A Tale of Two Horses, Act 8

Story by Drafty on SoFurry

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#5 of A Tale Of Two Horses

Preamble time! well this one took a little longer than I might like but it's here now, thank you to everybody who reads this, you're encouragement and support makes a world of difference, it also makes more horsey yiffy smut more of a possibility... so if you love then keep loving :)

If you haven't got the hang of it yet this is a co-op story between Wolfie Steel and myself, Draft excluder. Chapter 7 is here https://www.sofurry.com/view/623081 If you read it the whole thing makes more sense, promise!


A Tale Of Two Horses

Act 8

Written by Drafty the Suffolk Punch and Wolfie Steel.

The next bit happens so quickly it's a blur, like its natural and I guess in a way it is. Yes it IS natural for a horse to help another horse in pain, and boy is this horse in pain.

He's hurt, and bleeding, and seriously out of it.

He fights me at first, warding me off with a fist, then a hoof, but the stallion's drunk, uncoordinated and concussed so subduing him is a relatively straight forword affair and before long I have the black horse sat on the toilet, seat down, back resting against my chest while I tend to his head wounds.

I had let myself in through the front door after hearing a crashes inside, watching as the ornate oak door buckled before me when the hapless stallion crashed into it. The kitchen told a similar tale, it was total devastation in there, a demolished chair greeted me as I stepped carefully into the cottage. The simple wooden seat, smashed to matchwood, along with a destroyed draw pulled completely off of its runners with a generous quantity of cutlery laying strewn about the floor.

How had I let myself in I hear you ask. Well, um yeah... heh...

It's partly his fault. Black horsy had been absent minded enough to simply shut the door not bothering to deadlock it or anything! Well now you see that's simply an invitation for a credit card wheeling horse such as myself, so using my bank card in a way that a bad (a very fucking bad) Boar had shown me once, I performed what is known as a non-destructive entry to the property. To aid the stallion mind you, I'm pretty sure he hates my guts. But I've got to help.

Don't judge me it was either a choice of using the card or breaking the door down! I was getting into this cottage one way or the other, thankfully for everyone the card worked a treat, nuff said ok!

"How did you do this to yourself Stallion" I asked holding a scar together with thumb and forefinger whilst trying to peal an extra-large plaster across the gash, hoping against hope its elasticity would hold the wound closed, it was pretty deep!

The horse flinched as the padded centre of the band aid touched open flesh "Shush, I know this hurts fella but I need to close it" I scoot up closer to him pulling his back into my chest to keep him still. "Just a little bit more" I purse together the last little bit before whipping my fingers away and smoothing the plaster over.

"There we go, I'm Just going to clean these other cuts and then sort you out with some painkillers"

I hear a week murr back but no complaint so I continue cleaning the horses head fur finishing off with a wraparound bandage to hold the weak looking band aid to his fur.

"Ok, where do you keep your painkillers horse, are they in here or the kitchen"

A confused look greeted me

"PAINKILLERS, where are they?"

Another blank look.

"Right stuff it, let's get you to bed, you can medicate yourself in the morning"

I walk slowly, guiding the dozy stallion ahead of me with both hands, trying to keep him on his hooves and off of the floor, he stopped abruptly a couple of times, an embarrassing moment where I would walk into his back, mashing my sheath into his rump and after the second time I pushed roughly on his shoulder.

"Come on fella, you keep doing that and there'll be more of that poking into your back so let's get going"

Speaking loosely of course I felt pretty sure he'd remember none of it in the morning, but surprisingly enough I received a nicker as a reply, a baritone hur-hurring sound the language of love for all horses.

I laugh shrugging it off "come on big guy let's get you into that bed so you can start sleeping this off, you can nicker to all the pretty mares to your heart's content from there" I said pushing the stallion toward his bedroom with a little more urgency now, sheath beginning to swell a little with an inappropriate arousal, I chided myself mentally, I was here to help and nothing else and besides getting hard I didn't actually want to do anything with the stallion, no, no that would just be plain weird. Wouldn't it now?

I wanted to put him to bed, then go home and go to bed myself and never think about this evening again and thankfully enough the horse found his own way to the bed once he saw it, a generous sized double, he took one look and proceeded to collapse into the quilt rolling over to his side and falling fast asleep.

I sigh with a mixture of relief and tiredness my lids feeling heavy and itchy my hooves catching the joins between the bare boards tripping me up, I shake my head to clear it before clopping back through the house turning off lights as I went. Reaching the door I sigh again as I look into the pitch black night, thinking of the long walk ahead of me down the path, down the road, up the lane...

Then a glance back into the cottage, the interior bright, clean and inviting.

"Stuff it, I'll stop here for the night, I'm a single hoss and can please myself" I'm sure Mister Taylor won't mind, I mean everything considered and all"

Shutting the door and making sure to lock it tight I wonder through the destroyed kitchen into the living room again, an antidote to the exterior of the place clean tidy and full of low priced Scandinavian furniture, suites me down to the ground. Spying a chair I snuggle my arse into its cushioned folds discovering a remote control beside me. Yeah a bit of telly would hit the spot right now, just something to numb my mind and crash out to.

I press the on button waiting while the TV does its turn on warming up thing, I stare at the blank screen expecting a newsreaders voice to break the silence of the room any moment now, what I hear I do not expect.

"Oh, oh, OH, oh, ohoh, ooooh... oh fuck, Fuck fuuuckkkk, fuck.

I grin from ear to ear, fair play to the guy, he likes porn as much as the next horse, this horse in fact. I listen on, the picture still unclear as the tubes warm up.

"Fuck Fuck Uhhh fuck" the male voice continued "FUUCK, Fuck, fuck me harder, fuck me harder Tom"

Wait just a second, just one fucking second...

And then it clicked, I got it, the proverbial penny dropped mind like a stone into a wishing well. This guy likes guys, he's gay, that's why he was looking at me, why there was a mare that never came for him at the pub, why those two were taking the piss and why this horses TV had been left on a gay porn channel.

I watched in fascination as the image brightened before my eyes to reveal two stallions on screen noisily rutting for the camera, a white pony, taken, no, forcibly bred from behind by a bulky black stallion, a Percheron. Now I have to confess I like percheons very much, Rachel was a percheron, a blackie like this guy and boy could she... never mind.

The camera glides round the pair now, showing the union between ebony stallion shaft and stretched tight donut anus in impressive slick crease and wrinkle high def detail.

I should be appalled, horrified, aghast, indignant and angry but I'm not, this is something I've never gone out of my way to find before, but in the past tail has found me, boy tail so this doesn't disgust me one bit, in fact it's turning me on, I mean really turning me on.

I mean I've always been an open minded horse, just with the crowd I've run amongst it's always paid to be like them, bigoted, racist, sexist, all of the ist's actually, all of the things that fill empty minds with hate and poison. Well not me thank you very much, I'm my own horse and I'm not thick enough to be led, by anyone!

Anyway, I'll stop, I need to tell you how horny the porno is making me which is very, my thick cock's already risen from its furry pocket spilling into my pants not for the first time this evening I stand up quickly shucking them down to my fetlocks, the damp underwear going southwards too giving my floppy stallion hood room to grow comfortably now and grow it did. Taking the flaccid length in hand I hold it aloft, feeling its weight and warmth in my palm, glancing quickly over to the stairs for any sigh of a night time visitor too drunk to stay in his bed. Finding none I lean my muzzle down and put my tongue out shuddering as I lick across my broad pink head.

Shut up! I like it Ok!

Feeling tightness in my chest I pull my muzzle off my member slouching back into the comfortable armchair, no hurry, loads of time, I think pawing off with slow deliberate strokes as I watch the two grossly mismatched characters on screen go at it like, well like stallions I suppose.

I know they're just actors doing a job but I find the two horses strangely compelling, yeah its porn but they really do seem to be loving it, every single moment, of it actually, I wonder if there's more to it with them, you know like a back story or something, maybe they're lovers behind the camera as well as in front, I mean they seem to know each other's bodies well enough to be more than workmates.

I watch as the Percheron leans down to tongue the smaller diminutive pony, fuck you could almost pass that for a colt and filly, smooching passionately on the fine manicured lawns of a campus grounds somewhere, kissing like they'd never kiss anyone again. Sweet, hot and... oh fuck!

Better keep it down Drafty, we don't want a night time visitor appearing on the stairs now do we? But this is so hot, the bulky black draft's bent over the pony now, pile driving the little stallion his tail fluttering like a hummingbirds wings with nearly two feet of thick black draft cock spreading his anus grotesquely wide.

"Oh fuck"

That one came from me, carried on the lightest of breaths from my muzzle, as I paw 16 inches of Suffolk punch meat slowly. Watching pre bubble up from the head overflowing the wide flare to trickle down the rubbery skin to seep into my hand fur.

I groan again a little louder, reaching a hand down my wide but well-toned body, passed my meat to cup and fondle my warm grey balls.

Then I hear it, "Oh Shit" I curse inwardly reaching for the remote, fumbling with the mute button to silence the moaning couple on screen. My ears listening intently for another sound, then another creak, and another, someone was out of bed, creak, groan, someone was crossing the hallway, creak, clop, SHIT someone was coming down the stairs!

Oh shit, oh fuck oh fuck, oh fuck.

What do I do, what the fuck do I fucking do?

Ok Drafty, put it under your t-shirt, pull up your pants, and change the channel, do it and for fuck sake do it now!

I scramble to the task, as silently as possible, slouching back into the chair just in time as I hit 80 on the remote, if it's anything like mine it will be 24 hour news, depressing, dull and safe. Perfect! Except there was a delay and I could see legs through the ballistae, any second now and the horse would be able to see the screen, fuck come on, come on.

The screen went dark, Oh yes finally sweet blessed news, come on, hurry up. Only what replaced the mating stallions wasn't a dull newsreader talking about a dull news story in a dull wherever... no what appeared on screen live and vivid was a pair of wolves going at it like there was no bloody tomorrow, the caption in the corner of the screen proudly declaring that this was the knot zone!

I slouched back in the seat deflated, Fuck, busted!

A clop to one side of me tells me the horse has landed on the pretty flagstone floor probably an original feature. He's over there watching now, I don't want to look up but I have to, I have to meet his eye, face that disapproving stare and the inevitable "what the fuck are you doing in my house, get out before I call the police"

I glance up to look upon the stallion's proud noble face, his black muzzle shining in the dim light afforded by the glow of the telly. I get a nod and a Wicker, small and inoffensive, friendly even.

I smile uncomfortably back at the horse as he proceeds to turn left and head for the kitchen. Shuffle uncomfortably in the cheap Scandinavian suddenly deciding I didn't like idea furniture anymore. With the game up and nothing to do I went about clicking through the channels until I found something not filthy, and believe me the donkey dungeon was a pretty sinister looking place!

A clink of glasses, then the hiss of a tap running, twice. More clip clops.

I smile uncomfortably again as I watch the stallion clop back towards me, a glass In each hooved hand, he hands me one before crossing the room and sitting down himself, he regards the television for a moment then looks at me expectantly.

"Feeling better?" I ask.

"No" he shakes his head "but I couldn't sleep"

I nod, understandable, there's a fine line between getting nicely drunk and completely bladdered, we were in neither of those places both of us straddling the line between paralytic nor sober, "bloody lightweights" which makes it really hard to sleep don't you know.

I look down taking a sip from the glass.

"So why did you come and find me" the horse asks finally "You know I didn't want to be found"

Oh now that was like baiting a bull, I mean what am I fucking psychic?

"You should have found a better hiding place then"


I sighed "If you wanted to be left alone you should have found yourself a better hiding place" I said slowly, deliberately punctuating every word with an uh sound.

"Why did you even come looking?" he asked slurring his speech slightly, obviously still drunk.

"I didn't!"

"Then how did you find me?"

"I just did, that's all!"


This was going nowhere, nowhere at all, I needed to change the conversation.

"What were you doing out there anyway?"

"Never mind" he says quietly, shaking his head. "It doesn't matter"

"What, are you joking me, a stallion lying on the towpath next to a fast flowing river snoring like a vagrant? When you've got a perfectly nice and comfortable home to come back to" "are you shitting me stallion, you right in the head mate?"

"There's no point"

I cock my head quizzically at the remark.

"THERES NO POINT" the stallion shouts, glaring at me.

"There's always a point" I begin.

"No there isn't, there's no point in anything anymore, don't you understand, everything's wrong, everything's wrong and fucked and broken, just like me"

I shift uncomfortably, awkwardly unable to comfort the horse, not knowing the stallion well enough to preach the opposite to him, he could be true for all I know, what do I say to that? I mean I'm pretty sure he isn't but I don't really know this guy, anything I say could make things worse and I don't want to do that!

A light bulb, a hard hand to try but I'll use it anyway.

"What because you're gay?"

Wow there, that was a mistake, well played hand there Drafty, congratulations you really are a dipstick! The stallion sits up in his chair glaring at me now but I feel something snap inside me and I stare right back at the stallion matching his gaze eyeball for eyeball. I break the silence first.

"Haven't you caught on yet" I started, voice loud, ears up eyes on his "no one cares mate, no one gives a fuck, not here, not anywhere else, just deal with it and move on with your life if that's what you're hung up about"

I see his jaw clench as he grinds the next words out.

"Do you know what it's like huh? Living in this house alone, mate gone, fucked off with the straight friend to go forth and multiply and live a happy life with someone else? It's like sorry Jackson I always wanted kids and now's my chance, you don't mind do you? No you won't you kind gentle horsy. What's that? You do? Oh well, I have to do something for me for once, you know me, what about me, me, me. No fuck you, let me live my life, you're just old and bitter fit only for the knackers yard, I'm moving on!

I blink under the onslaught, his fire ladened eyes boring into my soul, a thick atmosphere suddenly descending on the cottage.

" And now I'm here, left with debt, failure, ruin and pain, What about me, do you know what that feels like, DO YOU?"

"Yeah, actually I do" I speak slowly, spitting each word out at him, matching fire with fire, hate with hate.

"No I don't think you do, I don't think you do at all young stallion, what would you know of life and love and loss, have you worked hard all your years, quietly and diligently ploughing away to see it all taken from your grasp, stolen broken and gone?

"Do you even know your own sexuality big guy? I mean what are you, are you a straight stallion huh? Big tough colt wants to make a name for himself, council tax and leccy bills, get paid, get a girl get house get a child get life. Stay in your own little bubble and never look forwords back left or right.

"Or don't you even know what you want? That's a worse crime than anything else!"

I swallowed "Does it even matter?"

"Well since you brought it up then I think it does, I think it matters very much at this point in time since saw you in the field putting on a show just for me"

A big swallow now, it was going to come back to this sooner or later, I thought because we were English and all that we'd just forget about it never speaking a word of it to anyone simply moving on with our lives, but no, oh no, Blackie over here had to mention it, fantastic!

"I thought you were a mare"

"Ah and so the knocking continues, is that your pet name for me now?"

"No I genuinely thought you were a mare, you know a real one? Like the one IN THE PUB" We finished together.

"Fucking bitch" Jackson spat.

"Whaaaat" I ask incredulously.

"Yeah, she's a cunt, a total one didn't even warn me about the low beam, just stood and let it happen, laughing like the rest of them, laughed like Carter did when he left, he's still laughing now!"

A sniff, a waver, a quiver in his top lip, the nuzzling one for horses, and suddenly the damn burst, tears spilling down the stallions black cheeks his body convulsing in short jerks of anguish and pain.

He turned in his chair not wanting to weep in front of someone he didn't feel comfortable with, someone like me. I could see he was trying to keep it all in check, desperately trying not to cry but failing miserably, I knew the feeling too well, let no one in, show no weakness' silence is strength, but we're all week really, we're all animals and we all need to be loved, just like everybody else does.

Now I'm not a very forword horse but one thing I have learned is how far a hug can go, and gods did this guy ever need one now, I don't know who hurt him in the past but whoever did cut him deep.

I get up crossing the few short paces over to the weeping stallion but after the second step I realised I had made a mistake. My stallion length still soft and turgid, trapped against my chest with the tshirt I had stuffed it into was slipping down my front. What happened next happened to fast to prevent, I took a step across the floor, the stallion turned his head toward me and my penis lost its fight with gravity, slipping free from its fabric prison before I could grab it. I waited for the wince inducing impact my hands chasing the wayward slab of horseflesh down my belly, shit! This was going to hurt but instead of falling and slapping painfully against my leg or into my testes, it fell into a warm hand, a gentle, soft warm palm, just moments before my hand grabbed it too, sandwiching my length in between our large palms.

The hand gave a squeeze.

"hur huh" I gave a nicker, involuntarily.

Before my eyes the stallion brought his muzzle down and gave the soft sagging tip a lick, I shuddered nickering deeply again my throat cruelly betraying me to the black stallion here in the flesh in front of me.

Without a word the stallion took the flare inside his maw and began sucking gently, massaging the head between his tongue and roof while I bucked my hips, blood surging to my member.

Then the stallion did something, he looked at me, placing his spare hand over mine peeling it away from the shaft while interlacing his fingers with my own, squeezing gently as he opens up taking more of my length down into his wonderful maw, lips and tongue working over the smooth slick skin. Soft mobile lips caressing, nuzzling and swallowing down to the median ring lavishing that sensitive band of flesh with attention from those delicate lips and tongue never once bringing his teeth into play swallowing instead, pausing to give me the most incredible suck like a calf suckling from its mother.

Oh god this is good but I don't like it, it's wrong... I look over my shoulder uncomfortably, looking for an exit, as if I could get away! Instantly the other hand flies to my back, pulling, squeezing, insisting, begging me to stay put, turning me round to face the dark stallion again, his eyes plead with me to stay as he reams my cock with a new vigour and intent.

My eyes glaze over, I'm in serious danger of going feral on the older horse as I thrust into his muzzle joining in with the pleasure as my stallion instinct takes over driving my butt forword to fuck his face back.

I tense up, feeling a hand on my thigh, stroking up my cloth covered legs, round my hips to rest in the small of my back, quickly joined by the other hand, I leave them there, what else could I do but their presence bothers me all the same, until the hands suddenly move, the fingers gripping the waistband of my trousers, pulling them down suddenly exposing my bottom half to the air, freeing my sheath and balls.

All of a sudden I feel very naked and exposed my body bared for the older stallion to look upon scrutinise and judge, he wasn't looking there though. As he slid the cloth down my thighs and calves, bringing the material to rest around my lightly feathered fetlocks his eyes locked with mine, his warm muzzle gripping my penis tightly while he let his fingers stroke through my leg hairs.

Looking down at Jackson I regarded the black horse, his big black equine head, forword facing fluted ears concentrating on me, his green eyes lidded now staring out to the sides, twin wet trails running from the corners and down his jaw catching the dim light of the room.

I feel his muzzle move then, backing off a few inches leaving a trail of wet saliva on my cockflesh, cooling quickly in the air but my shaft didn't stay cool for long though as the stallion dove his head back down the length burying my cock to the hilt in his throat flare hitting something firm and unmoveable, Then again, the furry black muzzle hilts my penis, lips touching my sheath, a stifled cry of effort and pain emanating from deep within the equine clearly straining with the effort. I try to bring my hand to his head to stop him but he catches it in his own guiding it down to rest between us giving my palm a reassuring squeeze. I get the message bringing my other hand up to caress and stroke through his mane running the thick strands of black mane through my fingers.

I give an involuntary whinny as his muzzle moves once again, backing off down to my median ring, licking and slurping over that before diving back down to nuzzle my sheathlips, my vision going dark with pleasure as my orgasm builds inside me, looming closer with every tongue lap and swallow and dive from the stallion until with an almighty whinny and thrust into that beautiful maw and begin unloading. This time I really did see sparks in front of my eyes! My first few blasts agonisingly long and drawn practically peeing the thick hot cum into the stallion's willing maw.

I sway unsteadily on my hooves my as my legs buckle slightly under me but the stallion brings me back to reality squeezing my hand warmly in his, I try to look down to him but I can't, all I see is an outline of black pressed hard up against my groin. Oh god I can feel every swallow, every last blissful movement of his muzzle simply taking it all in without complaint or gesture or sound, his powerful throat muscles milking my flared stallion hood exquisitely.

As jets turned to spurts and spurts turned to dribbles, I give a whickering a little whinny pulling my hips back, cock suddenly sensitive and mind suddenly sharp. I'm back in the room now mentally and painfully conscious of where I am and what had just happened.

However the stallion underneath me didn't move, not a muscle keeping his muzzle locked over my sheath, warmly holding my shrinking cock within that large horsy maw his eyes firmly locked onto mine with that strange expression, not anger, nor hate, it wasn't disdain, or displeasure. It was, yes I think it was pleasure.

I pulled with my hips and the stallion let go, opening those mobile lips letting my now short stub of a cock go, the rest having receded into my sheath. He reached out with his tongue giving the head one final lick over.

I pull my hips back now the sensation of that tongue far too much for me to handle, I lean a little too far backwards becoming unbalanced, I put a hoof out to steady myself only to find that I can't, I'm bound, hobbled by my own trousers and with a whinny of despair down I go.

A big thank you goes to Wolfie Steel for his encouragement and help with not only this but my in writing in general, if I am improving than he is to blame!