The Guardian Chapter 1

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#1 of The Guardian

Hello again SoFurry,

This is the first story that I have written on here in a while and I really hope you enjoy it. It will be series and I will do my best to stay on top of updating it on a regular basis. Enjoy :)



Why is it that every time I reach out with my mind, I reach only darkness? I had fallen asleep for the fifth time that night, trying desperately to see the male of my dreams again. He dwelt in them, and only them, for this male did not exist in my physical world. I have thrust my mind into the pursuit of him, and yet, have not captured him in my loving arms.

The great behemoth of the male sleeping next to me snored loudly, waking me from my heated pursuit. I frowned, batting him with my hand. The black bear snorted and sat up, snarling at me. I glared back at him, removing the covers from my body and getting out of bed. I shivered as my bare feet touched the cold stone of our chambers.

"If you ever leave these walls again I will flay the skin from your back," The bear growled, getting out of bed behind me, "You are mine bitch, remember that."

I frowned, tonight was not going to end like the countless other squabbles my husband and I have had. He grabbed me from behind, his heavy, brutish paws sliding down over my body, and coming to a stop over my groin and manhood. I squirmed my way out of his grip, looking up at him, my eyes filled with rage.

"I am leaving," I began, starting to dress myself in the ceremonial armor that was given to me as a wedding gift, "I will not hesitate to kill you if you get in my way."

My husband scoffed and began to laugh heartily.

"A skinny human bitch like you wouldn't last the night out there," The bear jabbed, "Where would you go? No decent fur household would take you in."

I procured a fiercely pointed dagger from my chest, making the bear growl and move back away from me. I brandished it, holding the point down and away from me.

"You know where I am from," I began, "They always teach the royals they marry off skills with a knife."

The bear snarled.

"Fine you backstabbing bitch," He replied, stepping aside, "You will have the rest of the night to get away from here. When this night is up, I will hunt you."

I frowned and jumped out the window, scaling down the jagged rock walls of our castle. I quickly ran to the stables and was stopped by the guard. He growled, being a black bear bearing the same imposing stature of my husband.

"Move now Adbar," I began, pulling out the dagger, "Let me reach my mount."

The bear chuckled, pulling out a ferociously spiked mace.

"I do not move for traitorous cunts like you," He replied, "Now be a good boy and try not to scream as I murder you."

He growled and charged at me, knocking me to the ground. I cried out in pain, feeling the barbed iron spikes drive into the flesh of my shoulder and shattered the bones of my arm. I struck out, stabbing the bear in the kidney. He growled in pain, his blood soaking into his light cloth shirt. I quickly picked up his mace, and ran to my mount.

The white and black striped tiger growled and groaned as it got up on his heavy thick legs. I smiled, going up to it and petting him softly. He was twice my weight, and came up to my neck in height. He churred, resting his head against my shoulder. I moved to the wall to grab his saddle and collar and did my best to put them on with one hand.

A sapphire colored crystal embedded in the collar glowed with a dim light as I finished fastening the cured leather straps. He growled and nuzzled me, licking over my wound gingerly.

"Who did this to you?" He asked, nuzzling under my arm to support me.

I groaned in pain lifting myself on the broad beast's back. He whined, lowering his head to make the process easier. I clung limply to his neck with my good arm, trying with all my might to stay conscious. I shivered, feeling myself grow weaker by the second. I saw that Adbar was gone from the stables, and I knew that I did not have much time.

"Where do you want me to go?" The tiger asked, walking slowly out of the stable.

"Into the forest," I replied wearily, "Leave no sign, I need to recover from this wound."

The tiger nodded and ran silently out of the castle. He moved effortlessly, moving his strong but sinuous body through the winding cobblestone streets of the small city that surrounded my castle. The gate guards opened the gate without question, and just like that, I was free. I lost consciousness as the stone walls of my home disappeared behind the dark pine and spruce of the forest.


Wake up

I started, opening my eyes to see a roof made from over-lapping tree branches. I sat up and looked out the window, seeing nothing but clear blue sky. My shoulder did not pain me and my wound was bandaged and cleaned. I walked to the window shakily and saw that I was several dozen feet off the ground. I jumped and fell back into a pair of furred arms.

"Easy there James," A strong and familiar voice began, "You are safe here."

I broke into tears and turned, crying into the wolf's black furred chest.

"My god I never thought this day would come," I replied, holding myself tight against him.

"It hasn't" He replied simply, "This is a dream."

I sighed and sat back down on the bed. The wolf cracked a smile and sat down beside me, rubbing my thigh gently. I sniffled, putting my head in my hands.

"Do not cry," He began, lifting up my chin and wiping my eyes, "There will be plenty of hardships in the months to come. Save your tears."

I nodded weakly, rubbing his paw tenderly. He kissed my cheek and laid me back down on the bed. I continued to hold his paw, tightening my grip as he got up from the bed. He turned to look at me, a heavy sadness in his eyes.

"What is it?" I asked, sitting up to get closer to him.

"It is nothing," He replied, "Just a hard truth that I have foreseen."

"What do you mean?" I asked, "Is it about us?"

The wolf nodded slowly and removed his paw from my hand. I sniffled, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. He whined and held me tight and began to cry as well. I quickly joined him and pressed myself into his strong arms.

"Will we meet?" I asked, kissing his cheek.

"We will meet," He replied, "And sooner then you may think."

I smiled, wiping the tears from our eyes.

"Then what is so bad?" I asked, giving him a soft kiss on the lips.

He returned it, gently brushing my cheek as he moved his paw to my hand. He gripped it, breaking the kiss and looking me in the eyes.

"You will not know me," He said, "You will see me in person yes, but you will not allow me to be with you."

I gasped indignantly taking both of his paws in my hands and rubbing them. He sighed, his ears and tail lowered.

"Do not make a promise that you cannot keep," He continued, "I will continue to be here, in your dreams, but I will not be like this."

I shushed him with a kiss, moving his paws to my waist. He growled in approval, rubbing up my sides as he deepened the kiss. I moaned quietly, rubbing my hands over his body as well. Our mouths opened, letting our tongues tease and stroke one another. He pressed me down against the bed, growling in pleasure and grinding himself against me. He froze as my hands went over the inside of his thighs, and pulled back.

"We cannot," He began, "You need to awaken."

"I don't ever want to," I replied, "Ever since you came to me as a boy, I've never wanted to."

He sighed, looking down and away from me. I sniffled, feeling the tug of my mind back into consciousness. I kissed him one more time and looked into his eyes.

"Why would you not be like you are now?" I asked, holding him tightly.

He looked down at me, smiling sadly.

"Because I will be so close to you," He began, "And will love you too much to get in your way."


I woke up with a loud gasp and was unable to move. My mount stirred shifting his body to allow his large and radiant amber eyes to look into mine. He licked over my face a few times before nuzzling himself into my arms. I smiled.

"You aren't a kitten anymore Suori," I began, kissing his cheek softly, "Where are we?"

"In the woods like you asked," The tiger replied, "I found a helpful druid who dressed your wound and bound up your arm. He said that you would be ok."

I tried to sit up, but was met with growls of protests from my mount. Suori frowned at me, and planted himself more firmly on top of me. I frowned in return, trying to shift out from under him. He bared his teeth and snapped his jaws angrily. I sighed and stopped moving.

"He said you shouldn't move unless you absolutely must," Suori began, "I'm not going to let you move unless we have to."

I sighed.

"How many days was I asleep?" I asked, removing my unbroken arm from underneath my mount, "It's important that I know."

"It's been a week," Suori replied, quickly continuing as he saw the worried look on my face, "Don't worry, the druid took care of the troops pursuing you."

I sighed with relief and relaxed. The tiger nuzzled me and stood up. He began to patrol around the clearing in which I laid, stopping at every opening to peer out intently into the forest. I watched him, smiling at the way he moved. I had owned Suori since he was a small kitten and had trained him in the way of my people.

I came from a land far to the south of the royal house to which I was wed off to. We were a people who favored the village life to castles and glory. We farmed and made our fame with the quality of the mounts we trained, both mundane and exotic. The training that made them so receptive to being ridden included everything from sexual gratification to lavish stables and food.

"Suori," I called out, "Come and lay back down, I wish to examine you."

He frowned, turning from his vigilant watch.

"I'm fine," He replied, "Seriously you don't need to."

"I insist," I began, "The last time you said that you had an infected sore on your paw and couldn't walk for a month."

The tiger snorted and walked back over to me. With a huff, he laid down in front of me, his tail twitching impatiently. I tenderly began to probe and run over his slender body, checking for any signs of injury. He murred lowly as I rubbed over his belly, and I smirked.

"Surely you don't think I'll be doing that do you?" I asked, teasing his sheath before continuing my examination.

He whined.

"Come on," He replied, "It's been a long time."

I smirked removing my hand from his belly. He looked up at me expectantly, his eyes wide and hopeful. I chuckled.

"You'd best go back to keeping watch," I began, "I would hate it if the clearing wasn't safe."

The tiger whined and slowly got back up. I kissed his nose, holding his neck to me as I began hugging him. His tail wagged and I felt his muscles tense and relax as I began to run my fingers through his dense coat. He churred happily, and pulled himself away from me. He rolled over on his belly, his white sheath already plump.

I rolled my eyes.

"What would you like?" I asked, looking over the feline.

He grumbled, shedding his collar and gesturing at his growing cock. I rolled my eyes and began to kiss over it, working my lips and tongue over the soft, velvety fur. He murred happily, getting hard in my mouth. I moved back to survey his cat hood, inwardly murring at its girth and length. I slowly ran my fingers along his spines before taking it in my mouth.

He growled, his body undulating under me with each slurp and suckle. I rubbed his belly as I began to bob on his cock, swallowing down his heavy pre cum as I did. I serviced him like this for many minutes, bringing him to the point of orgasm multiple times before backing off. His balls were held tight against his body, and throbbed heavily with each motion of my mouth.

I looked him in the eyes and took him into my throat. He mewled like a newborn kit as he began to orgasm, shooting hot ropes of tiger cum into my waiting throat. He slowly stretched and wiggled under me, gasping and mewling with each ejaculation. I pulled back, blushing hard, and wiped my mouth.

I smiled fastening the collar back on him. He mewled happily and licked my hand before falling asleep. I snorted and kissed his brow, slowly getting up and stripping naked. I took off my bandage, wincing as I saw the cruel and jagged wounds inflicted by the mace in my saddlebag. After struggling to find a clean piece of cloth, I managed to shoddily redress and bind my injury.

Suddenly, a loud crashing sound erupted from a dense bunch of trees next to the clearing. I gasped, turning my back to search for the mace in my saddlebag. Suori jumped up, fur bristling as a large grey-coated centaur came out of the woods behind me. He raised his bow at me, looking over my naked form.

"Tell your cat to make itself scarce," It began, "Then I will take what I want from you and let you both live."

I took one look at the massive tool between the centaur's legs and bolted. Suori followed suit and lowered his head to lift me on his back as we ran. I made my body lay flush against the tiger's smooth back, ducking as arrows flew by my face like angry hornets. Another grey centaur burst out of the trees to the side of us.

I gasped as I realized what they had planned.

"Suori stop!" I cried, "Don't go this way!"

It was too late, we had found ourselves trapped by an old, abandoned rock quarry. I dismounted, brandishing the mace and preparing for a last stand. The two centaurs came in front of me and attacked.



Earlier that morning:

I yawned as I awoke in a warm tavern bed and stretched out my strong black-furred limbs. The collie girl next to me whined, wrapping her slender arms around my body. I smirked and kissed her, rubbing my paws over her body.

"Do you have to leave my wolf?" She asked, looking up at me with her big brown eyes.

"I have other taverns to visit my sweet," I jested, "Besides, the town of Hywood has need of my services."

She pouted, removing her arms from me.

"I'd better not be pregnant," She began, "I can't deal with a child right now."

"Then you shouldn't have let me fuck you," I replied with a snort, getting up from the bed to pull my pants on.

She gasped and sat up, the blankets covering her legs. I looked over the sight before me and chuckled, turning my back to her to finish dressing. She whined and moved behind me, putting her paws into my pants and rubbing earnestly. I murred and moaned.

"I really can't stay Malia," I began, trying to unsuccessfully remove myself from the female's persistent paws, "I need the money."

"Who needs money when you can have me," She whispered, sliding my pants down and pulling me back to bed.

I smirked and feigned resistance, letting her lay me on the bed. She straddled me, bending down to kiss me deeply. I moved my paws to her breasts, groping and rubbing them. Malia moaned quietly, grinding her already moist folds against my swollen sheath. I quickly became hard, my crimson erection resting against her folds.

"Make it quick Malia," I began, blushing and moaning as she put me inside her.

She cried out, her tight walls clenching around my tool. I closed my eyes in pleasure, moving my paws to her thighs. Malia began to slowly grind and roll her hips against me, moaning and huffing quietly as she did. I began to move with her, coupling her motions with slow and powerful thrusts of my own. I growled sitting up more to gain greater leverage with my thrusts.

"C-can you roll me on my back?" She asked me breathily before biting her lip and throwing her head back.

I took the opportunity to lean forward and kiss and suckle her breasts. She moaned appreciatively, moving her paws down to knead and grip my abdominal muscles. She whined and pressed herself more urgently against me, her breathing becoming more ragged with each thrust of my hips. I smirked, rolling her over and driving powerfully into her with each thrust.

"Like that Malia?" I asked, holding her down as I sped up my thrusts.

She cried out and I leaned down to kiss her deeply, thrusting my lounge into her maw. She moaned, doing her best to kiss back in between her moans. I growled, going faster as the pressure began to build in my testicles. She cried out and orgasmed around me as I began to fuck her roughly with my entire length.

I howled and thrust one last time into her, my knot catching and swelling. She cried out in pain and pleasure as I bit her shoulder in a mating bite and came. I held the bite as my balls emptied themselves into them bitch beneath me. I growled and panted with pleasure as my orgasm finally ended and held the bitch close to me.

"You are still biggest I've ever had," Malia moaned breathily, "I wish that you would stay."

I frowned and rubbed her back.

"You know I can't," I replied, "I can't stay for too long in one place."

She sighed, rubbing over my buff torso. I closed my eyes, relaxing and holding her as my knot slowly deflated. After a few minutes I got up from the bed, dressing myself and leaving some gold on the nightstand. I walked to the front of the tavern, collecting my bow and arrow full of quivers. I looked over it, checking for damage. The bow was made from a rare species of tree that grew far from the south and had an intricate patterned design.

I nodded my head in thanks to the bartender, and stepped outside. A bedraggled and travel-worn group bears, led by the king, made their way past me. Many of the procession carried their fallen comrades on their backs, their bodies borne aloft and posed in the strange manner of their people. The fallen looked like they were only lightly sleeping and ready to get up and fight at a moment's notice.

I bowed my head with respect as they passed, waiting for the last of the sad procession to move around the corner before moving on. The guards standing watch at the gate smiled and waved at me. I waved back as the captain of the guard motioned for me to stop. I complied and waited for him to walk down to me.

"Do you want to make another 1000 gold?" The captain asked, taking off his helmet to reveal his ursine head.

I chuckled.

"You shouldn't even have to ask," I began, "What is it this time? Another troll? Or a wyrm perhaps?"

The captain shook his head and handed me a parchment. I read it and chuckled.

"Oh good a centaur," I smirked, "And I thought all the good sport was hunted out of these woods."

The captain chuckled and patted me on the back. I stood back to shake his paw and bowed my head. I looked up to answer another question, and he shook his head in response.

"We just need one head," He said, replying to my unsaid question, "Do you have a blade?"

"I don't need one," I began with a chuckle, "I'll bring the damned beast in whole, with an arrow in his windpipe."

After sharing a hearty laugh with the captain, I took my leave of the high walls of the City of Bears. The woods soon surrounded me, and I walked slowly through them. After I was a good distance from the city walls, I began to look for tracks. I quickly found a trampled trail, the ground beneath it riddled with hoof prints.

I began to follow the trail and quickly discerned that there were two centaurs and another four-legged beast. I stopped once I saw an abandoned stone quarry. The four-legged beast, a large white and black striped tiger, lay dead or unconscious on the rocky ground. I sighed and began to climb up the crumbling rim of the quarry.

"Looks like our soon to be bitch has no more tricks up his sleeve my brother," I heard a cruel voice begin.

The pair of them laughed heartily for a bit before a loud slap broke it off. I heard an angry roar followed by a cry of pain and a sickening thud. The tiger stirred weakly and whined, its great head shifting towards the direction of the noise. I finally crouched at the top of the quarry and readied my bow. I could only see the two grey-furred centaurs, who were standing over something.

"You damn fool," The cruel voice began, "He won't be any fun if he's a corpse."

The other centaur snorted.

"He doesn't need to live through this brother," The other centaur replied, "Just long enough for us to take our pleasure and move on."

The centaur shifted revealing the still and naked form of the most beautiful human I had ever seen. He was young, scarcely out of his twenties, and looked like one of the old human kings of old. His hair was blonde and framed what little of his soft, white face I could see. I snarled and stood up, notching and aiming an arrow at the centaur. I fired, catching the monstrous hybrid under the chin and producing a crimson fountain of blood.

"What the fuck!" The remaining centaur exclaimed as he turned to look at me.

I quickly notched another arrow and fired, hitting the centaur under his left pectoral. He fell forward onto his front legs, looking up at me dumbly. I began to climb down the rock wall, reaching the floor of the quarry in under a minute. I turned and walked up to the sole living centaur. He gurgled and snarled at me, a trickle of blood running down his face.

"You son of a whore!" It snarled, "Who is this little bitch to you?"

I pulled the arrow from his chest, making the centaur whinny in pain. I glared at him and thrust the arrow into his throat, breaking off the shaft and kicking him to the ground. He convulsed once and lay still face down in a growing pool of blood. I heard a soft snuffling behind me and I turned to see the tiger nuzzling the human. The tiger had been kicked in the head by one of the centaurs, and his head and neck were covered in blood.

"He's not going back," The tiger snarled weakly, "I'll die to defend my master."

I lowered my bow and set it on the ground, lifting my paws to show that I meant no harm. The tiger continued to growl at me, watching me warily.

"Is your master hurt?" I asked, craning my neck to see the human, "I can help him and bring him to safety."

I began to move closer and the tiger snarled, baring his teeth at me. The human behind him stirred and weakly reached out for him. The tiger's gaze softened and he went back to his master, curling around him protectively. I sighed.

"Please," I began, "I want to help you."

"How do I know it's not a trap James," The tiger spat, "I know that the king holds you in high standing."

"How did you know that?" I asked, shaking my head in disbelief, "It doesn't matter, I can take you to safety."

"We don't want the king's brand of safety," The tiger replied, "We've run away from our home. My master was being abused by his husband."

I was shocked that the big cat knew me and even more shocked that anyone could abuse a beautiful mate like that. I sighed, bowing my head.

"I know your master," I began, "I knew him when he first came to this kingdom. He was only a boy then, far too young to be wed to a savage creature such as the king."

The tiger licked the human's cheek as a mother cat does to her sickly kitten. The human stirred once and laid still. I gasped, seeing the bruises on his side and the tattered cast on his arm. The tiger mewled pitifully, nuzzling him again. I walked forward.

"I have a cabin near here," I began, "If I get him on you will you follow me?"

The tiger looked at his master and mewled again. The human didn't stir and I sighed, reaching down to pick him up. The male groaned weekly, his eyes slowly opening as I put him on his mount's back. He smiled rubbing my paw weakly.

"I knew you would come for me," He began, kissing my paw as he fell back into unconsciousness.

I blushed and began to lead the tiger off into the woods, turning over those words in my mind over and over. I could hear the big cat's labored breaths behind me and stopped, turning back to look him over. He snarled at me, pushing me forward with his large head and wiping off some blood on the back of my pants.

"Move it you wolf fuck," The cat snarled, "He's not going to last much longer."

I sighed and shook my head, quickening my pace and thinking of the human's words as we pressed on.