Iron Sights

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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"A tale of a homeless young man that decides to join the army and see where the Military life takes him."

A second chapter may be in the works but, not sure as of right now.


For most of my life will always be wrapped up in mystery and empty memories. When I had enough of living off the streets that's when I joined the United States Armed Forces. The recruiter was shocked behind words when I told him that I nothing in the way of ID. Hell I didn't even have a name which certainly didn't help my situation. His commanding officer was amazed that I wasn't leaving until I was enlisted.

"Master SGT., go right ahead and sign this man up I think he'd make it as an Army Ranger." The LT. ordered. That being said the Master Sgt. did as he was told then got up and turned around. He opened the second drawer of the filing cabinet and pulled out the necessary paperwork. When he rolled back behind his desk, I grabbed a pen and got to work. The registration forms were very detailed and tricky in some spots but, I managed.

Two and half hours later I finished the registration paperwork to the best of my ability. The recruiter took it from me then handed it over to his superior and he called me over. I got up from my seat then followed him into the back office room and sat down. "Granted this form is still incomplete but, my superiors might help out. For now let's you get cleaned up and some new clothes before we continue." He said.

With that we stood back up and left the building where we set out to make me presentable. The first thing we ended up doing was putting some actual food into my stomach. Before taking me to a place I could take a nice shower, followed by a haircut and finally some decent clothes. Luckily being of mixed canine descent proved rather easy to be fitted for pants, according to the tailor. From there we drove back to the recruiting building where the LT. arranged some transportation.

A couple of hours later a military humvee arrived to take me up to the nearest Army base. The LT. tagged along to make sure things were properly taken care of when we got arrived. It was another two hours before we arrived and pulled up to the main gates. Once the MP's gave the driver the okay, then drove right to the base commander's office. Where we calmly exited the humvee then walked inside the large building.

The moment we entered the building, everything that had been going on changed. Suddenly the sound of dead silence was all that was heard, it was a little unnerving. Luckily the base commander noticed the awkward silence and calmly got things back underway. He then flagged the LT. and myself over into his office shortly after. Lt. saluted him, he allowed us to sit down then LT. informed the colonel about my situation.

"Well, now that's certainly interesting story to say the least LT. but, I'm not sure. Now, I can respect his eagerness to make something of himself but, with absolutely no records. That makes things a lot harder for him to be an active service member and soldier. I have no doubt he'd make an excellent addition but, I can't over look the facts." He stated. Something my gut told me that something like this was going to transpire.

"So what you're telling me that I'm better off living and dying on the streets? WELL, here's a new flash I'm never going back to that shit hole, even if I have to kick your ass." I stated angrily. That statement caused both men to re-think this, meanwhile the colonel leaned forward. He rested his elbows on the desk, interlaced his fingers and began thinking. I could see his mind going to work as I sat there watching him patiently.

"You've got some balls boy, seeing as you want in so badly then very well. LT. make sure he reports to Fort Trailbreaker, if you can survive boot camp I'll finalize your enlistment. For now I'll give you temporally status in the Army so you can get past the gates. Also see to it that this boy gets there ASAP, while I handle everything on my end." He ordered. With that settled we got up the LT. saluted then excused himself.

Exiting Colonel's office, the LT. walked over to his secretary then asked about transportation. Luckily there was a supply convoy and soldiers going to the base later this afternoon. He arranged with her, that I go with them as a part of the list of transferring soldiers. From there he escorted me where the convoy would be assembling. When we arrived at the motor pool vehicles were currently being loaded.

Judging from what I over heard the trip would take about three to five days to get there. Within the hour the transport convoy was ready to head out, once the troops arrived. They showed up shortly after then jumped into the nearest transport truck and I followed suit. From there the convoy left the base and headed steadily to its destination. Some of the soldiers left me be, while a select few would glance at me and talk.

Though most of what was said was naturally geared towards me which I simply ignored. As the days ticked by the convoy finally arrived at Base Trailbreaker a day ahead of schedule. When I got off the truck I noticed a female SGT. waiting and was looking for someone. I waited for the trucks to drive away before walking towards her. The second she saw me the woman didn't waste anytime walking over.

"Follow me, please I'm here to escort you to your unit, barracks and CO." She said calmly. With that being said I followed quietly behind her, I had to admit she had a very nice ass. Though my stares were soon noticed by the woman and fixed just as quickly. A well deserve hard slap across the muzzle for watching a little too intently. Luckily before things could get any worse, we arrived at where I was stationed.

The woman turned around then walked away before anything else decided to occur. I shrugged my shoulders then calmly knocked on the door and waiting for an answer. When the door open on the other side were three people all of which were highly ranked. "Do you have any paperwork on you civilian?" The mature fox asked. Reaching into my back pocket I pulled out the only paperwork I had on me.

He took it from me shortly after then carefully read through it before saying anything. "Alright, come on in I'll get you settled in, while I go inform the LT. Colonel." He said. Though my presence didn't go completely unnoticed by all parties present inside the building. When Command SGT. Major Jessie saw me walk by her room, she was smitten. The sad part was I wouldn't notice her until it was time for dinner.

When dinnertime did come around I wasn't in the mood to join everyone at their table. I decided to hang around the barracks and get an idea where everything was located. By the time everyone had returned I was already dead asleep and was left alone. For the most part anyway until, my roommates decided to break me in. Only to wind up beaten, battered and tossed out into the hallway by little ole' me.

Sadly my actions didn't go un-heard by the rest of the unit as the three commanders arrived. When they saw what I did to them they calmly let the matter slide for now at least. The following morning would be a whole new kind of learning experience unlike any other. They kindly let me sleep then tomorrow the hammer would crash down hard. In the meantime they told the men that got their asses kicked to get checked out.

At exactly four o'clock the next morning I received the worst wake up call I've ever had. From there I dragged my groggy butt out of bed, threw on some clothes and left the room. That was only the start of my torment as I joined everyone outside the building. It was a grueling four hours physical fitness, weapons training and even more fitness training. By the end of the day I was drained yet, still moving under my own power.

When we returned to the barracks everyone washed up then went down to the mess hall. Everyone in the unit ate together while I chose to eat all by myself far away from them. Jessie a striped bobcat female that I met earlier today watched me carefully from her seat. She kept her stares totally hidden from everyone in her unit except me. When I looked back in her general direction she instantly made herself look busy.

Eyeing her for a moment I decided to turn my back to her, informing her to stop. Though sadly my reaction to her stares only enforced her strong interests in me. Sighing heavily to myself I got up from my seat threw away my meal then left the mess hall. I didn't go back to the barracks a nice walk around the surrounding area sounded good. Unfortunately I wouldn't be alone for very long when my admirer tracked me down.

"Hey, hold up a second I want to talk to you." She said running to catch up. I didn't bother to stop for her instead I kept going, until she grabbed my elbow firmly in her hand. Stopping my forward motion cold but, I refused to turn around to face her. "What's your problem I've been trying to get your attention since you arrived? You keep blowing me off like I'm not even present or alive for that matter." She remarked sourly.

Not wanting give her any sort of satisfaction, I jerked my arm out of her grip. I shot her a look that made her take a few steps back then I stormed off without a word. She went back to the barracks, while I blew off some steam by going for a run. By the time I had cooled down enough it was well past midnight. As I entered the barracks I didn't say a word to anyone and just went up to my room.

The next morning was pretty much was a repeat of yesterday as would the days that followed. This would continue for the next six months and I proved myself to everyone. When the base commander I met a while back heard he finalized my paperwork. Just when things overseas were reaching a dangerous turn that may need our involvement. I was trained by the best but, live combat nobody's truly ready for.

Jessie kept trying to gain my attention the entire time I trained with the unit. At every chance she had to get me to notice her, I'd swat her away like an annoying fly. Our commanding officer tried his best to abstain from our little spats the best he could. Until one day things got too hard even for him to tolerate so he summoned us to his office. Where he had me close the door an ordered me to explain everything.

After getting my side of the story he asked me to wait outside as he summoned her in next. When she told him her side of things then I was asked back in to the room. Once I sat down far enough away from her the commander firmly said his peace. The second he finished we were to spend the entire day together to resolve this mess. Granted not the kind of thing I wanted to hear but, I did as ordered regardless.

"Look, Ian I've only been trying to get you to open up around not only me but, everybody. You have this really tough armor that doesn't have any sort of weaknesses. Granted you've proven yourself a great soldier there's no questions about that. The problem is how can I or the rest of the team truly trust you when the time demands for it." She said. I didn't say anything to her right away seeing as I wasn't thrilled about this.

"Jessie, I really don't care about anyone though I won't let anyone down either. So don't question my loyalty to this unit, I'll do my part now if you'll excuse me." I remarked walking away. The modestly buff and secretly hyper busy bobcat peered angrily at my back. When I turned the corner and vanished from sight she growled sourly. Sadly things would soon take a turn for the worst when the base sirens began blaring.

It was a deployment alarm the base was being put on high alert and got ready. Rushing back to the barracks as fast as my feet could carry me, once there I suited up. The second I got my gear and weapon slung over my shoulder, I joined the rest of my unit. Sure enough seven units were being deployed to aid a friendly nation. Apparently a large nationalist group has rebelled and literally taken over the government.

Our government decided that it would aid it's neighbor by sending in troops. Before this organization gains a major foothold there then tries expanding their control. A pre-emptive strike should nip this problem in the bud before it takes root. The seven units being sent in, two of them are being sent in early mainly for recon. My unit and another are moving out ASAP to scout around and study the enemy's movements.

The flight was bumpy, long and nerve racking upon landing we stocked up on ammo. Once we had all we could carry then we wasted no time getting into the field. Where we broke up into teams of two to cover as much ground as we possibly could. While the second unit moved south from the far north trying to catch sight of the enemy. My unit moved north to meet them in the middle where the enemy might be.

Sadly our commanding officer paired me up with, Jessie during our assignment. That was to find, locate and snipe any an all traps the enemy may have set up to snare us. The area we were in was barren, dry and quiet mostly, the exception being farm animals. Sticking to the forests we moved swiftly through the brush and fallen leaves like ghosts. In the hopes of finding any patrolling forces or even a hidden command base.

As the sun began to set in the sky Jessie, thought it best to bunk for the night. Since we've been trekking for several hours and countless miles in my mind at least. I off loaded my pack and light fifty sniper rifle then scouted around for a decent shelter. Luckily I found an abandoned bear den that could serve as a decent campsite. When I returned then informed Jessie she wasn't thrilled but, followed me anyway.

We fortified the den with a few surprises then went to the very back of the cave. Where we setup a couple of fold away cots then got comfy and made dinner. As we ate out meal Jessie couldn't help but, stare at me intently which annoyed me. "Care to share what's going through your mind this time around, Command SGT. Major?" I asked. She blinked a few times then looked away before saying or doing anything.

She blinked rapidly before turning her gaze away from mine a short time later. With that small matter settled we finished our make shift dinner in peace then she went to sleep. Four hours later I woke her up so she could pull watch while I slept. We rotated once more before the sun rose up in the eastern sky then we packed up. Before leaving the cave I unrigged our traps and resumed our trek through the woods.

After a good ten miles of traveling we soon caught wind of engines idling. Jessie ordered me to take up a solid sniper's nest nearby while she scouted on ahead. Though she told me not to engage until I heard back from her or retreat if I didn't. "Hold on, granted they appear close but, we're still a good distance away. Let's travel a bit further before splitting off and set up, okay." I suggested.

Looking at me sourly but, even she had to admit my opinion did make sense. She agreed to travel with me a bit longer before splitting up like she had stated earlier. About three miles later Jessie and I went on our separate ways though something bugged me. Granted it wasn't like me to get this odd feeling in my gut but, I couldn't ignore it either. Even after I set up my nest and covered myself with plenty of local foliage.

This damn twisting in the pit of my stomach only grew worse as time passed. As I looked through my custom scope checking out what was going on the ground below. I could see Jessie at the bottom sticking pretty close to the trees and bushes as she moved. From there I looked up ahead in the direction she was moving to look for trouble. Sadly I didn't see anything right away, until a glint appeared from out off nowhere.

At the very last split second I moved my head away from my scope just as it exploded. Blocking the pain I adjusted my gun to the direction of the glint this time around I saw something. Granted the shot from this guy cut my vision right in half when he destroyed my scope. Luckily for me his gun jammed after he fired it, giving me the slight edge. Not bothering to waste anymore time I lined up my shot then pulled the trigger.

The suppressor did its job very well concealing the sound of my big rifle firing. All I saw next was the back of the enemy's entire skull shatter into a spray of red mist. From there I scanned the surrounding hillside for additional snipers and found five. Taking all the time I needed to line up my shots and fired my rifle five more times. I was able to take them all out with little trouble though my wound was a whole other story.

I moved from my current location to someplace a lot safer and I attended to my wound. Fortunately Jessie was able to find me due to the blood trail I left behind when I changed position. What she saw next made her flinch then jump into action a split second later. She threw her pack off then scuttled through it and pulled out her first aid kit. Next she took my water canteen and used it to clean my wound then bandaged it.

"I've done the best I can for your injury, good thing there's a town up ahead." She said sitting down. Granted I wasn't fully aware of the total damage done to the left side of my face. Jessie wouldn't tell me how bad either so, I figured she didn't want to worry me. She had me rest for a while to regain some more strength before moving out. From there we grabbed our gear and headed for the town she had spoken of.

Fortunately for me the town was only a couple hours walk from our previous location. Once there she found a local doctor that was more than happy to patch me up properly. "Well, my friend you certainly dodged a bullet no pun intended. Luck for you the bullet missed your eye completely and only nicked your skull. You should be back to a 100% in no time after a goodnight's sleep." The Doctor informed.

The doctor was even nice enough to give Jessie and I a room to sleep in for tonight. We thanked him immensely for the huge amount of kindness and help he showed us. "Don't mention it, considering forty years ago I was a soldier on the front lines myself. So I've gotten my fair share of battle scars though none quite like yours." He pointed out. I had to admit the doc was certainly brassy and must've been quite the soldier.

From there the doc showed us to our room for the night and kindly left us alone. Jessie had gotten awful quiet during and after the doctor had patched me up which shocked me. She got up from where she sat, moved our gear behind the door and laid down. I left her alone as she calmly drifted off to sleep, so I turned off the light. As for me I sat on the chair in the dark, across from where Jessie slept peacefully.

Watching Jessie sleep comfortably in the bed it made me realize just how pretty she was. Granted I had to give her a lot of credit having the patience to deal with my scrawny ass. Perhaps I'd better lay off her and not be such a royal prick around her anymore. Though I don't know if I can, I've been this abrasive since I was a child. Maybe with her help I can teach myself how to be more understanding of others.

Sadly my stares unfortunately alerted her as she rolled over in bed to face me. "Everything alright, Ian are you having trouble sleeping?" She asked sitting up. I instantly suppressed my normal instinctual reaction towards her then got up. As I sat down at the foot of the bed, Jessie wasn't sure just how to proceed further. She pulled her hand out from under the blanket and patted a spot right beside to her.

Feeling rather unsure about this I moved halfway up the bed, just out of arm's reach. Jessie was well aware of how I react too certain situations but, she wanted to get closer. There was just something about my brash and rough nature that enticed her a great deal. She moved the blanket off her person revealing her barely covered body to me. How her sport's bra kept such ample breasts contained was a bloody mystery.

"You know Ian if you weren't in the room with me I'd probably be sleeping naked. Unless there's a way I could convince you to get naked and join me in bed." She said playfully. Seeing the lust swirling in her eyes and the offer alone was more than tempting. Unfortunately I really wasn't in the mood, due to my injury and the lack of how to perform. Instantly Jessie could see my hesitation and inexperience written on my face.

Doing the smart thing she calmly suggested that I merely lay down beside her. Of course I wasn't very keen on the idea but, some strange part of me wanted too. She gently ushered me to lie down on the side of my body where my injury wasn't located. As she laid face to face with me, this soft smile came to her face a moment later. "Look, I know you're not the easiest person to understand, Ian." She started.

"Like I've said before you're a great soldier but, you need to open up to people. Maybe not everyone in our unit but, perhaps just little ole' me if that isn't too hard. Though I'm not trying to force into changing who you are as a person, trust me I'm not. To be honest with you I'd take you anyway I can but, that's only if you feel the same." She stated. As I listened to her talk this strange feeling began to take root inside me.

Sadly the medicine the doctor had given me was really starting to take effect. As I drifted off to a nice sleep Jessie laid there watching me drift off in front of her. Once I was finally asleep she coiled her arms around me then held me close to her chest. The last thing I felt before slipping away into a deep slumber was Jessie kissing my forehead. Perhaps there's a lot more wisdom and affection in her words than I believed.

To be continued.

Section 4

Another year has come and gone while things have change a great deal for me here. Rebecca and Jade quit around Halloween and thanksgiving for personal reasons. I was sad to see them go but, I respected their choices to move onto greener pastures....

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Section 3

As I arrived at work Monday morning Rebecca and Jade greeted me with smiles. "Thanks again, Devin for the fun filled we passed out the second we got home." Rebecca smiled. "Same here I can't remember the last time my kids passed out so quickly." Jade...

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Section 2

Around five the next morning I woke up, crawled out of bed and took a shower. Then I got dressed, a lite breakfast then drove myself to work and parked close by. From there I slowly made my way inside the building and finally to my work station. While...

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