Chapter 1... Breaking the ice.

Story by Kitlian on SoFurry

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#1 of Frozen

This is a more official repost of the first story I ever posted. To those who read that, these first few chapter may seem a little repatative.

The sun shone brightly on the ice as Jenna made her way along the shoreline. She had been traveling this way for what seemed like weeks. The Glass shore was a long expanse but none the less, It made her travel quite boring, even with her imaginations being what it was. Needless to say, the sudden hard smack of the ice against her cheek, as she tripped, got her attention. Looking back, she saw a strange black blade, protruding from the light layer of snow. It had a strange angular edge, and only one sharp side. It reminded her of one of her fathers knives. He had picked it up while on an adventure in the horn of Louth. The people there were tropical, so what a knife of theirs would be doing in the ice land, puzzled her. She knelt down near it, and ran her gloved finger lightly across the blade. To her surprise, the edge sliced through the tough leather, like a razor through silk. To hold an edge out in this weather, It must have been of great quality. Intrigued, she carefully grasped the blade along the back edge, and pulled. The knife wouldn't budge. Neither surprised, nor thwarted, she untied the axe from her belt, and began chipping at the ice around the base, being careful not to hit the unusual blade. Perhaps a hands width down, she encountered a course black fur, that seemed to surround the hilt. Undeterred, she chipped at the ice on all sides, to find the same black fur. It occurred to her that it might be more than just a knife. Perhaps she had stumbled across the body of an unfortunate traveler. She paused and sat up, looking around. It would be unlikely, but none the less, the thought of it made her pause for a moment, before continuing. As she widened the circle, a large chunk of ice split free. She used the pick to lever the chunk up enough to get her fingers underneath. Using the pick to pry the other side, she lifted the piece free. As she did, she uttered a sudden gasp, rising quickly to her feet, and letting the pick fall to the ground. Her boots slipped with the sudden movement, sending her to the ground, flat on her back. She lay motionless for a moment, unhurt, but quite startled. Presently, she slowly rolled back onto her hands and knees, and turned back to the blade. Her shock came from the discovery that it was not in fact a blade, but a horn. When she had removed the block, she looked down to see a black, white-less eye, looking up at her. Looking again, she gasped and froze still, in shock. She knew without a doubt what it was, and in fact, who, it was. She had come here seeking the lost golden staff of Aaron. However, it was a well known legend, that Khyth the black, had been drown in one of the rivers in the region. She turned and set her things down to make camp. She didn't know why exactly she wanted to camp here, but her gut seemed set on the idea. She looked back at the stallions eye again. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end, and somehow, she could almost feel the struggle he faced in his final moments. What frightened her though, was that the feeling were none she had ever felt. It was almost as if she saw his memory. She shook her head at the notion, but couldn't bring herself to get up and continue. She felt as though something was here, something more than just a body. Beginning to feel the cold seep through her clothing, she decided that she might as well camp here for the night. She pitched her tent not far from where the horn protruded. All the while as she set up her tent, and munched on some dried meat, her thoughts centered around the amazing thing she had uncovered. As she lay down in her bedding, she looked over at the black point, just barely visible in the fading light. Her mind looked though the ice, and her heart beat quickly as she contemplated that the rest of his body lay only feet away under the ice. It took many hours for her to get to sleep.

Chapter 2... Unearthing the beast.

Jenna woke the next mourning, not forgetting even for a second, the events of last night. As soon as she got back into her cloths, she returned to her find. It was unchanged, and yet she swore that his eye was looking at her. Part of her was frightened...

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Snippet 2

Characters... Kitlian Voss: An anthropomorphic Unicorn, with a questionable past, currently serving as an assistant, to Jonathan Carter. He is a remarkable shot with a handgun, an expert with a knife, a mechanical wizzard, and loyal as can be to...

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Pentagone's heart. Ch. 3

Trips home usually bore less daydreaming, and this one was no exception. The book she carried was not the most contraband item that she had ever snuck home with, none the less, she dreaded the thought that she would be caught, or worse, that her...

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