Stress Leave

Story by Kirek on SoFurry

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#1 of Quick Kinks

"You all done for the day, Celia?"

"Yeah, finally. I didn't think I'd get out of here any time soon; those quizzes always mean extra work. And some of them decided to act up and put a tack on my chair!"

"Well...sometimes they can be a little hard to control. But what do you expect, they're ten years old."

Celia was a dragoness of thirty years of age as well as unsurpassed beauty. Her golden scales shone like a sunset dancing across the surface of the ocean, her hair was whiter than the purest of freshly fallen snow, her gorgeous blue eyes sparkled like sapphires with the unmistakable light of intelligence, and her body and tail were lithe and curvaceous...with breasts and rump to match.

"Well I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to get home. I need a break...thank god it's Friday." She said in exasperation.

The tiger she'd been conversing with nodded his head in acceptance and bid her farewell.

The dragoness sighed to herself; she loved her teaching job...but sometimes things just didn't go her way. This was one of those days.

However, she took solace in the fact that it was the weekend. She also wanted to get home to her husband, David; the most wonderful human in the world in her eyes. She loved him with every fiber of her being, and if anyone could help her relieve the stress of a hectic workweek, it was him.

After the long commute home that she took every, day her car finally pulled into the driveway of their quaint little house. She didn't see his car, and was perplexed as to where he might be.

The dragoness opened the front door and immediately saw a note hanging on the refrigerator.

'Celia, I'm playing golf with some friends of mine.

I'll be back around 5:00.

Wait for me, I am eager to be graced by your golden-scaled goddess.'

Despite how long they'd been together he could still make her heart flutter with just simple words, even if he wasn't actually there to speak them. He was a charmer, that was for sure, and she smiled to herself as she thought how lucky she was to have someone like him.

But she was tired from her day as well as the contents of it, so she decided to take a little nap while she awaited his return. She walked into the living room and flopped onto the couch...soon falling prey to her fatigue and falling into a gentle slumber.

Celia stirred slightly in her sleep as she felt something caressing her cheek. She rolled over on reflex and groaned softly. But she soon felt something like a hand running through her hair.

The dragoness rolled back over and slowly opened her eyes, and was pleased to see her beloved David stroking her white tresses.

"Hello, sweetheart.....tough day at work?" he said with a warm smile.

"Tough WEEK at work." She responded, leaning up and licking his cheek.

"Aww, you poor thing. I think you deserve a little break." Said the grinning human as he climbed up on the couch with her and began to rub he shoulders in slow, sensual circles.

"Ohhhhh that's nice." Celia sighed with contentment.

David pulled and kneaded at her taught muscles, feeling them beginning to loosen.

The dragoness started to purr as her tension began to slowly dissolve, not just because of the wonderful massage, but also because it was her life-mate heaping this affection on her.

"My're so good at this." She breathed, her whole body yielding to his gentle but firm touch.

"Nothing's too good for you, my love." He said affectionately.

"Mmmmm...c'mere." She murred as she pulled him on top of her and pressed her muzzle against his lips.

David responded by meshing his tongue with hers as he felt her arms encircle his back.

"I love you. You know that right?" Celia cooed as she nuzzled him.

" mean the world to me." Replied the human lovingly. "And now we have the whole weekend to ourselves to do aaaaaanything we want." He said suggestively twining her hair around his fingers.

"Well, you certainly did a number on my motor skills with that fantastic massage; I'm not sure I can walk from how relaxed my muscles are."

"Well I think I have another solution." David spoke in a husky voice as he suddenly lifted her off the couch and proceeded to carry her down the hallway.

Her arms wrapped themselves around his neck for support and her tail around his waist for affection as she peppered his throat with little kisses.

"I don't know about you, but after walking 18 holes I'm very sweaty." He commented as they reached their bathroom.

"Mmmmmm...I think it's sexy." She murmured as her tongue ran up the side of his neck, tasting the slight saltiness of the light coat of sweat on his skin.

The two of them began relieving one another of their clothes. David was muscular, but not overly so. He still worked out to keep himself healthy and his virile frame more than indicated his success. His hair was short and black, but he always took good care of it. He also had a slight moustache as well as a short beard on his chin. And, as Celia knew first-hand by now, he was rather well endowed.

As the dragoness was freed of her bra and panties, he could only smile as his hungry eyes roamed her flawless body. Her elegant muzzle smirked at him as he took in the gentle slope of her beautiful c-cup breasts and the gradual curve of her womanly hips down to her long, smooth tail. They'd been married long enough to know most of each other's physical mannerisms, and David smiled inwardly as he noticed its tip twitching back and forth; an early sign of her growing arousal.

As they stepped into the shower together David turned on the water, grabbed a bar of soap and made to begin washing her.

"Not so fast. You're clearly more in need of this than I am." She admonished him as she grabbed the bar from his hands and began to soap up his chest.

"If you insist." He said with resignation and let his wife clean him. Despite his attempts to suppress it, the feeling of her clawed hands rubbing against his naked skin made his erection begin to grow.

Celia noticed it and giggled, reaching down and wrapping one of her soapy hands around his semi-flaccid shaft.

She slowly began to stroke him, and it wasn't long before he was fully aroused.

He let out a long, shuddering breath as she gently pawed him off. His own hands traveled to her breasts and kneading them in an attempt to return to her the soft, warm pleasure her hand was bringing him.

The dragoness purred as his hands caressed her breasts, the dark nipples hardening against his palms.

"So...anything interesting happen at work today?" asked David, coherent speech almost eluding him as her hand continued to work up and down his member.

"Well, they turned in their quizzes today. Mmmmmmost of them did well...but a few of them......murrrr...still need work." Celia stuttered slightly, his hands making her voice waver slightly as his fingers tweaked her nipples. "B-but one of them put a tack on my chair..."

"Who in their right mind would dare defile a rump as beautiful as yours?" queried the human.

"You mean besides you?" she responded in an equally playful tone, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

He didn't answer. He turned her around leaned down and kissed her on her left, and then right buttock.

"Oh...that's new." She said with a giggle but jumped slightly as she felt his tongue suddenly slide along the moist lips of her vagina. He flicked the tip against her clit, which had already started to bud from their light foreplay. David gently turned her around, lifted one of her legs, braced it against the wall and continued to eat her out.

"Ohhhh David." She moaned softly as her head leaned back, her tongue hanging out of her mouth slightly as she began to pant.

He moaned himself deep in his throat, the vibrations sending shivers up her spine and causing her to inadvertently push her hips into his gentle licks.

The human's oral treatment continued for ten long minutes, the dragoness moaning constantly. As she grew closer to release she began to gently thrust her hips against his tongue, eyes shut tight with the intensity of the delicious sensations her beloved husband was bestowing upon her.

The final straw came as he suddenly inserted two fingers into her dripping sex and ran them over a rough patch of skin on the upper wall of her quivering tunnel.

She squealed as she came, her juices flowing out of her and were eagerly lapped up by David.

"Oh...oh damn. That was too GOOD!" gasped the dragoness, still spasming slightly with the after-effects of her orgasm.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, sweetheart. You taste so good, I can't help but enjoy you every chance I get."

"And now it's your turn." Celia purred as she pulled him up to her level and into a deep kiss.

When they separated several seconds later she knelt down and gave a lick to the head of his cock.

"You k-know really d-don't have t-mmmph." He began to object but was silenced as Celia put the tip of her tail to his lips.

"You always say that, and what do I always tell you?" she queried with another lick of his shaft for punctuation. He nibbled at her tail teasingly before lightly kissing the tip.

" I have to? Can't I moan?" he asked in near desperation. She always told him to be quiet, but given the circumstances...that wasn't something he thought he could accomplish.

"Well...if you absolutely HAVE to make noise...." Said the dragoness in a sly voice just before she took all of him into her warm muzzle.

David released a deep, primal groan as well as several beads of pre. Celia murred at the taste. Just as it had with her, the vibrations resonating through her muzzle made his pleasure take an unexpected jump.

As his wife proceeded to suck him off, he managed to grab a bottle of shampoo from the shelf and lather it in his hands. As she began to run her tongue around his cock in her mouth, he started to run his sudsy hands through her hair. He massaged her scalp and worked his fingers into the fine scales there, making her purr.

When he was convinced he'd done a sufficient job, he took the shower wand and began to rinse her off. Her hair took on a brilliant sheen as the suds were washed away, making her look even more stunning than she already was.

Even though Celia was an anthro she still retained some traits from her ancestors. There was one in particular that she'd learned to use in a slightly different way than nature had intended. While she was perfectly capable of breathing a stream of white-hot flame that could melt boulders, the dragoness simply used this ability to heat up the inside of her muzzle, making David arch his back and convulsively thrust his hips forwards as he gasped hoarsely.

"J-Jesus, honey. You k-know what that....does to me!" he groaned as she stared up at him coquettishly, beginning to bob her head along his length slowly.

He tried to hold it back, but the sensation of her long tongue undulating against his member coupled with the increased heat soon proved too much.

He yelled her name as he came in her mouth, thick spurts of his creamy essence squirted against her tongue. Her eyes closed and her throat muscles contracted as she eagerly gulped down all he had to give her. She pulled back slightly until just the head was in her muzzle as she jerked him of rapidly with one hand and squeezed his testicles with the other.

As the flow began to taper off, David started to come back to reality.

"Wow. I'm telling you....right now; that will.......never get old." Panted the human in between ragged breath.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, sweetheart. You taste so good, I can't help but enjoy you every chance I get." She replied wile barely suppressing a snicker.

" where have I heard that before?" he asked as if mystified.

She finally broke out in laughter and stood up. They kissed briefly before the dragoness spoke.

"This has been wonderful. But I don't think I'm quiiiiiiiite fully relaxed yet."

"Oh really? And what might your humble servant be able to do that could ease your tension further?" he asked with a little bow.

She rolled her eyes but laughed at his mockery. She stepped up to him and twiddled her fingers in his facial hair. "I can think of a few things..." she said with a smirk as she rubbed her body against him slowly.

Her smooth scales rubbing against his body as well as his crotch soon had him at full mast again.

Celia took his member in her hand and gently slid him inside her. Their post-climax sensitivity made them both cry out softly as she hilted him inside her warm heat.

David immediately leaned forwards, took one of her nipples in his mouth and began nursing her.

The dragoness had her hands roaming through his hair in an instant. Besides her sex, her chest was her biggest engorgeous zone; and she absolutely loved it whenever he suckled her breasts or toyed with her nipples. It always stoked her arousal and set her body afire.

David pulled out until just the head of his cock remained inside her before slowly pushing back in. The cycle repeated itself as the human and dragoness struck up a gentle rhythm. Her tail snaked its way around and encircled his waist, pulling him against her.

By this point he had stopped suckling her and they were now engaged in a deep, soul-searing kiss. Her hands still cradled the back of his head as their eyes closed while they shared one another's bodies.

But soon her hands strayed from his head and made their way to his posterior. Her claws lightly dug into his flesh as she began pulling him harder against her with each faster thrust he made.

"Oh, Celia. I love you so much." Said the human amidst his moans and gasps of pleasure.

"And I you, my beloved husband." Reciprocated the dragoness in a loving voice as she began to move her hips against his in her increasing desire.

Before either of them could stop themselves, they were thrusting against each other with all their might as their love-fueled lust took control. He nuzzled his face in her neck as he panted and thrust himself into her repeatedly.

One of her arms held his head against her as her own leaned back with her tongue hanging out as she was ravished.

David thrust himself as deep as he could as the unbearable tension building in his loins grew too intense and finally released itself in torrents into the core of his love.

"CELIA!!!" he cried as his seed flowed into her, each delicious spurt making him groan and convulse in bliss.

The sensation of his hot semen splashing against her insides finally succeeded I triggering her own orgasm.

"YES...DAVID!!!" she screamed in rapture as her treasure convulsed in waves around his member and her juices squirted out of her and coated his thighs.

The lovers clutched each other close and shuddered as their orgasms rippled through them. By the time it was finished, both dragoness and human were breathing very hard, but extremely content.

"Hah..hah...oh yes." Sighed the human as he held himself inside her, enjoying the feeling of her silky tunnel enveloping him.

"So.....anything else relaxing you want to do?" asked Celia.

"Well, I think first we should dry off. Then we can head to the bedroom and 'unwind' a bit more." Replied David as he kissed her on the cheek.

Celia smiled to herself.

It was going to be a fun weekend...

New Horizons

"Wake up, honey..." Kirek stirred slightly before rolling over and continuing to snore softly. "Come on...its time to get up." "Mmmmmmm.....five more minutes, love." He said groggily. "But its Christmas morning." Came the soft voice...

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"Awwww, come on! You said as soon as you outran that wanted level I could have my turn! You'd better not die on me..." "Hang on a minute. Let me just land on this roof. You'll be able to snipe people from up here." Kirek maneuvered the...

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Meeting the Folks...

\*pitter patter pitter patter\* A summer storm had been steadily deluging the coastline for close to ninety minutes. All the surfers and pedestrians had since vacated the area around the point in favor of drier conditions. However, through...

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