowed to Celestia's cheek again and gave her another kiss. "Time's up," I whispered. "Don't move now, no matter what, then escape as soon as you can. Maybe name some street after me once this is over."

I removed the shirt from her horn, then using my both hands, burning them on the hot surface, I turned the ring another two rotations. Now it was completely loose, and ignoring the searing pain, I pulled it off Celestia's horn entirely.

The door in the side of the room burst open, and some dark fury in equine form erupted from it running at us. But before she reached me, in a flash of magic Celestia was gone.

The hulking black mare, built like a percheron, wide, angled nose, wide shoulders, glaring eyes of enraged pink and mane of billowing black smog stood over me, exhaling puffs of smoke from her nostrils. She had no horn nor wings but I still felt prickly magical power radiating from her.

Loud boos sounded from the room where other men were waiting. And despite that all, I couldn't help grinning.

"You will suffer greatly!" Her voice clanged with metallic overtones as if her insides were made of steel.

"Do your worst," I spoke, smiling. "Celestia is free, and all you have is some anonymous."

"Anonymous? Not for long! I will tear your secrets by force!"

"You don't understand the name. Anonymous is not a mysterious stranger. Anonymous is a gray little nothing. Point at any person on the street, little, meaningless people. Little, meaningless, anonymous people. That's anonymous. The queen has escaped and all you have is a pawn. You can torture me all you want. I mean nothing, and you have lost."

"I can still make you hurt," she clanged, the last word sounding like release of steam.

I felt prickly itching in my skin, it slowly rose in intensity into feeling of ants crawling like after your circulation returns, and that intensified into something that made me gasp in pain. I was about to start screaming, but then I recalled the moment of Celestia's surprise, when I told her to run, and instead of yelp, a laugh escaped my throat. I guffawed as the pain intensified and made my consciousness slip.

And then there was a thud.

Through the daze I saw Nightmare Moon, the real one, standing over me, facing away. She was shouting some orders, walking somewhere. Something massive was pinning my leg down, soft, hot and heavy like there was iron inside.

Glass shattered.

I passed out.

* * *

I was aching all over, though not too badly. My back was numb from the hard bedding on which I lay. I tried to assess my damages judging by my pain levels.

Not too bad.

The hands didn't hurt. There was a dull ache in the rest of my body, but acceptable.

I dared to open my eyes and focus my sight. Grey ceiling, a simple lantern, probably oil.

I tried to sit up, and after a wave of dizziness, looked around. Tiny room of bare rock walls, simple cot, heavy steel door, a wooden bucket. A shutter by the bottom of the door and a wooden tray of fruit on the floor by the shutter.

I peered at my hands. Instead of blisters there were lines of smooth, pink skin, my burns healed.

I picked the tray up and set it on the cot. There were some grapes, an orange, two apples and a small pile of cherries. I peeled the orange and began eating it. Tasty, sweet, exceptionally good. I savored it, nibbling piece by piece, pondering the events.

The ache and the taste were definitely notifying me it was not a dream. Still, as I looked at the tray, at the orange, the apples, they lacked detail, bearing simple texture. Cartoon fruits.

I tried to recall the room where Celestia was imprisoned, but... I never focused enough to notice whether its walls were toony or real. I never even questioned the looks of the Princess...

I tried a grape. Whatever it lacked in looks it more than made up in taste.

There, stuck in a jail of a cartoon world.

Why jail? Oh well, maybe I overstepped myself in acting my role of a rapist while freeing Princess Celestia. I still hoped for her mercy.

I heard someone pounding on the door - not my door, but some door nearby, yelling "Release me! I did nothing!"

There were other responses, other angry male voices.

Oh well. I sat on my cot, awaiting my fate, picking grapes from the tray and sucking each of them slowly, so that they would last for hours. They were delicious, I had to admit.

In another hour or two - it's hard to judge time with no reference of any kind - I finished my tray of fruit. The angry voices tired out and someone shouted to one that wouldn't cease to shut up and let them sleep. With nothing better to do I went to sleep too...

* * *

...And there we were together in a simple, bare room, thirty or so males, one door, no mirrors this time. There was that black mare on steroids, with smoke for her mane. Nobody dared to approach her, we formed a half-circle around her.

"Celestia's attempt was futile," she announced in her clanging voice. "I have re-captured her and I intend to finish what I started. You all have new numbers and no assignments. You will perform, or you will suffer. This time the ring is more than hot. Touch it and your hand will wither away."

The mare walked to the exit.

I looked at my palm. "27" glowed on it. I sat by the wall.

A man raised his palm showing "1" and headed out, following the mare.

I saw multiple glares on me.

"You fucking jerk," I heard an angry voice.

"Calm down, nothing's lost!" someone opposed.

"Fucking white knight," another shouted viciously.

I raised my eyebrows to that one. "Lol, I troll ya?" I gave him my best coolface.


"I'll set her free again even if I'm to lose both hands." I raised my palms.

"After twenty-seven times there won't be much left to save for you."

"Twenty-six. When he starts she'll be after twenty-six times," sounded somewhere from the back. After a second of silence, the voice added "Sorry, I have OCD."

"Guys, guys, shut up!" a thin, nerdish voice sounded. "We're trapped in some strange world defying physics of our universe, imprisoned by a villain from a bad rapefic, without knowledge of what will happen to us after we're done with Celestia nor what powers we serve, and all you worry about is how to dip your cock in Celestia's sweet ass."

"Shit, he's right."

"I'm dreaming, that's fairly obvious."

"So we're all in a dream?"

"Only I am."

"I'm not a fucking figment of your imagination!"

"Suuure, pal... Ouch, that hurt, asshole!" - I didn't even see what happened behind the wall of backs turned to me. "Alright, so you're not."

I sat there forgotten while the others argued, then the door opened and we heard "Next" in a booming, metallic, female voice.

The "number two" walked out.

"Do you think we're getting sent back home?"

"Personally?" the thin voice sounded again, "I think we're getting killed. Sending us back would be too costly energetically."

"But she brought us here, she can send us back."

"Do you send used up condoms back to the manufacturer?"

"I don't use condoms."

"Sure, your hand can't get pregnant."

I heard the jabs going on around, the problem of our situation recurring, no solutions suggested.

A guy sat by me.

"Respect, pal. I'd do the same thing back then. Too bad I value my hands a little more, some burns are all right, but to let them wither away... well, respect to you. I'll try to go easy on her."

"Thanks." I smirked sourly.

"Actually, probably I'd screw up by starting to remove her gag. Good thinking with that ring. Do you suppose any before us will try?"

"I hope so."

"How is she? You had your hands on her."

"Plush. Fluffy."

"Smells like vanilla?"

"No, pretty much scentless."

"Drat. There goes my headcanon." He chuckled.

Another one sat by us. "Guys, do you think if we bunch up on the worst ones we could take them down?"

"Not a chance... we're outnumbered ten to one. Have you seen that Rainbow Dash guy? He was really eager and I bet he could take down us three alone."

Unfortunately, our group grew only by one - and then diminished by one, as his number came. I felt that horrible, queasy feeling I get when reading a particularly nasty rapefic, and I hated the arousal I felt when I imagined what goes on in that room with Celestia. And I totally hated myself for feeling aroused.

The talks ended, we were sitting silently awaiting our numbers. Sometimes they came fast, sometimes they took time. At last only four were left, when my number came.

I followed through the door and down a dark corridor towards a distant, well-lit room, feeling sick in my stomach.

Celestia was there, covered in liquids, beaten, bruised, her eyes half-closed. She was tied like before, but now semen was oozing out of her exposed and gaping vagina, there was some blood on her anus. Her nose was bleeding, dripping blood onto her coat. She was totally numb.

I crouched by her and kissed her cheek gently.

"Do you still have any fight in you, princess?" I whispered.

I wasn't sure if she blinked twice, or if her eyelid just twitched.

"Do you want to try escape again? I'll try to set you free again."

This time her eyelids closed twice, visibly.

"I'm sorry I didn't come earlier. Here goes nothing..."

I reached for the ring. I stopped my hand, hesitated, afraid of some mind-numbing pain. The ring was different, the gems weren't red, but poisonously green.

What are my hands worth anyway?

I grabbed the ring quickly, hard, so that I could keep turning it even if my hand stops working.

The pain didn't come. Instead, I felt a pleasant warmth.

The bruises and the bonds on Celestia vanished without trace - but then so did Celestia, a second later. Then I felt myself losing my footing, jerked myself upright and sat on the cot, in the same cell as before, next to a tray with orange peels, grape stalks and apple cores.

I pondered what to do next for another ten minutes maybe.

I heard hooves approaching, female voices talking.

"Luna, did you have to be so graphic?"

"I was just realistic!"

"You probably traumatized his poor soul for life."

"Look, it was your idea."

"You didn't have to be this graphic! And besides, I asked you if you had any better ones."

"Not my fault you didn't remember how he looks like."

"Not my fault you mixed them all during the capture so I was unable to tell. Sorry, all humans look the same to me!"

"Sorry for saving him from Iron Night making all his veins burst, and for capturing her too. I'm sure I should have left that to you, you'd have that...mff!" I heard a squeak, "Tia!"

"I'm sorry Luna for ever complaining. You did great considering the circumstances, and I'm honestly ashamed I didn't remember his looks... well, here we are." The voice stopped by my door. Sounds of lock opening, and there, Princess Celestia stepped in, unhurt and in a good mood.

I was standing up already.

"Thank you for setting me free," Celestia said in a very royal, serious tone.

"I... I'm so happy you're well! I was so worried about you... may I... hug you?"

"Well..." Celestia visibly hesitated, "...considering the circumstances..."

"Wait... I don't want to force you, or to push. If you're not comfortable about this..."

"Look, this is nothing for me," she sent me a gentle smile. "I can do this much for my savior."

"But you don't like the idea."

Celestia screwed her mouth and turned her head to Luna, who was standing outside, but finding no help she turned back to me. "No offense, I value your virtue and I have absolutely nothing against you personally, but I'm finding your species... particularly unattractive. It's your hands, they creep me out a little. Actually, more than a little."

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" I recalled brushing Celestia's cheeks, flanks, neck with my hands "I'm really sorry. I did have to play the part, or they'd... suspect. I didn't mean to... creep you out, or... do anything you'd find repulsive."

"Oh, never mind. I understand. I don't find you repulsive. Just... Not my type on the outside. Actually... Put your hands behind your back, close your eyes and bend a little forward!"

I did as ordered... and then felt warm touch on my lips. My eyes shot open - and I found Celestia's mouth touching mine, in a light, sweet kiss. My mouth formed a huge smile.

She retreated and smiled gently. "There, better than a hug I hope. I actually found your kisses rather nice. It's just the hands... It's completely irrational, I know, but I can't help it." a small shudder ran down her back.

"It's a pity. Nothing I can do about it either. So... what happens now to me and the others?"

"You, along with most of others will be returned to your world as soon as we extract the secret of how you were brought here out of your captor."

"And the rest?"

"Well... they won't..." Celestia went silent for a moment. "Luna sometimes lets anger guide her actions. In her test-dream they did terrible things to my fake depiction. I'm sorry..."

"And I'm not!" Luna sounded from behind. "Sick bastards got what they deserved! I was exceptionally merciful leaving over two thirds alive! Even this one had... thoughts about you!"

"But I'd never act upon them. Not without Princess Celestia's consent."

"And don't you, Luna," Celestia turned to her sister, "have 'thoughts' at times?"

Luna was silent and hung her head.

"We all have our weaknesses. It's how we handle them that matters," I said. "Personally, I trust the judgment of Princess Luna. These temptations are within me... and if I ever let them out, I honestly hope someone stops me on time."

"Well," Celestia smiled to me. "Keep them at bay because you're stuck in Equestria for a time. I expect about a week. Of course you'll be free... along with three others Luna deemed 'safe enough', while the rest will remain in... separation. More reasonable conditions than this." she looked around my jail. "And if I ever learn your name, we'll have a street named after you." she winked.

"My name? Well, not worth commemorating. I'm just another random anon."

"Then it shall be Anon street!" She grinned.

Celestia retreated from the door, and turned to some pony out of my view in the corridor. "This one saved me, at great personal risk, and broke the hostage situation impasse with Iron Night. Treat him with utmost respect, bring him to guest quarters and provide him with every fancy he desires..." she sent me a little frown mixed with a small smirk, "...within reason." She turned to me. "Goodbye for now, and thank you once again." She turned back.

A serious guard appeared in the door. "Sir, please follow me."

I walked out, then a thought struck me. I ran after the two princesses going in opposite direction as where the guard headed.

"Princess Luna!" I called out.

They stopped. Luna turned to me, puzzled.

"Huge thanks for timely rescue. I really owe you."

"No, you don't. I owe you for saving my sister."

"Well, I still do owe you for the rescue."

"In that case... unlike my sister I don't feel squeamish about hands the least bit. Give me a good hug and we're even."

My grin couldn't have gotten any bigger.

Well, Celestia didn't smell like vanilla. Luna did smell like cinnamon though.

A True Friend

We enjoyed a walk through Canterlot, arousing a small sensation - me and Jim, the guy who "valued his hands too much" - one of the four of us that had plotted how to free Celestia, one of the four allowed to be free. He accepted the news of Luna's scent with shock and jealousy. "I'd totally love to hug Luna."

"You do realize she just killed roughly ten people?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Am I supposed to be sorry for them? Assholes. Good riddance."

"Anyway, don't try surprise hugs. May not be too smart."

"Advice taken."

We'd drop into various venues and purchase sweet delicacies or pretty trinkets - one of my "reasonable requests" had been some pocket money. We stopped at a theater, bought popcorn, participated in secondary roles of a spontaneous mass song-and-dance gig about some small filly who just gained her cutie mark at making beautiful things out of clouds, we took a train from Canterlot North to Canterlot South (whole 7 minutes!), we watched a Wonderbolts Derby event (from afar; sold out) and generally we enjoyed the day a lot. In the afternoon we headed back to the palace, tired but exhilarated.

While Jim went straight to his chamber, a guard informed me that Princess Celestia had requested my presence. I nodded, somewhat worried that they found the way to send me back already. Still, I was giddy to see her. Canterlot held many pretty mares (and even some stallions I wouldn't mind), but my heart was already with the Princess.

And there I was, in a neat, cozy room, not her own chamber, obviously, instead one reserved for less official audiences, furnished in luxury of moss greens, dim golds, and dark oak browns. It held a table set in assorted snacks for two, and Celestia, out of her regalia, wore wooden bracelets with tribal motifs instead, her mane in a thick, soft, colorful braid. She was lounging on a big, ornate couch, the golden oval backrest of rich decor around shamrock-colored padding framing her like an expensive painting.

She smiled to me gently but I could sense she was a little nervous.

"Princess," I bowed respectfully, "You requested to see me."

"I... didn't phrase it like that exactly. More along the lines, you're invited for a tea?"

"I'm honored."

"Please, take a seat, have a snack."

"Thanks." I sat in one of oversized, heavyweight armchairs, and picked a cupcake from the table. "May I know to what I owe this honor?"

"Please, let's not be so official. I..." she visibly hesitated, looking for words. "I heard you were out in the city. Did you enjoy the visit?" she asked, visibly escaping an uncomfortable topic.

"It's wonderful. I love Equestria. It's better than I ever imagined."

"I'm happy to hear that," she smiled. "Do you miss home?"

"Not at all. I understand my presence could introduce some... unwelcome disorder, so I will obey your will, but I wish I could stay in Equestria."

Celestia seemed to brighten a little. "Yes, a human would likely... have a hard time fitting in," she said, falling silent for a while.

I finished my cupcake, wiped my hands in a napkin, then took a sip of tea. Bitter. I added sugar, stirred. Celestia seemed to observe my hands, apparently perplexed. I took a sip of tea, now appreciating its taste, and placed the filigrain cup back. I rested my back in the armchair and cracked my fingers. The sound apparently tore Celestia out of whatever thoughts she was in. For a while we sat in silence, then I decided to break it.

"Could you tell me, just what kind of creature did I oppose?"

"Iron Night used to be a pony... an inventor. What she is now is more of a contraption than a pony. She holds a deep resent against me, as it was I who forbade her further research when she began working on subjects I deemed too dangerous. She kept working secretly until she became a monster of cogs and smoke, piece by piece replacing herself with mechanisms. Not even her mind is her own now, but she infused the clockwork brain with deep hatred against me."

"But why this way? She could have tortured you or something like that..."

"She claimed these who destroyed her dreams - dreams of fame and grandeur as brilliant inventor cherished by all - shall have their dreams destroyed. There was an explorer of far southern lands, she made him albino, so that even little sunlight gives him sunburns. She murdered the daughter of a cook and mixed her blood with sweets she fed to him. He lost ability to work on creating anything sweet, as the taste reminds him the tragedy. She takes our most cherished wishes and our worst phobias, serving a mix that will taint and spoil our desires, make them disgusting and loathsome to us."

"And you?"

"I'm... not comfortable talking about it."

"I'll respect that and won't push... but I guess you didn't invite me to tea just so that we might have a pleasant conversation?"

"That is true." Celestia nodded. "There is an issue I wish to discuss with you. A kind of offer I'd like to make."

"Please, tell."

"I must say I like your chivalrous demeanor and your character... very much. I'd... very much like... to be friends with you. Still, I can't help my inner fears; as I watched you preparing that tea, all your fingers working synchronously, I felt cold shiver on my back. I'm... scared of your form. As much as I try to convince myself that it shouldn't matter, it's some kind of irrational phobia."

"I guess there may be some organic reasons for that. Humans enslaving equines, making them serve and suffer... I bet this may reach deeper than mere phobia of appearance."

"Thank you for understanding." she paused for a sip from her cup. "Anyway... would you mind having your form changed to that of a pony, for duration of your stay?"

"Not at all! Can I be a unicorn?"

My enthusiasm visibly disturbed her composed stature. Did she expect opposition? She seemed so lost at my request that I wished to hug her, only reminding myself she'd find that horrifying. Phobias. Not fun.

"Umm, no." she stuttered a bit, "Well, yes and no. I can change your form, but not give you magic. Magicless unicorn, flightless pegasus. You won't have any cutie mark either."

"The wings might come in handy though, I guess. Instead of hands..."

Celestia frowned just a little bit but I caught it. "...but I guess Earth Pony would be a more genuine experience. Would I need to learn how to walk and pick things up with my mouth?"

"I can infuse you with a rudimentary set of skills if you prefer."

"Definitely. I wouldn't want to waste the little time I have here on learning how to walk."

"So, color? Features?"

"I'll defer to your judgment on that."

"No, it's your decision. Any special preferences?"

"Well, my preference is to look how you would want me to look."

Celestia sighed a little. "All right. olive coat, mint mane, average build. Is that satisfactory?"

"Absolutely." I took another sip of tea. Celestia was very good at hiding her feelings, but I still managed to notice the barest hint of disappointment and pondered its source. "Uh... what about heavier build? More muscle, thicker bones?"

"Not a problem," she smiled. "When would you like me to cast the spell?"

"No time like now."

Celestia's horn lit up, an an intense ray of light hit me. And there I was, staring at my hooves. Another ray of light hit me, and suddenly I knew how to use them. I shuffled the cup onto the upper surface of my hoof and took another sip, smiling. Then I put the cup down, licked my lips and trotted up to Celestia, who observed me, slightly unsure of my intentions.

I jumped onto her couch, stood over her, and wrapped her long braid around my hoof. I pulled her head to my mouth and kissed. For a second she struggled and resisted, then I felt her open her mouth and let my tongue in. Slowly, hesitantly, she replied to my kiss and I felt her tongue on mine for a few seconds, then suddenly I felt unseen force lift me up and move me away, removing the braid from my hoof. Celestia's magic set me on the floor firmly, and the princess herself glared at me, shocked and angry. "What was that supposed to be?"

"Your secret dream." I grinned. "Don't play an untouchable princess with me, Celestia. I can easily guess what kind of dream Iron Night tried to corrupt and destroy. Now, with my form changed, I can fulfil it."

She glared at me and gasped. "I am not some kind of animal to act on my primal urges like that."

"Neither am I, or you'd now be crying your eyes out with hard layer of cum caking in your coat. Do you think I don't see the purpose to your proposition, your attire, this informal setting? Or do you think I will think less of you if you don't play hard to get on me?"

"I did not try to seduce you. I wanted to get to know you better, to get you feel more relaxed and open up for me. I am truly sorry if you misread my intentions," she sounded hurt, sad and serious.

"Did I?" I smirked, "or are you in denial about your desires? One thing doesn't stand in conflict with the other. I am merely very honest both with you and with myself. You wanted me to open up, why don't you open up to me?"

"All right..." she lay her head on her hooves, resigned, tired. "What will you say to that? If I don't play tough to you, I will think less of myself."

I stood by her couch and lay my head on it, nose in nose with Celestia. "I never looked at it that way. Probably because I believe it would be very silly."

"It's easy for you, my little pony." she gave me a mild smile, extending her wing and putting it on my back. "The problem is, I'm an immortal princess, mighty, immaculate, and steady as a rock. Were I to show any weakness, Equestria would fall. Only by being this could I keep Equestria strong through all the hardships and disasters. This is not a facade or act, it's the truth, and to doubt this truth even for a moment would be a weakness I cannot afford. I can't play perfect, I must be perfect."

"It must be very tiring, never to be able to let your hair down..."

"I can't afford to be tired."

"And the only time when you can be imperfect is..."

"No such time."

"...when you are forced against your will. I guess you were never feeling more free than when you were tied up and powerless."

Celestia went silent for a while. Then she answered very slowly, weighing her every word.

"I... can not... admit such a thing."

I smirked and returned to my armchair, picking up a bowl of cookies on my way. I sat down, flipping a one into my mouth, while Celestia lay silent, gazing at me, deep in thought.

We kind of conversed without words. Her eyelids heavy with the fatigue of centuries.

Me, rude, munching on the cookie, crunching it with my teeth loudly, smirking.

Her eyes radiating kindness, friendly. Just friendly, nothing more?

My smirk bordering on a leer. A small wink. Immaculate? I don't believe that.

Her indignant expression. Genuinely indignant? No, just no. I did not buy it.

My mock indignant expression. No, princess, I can see through the act.

A simply unamused, tired, true expression. Is that a shade of a blush?

My lip curling up. Yes, that was a blush.

Her trying to save the serious appearance, thwarted by the tint of her cheeks.

A sip of tea, leaning into the armchair, my eyes half-closed, assessing, judging, planning.

Her blush intensified, accompanied by a small prickle of fear.

Corner of my mouth curling up. My gaze devouring her wonderful body.

The fear combined with embarrassment under my shameless stare turning into panic.

My gaze softening a little - just a little. Yes, this will do fine...

Her budding panic and shame suddenly snuffed by a very cold calm. A glare of icicles, hostile, but still, filled with respect bordering on fear.

My completely honest smile, a small respectful nod. Without a single word the war had been declared, the challenge accepted.

She raised her head. "You are a dangerous person," she muttered.

"Oh no, I am not. You are steady as a rock. Whatever I can do cannot change you. Or are you this easily shaken? Is your resolve so weak that you'd need a preemptive strike? Is the mighty princess not mighty enough to resist the weak mortal?"

She chewed through my speech, thinking of it deeply, finally she nodded. "I presume you are currently plotting how to overpower me and rape me."

"And I guess you are quite moist from thinking about that."

"Am not!" she exclaimed in an entirely unprincessly panic, while her blush bloomed on her cheeks unchecked. She closed her eyes, and breathed deeply, apparently going through a rather hard mental exercise to force her body reaction to vanish. She lay on her couch and eyed me, distrustful, apparently spooked.

I finished my tea and approached Celestia again.

"Poor princess... You are not even allowed to be unhappy, are you?"

"I can be dissatisfied, though," she muttered darkly.

"What kind of pleasures can you afford?"

"Joys of other succeeding thanks to me. Pleasures of high culture, music and art. Excellent cuisine, and I allow myself an innocent weakness to sweets. I can afford close company of my sister, even innocent forms of physical intimacy."

"Closeness of a friend?"

"Are you my friend?"

"A friend doesn't always do what you want. A true friend does what you need."

"I don't need to be raped."

"Your voice lacks conviction."

"I'm merely convinced you can't succeed."

There was not nearly enough disgust, betrayal or outrage at the idea in her voice as well, but I kept that to myself. Instead, I gave her an honest, kind smile. "Look, if you really, really don't like the idea, tell me and I will obey."

Celestia fell silent for a long while, lost in thoughts. Finally, she raised her wing. "Hop in. Snuggling up with a friend is not something a princess would be ashamed of."

I used the opportunity and leaned into warmth of her body as she covered me with her wing, I nuzzled her side, and she rested her head on my neck.

"Why don't you smell like vanilla?" I asked in good humor.

"I... umm... I use a scent-masking spell. That scent is not exactly building respect in my subjects."

"Could you dispell it for a while?" I winked.

Her horn glowed and as I buried my nose in her coat, I felt the hint of sweetness. That wasn't vanilla. That was vanilla ice cream.

* * *

"You desired an audience?"

"That wasn't my wording, princess Luna. I thought more about an informal... meeting."

"Disappointed in my sister, seeking more venues for your libido?"

Luna was sitting in her minor audience chamber, on a throne of silver with midnight blue velvet padding, silver, blue, white, grey and black drapes forming a canopy around her. She didn't seem too happy about my presence.

"Not at all. I'd say the exact opposite."

"What do you mean? Did she not shun your advances?"

"Yes, I learned about her reasons."

"So you know she will never accept you as her mate. You surely heard her big theory on the necessity to remain the perfect princess." Luna rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I did."

"You may also have heard I do not share her viewpoint."

"No, I didn't, but that's entirely besides the point. Not to slight your beauty and virtues, I'm just not interested."

"So, not me, not her, what do you want to talk about?"

"I didn't say 'not her'."

"But..." Luna looked at me, puzzled.

"But your sister really desires some hot sex, no matter what she says or what she thinks."

"She will never agree to it."

"Who says anything about her agreeing to anything?"

"Are you trying to convince me to betray her trust...?"

"There's very little I'm not telling her. If she doesn't want me to do it, all she needs to do is to forbid it."

"Don't you realize?" Luna said with a little scorn, "She can't forbid it. Doing so would assert a weakness; it would mean she's afraid. She would let you proceed even if she secretly loathes the idea, all the way until it's too late. Even innuendos and body language are not sure signs. You don't realize how far her bonds reach. She fully believes the lie; it's her personal truth. She can fill all subliminal channels of communication with it. You can't be really sure unless you ask."

"But she can't tell!"

"Oh, but she can!" Luna sent me a knowing smile. "You just have to ask her in conditionals. 'If you were just a normal pony, not a princess, how would you feel about...?', 'Let's imagine being the perfect princess is just a pose...' She's a little reluctant to answer these, but assure her you're speaking only hypothetically, and you'll get your answers."

"So, hypothetically speaking, assuming she wants that, would you help?"

"I am not her. You don't need to _hypothetically_me. If she hates it and you still proceed, your suffering at hooves of Iron Night will be nothing compared to what I'll do to you. I'm going to trust you though, so there."

In a flash, a bunch of straps with clamps and rings materialized in midair in front of me. I recognized the same "harness" Celestia was bound with when I first saw her. Next to it, four more items materialized: a vial of some liquid, a ring similar to what I unscrewed from Celestia's horn, a small red ball and a simple black belt with a buckle.

"The ring is unprotected, you can touch it safely. The sedative, five drops will give you an hour to put everything in place and secure tightly; be diligent, she will use any opening, any loose buckle, to escape. Put the collar on her neck and it will magically muffle her to whispers, so she won't summon guards on you. Screw the horn protector on top of her horn if you decide to let her head loose, so that she won't be able to stab you. Remember to lock the door. Once you're finished, sedate her again and summon me, and I'll make sure she won't try to enact rightful punishment once she's released."


"Rightful, and unavoidable, for your obvious, egregious crime. Autrefois convict, Double Jeopardy. You can't be convicted for the same crime twice, so if I punish you for your deed, she won't be able to punish you a second time. Do six hours of kitchen duty sound like a good price?"

"Perfectly acceptable. You are mercy incarnate, Princess!" I winked.

Luna's horn glowed once more and the items vanished, replaced by a big box in a gift wrap. "There. Good luck," she said, with a mischievous grin.

I ran up to her and hugged her. "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Everything for my sister." she winked. "May I know how you intend to approach it?"

The Perfect Date

"I must say I'm completely charmed." Celestia raised her napkin to her mouth and dabbed her lips. "You are an excellent cook, and a charmer. It's been centuries since I've been asked for a date, and this one has been absolutely wonderful."

This time she wore her hair in a fancy bun, and her golden bracelets and necklace bore floral motifs of colorful gems.

I looked over the table where leftovers from various dishes were left. I was a decent cook, and no stranger to vegetarian cuisine, no ideals or beliefs, I simply found deep-fried soy steaks thickly crumbed in cereal very much to my taste, liked fancy salads and just loved stir-fried veggies. It seemed Celestia shared my fancies, because she had to excuse herself from desserts (which I knew she liked) simply because she stuffed herself on main courses, momentarily forgetting how much a princess is supposed to eat. Now she lay on a couch in my chamber, with a blissful expression on her mouth.

"Now these are moments when I truly regret I'm a princess," she muttered. "There's just one thing this date is lacking, alas, it can't happen."

"On a first date?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes, in case of such a wonderful date, yes."

"Another glass of wine?" I smiled. You can't imagine how hard it's to find any alcohol in Equestria. I spent four hours cruising Canterlot and only managed to obtain a flask from a luxurious restaurant that served import foods. It cost as much as a small house too, but luckily the chamberlain still deemed my wish "within reason", especially considering it was primarily for the princess.

"If you hope to get me drunk, you're trying in vain." She giggled. "Equines have exceptionally strong heads. These five glasses so far made me barely slightly tipsy. But yes, the wine is excellent, so I'll gladly have another."

One-two-three-four-five. There, five drops from the vial in her glass. I served her the glass on a silver tray. I raised mine. "To all the things we want but can't get, may we get them eventually." I raised the toast. Celestia nodded and took a sip. Then another. We chatted idly and in no time she was smiling silly over the empty glass, nearly dozing off.

"Enough for me. This wine must be exceptionally strong," she muttered. "I think I'll be going now... Thank you aga-" she covered her mouth fighting a yawn "-again."

"Oh, please stay. If you're too tired you can obviously stay here."

"My room is-" she fought another yawn, "just around the corner. I can get that far. I can't stay overnight in a stranger's room."

"First, I'm no stranger, and then this is your own palace, you can sleep anywhere in it you wish. The only violation of etiquette would be if I didn't welcome your presence in my designated room, but I wish it very much."

"Great... Then... just a little... nap." Celestia's head fell to the couch.

There. I ran to the desk, checked the last tick on my "Awesome Date" checklist and pulled the other checklist out.

Lock doors. Done, check.

Horn ring. Check.

Horn protector. Check.

Choker collar. Check.

Chest belt. Note not to break wing feathers. Check.

Hoof bands: buckle, attach. Check and check.

Time: twenty-three minutes; three behind schedule, within allowance.

Attach mane to chest belt. Check.

Attach tail to chest belt. Check.

Pull chest belt more snugly. Check.

Tighten horn ring. Check.

Double-check all buckles. Check.

Time: thirty-five minutes; twenty-five minutes left. On time.

Recheck doors and windows. I fixed some loose curtain so that no pegasus flying by could peer in. Check.

Use bathroom if needed. Needed. Check.

Test bonds yet again. Check.

Tighten choker collar if needed. Not needed. Check.

Time: forty-seven minutes. Three minutes ahead of schedule and without even touching the ten-minute reserve.

Use outstanding time reserve to have a good look.

I put the last tick in the checkbox and put the checklist back in my desk. The other half of it would come sometime later; for now I planned to be totally spontaneous.

Oh, yes. I lay my chin on the couch and gazed at the little pink pucker and the slim teardrop-shaped slit dreamily. There was a small drop of clear liquid at the bottom, glistening in the candlelight, and the edges were slightly moist too. Oh, my naughty princess, unable to withhold your fantasies.

I gave her slit a very gentle lick, taking the taste in.

Vanilla. Yes, sweet vanilla syrup. I think I blushed.

Celestia stirred a little. I rounded the couch, climbing on it and put my mouth to hers.

I felt her tongue moving a little, playing with mine, we kissed gently for a moment, then suddenly her eyes shot open and she stared at me in shock.

"What are you doing?!" she whispered.

"Something you really need."

"Release me! At once!"

I stood up and trotted to the box, picking up the gag.

"If you have any wishes as to what you want me to do with you, other than to release you, shake your head like that," I showed her, shaking my head rapidly. "For now, you are mine. You may ask and I may consider your requests. You may not give me orders. Understood?"

Celestia glared at me, while I stuffed the ring gag in her mouth (helping myself to her tongue, in a kiss which she resisted). Buckling the straps was a little difficult with her struggling but I had a lot of time.

I nibbled on her ear a little as she squirmed, yelping as much as her gagged mouth and choker allowed.

"Look, nobody's coming to help you. Luna promised me that if I harm you, I will regret I was ever born, but otherwise she won't intervene. The guards will not hear you. Nobody will come, we are together for better or for worse, and it's up to us to decide whether it will be better or worse. You can struggle and resist or you can give up and enjoy."

She whistled pathetically through her nose. I felt sympathy.

"I know, my pretty princess, that you can't just give up. But you could still enjoy. It is your body's reaction and you can't do anything about it so if it forces you to feel pleasure, just accept it." I smiled and kissed her cheek. She didn't fight this time, just looked at me sadly.

"Celestia," I whispered to her ear. "You are a wonderful mare who deserves more than sweet cakes and respect of your subjects. You deserve to be loved, for real, and propriety be damned, you may disagree but this time I'm not taking 'no' for an answer. Understood?"

Celestia nodded a little, then shook her head rapidly.

"Oh, got some wise words for me?" I asked, undoing her gag. "I'm going to release your mane too if you promise you won't try to knock me out with your head or something like that."

She nodded as much as her bonds allowed.

I undid the knot binding her mane.

"I... I..." she spoke, then turned her head away. "Oh, forget it." She blushed a lot, trying to hide her head in her own shadow. "No, I really..." she sobbed a bit. "Can I tell it to your ear?"

"No tricks, promise?"

"I promise." She was really no longer the graceful ruler but a very, very embarrassed filly.

I leaned to her. She put her mouth to my ear.

"I... I really..." she whispered "I must use the bathroom."

I couldn't help but peck her cheek which was now burning red. There, a wide, flat crystal salad bowl, long emptied during our dinner. I picked it from the table and placed it against her rump. "There."

"But... but I..."

"You can either use the bowl or wet the couch. I can turn around if you want."

"Please do." she squeaked quietly.

I turned my head away and heard the splash. It lasted maybe a minute, and when the sound ceased, I went to pick the bowl full of golden liquid. I caught a peek of her labia winking, a droplet falling into the cloth of the couch. Oh well, I expected the couch to need much more thorough cleaning quite soon.

I carried the bowl away, balancing on my hind hooves and holding it on my front ones. Big filly, lots of it. She must have held it for quite a while. I was a little relieved that its smell was all natural, nothing like vanilla.

I set the bowl behind my bathroom door, and went back to Celestia. I stuck my nose under her tail, and licked. She squealed, trying to tuck her tail down and move her ass away from my face. "What are you doing? I just... I just... umm..." she went quiet and lay her head down.

I gave her a long lick, then retreated my mouth and pushed her onto her side. I squeezed my face between her hind legs, reaching for her nipples, while my hoof rested on her labia and massaged her gently.

"Any special wishes?" I muttered.

"Let me go."

"And have you regret the lost opportunity forever? No way my sweetie. I can see how your body reacts to it. You deserve more than praise and respect. You deserve freedom, and for that I need to tear through that princess shell to get to the pony underneath."

"You... You can't! Equestria needs me!"

"You, or Luna, or Twilight... You're no longer alone..." I muttered, stuffing my mouth between her nipples. "You don't have to be the perfect princess all the time. Tonight Luna takes care of the court and she made sure that nothing would require your personal attention. You can be selfish for once and enjoy."

"I can't... I exist for Equestria." she whimpered a little.

"Then Equestria will need to learn to share!" I emerged from between her legs and dove back under her tail.

There, my tongue got the outside moist and parted her labia, poking for her clitoris. The acorn-sized globe sat on the bottom snugly and my tongue worked in circles around it, my lips sucked on it and pulled it in my mouth. I sucked on it like on a lollipop for a while and soon I heard Celestia's breath speeding up.

"Please..." she whimpered "Stop! Before it's too late!"

I'd reply that it's too late already, with her body responding way beyond what a pristine, immaculate princess is allowed to do, but my mouth was far too busy. Her labia throbbed hard around my tongue, the rapid spasms pushed the clit right into my mouth and I'd use every opportunity to suck harder, give it a small nip or wrap it in my tongue and pull. In another minute she was squirming and gasping hard.

"Please! Stop! I'm going to... I'm going to..."

The throbs got more frequent and harder, her labia winking at me every two or three licks now. She lay quiet and resigned now. I wasn't sure if she still fought the arousal or just reveled in it. I could see her top approaching quickly.

I let go and just breathed on her pussy now.

She groaned a sigh that mixed disappointment and relief in equal proportions.

I climbed onto the couch, and lay next to her. One thigh between her legs, my stifle rubbing her sex gently, my groin rested against her nipples. She turned her head away, defying me, as I tried to find her mouth with mine - she could put quite a distance between us with her swan neck.

I rubbed my maleness against her belly, feeling it harden. My thigh still rubbed her sex to keep her aroused.

"You were very generous giving me this form," I said. "I wouldn't be myself if I didn't check. I'm definitely above average. Tell me that was an accident."

"I knew what you liked. I thought you'd find a nice mare..."

"Did you really think this low of me? That I'd throw the mare I love away and chase any risen tail to get my rocks off? That I'd betray you and find a substitute?" I wrapped a tuft of Celestia's mane around my hoof and pulled her head close. "Why do you think I risked my life? Why did I forfeit it, only saved by Luna, by a lucky fluke of fate?" I held her head firmly, forcing her to look at me.

"You are hurting me," Celestia whimpered.

"Likewise," I replied, releasing her mane. There were tears in her eyes. "You know I love you, you tease me, you give me hints, give me hope, and then you shield yourself with that lie, deny every feeling you displayed so far. Did you intend to break my heart as reward?"

She looked at me with fear. "I'm sorry! I... I didn't! And it's not a lie!"

I felt my maleness stiff against her chest. I retreated a bit, sitting up, letting her get a good view. She turned away shyly as soon as she caught a glimpse. I grabbed her mane again and pulled her head to look at my cock. It was truly impressive, with thick veins, flared smooth head, clearly visible ring in the middle, glistening black and dribbling precum. It reached well past my forelegs as I was sitting and I wouldn't even need to bend my neck far to lick the tip.

"Look, Celestia. This is the size of your lie. This is your subliminal wish.This is the pristine princess saying 'average build'."

She opened her mouth and her eyes in horror, staring at my huge black rod. "Why is it so big?" she whispered.

"Do you want to take it in your mouth?"

"No, please!" She looked in my eyes with fear.

"Not so mighty and powerful anymore!" I pulled her head towards the glistening head.

"I... I made mistakes!" she protested, resisting. I released her neck.

"You let your desires rule your judgment. You consciously allowed me to overpower you and place you in this position.You knew my plans and you did everything so that I could succeed. Why the denial then, Celestia?"

Tears streamed down her face. She bowed her head to my maleness, took the tip in her lips and closed her mouth around it. She bobbed her head, crying.

I pushed her head away, I pushed her on her back and tackled her to the couch. I held her head in front of my mouth, weighing her down with my chest.

"You started sucking it only after you fought all temptation, only once you got rid of all desire for it. Why?"

" a slut..." she choked out.

"And healthy, consensual sex would make you one?"

She stared at me.

I dove in for a kiss. I held her mouth with mine, finding her tongue. I felt her fighting a battle, half of her wanting to return that kiss, half of her wanting to reject me. I lightened my grip. I made the kiss less violent, lighter, softer and I felt the half that fought me losing. Celestia's tongue replied and played with mine, her tense muscles loosened, I could still see her crying but these were different tears.

And then she suddenly tensed, she opened her eyes, glaring at me, and I barely retreated my tongue when her teeth closed with a loud "chomp".

"Unhand me, ruffian!" she hissed with hate. "I am the princess of the day! You shall not corrupt me!"

"Who are you, and where is Celestia?" I growled.

"I am the true Celestia, you fool! Release me or you will suffer like no one suffered before you!"

Suddenly the puzzle became clear.

"My sweet, loving Celestia," I smiled. "I know you can hear me. Thank you for arming me well for the battle against Princess Tight Asshole, but I still need your help. I've already beaten her excuses, her pride, her calm, and her confidence. Now, once I destroy her reluctance towards sex, there will be nothing left of her lie, nothing left to hold her in, and you will be free. I'm going to fuck her out of you but I need you to help me. You must enjoy it!"

"You scoundrel! You rapist! You monster!" the mare under me raged, but I saw what I wanted: a small spark of mirth in her eyes.

She fought in earnest, trying to roll over and bat me with her horn (luckily the rubber ball made it entirely harmless), she struggled, tugged at the straps and writhed like a snake in her bonds, kicking as far as the straps would give.

All in vain.

I positioned myself behind her back, resting my tip against her labia - her dripping wet, swollen and ready labia, I noticed - and I pushed.

I felt her moist sex parting for me without a shade of resistance. She still struggled, but that only added to the sensation, her writhing body squirming on my rod, sliding around it, turning and teasing. Slowly, gently I slid all the way in, feeling the body all too ready, all too willing. moving, turning, squeezing. I was sitting, hilted in the wonderfully soft pussy and enjoyed the best caress of my life.

"Don't stop, keep going, it's wonderful." I muttered, and apparently she understood what she was inadvertently doing, as she suddenly froze.

"Oh well, then. My turn." I drew all the way back, and hilted my rod again.

She lay like a dead log, her head turned to a side, defiant.

I pulled back and pushed once more, then I lay on her and moved my head to her ear and began whispering.

"So you enjoyed my soy steaks? Just wait till I make spicy mushroom pasties. They are to die for, I swear."

I saw what I wanted: a tiny smirk in the corner of her lips. I kissed these lips lightly, then deftly avoided the snap of teeth, snarling mouth trying to bite my face.

"Nu-nu-nu, that's very, very unprincessly." I shook my head, then resumed thrusting my hips, light motion, smoothness. She screwed her mouth and glared at me, unmoving. Almost.

A long shudder ran through her body, from head to legs. I felt her insides tremble, her body arch, pulling me deeper in. She gasped hard a few times, then bent her body lusciously, giving me a look that said more than a thousand raunchy words. Then her expression hardened again. She said just one word: "No." Then I saw another miracle of her body flexibility, reaching with her teeth to the buckle of the belt around her chest. She emitted such a snarl in the process I was sure I'd get bitten badly if I let any of my body parts within reach of her teeth.

Oh, what wouldn't I do for the one I love!

I brought my forelegs down, fetlocks first, right against her mouth. She bit into one of my legs, and I used it to drive her head away from the strap, dragging her by her teeth biting through my skin. I pushed down on her throat with my other leg, and she let go, trying to assault it too. She batted my nose with the rubber ball on top of her horn, she snapped her teeth unable to reach me, and I felt the painful bite on my foreleg bleeding. I tried to hold her neck down, but the way she was squirming, she would soon get my legs in range of her teeth again.

I jumped back off her, out of reach of her teeth, then rapidly grabbed her hind legs and turned her over onto her belly. I mounted her back and bit into her neck, holding it firmly with my teeth, not letting her mouth anywhere close to my limbs or any straps.

A bit of poking against her rump and under sixth or so jab her nether lips yielded, letting me inside. I thrust all the way back in.

"Please, it hurts!" she whimpered.

I'd reply, but I had my mouth too full of her neck. Instead, I began fucking her hard, moving my hips in rapid thrusts. I reached with one front hoof under her belly and found her labia, I massaged her clit.

"Please, let me go!" she pleaded. "It hurts-" "-so good!" the last words sounded differently, trembling with emotion.

She shook, she shuddered and writhed again, the wonderful warmth giving me more pleasure than ever. I steadied myself on the bucking back, and to my surprise, found the movement of her back regular, meeting my groin, thrusting against me rapidly.

"No!" I heard a gasp, through her breath speeding up, "No, you fool! You'll doom us! Stop!" and then "Yes! A little bit more!"

I didn't need to be told twice. Thrusts of my hips met hers, slapping loudly against her back, my hoof found her clit, rubbing it in quick circles, and my teeth pulled on her neck giving me more leverage.

My shaft felt inflating, getting harder than ever before, thicker, filling her tight tunnel firmly; my thrusts fought against waves of resistance, her insides clamping down on me, I heard her rapid, loud breath, my own breath ruffling her mane, the overwhelming pleasure making my inner muscles suddenly loosen up, and then I heard Celestia screaming in two voices at once, "Yesss! and Noooo!"

I felt her vagina tighten and grip me, milk me, and that was the last bit I needed to be brought over the top too. Buried to the hilt, I felt practically stuck in the suddenly very tight pussy, as my cum shot through my length, wonderful tingling as wave after wave, push after push I was filling the throbbing depths that were sucking every last drop from me.

I lay, gasping, filled with bliss, on Celestia's back. Somehow she felt smaller. I let go of her neck, and she rolled over, throwing me off, the chains and buckles rang. She embraced me with both her front and hind hooves, and for a while I felt a small wave of panic realizing they were free from the cuffs, but then I also realized she really was significantly smaller, and her mane was a solid fluffy puff of pink hair.

She kissed my mouth, a long, sweet, tender kiss. We were kissing for a long while, with my maleness already soft, still buried deep inside.

"Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you for saving me twice."

"The pleasure is all mine." I grinned.

"Such a pity I will have to enact rightful punishment on you for imprisoning and raping me..." she turned her head.

Uh... how do I get to Luna? Now that Celestia is not bound? Maybe I'll be able to overpower her now. The ring is still in place! But how could I? I'd surely hurt her! My thoughts raced in panic.

Celestia observed my face for a moment solemnly, then failed to withhold her solemn expression. She raised her hoof to her mouth and snorted with laughter. "Joking! I was just joking!" She pulled me close and kissed me, laughing.

Okay, my turn. "I'll get your sister to turn me back into human and then I'll tickle you all over! With my fingers!"

"What?!" she shouted, terrified, then seeing my expression, she burst with laughter. "Got me! Good one!"

"What have I done? Equestria is doomed with the prankster in place of its immaculate princess!"

Celestia leaned down to me. "Not true," she whispered, the cocky demeanor replaced with something more soft and gentle. "Shortly after Nightmare Moon took Luna, I found out what happened. Luna yielded her body and mind to Nightmare Moon, a demonic entity, incarnation of jealousy. After her banishment the country was sinking in chaos, and I was unable to cope with it, my grief and shame paralyzing me. Still, Equestria needed me, needed a strong ruler. I discovered how Luna found Nightmare Moon, and I struck a pact myself - yielding to a spirit of Perseverance

"Her name was Constance, and she promised to keep me going even through worst of hardships, and keep Equestria from changing too much, so that the world isn't completely strange to Luna when she returns. She was to yield upon Luna's return. A thousand years in control of me and the country.

"She upheld her promise... for a time. Equestria stagnated terribly. Then Luna returned, and time came to let go of the past, to let the country advance. Except Constance refused to set me free, she remained in control of my body and mind. Only rarely could I get my words, feelings and intentions to surface... and nopony even knew I was possessed. Unlike Nightmare Moon, Constance paid a close attention never to reveal herself and she'd get rid of anypony who suspected, ruthlessly!"

I leaned to Celestia and kissed her cheek. "So, what happens now?"

"I'll let Equestria flourish!" she grinned. "We won!"

"I'm so happy we won! The way I saved you was totally a delight too."

"Oh, yes!" She squirmed. "I loved it too! Look... would you mind... staying? In Equestria, with me?"

"I wanted to beg you for the same thing!"

We kissed again, happy.

Finally my soft cock plopped out of her and she sat up staring at the waterfall that followed. "Oh my! You were surely saving up for me!" she exclaimed with exhilarated grin. Then she gasped, staring at my leg. "You're hurt! Did I do it?"

I looked at the forgotten bitemark. The bite was still bleeding a little bit.

"It's nothing. Besides, Constance did it, not you."

"Can you help me remove that ring?" Celestia tried to unscrew the ring off her horn with her hooves. "I'll heal you at once!"

I helped her and soon the ring floated up to the horn tip. Even before Celestia realized she needed to unscrew the red ball of horn protector too to remove it, she suddenly turned into her big, mighty form with pastel mane. She glared at me. "Your suffering will have no end!"

I reached to her horn quickly and pulled the ring down to its base with my both hooves, then reattached it with two quick turns, snuffing the magic and turning Celestia back into her smaller, pink-maned form.

She giggled. "You should have seen your face!"

"So you want to convince me it was just a prank, evil Constance?"

"But it was!" Celestia shouted, a little panicked as I was busy tightening the straps around her hooves, her too shocked to fight.

"I can not risk being wrong on this. Maybe I did not sex you hard enough. I must make sure she's gone thoroughly this time. Ready or not, prank or not, here comes round two."

Her reply was a squeal of joy.