Story by mrmad on SoFurry

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#1 of freinds blood

just a little Scene no grammar (Probably bad spelling but what ever)

A dragon Couple feed there new pet

They both stood there smiling at there pet the collar was working wonderfully as after all it was magic after all and there new pet would never would of thought of eating of up to then which to a couple of days ago were that which had being once his own kind but now he hungered for them he ripped the young man to shreds him being his best friend lex was in a state of shock as the beast closed in upon him there was no where for him to go save down the throat of his now changed friend

Blood run down his newly reptile like form a mix of komodo dragon and real dragon the venom very powerful and the need and desire to eat fresh flesh and to Lapp up the still warm blood of a human victim and yet still very much alive prey was planted into his mind

The prey was bagging no please don't eat me and it had no effect upon him as his mind was into the blood lust the black dragon and dragoness had read his mind and found out about his friends and family where and were know feeding them to there new pet

They stood there in rapture at the sight of there pet eat a human once his friend they were cheering him on and if the new pet paid any heed to this we never find out but the look of a cold blooded killer burned and he tore chunks from the human prey

The screams of the victim only fuelling the need to feed and by the time the prey passed away the beast was coved in his friend blood and licked his scaly lips enjoying the meal that was given to him all past thoughts of what was taken from and what he had just done meant nothing to him .

All that mattered to him is the praises from his new masters as the dragoness slowly walked over to him and stroked his scales as a reward for a good job.

There was never many humans turned to pets most dragons only thought of them as a easy meal as to why this couple had taken interest in this ex human and had taken the time to change him to fit there pet needs is something we may never need but seeing as I had survived that hell and had managed to escape.

Yet I still wonder if I was given the chance to flee and if I was truly free or was there something else going on .

So he is loose then my dear indeed are friends had interest of having there own pet and he seemed like the one they wanted and yet they wanted to hunt him down them selves instead as a gift from us but I guess that is what it is to be a dragon

What was the prey's name well from are new pet we know he called him self bennet and I think he make a good family pet as after all we have a world of humans to eat and well seen as there are so many of those bugs might as well have pets to feed them to as from what I've have seen it looks like fun laughing at this idea and thought bennet unaware of what was in store for him kept running never knowing there was no escape for any human prey

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