Chapter 4: Do As I Say

Story by ArgoDD on SoFurry

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#5 of Duty

Joining Joji for dinner, Marcus meets Alex.

Chapter Four: Do As I Say

After the three had finished dinner, Joji prompted his feet up on the empty chair next to him. He looked square at Marcus. "So how long are you here for?

"About a year. I came back for a yearlong internship. I had enough credits to take this up and still be able graduate next May."

"And then what?"

"Raemount Law."

Reis gave an uneasy look, but with a supportive smile.

Joji grinned again. "One of the more prestigious law schools I hear," he then looked at Reis "I'm sure he'll miss-"


Someone had slammed the front door. A glare swept over Joji's face as he swiftly got up and headed into the hallway that lead to foyer.

There standing in the hall, was Alex, submitting his mouth to the grasp of a brawny Rottweiler. The Rottweiler wore a beaten leather jacket , a red bandana over his ears, and had a tattoo covering his neck. In the Rottweiler's right paw was money: a couple of hundreds. Joji's eyes watered in rage, his ears pointed upward like spades, and his sharp teeth grinded against each other. As he approached them slowly, the Rottweiler's eye's popped open as soon he saw the incoming Shepkita.

"You fucking whore!" shouted the thug as he pushed Alex away from him, dropping one of the bills to the ground. As Joji increased his speed, the stranger darted out of the house. Joji picked up the bill, crumpled it up, and threw it towards the fleeing Rottweiler before he slammed the door. Then he looked at Alex, his rage only amplified at the sight of a slight sneer running across Alex's face as he leaned backward on the stair railing carelessly. Joji grabbed the pup by the collar of his shirt.

"What the hell you doing?"

"I was kissing him, that's what."

"Why?" Joji pulled Alex closer.

"Because I wanted to..."

"Bullshit! He was paying..."

Alex pulled away, "So what if he was. It's none of your business, Joji."

"I swear, Alex, if I find him I'm arresting him for solicitation of a minor. You don't do anything I don't like, you understand? And that includes running off without me knowing."

"Oh sure, and not have any fun!"

Joji threw his hands up, "AHHGG 'and not have any fun!'" he mimicking Alex's whiny teenaged voice. "Whoring yourself out to guys like that? You think that's fun, huh?"

Joji began to settle, he reached into his back pocket.

"How much was he gonna give you?"

Alex glared. "I told you, that's none of your..."

"How much?"

"Three hundred."

Joji pulled out his wallet and took out several bills. "Well you're getting five from me. Here." Alex looked at the money and looked up at the glaring hefty gray canine.

"Take it."

Alex took the money from Joji, allowing his face sink into a whimper.

"No more questions," Joji said, "no more trouble. Just spend it. Got it?"

Alex smiled, and Joji couldn't help let the rest of his anger wash off his face (even if not in his heart) and return a smile. Putting his paws on both of Alex's shoulders, Joji turned him around and pushed him toward the kitchen. "Now get yourself some dinner. We have company over, so behave..."

Alex quickly shoved the five one-hundred dollar bills into his jeans. As he did so, he could feel the heat of Joji's breath against the back of his neck as he whispered:

"...and do as I say."

As Joji and Alex entered the kitchen, Alex gave a blank nod to Reis. He then looked over to Marcus, but only for a split second before he parted from Joji and started for the counter.

"This is Marcus. Friend of Reis's" Joji's jovial voice had returned. Alex looked up again. Marcus gave a light smile, but only got another blank nod in return from the young Dalmatian; but this was enough to afford Marcus the opportunity to make out the kid's features. His fur was as glaring white with the exception of two black patches that covered his eyes and dozens of small spots that sporadically covered his muzzle. He was short, shorter than Marcus and considerably thin, though his body was well-defined and upright. He wore a lavender shirt, covered by a black hoodie and in the brief moment that he made eye contact, Marcus could see that his eyes were blue, though darker Reis's and more dilated.

Joji came back over to the table, "Where were we...oh, yeah, where are you gonna intern at?" It took Marcus a moment to redirect his attention, but when he did he replied.

"For the DA."

Joji's raised his eyebrows. "Oh, you'll be working for Carol," he said in a way that seemed slightly uneasy despite his wide grin. "She helped me out a lot last year with my campaign. You'll like her. But I don't know if she still likes me." Marcus was confused but tried not to show it.

"That'll work out for the both of you..." Joji placed his paw on Reis's shoulder "...cause starting on Monday, Reis's gonna be accompanying me on patrol. We make frequent stops at the DA's office, so you'll be seeing plenty of each other." This was the first thing that Joji said that made Marcus feel the least bit at ease. Joji picked up a pack of cigarettes. He put one in his mouth and lit a match.

"I don't like cigarette smoke in the house. Do you mind?" called Alex from behind the counter. Joji smiled and dipped his head to the side as he extinguished the light and placed the cigarette back in the box. "You gonna join us, kiddo?" asked Joji.

Alex looked up to the three at the table and said coldly, "I got things to do. I'll eat upstairs."

"Suit yourself then."

As Alex started back for the hallway, Reis called out. "See ya, Alex." And once again, Alex only responded with an immediate nod without expression. Joji shook his head.

"Never mind him. He doesn't like anybody but me."

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