[SCRAP] Towers of Heaven Come Crashing Down

Story by Werefox Inari Sachi on SoFurry

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Someone is going to crucify me for this--but Christian mythology is just too untapped and juicy to resist... like a pineapple made of thorny crowns.

The sky has been pierced, as Heaven's bastions collapse one by one into the realm below. The sky that was once blue has taken a red hue, and become filled with holes like shattered glass; beyond which lies only blackened emptiness.

How the change came to pass, perhaps not even the Angels can say for sure; but in their wake on Earth, Hell has opened.

As the beings of this strange new world begin for once to intermingle--barriers broken by towering ziggurauts of pearly stone bridging the gap between worlds--a new question lays in store: to rebuild, or coexist? Or perhaps there is a new stake in Creation; perhaps the time has come for Man to have his say with those who dwell beyond?

Simmering in the steamy saunas and crackling coal pits of Tartarus, the first demon clambers up from within the ruins of angelic buildings. He is not, as man would imagine, a horrendous torturer or butcher; nor a cheating bureaucrat. His name is Krampy , and he's simply cold up here. Turns out it makes him, and many other demons cranky.

What fate awaits: when Man comes face to face with a world once held sacrosanct?


[SCRAP] Magical Rapture!

The year and time are unknown. The world? Yours and mine. Heaven has come crashing down to earth; the Christian Rapture has come at last! Only, the heavenly cosmos was not ready for joining hands with its creations down on Earth! It was not the...

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[SCRAP] Auburn Vixen

_I felt a sense of parental pride, watching him shed his form, and bare fangs slathered in venom--a substance ready to turn humans with the slightest breach of the skin, as I had done for him--to allow them to bask in the full moon's light and yowl and...

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Perplexion of the Lady

It was not a baleful or maliciously deliberate change, but though it was neither painful or forced, the Lady found herself taken aback by her new form. When at first she coordinated her body, it did not respond as it might have prior the...

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