Angel's Tails

Story by Nights Angel on SoFurry

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#1 of night works

An angel tells about his wedding day. short story. The angel's wife tells about their daily life. short story. The angel's daughter talks about her father and his wife. short story.

My Wolf Bride

Night's Angel

Some time has gone by since the day I told my bride. I'll find a way. We'll find the way she retorted. Our lives and bodies worlds apart. We both prayed our time will come.

The heavens my home from long ago. The wilds of her woods held fortune unknown. My brethren skis cheered as I cried. I will take on the devil to be with my bride.

My voice been heard and the Voice requested. Would challenge the heavens for your bride? If no choice is given or else I die. My words studied and my choice judged.

With my worried soul almost cried when the Voice sang to us. When your worlds are the same your wedding shall be done. Hearts filled anew we planned the day for the words to be true.

Time had pasted seen no promise day. Till the voice rang out this will be your day. And true to word we stood the same. Me the angel groom and her my wolf bride.

My eyes on par with mortal men my wings folded from shoulder to calf. Open to twice my height. Made of golden blooms feathers thick across their span.

Her heel to ground and leveled head her nose touches my chin. Her fur as dark as night, with hair almost a flame. Her tail burns from its base to her knee.

Etched in both fur and skin her family marks as her body's home. Her eyes as rich as blood soaked clay burn with fare not even the ocean can tame.

With the day in sight we enact our plan and make sure everything is right. We send out a call to all we know from the heavens to the earth to share in on our joyous day.

Friends of all kinds sing out for us. To the wolf bride and her angelic groom. As the merry day go by till our hour draws by. All is ready. All is set. All is needed is for the groom men to take their places.

In silence we wait as she approaches. Her gown white traced with red to show a piece of our worlds to share our love to the world.

Vows were given as we wait to hear to no objection be made. In silence we prayed till it was spoken. You may now kiss the bride.

With all words spoken we run off to laugh and sing. To toast and dance with the night so young. With spirits raised and our union blessed.

We toast to young lovers all the same. Noses red from joyful drinking. The flowers lost in a sea racing hearts. We make our way to our next location.

We bar the door to be alone once more. We discharge our dress to rest off our haze. In a peaceful dream we share.

Once I wake I whisper with care. I will never dream again. Her eyes meet mine in shock and fear. You alone bring peace to my weary head. I whisper in kind.

We share a kiss as I crease her hair. Her soft fur pressed into my chest. We unwilling pull away to shower and change

With ourselves renewed we fest on a morning meal. With a coffee still hot she beings to tease. Knowing I'll fall quickly to her little game.

Her robe pulled tight, her nipples showed clearly in the morning light. Our kisses spark and ignite. Our bodies' burn with passion and delight.

We unmake the bed and being our game. A test to the end. She is proud and strong and willing to fight. But as we play she knows too well I will not lash out nor even harm her fur.

But all the same she wants all I can give. And nothing less than the best I have to give. With a gentle growl she nips at my neck.

I push her away but pulling on her robe. Unwilling to yield I give chase to her game. I fell to the bed when she tackles me silly.

Her heat was planted from my nose to my chin. She cooed and shiver with each pass of my tongue. The heat of her flesh burning my tongue.

As I lap up her sweet juices as they pour down the skin. But she hunger for more than a sweet tongue. She giggled as she pulled away as I fought to keep her near.

With a swipe of her claws she cut clean through the shirt I had been wearing. But as wild as she. She can to me, and lick the furless flesh to see if I had bleed.

She kissed my lips still with her glaze. With her fingers to work toss off the slacks that kept her at bay. To find the meat that she was dying to have.

With her tongue alone she made me stiffen and stand for all to show. The hunter she was, had known the size to shape of other I did not know.

But she was glad to that she had put on a show. But what she wanted most was not just some meat. She wanted me to take her with force and keep her pleased.

Without a word my huntress demanded of me. To make her my mate for all to see. But she would not give nor submit.

She demanded I take it from her. And with that I did. In my gentle way I pinned her down to take what she had given to me.

With a thrust she wined from her tighten hole. When I eased off too much she growled to at me. Then she said huffing with glee. I am not made of glass.

Her voice hardens as her face began to glow. You won't break me with ease. With each thrust her lust began to show.

In our love we fought, as she sang out my name. She muffed she scream with the flesh of my shoulder. Her muzzle wrapped about.

She fought from letting her fangs sink in the soft flesh between my arm and my throat. At the end erupting at its peak we cry again, with howl and a husky scream.

Her fur stained from sweat and love juices. I pull her close as we stay connected. She whispers to me. We are breed all the same. I smile and cloak with a wing.

Now and always. I said kissing deep to take away all her fears. She says to me as drift to sleep. You will always be my angel. My star.

My angel. My star

Night's Angel

He is my angel. He is my star. If you ask me why, I will tell about my angelic husband. He is strong and wise. But he is timid and shy. He will stand for his believes and for those stricken with grief. But if I must say the one thing that holds me to my husband so dear. Is his kind heart that beats so loud it could be heard.

With looks to deceive a human man with great gold wings. He is as tall as a hunter should be. With broad shoulders he would stand tall. And in his long arms he would hold me tight. Close to his hairy chest so thick you could almost call it fur. He can clothe me with his wings. But complete his look his face that must have been cut from stone.

It is hard to read what he is feeling. His face could only show so much. But deep in his hazelnut eyes can one truly understand his soul. He speaks so softly not even a whisper could carry. But what words could describe, his large heart with its kindness and caring. With all that was said. That is why he is my angel. My star.

But unlike my husband I am far from the sun. My fur is as black as his cloak. My hair and my tail almost a blood red flame. My marks show the pried I have in my clan that I call home. I have ruby browns eyes as some would say. A warrior and huntress I was breed. But with all I have done not once could I feel equal to my heavenly man.

But after we were wed did nothing change. He works the tasks given to him. When he comes home he is always happy to see me. I bounce on the balls of my toes to meet his face with glee. With a face full of kisses and a lick or two I welcome him home. Then after a cup of hot coffee and change of shoe he sparks our day up with joke or two.

As sits in his chair resting with ease remarks me with "your tail is a blaze." Knowing it would make him happy I playful slap him with my burning hot ash. Trying his best to as gentle as the lam he pats my rear. His light skin shows brighter with my fur. As he starts to pets me in ways he only knows. I bark out his name as hand works its way from my tail to my belt.

I swat his hand with a playful growl. "Save that the bedroom" I said teasing him more before I run off with his cup. I know when gave chance it wasn't the cup he was after. I playfully bark at and off the bedroom. He discharges coat and shoes before closing the door. I tease and play with some more. But as tired as he was, I didn't want him to rush.

I undress him slowly kissing him each time I could. But we both know this would just start our lust and change the tune. We took our time and made it fluster. But I did to him he did to me. Each piece treated the same. Till both us were almost the same. With his hairy skin and my pitch black fur. With just a battle lips we started off slow.

I laid him back slow so his wings wouldn't stop the show. My nose started to burn with a smell like hot chocolate. A scent of his I would know. I made him relax so I could put on a show. I danced over him with every inch he could know. And another kiss I slide to his throat. I licked one way then to the other.

I inch my way down till I feel him bump between my cleavage. Without a word I went to work slow and easy. To draw out the work. With his tip I could see I began to play. With a soft blow and a kiss, I worked him all the way. My ears perk up as hear him moan. He sets a hand on my head gently petting me.

Unwilling to use force he lets me play. It feels like his skin is burning hotter than the sun. But I squeeze him tighter to my chest unwilling to let go. I look up to see the hunger he has. But just a taste of my flesh is all he demands. As he pulls me away, the look in his eye makes me blush as we shift. With my stomach settled on his chest he begins to fest on my wet flesh.

His tongue felt most devein as it worked up between my thighs. Unlike the smith artist that he was, he was always so gentle even thou he didn't have to be. But my climax came all the same. I look back at him with a fear it might have drowned him with the shower it gave. With the smile he gave, he went back to work.

Cleaning the mess he made in my fur. My hips rock on their own as his tongue dips into my folds. I suck on his member making him moan. I stop and tease him before he could release. He spanks me gently. I feel his large hand pull my cheeks open and dives in the fold. I know what he is wanting and I will not deny him.

I roll off him and smile. Before he could sit up I pounce on his lap. I pin his wrists above his head. I clean my juices from his face. We smile again in a passionate kiss. I feel his member twitching as it rested on my public bone. I quiver with lust as I guide him in. he sucks out a wine from me. As it feels like he ripped me in two.

I see his face twisted much like my own. He is not far breeding me. And again we take it slow. He sits up and kisses me. With his wings tight around me like a shield from the cold. My body tightens around him with each pass and go. I move in his time each step we share. He teases my breasts with his lips and his nose.

As each second passed I sigh out a moan. Thinking I was bored he slides his hands about. With his hand under my tail. He thought to shake me from my haze. With a long thin finger he toyed with just right. I started to rock and shake as my stomach started to spas. With my legs locked around him my arm about his head.

I clung tighter to him in every way I had. As his hot seed poured into my head shot up eyes tightly shut. I howled out to the heavens along with a loving curse. In that moment in time felt like forever. I settled into his arms. Letting the storm pass to another day. I panted heavily holding him close we didn't part ways.

He rolled us back on the bed and pulled the sheet over us. We floated to sleep still connected as one. The morning came by I woke up in stock. My angel missing from my side, my star had gone. "Where is my husband?" My question answered by his curing the bacon he was frying. It was just like him caring for everyone but not himself.

I guess that is why I feel I must share him with our friends. Another wolf and a fox. I follow the smells to the kitchen. I watch him quietly as he sips his coffee. He smiles when he sees me still in the nude. He says "good morning" as quiet as a mouse. I answer him back in a whisper "good morning to you too my love."

I leave to weak the others and refresh myself. A quick shower washes the stains in my fur. I wake my wolf friend and our burning fox lover. From the bed they sometimes share. I quietly open the door to his daughter's room. An angel like him she was a full grown woman. She slept with her lover in her arms both quite content. I leave them be and head back to breakfast.

I kiss his cheek as sit at the table. We were happy to hear he could play hooky today. We ate breakfast and made plains for the rest of the day. As we sat chatting we were joined by two more sleepily moaning. They came into the kitchen and asked" what's for breakfast?" I watch and tried not to laugh as the two sat down.

Both girls were young and bright. His daughter like him with skin just as pale. Next to her was her long time lover. A young angelic liger that looked so much like her father. But this just goes to show. What kind of man he is. That his only wish for his daughter is for her to be happy. But the how never mattered to him.

That is why I love him so. For he is my angel, my star and my hope.

My family

Night's Angel

Hi, I'm Samtha but you can call me Sam. I'm an angel like my father, the dirty old man. He says I look like my mother. But the truth is I'm his daughter. We're both chaotic angels you see and to top that off, we both are shape shifters. But that is just part of who we are and that just the start of my story. The point of telling you about me being an angel is time work differently on us.

But I'll get to that later, for right now let me tell you about all of us. My father is remarried to a wolf you see and a retired Alfa at that. And she is beautiful. She is tall and well built. Her fur is as black as my father's cloak. And her hair is long almost half way down her back and a rich red. Oh and did I tell you her tail is made of fire. She is almost as tall as my father but only when she stands on her toes.

And he's about six foot I guess. Otherwise she is a bit taller than me. She has beautiful ruby brown eyes, and loves to show off her body and really likes to give him a show. But she is really loving and wise for her age. But I'm not going to tell how old she really is. But my father loves her for more than just her body. She had been caring for him for a few years.

There is more to that story but for now we'll just leave it at that. Now then here just a little about my father you didn't know. He has long golden brown hair that stops just below his shoulder. He has a dirty mind and at times way too much free time. But he works hard all the same. He teaches me his trade whenever he can.

You see he is in a way a black smith I guess but still a devil of a warrior. He kina lost it after my mother died. But that was when I was little. But I don't want to talk about that. But my family is bigger than that. My "step-mother" shares him with two other women, another wolf with black and gray fur and a foxy fox. But he loves all of them the same.

I don't understand her reason but this Asian wolf had a vision the she would have a powerful child and he was the father. She's fit and well gifted with her chest. Her hair drops to her neck in a pencil lead black and black coal fur. Her clan's marks are almost like paint on her in a lovely purple. With her jade green eyes she has a gift to see the past present or into the future.

She is a sweet little thing. That would make you just eat her right up. On a side note she likes it when someone licks her gray fur. Anyway we met at eye level and have a lot in common. She loves my father but finds her teases more to the farer side of things. But I think she just has a thing for a little fox. But that's just what I think.

But speak of a devil. That little fox is a number. And if we could, my lover and I would make a meal out of her. Before anyone misses reads I mean in a way she would enjoy. But here's an idea of what her body has to offer. Like the other tends to walk on her toe. With that it puts her at my height. Fox fur with short red hair.

She has a lush green eye and the other a deep blue. Out of the three she is the most soft spoken but one hell of a singing voice. As I said before I take after my old man. But anyway. Her love comes from cause and effect. He was kind to her when no one else was, in more ways than one. But what can I say he's just that good.

On a side note if you can ask her how she got her blue eye. But moving on some days I hate getting up in the morning. Think about it. He has three beautiful women running around in the buff. And he looks like he's almost my age that and seeing him trying to hide the morning wood. The sad part is even my lover tries to peek at him.

And this is where it gets fun. My lover is the "daughter" of his best friend and he is my aunt's lover. For the most part I watched her grow up without her father ever knowing about her. It's a sad story but maybe another time. She is an angelic liger. She has a mixing white, gold and black fur. Mm, what a dish, busted but not too big, tight where she needs it and tighter everywhere else.

I remember the day my pity turned to lust. I had pulled her armor off. And well we didn't get to sleep till the next day. Thanks to everyone being so open and loving we true grew to love them all. But if you asked me if I had one wish I would say "I wish for new shoes." Well that's about it. I guess until next time. Hugs and kisses. I love you all.