Life the Universe Everything and a Wedding

Story by solarix on SoFurry

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#2 of Life, love, and the Universe in General

This is the Second part of my story, got a little longer then I thought and part three will really add to this even more. I hope everyone enjoys it I am really coming into my own with my writing

I was seated at my desk staring at one of the worst things that can be imagined. The latest rejected version of one of my ingenious designs. One of the companies that came to the design firm I work for had brought a challenge to us, design a new label for our soda, make it a snappy and flashy design but try to utilize our older design. I had sent several designs in so far, two of which included a design for the old logo as a ghost type image that was the background for the new logo, they had nixed the ghost effect but loved the new logo, they just didn't like the ways I choose to display it. I laid back and then bent over the chair letting my ears flop up and let out an exasperated sigh.

"What's wrong hun" asked Zach my arctic rabbit boyfriend.

It's nothing really... well more like nothing that couldn't be solved with a little controlled violence

"Another visionary, challenged by their own skills huh?"

'yeah and this one is a bit of a pistol' I sighed, he wants it one way then he wants it another way then another way, then he likes it but only part of it and then finally I get it done the way I think he will like it, and surprise, surprise it isn't good enough.

"why don't you take a break" he asked "go get the mail, watch some TV, take a nap, read a book"

'heh' I said as I stood up from my chair and came to stand behind him, I gently began rubbing his shoulders with my forepaws, 'I think there is some another kind of fun I would prefer to have' I murred gently as I rubbed his shoulders causing him to churl and murr as well.

"ahhh, that feels reallllly good hun" Zach moaned "and sweety I would really like nothing more than the fun you want but I have to rewrite some code for work"

'aww, okay I can understand that, after all I have been beating my head against a rock all day' I sighed, as I continued the soft rubbing motions down his back until I gently pinched his cute bunny butt, 'but later on' I growled and murred gently 'this cute little ass is mine' and I squeezed his rump again for affect causing him to churl.

"ohhhhhhhh" he moaned as he flopped forward more onto his desk "you can be so evil at times, you know"

'yes but that is why you love me' as I rubbed lower on his back and slide both paws down into his pants and underwear to rub his bottom better 'well that and for my pretty looks, but I better go and let you work' I said as I pulled my paws free and headed for the door.

'Spoil sport, you get me all worked up and leave me with a case of blue balls, not fair in the least'

"Just gives you more incentive to work quickly and get done faster"

'Already on the move babe' he grunted and I heard keyboard keys clattering in a mad dash as I headed out of the room

"Just be careful and don't make any mistakes" I warned "I want to be able to have fun with you later" I swung myself out the door and down the all of our spacious apartment, my first stop was the bathroom to answer natures call, which I had ignored for the past hour or so while I worked on my project for work. Then I took Zach's advice and headed down to get our mail.

We are lucky in the fact that we have such nice apartment in downtown Starfall. It is in the pricier range but even though we are both fresh out of college we make pretty good money considering we are borderline entry level, still we are pretty lucky. We live on a corner of the building 12 stories from the main floor, incredible views and at least some relative privacy so we can enjoy our mornings. Our building has pretty nice décor in the common areas as well as what comes in our apartments, nice subdued earth tones, on the walls with framed nature scenes hanging on the walls, chocolate brown carpets, and the standard wall accent lighting.

I made my way down the corridor heading towards the center of the building where the elevator that connects to the lobby and the underground carport is. Along the way I noticed some of the decorations my neighbors had put up for the fall, Mrs. Simmons in 12-D had a lovely wreath made of autumn leaves on her door, the Westons in 12-C had a flat board wooden pumpkin hanging on theirs, and on the door of sweet little old Mrs. Dreson, (who is good to have coffee or tea with on Sundays) was a friendly stuffed scarecrow. Of course no one was in I had been lucky enough that after I had my meeting I rushed home to work and have lunch, our neighbors wouldn't be home till about five, even Mrs. Dreson,(who ironically had been my kindergarten teacher) would be at school late, though I always check since she is 76 and has been slowing up a little bit lately.

I love the elevators in our building, most buildings they are just simple cars flat stainless steel and unadorned, but in our building they are burnished brass like in ritzy old hotels. The thing I love about them the most is that the back and side wall panels have pictures of the world etched into them, beautiful nature scenes and cityscapes and above them all is a vista of beautiful shooting stars. It was a relatively short ride down to the lobby, with a short stop on seven, where one our neighbors a Jaguar got on board, for a bit I made awkward small talk with him, (I had never really gotten to know him or his wife all I really knew was that they had two kids because they came round on Halloween) and shortly after that we arrived in the main lobby of our building.

The lobby of our building is just a larger reflection of the halls upstairs, there are some comfortable chairs for people to sit in while they wait for people, and there is are two alcoves on either side that hold the mail boxes, I headed for the one on my left and opened the little box that said 12-H, not much fun stuff, bills, a couple of magazines, a postcard for Zach from his parents, and a letter for me from my twin brother Polaris. I decided to wait to open it when I got back up to the apartment, though I must say it had raised my curiosity. Especially since it was one of those heavier cream colored envelopes with gold foil trim. If it was what I expected it meant that my brother was finally getting married to his fiancée of two years Alexis. I repeated the journey back upstairs and back in, for comic effect I called out 'Zachy I'm home'

"I'm not done with my work just yet, but you did get a phone call from your mother while you were out"

'what did she want'

"She wanted to know if you had gotten the mail and to call her after you read it"

'Well then I will get right on that, I already have a pretty good idea of what she wants me to read' I said as I crossed our living room to the door to the kitchen, walking in there I made my way over to the kitchen table and set the mail down except for the letter from Polaris.

Instead of opening it right away I took it with me over to the fridge to get a snack, I had already decided on having some carrots and some pomegranate juice, after retrieving these two things I asked Zach if he would like anything, his response was carrots and carrot juice please. So I snagged a bottle of the orange stuff for him and made my way back to the office.

"thanks hun, I really needed it, and are some of those for me?"

'Yes you greedy little thing you, here' I said as I sat in my chair rolled over to be close to his desk and pushed the bowl of carrots towards him, I snagged a couple and tossed them in my mouth savoring both the crunch and the flavor of the carrot juice as I opened the invitation/letter.

It was just what I expected, it was the basic Mr. Polaris Twinstar and Ms. Alexis Glenning cordially invite you to attend their joyous union. Followed by the usual little list of things such as when it was what colors the wedding would be the time of the wedding, basically all the happy gibberish that new couples wanted you to know. There was another piece of paper in the envelope as well and it was small piece of paper with my brothers number on it saying call me, or mom right away. I grabbed the handset and decided to call mom first, 'wonder what this could be I muttered'

"Well she could want the recipe for your chicken pot pie, she could want you to host Christmas this year, or it could be that you have something coming up that you have to do for the wedding"

'Darn bunny ears, ever since I started dating you I haven't been able to have a moment to myself' I joked.

"Yes but you love me I am your little cuddle bunny after all"

'Yes' I conceded 'I do love you and I love those ears' I said as I gently nuzzled him and licked the end of his nose 'right up to the time I want privacy in the bathroom' I giggled

"Hey! That wasn't my fault, I was sleepy had to pee and let's be fair you weren't being as noisy. When do I get to live that down?" he grumbled as he nuzzled back and snuggled into my neck fur.

'Right after it happens to you, hang on' at that moment the phone picked up and my mother came on the line.

"Hey sweetie how are you doing?" She asked

'Pretty good mom, how's dad, how are other things?'

"he's good, and everything else is fine, but I know what you really want sweetie."

'he he he, yes I figured and I can guess along the lines Polaris wants me to do something for his wedding, so what is it design a cake for Alexis, help decorate the church, help him pick out the ring, plan his bachelor party?' I asked her, while I winked at Zach and grabbed another carrot, Zach at this point had been listening in(and with those ears who could stop him) but was typing quickly on his project, as I finished my question he entered something and began to do a little happy dance. I began chuckling.

"What's so funny"

'Oh just something that Zach is doing'

"I'm not interrupting anything am I honey"

'No mom he was just finishing up some code work and when he got done he did this cute little dance' as I said that Zach grabbed two more carrots and looked at me with a little reproach.

"Well then good for him but back to your question, you would have to plan the bachelor party if you accept, the cake has already been decided on, and decorating is being handled by your cousin Stacy" she chuckled

'Okay I'll bite what does he want me to do?' I asked by this point there were no carrots in the bowl and Zach was nuzzling up against me.

"He wants you to be the best man sweety, he understands that this is short notice, but even with it being a week away he wants you to stand beside him and hand him the rings"

I was shocked, my brother was my exact twin except in fur color, and we had grown up thicker than thieves, the most major difference between us had been that I was gay and he was straight, but he never let that be a difference that mattered to him. Even when I had discovered it in high school and been picked on he had gone out of his way to defend me to all of his friends. We had both gone to the same college but had been placed in different rooms, so a small void had grown between us but it touched me that he wanted me to stand next to him on the day he was married.

'S-sure thing mom do you want to tell him I said yes or should I call him up?'

"oh I'll tell him hon, he and Alexis are really busy right now but you should know how much this means to him, we'll be in touch, love you see you next week definitely for the rehearsal dinner"

'Sure thing mom love you my best to dad bye'

"Bye sweety"

I clicked the phone off and sat back just a little bit stunned, I hadn't expected this; I figured that my brother would select one of his really close friends to be his best man. It wasn't that we did have a bad relationship, it's just I hadn't really talked with him regularly in so long I thought he would surely have picked someone else. I was muttering all of this to Zach who made sympathetic noises as he kissed my neck fur nuzzled my nose and even told me that my brother obviously did all of this because he cared, wanted me to stand next with him to signify the last bond we would share together and some other gibberish (I really wasn't listening or paying attention). At least until I felt a weight on my muzzle and smelled the strong musky scent of Zach's pre, that snapped me out of it and I pulled Zach's underwear off my muzzle and nose, I perked up my ears and heard the thumping of bunny feet running down the hall. I couldn't help myself I gave Zach's underwear another quick sniff and realized just how much my little massage session earlier had tortured him.

I chuckled and looked around the room Zach had had enough time to draw me a map on a note pad that lead to our bedroom. On the floor were the jeans and shirt he had worn that day as well as his socks and shoes, I tossed the underwear onto the pile and thought about taking the whole collection to the laundry room, but looking at the map and still smelling Zach's scent I decided that some things needed to be handled first. So I made my way to the bedroom leaving a trail of clothes in my wake. I made it down the other hallway and found the door to our bedroom closed and a piece of paper on it with and "X" printed on it. Chuckling I opened the door, instead of finding a naked bunny on the bed with a pink cock either standing at full mast or peeking out of a sheath, I found a pile of pillows, it looked like Zach had taken every pillow in the house. He had piled them all on the bed with another piece of paper with another "X" on it I could see he had left his ears out of the pile.

'Well I see that my treasure is all buried up' I got down on all fours and pretended that I was a feral pet comically sniffing and wagging my tail like crazy. Muffled giggles came from the pile on the bed which told me that he could see out. I hopped onto the bed and started sniffing again goofily 'whatever it is it smells really good and really sexy' there were more giggles, and they got louder as I began to paw off the pillows pushing them to the floor to reveal a wriggling wiggling bunny.

"oh he he he ha ha ha" he laughed especially since I had gone back to sniffing him as if he was something overly interesting starting from his cute nose going down, when I got to his groin I found he had put a piece of paper with a treasure chest drawn on it.

'Well I can see you put a lot of thought into this' I said as a sniffed and snuffled at the paper causing Zach to giggle and churl at the same time.

"W-well yes p-puppy after your little rubdown I worked twice as fast to get done, then when you were on the phone with your mom I finished my work and began drawing maps and stripping, you just weren't paying attention to me" he said as he groaned and shifted to lay on his back "now I've got something that needs taken care of and then maybe I will give some attention to yours"

With that I pushed away the paper to reveal his sheath, his pink bunny cock was peeking out and gently drooling out pre. I gave another gentle sniff and then began to lick it starting with the tip gently poking my tongue into the slit and then I began to go down slowly causing Zach to moan and churl. As I licked Zach's cock coaxing it gently out of his sheath, I gently fondled his balls, and while I was playing with is member and balls. Zach slowly reminded me how lucky rabbits feet can be as he gently fondled my orbs with his cute little footpaws, causing me to moan(I will admit to having a slight foot fetish if only because of how skilled Zach is with his feet), 'D-damn bunny, I thought I was supposed to cater to y-you today'.

"W-well sweety a relationship is supposed to be a two way street" he said as he fondled my balls gently and then began to play with my hardening shaft "Besides I am getting a little bored with being catered too, so unless you are going to do something more in depth I may want to play with your little friend"

I thought about this for a few seconds before wetting a couple of my fingers and then I began to loosen up Zach's tailhole. Zach was enjoying this greatly, most of what he said was incomprehensible gibberish, after making sure I had sufficiently loosened the hole, I rubbed my shaft with my paw for a second before reaching over to a drawer on the nightstand and pulling out a small bottle of lube. I made sure to put a generous coating on my member before I slowly began to insert the tip.

'ready bunny?'

"Gah, mah, suh, pah, y-y-yes p-p-please"

Chuckling I gently slipped my member in all the way to the hilt, Zach moaned and gasped and churrled, his shaft was dripping pre like a faucet. I bent myself down gently and gave it a playful lick, 'mmm carrots' I murmured before I straightened up and began to hump in gently. I stopped for a second and put Zach's legs over my shoulders, and then I got back to enjoying myself. I was enjoying the slow thrusting in and out, Zach is by no means loose after all these years he is still as tight as the first day and he knows just how to clench to give me pleasure every time. I slowly slipped in and out feeling the tightness and loving it, after a few minutes I began to thrust in a little faster.

'gods Zach you are so tight'

"y-yes and you are hitting all the right places I don't think I can last much longer"

'y-you I may not be able to hold out for another few minutes'

At that exact moment Zach spasmed all along his body, and then his cock stood straight up spasmed, then it began to throb and shoot rope after rope of hot bunny cum all over his belly, chest and balls, a couple hit me on my muzzle. With that I shoved my whole member in including my now expanded knot with a wet slurking pop. As my knot entered Zach's hole he squeezed as tight as possible the pressure from this on my knot caused me to begin shooting my seed into Zach's tight hole.

'Oh Zach' I moaned

"Deeper, deeper" he moaned and I obliged as much as possible causing another eruption from his cock and another squeeze and spurting from me. After that I flopped forward still inside of my bunny panting heavily, I could hear Zach panting as well.

'Oh bunny that felt sooo good' I said and then licked his cum off my muzzle before licking his muzzle

"Yes sweety it did" he agreed before kissing me "but it's not over yet"

'Huh' I uttered before Zach flipped me onto my back he then pulled himself off of my member and began to gently stroke his as small amounts of my cum escaped his tailhole. Once free I let out a low moan, then a gentle murr as I felt the air around my cock again. 'What are you up too bunny?' I asked in answer I felt him slip my legs over his shoulders and gently press his cock to my hole.

"Ready for this pup"


With that he began to slide his member into my hole, he didn't bother to loosen it, but lucky for me he did put some of the lube from earlier on it. Then he slowly began to enter me, inch by inch of his sweet little bunny cock slide in my eager hole, pretty soon his balls were nestled just under mine and he leaned down to give me a quick kiss. He then slide himself out to just barely the tip leaving a slight empty feeling inside before ramming in quickly and sliding back out just as fast, then he picked up speed, causing me to moan and murr.

'o-oh bunny faster, faster' Zach responded by moving faster and faster, each time he did so he hit my prostate causing a waves of pure pleasure to go up and down me settling in my cock and balls.

"p-pant, oh puppy you're soo tight" to which I squeezed my tail hole around his member causing him to chrrl in pleasure

'heh heh, moannnn, oh bunny I'm close' and after that I began to shoot again, I hadn't even thought it was possible, which just set Zach off as well he pushed in as far as he could get and began to spray his seed inside of me which just pushed me further. I shot and shot until there was a slight pain in my balls 'oh bunny' I moaned 'I've given you all I can give right now'

He flopped forward onto my chest still inside of me panting he licked some of the cum from earlier off of my muzzle "mmmm carrots" we stayed like that for a few more minutes, I was feeling pretty drowsy, but after a few minutes a low groan came from Zach's tummy.

'Heh heh heh' I chuckled 'looks like bunnikins is hungry weren't those carrots earlier enough?'

"Nope, and this little session hasn't exactly helped with that"

'Well then we will just have to take care of that won't we' I said and punctuated that statement when my own stomach chimed in with its request for food.

"He he he, well it looks like someone else is just as hungry as me"

'Yes you sweet little thing you so let's go get cleaned up and I'll take us out for something good'

With that Zach slipped himself out of me and ran into the bathroom with me literally on his tail, the shower we took was quick and hot, but without too much funs just some slight groping and squeezing. After that we got dressed up and headed to one of our favorite Chinese food places. Dinner was good, but dessert was even better when we got back home.

Zach was in fine form, and we had another four rounds, with me taking most of it towards the end. As we finally snuggled together in bed I thought back to all that had happened today. I cuddled my little bunny close to me and gently squeezed his ass. Zach murrled sleepily. I thought to how happy my brother and his fiancée had always seemed to be constantly preparing for this wedding and I began to wonder if it wasn't time I made things between me and Zach a little more permanent. After all he was my entire universe, the only person I had ever shared anything with, and as I laid there feeling the gentle rise and fall of his chest and his still semi hard shaft push into my belly. I chuckled to myself and gently reached down and gave his balls a squeeze causing him to chrrl in his sleep.

'Heh, heh heh' I chuckled again 'sleep well bunny, I think that the next week is going to bring many interesting things' and with that I drifted off to sleep holding my bunny close to me, knowing now that he was definitely my entire universe and the most important thing in my life.