Megalopolis - Out of the Mist

Story by GoliathWildcat on SoFurry

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#12 of Megalopolis

Another mysterious hero has been seen riding the streets of Megalopolis. What secrets is the Mist Rider hiding from the public?

Out of the Mist

By Chris Gilman

The two hooligans snatch the young tabby cat off the street as she passes a dark alleyway. Her high pitched scream is cut off as the bigger mutt clamps a filthy hand over her small feline muzzle. "Shut up or I'll kill you before I rape you!" the mutt growls in her ear.

The girl looks with wide fearful eyes as a blade flashes in the darkness and the second mutt steps forward, drooling. "That's a good little pussy. Behave and we might let you live after we're done with you." Gripping the collar of her shirt he inserts the knife and rips it down the front, catching her bra with the sharp edge he exposes her breasts to the cool night air and a lecherous grin crosses his muzzle as he gropes her chest. "Now these are some fine tits, pussy."

The one holding the squirming girl while his partner touches her suddenly looks around in shock, his ears twitching at a distant rumbling. "Do you hear that?" he asks the one fondling the young girl still struggling in his grip.

The smaller mutt stops and listens, cocking his head to one side and lifting an ear, "Yeah... sounds kinda like rumbling thunder, but I've never heard it go on that long before."

Both goons start looking around with expressions of worry as a bank of fog seems to settle on them from nowhere and the visibility soon drops to near zero. "Is it just me or is that noise getting louder?" the big mutt asks as he holds the half-naked female against him as a shield. He twirls in the mist trying to keep her between him and that growing noise.

The shorter one holds the knife in front of him as he spins in circles, also looking for the source of the sound. "Yeah, it is," he whispers as he tries to pinpoint the sound that seems to echo in the mists that surround them. The rumbling turns into a roar as a flash of blue light speeds by and a war-club comes out of the obscuring fog to catch the smaller hoodlum behind the knee with a bone shattering impact. With a crunching sound the bones in his knee crack and splinter under the impact of the stone and wood. "Aarrgghhhh!" he screams as he hits the ground holding his shattered knee, eyes wide in shock.

"ARRROOOOOOOOW!" echoes a howl through the fog as the blue glow returns and stops in the fog a short distance ahead of the three figures. With a last ear splitting roar the rumbling settles down into the familiar sound of an idling motorcycle's engine. The blue glow seems to slowly grow closer as the fog in their immediate area around them parts to show a white wolf fem in a buckskin bikini with fringe and a pair of soft leather boots that go halfway up her calves. Blue tribal markings on her body glow with an inner power of their own. A tomahawk and knife hang at her belt as she taps the head of the war-club in her hand. Her face is masked by what appears to be blue war-paint, but it glows with the same light as her other markings. Her brown eyes seem to flash in the dim light that filters through the mist around them as she takes in the situation. A leather headband keeps her thick mane of white hair out of her face and a bone choker adorns her neck. A single blue feather hangs from the side of the headband and a small charm on it flashes with an inner blue fire in the diffused light.

The bigger hooligan starts to tremble while he holds the small feline female between him and this strange visage from the mists. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" he asks in a snarl, spittle flying into the young feline's red hair.

She grins at him and speaks in a language so strange he can't even contemplate the meaning of the words. She drops the war-club to the ground and pulls her knife, the blade gleaming in the bluish light from her markings and her bike as she examines the edge as her voice seems to echo out of the mist around them, "If you can't understand what I just said, it's quite simple." She grins at both mutts before her, "If you let the girl go, you live. Otherwise, well... you really don't want to know the otherwise."

The smaller mutt growls at his accomplice in anger while he holds his knee on the ground, "Kill the pussy, and then kill the bitch! We can have our way with their cooling corpses!"

The big mutt reaches up to snap the young girl's neck with an evil grin but the wolf gives off a long howl of battle and flings the knife at his hand. He screams as the mono-molecular edge slices deep into the palm of his hand like it's not even there until the hilt smacks into his palm. Screaming in pain he releases the feline to grip his bleeding hand and tries to stop the blood flow by applying pressure to his wrist. He looks up just in time for the booted foot of the white wolf contact him hard under his chin, sending him into a back flip that leaves him lying on the cold ground unconscious.

The smaller mutt growls, "That's it bitch, you die!" He reaches inside his coat and pulls a grimy revolver from a pocket as the supernatural wolf snatches up her war-club and charges at him. He tries to bring the muzzle to bear at the wolfess, but she's too fast for him and he loses the gun as his wrist receives the same injury as his knee from a single swing of the war-club. The gun hits the ground and skitters out of the mutt's reach as the wolfess stands over the pair of bleeding assailants, her club tapping casually in one hand.

The young girl doesn't stay around to thank her rescuer, she runs into the fog and the wolfess nods in understanding as she whispers, "Get out of here girl, this was the wrong part of town to be walking through at night." She looks back down at the smaller thug and smirks in satisfaction, "I warned you." She walks over to where his gun lies and kicks the weapon away into the fog before she returns to her motorcycle, now visible in the thinning fog. A large custom built chopper of steel and chrome with blue lights illuminating details of its construction.

She straddles it and with one strong leg lifts it off the kickstand. Gripping the handlebars she revs the engine into a thunderous roar with a twist of the throttle. "Don't fear the darkness or the mists that roll out of it," she says with an ominous tone to the prone figure still staring at her. "Fear me!" she says with a laugh and a squeal of rubber on the pavement as she swirls the bike around in a tight circle. Like a flash she is gone and the fog is only a few wisps dissipating in the air. A crowd is gathering around the sobbing girl at the end of the alley as sirens sound and the MPD and Marshals arrive. The still conscious hooligan grunts and drops his head to the ground, "We should have gone somewhere without all these damn Metas around."

* * *

Lolotea kills the lights on her bike before she pulls up behind her shop in a thick and obscuring fogbank. With the flick of a finger she triggers a switch on her handlebars and the concealed lift drops beneath her. With a soft hum of electric motors she drops into the hidden garage under her shop and shuts off the rumbling engine with the flip of another switch. Leaning back in the saddle of the chopper she breathes deep and brings calm over herself as her mystical blue markings fade, all but the one that remains on the center of her back, but it's glow fades with the others. As the last of the mystical power leaves her she raises a hand to her head and pulls the leather headband off, releasing her thick white mane of hair. Sighing she closes her eyes and whispers, "That girl was so lucky I was nearby tonight."

"But you were there," says a familiar voice from the darkness of the quiet workshop, "Maybe the Great Spirit was guiding you to her aid rather than something as spurious as luck." With a click the lights come up and a tall brown male mouse stands there in a pair of blue jeans and a buckskin jacket, holding a clipboard he's reviewing some sheets on. "How's that new fuel mixture working for you Mist Rider?" he asks with a chuckle and a wink as he looks up at her.

The white wolfess rolls her brown eyes with exasperation, "Please don't use that name. The tabloids call me that just because I reportedly ride a motorcycle and always come out of the fog and mist. They know nothing about me, or who I really am. All they want is a new headline to attract the attention of the masses when the old heroes aren't enough."

With a wide grin he gives a respectful nod, "I understand Lolotea, but a secret identity helps hide who you really are. It's a good thing most of those tribal markings of yours aren't visible unless you're using your powers. They would identify you in a heartbeat if they were." He hooks a cable from a small laptop into the onboard computer of the chopper. "Besides, Mist Rider sounds kinda cool if you ask me," he says with a sideways glance and another soft chuckle.

"Sounds like a cheesy comic book hero if you ask me," she grunts with a sigh and shakes her head as she gets off the large chopper and runs her hands along its sleek lines. "As for how she performed tonight, she did pretty well. With the turbocharger I got her up to 180 miles per hour on the freeway before I heard that girl's scream and had to break off to investigate. I should be able to outrun almost anything else on the roads and probably anything trying to track me in the air too."

He nods as he starts to download the memory from the onboard computer, "Good, good." He rubs his delicate hands together and smiles, "How about you? Are you doing ok Lolotea?"

She nods and strips off some more of her outfit till she's only wearing the buckskin panties and fringed bikini top, "Yeah, just tired. Fights take so much out of me these days." She runs her hand through her long white hair, "Maybe I'm just getting too old for this vigilante stuff. I used to be able to do a rain-dance for a week straight, now I'm beat with only a night out on the streets."

"Not the same," he comments as he taps on the keyboard, "The rain-dance is mostly physical while using only a small portion of your powers. Being out there on the streets you're bringing everything in your ensemble to play with the big boys." Looking up he gives a soft wolf whistle, "Besides, for getting old you sure as hell still look hot to me."

She chuckles and gives him a sly smile, "Thank you, Kode." She peeks at the screen on the laptop and frowns, "How long this going to take?"

He taps a few keys and shrugs as he studies the screen, "An hour or two, why?"

She grins and takes his hand, "Because I want someone to wash my back." She drags him up the stairs to her apartment over the shop, and he follows her without much fuss.

In the bathroom she peels off the leather bikini before holding herself against the mouse as she pulls his head down into a deep kiss, her tongue dancing with his. When they part for air he smiles down at her and swats her firm rear. "You are so sexy, you know that?"

She smiles and wags her tail, "For you, always." She starts to unfasten his jacket and slips it off him and onto the floor on top of her discarded bikini. She nuzzles and kisses his chest as her deft fingers loosen his belt and pants so they can slide to the floor to join the growing pile of clothes. She hums in pleasure to find he's not wearing any underwear and gently rubs her palm against his sheath and encourages him with a few gentle squeezes.

Still holding each other they step into the oversized shower and let the water that starts at their entrance pour over their naked bodies. Kode reaches into an alcove and pulls out the fur shampoo that Lolotea likes and, pouring a generous amount into his hand, starts to rub it into her back as she continues to hold herself against him. "Ohhhh," she coos under his gentle ministrations. She rests her head against his chest and feels her body shiver with pleasure under his touch. Once her back is fully soaped she steps back from him and holds her hair out of the way so he can continue to wash the rest of her body. His fingers are as gentle when they rub the lather into her breasts as when he does her toes and he does not linger in any one place, no matter how much she moans and might want him to. When his gentle fingers rub between her legs to clean her fur there she can't hold back the long moan of pleasure that escapes her lips, "Oooooh! Mrrrrrr!"

He smiles up at her from his crouch, "I think someone is enjoying this."

She smiles down at him and notices his member slipping out of its sheath in the warm shower and stiffening to attention, "So I see."

He chuckles and stands up again to motion her towards the water to rinse off. She does so, spinning with the grace of a dancer under the water to let its warmth rinse all the foam from her thick white fur. With a sorrowful pout she turns to him and entwines her hands behind his head, "You forgot to clean one place though."

He cocks his head to the side, "Oh? I thought I covered every inch of your body."

She nods and gives him a playful sniffle as she looks up with those half lidded brown eyes of hers, "And only you are equipped to properly clean that area too." With slow and playful motions she turns and leaning against the wall holds herself up with one hand while her other reaches between her thighs to spread her definitely wet outer folds with two fingers. "Right inside here," she says with a mischievous look over her shoulder and a twinkle in her brown eyes. "Now get that brush of yours over here and put it to use."

He smiles and rubs her firm ass with a gentle hand, "Now how could I have possibly missed cleaning that area?" He eases closer and lets his member slide into the crevice between her butt cheeks. He smiles as she moans at the touch of his burning hot member and bites her lip in expectation. He chuckles and removes his hand from her ass to guide his member lower. He teases her puckered anus with the blunt head of his shaft and gets a gasp of surprise from her as he gently presses in against her back door but then backs off and aims lower still.

"Mmmmmm," she moans with need as she feels the blunt head of his shaft against her burning hot entrance. Nestling the head gently between the outer folds of her passage he lets go of his shaft to grip her hips with both hands and pull back as he slams forward into her with one swift stroke.

She gasps as she feels the sudden invasion of a thick maleness and lets out a long, "Ooooooooooh!" of pleasure as he settles into a steady rhythm. He thrusts into her at a moderate speed, not trying to rush either of them. She presses her cheek to the cool wall between her hands as she enjoys the type of ride her chopper can never give her, a look of pure bliss on her face.

Kode reaches forward to cradle a swaying breast in one hand, his deft fingers toying with an erect nipple and eliciting more moans of pleasure from her as she wraps her tail around his waist and tries to pull him into her faster. He obliges and starts to speed up his thrusts into the burning hot silk of her inner tunnel. He knows the liquid coating his balls is more than just shower water, and he leans in to nuzzle through her hair and gently nibble on the scruff of her neck. She gasps and her muscles clamp tight as a vise on his length as she howls with lust and climaxes as she rubs herself against him, her whole body jerking with the twitches of her climax. Through it all, he continues to hold the fold of skin on the back of her neck between his jaws, heightening the feeling of pleasure at being taken by this worthy male.

He slows the pace of his thrusts to a crawl and lets go of her scruff as she enjoys the afterglow of her orgasm. Nuzzling into her neck with tenderness, his hands stroke her body with sensual motions of his fingers. With slow care Lolotea pulls herself forward and off his shaft. Turning around to give him a deep kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck and his still hard erection pressed between them to leak onto their belly fur. "Your turn for a good washing," she teases in a soft voice as she takes the bottle of fur shampoo and pours a generous amount in her own hand to start washing his tall, thin frame.

She works over his back, giving his butt a playful squeeze and pat. She pushes him back into the shower's spray to rinse him off before she kneels before him and starts to wash his balls and sheath with tender hands. She admires the thick maleness before her that has given her so much pleasure so many times over the last few years. With a playful look up at him she gives his member a long and slow lick from thick base to rounded tip. Encircling the base of his shaft with the thumb and forefinger of one hand while the other teases his scrotum, she opens her mouth and takes him into her hot maw.

"Oooooh," he moans as his rigid length is sucked into the heat of her mouth as if shoved into a blast furnace. Kode leans back against the wall as more moans of pleasure escape his lips as her silken tongue teases his shaft, pressing the sensitive head of his member against the ribbed surface of the roof of her muzzle as she slowly pulls him out of her mouth with a loud pop. He entwines a hand in her thick white hair as she services him with a happy hum that sends pleasant vibrations through his length.

She pulls him out of her mouth entirely and lowers her muzzle to gently nuzzle and lick his balls as her other hand gives quick strokes to his thick member with eagerness. Taking one of his balls into her mouth she suckles the orb with care, enjoying the look of bliss on his face as his hand tightens in her hair as her tongue cradles the delicate orb. Letting his testicle plop out of her muzzle she sucks the other one in for a similar washing before she too lets it loose and returns her talented tongue to his begging shaft.

She wraps her long canine tongue around his shaft and strokes it a few times before opening wide and taking him back into her gapping maw. He can feel her sucking the head of his shaft into the back of her throat and he moans as he grits his teeth at the sensations of pleasure.

Lolotea can sense his building orgasm as her hand cradling his scrotum feels it pull up in preparation of feeding his seed from his hanging nuts to his thick shaft. She starts to bob her head rapidly on his member and he grunts, his face grimacing and both of his hands twining in her hair as his shaft spasms and squirts his thick cum into her hungry mouth. She sucks hard, pulling the head of his shaft into her throat so he's shooting his load straight down to her stomach. Her tongue swirls around his shaft as she suckles, coaxing every drop from it that she can.

He relaxes his grip on her hair as he sags against the wall and Lolotea pulls him from her mouth to quickly stroke his shaft with her hand and squirt the last few dribbles of his seed onto her tongue. She smiles up at him as she licks the dribbles from his shaft and gently cradles his family jewels.

He smiles down at her and pulls her up and into his arms, "You truly are wonderful." He leans in to kiss her and she returns it with equal passion.

* * *

As Kode slips his pants on and heads back to the garage to check the analysis on the computer Lolotea brushes out her long white hair as she looks in the mirror. In her early thirties she has to admit that she is holding up pretty good. Her workout schedule and the constant physical work around the shop keep her fit. She might not be as young as some of those little hotties out there, but she could hold her own still. 'And I look much hotter on a bike,' she thinks to herself.

Cupping her ample breasts she smiles and whispers to herself, "Of course, there are quite a few females who would kill for a set like these." Despite their size they are still nice and firm, and she has caught quite a few customers staring at them while she is ringing up their purchases, males and females alike.

She turns slightly to see her back and smirks at the blue tribal markings still there, the only symbols that are visible all the time. The blue offset the white of her fur nicely and she smiles at their meaning. She is what her tribe calls a Spirit Touched, believing the Great Spirit himself has touched her and granted her the powers that she uses, the ability to control fog and rain in her case along with a natural vigor and health. In the years since her birth she has ended the droughts that would plague her reservation and its people for years and brought prosperity to them once again.

A few of the elders were upset at her decision to leave the reservation, but have accepted her promise to visit when there is need and bring the rains that keep their crops alive. She never could have accepted the marriage to the old chieftain that a few of the older elders were trying to arrange for her. And the chief, to her surprise, had agreed with her. He knew trying to restrain a Spirit Touched often means disaster for the tribe, especially one whose spirit is as wild as the rain.

After completing her degree here in Megalopolis she set up her own little custom chopper shop on the outskirts of the sprawling city. She sells spare parts to pad her income, but the real demand on her time is for the highly detailed custom motorcycles she produces with the help of her assistant, Kode Brownpaw.

Pulling on a sports bra she finds a clean pair of jeans and pulls them on over her shapely rump. Stamping her feet into the black leather boots she prefers she ties her hair back with a leather cord as she heads downstairs to open the shop for the day. 'Enough thinking about the past,' she thinks.

* * *

Entering the shop she smiles as Kode points to a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon on the counter for her as he munches on his own breakfast and watches the news on the small TV in one corner of the tidy shop and the small Shetland-Pony in a low cut blouse reporting the morning news.

"Another sighting in the early morning hours of the Mist Rider has sparked more questions about just who this new independent hero is. She is reportedly a white wolf female covered in blue fur tattoos who always rides a motorcycle out of fog that appears out of nowhere. The meteorologists at Megalopolis U say there should have been no such fogs last night, and claim the unknown female must be manipulating the weather around her. We have done our own investigations and have been unable to come up with many leads. The victim she rescued wishes not to be identified but says she would have died if not for this strange heroine who appears as quickly as the mists she hides in and leaves without asking for thanks. The culprits of the attack were taken to the criminal hospital for treatment, no word on their condition. The Marshalls refuse to give any official comment on this new independent that seems to be working the streets of our city by night. Though sources do say they are as baffled at her identity as anyone..."

Lolotea shuts off the news with the remote and sighs as she sits at the counter and starts to eat, "How can you watch that crap?"

Kode looks up at her, "Well, I like to keep track of what they're saying about you. At least they are calling you a hero, not just some vigilante like that Chaos Cougar."

She signs and nods, "At least a white wolf on a bike isn't too uncommon."

He nods as he finishes his food, "Yup, I think at least six have been in here within the last month, and four of those were female. Though I do think at least two of them were here just to gawk at you," he gives her a wink as he chuckles. "None of them can outshine you though. If they start looking for the most beautiful white wolfess in the city, they'll easily focus on you."

She waves her hand dismissively at him, "You know I'm not into girls."

He nods, "I know love." He taps at a clipboard, "Got the readouts on your last ride. The bike is doing better than even I could have hoped for. That new fuel mixture gives you a thirty percent boost in performance."

She raises a delicate eyebrow at him, "Impressive."

Kode nods in agreement, "Indeed. I'd say that little ride of yours is now pumping out more horsepower than most V8's out there on the roads."

Lolotea gives him a soft smile as she finishes her breakfast, "Well, it will help me avoid both the authorities and the villains of this town at least."

He nods and takes their dirty plates, "I'll go clean these so you can open up."

She nods her thanks and walks over to the front door to unlock it with a key from her pocket. She is hardly surprised to see a news van in her parking lot and frowns, "Not again." Unlocking the door she goes back behind the counter and waits for the inevitable. She doesn't have to wait long.

A young collie female in a nicely tailored business outfit opens the door with her equine cameraman behind her. "Miss Ruffwind?" she asks politely to which Lolotea nods with a frown. "I'm Cali Brush, from channel 4 news, and we'd like to interview you about the independent hero known as the Mist Rider."

Lolotea frown deepens as her ears lie back into her hair, "Look, you people have asked me each time there's a sighting of this new hero if I know anything about her bike just 'cause I make custom rides. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I can't know if I made her bike, I've never seen it!" Lolotea snaps with a glint of fangs.

The collie seems taken aback at the canine's anger, but with the experience of a seasoned reporter, she regains her composure, "What about customers? Do you have any idea who could be the mysterious Mist Rider?"

Lolotea gets off the stool behind her counter and advances on the reporter, a growl forming deep in her throat "Grrrrrrrr... Look, Miss Brush, that is private information and I don't care to divulge it to you, now get the FUCK out of my shop!" She turns the reporter and her cameraman around and guides them out the doors with insistent and none to gentle hands on their back of their necks.

Once the two are outside the young reporter turns to her cameraman, "Where you shooting that?"

He frowns as he looks at the playback screen on the camera, "Yeah, but it won't do us any good."

She tilts her head in confusion, "Why?"

He shows her the blank screen of static, "She's got an anti-filming system. Only cameras tuned to it, like her security cameras I bet, can film in there. We've got nothing useable. She's probably paranoid about trade secrets in her workshop."

The collie pouts and looks to the small shop, "I wonder if she does know who the Mist Rider is. Though a small shop, she is supposed to be one of the best fabricators of custom bikes in the city."

The cameraman shrugs and carries his camera over to the van, "If she does, I don't think we'll find out from her this way. Might have had better luck with that assistant of hers."

The collie taps her muzzle with a finger as her eyes study the building before her, "Hmmm... Not so sure. I don't know of anyone who's gotten more than two words out of him. 'Go away.' He's not the talkative type I understand."

He closes the door of the van and shrugs, "Come on, let's get back to the studio and do some real work." They both climb into the van and he starts the ignition, "I don't understand why they can't just let the Mist Rider keep herself anonymous."

The reporter laughs softly, "Because it's news of course. People want to know who's protecting them out there on the streets. And the public has the right to know," she adds with a definitive nod.

The equine shrugs his broad shoulders, "Seems more like invasion of privacy to me. After all, secret identities are to protect those heroes when they aren't out there beating the crooks. I would hate to hear of Dominator or Nightmare getting their hands on Mist Rider."

* * *

Seeing the van finally leave Lolotea lets out a long sigh and mutters, "Damn parasites."

Kode peeks out from the back and looks around, "They gone?"

She nods and waves towards the counter, "Mind the store would you Kode, I need to work out some frustration in the workshop."

He nods, "Sure boss."

She leaves the store to Kode and enters her workshop with a sigh as she rubs her temples trying to keep a migraine headache at bay, "I hate reporters."

She looks over her current project while gathering the parts she needs to finish the last of the wiring. Turning to the stereo system in the corner she turns it on with the remote and smiles as the 80's Hair Band music fills the shop. She smiles as she slips on a pair of gloves, "Time to get to work." As she works she once again thinks back to how she came to her present circumstances.

A gang of ruffians had tried to take her bike from her one dark night. She had called down the fury of a full thunderstorm on them right there in the open. A few of the thugs had been hit by lightning bolts which knocked them sense-less and the rest had run scared at the visage of her standing there in the storm that was blowing them around, blue markings glowing through her white fur and clothing, with a fury like nothing they'd ever seen in her eyes. Those who made it out never could identify her, only that she was someone they hoped to never see again.

She eventually tracked that entire gang down and took care of them, all neatly hog tied and left for the authorities to find. She can use lethal force, but never likes killing. It's far better for the criminals to do the time for their crime she feels.

With a twist of her screwdriver she tightens down the last connector and smiles to herself as she stands up and admires the newest of her creations. "Though I gotta admit, I never thought I'd build a machine like this."

The matt black bike is covered is Egyptian symbols in gold leaf and the gas tank shows a depiction of Anubis, the Egyptian jackal god in full regalia, a khopesh sword held in his hand as he points his minions toward their target . Dylin at the paint shop had really outdone himself on this one.

The intercom beeps for attention and she turns down her music as she walks over to answer it, "Yes?"

"Customer for ya boss," comes Kode's voice from the small speaker.

"I'll be right there," she says as she pulls her gloves off, shuts off her stereo, and runs a hand through her long white hair.

Walking into the store she finds the customer of the very bike she's been working on, Sandy Spir, "Ah, Ms. Spir, so good to see you again. We're almost done with the custom order you requested." She waves towards the door to the workshop, "If you'll come this way I'll show you what your money has bought."

The young black jaguar fem with hair as white as hers nods and follows the white wolf into her workshop. Seeing the bike on the lift she smiles as she walks over to admire it, "It's perfect. Quite a masterpiece I must say Ms. Ruffwind, I think you and your associates have outdone yourselves." She walks around the chopper, her smile still on her face as she admires all the tiny details of the bike. "Yes, I think Andy will love this. He was recently promoted to the assistant curator of the Egyptology wing of the museum, and well, being a jackal he has always been fascinated by the god Anubis." Her smile broadens as she turns back to Lolotea, "Will it be ready for delivery in two weeks?"

The wolfess nods with a smile, "Indeed, it's only missing a few parts. I could have it done today if you like."

Sandy smiles, "That's fine, but there's no rush. His birthday isn't for another two weeks and I want to surprise him then. Can I get it delivered to the museum that day? I'm willing to pay the extra costs for transport of course."

Lolotea nods in understanding. "Can do Ms. Spir. Any particular time you'd like it delivered?"

"About 3pm, I'm going to get him out of work early that day. His boss has already agreed and I thought it would be a nice surprise for him when he comes out."

"Done," Lolotea says with a smile as she holds out her hand which the young feline takes and shakes firmly.

Sandy smiles to the taller wolfess and nods her head, "I'll go ahead and authorize the payment for the second half today since I've seen the almost finished product and am very satisfied."

"Thank you Ms. Spir," Lolotea says with a wide grin. "I am always pleased to hear a customer likes my work."

"No, thank you." Sandy walks for the exit and waves a hand at Lolotea, "See you in two weeks Ms. Ruffwind."

"Same to you Ms. Spir," the wolfess calls out as she turns back to the finely crafted bike before her and smiles. "Let's get you finished and ready for your owner," she mumbles with a grin and, turning on her stereo, gets back to work on the chopper.

All characters unless otherwise stated are the property of Christopher Gilman. Story © Copyright Christopher Gilman 2008 all rights reserved Megalopolis © Copyright Goliath Thunderstep and Emerald Cistern mail me and tell me what you think at [email protected]

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