Keeping Secrets

Story by DarkSoulsSauron on SoFurry

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Eli had his face in his locker,

incoherently growling. He wasn't sure what they had tipped through

the slots at the top, but it didn't smell pretty. Smelled like rancid

meat. He lit a spark on his finger, lighting up the dark recesses of

his locker with red light. He jumped a little as he felt something

grab his shoulder. There was a crash as Eli's forehead smashed into

the top of his locker. "Jesus, that hurt. What's up, Artur?" "Just wondering if you needed a hand

today," said the Flareon. "You normally take your portfolio home

on Fridays, so I thought I'd stop by. You feeling OK?"Artur

gestured towards the smelly locker Eli nodded, massaging his scalp a

little. "Did you see the outside?"Artur leaned against the neighboring

lockers, frowning. "Why don't you go talk to someone about this?

This is serious hate they're spewing at you." Eli rolled his eyes. "You think I

haven't done that already. They cough out some bullshit that I don't

have enough evidence to point a finger and they don''t care enough to

look themselves. It's just some paint, really." He shut his locker

with a clatter. "Pink triangles aren't just paint,

dude. What if they had painted a swastika on an ice type's locker?

The admins would do something about that." "You're right," said Eli, his mouth

a black slash around his muzzle. "But I'm not an ice type. I'm just

some faggot to them.""Don't call yourself that," said

Artur, a hand on Eli's shoulder. "It's what I am, Artur," growled

Eli. "It's not like they don;t know who's doing it. Victor and his

cronies are just getting a free pass because they're winning the

championships.""You think that's why they aren't

doing anything?""Yes," said Eli, fishing something

out of his backpack. "All the alumni coming back to buy game

tickets is making the school money. They tripled the price of tickets

and no one noticed anything. But I don't want to talk about it."Artur frowned, crossing his arms.

"That's beyond sketchy." "Hold this, will you," asked Eli,

holding up an umbrella. "I can use my jacket to protect my

paintings if I put you on umbrella duty.""Sure," shrugged Artur. "It's not

like I got much to carry myself." "Do you ever do homework, man? How do

you keep your A's?""You keep forgetting I've got a study

hall," chuckled Artur. "And since none of my friends share a

lunch hour with me I just work there too. Most of my classes don't

require that much homework. Calc isn't that hard if you just buckle

down and get it done." "If that's the case you can help me

tonight," smiled Eli, punching Artur in the arm. "All that

stuff's Greek to me." "Well of course it's Greek," smiled

Artur. "High level math often uses Greek letters." "Smart ass," chuckled Eli, punching

the other arm. "What's your weekend looking like? Think you've got

time for Star Wars Sunday?""Yeah," said Artur releasing the

umbrella with a click. "How are your paintings?" "Dry, tight, and wrapped in leather,"

said Eli. " Just how I like my guys."Artur snorted into his water bottle.

"TMI, man. Your house?" "Sure. Armored Core?" "Always." The walk home was short, and, thanks to

Artur, dry. "What do you think next quarter's play is?" asked

Artur. "Mr Blazek mentioned something about

Oscar Wilde," said Eli, fiddling with the house key. "Mom must be

on errands or something. C'mon, I've got a build I've been wanting to

break in.""Your parents don't mind me coming in

while they're gone?" Said Artur, slowly crossing the threshold. "It's fine," said Eli, meandering

to the kitchen. "They don't care if it's only for a few hours.

Elly's got practice today too, so it's just us for a bit.""Fine by me," shrugged Artur. "I

doubt your sister's too into mechas anyway." "Spot on," chuckled Eli. "You

want something to drink?" "Coke if you've got it."Eli produced two cans from the fridge.

"Upstairs, or should I move the console?""Your room's fine," said Artur.

They trumped up the stairs, Eli leaving his jacket on the railing.

"Before we get started, Eli, can we, uh, chat for a bit?""Sure," said Eli, cracking his coke

open. "What's on your mind."Artur slowly sat down on Eli's bed,

absently twirling his fluffed up tail. "Can you keep a secret?" Eli raised an eyebrow. "Yes. I'll

always be a safe person to talk to, Artur. What's up?"There was a pause. "Well... this

might be a bit out of the blue, but... Well, lately I've really

admired how well you've taken all the hate lately. Ever since you

came out, you haven't really let anything get to you." "Thanks, I guess," said Eli,

blushing a bit. "It's just stupid bullying. They'd have to try

harder if they want to get to me." "That's what I mean," said Artur,

picking at his wrist tufts now. "You're just taking it so

stoically... And I sort of started to realize watching you... well...

I like guys too." Eli pulled up his office chair,

bringing his legs up so that his muzzle rested on his knees. "Well,

you know that's fine by me. You can tell me to shut up if you want,

but can you tell me more about your thought process?""You're thinking about my exes,

right," said Artur with a grin. "Yeah, I've dated three girls.

And yeah I liked all of them. Hell, I've laid two of them. But I

always noticed guys too. I just sorta told myself that I could ignore

guys and be OK. But seeing how brave you were when you came out... I

figured I could tell you of all people. There's not too much else

beyond that." Eli shrugged. "Well, you know it's no

big deal for me. Sounds like you're into both males and females, and

that's fine. Like who you like, I don't care." Artur's blush was visible even through

his -red-orange fur. "Would you care if I told you I've kinda been

crushing on you lately?" Eli wobbled in his chair. "Really?

Me? " "Sorry I mentioned it," mumbled

Artur. "I understand if you wanna just stay friends." "No, no," said Eli, waving his

hands. "I'm just, well, surprised. I never thought you'd like me.

Cause I kinda like you too. But I gave up on you cause I thought you

were into girls. Well, exclusively into girls, I mean." Artur looked up, his eyes brighter.

"So, uh... In that case, you wanna go out to lunch tomorrow?" "Are you asking me on a date,"

asked Eli, his eyebrows raised. "Do you wanna call it that?""Yes. I'd like to call it that,"

said Eli, smiling now. He leapt from his chair to the bed. Sitting on

the heels of his paws, he picked up a controller. "Still wanna

play?" "Sure. Show me the build you were

bragging about," grinned Artur, pressing the center X. "Then you're about to get fisted,"

smiled Eli, selecting a blue and silver biped mech, hiding the weapon

selection from Artur. Artur ribbed Eli with a fluffy elbow.

"I'd make a gay joke after that remark, butt fuck it." He

selected his favorite mech, the Crimson Zweihandler. "Parabolic

Grove?" "I''m feeling Old Peace," said Eli,

tapping his muzzle. They selected the map, waiting for their game to

load. "You're scrap, buddy." "Dream on, fox boy." They boosted head on at each other,

Artur lit up his moonlight blade, rushing down Eli's silver mech.

Completely unfazed, Eli pressed a single button. THUMP! A blast on

Eli's right arm discharged, propelling it into Artur's crimson mecha."Dead," cackled Eli. "Wh-wh-what?!?!" "You just got fisted," cheered Eli,

punching the air with his controller. "How'd you do that?" asked Artur.

"You one-shot me! What's on that arm?!" "I''ll tell you after I kick your

butt," said Eli, his eyes glowing with the imminent challenge.. "Don't get ahead of yourself," said

Artur, toggling his triggers to boost shuffle away from a missile

barrage. "You're gonna get shredded." The red mech rushed forward

again, laser blade raised high."All talk, no walk," taunted Eli,

discharging his right arm unit again. "Crunch! Whose ass is

grass now, huh?!""Two points is piss and vinegar.,"

grumbled Artur. "I'm not done yet." He circled in, peppering

Eli's silver bot with machine gun fire before closing with his blade

again. "Backstabbing? How crude." Eli

toggled the triggers, clicking the left stick and flicking it by a

ninety degree angle. "Behind you!" THUMP! "Crunch! Your

ass is more than grass. You just got plowed!""I give up," groaned Artur,

plopping his controller on Eli's bed. "What's on your arms?" "Well, fur," said Eli. This

response elicited a punch on the arm. "Jeez, violent urges much?

It's the Kiku. It turns my whole arm into a hurtbox. It also deals

bonus damage to people in the middle of attack animations. And if you

so much as touch me while I'm swinging, you get crunched." Artur frowned. "Oh, you're a dirty

whore. That's just mean. It makes my blade next to useless." "It's not without weaknesses," said

Eli, gesturing back to the screen. "It doesn't really hit things

unless they stand still or rush me down... which was what you were

doing all match. Artur nodded. "Rematch?" "Done." The next two matches went to Eli as The

Fist. He trounced both Wavebuster and Sting. But the tides soon

shifted as Artur began to learn Eli's play style. Five matches in and

Eli was eating dirt. "Whose ass is grass now, huh?"

jeered Artur. "Well you can declare my ass

thoroughly plowed," sighed Eli. "Good game. You wanna stay for

dinner?" "Hrmm... Maybe," shrugged Artur,

slowly getting off the bed. "Mom generally doesn't like me staying

over for dinner unless she knows ahead of time. I should probably be

going soon." Eli "Heya, Artur... How do you wanna

tell your parents? Or, do you want to tell your parents?"Artur sat down again, rubbing his arms.

"I don't know what to say to them. I have no idea what they'll

think of me." Eli placed a hand on Artur's shoulder,

squeezing his slightly pudgy arm. "I'll be there with you if you

like." "You mean it?" "Yes. You stood by me when I came

out. Why wouldn't I do the same?" "I'm sorry... I didn't want to imply

that-" Eli took one of Artur's hands. "It's

not a big deal. Do you wanna stay and talk for a bit more?""I should go," muttered Artur.

"I... Eli, I know this is kind of fast.... but, uh, could I, uh...

kiss you?" Eli looked away for a moment, looking

back at Artur with a smile. "Yes." Slowly, Eli leaned in, placing

hands on Artur's shoulders. He stopped an inch from Artur's thin,

pink lips. Artur hesitated for only a moment before pressing their

muzzles together. The kiss could only be described as

sweet. All he could see was black-green eyes and beige hair as his

bangs drooped over his eyes. The scent of autumn rain drifted into

his nose as he tasted the cherry coke on their lips. Gently, Eli

closed his eyes as a hand brushed against his cheek. They broke apart

slowly. Eli felt the color of his face rising a

bit. "That.... that was a good kiss. Thank you." Artur gave a rather uncharacteristic

giggle. "hehehehe.... Really? Nicole always said I was bad. I'm

glad you enjoyed it." Eli looked down at his bedspread before

meeting Artur's green eyes again. "Artur... can I kiss you back?"Artur reached forward, grabbing Eli''s

shoulders. They bumped together clumsily, Eli feeling their teeth

clack together as they kissed again, much more vigorously this time.

They were jolted away from their passions as a wooden slam echoed

through the house. They scooted away from each other, hastily. "Mom must be home now. I won't say a

word unless you say it's OK," whispered Eli, absently picking up a

controller. Artur did the same. "Thank you, Eli.

You're an amazing friend.""Hopefully I'll be a good boyfriend,

too," smiled Eli."I don't have any doubts," said

Artur. Quickly, he snuck a quick kiss on Eli's cheek before picking

up the controller again. "I do need to go soon though.""You sure you don't wanna stay for

dinner?" "Maybe I'll stick around tonight,"

said Artur, tapping his muzzle. "I must admit I have a soft spot

for your mom's cooking." "Can you help me with calc tonight?

It's embarrassing to have to ask my younger sister for help on

homework?"Do you have any of those brownies

leftover from Monday?" "Deal."

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