The perfect job for a Charr - p.1

Story by Raktul on SoFurry

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#4 of Charr Stories (all)

Well, this story is kind of a personal work and it took me a long time to finish it.

It only has two parts and i try to finishthe second one in a moderate time.. xD

well, have fun reading anyway. I hope you'll enjoy :DD

Perfect job for a Charr!

Part 1

Again, another Story about a Charr. Not, that we heard enough tales of the war in Ascalon and his most motivated creatures. Rather more, to hear another time, about the fascinating sex live of these beings. To take it more precisely, about one special congener. Redwick Stonehammer (friends often just call him Ricki) is picked for today's special offer. He was totally normal at his appearance. Ricki was a young Charr, starting to climb the ladder of success in the army of the blood legion. He had Beautiful, shiny, brown fur with lighter brownish dots, a well built stature and emerald green eyes. But you can't say that this Charr had a normal sex live in compare to his partner beings. I'll tell you why.

In the bars, in the evening after long, exhausting days, where he sat at the table with his companions with lot of beer and met, and his friends started to talk about the most beautiful women and the firmest breasts, he was the one person, who sank in his chair, silently and thought about these things.

After couple of embarrassing fails, trying to gain satisfaction from women, he finally came to a point, where he was sure, something wasn`t right. It took him a long time, to finally figure out, that he likes other males. But it's not so easy to say that to his companions, even more, to find another partner. The last gay Charr he knew, got ragged by the others all day long, as he suddenly left the company over night.

Over day, these thoughts left him alone, but at night, when his hormones started to get active, he couldn't help it and thousands of questions tortured him. Only his best friend, Captain Azney Windguard knew his problems, but she hadn't any advice for him as well.

One day he got a message from his Centurion. The order was given from the Tribune, minutes ago and Ricki should accomplish it. In the hero district in the black citadel, he got his orders:

"Lieutenant Stonehammer, you were called upon to obey following task with a team of your choice. In 2 days you will meet a spy of our team at an Outpost, near the woods. He has important plans for the Tribune of an imminent attack on some of our camps. But these plans were stolen yesterday evening from an unknown culprit." The Centurion made a short silence and continued after a while.

"Stonehammer, your task is to trace the searched person and get these plans back in our property. You will now get a map from me, where the outpost and the nearer region around it, is marked. Planning and art of recovery of the stolen material lies in your hands. Agreed?"

Of course he agreed. He was very happy indeed to get such a high ranked task to solve. "Agreed! I will find this piece of Shit and rip the plans out of dead pranks by myself!" he said and saluted.

"Good Luck, Lieutenant!" The Centurion saluted as well and both of them left the hero district at their own ways.

The next day, Redwick met his 5 best soldiers and subordinated. "So," he shouted to the group with might in his voice. "I decided to take only two of you with me. And I decided to take Officer Azney Whiteguard and Soldier Raknar Firesplitter with me. The two of you should wait in full gear in front of the citadel today midday. The rest of you can take a break at the time, I'm not here. Any questions?" He looked into the round for a second. "Fall out!" All of them saluted and minutes later, Redwick stood there alone again and made his way to get some things.

As the sun was high over the clouds all three of them found themselves in front of the citadel in full armour and with backpacks. "All ready?" the Lieutenant asked to his group and minutes later they were on their way to the outpost.

At the time, walking through forests and over war destroyed, plane brown land, Stonehammer had enough time to talk about his plan and answering questions about it. After a long time, as the sun slowly turns red and a fresh breeze swirled around their path, Redwick decided to place their bivouac.

All three of them built up their tents, right in time. As the fire was ignited, the sun was completely gone and the night broke in together with a cold wind from northern land regions. But it wasn't that bad. They sat at their campfire, homely and talked about lot of different things. They just had fun, sitting there and enjoying the night.

Suddenly, Ricki got overpowered by his feelings and he started to think about too many questions about his sexual live again and decayed in silence, staring at the red, orange flickering fire. "Something wrong, boss?" Firesplitter asked him, as he watched Redwick quite a time. "..? N.. No, Nothing" he answered. "I just got less sleep the last time, so I'm a bit tired. I think I'm going to bed now, good night." He stood up and made his way in his tent. Still crowded with endless of questions, he lay down and listened to the crackling of the fire and the whispering of his companions.

He had to nod of, as he suddenly startled up and listened to things outside. But he didn't hear anything then gentle voices of several animals from the woods. After a quite sigh, he lay down in his bed again. "Why me of all people!?" He thought and dozed off again.

Redwick was the first, who awoke at the next morning, as his tent was flooded by the morning light. Minutes later, he stood outside of his tent stretched his whole body for a minute, let out a wild yawn and woke up his companions. "Good morning soldiers, it's time to get on moving!" he shouted. As he waited, he packed his backpack and five minutes later, Azney stood next to him, ready to go. But no sign of Raknar.

"Soldier Firesplitter, get up, or I have to help you!" Redwick shouted to his tent. But no sign of him as well. "Soldier Firesplitter..!" he screamed again. This time angrier and louder. He waited a minute and still, nothing happened. With a grumpy countenance he stepped to Raknar's tent and opened it. He just wanted to start yelling, as his voice broke off in shock.

Raknar lay on the ground, naked and covered in blood. There was a dagger, with a curled blade and a short, black handle, which stuck deep inside of his throat. Ricki kept silence and after a while he slowly pulled out the dagger to consider it more. Meanwhile, Azney arrived in the tent as well and looked strained over the shoulder of his commander. "That's a dagger of an Assassin." She calmly reported. And both of them continued to watch at the dead body of their comrade in silence.

"Look, there's a letter!" Azney suddenly shouted and Ricki was torn out of his concentrated view. Indeed! There was a piece of paper, hanging down from the top of Firesplitter's tent. Redwick ripped down the letter and read out loud, what was on it: "Turn around, immediately and go back to the citadel, or both of you will die. The plans won't ever end in your paws. I'll care for that personal. If you won't die, turn around, NOW. It's not too late to avoid a huge, bloody mistake... You are warned." On the sheet was a bloody fingerprint and the it was written hastily. The letters were very written very messy.

"What should we do now..?" Azney asked and looked a little bit confused. After a short break of silence he replied with new fire in his eyes: "What do you think we should do? We continue. I want to tear out the heart of that bastard by myself. Go, and make yourself ready. I'll come to you, in two minutes.." " Yes, sir!" He got as an answer and some minutes later, he stood in the blood flooded tent alone.

Redwick packed in the dagger and the letter and regarded at his killed partner one more time. He already saw a lot of corpses and wasn't very shocked, but still.. he was his companion. His glance went to the crotch area of his soldier and he couldn't stop watching it anymore. This huge tube, hanging there, drew Ricki's full attention. He knew, he had the same. But this was something completely different. It was the dick of another male.

He started to get pictures in his head, of other males, sucking each other off. He recognized his own dick rising in his pants and after a while he started to fondle it, still with his view fixed on the naked body of his comerade. It was such a great feeling of happiness and suddenly a feeling of wildness overpowered him and educed some growls out of him.

Ricki was shocked. He turned around and stormed out of the tent upset and confused. One of his companions got killed and he felt happy and teased about it? Disgusting!

Officer Windguard just lay on her armour and the morning sun let her white- brownish fur shine in a silky tone, Redwick never saw before. She lay on her bow and turned around to Stonehammer. "Ready, when you are!" she said. Ricki, still confused, took on his backpack and went over to Azney. "Sure, let's go!" he said and both of them made their way, further into the woods, not knowing, that they were secretly observed.

All day long, nothing really strange happened, till they finally found the searched outpost, as the sun slowly starts to touch the mountains in the north. The Outpost was a huge building made of dark wood, with many small windows, where wary eyes of frightened soldiers peeped out.

Redwick knocked on the heavy door and minutes later, they stood in a huge room, in the center of the outpost. The guards led them to a table and ordered them to wait there. Seconds later, another Charr came to them and sat down.

It was a dark clothed male with black fur and shiny blue eyes. "I'm Windshadow and I'm glad that you made it." He said and let out a short sigh. "I had very important plans for the Tribune, that some renegade Charrs from the fire Legion will attack some of our camps in the nearer future. But these plans were taken away out of my hands, some days ago, when I was asleep and I have no idea, who it was. I need your help, to find out, who did it."

The Lieutenant needed a few seconds and thought about it. Finally he took out the threatening letter and the still bloddy dagger and laid both of it on the table. "Yesterday one of my companions got killed and the murderer let these things behind. Do you have any clue of, who it could have been?"

Windshadow first examined the letter but couldn't say anything about it. Then his view rambled over to the dagger and he held within for a second. He slowly grabbed the blade with his huge paws and considered it carefully.

"I think I know, who assassinated your friend yesterday.." The spy still looked down on the dagger, his eyes fulfilled with dignity. My master once had a student, who was perfectly fit for Assassinations. He was a huge help in some small wars and silently turned off the leaders of the enemy and so we won lots of wars. He was used to handle these kinds of blades. But one day, he betrayed us and went over to the enemy side. Since then, I never heard of him again.."

"So, he could have the plans. Hmm, then we have to find him. But now, it's no more, that we only try to catch fog. We have a really hot track. Thanks to you, spy! I guess we'll hold these plans in our paws in a few days.."

All of them kept sitting at the table and took the time to make some plans and to throw in some ideas, how to find the plans. After a while and some cups of met later, it got really dark and Windshadow bowed himself out, to get some sleep. It took no long time either, that Azney and Stonehammer decided to do that as well and made their way, to their sleeping rooms, in the opposite directions.

Redwick slowly stepped through the dark and silent hallway. Just a few candles lit his way. Suddenly something started to concern him. He heard some silent moans and had to think about the assassin, try to throttle someone. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and he tiptoed his way to the well of the sound.

Stonehammer stood in front of a wooden door, where the sounds definitely came out of. He wanted to storm in there, but recognized that all of his armour was left behind in the storage room. And trying to stop an Assassin with his bare hands was straight suicide. So he bowed his head carefully and looked tense into the room, over the lock.

His jaw fell down as he spotted the scene and saw something completely different, than he had in mind. What he saw was a couple, engulfed in each other, kissing wildly. Then he suddenly recognized that it wasn't a normal couple. It were two guards he saw this day, making love on the bed right now. Ricki was shocked and impressed at the same time. He never saw something like that before. He was only fantasizing about such things.

He concentrated on the scene a bit more and now saw one of the Charrs, moving down to the exposed privates of the other male and gently started to lick over the raw meat. A soft moan came out of the Charrs mouth and he started to convolve his limbs a bit at the electrifying sense of lust.

All too soon, the licking Charr started to curl his tongue around the rock hard member of the other male and slowly shoved it into his jaw, deeper and deeper, till it was completely gone. Both of them had their eyes closed and enjoyed this well feeling sense of pleasure.

Redwick was overwhelmed of this show and opened the door slightly to get a better view on the scene. As he sat down on the floor, to get himself more comfortable, he suddenly realized, that his own cock already slightly began to expose. He was a bit shocked first, but he will never see such a good show in his live again, he was sure. So he continued watching the scene and slowly started to fondle at his own member.

Meanwhile the Charr, who got licked held his paws on the head of the other and pressed it down, roughly and made a hard pant at each stroke. Lots of precum and salivary ran outside of the other ones jaw and dripped down on the belli, what made it even sobbier. In the ecstasis of the other male he started to fondle at the huge balls of his own and slowly rubbed one of his claws around the entrance of his tailhole

Stonehammer couldn't stop to watch them. At this moment his only wish was to have a willing mate, to have some fun at his own. "Would they mind, if I'd join them?" He thought to himself for a while and was shocked over this Thought one second later. He couldn't do that. He still was too unsure about his sexuality.. Or was he? He already had a fixed grip around his member, slowly moving his paw up and down, still watching the hot scene.

After a while his neck started to hurt, from the cramped bearing. So he leaned back on a wall, closed his eyes and continued watching the scene in his inner eyes. Redwick spread his legs open a bit, fastened his movement and fondled his balls in excitement.

After some time, his imagination became less, so he opened his eyes and made a deep breath. He thought about, what he just did, lost in passion. He was sitting on the hallway, in an Outpost and giving him the best fap, he ever had. He must have gone crazy. If somebody sees him.. but.. it felt so good. He decided, that it wasn't enough. He wanted more. More inspiration. So he moved to the door slit again and continued watching the scene again. He wondered what happened in there, as he started to hear, silent moans a while ago.

The two guards were lost in passion in that moment as well. They enlaced each other and Redwick could only see lots of skin and meat. Soft moans came out of one guard's mouth as the other started to press some claws against his Tailhole, finding a way in for them.

After another short while with lots of dirty sounds and groans, the scene got hotter again. One male took the legs of the others and placed them on his shoulder, grinning meanly. He moved forward and placed his prick on the entrance of the other's butt. The one on the top leaned forward and gave the other one a long, fierce and wet kiss and shoved his hips slightly further. The kiss broke up as the passive Charr lifted his head in pain and groaned out loud.

"The first few inches are the most painful.." The one on top whispered in the other's ear and earned another kiss. Slightly his dick went deeper and deeper and huge amounts of pre were already dripping from the other's dick down connecting his manhood to his belly, with some sticky lines. They started to move forth and back in union and let out soft moans at each movement. It was a very pleasurable view, Ricki had to admit.

He kneed in front of the slightly opened door and wanked himself off at high speed rate. It was an awesome feeling, but there has to be something to make it slightly better. Redwick noticed the thick candle, burning happily on the hallway. He took it down and blew it out. It took a while for him, but soon he was ready and sat above the thick stick, ready to earn some new experiences.

He let himself sunken down slowly and only felt huge pressure at first. He closed his eyes and pressed down a bit more. Suddenly the tip of the candle slit into his ass and Ricki felt the pain he was looking for. It really hurt, but it was a nice pain indeed. It took a while for him, to go deeper but as he finally did, he found huge pleasure of the massive wax stick, poking into his guts.

He continued watching the indoor-scene and tried out the same positions, as the two lovers did. So he shoved in the stick roughly and began to moan slightly. As he finally continued to wank himself, it was more than too much for him.

Redwick looked inside the lover's room once more and saw that they were just finishing. So he did as well. The Dominant guard slapped his balls against the other lover's ass and fucked him roughly in doggy style. Then he laid down on the others back and went over to the end spurt. Groping the other's dick and jacking it off was even too much for the subversive partner as well. Both of them came at the same moment with a heavy moan. They spurted their cum all over and decorated the room with some new, white dashes. Shivering and twitching they broke together in each other's arms, panting happily.

Redwick watched them and already gasped heavily as well. He kneed in front of the door, the candle deep inside his ass and also made his finishing move. He pulled out the stick and the feeling of release was even better than he thought. He made some soft groans and shot his load directly on the lover's door. He painted it white with all of those heavy streams of semen and his whole body twitched in enjoyment of the climax.

After some time of relaxation and panting, he enlightened the candle again and put it back where it was at first. Every time he'll pass this spot, he'll have to chuckle, he knew. Redwick stood up again and made his way, finally into his own bed.

He lay down and thought about the two mating guards, recognizing, that he already got hard again. Ricki turned around and let his thoughts drifting off into the distance, seeing him, mating with other males and feeling their warm body presence. After a time he fell asleep, smiling but didn't recognize, that he moistened the bed blanket, with his once again, pre-spurting, twitching manhood. But that didn't matter to him the least.

After all he was happily mating in his dreams and nothing could bother him.

Not even the person, standing in the shadows of his room, watching him silently.