If not someone...Then I 5
I woke up,but I didn't want to. I was still slightly tired. I yawned and tried to sit up. I was instantly stopped and pulled back down. Then I realized where I was. I was still with Giratina, I was still in her bed in the distortion world,and last night had very much happened.
"Well hey there sleepy head,I hope you enjoyed last night as much as I did."Giratina laughed"Well we had better return you to your room before anyone comes looking, especially Arceus. Now ill have one hell of a story to tell the others."
I made a small whimper like noise and was pulled closer to Giratina."Aww don't worry its ok,here why don't we take a shower first and then we can go back to the hall." Giratina said before caressing the back of my had and kissing me on the cheek. I was then pulled upright by Giratina. She slightly pushed me off the bed until I was standing. I realized I was still naked so I covered myself up, embarrassed by that fact.
"Aww don't be embarrassed im naked too,its ok no one other than me can see you right now."Giratina hugged me from behind and put her head atop mine."Plus I think you are quite the handsome young man."
I looked down."Come on"Giratina told me" lets go get a quick shower." Giratina pushed me forward slightly and led me out of the room we where in into a large bathroom. I didn't get long to look around before I was pushed into a large shower with a slide door. Giratina entered as well and pulled the door closed.
She gave me a smile and I looked away. This caused her to give another small laugh. She turned on the shower with a quick turn of a small knob with one of her tendrils. The water came out warm and hit me making me flinch slightly at the sudden warm water contacting my skin.
Giratina then grabbed a small bottle of soap and walked up to me."Here let me help you."She said seductively. She quickly went to work on my hair with the soap. She quickly finished and pulled me under the water to wash it off.
I was starting to feel a little better,but I was still embarrassed about the situation I was in. Giratina helped me wash myself taking time to tease me and play with me. I gave a small gasp as she did so. Once she was finished she turned me around and hugged me close.
"See im not going to hurt you,i just wanted some company. Here will you help me now?"She asked I knew that was a question that I could not say no to. And slowly nodded my head. She handed me the soap and quickly turned around.
If I wasn't blushing before I was now I stood there for a second under the spray of water before I finally mustered the courage to continue. I started on her back slowly washing her and avoiding her tendrils on her back. It wasn't after ten seconds after she shook her head and gripped my hands with her own.
"Come on you can do better than that,Am I really making you that uncomfortable? Here let me show you how to do it." She gripped my hand and pulled me closer so that I had my arms wrapped around her waist. She then guided my hands to her breasts and started moving my hands up and down them. I knew that my face was cherry red by now. She finished helping me help clean her breasts before she guided my hands downwards.
She started on her crotch,and I could feel her lips as she slowly moved my hands over them. I had never felt more insecure in my life, but that didn't stop her She gave a small moan and continued. She didn't let go until she felt she was done. It had been several minutes for that to happen. But once she stopped she released my hands and I was quick to put them back at my sides.
"Aww is someone embarrassed? Have you never touched a female before? Its ok I forgive you,maybe later we can have some more fun. For now lets dry off and get you back to your room.
Giratina was quick to towel me down and dry me off before she started working on herself. Surprisingly she did nothing intimate and only dried me off. Even when she was drying herself off she did no more than just that. Although I couldn't help but watch with embarrassment. Once she was done she quickly put on some new clothes and presented me with a pair of robes that where neatly folded. I could tell they where from my dresser in my room as they where the same color. I hastily put them on and covered myself.
Giratina laughed and hugged me again."Hey, don't worry you'll be in your room shortly and then you can rest as much as you want." She told me. Again I just looked away embarrassed. Giratina literally picked me up and held me close to herself. A second later there was a flash of light and instead of being in a large bathroom I was in my room in the hall of origins. Giratina smiled and placed me down on my bed. She kissed me one last time and before I knew it,she was gone.
I lay there for some time,wondering what to do and feeling confused. I didn't move,i tried to keep my eyes open,and I didn't speak or make a sound. I didn't feel bad though, that's what scared me. I,I actually kinda felt better. I didn't know how to place it,or what to do,or how to do anything. One part of me that was very small told me I had just been raped by a godly being and should go tell Arceus. But,A large part told me otherwise. That large part had no answers,no conclusions,no anything, I felt at ease with it.
That small part after a few seconds faded away,and I was left with that large part. But I felt like I wanted to cry,wanted to yell out and scream. But I didn't. The things she said,the things she did. I loved it. I was scared now.
I had just last night lost my virginity and to a god like being at that. But I loved it. I was dumbstruck,and then I realized that what she had said last night mattered to me and that she had claimed me. I felt something wet on my face,and realized I was crying finally. I shut my eyes holding them closed as to not cry anymore. It didn't help.
I slumped down,and open my eyes again. I saw the familiar white and gold of my room and then I felt tired and sleepy. So I closed my eyes and fell to sleep again.
When my eyes opened again I was still in my room. No one had bothered me or moved me,Arceus hadn't even woken me. I sat up and slid out of the bed. I rearranged the robes I was wearing so that they where more comfortable and looked better. I then sat back down. Honestly,I had no idea what to do now. I felt slightly scared at what others would think,and at the same time I knew I could not avoid it. I didn't have long to wait as soon there was a knock on my door. I told whoever it was to come in and seconds later Arceus was in my room.
"Hello Blake."Arceus said to me. I looked away trying to think about what to tell her. I certainly didn't want to make her angry,but I had no idea how she would react. I sighed and she noticed but before she could say anything I started.
"Arceus,there is something I need to tell you."I said
"And that would be?"
I hesitated."Well last night,I,well I."
"_You what?"_She said trying to get me to say what I was about to say.
"Well Giratina and I,we."I stopped.
"Did Giratina do something?"
I looked down now,focusing on the robes I was wearing. I wanted to tell her but I was afraid. Though eventually I couldn't take it anymore. I looked back up to Arceus and started my tale. I told her how Giratina cornered me,how she brought me to the distortion world,and how the night went. I felt so ashamed. I told her how we had sex,of course leaving out any details,and how I was with her during the night.
I was most surprised how Arceus did not interrupt,criticize or attack. She just sat there looking at me. Soon I finished and looked down at the ground again feeling to ashamed to look at her. I waited,but nothing happened. Eventually I felt arms wrap around me and soon I was in an embrace with Arceus. She said nothing during that time and just hugged me for a minute. Eventually though I broke away and looked at her again.
"You aren't mad?"I asked
"No I am not,it is your decision who you wish to be with,if it is Giratina who you wish to be with then I will happily give my blessing. Although I wish to tell you something as well."
"Really? You aren't mad?"
"No I am not,but I only wish to say one thing."_Arceus turned away. I heard a sigh and she turned back to me."_I wish to say that,despite this recent event,that I will always care for you."
"Thank you Arceus I."Arceus cut me off
"I do not mean this lightly,when I say I care for you,I meant that you are precious to me and that I brought you here for that reason."
I hesitated."Are you saying?"
"I love you."