Slavery is Freedom: Chapter IIIB: Nirvana in Space

Story by Zipeau on SoFurry

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#4 of Slavery is Freedom

"With the Optimus under way and %100 again Zipoo decides to take a short holiday on his newly commissioned pleasure yacht the Nirvana. As usual thinks don't to quite as smoothly as planned with kinky results!"

I bet you guys never thought you would see this series again! Well its been 2 YEARS since I submitted the last one and believe it or not the majority of this one was written back then when I published part A. I have since forgotten to post it and also couldn't be arsed proofing the 30,000 words it comprises. I blame a year of horrible full time work for sapping all my energy and now being back in education I have lots more time!

This chapter is pure sex and kink and it lives up to its 'space opera' style in that its over the top and a bit ridiculous. But who cares! Enjoy the kink! Also keep in mind my writing has changed since back when I wrote this.

The companion picture is here:


Please keep the comments coming!



Zippo hugged Mike close, the two cats embracing each other as they stood at the edge of the docking bay.

"I'll only be gone 3 days Mike, the ship can handle without me for that long - I will be in coms contact." Assured the tiger as he nuzzled the jaguar's neck

"But.... but why, why you, why can't a shuttle just go. It might be dangerous."

"I can handle myself kitty and I'm not passing up a chance to visit Vultrilia. We have a security team and the Nirvana is perfectly capable of defending itself."

"But, but..." the jaguar responded

"Mike we both know it's because you don't want to be without me for a few days. Go and have some fun, you are in charge of the whole ship, at least play with a slave or two - you need it."

The jaguar didn't respond, he simply clung to the tiger even tighter than before.

Eventually the embrace was broken by a dock officer calling for Zippo: "Rah, Sir, the Nirvana is fully loaded and ready to go - you are timetabled to leave in 5 minutes. Would you like the Optimus stopped while you disembark or do you want to do a running start?"

"That's an issue for the captain here" Zippo replied patting Mike on the shoulder "He is the Rah while I'm away so it's up to him."

Mike just stared blankly into the tiger's eyes, clearly not listening to the conversation.

"Mike! Snap out of it! I'm going for 3 days, you're the captain, I'm the Supreme Rah and I order you to go straight to the slave facility and have some fun NOW. I'm sending a message to the bridge, if they see you up there at all tonight I'm going to kill you when I get back, now go and take your emotions out on some poor toy's rear."

Zippo turned and walked up the wide metal gang-plank to the outer airlock door of the large yacht. He turned at the top and blew a kiss back to Mike before disappearing into the ship and shutting the airlock behind him. The sirens started to sound and red lights danced around cavernous docking bay as the Nirvana began to power up and detach from its clamps - being taken and guided by the dock tractor beams. Mike smiled softly thinking of Zippo's last kiss to him and watching the ship slowly depart.

Due to the Nirvana's size is was an oddity in the civilian/trading dock where it was stored, this meant that dock operations totally ceased whenever it arrived or departed and the traders, shuttle crews and other civilian pilots and passengers in the bay waited and watched in awe as the massive yacht slowly moved over to the empty middle of the docking bay.

The civilian bay was the second largest docking bay on the Optimus (after the military dock and bigger than the Perspicax, quarantine, VIP and special purpose docks) All the docks were situated at the bottom of the Optimus's superstructure and accessed from underneath. They were basically cut-outs in the bottom of the ship that formed cavernous atriums with no floor. Around the edge of the dock were the metal bays that ships docked in and the walk ways and platforms that brought passengers down to them. The middle of the floor however was made of nothing and led into outer space beneath the Optimus. Allowing furs to survive in the dock and creating a safe environment was a force-barrier the blocked off empty space and kept air and pressure in the dock. It also acted as a safety net if anything or anyone fell from the platforms (although a fall from a higher level would require being caught by the automatic safety beams). Ships passed through it by a reverse-polarity beam that was projected around each ship by generators in the dock. This allowed them to pass through the barrier safely ether coming or leavening and it could also be used to prevent a ship from accessing without permission or to keep a ship in the dock and prevent its escape. The dock was staffed by a large team of specialist furs who kept it all running smoothly; the civilian dock was by far the hardest to administrate. It handled all forms of rag-tag traffic; affiliated traders form the Optimus itself, other GFE traders, unilateral traders, slave facility shuttles, foreign slavers, bounty hunters, passenger shuttles and other miscellaneous visitors - it also had a permanent 24/7 market on the main platform that traders used to quickly sell goods privately (most other goods were taken up to the trading level and bought wholesale by the Optimus and then sold throughout the ship). This gave it a busily, cosmopolitan feel - it was in the heart of a GFE battle fortress but as one walked around its various sections you could hear 100 different languages from the far corners of the galaxy and see all sorts of exotic goods and species (sometimes the exotic species were the goods!).

Like the military dock the civilian one was arranged vertically as well as horizontally. The largest section closest to the force-barrier (where the Nirvana was departing from and the market located) was the general dock and the busiest, twenty decks above was another smaller set of platforms (the atrium narrowed as it went up) which was the main trading post, above this was the even smaller and secure slave facility section and above that was the ship storage facility which stretched to the very top where the atrium narrowed to a dome about the size of a fighter. The ship storage was colloquially known as the catacombs as it was made up of hundreds of different sized pods which ships were kept in when not in use. Ships disembarked on one of the 3 lower levels and often stayed docked there for short to medium terms, but for longer term stays the ship would be taken by tractor beam and placed in one of the sealed pods to save docking space. The fact no one ever went into these pods or saw inside them (they were serviced by robotic systems and repairs to ships were carried out at a separate facility in the military dock) added to their macabre reputation.

The reverse polarity beams suddenly started up and bathed the Nirvana in creamy white light - the majority of the beam projectors were needed to safely cover the yacht (another reason dock operations stopped) but soon the levels were safe and the ship slowly sunk, guided by the tractor beams, through the force barrier - maintaining the airtight seal. Tense seconds passed as the entire ship passed out of the dock and into a position beneath the battleship. The Optimus was still moving forwards and that required the Nirvana to up power her engines to match the larger ship's speed when the tractors disengaged - A motley collection of smaller civilian ships followed along in the Optimus's wake and waiting their turn to get into the dock. When optimal power was reached by the Nirvana, she reported to the dock control and suddenly the tractors disengaged. There was a small lurch as the yacht came under her own power - running underneath the Optimus. Gradually the pilot guided the Nirvana portside and away from the larger ship.

Zippo stood at a small starboard side window in the ships reception area and gazed as the Optimus slowly faded to a pin-prick in the darkness.

The Nirvana was a massive pleasure yacht - a beautiful ship from the outside with smooth curves and a soft red finish to its metal. It was just under 800 meters long but was only 15 decks tall at the most - making it long and sleek in design. Inside it was finished to the highest standard and had an open plan design where possible (a difficult thing to achieve on a space ship), it was light, airy and luxurious. It was designed to accommodate up to 300 passengers in supreme comfort but also had many other areas including; a large storage and a cargo bay; a large dining room and kitchens; a small hanger for its complement of 10 defence fighters, shuttles, visitors and recreational craft; a glass viewing lounge at the very top; a gym; and most importantly (and taking up significant chunk of the ship) a fully equipped kennels and play areas. This was the purpose of the ship at heart, it was a place for high ranking officials to unwind and relax so it carried many pet and slaves for that purpose along with many rooms, halls and areas where they could play - though in all honesty furs could be found playing and fucking in most every area of the ship at most times of day and night. This hadn't gone unnoticed by those on the Optimus - the Nirvana had already been dubbed 'Tail-raiser cruses'.

"Sir, do you wish to inspect the manifest?"

Zippo turn around to see a very short pine martin dressed in formal officer's uniform standing behind him. His uniform was a dark blue and he worse trousers as opposed to the kilts usually seen on the Optimus. His uniform bore a crest featuring a stylised image of Buddhist Nirvana with the word 'Nirvana' above and 'Laugh with the sinners, don't cry with the saints', the ships motto below. Non-military ships connected to the Optimus were not required to follow usual uniform and procedural rules and their uniforms often represented which ship they were from as opposed to their rank - they has a fraternal social structure aboard ship that was less hierarchical than that aboard the military vessels. Indeed they were crewed by officers who were all the same rank, with only the captain being above and working slaves below which preformed the more mundane and less important crew duties.

"Yes...." Zippo paused waiting for a name

"Lue Sir, I am one of the coordination officers" responded the martin

"Yes Lue, I will pay a visit to the bridge quickly"

They walked to the bridge slowly but it was only a short trip from the reception lounge. As they entered the captain, a lynx stood up to greet Zippo but the rest of the crew stayed seated and no one saluted - something Zippo found refreshing, this was a pleasure yacht after all, things were meant to be more relaxed.

"Zippo welcome" said the lynx, shaking Zippo's paw "I am, Jipon, the captain aboard and this is your new ship, we only completed its space-trials two weeks ago"

"They go well?" asked the tiger

"Exceeded expectation" replied the lynx "This is built on even newer technology than the Optimus and it has a few innovations we have yet to try out."

"What's the weapons compliment like?"

The Lynx turned to a bat who was slumped sleeping over his computer terminal: "Rya! Wake up, SR Zippo is here"

The bat jumped awake - startled: "What? Attack?"

"No, no, we're not under attack, SR Zippo just wants to know about out weaponry"

The bat yawned: "Ohhh, well, I'm the weapons officer - not that I've done anything since the trials - not allot of call for weapons on a yacht. But we have 3 turbo lasers on each side and an enhanced one right on the nose, there are 8 laser cannons on each side too and two fore and aft, then there are 15 laser carbines on each side and a cluster of 3 fore and aft. Other than that we have a turret of 5 shield inhibitors underneath that can point anywhere but directly above. That's it for the weaponry."

"Doesn't sound that much for a ship this large, any missiles? What can the enhanced turbo deliver?" inquired Zippo

"No missiles, they take up to much space, our carbines can be used for anti-missile duties. The fore turbo can give up to 200 megawatts in a single burst. This ship isn't a combat vessel though - its designed more like a blockade runner. The shields could take a pummelling from a small flotilla for hours and hold up and they have anti-inhibitors which are brand-new. The engines can cruse at a greater speed than everything but the fastest corvettes and they can, for short periods, outrun everything but purpose build speeders. We also have a very advanced sensor and tactical suite, a compliment of fighters, a highly trained guard squad and a small armoury. Basically you're safe in this ship Rah, it's like a mobile command post, except with lots of sex!"

The tiger laughed: "Haha, oh and on that point I think I must leave, are we all set up to reach Vultrilia tomorrow morning?"

"Yes Sir, everything is exactly on plan - you can always call us on your communicator if you have any concerns but you are here to relax and we are here to make sure you don't have to worry." Replied the Lynx

"Thank you boys will probably see you next at dinner - you are going to have some fun too aren't you?"

"Oh yes Sir! We work 12 hour shifts and when off I'm sure we are all going to be having some fun - in fact the guys off duty now are probably down in the kennels waiting for you!"

"Tell them to go ahead! I need to head back to my quarters first."

With that Zippo turned and strode from the bridge - heading down towards his own quarters. He passed through wide, airy, well lit corridors that were a contrast to the clinical functional ones found on the Optimus. As he entered the 'Master' suite he saw it was set out just how he requested with his personal luggage on the bed. This room was large and longer than it was wide like an elongated oval - open planned like the rest of the ship. The door was on a slightly raised level at one 'point' of the oval that led down to the main area which had the large bed, sofas, tables and so on. One side of the oval was a magnificent curved window that ran the entire length of the bedroom and gave the occupants a view out onto space. Along the back the oval was cut off to from a straight wall were some doors that led through to the private play facilities and above these, accessed by some stairs were some rooms for entertainment and such. The décor was soft and modern - one of the main things Zippo noticed was the floor was carpeted with lovely thick rug as opposed to the Optimus which (apart from the play rooms and gym ect) was just cold metal.

Zippo went down to where his luggage was piled and opened a case full of toys, he rummaged around until he found a set of keys and then turned to a small cage covered in a black cloth by the side of his bed. Whipping the cloth off revealed a gray wolf crushed into the cage wearing a sensory deprivation hood, paw cuffs behind his back and a metal chastity cage securing his furhood - but nothing else save his collar. He had clearly felt someone's presence as he stirred slightly but he could have no idea of where he was or whose possession he was in. He didn't try and fight the cuffs or cage ether - clearly he had been in them for some time and had given up trying to fight.

The tiger unlocked the cage and pulled the wolf out onto the carpet, where he stretched his legs a bit but lay in silence and stillness. The tiger then unlocked the small padlocks on the sense-dep hood and unbuckled it before pulling it off (but the cuffs stayed on). The wolfs eyes adjusted to the bright light for the first time in many hours and as his eyes focused on Zippo he whimpered softly and scooted back up against the cage in fear.

Zippo smiled down at him: "Hey pet Duma, how was your day with the facility? They treat you well?"

The wolf just kept whimpering and staring at the tiger - petrified.

"Aww were they nasty to you? Well don't worry, you will be spending much more time with me from now on. Get on the bed"

Duma didn't move.

"NOW" bellowed the tiger as he slapped the wolf across the face, knocking him to the side slightly

He groaned loudly at the assault and rose up, throwing himself onto the bed on his front, looking back at the tiger who sat on the edge of the bed. Zippo reached over with his paws and spread Duma's butt cheeks - the wolf resisted at first but quickly let the tiger inspect his hole. Zippo ran his finger over the pucker and gently teased it with his claw.

"Oh are we going to have fun with this" the tiger teased before unlocking the wolfs cuffs "Roll onto your back bitch"

Duma did so and Zippo climbed over him and knelt on his upper legs, facing him and pinning him down. He uncuffed the wolf's paws and then proceeded to buckle heavy leather cuffs around the his wrists which were locked and then padlocked to the ring on the front of his collar - keeping his paws in the begging position. Cuffs were also strapped around his ankles but nothing was done with them.

"Right bitch, get on your knees, ass in the air and chest on the bed" demanded the tiger as he climbed off the canine.

Duma did so, but his rate of breathing increased - he guessed what was coming.

The tiger fingered the wolf's presented hole softly: "Nothing has ever been in here has it boy? This rear is virgin isn't it?"

Duma didn't respond, he just whimpered pathetically.

The tiger slapped the canine's butt firmly: "ISN'T IT?"

"Mmmm...y...yes... s...sir"

"You would be best to remember that when you are asked a question - you are required to answer it, immediately. Right bitch?"

The wolf nodded quickly, nervous from the tiger's dominance.

"Good, now, what do we think should be the first thing to fuck a newly broken pet's rear is?"

The wolf just whimpered and shook again.

"That was a question." The tiger said bluntly

"M...m...m...Master's...c...cock" whimpered the wolf quietly

"Yes!" replied the tiger enthusiastically "Well done boy! It is a symbolic event to be taken for the first time, a symbol of your body's utter submission to me - so let's get started."

The tiger knelt down behind the wolf, his cock in paw, and squirted a big dollop of lube into his other paw. He rubbed his cock with the lube - slicking it up - and then rubbed up and down the wolfs rear- lubeing up his tailhole. Duma stayed still in fear, besides shaking slightly, but he whimpered loudly as he was readied for what he had feared would come. Zippo dropped the lube on his bed and pushed the tip of his cock between Duma's cheeks until he felt it bump up against the tight ring of his hole.

"Ready for this bitch? I'm not going soft because it's your first time - we don't have time and I want you to see just how a good hard fucking is done."

With that the tiger suddenly thrust forwards - using the wolf's hips as leverage he buried his cock half way into the canine's rear. Duma screamed out in pain as his virgin hole was spread for the first time and he shook more violently in pain now as well as fear. The tiger gave another mighty thrust and buried himself up to his knot.

" so much..." stammered Duma, his breathing still quick

The tiger ignored him and enjoyed the tight warm feelings engulfing his furhood. After several moments he pulled back again and then thrust in, starting to fuck the wolf slowly but powerfully. On each thrust the tiger's fat cock pushed in up to its knot, spreading the canines tight rear wide, and on each withdrawal he pulled out to about halfway - never giving the wolf's ass much relief.

"Uggghh, ahhhh, ohhhhhh" moaned Duma constantly

"I could gag you, I usually would a noisy pet, but this time I want to hear you MOAN boi!" panted the Zippo between thrusts

As his cock slammed into Duma's butt at increasing speed the tip pushed beyond the wolf's natural limits - causing a very acute mix of pleasure and pain in the pit of the wolf's stomach. Duma whined and moaned, making little coherent sense as his ass was assaulted on two fronts.

Zippo's speed got faster and faster in a slow crescendo, matching that of his impending orgasm, but as he neared the final release he slowed down to a slow and smooth motion - preserving himself. He reached around and felt Duma's cock in its metal cage - playing with the tight package.

"Someone is hard. Good hard pets get their Master's cum, bad pets get punished" panted Zippo "Which are you boy?"

Duma got the hint: "Uhhh.... I....I... please allow me your cum Master, I am a good pet... I'm hard."

Zippo did not respond, instead he started thrusting faster again, but he secretly delighted at his new pet's submission. It was rare for someone to break this easily but Zippo supposed it just meant Duma really was the pathetic coward he always suspected.

Zippo approached his climax fast and before long he gripped Duma's hips tight and thrust forwards as powerfully as he could. The wolf whimpered as the tiger's cock exploded within him and started to spurt its seed deep. He felt the hot sticky liquid running into him for several seconds before Zippo finally stopped thrusting and remained hilted (but not knotted).

"What... do we say... boy?" the tiger panted

"Mhhh t...thankyou Sir"

Zippo smiled and finally withdrew, his cock slicked with his own cum, and Duma collapsed sideward's onto the bed - cum leaking from his hole. The tiger moved back to his suitcases and retrieved something which he brought back over and held in front of Duma. It was a sex toy, it looked like it was made of a hard plastic coated with firm rubber to soften it. It has a bulbous main body like that of a normal butt-plug but it was bent in the middle and the head was smaller and flatter than the main body and pushed forwards due to the bend. It also lacked a base of any sort, making Duma believe it was probably designed for a female.

With the wolf on his side and his butt nicely lubbed up with cum, Zippo put the toy's tip against his hole and started to push it in. Duma moaned slightly but he did not resist - his paws were still locked to his collar. The toy slid into the wolf's loosened rear easily and once past the widest point his anus took it in naturally. Without a base the toy went in deep and the forward bent head pushed up against Duma's prostate - held in place by his own muscles. Every time he tensed his anal muscles he could feel the invader push harder against his prostate - producing a strangely pleasant but also uncomfortable feeling. With none of the toy remaining visible on the outside, Zippo patted Duam's butt cheeks lightly and stood up off the bed.

"Try pushing it out boy, you will find it impossible, that thing is staying in until I say otherwise." Said the tiger

He was right, Duma tried to push and nothing happened - the toy was stuck fast, creating the odd feeling pressure in his rear. Zippo then unlocked the wolf's cuffs from his collar.

"On the floor on all fours bitch" the cat commanded

Duma slid off the bed and obeyed, looking up at his Master like the dog he now was.

"This is how you are to walk and follow me at all times," said Zippo, stooping to clip a leash to the wolf's collar "You are never to walk on two feet"

Duma gulped and nodded and then the tiger tugged on the leash and let him towards the door. Duma struggled to keep up with his Master as he left the room and headed down one of the wide corridors. This was the first time Duma has taken proper note of his surroundings and he was pleasantly surprised by the lavish décor - it was a world away from the cold and hard slave facility he had only spent a short time in. Regardless he was still scared and confused and had no idea where he was, he obeyed the tiger out of pure fear for his life but he felt no loyalty to him - he still hated him with a passion.

They arrived in the empty reception lounge of the ship by the entrance airlock and Duma noticed the marked change as the floor in here was the same cold metal as was in the slave facility he had previously seen and not the soft carpet of the rest of this place. Zippo unclipped the leash and led Duma over to a set of seats opposite the airlock and adjacent to a large viewing window showing space outside - a distant star providing an additional glow in the room adding to its atmosphere. Between the seats, in the cold floor, there was an eyelet and Zippo took a two foot length of chain and used a padlock to connect it to the eyelet. The other end was locked to one of Duma's feet cuffs, and his paw cuffs where then connected behind his back with another padlock. Duma tried sitting on his bum, but finding this increased the pressure of the toy on his prostate he settled on his side.

"No one really comes in here during flight, so you won't be too... embarrassed" smirked the cat "But just to make sure I think I will gag you"

Zippo produced a classic red ball gag. He pushed it into the wolf's mouth and strapped it up behind his head - ensuring he would be relatively quiet and totally unintelligible.

The tiger then sat on one of the seats, facing Duma, and took a small controller out of his pocket. He turned the wheel on it up and then back down quickly.

Duma jumped in shock. It was over before he realised what had happened but the toy inside him had come to life!

Zippo turned the wheel up again, to half this time, and the wolf began to roll around and moan through the gag - his cock suddenly rock hard against its cage. The tiger giggled and turned the vibrator up to full power.

Within seconds Duma "Hmmmmed!" into his gag and his body tensed as an orgasm hit him and seminal fluid dribbled out of his cage onto the floor - the vibrator against his prostate was milking him. It was not like a normal orgasm - the climax came all of a sudden but the pleasure was much smoother and lasted for longer than a normal orgasm - cumming multiple times would also build up multiple pleasures as the wolf would soon find.

After only a minute or two Duma was 'cumming' again, milk spurting from the hole in the end of his cage designed for him to pee through. The wolf breathed hard past his gag, the milking torture was taking its toll already and he was out of breath, splayed on the floor in his simple bondage.

Zippo got off his seat and approached the wolf, stooping and playing with his cage. The tiger sat down and continued to tease the wolf through the cage.

"Awww is it to much pleasure for the little wolfy?" he taunted

"Hururfffph, hmmphhh" is all Duma could respond, showing his clear distress

Zippo smiled and rolled the canine onto his front before lifting him on to his lap - so Duma's crotch was over the tigers as he sat on the floor. The tiger stroked over the wolf's ass cheeks gently - he could feel the strong vibrations even from outside.

As Duma could feel himself nearing his third milk climax, he jumped as the tiger's paw suddenly came down on his exposed rear.

"Hmpphhhh!" he moaned as his ass tingled from the stinging sensation.

Zippo just smiled and brought it paw down again, this time on the other cheek -Duma's reaction was similar but more constrained without the element of surprise.

The tiger continued to spank his pet and after only a few more swats Duma was 'cumming' again - this time his milk dribbling into the tiger's naked lap.

"Oh you naughty puppy, you didn't ask for permission and you came all over Master!" teased Zippo, no real malice in his voice

Duma blushed as the spanking resumed, the pleasure was getting more and more and he squirmed in the cat's grip as his rear was assaulted by the paw. After another few minutes Duma was cumming again and Zippo showed no signs of stopping his assault on the wolf rear - it turning increasingly red through his fur.

Once 3 more orgasms had dribbled onto Zippo's lap he slid out from under the wolf and stood up. Duma squirmed on the floor in agony of pleasure - soft desperate sounds coming from behind his gag. His crotch was stickier than Zippo's and his ass was now a deep tan red after ten minutes of heavy spanking - the stinging sensation remaining but gradually giving away to a hot glow.

Zippo put the small wireless control box for the vibrator on the floor near the wiggling wolf: "You want it boy? Go get it. I know you can do it"

Duma looked round, hardly able to think through the pleasure running through him but he knew that the controller was his only chance. He rolled over onto his back, and still squirming and moaning, inched his way over to the little pink box. He fell onto his side, facing away from the box, and his cuffed paws went out behind him - searching frantically. He couldn't see but he knew he must be getting close.

He felt his paws glance over the small object but split-seconds before he could move his paw back to it he heard a crash and a crack and then his paws only met fur - the fur of Zippo's foot.

The tiger had stamped on the controller - crushing and destroying it. Zippo stepped back and Duma's hands came to examine what remained - a twisted collection of wires and snapped plastic. His heart sunk through the pit of his stomach - the vibrator was still on at full speed.

"Woops! Oh dear, I can be a clumsy kitty at times."

Zippo strolled over to the door the lead back into the rest of the ship.

"Guess we will just have to wait until the batteries run down! And I want anything that comes out of you licked up - I want this floor spotless before I take that out!" the cat said enthusiastically before disappearing through the door.

Duma moaned in despair and rolled back and forth on the floor: "MMHHRRRM! PHMNMMMMPH!"

He wiggled and squirmed - pleasure overcoming him but it was quickly becoming complete torture. He fought the restraints and tried to push the toy out again and again but he knew it was futile. Suddenly it came again - he felt the next climax rapidly sweeping over him and his milk spurted onto the floor through his cage.

As he lay there, his body and mind overloaded with stimulation, he wondered just how long those batteries would last.


Zippo strolled back to his quarters and put the rest of his luggage where it belonged (after having put Duma where he belonged), then he explored the rest of his 'Master' suite. The main space was pleasant enough with one side looking out onto the stars but the fun was to be had at the back of the room. The tiger walked up the short staircase that led to a balcony allowing access to the two first floor doors (which were directly above the two ground floor ones). The first door he came to was marked 'Entertainment' and opening it, Zippo found a small cinema room. It was full off puffy beanbag chairs organised in a ring around a central pillar that came up to waist height. It was a standard 3D hologramatic set up, the central projection pillar would skin into the floor and project the film around the room - usually in the centre where the seats faced but it could project anywhere so things could creep up behind the audience or such. Zippo wasn't such a big fan of hologramatic films - he thought it was a cheap gimmick.

The tiger moved to the next room marked 'Computing' and sure enough there were several lavishly set up computers in the room. It was probably part of the ships tactical suite but it seemed to double up as a gaming room. Leaving, the tiger returned down stairs, and passed the first rightmost door marked 'WC', heading for the door on the left - the door marked 'Dungeon'.

He opened the door, immediately noticing it was heavier than the others and expected to find a cold steel playroom like that on the Optimus - instead he found a room adorned like all the others - lavishly and comfortably - the carpet remained and the lighting was pleasant. Looking around the small dungeon he spied many items of deviance - gags, restraints, gear - and some larger furniture pieces like a St. Andrew's Cross, horse and several cages. The dungeon was obviously a private store of toys and though a few could play in it in privacy it was too small for an orgy. Tucked away into the left corner opposite the door lay a large double bed, and on the bed lay two furs.

Zippo strolled over and regarded the two mustelines. They were small male black and white skunks both hogtied on the bed and wearing heavy padded leather sensory deprivation hoods. They were facing away from each other with their arms bound together and then to each other. Their feet were similarly bound and then both bundles were bound tightly together - hogtieing both snugly. They were not moving but were clearly breathing and were most likely bored of struggling after who knows how long. A folded sheet of paper lay on the bed between them.


These two are in the early stages of breaking but have shown some resistance. We thought you might appreciate the experience of breaking them in ready for sex-slave training while on your holiday.


The Slave Facility

P.S. They are twin brothers...'

Zippo smiled reading the note - this was going to be fun!

"Wakey Wakey!" the cat shouted, slapping the left skunk on the bum lightly

The hit skunk jumped and emitted a muffled "Hmmmphh" while his brother started to squirm in the ropes, blind and confused.

Zippo sat on the bed and untied them from each other, but leaving them individually hogtied. He pulled the skunk on the left, the one he had smacked, towards him and left the other to roll onto his front and tug at the ropes.

He unbuckled the skunk's hood and tugged it off: "Who have we got in here then?"

"Hrmphhhh!" the skunk replied when his eyes had adjusted to the light

Zippo smiled down at the gagged mustelid who gazed back up in fear. Both skunks were twinks. They looked to be in their mid 20s and were, by the looks of it, physically identical. They must have been not much over 5 feet and were both very skinny and not well muscled. Their fur was short and well kept but that was more likely down the Slave Facility.

"How are we ever going to tell you two apart... hmmm... ah ha!" said the tiger before unbinding the, now un-hooded, skunk's feet - just leaving his wrists bound behind him and the gag in his maw (as well as a normal collar)

Zippo lifted the smaller mammal off the bed and carried him over to an empty space in the room - below a pulley system hanging from the roof. The tiger retrieved a two foot long metal bar and forced the skunk onto his knees. He fastened a belt around the skunk's waist and used a short piece of rope to tie his already bound wrists to the belt - stopping his arms from moving from his lower back. Then the tiger slid the bar between the skunks back and his arms and lifted it slightly - this forced the skunk to arch his back as the bar pulled his bound arms up at the elbow like a strappado. Zippo brought the hook from the pulley down and clipped it around the centre of the bar - then he raised it up slightly so the skunk's arms were pulled high enough to be uncomfortable in his kneeling position. His wrists being bound to the belt stopped him from slipping off the bar and kept it in the crooks of his arms.

Zippo stood back and took the winch controller in paw. Beaming, he pushed the up button and the pulley slowly raised the skunk up by his arms, lifting his knees off the ground. After a few seconds the skunk got the hint and let his legs take the weight - standing up and taking most it off the bar. The winch kept rising, until the mustelid was standing straight up and then it started to put pressure on his arms again - lifting them and up behind him. It was only when his feet at almost left the ground and he was on tippy-toes that the tiger stopped the winch.

"Ughh hmmphh" moaned the skunk - the bondage obviously straining him

Zippo giggled, stepping over to admire the bound, taut from of his plaything. He stroked over the mustelid who squirmed in response - not able to move much despite how (relatively) lightly bound he was.

The tiger brought out a thick steel ring and showed it to the skunk: "I need to tell you apart from your twin over there, so I guess you can be the brother... and that means you need this"

Zippo grasped the skunk's balls - his crotch was nicely exposed and thrust out by the way he was restrained - and rubbed them gently. He slipped the rig over the skunk's balls and pulled his sheath through. Then he rubbed the top of the mustelid's sheath massaged his balls with the other hand. The skunk's moans took on a more pleasurable tone and within seconds his cock was starting to emerge from its sheath. As it engorged the cockring tightened and kept pressure around the skunk's genitals - ensuring they would say hard as long as the ring remained.

The tiger gently stroked the skunk's, now hard, cock: "Mmm not bad for a little guy like you, and you're the boy so I'm going to call you Pepper" the tiger said as he clipped a tag with 'Pepper' on it to the skunk's collar (Slave Facility slaves always wore a collar and for the slave or anyone else to remove it was a punishable offense)

"Now Pepper, I need to see to your 'sister' over there, but before I do I'm going to give you something to keep you entertained..."

Zippo produced a long-thin stainless steel rod and slipped it into his mouth, slicking it up with his saliva. The skunk, Pepper, thought he knew what it was but he really hoped he was wrong. All doubt vanished though when the tiger withdrew the rod and started rubbing its rounded end around the tip of Peppers hard cock.

"Nuggghh" the mustelid moaned in anticipation of what was going to happen

The tiger responded by slipping the tip into the end of the skunks furhood and gently pushing it down - slowly.

"Ahuuuhgg nughhhhh" Pepper mumbled and groaned as the sound worked its way down slowly - aided by his own pre

Zippo smiled as the sound finished its journey with only its bulbous rear end remaining outside. The skunk's cock remained horizontal, even with the additional weight of the sound - the cock ring was clearly having a profound effect.

"There we go, feels nice once it's in doesn't it boy?" said the cat, stroking the skunks cock once more "Now, to deal with your sibling."

The tiger left the skunk in his strict stress position and moved over to the other male mustelid who was still bound and blind on the bed. Zippo went to a bedside draw and withdraw a small tin that rattled as he moved it. The cat cut the rope holding the second skunk in his hogtie and moved him onto his back - laying on his bound paws and his angles still bound together.

The tiger knelt over the skunk and tugged his sens dep hood off, revealing an identical looking and identically gagged brother. The tiger shuffled back and examined the bound skunk's package, massaging his balls slightly.

As the mustelid's cock started to stir slightly in its sheath Zippo opened up the little tin and pulled out some plastic components which he laid in the bed. He squirted some sort of oily lube on the skunks emerged, but still soft, cock and rubbed it in with his paw. The oil was also rubbed into his scrotum, coating his entire package and making it slippy and shiny. Then the tiger took the main plastic ring of the CB and shut it around the base of the skunk's cock and balls. Next a metal pin went through the hole in the top of the ring, keeping it shut, and a piece of plastic with horrible looking teeth and several spacers were slipped on. Then finally as the skunks cock started to harden, due to the effects of the tight plastic ring, the tiger took the main transparent plastic section of the cage and slipped the skunk's oiled up cock into it. The cage then pushed back and slipped over the metal guide pin, pushing the whole CB system together as it all aligned on the pin.

At very last a small padlock was slipped though the CB and clicked shut - securing the skunk's cock out of its sheath but preventing it from being any use. He looked down for the first time as he heard the lock click shut and whined in humiliation. The base ring of the CB was still having a constricting effect and the skunks cock was still hardening and soon he found out what the plastic teeth were for.

"HURRRMPHHH! HMMMMMM!" he moaned through the gag as the teeth began to dig into his soft skin as his cock engorged with blood.

It was not as if he was in control but soon the skunk's cock learned and started to soften, reducing the pain but not really giving much relief - the skunk's furhood was still hopelessly locked away and there was no key in sight - there had never been one in the tin.

"That is much more suitable attire for a girl isn't it - a girly skunk can't have a nasty cock flopping about and she certainly shouldn't be fucking anything!" teased Zippo "Right, now that is dealt with we can move on to getting you properly dressed."

Zippo cut the rope binding the skunk's ankles and moved over to a storage unit. He returned with a collection of frilly, pink things...

The tiger dumped the pile of stuff on the bed and started extracting individual items and showing them to his bound toy. First came a pair of tights and then a filly crown hat and it soon became clear to the skunk that it was a maid's outfit, a pink maid's outfit. He blushed in humiliation, his cheeks matching the colour of his soon to be uniform, and squirmed in his light bondage. Zippo finally picked up small shiny tag and climbed back onto the bed.

"So your brother over there is called Pepper but you are the sister so we need a suitably girly name for you!" the tiger spun the around, revealing the name 'Skittles'

The tag was secured to the front of Skittles collar.

"Now we need to get you dressed, are we going to be a good girl and let Master dress us properly?"

The skunk did not respond but Zippo dragged him up and off the bed anyway - forcing him to stand.

Zippo grabbed a pair of stockings off the bed: "Left leg up girl"

The skunk did nothing.

"Leg UP!" demanded the tiger slapping Skittles on the thigh

The shock tactics worked and the mustelid lifted his foot and allowed the cat to slip one of the stockings under and up his leg. The same was repeated with the other side (including the slap) and both soft stockings were pulled up and ended just under the skunk's bubble butt. The tiger then took a pair of frilly white garters and laced them up at the top of the stockings, keeping them up and adding a bit of sissy flair!

Next Zippo took the pink skirt off the bed. It was made of two layers of soft frilly material - the upper white later was thinner while the pink layer underneath was thicker and its colour came through as a soft pink glow. The tiger, again, got Skittles to lift both of his legs in turn and slipped the elasticised skirt up until it settled around his waist.

"Adorable!" exclaimed the tiger as the skunk continued to blush bright red

"Hmmmmmm" the mustelid moaned through the gag as the tiger ogled him

"Turn around and bend over bitch." the tiger commanded "We aren't finished yet but I wanna see that pretty sissy butt"

The skunk hesitated at first but then relented and turned around, bending over and exposing his rear to the tiger. Zippo beamed as the skirt faired up and he got a wonderful close up view of the Skittles rear, compete with his CB peeking out from between his legs.

Skittles looked back through the skirt at the tiger and then to his still bound brother and a wave of anger suddenly came over him...

Suddenly something hit Zippo's eyes and he closed them in pain, stumbling to the ground. He rubbed his eyes frantically and a terrible smell overcame him - the skunk had sprayed him.

As the tiger was momentarily immobilised, Skittles rushed over to his brother and grabbed the hanging winch control with his bound paws. Struggling to find the buttons behind his back, he first accidentally lifted Pepper higher, evoking squeals of pain from him, but finally he found the down button and lowered his brother until his feet were firmly on the ground and the metal pole fell out of its own accord. Despite this Pepper's hands were still bound to his belt but as his brother backed up against him he found he could get at Skittles' ropes.

They struggled for a few minutes but the tiger was still kneeling and trying to rub his eyes - blinded by the pain of the spray - and eventually the ropes binding Skittles' wrists loosened enough from him to wriggle out of them. Once he was free he quickly unbound his brother and ungagged himself. Peppers' first act of freedom was to pull the sound out with a gasp and then remove his gag. Skittles was quick to slip off his maid's attire but examining each other's remaining equipment they found Pepper's cock ring would not come off while he was hard (and he had been since it went on), Skittles' CB needed a key and both of their collars seemed to not open at all. Accepting these for the time being they focused on the task at hand and approached the white tiger who was now leaning over with his forehead on the floor, desperately rubbing at his eyes and moaning in pain.

Pepper pulled the cat's head up by his ears and he grasped for the mustelids but he could only make out vague shapes and they easily dodged.

"Sister am I?" spat Skittles as he landed a punch straight into Zippo's unprotected face

The tiger fell backwards towards the foot of the bed at the force of the blow and clutched his face as his nose stated to bleed: "Ah fuck" he moaned

"Shut up" snapped Skittles "I don't know what you were going to do with us, with all this boy girl sissy shit but I'm not letting it fucking happen. Get him"

The other skunk rolled Zippo over and drew his arms behind his back. Before the tiger could react he was cuffed and his eyes still stung as his sight slowly returned. The skunks then forcefully rolled him over and Skittles sat on his upper back while Pepper found a short 3foot chain and locked it around the tiger's angles with two padlocks.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!!" shouted Zippo as he tried to lift off the ground and throw the skunk off, but without his arms to push off he couldn't lift even the weight of the small mustelid "How dare you, how FUCKING DARE YOU"

"Shut up" said Pepper coming back over after searching amongst the dungeons gear "We get kidnapped and bought by a rich snob twat like you to be some fuck-toy for your amusement, and you expect us to lie there and take it? We don't know who you are but we are sure as hell going to teach you a lesson and then maybe you will think twice about keeping poor innocent boys as pets!"

As Zippo tried to respond Pepper rammed a trainer-ballgag into his maw and Skittles buckled the main strap up. Then the top strap came over and buckled to the back and finally the chin strap was secured around the cat's lower jaw. Once all the buckles had been tightened again with all the skunks' might they were locked shut with small locks and the ball was held very securely and very firmly in the tiger's mouth.

"Hmphhh! Grmmmm!" he growled through the gag - it was very tight and more effective than a normal ballgag, there was no way he could be heard outside of the room.

Skittles then got off the tiger as Pepper returned with more gear and kicked Zippo in the side, encouraging him to roll over onto his back. When the cat did nothing Pepper 'huffed' angrily and kicked again.

"Uhghnn, UGHHH" Zippo groaned at the assault on his side but he refused to roll over

"Oh for fuck's sake" Pepper snapped angrily, storming into the store where he had got the rest of the gear and returning with a long pole-like object.

The skunk marched up to the cat and japed the pole into his side. Zippo suddenly jumped and flinched as a pull of the trigger sent bolts of electricity into his flank.

The skunk kept the current flowing for several seconds before withdrawing the prod: "Get on your fucking back NOW. You will do what we fucking tell you to, when we fucking tell you to"

"Ughhh" Zippo groaned as he relented and rolled over onto his back.

Zippo was a fearsome fighter and was vastly physically superior to his pets-come-attackers but he knew he could not defeat the chains & locks and it was pointless resisting a cattle prod. He swore revenge upon the skunks but for the moment he would have to bide his time.

"Legs open bitch" Skittles commanded

Zippo resisted a first but a quick swat from the prod, without it even electrifying him, convinced the tiger this was not a good idea and he opened his legs to the extent his hobble chain would allow.

"You make one wrong move, resist one command and this gets shoved up your rear" threatened Pepper as he brandished the prod

Skittles knelt between the tiger's knees, forcing them wider open and wider than his ankles could go - which exposed his crotch nicely. He squeezed Zippo's balls firmly until his cock involuntarily started to emerge from its sheath - mirroring what the cat had done to him not 10 minutes before. Once the tigers cock had emerged, Skittles began to rub some form of gel into it and his balls - slicking them up. Then the skunk took some gear off the bed and first selected a cock ring which was slipped over the tigers cock and balls just like had been done to Pepper's package. Once the ring was settled at the base of the tiger's furhood, blood filled his penis rapidly and could not escape - causing his cock to stand proud like Pepper's. The tiger could not see it from his perspective but this cock ring was a little different.

Next Skittles slipped a kind of elasticised rubber sheath over the tiger's hard meat which was pulled down to the base of his penis - just before his balls. Another of these sheaths but thinner and smaller slipped over and secured just behind the head of the feline's cock. The tiger couldn't see but both of these latex sheaths encompassing his cock had a wire trailing from it.

Skittles took a condom and held it up for the captive cat to see: "Always practice 'safe' sex right? Safe for who is the question here!"

Zippo was confused but none the less the skunk unwrapped the condom and rolled it down his raging hard cock - covering the two rubber sheaths at the top and the bottom and keeping them in place. The condom also funnelled the wires to the base of the tiger's cock where the skunk plugged them into small input jacks on the cock-ring - which seemed to act as a base station of sorts.

Finally Pepper came over with a large padlock and a smirk on his face: "I've got a horrible idea..."

The skunk found the middle point of Zippo's ankle chain and hooped the shackle of the large lock through the middle link, then he pulled it up towards the tiger's crotch - pulling his feet closer together in the process. He grasped the tiger's exposed balls and tugged at them firmly. Once he had pulled them away from the cat's body enough he took the large padlock and slipped its shackle around the stretched scrotum above the tiger's balls. Spinning the body of the lock round he pushed down and heard the loud 'click' as the lock secured - around the tiger's balls. His tender testicles were now separated from his body, and the cock ring, by the heavy padlock which acted like a ball stretcher and weight all in one. What was worse, with the ankle chain also around the locks shackle Zippo's balls were chained to the centre of his hobble and he was forced to keep his feet as close in as possible to not pull at them. The key was removed from the padlock and vanished from the tiger's sight. Pepper, happy with his work, moved away and allowed his brother to take over again.

Skittles then took a small controller off the bed and turned it on: "Ohh it pairs with Bluetooth, very clever" he said to Pepper, as he moved over to his brother and they studied the controller together.

Zippo was now under no illusions as to what the skunk had equipped him with and he tensed and whimpered quietly in anticipation.

Suddenly it hit him, as strong as the cattle prod, but directly to his cock and balls. The tiger moaned and wailed into the gag as he flailed and writhed with the current pulsing through him - uncontrollably he also tugged and pulled at his balls. The skunk had fitted him with a very sophisticated electro-stim system - electricity followed between the three contact points, electrifying anything in-between them. The cock ring acted as a receiver for the controller - allowing wireless operation and it was all controlled with a microchip allowing it to use different intensity and frequencies of current as well as different programs and patterns.

The jolt ended within a few seconds, that felt much longer to the cat, and Zippo relaxed in his chains and panted through the gag. The skunks giggled at the feline's obvious distress before shocking him a second time - again at high power.

"Gughhhhh! GRHGHGH!" Zippo moaned, rolling from side to side and tugging hard at his cuffs and balls as his body rippled with electricity - the epicentre his rock hard cock.

"Are we learning yet faggot?" taunted Pepper before Skittles stopped the current again

Zippo collapsed and panted again as Pepper stepped forwards and threw down the prod: "This ring is keeping my cock horribly hard, I don't know why you put it on me, but I might was well use it bitch... Roll over, get on your knees"

"Ughhhhh, nugggh" Zippo refused, his mind and body frazzled by the electricity and resistance still within him.

"Shock the cunt" Pepper commanded and Skittles again pressed and held the button

Once the shock stopped, the tiger moaned and rolled around onto his front, remembering how futile his situation was. He struggled up onto his knees only to be forced back down again hard as the skunk pushed his head towards the floor - every movement he made tugged uncomfortably at his balls. The tiger opened his legs to the extent his ball chain would allow and put his chest on the floor to support his weight - his paws still cuffed behind his back. He laid his head to the side, looking back along his body. The skunk put his foot on the tiger's head and pinned it down uncomfortably hard - meanwhile Skittles sat on the floor and watched, leaving the electro-controller alone for the moment and fiddling with his cock cage - Zippo could just see him out of the corner of his eye.

Pepper stood dominatingly above the captive tiger, his cock still rock hard: "You stay exactly in that position bitch or my bro will turn the electro up higher and you won't know what fucking hit you"

With that the skunk moved away and rummaged in the bedside table. Taking a bottle of lube he moved ominously to the rear of the presenting tiger and started rubbing lube up and down his own sizable cock. Once his furhood was suitably lubricated the skunk knelt behind the cat and wiped the excess lube on the feline's furry butt checks - but he did not lube Zippo's hole at all. He took hold of the tiger's hips and slowly pushed forwards, the tip of his cock coming to nestle against the tigers butt. His cock was so hard that he didn't even need to guide it with his paws - he just pushed slowly forward against the tight feline hole and slowly slid into the tiger. Zippo squirmed slightly and moaned - he could easily take the skunk's cock but it was extremely humiliating.

Once the head had entered, Pepper stopped: "Why am I taking it slow and gentle? I have a raging hard weapon here and you deserve no mercy or kindness"

With that the skunk suddenly thrust in all the way and even the experienced tiger gasped as he felt the skunk hilt in him. Pepper then pulled back slightly and using the tiger's hips as leverage started to mate the feline vigorously.

"Have you any idea what is it like to be tied up and prevented from pawing for days?! Have you any idea how much pent up anger that creates?! Well I'm angry now and I'm taking it out on your rear bitch!" taunted Pepper as he pounded in and out.

While he watched his brother take his revenge, Skittles played with the electro box once more. Once he had worked out what all the different knobs did he pushed the engage button again and this time locked it in with a small latch that ensured the electro system stayed on.

At first Zippo never even noticed the power was back on the electro but as Skittles slowly turned the gain up the tiger felt a pleasant tingling sensation on his own, still hard, furhood. The skunk had changed the frequency and waveform so that instead of a sharp shock the box sent what felt like a pleasurable vibrations to the tiger's cock and now he just played with the gain as to tease the cat with pleasure.

Pepper was still approaching from a different angle, roughly fucking the cat's rear and not caring a bit for his pleasure - seeking only to fulfil his own bestial lust. Zippo moaned and whimpered under the dual assault - both the fucking and eclectic stimulation were becoming very pleasurable and he blushed at the humiliation of being pleasured by his smaller, weaker captors.

"M....make him.... cu.... cum... at the same time... time.... as.... me. T.... time the... electro" panted Pepper as he was quickly coming to a head "I want.... this bitch.... to spurt with me."

Skittles just smiled in response and jacked up the gain - sending much more power to the cat but it was still not painful - only more intensely pleasurable. This increased stimulation coupled with the rough and increasingly forceful fucking was also bringing Zippo close to orgasm quickly. He could not hide anything from the brothers and Skittles observed the cat closely - tweaking the gain controls to try and keep it on the edge without going over. Each thrust form the skunk was also hitting Zippo's prostate and the force of the skunk rutting him tugged at his balls with each hilt.

"Tell me when bro" said Skittles when he thought he had the feline's climax under total control

"Just... a... few... seconds.... more....... NOW!" Pepper moaned in uncontrolled lust

Pepper thrust forward and hilted within the tiger - just on the brink of organism. Skittles jammed the gain control to max and sat back, playing with his cage again, to watch the show.

Within seconds of the power increasing Zippo found himself orgasming: "Ughhh ghhum mmmhgghhh!" the tiger moaned into his gag as cum stated to spurt from his cock.

Being completely electro stimulated this was no normal orgasm. It was like a wave of pleasure rolling over the feline that slowly rolled back and forth - on each crest his cock spurted more seed into the hungry condom which began to sag on the end of his cock under the weight. After only ten seconds Zippo felt the skunk start thrusting again and cumming within him.

Pepper had managed to stave off his own climax for a few moments by hilting but when the tiger had cum his anal muscles twitched and tensed involuntarily - squeezing the skunk's cock and tipping him over the edge. Pepper started to thrust again as his cock was already dribbling cum and his own orgasm hit him like a train. He fucked away at the tiger's rear with all his might - pumping his seed deep within the squirming cat.

When Pepper had finished he withdrew with a 'pop' and cum dribbled off his rapidly softening cock. Zippo, loosing the support of the skunk on his hips and exhausted form his own long orgasm, slumped onto his side on the floor - cum leaking from his abused hole and the electro still flowing into his still hard cock.

"Woah, so that's how you get one of these rings off... fuck a faggot cat in the ass!" joked Pepper as he finally pulled the metal ring off his now flaccid furhood

"Cuhmmmph! Hummmm! Powwhmmmm!" moaned Zippo meekly from the ground

"What's that faggot cat?" asked Pepper "Cut the power was that? Don't think we can do that I'm afraid!" he and Skittles laughed but Skittles did then turn the power down, if not off.

"My turn" said Skittles "I wanna get this bitch's tongue on my hole - get his gag off"

Pepper approached the tiger again and pulled him upright but before he could unbuckle the tiger's gag off he was interrupted by a voice suddenly coming over the intercom.

"SR Zippo, please respond to your personal communicator or the terminal in your quarters - recent communication attempts have failed. If you do not reply within 10 minutes a search party with be dispatched. Thankyou, Security"

"Shit" Pepper said, dropping the tiger onto his side again "Fuck we're screwed, they're coming."

"We need to go" replied Skittles

"No - you, cat" said Skittles again, kicking the bound tiger "We ungag you and you tell them there is no problem and to cancel security right?"

"It won't work!" interrupted Skittles "He will tell them, all he has to do is scream."

"You scream and we kill you cat" spat Pepper, addressing the tiger again

"Then they kill us. It's not worth it, let's just run. If we can get to an escape pod we have a chance at getting away - and a chance is better than nothing."

"Grrr fine, but let's make sure they don't find him for a while."

Pepper moved away to the storage area as Skittles removed the padlock from the cat's balls and the hobble chain from his feet - this was a great relief as the feeling was coming back into Zippo's balls after his orgasm and the abused orbs didn't feel so good.

"Make one wrong move and I grab the prod cat" the skunk warned as Pepper came over again carrying a large black piece of gear

Zippo recognised it as a latex sleep sack as it was laid hurriedly on the floor and unzipped and buckled - it comprised a main zip down the back and then several wrap-around belts. They rolled Zippo onto his front on top of the latex and set about pulling it up around him and zipping it shut from the bottom. His feet disappeared within the sack as the zip raised - it was hard as the sack was a little too small for him but with the skunks working in tandem, one pulling the sides of the sack together and one pulling the zip up, he it slowly constricted around him. The tiger was powerless to resist, cuffed and under threat of the prod, as he felt the latex stretch around his upper legs. Just before they covered his arse Pepper left and returned with a large butt plug.

"Something to remember us by heh" said Pepper as he put the tip of the plug against the tiger's still cummy hole and pushed.

With a good amount of force the plug slipped in and quickly the latex was zipped up around the tiger's cheeks - keeping the plug within him forcefully. The electro system and condom was still encompassing the tiger's hard furhood and it remained that was as the zipper was brought up and the latex went taut over his crotch and stomach - pinning is penis to his stomach. The duo kept pulling and the zip rose up slowly - pulling the latex taut around the feline's chest. The zip made it to the tiger's neck and Pepper prepared the integrated mask. He stretched the mask out over the tiger's face, slight panic the last thing in the cat's eyes, and then pulled it together at the back for the zip to complete its journey. When the zip was totally up it rested atop the tiger's head and the mask was pulled very tight around his face - it was stretchy enough to accommodate his gag but it was very tight and only had two small nose holes for breathing.

Zippo's world was now in total darkness and he was reliant on sounds and feel. He heard a click as one of the skunks locked the zipper with a padlock and then he felt the belts being strapped up. There were belts wrapping around his neck (a collar), shoulders, stomach, waits, upper legs, lower legs and ankles. The straps were made of heavy rubber and served to take pressure off the zipper as well as tighten the bondage for the subject. The skunks worked together to tighten the straps with all their might and when each one was buckled they locked it secure with a padlock. When they had finished Zippo felt like he was under an ocean of pressure - being squeezed from every direction by the tight contracting latex.

It had taken the skunks only a few minutes to do a lot to the tiger and he felt himself being dragged across the floor. Combining their efforts they managed to lift his rubber clad from and the tiger felt himself being lifted somewhere and then dropped back on the floor.

Pepper moved over to something in the playroom that he had noticed earlier. It was an oval shaped silver panel on one of the walls near the floor. It was underneath a series of shelves holding various toys and due to being near the floor most people would have missed it. It was about 3 feet high and 8 feet long with a small control panel on the wall next to it. Pepper tapped a button on the panel and the silver metal door slid away into the floor - revealing a small cavity like space with the same oval proportions as the door, and pushing back about 4 feet. It was a pod, a containment pod that could just about hold a fur laying straight with their arms by their sides - just like Zippo was restrained.

The two skunks joined forces to push the tiger into the cell sideward's, sliding him across the floor. He just about fit in, laying bolt upright as he was, but could feel the curved metal wall against his feet. As he was pushed totally into the pod he could feel his left side come hard up against the curved wall on that side - this was the clue that told the tiger where he was.

Skittles took the electro control box, which was still linked with Bluetooth, and set it to about 1/3 power. Then he set the box down amongst other gear on a shelf and left it to torture the tiger from within. Skittles then took all the keys from the locks on the sack's belts and zip and passed them to Pepper.

"Bye bye, bitch cat. Remember what we taught you, you think twice about abusing poor boys again" Pepper teased as he tapped a button on the control panel again and the metal door slid back into place.

There was an audible click as the deadlocks engaged and the tiger was trapped. He squirmed in the super tight sack, testing the limits of his bondage. He was still cuffed behind his back and the heavy latex sack encompassed his entire body. The tight rubber contained him, making sure even an uncuffed prisoner would have to have the strength of a bull to break out, and the heavy belts secured him even further at crucial points to make sure no amount of strength would allow freedom. Beyond that he was secured in a small containment pod - an impenetrable cell only openable from the outside and totally inescapable. The tiger was fucked three times over, with one inescapable situation laid over another.

On the other side of the door the skunks ran back into the main playroom and Skittles grabbed the keys to the lock on Zippo's gag and his cuffs off the bedside table.

"What should we do with them?" Skittles asked Pepper, referring to the collection of keys

"We can't get caught with them, flush them" Pepper replied

Skittles took all the keys and rushed over to the toilet at the other end of the playroom. He threw them into the bowl with a 'clang' and then waved his hand over the flush sensor. The water disappeared and the keys with it - most likely forever lost into the waste system of the ship.

"Come on, let's go" Pepper hurried his brother - worried about the time it had taken to 'suitably' prepare the tiger

The skunks were still naked and collared, and Skittles still had his cock cage on, but they had no other options so they rushed to the door and slipped out of the playroom. From here it was into the unknown - they had been hooded upon arriving and had only seen the playroom. The room they entered was a spacious sweet - probably the Master bedroom - which pleased them as they had wanted to turn the tables on the richest bitch they could. Not that they had had a plan at any point, they were just reacting to being kidnapped and sold into slavery - they weren't going to take it lying down.

They ran through the room to the door and it opened automatically ahead of them: "Automatic doors?" remarked Skittles as they passed though "This can't be a very secure vessel, we might just have a chance"

"Lets make the most of it" replied Pepper "Look for emergency signs, we need to find the escape pods."

The two skunks disappeared down the corridor.


"He's not responded" said a zebra standing over a terminal in the bridge "I'm heading out with the security team, we'll find him."

"Right Khronos" replied Jipon, the Captain "He can't of gone anywhere, I just don't want to be responsible for the disappearance of the Supreme Rah on my ship - the ISN will kill me"

The Khronos, the zebra, headed into the small armoury adjacent to the bridge and met up with his two security officers - who were already armed with assault rifles and armour.

"We're searching for a missing tiger, not starting a war guys." Said the zebra, collecting only his side arm

"Just going prepared chief, can't be too careful in this job" replied Pan, a Doberman

"Better over prepared than under prepared" Oly, a rabbit, chipped in

"Anyway there have been too few occasions to get these babies out on this ship so far" the Doberman said, cocking his rifle and clicking it onto safe

"Fine fine, carry them if you must" sighed Khronos as he holstered his pistol "Let's move out then, we'll give his quarters a good check over first"

He had been told these guys were good but sometimes he wondered if his new 'crack security team' was just a couple of trigger happy kids with more interest in guns than sex - they spent most of their time pumping weights together. Pushing his concerns to the back of his mind for the moment the zebra followed the rabbit and dobbie out of the armoury and down the main corridor to the rest of the ship. They strolled quickly to the missing tiger's quarters and once inside set about searching the main floor area. The two officers took a side of the room each and worked towards the back wall - Khronos walked down the central walkway. They searched quickly but toughly, checking places like under the bed and sheets and in storage units and cupboards - places you wouldn't expect to find a fully sized fur.

When they reached the back of the room the zebra sent Oly to check the toilet and sent Pan upstairs to check the two entertainment rooms, while he headed into the playroom.

"The playroom is bigger - join me when your rooms are clear" Khronos radioed to his team as he entered the large room

As he looked around the playroom he immediately noticed the toys and gear spread around on the floor and bed opposite the door: "Well someone's been in here recently" he chuckled to himself

He stooped to examine the scattered kit and noticed some fluid on the carpet - sticky to the touch - clearly the room had been well used recently! He also noticed a faint but foul smell in the room but he could not identify it or its source.

Moving over to the other side of the room he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary as the door opened and both of other officers came in.

"Nothing Chief - the rooms don't even look used. Someone has been in here though" the Oly noted, walking over to the zebra followed by Pan

"Yeh but it's all pretty normal - some 'fluids' on the floor and some used gear laying around but nothing else - apart from a faint odd smell"

They sniffed.

"Hmm yeh that is a bit funky, no idea what it is though" said the dobbie

"Whatever the source is, it isn't in here anymore - and there is just one more place to check" the zebra said, gesturing towards the alcove that served as the toy store

Oly and Pan entered casually, with guns lowered, and looked around: "Nah nothing in here but a load of kinky shit - no place to hide in here"

"Hmm, right, let's move on to the main lounge - there is no one in here" ordered Khronos, strolling out of the store and heading for the door

"Wait a sec boss, what's this?" asked Oly, noticing a light near the floor in the toy store

He knelt to examine the control panel as Pan and Khronos came back in. Tapping at the 'open' button the consol flashed red and rejected, the screen reading 'Code required'

"It looks like a little cell in the wall" the rabbit deduced, studying the oval silver door "But if there's anything in it someone doesn't want it getting out - it needs a code"

"I can override the security protocols" said Khronos, kneeling down beside the rabbit and swiping his com-bracelet over the controller

'Override accepted' flashed the screen before the door slid away - revealing a latex bound form.

"Looks like a play pet" said the rabbit, examining the body-bag "One someone didn't want getting out!"

Zippo squirmed and mumbled - he couldn't hear or see anyone but he felt the door sliding down and then paws touching his outer latex layer.

The zebra examined the sacks belts and locks: "Yeh, whoever he is he's not getting out any time soon - must be in here for a reason. This is probably Zippo's own work so we best just leave him how we found him and move on"

Oly and Pan nodded as Khronos tapped the control panel again and revoked his security clearance - causing the door to slide closed and lock again.

"Let's go boys, lounge and then slave kennels"

The three security furs left the playroom - the main door sliding closed behind them.


Zippo moaned into his gag in pure frustration - he didn't know who had suddenly opened his cell but they had disappeared just as quickly and not done anything to relieve him from his situation.

He shifted to the extremely limited extent his bondage would allow - his arms falling asleep beneath him and the cuffs digging into his wrists. He breathed as best he could through his nose and the two little holes in the latex - but they were really not big enough and he was breathless and struggling to take in enough air - he didn't even know if the circulator was on in the containment cell.

The steady electro stimulation continued relentlessly - causing further frustration to the cat. It wasn't high enough to cause him to cum again but it kept him hard and on edge eternally. He only needed a few strokes to cum or his paws to pull the cables out but alas both where far out of his reach.

He couldn't even roll over and simply continued to squirm and whimper softly into his tight gag, though the tight latex - biding his time while trying to breathe through the tiny holes.


Pepper and Skittles slipped down the corridors, trying to avoid any busy areas, but they had to keep following the emergency signs and eventually they came to a viewing lounge just before the escape-pods. The outlaying lounge had a window covering one entire wall giving a fantastic view out - but there was nothing particularly interesting on this side of the ship at the moment and it was populated by one solitary figure.

The racoon sat, still in his uniform, in a deep chair and sipped at a drink.

As the skunks rushed in he got up: "Well well what have we here. You boys lost or are you looking for some fun?"

"We are just passing through, sorry" Skittles stammered, heading for the door into the escape pod room

"Oh no, there is nothing through there skunky" said the racoon, positioning himself in front of the door "That's just the pod bay - little play things like you aren't allowed in there. Why don't you just stay here with me"

Skittles quickly glanced at Pepper and winked: "Ok Sir, you can have your way with us poor little skunks"

Skittles approached the racoon and turned around, bending over he parted his cheeks with his paws and presented his hole: "We are such sluts we just can't resist an offer of cock. Please Sir, please fuck me."

The racoon approached in amazement - surprised by the skunk's sudden offer but delighted all the same.

Skittles smiled slyly.

"Oh I'm going to fuck this ass so....AHHHHHHH!" the racoon cried out in pain as his eyes shut instinctively to the stinging

Skittles finished spraying and straightened up as the racoon collapsed to the floor.

"What the fuck ughhh ahh!" he moaned in pain, clutching his face just as the tiger had

Pepper stepped over the racoon and headed for the door with his brother: "I said we were passing through... I meant it you sick cunt"

The skunks slid through the door and into the escape pod bay. The bay was dark, only lit by red emergency lilting and it had no windows. The right hand wall was lined with the escape pod access doors - spherical alcoves in each wall where each pod sat ready to depart. The rest of the room was rather bare and metallic with only a few emergency supplies - unlike the rest of the ship.

Pepper headed to one of the pod doors and studied the control panel in the middle of the door: "It's quite complicated.... needs a code... we might be able to get around it by fooling it into thinking there is an emergency.... or creating one..."


"Security, security - we half an unauthorised escape pod bay access on the starboard side"

The zebra stopped in his tracks as the voice came over the tannoy.

"Roger, heading there immediately" replied Khronos quickly into his com-bracelet

The trio ran down the corridors towards the pod bay as quickly as possible, bursting into the viewing lounge only a few minutes later.

"What the! Raj!? What the hell happened? Who did this?"

"Ohhugghh, pod....bay" is all the racoon could moan out, clutching his eyes

The zebra signalled for Oly to take point and enter the pod bay while he and Pan covered. The lapine raised his rifle and moved up to the door. The Doberman readied his own weapon and tapped the door accept panel. As the door slid away the rabbit stormed in, followed by the Doberman and Khronos. They immediately spotted the two skunks, standing near a pod in the open.

"Get down on the floor! Get down now, hands on heads"

The mustelids were startled by the sudden and loud intrusion and froze in confusion.

Oly moved up to Skittles and tried to pull one of the skunk's arms behind his back: "Do what we say!"

The skunks were suddenly galvanised into action, and skittles pulled away from the rabbit. Pepper suddenly turned and sprayed at the rabbit who let go and shielded his eyes. Once Skittles had regained composure he too turned and aimed his rear at the Doberman who was approaching from the side. He sprayed and the dog was forced back and sought cover behind a box. The rabbit too retreated and without the zebra's authorisation to open fire they were pinned down by the spray irritating their eyes (even though it didn't directly hit them) and the threat of being sprayed again if they approached the mustelids.

Skittles rushed up to the control panel again as Pepper stayed bent over and ready to spray if any of the guards broke cover. Skittles tapped at the panel desperately trying to get the pod door to open.

"Open dam-it, OPEN!" he banged angrily on the panel

"Deck command" Khronos whispered into his com-bracelet from behind cover "open escape pod 3 starboard"

There was no response from the deck commander on the bridge but the escape pod's door suddenly slid open.

"Come on!" cried Skittles to his brother as he rushed into the pod, exited and surprised that his anger caused the door to open

Pepper followed and scurried into the pod. Once he was inside he slammed the large 'close door' button and skittle repeatedly prodded at the panel inside to try and get the pod to launch.

"Deck, shut down the pod now! Don't let it launch" the zebra shouted into his com-watch

"Already done , the door is locked as well - whoever is in there is going nowhere. I anticipated a problem are you guys alright? What's going on back there" came the deck officer's voice over the tannoy

"We are fine, we have two rogue skunks down here that sprayed at us and have disabled Raj in the viewing lounge. I need to run to the slave kennels to get some equipment, the boys are going to stay here and guard the pod."

"Do you know where SR Zippo is?"

"No but I have a feeling these run-aways do - we need to secure them. Send two containment cages down here fast" said the zebra as he holstered his pistol and dashed from the room.

He returned several minutes later, and out of breath, carrying 3 gas masks and some other equipment that looked of a bondage nature.

He passed a gas mask to each of his comrades: "That will give us a defence against the spray - both for smell and vision. You two are going to go in and take one skunk each, gets handcuffs on them and drag them out here and I will deal with them. Weapons away - we out number and out power them and I want them alive."

Pan and Oly nodded, strapping the gas masks on and dropping their weapons - arming themselves with pawcuffs.

"Deck, open the pod"

The door slid open and the mustelids inside were revealed, startled that the pod had opened and not launched. The two officers rushed into the pod and the skunks both spun round to present their weapons. As the dobby and rabbit rushed into the breach they disappeared into a cloud of spray as both skunks fired in tandem and filled the small pod. Khronos couldn't see at all, he just heard the struggle as he prepared the first piece of gear for the first skunk.

Suddenly Pan staggered out backwards with one of the brothers in an arm lock but not cuffed. The zebra rushed forwards and helped him pin the, struggling and kicking (and still spraying), skunk to the floor and force his arms behind his back. The two larger furs managed to do this relatively easily and soon the first skunk was cuffed and pinned down.

As the Doberman controlled the small mammal Khronos grabbed his special piece of gear and unbuckled it - it was a crotch harness. It was made up of a leather waist belt and a similar leather crotch belt that ran between the legs and integrated a cock ring.

The zebra slipped the waist belt around the skunk and buckled it tight. Then he and the dog rolled the skunk onto his back and pulled his cock and balls through the cocking (this was Pepper and he was not too happy about being cock ringed again). The crotch belt was already attached at the front and had to be buckled to the back, however when the zebra brought the belt back the skunk felt something pushing against his rear. It was a plug, there was a butt plug attached to the belt that would need to be inserted within the skunk in order to tighten up the belt.

The zebra had slipped a condom over the plug and that was the only lube Pepper got as the equine pushed the plug against his tailhole. The skunks renewed his fighting - kicking and struggling - but on the ground the guards had the advantage and his struggles were futile. Khronos, with considerable force, managed to slide the sizable wide-based plug into the skunk and then buckle the belt tight to the back - keeping the plug firmly within the small mustelid.

"Keep him pinned, I'm going to find the other" Khronos said as he stood up and peered into the escape pod as the spray started to clear and vision returned

As he moved in he could see the rabbit with the other skunk pinned and cuffed with his paws behind his back.

"Well-done Oly, didn't expect you to be able to get him down alone" said the zebra as he started to strap the waist belt around the skunk's waist

"I told you not to underestimate me when you employed me chief" replied the rabbit

"Heh fair-play Oly!" Khronos chuckled "Hay, this one has a cock-cage on!? I Can't get the ring over it"

"I'll get it off"

The rabbit cupped the CB in one paw and struck it with his first - cracking the plastic ring and allowing it to slide off - it also gave the skunk quite a shock and he jumped and whimpered when the jolt hit his groin. The zebra just smirked at the Oly's tactics - knowing it had unsettled the skunk - and slipped the cock ring over his now free package. Then the equine forced the condom-clad plug into the skunk's rear and secured the harness - locking the buckle closed like his brothers had been.

They then dragged the skunk out to join Pepper where the cages had just arrived - the furs that brought them in feeling as soon as they could, unable to stand the smell without gasmasks. Pan shoved his captive into one of the small cages and padlocked it shut after slamming the door. The zebra and rabbit did the same with their skunk and then both cages were dragged from the pod bay and into the lounge - the racoon having been taken away for treatment.

The guards, now able to breathe freely, stripped off their masks and lined both cages up - peering in at their captives.

"So boys" the zebra said "What's the story - who are you, why were you trying to escape this ship and where is SR Zippo"

"We're not telling you anything" replied one of the skunks

"Well lets go over what we know - you are pets, your collars told us that, you appear to be brothers and I don't recall seeing you in the kennels. Where did you come from and where is SR Zippo?"

The other skunk piped up: "SR Zippo? Well if you mean the tiger... heheh"

"What!? What do you mean by that" the Pan shouted rattling the cage

"Well let's say we.... dealt with him" the original mustelid responded

"Enough, we need to know where Zippo is fast - no time to take them to the brig and interrogate them. Oly 'encourage' one of them to talk."

The rabbit smirked and climbed onto one of the cages. Reaching down he brought a leather thong around the skunk within's neck and pulled it tout - forcing the skunk to the top of the cage to avoid chocking. The rabbit tied the thong around a baton he had on his belt and turned it several times to keep the skunk against the top of the cage - unable to do anything due to still being cuffed.

"Right" Khronos said, stooping and looking in at the mustelid "We going to talk now? How about I ask you again and for every wrong answer you get another couple of twists of that baton. Where is Zippo?"

"Fuck you, you piece of shi...UGKKKKUUUGGHH" the skunks gagged as the rabbit instantly turned the baton in response - tightening the tong around the skunks neck

"WHERE IS HE?" bellowed the zebra

"KKUGHHHHH" the sunk choked, but refused to answer

The zebra nodded to the rabbit who twisted the baton again, the chord now crushing the skunk's larynx.

"UUHGGKKKK OOOKKK OOKKK!" the skunk managed to choke out, finally giving in

Oly let the tension off the chord and allowed the skunk to speak and breathe but it was still very uncomfortable: "M...Master quarters... playroom"

"We checked there" snapped Pan

"Thats... where we... left him"

"The cell" the zebra said suddenly "That pet in the cell"

The skunk smiled wryly despite his painful predicament and the zebra knew he was right.

"We need to get back there fast and get him out" Khronos said to his squad mates "and if he's hurt I'm going to flush these fuckers out of the airlock." He snapped kicking one of the cages

The zebra, followed by Oly and Pan, rushed through the lounge door - leaving the two caged skunks alone again.


The security team burst back into the playroom and headed straight for the ground level cell in the storage area they had been into earlier.

Khronos unlocked it and when the door slid open both the Pan and Oly hauled the latex bound fur out of the cell.

"Its locked shut" said the Doberman as he ran his hands over the latex sack

"Cut it open" replied the zebra, flicking out his knife

They worked quickly - slicing through the tick belts (which required considerable force) and then slicing down in parallel with the zip. The emerging black and white straps confirmed their suspicions and before long the tiger emerged from the sack. The guards pulled the remains of the sack off him and helped him to his knees.

"Hmmmmph! Humffgf!" he mumbled through the gag, he was still cuffed and the electro ring was still on

Oly examined the tiger's cuffs: "Where are the keys!?"

"Hmphhh!" replied the tiger before the zebra slit the back strap and the tiger could force out the ball "I don't know, they probably took them, stop the electro, get it off, please!"

The zebra pulled the condom off and forcefully removed the ring, throwing it aside. Then the guards helped the tiger over to the bed - still cuffed and plugged.

Zippo panted, sweaty and clearly exhausted: "Where are they?"

"Caged in the observation lounge Sir, they were trying to get into an escape pod - we have plugged them but they are probably out of spray by now anyway. We can shove them in the secure cells in the kennel until we get them back to the Optimus."

"Yes, but first, bring them here - I want a word with them. And get someone in here to get these cuffs off"

"Sir you are tired already, why don't you rest until..."

"Just do it" the tiger butted in, clearly not in the mood for an argument

Khronos raised his com-bracelet "Can the team with the skunks bring them to the Master bedroom's dungeon and can we have a spare secure pawcuff key."

Zippo lay back on the bed in exhaustion on his cuffed paws, exposing the large plug in his ass - which he seemed to have forgotten about.

"Eh, Rah" said the zebra "Do you want me to take out the plug?"

"nah... it's ok for the moment" replied the cat - further convincing the equine he was a bit too tired

Moments later the skunks arrived in their cages, carried in by crew members who promptly left.

"Get them out" commanded the tiger, still out of breath

Oly and Pan removed the mustelids and held them, cuffed and plugged in place - they still fought back slightly. The tiger heaved himself off the bed and moved over to stand in front of Pepper - silently staring him down.

An interruption came in the form of a maid-slave with the spare key - he passed it to Khronos, bowed and quickly left - the whole ship seemed to know something evil was going down. The zebra then finally uncuffed Zippo and he rubbed his sore wrists.

"Unplug them" commanded the tiger

The rabbit and Doberman complied - unbuckling the plug belts.

"Anything to say boys?" the cat asked the mustelids

"Yeh, fu..." Skittles was cut off as he tiger removed the large plug from his rear and shoved it into the skunk's open maw

"You cu..." as Pepper spoke up the cat turned and punched him square in the face, his cuffed paws preventing him from defending himself and the guard holding him the only think stopping him from falling to the ground.

"I think you need to learn where the power really lays here" Zippo turned to Khronos "get a begging-dog stock, some rope, a CB and some condoms"

The zebra moved into the store while the other two guards continued to hold the skunks. When the equine came back it was the stocks that really caught the eye. They were not like normal stocks - they were made entirely of polished stainless steel (not traditional wood) and instead of holding the captives head and front paws in a line - it held them in a doggy-style position.

Khronos locked the CB onto skittles and then Zippo nodded for the skunk to be moved into the stocks and Pan moved his captive forwards using his superior strength. The skunk was uncuffed and forced onto his elbows and knees in the device and solid shackles locked them in place. Similar shackles locked around his upper arms and thighs. A heavy shackle closed across his neck and a larger one across his lower back - effectively securing him totally into the doggy-style position. Finally a special small shackle secured around his balls, lower than the cuff from the CB - stretching them out and making sure that any struggling or squirming would result in painful pressure on his tender testis.

Then it was Pepper's turn and he simply had a cock ring slipped on and a rope tied tightly around his balls - his paws left cuffed behind him as he was forced to his knees in front of his brother. Oly and Pan then took a condom each and unrolled them over their paws.

The tiger gave the next signal and things started to happen very quickly. Oly slipped his condom over Skittles head as the Doberman did the same to Pepper. The two skunks felt the thin latex roll down over their faces and snap around their neck - distorting their vision. Then the cord around Pepper's balls was pulled through the eyelet in the front of Skittles' collar and tied off, pulling Pepper's cock deep into his brother muzzle - through the condom over Skittles' head. Then Pepper was bent forwards so his head rested over Skittles lower back and the eyelet in the front of his collar was padlocked to a ring in the top of the large lower-back band of the stock - keeping him bent forwards over his brother.

Just as the skunk's wits returned to them and they started to realised their air was cut off by the condoms they both felt something cold being drizzled on their rears and paws working the gel in. Zippo knelt behind Pepper and Khronos knelt behind the pilloried Skittles and both furs grasped their hard cocks and began to push forwards. They worked in unison on their own mustelid rear, pushing forwards quickly into the lubed holes until they were both hilted.

"Here's how it works boys, you have the 'power' over your own lives you so desperately want. I'm going to fuck Pepper's hole raw and the condom comes off when I cum and only when I cum - dead or alive. Skittles has to suck his Pepper off until Pepper cums and then his condom comes off. Khronos is just here to provide Skittles with a bit of 'stimulation'."

Zippo smiled at the zebra from across the airless captives as the skunk's eyes widened at the prospect of what was about to happen. Before they had a chance to think about it though the cat and equine pulled back and started to thrust. As they started to fuck the smaller captives they rocked them against each other and Pepper's cock naturally bobbed in and out of Skittles muzzle - poking into the tight latex of the condom.

Skittles blushed like mad - totally humiliated at having to suck off his brother - but as the red of his blush started to give way to the blue haze of airlessness he realised the futility of his situation and started to suck at the plump cock thrusting in and out of his mouth. Zippo and Khronos were speeding up and obviously not going to last long - the cat was understandably exhausted and the zebra had not been off duty since departure and was randy as hell!

Opening his eyes, Pepper looked up through the yellow tint of the condom and realised that in addition to the tiger and zebra at his rear and front the rabbit and Doberman were standing to each side and furiously pawing over the unfolding scene. He didn't know why but this in addition to being sucked off by his brother made everything so much worse - he would also have been blushing if it were not for the lack of air.

After only a minute or two (which felt like a lot longer when you were rebreathing dead air!) the two doms were ready to cum and they looked at each other, mentally timing their climaxes. Zippo went first, hilting himself deep inside the skunk and letting his seed spurt from his mighty furhood for the second time today. Seconds later Khronos reached climax too but he did not hilt but kept thrusting hard, having the vigour Zippo understandably lacked. Almost exactly when Khronos started to spurt - the rabbit and Doberman came together too - their cum raining down on the captive furs and splattering them liberally in thick sticky seed.

Zippo regained his composure and, still hilted, bent forwards and readied his claw to burst the condom over Pepper's head: "So should I keep my side of the bargain? That was a good fuck but I'm not convinced."

Pepper did not respond, on the verge of passing out he just gasped for air - the tiger's words shocking him to the core but he was unable to respond.

The tiger enjoyed his teasing and lingered a few seconds more before stabbing at the semi-inflated latex and snapping it in an instant. Pepper panted in the sudden fresh air, refilling his lungs as the tiger uncuffed him and unlocked his collar from the stock - only leaving I'm bound by his balls. Khronos had pulled out during this and that just left a breathless Skittles to keep sucking off his brother.

It was clear Skittles was on the very edge of unconscious and Pepper knew what he had to do. Having regained his breath he stated to thrust hard in and out of his brothers mouth - close to organism but not sure he was close enough. The cat and guards watched on intently as Pepper thrust into his increasingly motionless brother with all his might and instants later he to burst into climax - his cock spraying cum onto his brother's latex clad face.

Moments after he came, Pepper reached down and ripped the condom of his sibling's head and started desperately trying to resuscitate him. Zippo pulled his arms back and cuffed them again as the rabbit untied his balls and he fell backwards, leaving the motionless Skittles still locked in the stocks.

"You killed him! You fucking bastards!" shouted Pepper from the floor

"I uncuffed you, you could have taken the condom off before you came, but you didn't. You obeyed - it's in your subconscious, you were born to serve - admit it to yourself." Replied the tiger

The skunk was about to launch into another round of abuse when he was cut off by the sudden stirring of Skittles from the stocks. As the smaller sibling came-to Pepper got to his knees and rushed over to nuzzle his brother. They were bound, in the grip of cruel tormentors, they had been comprehensively raped, they were splatter in cum and it dripped from their rears but they were together and they were alive.

"Aww so cute" mocked the tiger "Not so rebellious now are we boys? It's a few more days before we get back to the main slave facility and you two are going to be locked away tight until we get there. If you fight back at all I will separate you into different isolation cells - come quietly now and you can go together."

"Where are you taking us?" Replied Pepper meekly but with some defiance in his voice still

"Once at the slave facility you will be punished properly for your little coup d'état and then evaluated as to wither you should be trained as sex slaves or sold off to the highest bidder. I suggest you submit and stay as a slave on my ship - the highest bidder for recalcitrant slaves is invariably a sadistic psychopath, scientist with experiments to run or someone who just needs laser-fodder in a war."

Pepper did not reply but bowed his head submissively and continued to nuzzle the silent Skittles.

Zippo turned to the guards: "Get them prepared for storage in the isolation cells together - I have some things to make it more interesting for them"

The tiger smirked as he left for the bedroom where his personal luggage was. The rabbit, Doberman and zebra uncuffed Pepper and removed Skittles from the stocks - they even removed the CB and cock rings - leaving the skunks totally unadorned besides their permanent collars. Zippo returned with some equipment and discussed his plans with the guards out of ear shot of the mustelids.

The rabbit and Doberman came back over with a harness type device each. It was a simple leather crotch harness with a metal cock ring integrated into the under-belt. Before the under-belt was tightened a medium sized butt plug with a nozzle at the bottom was slid into each skunk's rear - an easy task with cum still slicking their tailholes. Once the harnesses were tightened up, locked and the butt-plugs were secured, the skunks cocks started to harden as usual under the influence of the rings - however these rings were slightly larger than usual and not as aggressive at causing erections.

Next a similar style trainer-ring-gag was pushed into each skunks maw and the straps tightened up behind their heads and around their muzzles - holding them wide open. Still the skunks did not resist.

Next the skunks were forced to kneel and their ankles and knees bound simply with rope. Each was then fitted with a latex box binder - holding their arms parallel behind their backs in an inescapable bind. Finally a rope was tied from their ankle binding to the back of their collar - holding them in a kind of bow-hogtie but without the arms. Then they were bundled back into their respective cages - disappointed by being separated again but not in a position to say anything about it.

"You know what to do guys?"

"Yes Sir" replied the zebra "You get some rest"

"Yeh I'll be in here, remember to connect their water pipes - don't want them going thirsty!"

The zebra smiled and nodded and then left the playroom followed by the rabbit and Doberman carrying the small cages. Zippo followed into his bedroom and collapsed on the bed, pretty much passing out as he hit the duvet - thoughts of Duma almost entered his head but he was out cold before he could act on them.

The security team continued onto the kennels and headed to the very rear where a secure room held the high security cells. They went to a two-fur cell and unlocked the cages again, helping the skunks get out. The cell was similar to the one Zippo had been locked in - padded floor and walls - but much larger and could accommodate two as long as they didn't stand up (and the skunks couldn't even sit up bound as they were). The mustelids were slid into the cell facing each other but top to tail - basically the 69 position. The guards shuffled them closer and closer together until each's face was right next to the others crotch. They still had semi-hard cocks from the cockrings and as they were moved closer and closer their cocks entered each other's muzzles (with the ring-gags stopping them resisting) and went deeper and deeper until each ones nose was touching the others pubis.

When they were as deep as they could go, the rabbit and Doberman pushed the cock-rings and ring-gags together and suddenly strong magnets in each locked them together - so Skittles' ring-gag was locked to Pepper's cock-ring and vice-versa - holding them in a tight 69.

The skunks started to squirm and moan slightly in their unfolding predicament but they were tightly restrained and the guards were almost done.

Pan and Oly then fetched the retractable water+mineral leads from the ceiling of the cell. Each was a flexible retractable hose with a coupling assembly at the end which was usually used to secure it to the valve on a gag or mask. In this case however each guard clipped it to the protruding valve on the butt-plug held within each skunks rear.

"Well that's us bois" said the zebra "I still think Zippo was too easy on you but the slave facility can deal with you in a few days and I guarantee you will not be escaping again on this ship - this cell will not be opened until we dock back at home. I'll explain the set-up here to you though. You can survive for up to a few weeks on this mineral rich water alone which will constantly flow from the hoses. Usually its fed to the mouth or directly to the stomach but for you Zippo though you two deserved to get a little more close and intimate. Your flow is set on MAX, it is basically like getting a large enema every 15 minutes. The minerals and water will fill your rears and absorb through the walls of your intestine and be passed directly to your kidneys to be peed out. When you pee it out you will obviously have to pee into your bothers mouth and that will be your only source of water! Peeing in each other's mouths for nurturance and water!"

The guards withdrew and the zebra prepared to shut the door: "Oh and if you get bored you can always suck each other off again!"

The door closed and the zebra set the timer-lock for the return docking time - only one person could open it before: Zippo. The skunks were trapped beyond escape.


Zippo slept soundly and sticky - undisturbed and unwashed - all throughout the night. Waking in mid-morning he stretched out and yawned, still on top of the sheets as he had been all night. Rising sluggishly he trudged over to the bathroom for a shower - to both wake him up and clean away the sweat and seed from yesterday.

After his shower he towelled off and headed back into his quarters to get ready for the day. They would reach their destination, Vultrila, in an hour or two but first the tiger needed to return to Duma, whom he had left over 18 hours ago. Of course not needing to get dressed (if he was only walking around a ship he preferred to go naked) the tiger just collected a very long pair of latex gloves and left towards the entrance lounge where Duma was still chained.

The tiger strolled back into the lounge which was still and quiet. Duma was slumped on his side fast asleep in a small puddle of his own milk; the batteries on the vibe had run out long ago. Zippo knelt down and removed the wolf's gag and then un-padlocked his wrist cuffs and unlocked his ankle cuff from the chain linking it to the floor. The tiger then roused the snoozing canid who had obviously been totally exhausted by yesterdays ordeal - he had been chained up here for over 18 hours and the vibe would have lasted at least 8 hours.

"Ughghhh" the wolf moaned as he woke up, his body aching

He looked up and saw the smiling face of the hated tiger: "Morning pet, good night?"

"Ughhh" was all the wolf replied

"I'll take that as you want to get cleaned up?"

Duma nodded slowly.

"Well remember what I said, you have to clean all this up first" Zippo said in reference to the sticky puddle Duma lay in "So on all fours and get licking bitch"

Duma was too tired to argue so he fought to his paws and knees and bent down to lick up the sticky milk - a bright blush coming to his face.

Zippo stood and watched until most of the fluid was gone and he was sure the wolf was toughly humiliated. Once Duma finished he looked up at the cat again and Zippo bent down to clip a leash to his collar.

"Come on then, I guess you've earned a shower at least, and we need to get you ready for landing" said Zippo as he led the wolf, still on all fours back towards his quarters.

"Landing? Where are we going?" Duma asked quietly

Zippo didn't respond.


As the large leisure ship approached the deep purple planet the crew were surprised they were not hailed by orbital traffic control but as they got closer to the main city that was their destination the docking control finally called them.

"Incoming liner please state name and intentions"

"This is the Nirvana GFE civilian yacht requesting landing allocation."

"Rodger Nirvana landing granted in liner-bay E-9, watch out for smaller craft as you close in they run around uncontrolled."

"Roger docking control, why did orbital control not hail us?"

The fur on the other end laughed: "Haha, we don't have orbital control, this planet is divided between warring factions. This is the ancient capital and centre of the government, it's fairly safe here but I still hope you brought some guns."

"Roger control, thanks for the info, we will contact you on the ground"

The line went dead as the ship pressed in closer - passing through the atmosphere a glow started to trail from its leading edges as its outer skin headed up and particles of pollution struck its kinetic barrier.


Zippo walked down the main loading ramp tugging a leash he held in his paw. Duma followed as fast as he could on the other end of the leash but there was a reason he was walking slower than he usually would on all fours. After cleaning the wolf up Zippo had forced him into a tight leather bitch-suit that held his legs and arms pinned to themselves - forcing him to walk on his knees and elbows, even more like a doggy. The bondage garment - which was fairly common on the Optimus and in slave facilities in the GFE - was usually made of constricting latex but this one was made of very heavy duty leather and tightened by an array of belts and straps which were all locked shut. This meant the suit would wear much more heavily than a latex version and could be taken outside. At the rear of the suit zips allowed access to the tailhole or cock of the wearer but Dumas cock was stilled locked in its CB and zipped within the suit and a doggy-tail butt plug filled his rear and had the suit zipped up on either side around it - showing no fur. At the front of the suit a doggy-mask hood was integrated into the suit which gagged the user as well as making them look much more dog like.

Zippo led the little black dog down the ram, into the docking bay and from there into the city itself.

The city was a sprawling mess of buildings with no plan or order. Vultrila was a dessert planet (though it appeared purple from space due to its atmosphere) that was not caught up in the wider conflict, most likely due to the lack of a legitimate government. Several rival criminal cartels vied for control of the planet and each dominated certain areas. The capital city Cadea was the home of the 'government', a group of powerful slavers that were supported by galactic slaving conglomerates. The other main factions included group of lizard nationalists in the south, religious extremists in the second city and an organised crime ring. Despite their ideologies and roots, all of the factions were criminal gangs in effect and though the frontiers between the factions were literally battlefields there was no real law and order on any part of the planet and nowhere was really safe.

Cadea itself was a hub for criminal and shady activity for many systems around and it was said one would 'never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy'. Being the home of a slaver cartel brought wealth to the city and kept its economy running but it also brought government sponsored kidnappings, embezzlement, summery execution by the security forces, street warfare between gangs and all manner of other criminal activity alongside furs just trying to make a living. The dust of the desert upon which the old city was built blew around the un-kept streets and derelict buildings where the poor lived while the criminal and government leaders lived in opulent penthouses guarded by militia and private guards. It was a place where money went hand in hand with murder.

Vultrilia had the most slave facilities of any planet in the galaxy and it was a favourite with bounty hunters, kidnappers and sadistic furs just looking for a good time.

Being of the later category Zippo walked out into the sandy streets as the city buzzed with the midday markets and furs coming and going. He had finally put some clothes on, donning a fairly low key uniform but he felt the pet in tow somewhat undermined the desired subtlety. Despite this, exiting the main slaving dock he felt he wouldn't seem out of place to the locals. The security team had insisted they join the Rah in such a dangerous city but the cat had refused, instead letting the majority of the crew, including Khronos, Pan and Oly on shore leave. For personal protection Zippo carried a concealed paw-laser and a sword by his side, as well as a small shield generator on his belt which could provide some cover from a laser weapon. Despite such a light load-out he didn't feel threatened by the reputation of the city which was maybe a measure of his over-confidence.

Following a pre-studied route the tiger had to go at the pace set by his scurrying pet which allowed him to take in more of the city. Before long though his destination came into view, a large lavish shop spread over 3 floors of an old stone building. There was little advertising on the shop aside from a large sign over the front door that read 'The Galaxy famous ZANE'S!'

Zippo approached the armed guards manning the door who let him in when it was clear he wasn't a bandit or trouble maker. Entering the shop, still with Duma in tow, Zippo looked around the lower floor - an open plan treasure cave of sex toys. Zane's was reputed to be the finest sex shop in existence and if they couldn't sell you it they could make you it. All manner of kinky and evil toys were available on the second floor while the first held more conventional toys. The third floor held the private labs and playrooms where new toys and creations were developed and tested. Some of the finest kinky creations in the galaxy were created here and it was for one of these very creations that Zippo had come.

The tiger walked up to the counter on the ground level and addressed the clerk, a rabbit wearing nothing but a pair of latex shorts: "I'm Zippo, I believe I have an appointment with Mr Zane"

"Ah yes" replied the clerk "He is expecting you, please follow me"

The rabbit walked out and beckoned Zippo to following to the stairs, paying no attention to Duma at all as if a bitch-clad wolf was something he saw everyday (and he probably did!). As Zippo followed the rabbit up the stairs it was obvious the rabbit had a rather large plug in his rear as its base was clearly visible through the tight latex of his shorts.

Duma has some trouble with the stairs but eventually they reached the first floor which was similar to the ground but has more kinky and elaborate toys. The trio continued up the wide stairs to the third floor where they came to a security door which the rabbit used his thumb print to open. They were led to one of the demonstration studios where a scruffy collie dog was fiddling with some form of equipment linked up to a laptop.

"Mazo, SR Zippo is here to see you" the rabbit interrupted his boss

"As yes, you are dismissed Ben" the dog said getting to his feet and leaving his work "Zippo, I have many powerful and influential customers but never an ISN-SR before, welcome to my shop."

Zippo stepped forwards and shook the collies paw: "It's a very interesting shop indeed; I've heard you are the best and I want the best."

"If you want the most secure, the most elaborate and the most evil then you are in the right place and that design you sent me certainly was interesting"

"Ah yes the design, that's why I came, I've heard its ready?"

"We've tested it full and built the first 20 units, you can take those today if you are satisfied, the rest will be mass produced and sent on to you within 2 months."

"Very good and that demonstration, can we have that now?"

"Of course Sir" the collie smiled "Follow me"

The dog walked to the other side of the studio and to what looked like a closet. Opening it he revealed a series of cages within that held several bound furs. Opening one cage he pulled out a rabbit who was wearing a sensory deprivation hood, leather armbinder and hobble chain. The smaller lupine stood still and quiet while Mazo unlocked his hobble and removed his armbinder - just leaving his sens-dep hood. The dog led the rabbit over to a pole coming down from the ceiling and cuffed his hands behind him, keeping his back to the pole. Then the hood finally came off revealing the timid young rabbit within.

"I would usually use a member of staff as a model but for anything more... evil, I prefer to use slave boys - luckily there is no shortage here!" the dog said once he had finished with the rabbit

"You like rabbits?" commented Zippo

"I find they make good workers and obedient pets compared to other species - they seem born to serve." Replied the collie as he fetched the special piece of gear from a safe in the wall

Zippo stood and watched, still holding Duma's leash as the collie slipped the special item onto the test subject and fiddled with it a bit. The dog finished and stepped back to join Zippo and watch the pets reaction.

Duma was struggling to see what was going on from his low position but he could see a wide smile break out across the tigers face, a smile he didn't like the look of. Moving around a bit he finally caught sight of what was happening and it filled him with a deep dread.

"So we have exclusivity on this?" asked Zippo

"Of course, it's your design, I'm just building it for you - with the number you ordered and price your paying I don't need to sell to anyone else. Who did design it by the way?"

"The head of the slave facility on my ship, Talos, and good - this will be a very interesting item to have available. I'm sure Talos would like to collaborate with you more in the future too, we source most of our gear from the homeworlds but you can't beat a slavers world for the more exotic equipment"

"Heh yeh," the collie giggled to himself "The wealthier owners of the slave rings provide a steady demand for the more exciting stuff - I love working on this stuff."

"You are certainly damn good, but now if you don't mind I will have a look at the rest of the shop and head back to my ship"

"Of course, why not have something on us for your little puppy there" said the collie referring to Duma for the first time

"Thankyou, I'm sure Duma here will love you for that - this is his second proper day of training. Oh and you can put that slave away again, he seems to be struggling with my new toy - wouldn't want you to lose a slave for a demonstration!"

"You sure? Plenty more here he came from?" the dog half joked as he moved over and relieved the rabbit who had collapsed onto his bum by this point

Zippo turned and lead Duma back down the stairs after a parting gesture to the collie. Once on the first floor he started to look around and quickly approached a rack of sounds of various shapes and sizes. He examined several of the cock toys before settling on a fairly long and medium girth stainless steel one that ended in a ring to stop it totally entering the penis. From reading the label he discovered this one had a little extra feature however and this confirmed his choice.

"Rollover puppy" the tiger chirped at Duma

The wolf blushed under the suit at being treated more like a dog but he obeyed, and with a bit of effort fell onto his side and managed to roll onto his back. The tiger knelt down beside him and unzipped the front crotch zip - allowing the wolf's metal chastity cage to slip free. The tiger caressed and rubbed the wolf through the cage, he couldn't feel much but that was the point - frustration rather than sensation. After a little teasing Zippo lined up the pee hole on the cage and Duma's urethra and started to rub the tip of the sound around the head of the wolfs cock - working up some pre.

"Good little chastised pets should produce enough of their own lube!"

With that the cat started to push the sound into the wolf's cock. It went in smooth and steady but produced a burning sensation and made Duma squirm and moan in his leather suit. It wasn't long before the sound was almost fully in - penetrating deep into the wolf's furhood - and as the tiger gave it the last little push its special feature became apparent.

As the ring on the end of the sound went flush with the top of the CB it clipped into place and held firm - the whole cock ring was magnetic!

"Back on your feet boy, its time to go"

Duma squirmed and fought back to his feet before Zippo tugged on his leash and lead him off again. The burning sensation of entry was mostly gone but the feeling of fullness remained and as Duma's cage swung back and forth as he crawled the sound moved around deeper inside him and stimulated his cock from the inside.

Zippo let his, now comprehensively stuffed, doggy down the stairs and out of the shop with a quick good-bye to the rabbit clerk. They walked the few dusty streets back to ship and then to Zippo's quarters where he took his time undressing until he was back to his usual nakedness.

Throughout Duma remained on his knees and whimpered softly - the stress of the birch position and his bad night's sleep taking its toll

Finally Zippo noticed him: "Aww is puppy all tired? Does puppy want to rest?"

Duma nodded his head in response - still gagged

"Alright then" the tiger sighed "Its only early evening but you can rest until morning"

Zippo proceeded to unlock and unzip Duma from the suit and revealed the very tired and very very sweaty wolf within. He removed the entire suit - leaving Duma with only his wrist and ankle cuffs, CB, sound and puppy tail buttplug. From there he was regagged and led, unshowered, back into his cage at the foot of Zippo's bed where the tiger placed a duvet before helping the exhausted wolf inside and locking the door shut.

Duma drifted to sleep quickly, his cock was still locked and sounded, his maw was still gagged and his rear was still plugged but he was unrestrained for once and even though the cage was small the duvet was soft and warm. Maybe being a good boy wasn't so bad after all.


Zippo checked his wrist communicator as he headed to the bridge. It was early evening ship-time and they would be taking off and heading back to rendezvous with the Optimus in a few hours, when most of the ship would be sleeping. The tiger had a few hours yet until he wanted to sleep so he took the opportunity to get to know his pleasure yacht's captain better and he was sure the lynx would be on the bridge.

When he arrived the captain was indeed on the bridge, sitting at his command terminal and staring aimlessly into the blast-shields that covered the windows when the ship was docked.

"No point in looking out there Jipon, even if the armour was up its just dust and deprivation" the cat said sitting down at the adjacent terminal and facing the lynx

"Thought it was meant to be a beautiful old city Sir" said Jipon listlessly and dreamily

"Maybe was before this civil war, now it's just a violent shattered dust bowl. And please just call me Zippo"

"Heh, and this is the first place you choose to go on holiday in your brand new sex-yacht Zip?"

"Hehe, unfortunately some things can only be found in places like this, particularly if you indulge some of the things I do. On that note kitty why haven't you taken advantage of this flying palace of perversion? Why are you up here with no work to do when the ship is docked?"

The lynx sighed: "I dunno Zippo, I guess just having responsibility for a ship this size and valuable and with such a valuable passenger is a bit new to me and its taking its toll."

Zippo stood up and came to stand behind the lynx, rubbing his shoulders: "Well then why don't I help take your mind off it. Your personal files say you're a dom, why don't you come and keep an eye on your 'valuable passenger'?"

"I'm well aware of what has happened on this ship in the last day and you are offering to sub just after being attacked and kidnapped by two renegade pets? Hehe something tells me you're a glutton for punishment Zippo"

Zippo came around to face the Jipon again: "Heh, is that a yes or a no Mr kitty?"

The lynx stood up and grabbed Zippo by the collar he always inexplicably wore: "That's Master kitty to you boy. If you want dommed I will happily comply but why don't we go a bit softer than your usual fare? Why don't you be my obedient pet before bedtime?"

"Oh yes Sir" Zippo said dropping to his knees "I am yours for the evening"

"Good boy, I want to be fair on you but if you step out of line I will have to punish you. Just don't count on me to properly punish or dom my immediate superior!"

The lynx pulled his uniform shirt over his head and threw it across the floor revealing a well toned chest. The cat was smaller than average fur, both in height and build, but he was well toned and very well kept - he clearly took care of his appearance. Then he stripped his belt and approached the waiting tiger.

"On all fours boy, to my quarters - they are near yours."

Zippo obeyed and started to crawl on his hands and knees out of the bridge and back towards his bedroom - only a few corridors away. Jipon followed behind his new pet with his belt and started to lightly flick its end against the tigers.

Zippo yipped softly when the end of the leather belt nipped against his soft rear as the lynx encouraged the tiger along. Soon they passed by Zippo's room and around a back corridor to the crew's rooms. They entered the captain's room, Zippo still in the lead on all fours. The tiger looked around took in the new room (he hadn't been in any other bedroom on the ship yet). It was nowhere near as grand as Zippo's but it was a very sizable and pleasant bedroom none the less.

It was elliptical and split across two levels with the higher section only a foot above the lower section. The higher section, where the door entered, held some couches and seating for relaxation and entertainment. The lower section, which started in the middle of the room and ran to the back was where the bed was and there was also a door to an ensuite. The two levels were divided by a long curved step which had a railing running around it. A break in the middle of the railing allowed access from the higher to the lower level. The room looked more lived in than Zippo's - this was the lynx's home after all.

"Up boy" chirped Jipon tapping one of the couches

Zippo jumped up and rolled over on to his back, splaying his legs open and looking up at the lynx. Jipon smiled down at the tiger as he moved over to a chest of draws and retrieved a small circular tin and a leash. He opened it and placed it on the tiger's stomach before fiddling with its contents and then withdrawing something clear and plasticy...

Zippo instantly recognised it as a cock cage, just like the ones that he had used on the skunks and were very common on the slave facility - he whimpered softly and frowned.

"Now now kitty you promised to be a good boy and good boys give control of their cock's too their Master."

Zippo flopped his head back in a relenting gesture but continued to whimper softly. Jipon got to work, slipping the hard plastic retainer ring around the tiger's cock and balls and then working the cats cock into the cage section itself. A metal pin slipped through the ring and then the cage - holding them together and then a small padlock held the pin in place. The tiger's cock was now locked away indefinitely for the second time today.

The lynx backed up and sat on the opposite couch, holding the leather leash he had fetched with the cage.

"Come little locked-boy and give Master's cock a little attention." The lynx smiled

Zippo rolled off the couch and crawled over to the other cat, his head at just the right height to nestle between the lynx's splayed thighs. Jipon stroked over the tiger's head as he approached and then clipped the leash to the front of his collar: "Get to work boy"

Zippo smiled up as the leash pulled him in closer and he breathed in the lynx's musk deeply. He nuzzled the cat's sheathe with his wet nose and then started to lick over his balls with long strokes of his tongue. The lynx moaned and slumped more on the couch as Zippo worked at his tender parts. Zippo continued to lap over the lynx's balls and slowly coaxed his cock from its sheath.

Jipon's cock rapidly hardened with the tiger's attention and once it was at full mast Zippo pulled back and looked up as if seeking approval.

"Does kitty want to suck Master's cock?"

The tiger nodded.

"Ok then, go on boy, suck Master off, give his cock the attention yours won't be allowed for a long time."

Zippo whimpered again as he bowed his head back down and started to lick over the tip of the lynx hard cock. Jipon slacked the leash and allowed the tiger to work freely at his own pace and his broad tongue was clearly working as the lynx began to moan again. Zippo moved on quickly taking the head of the cats cock into his mouth and starting to suck it softly.

"Good boy, nice and soft, but let's move on" the lynx grinned before he moved the leash down under his bum and up behind his back. From there he pulled it up and this pulled the tiger down so his muzzle was forced close to the lynx's crotch

Zippo continued to lick at the other cat's cock before moving on and taking the head into his mouth and sucking slowly.

"No no," the lynx interjected "No sucking, just licking, show me love with that tongue"

Zippo silently obeyed and pulled back to the extent the collar allowed before going back to licking along the long, hard shaft. The lynx lay back and 'murrrd' softly in pleasure at the rough, wet tongue as the cat worked. Zippo sniffed deeply at the masculine musk of the dominant male as he worked. Jipon didn't seem like a dominant character at first glance, particularly with his diminutive stature, but there must have been a way he rose to captain a ship and it was clear to Zippo from his perspective now the lynx was indeed the dom the profile said. Zippo's cock strained hard in its plastic prison, oral always made him very hard and having his cock locked away during it was pure torture.

After several minutes of soft oral attention the lynx released the leash and allowed Zippo to come up - the tiger looked up obediently for orders.

"Very good boy, you are good at that and you can give my cock the full attention it deserves in a little while but first I think something of yours needs some attention..."

The lynx got off the sofa and ushered the tiger to his feet. They then moved over to the railing that divided the two levels of the room which came up to just above Zippo's waist. Jipon guided the tiger to bend over the railing, and to do so he had to go up on his tip-toes and most of his weight was resting on the banister.

The lynx then walked around the lower level and the tiger's, upside down, front half. He knelt down and cuffed the tigers dangling paws in front of him with a simple pair of paw-cuffs, these then had a chain locked to the centre that was anchored in the ground at the base of the railings. This kept Zippo bent over the banister as he could not pull back.

From there Jipon moved back around to the tigers exposed rear and tied a length of rope around each other the tigers ankles. His left leg was then pulled out to the side and the rope tied off to a railing - the same was repeated for his right leg. This meant the tiger's entire weight was now entirely supported at his waist on the railing and his legs were pulled out into a shallow splits and held fast by the ropes.

By the time the lynx was finished Zippo felt very exposed, especially at his rear. This problem was compounded by the fact the lynx had now moved behind the tiger again and from Zippo's position he couldn't see more than 180 degrees directly to his front.

As the quiet seconds ticked on Zippo was suddenly reminded of his cock again, locked away in its cage. It was straining hard against the plastic again - this position was clearly exciting the tiger, with his ass exposed and his legs well spread.

The lynx appeared behind the tiger again and hugged close to the bound cat's body - Zippo could feel the lynx's still hard cock against his side. Jipon rubbed firmly over the tiger's stripey rear - but it ddin't feel like his paw...

"Such a pure white ass you have boy, why don't we add some colour to it!"

As the lynx finished he brought a wide wooden paddle down across the centre of the tigers rear.

"Meep!" Zippo jumped and yipped slightly at the unexpected spank - but it was more out of surprise than pain.

The second hit came onto the tiger's left cheek and then another on his right. Jipon alternated like this building up in power from light strikes to sharper ones. Zippo was used to much harder than this though and he just relaxed over the banister and enjoyed the sting of each slap followed by the slow building heat in his rear that each strike added to.

Pre began to dribble from the end of the tiger's CB, the paddling was getting more than his ass hot. His cock was not as hard as before, it seemed to have accepted its captivity but pre dripped onto the floor at an increasing rate.

Jipon steadily added colour and heat to Zippo's rear until his ass was a glowing red set against its usual white. Jipon finished his last strike and stood back to admire his work. The tiger's breathing was slow but deep as the stinging in his rear continued building even after the last spank.

The lynx moved in close again and rubbed over the other cat's raw ass: "Oh that's much better don't you agree? All subby bitches should have a nice red butt at all time. I know the crew of the Optimus call us 'Tail-Raiser cruses' but our crew call us 'Red-bottom cruses'"

Jipon moved away again and put his paddle back in its place in his toy draws. He then took a bottle of lubricant and a metal box before returned to behind the tiger.

"So you've given attention to my front, I've given attention to your rear - why don't we finish off with both and then get to bed?" said the lynx as he applied some lube to his still hard cock (clearly tanning a boy's ass got him horny)

It wasn't a question really as Zippo didn't have a choice ether way but still the tiger nodded in agreement. Jipon slicked up his penis but didn't apply any to Zippo's ass before standing on the box and putting the tip to the tiger's tailhole and slowly pushing forward into the tiger's rear - with the tiger resting on the railings the smaller cat couldn't reach his hole without the box!

"Merf, please fuck me Sir." The tiger moaned as he was penetrated

Jipon pulled back and withdrew: "Oh I'm going to boy but I don't think we need any more suggestions from you..."

The lynx leaned forwards and shoved a black ball gag into the tiger's mouth and buckled it up at the rear, then he put the tip of his cock back to the tiger's tailhole and pushed in again. Zippo squirmed on the banister as the lynx pushed into him and then pulled back and slowly began to thrust carefully. Despite his care he kept slipping out and tried to readjust his position.

Jipon seemed to be having some trouble with the angle and the high and eventually he gave up and withdrew completely: "Oh this is just silly..."

The lynx huffed and jumped off the box. Then he untied Zippo's legs from the railings and finally came around the front to release the tiger's paw-cuffs from the floor anchoring - though he was left cuffed to the front. Then Jipon helped Zippo off the railing and forced him to his paws and knees before clipping a leash to his collar again.

The tiger was then lead down to the lower level and over to the bed where he was moved into a basic doggy style position in the middle - his rear presented once more.

The lynx moved forwards in a kneeling position behind the tiger and slipped his cock into the awaiting hole once again.

"Ahh that's much better!" Jipon chirped, finding this position much more amicable, "I know your used to it rough boy but I think you deserve a nice gentle loving..."

The lynx started to thrust smoothly and fairly gently and Zippo responded by moaning softly into his gag. Jipon maintained his steady pace - savouring every deep gentle thrust.

Zippo's cock was again rock hard in its cage - the prostrate stimulation from Jipon's feline cock causing even more pre to dribble from the hole in its end and Zippo's crotch was now matted with the sticky pre-cum.

"Ohh I'm close boy, I...I... can't keep slow... I... need to go for it. I'm going!" Jipon moaned as he neared his orgasm and his will to keep to his slow rhythm finally broke

The lynx's breathing sped up with his thrusting as he started to pound into the tiger's rear - fucking as hard and fast as he could while tugging on the tiger's leash. His crotch slapped into Zippo's ass on each thrust and his balls slapped into the tiger's - which were more exposed than usual due to the cage.

"AHHUUGHH!" the lynx moaned aloud as he gave his final thrust and exploded into the tiger's rear

He used his paws on Zippo's hips to lock himself into the other cat as his cum filled up the tiger's ass. Then, panting as he finished, the lynx collapsed to his side - taking the tiger with him, still inserted but now laying more in the spoons position. Zippo himself panted into his gag as the vigorous treatment at his rear ended and the afterglow began (even though he had not cum).

After laying for a few minutes Jipon finally sat up: "Oh boy I needed that - you were right, I've been worrying too much, needed some fun."

"Hmphh!" Zippo mumbled unintelligibly through his gag as he sat up

"Get back down boy! The fun isn't over yet - we have a bit before you're bed time."

Zippo lay back down and the lynx prodded him into his front before uncuffing his paws.

"You just relax there boy, I'm going to show you one of my favourites..."

The lynx shuffled around to the tiger's rear again and parted the cat's cheeks with his paws. From there he poked his muzzle between the still red cheeks and let his tongue flick out over the tiger's cummy hole. He licked lightly at the surface, cleaning his own seed from the exterior of the tiger's rear.

Zippo wriggled and giggled into his gag as the rough feline tongue rimmed him, he preferred to give than take rimming but it was still an intensely pleasurable sensation and Jipon was good. The lynx continued to run his tongue around the tiger's hole - poking in a little this time and wiggling it about.

"Ready boy?" Jipon said excitedly as he came up from the tiger's rear for a moment.

Zippo couldn't answer but the lynx went back down away and spreading the tiger's cheeks, this time he turned his head sideways and clamped his lips around the tiger's pucker - as if to kiss it. Then, he began to suck, soft at first but building in intensity slowly. After a few moments the lynx received what he sought - a small dollop of his own cum was sucked from the tiger's rear into the lynx's waiting mouth.

"Come on boy, help me out!" the lynx said as he came up for breath

As the lynx returned and began to suck again Zippo complied and began to push as he continued to enjoy the sensations. With this combined effort after only a few moments the lynx's cum was starting to transfer from the tiger's rear back to him as he sucked it out. It took only a few minutes for all of the lynx's seed to be transferred back to him and he held it all in his maw - not swallowing any of it.

"Evvar shnooballed befora?" the lynx mumbled, trying to speak with a mouthful of cum, as he came back to the tiger's front

"Hmph" was all Zippo could respond of course

"Evar snnowbalaed wif a gag!?" the lynx chuckled as he flipped the tiger over onto his back and straddled his waist.

Jipon then lay on top of the tiger - warping his arms around the bigger cat in a hug and pressing his muzzle to the gagged tiger's. The lynx then suddenly opened his mouth and clamped his lips around Zippo's - the ballgag between them - and his cum slowly flowed to the tiger below.

Some of the cum made it around the gag and Zippo could taste its salty-sweetness, but the tiger could not take most of it as the gag was in the way. When the lynx eventually broke the kiss and pulled away the remainder of his seed oozed from the gag onto Zippo's muzzle and chest making it just as sticky as his crotch.

Zippo blushed deeply - he had indeed snowballed before but never like this while gagged and it was incredibly humiliating to have cum that had been pumped into his rear then sucked out and smeared all over his muzzle and face.

"Hehe did tiggy like that did he? Does he like Sir's cum all over his face? Well let's see..."

Jipon, still straddling the tiger, turned around and lay flat - flagging his tail and shoving his own ass in Zippo's face and he pinned the tiger down. In this 69-like position the shorter lynx's head was right over Zippo's sticky crotch and he took the tiger's cock cage in one paw while his other played with the bigger cat's balls.

"Oh you are very hard! And I thought you'd had enough play today?" teased the lynx before lowering his head again and flicking his tongue out.

Jipon used the end of his tongue to probe into the slot at the end of the tiger's cage - the very end brushing over the tip of the cat's hard cock within. The lynx repeated this - licking at the end of Zippo's restrained penis and tasting the sweet pre that was abundant. This very light touch on something Zippo had not been able to touch for hours drove the tiger crazy and he wriggled and moaned under the lynx.

"MPHH! Hmpphh!"

"Aww does the kitty want to come?" Jipon teased again, now switching to licking softly at the tiger's swollen balls

"Hmmmmmm" a long moan was all Zippo returned

"Well tough! I'm in control of you until the morning and we are going to bed now"

Jipon suddenly got off the tiger and retrieved his leash again.

"Come on boy, we can shower in the morning, we are going to sleep in your room."

Zippo frowned around the gag but slipped off the bed and got to his paws and knees again. Jipon lead on and it was just a short walk back to Zippo's quarters which they slipped into with the lights off.

"Guess he's not going to be the only one who's cock is locked away tonight eh boy?" teased Jipon noticing the still locked Duma sleeping soundly in his cage

Zippo blushed again as he climbed into bed with the lynx.

Facing the smaller cat the tiger pawed at his gag: "Hmph, hpmh..."

"Oh no boy, I want a good night's sleep after that, the gag stays on and you stay sheath-locked. If you fiddle to much I will have to bind you too"

"Nuhhh" Zippo moaned in disappointment but as the lynx settle down under the covers and offered his arms the tiger settled into the cuddle and slowly drifted away to sleep - legs intertwined with the lynx's and chests locked together in a warm cuddle.


A deep thud woke Zippo from his sleep suddenly. He tugged free from the sleeping lynx's embrace and sat up in bed, listening intently. He knew he if wandered off or ungagged himself the lynx would be displeased when he woke up but something felt wrong.

Another thud reverberated through the sleeping ship and then some other unidentifiable sounds came from the front of the yacht. The tiger got out of bed and unstrapped his gag (but there was nothing he could do about the cage), then he moved over to a locked storage unit and used his thumb-print to open it and retrieve a pistol. He cocked the pistol as he moved toward the door and heard a commotion outside as if furs in heavy boots were rushing about. Zippo unlocked the door and as it slid open he moved out into the darkened hallway with his pistol up.

The first thing the tiger heard was the click of an assault rifle being cocked and then as his eyes adjusted to the dark he found himself looking down the barrels of two such rifles. The two beasts holding the guns were alligators, their green scales shining slightly in the corridors dim lights. They were wearing dark combat orientated clothes and heavy boots - clearly ready for a fight.

"Drop the gun, get on the floor or we'll shoot" one of the gators shouted

Zippo did not respond but raised his pistol in both paws to aim straight at the reptile who had commanded him.

The gator responded by firing off a round just past Zippo's head which pinged off the wall leaving a large dent. The sound of the large gun firing in such a confined space was deafening.

"The next one goes in your fucking head"

Another gator moved in from the side and shoved the muzzle of his rifle hard into the side of Zippo's head before cocking the gun - the message was clear. The tiger realised he couldn't win this one and he grudgingly lowered and dropped the pistol before dropping to his knees.

Two of the reptiles moved in on the tiger - one withdrawing a roll of duct-tape from his combat vest and the other moving the restrain the cat. The third stayed back and kept his gun trained on the tiger.

"Shit" Zippo thought to himself "There are mercs this is a kidnapping... or an assassination"

The gator without the tape forced Zippo's head down and brought his arms behind his back while the other started to wrap the silver tape tightly around the tiger's wrists. The tape wrapped its way from his wrists up his arms to just above his elbows which pulled his arms tightly together and forced the cat to puff his chest out (even while doubled over like he currently was). With the first single wrap of tape ripped off the tiger's paws were bundled and wrapped into tight fists with a second length - totally covering his arms. Then several lengths were wrapped around his whole body at his waist and chest - pinning his bound arms tightly to his back. Then the cat was forced onto the ground and his ankles were bound with the tape which then wound its way up to above his knees, totally covering his legs up to his crotch - his feet were also totally warped up like his paws had been and his claws given a particularly thick covering. Finally the reptiles pulled him back up and started to work on his head. A length of the sticky tape suddenly cut off the tiger's sight totally and then a second length wrapped around his muzzle and pinned it shut. The scalies continued working on the cats head until it was totally wrapped in the tape - from his muzzle and the top of his head right down to around his neck. The only patch they missed was the very tip of his nose so he could breathe.

"Can't be too careful with ones like this, the armed ones" Zippo heard one of the gators said as he felt himself being sat up against the corridor wall.

He was totally immobilised by the inescapable tape, blinded and half deaf with it covering his ears. He was worried about the other crew and frightened he was being taken away to be tortured or murdered but his cock was rock hard in its cage!

After a few minutes, during which Zippo guessed the reptiles had used to subdue the rest of the crew, including Jipon, he felt himself being picked up and thrown over one of the scalies shoulders.

"Pretty good haul" the cat heard one of the gators say

"Yeh, looks like a load of rich pervs and slaves."

This made Zippo think the reptiles were taking the crew as a commodity and alligator pirates were known to attack ships not only for the ship itself but chiefly to sell the crew off as slaves. But if it was pirates they were well of their turf - maybe they had been hired by the GVC to kidnap him and the crew was just their payment. After being carried some distance the tiger was placed back down and felt a cold bare metal floor beneath him - suggesting he was no longer aboard the Nirvana.

Listening carful, Zippo could heard faint sounds of activity in the room he was in, furs moving around and what sounded like suppressed voices - gagged or muzzled. Rolling onto his side he bumped into something soft and warm - another fur.

He realised he was most likely in the hold of the pirate ship with other bound prisoners who could be from the Nirvana or elsewhere. Using the limited movement in his wrists he stroked the fur behind him with his tape-clad paws as best he could. The fur responded by trying to shuffle closer but he was evidently also bound heavily.

After about half an hour or so Zippo suddenly felt the engines of the ship he was on fire up and he knew they were on the move to a destination unknown. The cat cursed himself; he had been captured and restrained against his will for the second time in 24 hours and while the Skunks never really posed a serious threat this was entirely different - at this rate he was shaping up to be an even shorter serving SR than Arjax.

Zippo again stroked at the warm fur behind him with his paw, it was comforting to know he was not alone as well as a way to pass the time. Again the fur responded by shuffling and struggling for what the tiger could hear and to his disappointment the soft warm body disappeared from reach. Feeling rejected the tiger was surprised when something hard jabbed into his bound paws. The thing was thin and had a slight point to the end but Zippo could not tell what it was beyond that.

It jabbed again and then dragged along the surface of the tiger's wrist bindings as if trying to cut them - but it did not break through the many layers of thick tape. On next pass Zippo pushed back against the thing and it dug deeper - wearing the layers of tape down. The tiger guessed this must be the work of the fur behind him but he had no idea how and all he could hear was soft grunting and breathing as the scraping motion continued.

After several minutes of work the thing finally broke a small hole in the tape at Zippo's wrists and each pass after tore it slightly further up Zippo's arms - a tare at his wrists alone was no good, he would need all the way up his arms and his paws freed to get out. The two captive furs had all the time in the world though and slowly they continued working together and freeing the tiger's arms inch by inch.

After what felt like over an hour and with the tape ripped almost up to the tiger's elbows, Zippo heard a different sound and felt a new presence near him.

"Ohh you'll do..." came a faint voice

A scalie paw bumped into Zippo as a gator stepped over him towards the fur trying to free him. Panicking the tiger rolled onto his back to try and hide his damaged bonds and in the process tripped the gator standing over him up and sent him crashing to the ground.

"Fucking fur" the reptile spat as he picked himself up and kicked the cat hard in the side

Zippo fought hard not to roll over and expose his crime but the gator didn't seem interested in punishing him further as he seemed to move off to the other fur. There the tiger remained on his back as he listened intently, trying to figure out what was happening.

What the tiger heard sounded like the gator had rolled the other fur over and started fucking him - the soft grunts of extortion previously heard had been replaced by deep lustful grunts from the raping pirate and feeble whines and moans from the fur.

The raping continued for about 10 minutes until the tiger heard the scalie nearing his climax with increased grunting and eventually he came with a deep rumbling moan.

After only a few moments of afterglow the reptile pulled out with a wet 'pop' and moved away again - stepping over the tiger on his way out - a dribble of gator cum dripping on to the cat. When all had died down again and Zippo was sure he and the other captives were along he began to move again - rolling off his cramped arms. He wriggled and struggled over to where he thought the other fur was and felt around with the couple of inches movement he had in his wrists - all of the previous work had not gifted any additional movement yet.

Finally finding the soft bundle of fur again he stroked with his mitted fists again to let the fur know where he was. The fur's breathing was heavier and move laboured after his raping but he responded again by shuffling round and trying to find Zippo's arms with his hard pointy 'thing'.

With an increased vigour, most likely brought on by a will to escape, it took the fur with his pointy thing only a few minutes to rip the rest of the tape binding Zippo's arms at the elbows. With his arms now almost free the cat shuffled up and tapped the pointy thing with his mitted paws. The other fur got to work again and with Zippo pushing back it didn't take long to tear the tick silver tape off of one of the cat's paws. With this Zippo was able to get one of his claws out and make short of the other paw mitt. After that he fought the remaining tape on his arms (the other fur had only cut through one side of his arm's binding) and despite the pain of it pulling at his fur managed to finally pull his arms apart and bring them round to the fort.

Knowing he had limited time until he was discovered he now moved quickly, brining his claws up to attack the tape forming a mask over his head. Slicing through layer after layer he managed to rip it off of his muzzle and then finally remove the piece covering his eyes. Quickly slitting down the binding of his legs he looked around and tried to work out his next move.

He was in some sort of cargo hold with boxes and crates secured with rope but all around the room lay many captive furs bound with the silver tape - Zippo could see several staff and crew of the Nirvana as well as some unknown prisoners, but all were furry. With methods as primitive as this these were clearly pirates but were well off their turf for gator pirates. Looking down Zippo saw the fur who had freed him with hours of work - a brown and white gazelle he didn't recognise who was just as tightly restrained, blinded and gagged as Zippo had been but who's horns had been left uncovered and which he had used to free the cat. As Zippo suspected the gazelle has cum dripping from his reddened and abused tailhole.

Zippo stooped to free the gazelle with his claws and return the favour but as he did he heard movement from outside the main doors of the cargo hold and dived behind a row of crates for cover. Peeking out from between two of the boxes the cat observed two gator pirates come into the hold and start looking around the captives.

"Here's a nice one" one of them said, putting his foot on a small lion

"Oh yes he looks like he could use a good spit-roasting" replied the other as he came over

"Nah the cap'in says we aren't to untape them - we'll just take turn in his rear" the other said picking the lion up and throwing him over his shoulder

"Oh fine but I want him first"

"Hay no way!" the pair started to argue as they departed the cargo bay with the lion and disappeared into the depths of the pirate ship

Zippo waited for a few minutes until he was sure the coast was clear and then slipped from cover and headed toward the door. Touching its access panel he wasn't surprised it was unlocked and opened - gators were notoriously cocky, over confident and lazy. He slipped through and found himself in the corridor of what seemed like a Falcon class destroyer - an outdated ship design commonly used for patrolling trade routes due to its mix speed and firepower. Zippo had not been aboard one for years and had never served on such a vessel but he thought he knew where the command deck was and he wanted to find the pirate captain. He didn't know what he hoped to achieve on his own - it's not like he could take the whole ship but maybe if he could take the captain hostage he could buy enough time to get a message out.

As he made his way quietly down the corridors there was hardly anyone around and any reptiles he did see he quickly dodged out of the way into a side room - all of which were luckily empty bedrooms or stores. Quickly moving towards the front of the ship he reached the main entrance to the command deck but bypassed it and slipped down an adjacent corridor which he knew lead to the senior officers and captain's quarters. Passing a door, he spotted the sign out of the corner of his eye and did a double take. The door sign read 'Armoury' and again it was unlocked and the room beyond dark. Zippo slipped in and the lights flicked on, what he found was not the well ordered high-tech armoury of a military vessel but a messy mish-mash of randomly assorted weaponry. It ranged from the assault rifles Zippo had seen the gators with earlier to heavy laser machine guns to cutlasses and various types of fighting knife. Clearly most of these weapons were pillaged from the pirate's pray and spotting a small hand laser Zippo snatched it and made sure it had an adequate power cell.

Leaving the armoury the now armed cat made his way towards the usual captain's quarters and sure enough the sign on the door confirmed his presumption. Readying himself the cat pushed the panel and strode into the room.

The captain was sitting behind his desk facing the door. He was smaller than most of the other gators but looked hard as rock and not someone one would want to mess with.

"wha... who the hell are you!? Where did you come from!?" snarled the reptile in surprise

"I'll give you three guesses you son of a bitch" Zippo replied remaining in the doorway

"How the FUCK did you get out!?" the captain shouted back slamming his fists down on the desk and getting up

He moved around the desk and drew a cutlass he had on his belt before advancing on the tiger.

Zippo raised his pistol: "Drop it and back off, DROP IT"

The captain gritted his teeth in anger but dropped the sword - knowing he was outgunned for the moment.

"You don't know who I am do you?" asked Zippo, finally realising that he wasn't being kidnapped as a high-value target, but rather just a slave like all the rest

"You're a fucking slave but the looks of the chastity belt and you'll just have to get used to being a scalie's property after we sell you. Pretty boy like you will fetch a good price back in the home systems."

"No one is getting sold. You guys are well off your patch; you can't expect to take a whole ship unnoticed. Now you are going to order your crew to turn around and fly to the nearest GFE station."

A wide smile broke out across the gator's face and Zippo spun round to see several heavily armed pirates charging down the hall towards him. The tiger slammed his hand on the door closed panel and ran towards the captain. Spinning around the reptile he grabbed him around the neck and put the gun to his temple, just as the door slid open again.

"BACK OFF, or he gets it."

The largest of the reptiles came forwards, holding a pistol himself instead of a rifle like the rest: "Drop it slave, you can't win"

Zippo tightened his grip around the captain's neck, choking him: "Get out and lock that door or the captain dies."

"Go on" the large gator replied "Kill him, I'm the first mate, as soon as you kill him we'll fill you full of lasers and I get a promotion."

All went silent as the standoff ensued and Zippo and the first mate stared each other down.

Finally Zippo realised he couldn't win and grudgingly he released the captain and dropped the gun - for the second time.

The guards moved in: "GET ON YOUR KNEES! paws on head"

Zippo obeyed but there was furious anger in his eyes as the guards surrounded him as the captain retrieved his cutlass and joined the first mate.

"You know kitty, I don't think we will sell you, I think you need a little lesion in dealing with pirates, I think the plank!"

The guards suddenly seemed more excited as they pulled Zippo's paws behind his back and cuffed them with pawcuffs. Then a ring-gag was shoved between his teeth and strapped up at the back of his head. Finally a heavy 4 foot chain was padlocked to the front of his collar (his own collar) and he was tugged to his feet and lead off by it. The guards continued to surround him with their weapons as he was lead through the corridors of the ship towards what Zippo knew was the mess.

They entered the mess, the main communal area of the ship, and it was stuffed with gator pirates, relaxing after the raid. Looking towards the back of the room the tiger saw something that horrified him. At the focal point of the room was a large glass tank - like a swimming pool but above ground. It was an oval about 30 feet at its widest and 10 feet tall and was made entirely of glass showing the pleasant blue water within. Zippo had heard that gator and reptile ships often had deep pool for the crew to unwind in, they needed to get into the water occasionally. It seemed the pirates were putting theirs to a slightly different use however, at the side of the pool was a platform and extending from it a thin wooden plank.

A guard picked Zippo up and threw the cat over his shoulder before climbing the ladder to the platform and forcing the cat to his knees with another guard. The captain then followed and turned to address the collected crew, who had a fantastic side on of view of the oval pool and knew what was coming.

"Pirates! We carried out a fantastic raid today and won many fine slaves and other furs to sell when we get home. It has certainly been worth operating outside reptile space - these furry boys are very valuable back home. However one little kitty cat managed to escape the hold and attack me, your beloved captain!"

The crowd jeered and booed in an almost pantomime fashion.

Once they had settled down the captain continued: "How he got out I don't know but I think the blame lay's squarely with him and not with the boarding party who restrained him. This little furry boy stole a weapon and threatened my life and what do we do with troublesome little furry boys?"

"Plank! Plank! Plank!" the crowd chanted and clapped

"Get him in position" the captain commanded the guards who hoisted the tiger to his feet and stood him at the start of the thin strip of wood - still cuffed and ring-gagged

The captain withdrew his cutlass and put it to the tiger's back: "Forward we go kitty"

Zippo tried to resist but he had nowhere to go but forward and as the pressure from the sharp sword behind him increased he shuffled forward and looked down into the still blue water bellow.

The crowed continued to jeer and clap in an accelerando - the tempo of their clapping gradually building in speed: "Plank, Plank, Plank!"

The captain grinned widely and suddenly put a lot more pressure on the sword - thrusting it forward. Zippo squealed through the ring gag at the sudden pain in his back (it was not a serious stab however) and his natural reaction was to jump forward which caused him to lose his balance and plunge into the water.

He surfaced quickly after completely submerging and coughed and spluttered as the ring-gag had caused him to swallow some water on impact. Only his face broke the surface of the water and he kicked with his legs to stay afloat - unable to use his hands to doggy paddle.

Zippo could hear the crowd cheer and see them distorted through the glass as he bobbed up and down panting and trying to stay afloat. The guards and the captain waited and watched the show for several minutes until it seemed the cat was losing the fight to stay afloat. One of the guards (naked as all the others) put down his gun and dived into the pool, gracefully cutting through the water before returning to the surface near the struggling tiger.

The gator then, to Zippo's horror, grabbed the chain still padlocked to his collar and dived below the surface - pulling the cat with him. The reptile used another padlock to lock the end of the chain to an eyelet on the floor of the pool. Zippo kicked off the bottom and struggled in his cuffs - desperately trying to fight his way back to the surface, but he knew it was hopeless - he was securely chained 6 feet under the water by his collar. He had taken a breathe before submerging and managed to close his throat to stop the water rushing in but it was little consolation - for the first time the tiger was genuinely worried for his life.

As the tiger looked out at the, now muffled, crowd the surface of the water broke again and the captain came into view - now naked and without his weapons. He had a wry smile on his face and as he approached the still struggling cat from the front the guard who was already in the pool approached from the back. The two gators seized the cat and fought to hold him still - which wasn't hard, restrained as he was.

The captain grabbed Zippo by the head which brought his large reptilian cock directly into view through the clear water. At the same time the guard grabbed the tiger by the legs and sliding between them brought his own hard cock up against the tiger's buttocks. Zippo was now horizontal in the water - still held down by the chain and being controlled from both ends by the two reptiles.

Slowly the gator at the rear pushed forwards and, with the water as the only lube, started to push his cock into the tiger's rear. Even with the size of the reptile's penis and the lack of lube, Zippo was rather well used by this point and the guard had no problem quickly hilting the smaller mammal.

Zippo naturally tried to moan through the gag as his rear was roughly assaulted but just he was about to (and loose some air from his lungs) the captain's cock came forwards through the ring and pushed into the tiger's throat. Zippo gagged as the captain's balls bumped into his chin and his throat was penetrated.

The two gators ignored the mammal's feeble struggles and started to hump their respective ends, spit-roasting the tiger underwater. Zippo's struggles dies down to gentler writhing as he came to accept he was not getting out of this position without help. The reptiles were not holding back, the one at his rear was thrusting his hard cock in and out in fast deep strokes and the captain was being no gentler up front.

Zippo felt himself start to pass through the stages of airlessness - he was getting beyond normal comfort and though he knew he had several more minutes at least, it didn't seem as if he was getting out of here that soon. The gator guard behind grabbed Zippo further up on the hips and started to push even deeper and harder, his cock rubbing up against Zippo's prostate and making the tiger wish to high heaven he wasn't still wearing the dam sheath-locker. The tiger couldn't look down and see but he was sure he could feel a steady stream of pre seeping from his CB into the water.

At the front the captain was still roughly face-fucking his captive. He would thrust his sizable cock as deep as possible and then withdraw only a few inches before pounding in again. This rhythm meant that his cock was blocking the tiger's maw and stuffed down his throat at all times and he was not able to swallow any water. Zippo was, in effect, suffocating on cock and not drowning.

And suffocating he was, a blue tint starting to come to his face as he got deeper and deeper into breathlessness. His lungs heaved and panted, trying to draw in air in futility and his mind started to focus only on the first barrier - the captain's cock. The captain seemed to have a single minded focus too, he was nearing his orgasm.

The guard beat him to it though. He gripped Zippo's hips and thrust into the cat's rear as hard and fast as he could. After only a few moments he came, hard, spraying his hot reptilian seed deep into the cat's ass. Slowing down he eventually let go and pulled out - floating back and leaving a trail of cum in the water.

Zippo felt the gator cum inside him and his cock fought even harder against the plastic prison, but his senses were starting to blur and fade - he was losing the battle.

The captain was still thrusting in and out hard but it was clear he was teetering on the edge and ready to explode. He grabbed Zippo with both hands by the collar and started fucking his throat at full force - as if he was mounding a rear. Zippo gagged repeatedly as the cock hammered in and out, he knew he couldn't take much more if he didn't get some air soon he was going to pass out.... he needed that cock out of his throat.

Suddenly the captain came. He rammed himself in to the hilt, with his crotch flush with the ring-gag, and his cock spurted his seed directly down the tiger's throat. Zippo continued to gag with the cock hilted, but with his lungs heaving in need of air he inhaled the gators seed which made him gag even more.

Zippo was now very close to passing out - his face totally purple and the reptile was still holding himself locked in the tiger's maw. Seconds passed which felt like hours to Zippo - he could almost feel the life draining from his body, he wished with all his might that cock was not blocking his throat.

As if obeying his wish the gator suddenly pulled out - pushing back and freeing himself from the tiger. Water rushed into Zippo's open maw and flooded down his throat. His body was starting to shut down and he responded to natural impulses - his lungs heaving and pulling yet more water into his lungs. In moment he was breathing only water - ironically able to breathe freely again but still deprived completely of air. The tiger's mind seemed to clear for a brief moment as he thought he was breathing freely and all seemed calm. The two reptiles floated to either side watching intently and the crowd seemed silent in anticipation.

Then another impulse surged through the tiger's mind - Escape! Dying! Fight! His body responded by thrashing again, fighting the cuffs, pulling on the chain and kicking his legs.

"Nuughhhhhhhhhh!" he let out a long damp moan - no air left in his lungs to form bubbles.

The haze set in again, fast, the cats mind shutting down and his frenetic struggling slowing and softening into near stillness - his eyes locked open in an empty stare. It was ending, it was over.

Outside the tank a gator hurriedly ran up to the first officer who was standing and watching the tiger's demise: "Sir, there is a problem, a big problem, we nee..."

"Shush Lazo, whatever it is can wait until after." The first mate interrupted

"No Sir, it ca..."

The messenger was interrupted again, this time by a massive crash which shook the ship violently. The crowd went into a confused panic but before anyone could really react the main door of the mess hall slid open and all hell broke loose.

The last thing that crossed the drowning tiger's eyes was a heavily armed fire team rushing through the main door and beginning to fire indiscriminately into the hall - but it didn't register on the cat's brain which was fading to black.

The fire team outside were spraying bursts of automatic laser fire into the room with deadly efficiency. The gators scrambled to avoid the onslaught and retaliate but they were pinned down and suddenly there was an ear piercing crash as a stray rifle shot hit the glass pool and it shattered sending a torrent of water through the mess hall. Any reptile on his feet was knocked to the ground under the flood of water that burst forth and the fire team took its moment.

They moved into the room, supported by a second team and moved to secure every gator and end the fight before it properly started - any reptile that resisted was shot and joined the already mounting body count.

"Mike! Sir, here..." shouted one of the assault troopers at the back of the room where the tank had been

The Black Panther strode quickly across the hall, unarmoured in counterpoint to the rest of the troops, but he stopped dead as he reached the back.

The room that had been in pandemonium seconds before suddenly seemed very silent and Mike was frozen to the spot.

"ZIPPO!" the panther eventually cried out and rushed towards the cat

Zippo was laying motionless and lifeless among the broken glass of the former pool - his fur drenched and his white and black fur splattered with flecks of blood where the glass had cut him as it fell on top of him. His paws were still cuffed and he was still ring-gagged and chained to the floor - seemingly exanimate.

Mike rushed up to the tiger and rolled him onto his back: "Zippo, wake up, get up, you have to wake up."

He put his head to his mate's chest and heard no beat - only the racing pulse of his own heart in his throat.

Another two furs came rushing from the door towards Mike, a red cross on their armour signifying they were field medics. One of the medics pulled Mike up as the other moved in to examine Zippo quickly.

"Calm Mike, Calm, we need to get him out of here and back to the medical wing" the medic consoled Mike

"Save him, you have to save him. Not now, not like this." Mike responded hysterically

The medic attending Zippo withdrew his sidearm and blasted away the padlock holding the chain from Zippo's collar to the floor. Then with the help of the other medic they took an arm each of the limp feline and lifted him away out of the hall. Mike quickly followed.

The troops got on with their work - cuffing and hooding each gator on board and searching the entire ship from end to end to secure it.


Zippo came too with a splutter and rolled out of bed onto the hard floor.

"Ohhhhhh" he moaned in pain

"Honey your alive!" Mike shouted running towards Zippo

The panther picked the tiger up and gave him an uncomfortably tight embrace: "Oh they told me your heart was beating again but I didn't believe it until now."

Zippo responded by coughing out more water all over Mike, but the panther didn't let up his hug. Zippo's body stung all over, but it was his lungs that ached the most - his internal organs felt like they have been removed and tenderized before being put back in.

"What happened? I don't remember, just, water" the tiger stuttered confusedly

"Your memory will return hun, we had to reconstruct parts of your mind from the computer back up, your brain was damaged by oxygen deprivation. Do you remember the gators?"

"... yes, I think..."

"Don't worry sweetie, you just stay here and relax" Mike whispered softly as he placed the tiger back in bed

Zippo felt between his legs and noticed the CB was gone and then his paws flew up to his neck and found his collar still there.

Mike smiled: "Don't worry kitty, no one would dare take your collar off!"

Zippo's mind put at ease he settled down into bed and drifted off into sleep once more.


Zippo walked into the slave facility a little more meekly that usual, still feeling a little weak.

"Rah, you're back!" exclaimed one of the administrators in the entrance of the facility

"Not at full strength yet but I'm back at the reigns yes, is Mike down here?"

"Yes he is Sir, he's seeing to the furs and gators from the pirate ship - identifying and sorting everyone out is an administrative nightmare! He's in the holding section."

Zippo nodded in thanks and walked past, into the slave facility proper. Turning to the left he headed into the military area of the facility which was more like a prison than a slave training centre - mostly used for holding military personnel or captured furs before they were sorted and sent to the main sections of the facility. He headed into the holding cells and the section administrator nodded to him politely, as did the armed guards stations through the section. Zippo wandered down the main wide corridor of the holding section; to his right were small high security cells and to his left larger holding areas secured only by metal bars where lower priority prisoners were kept. Zippo spotted Mike in one of these larger cells and headed in - using his thumb print to open the security door.

The tiger approached the panther from behind and hugged him. Surrounding Mike in the cell were about 50 furs of various species, all were cuffed, collared, gagged, hooded and chastised.

"So are these the prisoners from the gator's hold?" Zippo questioned

"Yeh, the crew of the Nirvana were separated out and sent back to the ship, this is the remainder. Duma is back in your quarters play room where he belongs - he's fine. We think the unknowns all came from the one ship and most are clearly trained slaves as during the first night they had an orgy in here, even while cuffed and hooded, the facility staff had to chaste them all!"

"Ha, sounds like a pleasure yacht that got ambushed just like us"

"It's seems so but they seemed to put up more of a fight as we can't find anyone of rank or the ship they came from, it's likely the gators killed the crew in the fight to take over the ship and damaged the ship so badly it wasn't worth taking. They made do with the slaves who didn't put up a fight and are worth more anyway. We've still to ID them all and establish where they came from, if they are GFE citizens or affiliates we'll let them go, if not they can be sent to the facility for training."

"Good, and none on board the Nirvana were hurt?"

"No, everyone was subdued quickly and gave in so the gators kept them alive - just a few bruises and cuts. You should probably pay them a visit sometime, especially Jipon, he was a bit upset by it all."

Zippo nodded: "Where are the gators?"

"About half of them survived, including the captain and they are in the higher security cells in strait jackets and sensory deprivation, the captain himself is in the level 2 security area in the main facility"

"And what is the plan for them?"

"Well that's up to you Mr Rah" Mike said mockingly "No one is going to miss them, train them as slaves, sell them straight off, execute them publicly or privately - it's up to you."

"Well gator pirates work in large family syndicates don't they, are they not worth anything in ransom?" Zippo enquired

"Nah, there is no honour among thieves, their goal is to make money so they aren't going to pay to get back easily replaceable crew. The captain might be worth something, but I imagine you have different plans for him don't you kitty?"

"Mmm yes I do have an idea, I don't want him going anywhere. The crew might be quite valuable as slaves being reptiles, especially if some of them can be broken into sex slaves."

"And if they can't" asked Mike

"If they are unsuitable for sex service tell the instructors to try and break them for manual labour, worth less but still something"

"And if some are to strong minded even for that?"

"Tell the instructors to break them or kill them trying."

"Heh, very good" Mike said with a macabre smile before writing something down on his data-pad

"The captain is fine where he is, I will deal with him later. For now, I have other things to be getting on with, will see you this evening."

Mike nodded and blew Zippo a kiss; he was clearly still delighted to have his tiggy back to strength and safe. Zippo turned and headed for the door to the large cage-room but while stepping over one of the slaves he tripped and fell to the floor where his eyes met the fur he'd tripped over, a brown and white Gazelle who squirmed familiarly after being disturbed.

Mike rushed over to help Zippo up, being a little over protective: "Honey you ok?"

"I'm fine" Zippo said picking himself up "That slave..."

"Punish him?" Mike said eagerly

"Well have him put in sens-dep and taken to my quarters, I'll decide wither he needs 'punishing' later"

Mike was curious but asked no more: "Very well, see you later."


Zippo headed down to the accommodation section next to the docking bay where traders and visitors could rent a room aboard the ship. The crew of the Nirvana were being put up here to recuperate while their ship was being cleaned up and fixed. Zippo was fairly battle hardened but he knew the sort of furs that crewed the Nirvana were not and the whole hijacking and kidnapping had been fairly traumatic for them. He headed into the hotel and up to the higher class rooms on the higher floors - the windows thought-out the hotel all looked into the adjacent docking bay giving it a very busy feel.

Zippo had been informed Jipon was in the penthouse and he ran the doorbell and waited outside. The door slid away and Jipon realised it was Zippo and rushed forward to hug the tiger. Zippo hugged back but the lynx was holding on very tightly, it appeared Mike was right about the attack affecting him.

"Jipon, it's ok, it's ok, let's sit down" Zippo said patting the lynx on the back

Jipon silently obeyed and allowed the tiger to move him over to a couch.

"Are you ok?"

"I... I just... I don't... I don't think I should be Captain anymore" stammered the lynx, almost tearing up

"What? You can't possibly blame yourself for what happened. You were off duty" replied the tiger

"Zippo I almost got you killed, I almost got the SR killed, by being a stupid fucking idiot"

"Now I won't have that. There is no way you caused or could have prevented what happened and you were after-all keeping as close and eye on me as possible and I will not allow you to resign"

The lynx just looked away solemnly and seemingly unconvinced

"If there was one failing it was the security arrangements on the ship, they were too light and lax but that is my fault and mine alone. I've assigned 4 additional squads of guards to the Nirvana and ordered security tightened. The ship won't be on mission again for at least a few weeks so when its fixed up and don't you go back with the rest of the crew and settle back in... Captain" Zippo finished by standing up and putting his paw on Jipon's shoulder

"You really want me to stay as captain?" The lynx asked meekly

"I'm not giving you a choice" Replied the tiger "and once you're settled back in why don't I come down and visit you again for the night?" Zippo said stroking the lynx's neck fur

"Really?.. that... that would be wonderful Zippo... eh I mean Rah" jipon said standing up

"No you mean boy" Zippo winked before moving forwards and embracing the lynx

After a few seconds the cats broke away and Zippo headed for the door: "I'll see you in a few days, just try and relax, we will be at Epsilon-6 in a few days"

"Zippo, wait, just tell me one thing. You're going to make that bastard pirate captain pay for what he did aren't you?"

"Oh yes of course I already have some things lined up for him"

"Can I help? I mean I think it might help me recover to help dish out his punishment for invading my ship"

"now that's my Jipon, of course you can, we will be starting tomorrow"

With that Zippo slid through the door and was gone.


Zippo headed onto the bridge and casually nodded at the crew on duty, most of whom acknowledged by mentioning it was good to have him back. The tiger headed across the bridge to the doors at the far end which led to the tactical suite.

"Rah, good to see you back Sir" chirped a gray rabbit standing over the main tactical projector in the middle of the room.

The projector was a round pillar coming up to waist height that could holographically project battle scenarios and other information into the room. The section of the room with the projector in it was circular and formed the head while rest of the long room stretched out beyond like a short lower car 'i' and housed banks of computers and screens along its walls with a long table running down the middle. The whole room was dimly lit with red lighting designed to allow the projector to work at high contrast. For the moment it was empty, save the rabbit, as it only tended to be used just before and during battles or major events. While the bridge was the main control space for the Optimus itself, the tactical suite allowed coordination and control of the rest of the GFE fleet if required and even ground forces. After all the Optimus and ships of her class were flying command centres as well as battle fortresses.

"Benny, good to see you" Zippo replied to his chief tactical officer and third in command, after Mike "You said you had an urgent message"

"Yes Sir, I thought it best we examine it in here and not in front of the rest of the bridge until you decide what to do"

"We have no secretes from the officers Benny, but go on, put it on"

"Yes Sir, it's from Epsilon-6"

The rabbit hit enter on his keyboard and the holographic projector sprang into life. The head of a nervous looking otter appeared in the middle of the room about 10 times normal size and faced Zippo:

'All GFE commands alert, we have a situation on Epsilon-6-Terra-3. An armed insurrection affiliated with the GVC has swept over the planet and is moving towards the capital to destroy the GFE administration. If they take the capital they will hijack every ship docked there and unite the entire Epsilon system. We do not have the land forces to stop them and if they take to space they will destroy the station. Requesting land-borne reinforcement from the Optimus and any other patrols in range. We estimate 3 days before they reach the capital.'

The head flickered off and Zippo's eyes met Benny again: "Why would you keep this from the rest of the officers Benny? The course of action is obvious"

"Well Sir, I wasn't sure we should be rushing into these things" replied the rabbit

"Are you suggesting we don't go to their aid Benny?"

"We can't risk the ship Sir"

"We are just over 2 days out from Epsilon-6, we can engage on the planet surface with overwhelming force and nothing within 20 systems of Epsilon 6 can't touch this ship, never mind have a hope of damaging it. Update the bridge of our mission and get navigation to set a course, tell weapons they will be bombarding and alert Terra Command to prepare for a planetary invasion." Ordered Zippo before turning and heading out of the tactical room before the rabbit could respond.

"Yes... Sir" Benny whispered angrily under his breath as the tiger strolled off


Pepper gagged as Skittles peed again and he was forced to drink his brother's sweet musky piss to avoid choking (or drowning!). As usual some of the urine managed to dribble out, past the magnetically linked gags and cock rings, and added to the large and very strong smelling puddle which the brothers were forced to lay in - tightly hogtied and forced together as they were. Pepper already needed to piss badly and he felt the liquid begin to flow into his ass again as it had like clockwork for what felt like an eternity.

Pepper though he remembered the guards saying they would be transferred in a few days but even taking into account the distorting effects of tight confinement it felt like they had been here over a week now. The puddle of piss was growing and the brothers bound and aching bodies were soaked with each other's reeking old piss. The telltale signs of fun were also present with flecks of died and new cum around each twins muzzle - they were clearly keeping each other company in the only way they could and quite often at that!

With the commotion after the hijacking and the removal of the original crew who were now resting on the Optimus it appeared the sunk brother had been forgotten. Not that they could know any of that - all they knew was its was getting pretty uncomfortable in their small, pissy cell.


End of Chapter IIIB


All content and characters © Zippokovich ([email protected])

All characters and events are fictitious

Written MMX-MMXIII/ Published November 13

Proof read by Cai, February 12

Slavery is Freedom: Chapter IIIA: The Solenian Embargo

# _Slavery is Freedom_ # _Chapter IIIA: The_ _Solenian Embargo_ The foxes were led out one by one, all four kicking and struggling. The main hall was completely packed, dinner was over and most of the furs on board had the evening off and so just...

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