Before the tears

Story by SlowChu on SoFurry

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Sooo...Here I have another corny story for you ^_^

It's the prequel to 'No more tears', my first story, yet it can be read on its own, but well, if you want to see what happens next...Well it's obvious what to do, right? xD

Before you begin to read, I'd like to thank Foxpaw for the idea, I think I'd never have the idea of prequels xD

As always, I'm really looking forward to any kind of comments (unless they're simply mean, of course :P) Either positive, constructive criticism or anything alike.

And now to the obligatory: This piece contains sexual acts between two males, so if you aren't 18 or 21 or simply not into gay stories, hit the back button

With that said, I present

Before the tears

Jumping up and down in a water paddle, a young fox cub enjoyed himself, loving the splashes

"Wheeeeeeeeeee!" The outcry was nothing more than simple, innocent, childish happiness.

The fox simply loved the rainy days, cherishing the feeling of soft water drops running down his fur. In one of the many small bodies of water, he saw his reflection, taking a moment to look at himself.

Even though most of his body was covered by a yellow raincoat, a yellow rubber hat and yellow rubber boots, his face was fully visible. The figure that stared back from the mirror was him, Alexander Smith, an 8-year old fox, whose fur was completely red, except for a stripe descending from his lower jaw down to his crotch and his tailtip, which was running from the red to a pitchblack.

He looked another time and saw his emerald green eyes reflecting back, slightly shimmering in the few sun rays that broke through the black clouds.

But before he could pay attention to more games, his mother called out.

"Aleeeex, dinner time!"

"Ok mum, I'll be right there."

Slightly disappointed, he scuffled back into the house, smelling the fresh brocolli his mother made. Alex wrinkled his nose, he hated brocolli, but which 8 year old doesn't?

At the table, the young fox, of course, fought with his mother over the brocolli. In the end, it was futile, his mother forcing him to eat his plate empty.

"But mooooooom, it's so...eww!" he whined.

"Alexander! You eat up our you'll go to bed right now!" was the scolding reply. Alex lowered his eyes and did what he was told to do. After all, he knew by now that it was a bad sign when his mother called him by his full name. Forcing down the sticky, disgusting and green pieces of vegetables, he muffled curses really quiet.

After the cub finished eating, he went upstairs to his room and flopped down on his bed. Still tasting the brocolli, he decided to take his mind of it by watching TV.

Zapping through the channels, a certain show caught his attention. It was drama show about several furs who were gay and basically lived as the usual stereotypes: girly, quirky, overly sensitive and completely devoted to their outer appearance. Nevertheless, Alex found it somehow exciting, seeing two males kissing caused a tingling feeling in his crotch which he couldn't identify.

Even though he had no idea back then, the feeling would soon turn over his sexuality. But for now it didn't matter, he was just a young boy watching TV...

The shrill sound of his alarm clock violently shook him out his sleep, his eyes snapping open in a split second. The vulpine reached over to his night table where the clock was located and threw it down, the batteries falling out. Groaning and stretching, Alex got up and made his way to the bathroom.

Once inside, he quickly washed himself and brushed his fur, taking extra care of his tail, otherwise it would look quite poofy. After he was done, the red fur dashed downstairs and had a bowl of cereals for breakfast. His parents already left the house, having left to work long time before he awoke.

Actually, he enjoyed the silence, noone rushing him. Crunching on the multicolored loops of wheat and sugar, a idea suddenly crossed his mind. He remembered the show he saw last night, especially one certain scene. One of the actors wore some underwear that Alex never saw before, something quite tight and it vanished between the butt cheeks of him.

Glancing over to the old plastic clock hanging over the fridge, he realized that he would still have enough time to search his parent's drawers for that certain piece of clothing. The fox rushed upstairs again, entering the dorm room of his parents. He quickly leapt over to the wooden cupboard, pulling at the drawers until he reached his goal.

His eyes opened wide when he pulled out a white thong from the bottom of the cloth storage. Without spending another thought, Alex stripped out of his boxers and put on the tiny piece of fabric. After shifting around a little, the thin white stripe hidden in his crack, he found it to be quite comfortable. So the young fox decided to leave it where it was, in his crotch, and got dressed.

Just as the house door was shut, the school bus arrived. Alex got inside and sat down next to his best friend, Anthony Starks, an otter, who was almost the exact opposite of Alex. Instead of being slender, he was chubby. Where Alex was lively and cheery, Tony would be rather shy and quiet. Nevertheless, they had been best friends since Kindergarten.

"Hey Alex," the otter began with a smile.

"Hey Tony!" was the way too loud answer, echoing for another 5 seconds in Tony's ears. But Alex couldn't help it, he always felt really happy to see his best friend. Maybe it was because he was the exact counter part of him, after all. As the bus started it's journey to school, the two of them got lost in their chatter.

The school day went by in breeze until they had sports lessons. As they changed into their outfits for the P.E., the chatter and the laughter silenced at once when Alex took off his pants. He totally forgot his 'special' underwear, his sheath pressing against the tight piece of cloth.

"Hey guys, look at that!" All the other children gathered around Alex, staring at the thong. They were as clueless about it as Alex was the night before, not knowing that it usually was worn by women.

"That!" a young wolf shouted, the others cheering with him like they were worshipping an unknown god. Alex felt himself blush deeply, all eyes in the room admiring his nether region. He loved being the center of attention, but what he preferred even more, was having the whole attention of Tony. One might have called it child love. Anyway, soon the room was empty, except for the grinning vulpine and the brown-furred otter.

Tony didn't like the idea of changing with the other boys inside the room, being ashamed of his body. Alex on the other hand was a difference, as he always stayed with him, whether the otter liked it or not. So, after a while, he didn't mind seeing the fox cub in his exposed state.

However, he did mind it a lot when the class bully Tom, a young, quite muscular for his age, cheetah entered the room.

"Wowowow, fatty you need to cut the sweets, you'll explode soon!" the feline laughed hysterically, once he saw the large belly of Tony.

"Hey! Shut up and leave him alone!" Alex threw in, protecting the shy otter as always.

"Pff, what you gonna do?"

A sound similar to 'smack' echoed through the almost empty room, leaving a gasping cheetah on the floor. Alex had punched him in the belly, hard. The fox bent down to Tom, whispering in his ear.

"Leave him alone..." The anger and disgust for picking on Tony was heard as he hissed.

"Y-you...I..." the curled up fur started. "I...I'm sorry..." he muttered as he got up and ran outside.

Smiling in a selfconfident way, Alex turned to Tony whose jaws dropped. The shock shook him quite hard, seeing his friend stand up for him another time. His big, hazel eyes filled with tears, his lower lip quiverred when he slowly approached his vulpine friend.

"Thank you so much!" the otter cried out as he hugged Alex, bursting out.

"Hey, hey, it's alright..." his soothing voice stated. "It's just bad when you get bullied for something I like about you." He moved his paw over the brown cheeks, wiping away the tears.

They remained in their position for another 15 seconds, the innocent embrace of two children. Nevertheless, Alex soon remarked that they should get going since their teacher was probably already waiting for them. Tony agreed and they walked out together, both smiling, knowing they had a friend, who'd always be there for the other one...

The years had passed in a manner which felt like a split second, the days, weeks, months rushing by quite unspectacular. Alex and Tony had grown closer and closer, their friendship blooming up into something more like brotherhood. It was one day before Alex would turn 16, when he and Tony decided to spend the night together, both of them celebrating the vulpines birthday at midnight.

The electronic red letters showed 23:59 as Alex began to shudder a bit.

"Sixteen, Sixteen, Sixteen!" he twittered, hopping on his bed. The fox could barely contain himself, less for the fact that he turned 16, but more that Tony would accompany him. Glancing over to the chubby otter, Alex thought about how little Tony had changed during the last 8 years.

He still was of a rather broad frame, covered in the same dark brown fur, his tail still having the same proportions in comparison to the rest of his body. Even the otter's personality hadn't changed a lot ever since, being a bit shy around other people than Alex and easy to confuse by unforeseen actions. But to Alex, it was more appealing than anything else, cherishing the feeling of being the brave one of the two.

He himself hasn't changed a lot, too. But Alex had definitly gained more definition, his face taking a more male structure, the fluffy tail's tip blackening a bit more, the slender appearance still there, but stressed a bit more by muscle growth on the fox arms and legs, giving a nice contrast.

Nevertheless, the inside of Alex had changed more drastically, the hints of his childhood becoming true. He was gay or bi. The fox didn't really know, only that he often masturbated to both sexes, whichever he found more arousing at the moment. But most of the time, he preferred males, a certain one especially. The one was Tony, his pudgy best friend. Alex didn't know why, but whenever he barely thought of rubbing or poking into the soft, brown furred body, he felt the tent in his pants.

He was lost in his thoughts again as Tony suddenly charged at him and almost suffocated him in a hug while shouting' Happy Birthday Alex!'. He turned 16 and didn't notice it.

"Thank you Tony," the vulpine gasped as he was hit full force by the heavy otter.

However, he didn't want to hug back, knowing what it would cause. Alex always was open with his personal life, yet he didn't tell anyone about his...different situation. He feared that Tony would back off or even be disgusted by him. So he just enjoyed the warm pile of fur on him, secretly imagining how it would be to have hugs like this forever.

Another time the fox was ripped out of his fantasies by Tony as he began to speak.

"So Alex, what you wanna do?" he asked, a strange sparkle in his eyes.

He thought for a moment, when it hit him. It was cold and dark outside, meaning that if he would go on a walk with Tony, maybe, just maybe, they could hold paws to 'warm them up'. With this in mind, he initiated step one of his plan, finally deciding to tell his friend during this night.

"Well, I'd like to go for a walk if you don't mind." The fox forced his most believable smile.

"Sure," Tony smiled back.

They got out of the lit room and scuffled downstairs, where their jackets and shoes were. A fresh breeze hit their muzzles when they opened the door and stepped outside. Alex shivered slighty, not only because of the cold, but in anticipation as well.

"Let's head to the park, there's a nice bench we can sit on," Alex proposed. 'And maybe do some nice things,' he finished in his head.

Tony gave a nod of approval and they went off into the darkness. While they were walking, the by now nervous fox regularly glanced over to Tony, hoping deep inside of him that the otter would look back with those big, beautiful, brown eyes. Sometimes Tony would swish his eyes to Alex, but more in a confused way since his best friend was more quiet than usually.

"Hey...anything wrong?" the brown fur asked, furrowing a brow.

"N-no..." The now-or-never-moment, it came earlier than expected. Alex gathered all his courage and continued. "I'm just freezing a bit and forgot my gloves...Could you lend me a paw?" he asked, trying his very best to grin, not breaking into tears at this more or less revealing question.

A second of silence, 2 seconds of silence, 3 seconds. The vulpine heart raged in the ribcage, the brain screaming 'How could you ask so bluntly?!!".

"Sure, but don't you think that's a" Tony reached out his arm, leaving his paw only centimeters away from the red one. His eyes told that he was worried though, maybe because other furs could see them.

Alex grabbed the paw, ready to answer. "Hell, it's midnight, dark and this park has never been much of an meeting place...besides, would it matter to you if it" he hinted, now pushing into the direction of coming out anytime soon. Yet, he felt his face burn, the normal cinnabar red cheeks flushed with a rather crimson color.

The paws united, Alex giving a squeeze to assure the otter that it was alright. Tony gulped and sighed. However, he was smiling. It was a disarming smile, one that made Alex melt like butter.

"No, I wouldn't mind if it seemed gay." Now the otter grinned broadly.

They kept on walking until they reached the wooden bench. It shone brightly in the moonlight that flickered through the canopies provided by the trees. "Beautiful.." Alex whispered. The scenery was perfect. A moonlit bench, massive trees covering them from any sight, the cold breeze rustling through the last leaves and the grass. Both of them sat down, shuddering as the cold wood met their butts.

"You didn't lie when you said this would be awesome," Tony chuckled, staring into the sky.

"See? Told you so!" Alex replied with a smile, his heart beating in his throat.

Moments that seemed like years passed, both of them sitting completely silent, holding paws. Everything was perfect until Tony started talking again.

" there a reason why we're in such an isolated place?"

"" He wasn't ready yet, not yet. Maybe just another few minutes and Alex could confess, but not now.

"Oh c'mon Alex, we're holding paws, lone place and all," the usually shy otter complained. Never before he has been that inquisitive, that direct. The fox cleared his throat, knowing that now it was unavoidable to hide it any longer.

"Ok, ok, you got me...You know...I-I...I don't know where to start..I-it's just..." The sheer nervousness made it impossible for Alex to talk. Thinking of how to explain it all, he was cut off again.

"You're gay, right?" Tony uttered, calm, like it was an everyday chat.

"Wha? H-how? Why..? N-no..Maybe...I...I..." Crushed was the best word to describe the mental situation of Alex. What was going on? His best friend stayed so calm, he either prepared to burst out or he must've known it for a long time.

"How?" A light chuckle. "Alex, you shouldn't leave your Media Player open when you take a piss." A louder chuckle, almost a laugh. "I could pretty much see all of you stored porn. Gay porn."

"Uhm...fuck..." He was betrayed by bits and bytes and wanted to smash his computer into tiny little pieces. His brain worked like a steam engine, searching for a fitting sentence to answer, or at least, to say anything at all. "Well..." the baffled fox started. "It is kinda...right..."

Gazing into the emerald green eyes in front of him, Tony couldn't help but smile. Finally he got his best friend to admit, what he knew for quite a long time already.

However, Alex was astonished, shocked and discomposed. For him, everything went too smooth, too easy. His mind couldn't comprehend how his best friend could accept the fact of him being gay so easily. Maybe it was because he didn't know about his crush on him yet. Alex wouldn't, no he couldn't tell him, even if Tony accepted that he was gay, he would run off as soon as he knew about the vulpine's stronger feelings.

His head still turned away from the otter, running through his mind for some way to explain the attraction Alex felt for him, a smack against his shoulder took him back into reality. He looked into a pair of joyous eyes, underlined by a warming smile.

"You could've told me earlier," Tony giggled. "Then I hadn't have to wait for this."

Instantly, he pulled Alex close and kissed him on the lips, a moment which lasted less than a second, but felt like hours for both.

An unknown feeling rose in Alex, something so powerful, so great, simply beyond the possibility to describe it. His world turned upsidedown, yet it seemed so perfect. He wanted to cry, to laugh, to concentrate, to let loose. His one and only real dream so far came true.

"You're gay?" Alex gasped as they parted.

"Actually...I don't know...this was my first kiss and I don't know...I just wanted you to be the first" His cheeks flushed in a deep red tone.

"Why didn't you do it when you porn?"

"I wanted you to tell me..." Tony lowered his eyes to the ground.

A silent sob elicited from Alex. His happiness overwhelmed him. His very best friend waited so long only for him to come out.

'Tony!' he cried out as he buried his muzzle in warm chest of brown fur, tears of joy flowing down his cheeks. For the first time in their life, Tony was the calming, strong one whereas Alex was the irritated and crying one. Petting the ruffled, red fur, the otter felt more than proud. Finally he was able to be the the friend he wanted to be, helping Alex over one of his problems.

The fox looked up, his eyes meeting the otter's. It felt only natural to extend his neck to Tony, inviting to another kiss. The chubby fur wasn't reluctant at all, lowering his head to let their lips unite another time. The same rush shot through Alex, but more intense since he was a little more prepared this time. Feeling the soft, kind of wet lips, he pressed against them, never wanting to lose that feeling again.

Instead of kissing for a mere second, Tony gave in to the push. He knew that Alex wanted it so bad, he'd kill anyone shattering their moment. And in fact, the otter enjoyed it as well, feeling the sucking, nibbling and licking. But it didn't contain anything sexual, it was simple, yet powerful affection for another fur.

Nevertheless, he squirmed a little when he felt a tongue lapping over his teeth and a paw placed on his side. It was obvious that Alex wanted more, he needed more.

Alex noticed the little shuffle of Tony and broke the kiss, backing off.

"Sorry...Didn't mean to..."

Cut off, another time. The otter pulled him back and put the vulpine paw exactly back there where it was a second ago.

"Is this happening?" Alex asked himself. He had never dreamt of this to become true, always called it a unfulfillable fantasy. To kiss him, let his paw run over the soft, broad body, taste him, it all seemed like an illusion, a dream. Simply everything seemed to be covered in a haze, a mist. Yet he knew it was real, a real kiss with a real best friend and real feelings.

Slowly, almost like in slow-motion, they parted their lips. Their eyes opened and emerald green eyes looked into chocolate brown ones. Both smiled, honest and loving. The otter looked down at his wrist, trying to locate his watch in the darkness. He pushed a small knob on the side and glowing numbers became visible.

"Hey Alex, you won't believe me, we've been sitting here for almost an hour," Tony remarked with a wide grin.

"We'd better go home, before my mum kills us," the fox responded with the same grin.

They stood up and dusted off their pants. Alex reached out his paw, smiling. Tony grabbed it and smiled as well. On their way home, they remained completely silent, too busy squeezing and rubbing the other's paw. Soon, Alex's house was in sight. They got in and luckily, noone was awake. With silent steps, both of them made it into Alex's room without tripping...

There they sat, shrouded in darkness, unmoving, just watching each other in the moonlight. The silence added romance, the only perceptions being the eyes and the smiles of the respective fur. It was Alex who made the first move, pulling the pudgy otter close to his cinnabar body.

As Tony was heading towards the fox, he closed his eyes, ready for another kiss. As their lips met, he immediately opened his mouth, feeling the rising urge to make out with Alex. And he was granted access, shivering when his tongue touched the wet, warm muscle of Alex. A rainbow of emotions filled him, incredible joy taking over. He wrapped his arms around the slender fur in front of him, letting his paws go on an exploration tour.

Alex felt pretty much the same when Tony entered his mouth, the same overflow of positive sensations. He was on his way to cloud nine when Tony completely parted him from the outside world in an embrace. Now, he WAS on cloud nine. Everything melted away, only leaving him, the adorable otter kissing him and the perfect feeling of the moment behind.

"I love you," Alex whispered, muffled by the tango of their tongues.

Tony's eyes widened. He backed off, breaking the kiss.

" me?" Ah, his usual speaking pattern returned, stuttering and slightly coy.

"Y-you got a problem with t-that?" the fox stammered back.

"N-no...But..but..I've never been told..." He blushed hard, and even though it wasn't visible, Alex knew it. "that I'm" after he finished his sentence, he gulped.

Alex gasped. He imagined all kinds of horrible things, rejection, anger, Tony being offended. But it was none of that, his love was only flattered. Seeing the ashamed otter, he only thought how amazingly cute it all was.

"You aren't just worth it, you deserve it," the fox assured, approaching Tony another time.

The brown fur smiled, then chuckled as he looked down to Alex's crotch.

"Looks like I deserve something else," he laughed quietly, pointing down to the nether regions of Alex.

Obviously, the affectionate words of the fox encouraged him to overcome his reluctance, his rising lust helping as well.

Alex hadn't noticed his erection up to now, not feeling the tent in his pants. As he glanced between his legs, a feverous blush hit his face. Trying to cover his clear sign of arousal with his paws, his eyes shifted to Tony. Even the slightest movement of his lower body made the otter turn his head, keeping his eyes locked on the bulge. Alex knew what Tony wanted.

Without saying a word, the fox stripped of his clothes, exposing himself to the confused, chubby fur. Only his pair of boxers kept him from being naked. Tony stared in awe, seeing the white stripe on Alex's chest and belly reflecting the moonlight, almost glowing a bit. A rush of hormones swept his rational mind away as he saw the undressed fox. He wanted him, now, wanted to explore the deepest desires hidden inside of him. In a matter of seconds, his clothes flew through the room, showing his big body in all the glory.

The otter's habit of hiding or covering the curves he had, was gone, vanished, as he saw the instinct driven, horny look on his soon-to-be-lover's face. But before they had the chance to engage the sexual act, Tony decided to prolong the teasing moment a bit by rubbing over his body, moaning slightly in delight, finally leaving his insecure, shy personality least for the moment.

However, Alex couldn't bear it any longer. Seeing the paws rubbing over the deliciously soft, dark brown body, his brain failed its task of working.

He jumped on the otter. squealing and wriggling, once he landed on the wide body. The sounds were muffled as they kissed another time.

This time, minds controlled by the uncontrollable lust for each other, their paws slid down to the most private parts. Tony moaned as his stiffened bulge experienced a rub, raising an inner smile of Alex. The one dream of him, he always thought would never come true, came true in this very moment. He was the center of Tony, the one fur, the otter would do anything for.

Playfully, Alex pulled a bit on the plain grey boxers of Tony, revealing a bit more of the brown body. The vulpine nostrils were instantly flooded by the musk, driving Alex crazy. The mindtaking smell combined with the sight of Tony laying there below him let him lose the last bit of sanity he possessed. With a low growl, the red paw almost ripped the piece of fabric, exposing a throbbing, pink pole to him.

He glanced to the otter, whose eyes were closed by now, feeling the cool air around his sex. For Alex it was a sign of approval, giving him the opportunity to wrap his paw around the hypnotic cock in front of his eyes. A quiet groan elicited Tony as he felt the warm paw, a gentle squeeze on his otterhood.

He gasped when the fox began to move up and down, a thousand colors and feelings flushing the aroused otter's mind. Tony never thought how good it felt to be pleased by another fur, much less by another boy.

"Am I doing it right?" Alex asked, a bit insecure whether his efforts were of any success.

His answer was another moan and a sheepish pat on the head. He was bathing in joy, unable to give any kind of other responses

Now that he knew how much Tony liked his treatment, Alex began to pick up pace, just like he did everytime he masturbated on his own. First the working up, then getting faster until he came. Whatever he would be doing now, it wasn't in his control any longer as all he wanted was to make his lover to happy as soon as possible.

Every second that passed, every movement they made, every single moan, huff, gasp, all those perceptions flowed into each other perfectly, giving both of the young men the time of their life. Tony cherished the tender boon he was given, moaning and wriggling in glee as the fox rubbed and carressed his member, whereas Alex just loved the feeling of the throbbing meat in his paw, seeing his best friend fully enjoying their time, to put it simple, his dream coming true.

As the minutes passed by, the otter started wheezing heavily, indicating his release anytime soon. The veins on his pulsating member widened and thickened, his balls coming closer and closer to his body. With all his left willpower, he let out a sharp 'Stop!'

Abruptly, Alex stopped and looked up to the figure, shaded by the darkness.

"I have an idea..." the brown fur whispered, shifting Alex to a position in which they both faced each other's genitalia. "Alex...Would you mind if I...use my mouth?" A certain unsureness was hidden in his voice.

Alex snickered. 'Finally it pays off to watch that much porn,' he thought. After all he knew that they were about to perform the so called '69'.

He nodded in approval, giving Tony the 'Go!' he wanted and sunk his head down to the land of milk and honey. But before Alex was able to get a taste of his lover, he felt a tongue gliding over his sensitive meat. Instantly, shivers ran through his spine, unbelievable pleasure emitting from the simple lick. 'Oh my god!' the fox moaned into the pubic fur only centimeters below his head, trying his best to not cum at this very moment.

He continued his descending, eyes shut so tight that it almost hurt. And then it came, the moment that would mark him as gay forever. He took the throbbing, warm erection into his muzzle. The first wave of tastes arrived, washing through his mouth. In Alex's mind, the best description for this certain flavor was...indescribable. However, the feelings which pierced his dazed mental state could fit a certain definition: heaven.

Pleasing and being pleased, the most exciting, joyous, perfect experience in the vulpine's life. It was beyond any imagination how this one moment could be topped. But he didn't care. For now, there were only two things: Tony and their act of love.

The silence in the room was disturbed, the suckling and slurping noises, the gasps, the murrs, their whispered exclamations of 'Oh my god...', their moans, they all broke through the supressing darkness and the tranquility.

Soon, the first signs implying the end of their shared passion showed up. The low panting turned into heavy wheezing, their soft moans became powerful, strong groans and before either of them recognized, the climax was there, bursting in like the police during a razzia.

With a loud, almost scream-like gasp, Tony filled the red muzzle with the life-giving liquid of him, the pure ecstasy blacking him out. But his mind returned only a second later as he felt a sticky, salty substance flooding his mouth. As he regained a part of his consciousness, he heard Alex panting and gasping, almost choking from the exhaustion.

"Oh...Oh...Oh...God...Tony...I-I...Oh my god..." Alex whispered with his last breath before he completely collapsed into the soft belly below him.

"Yea..." the chubby otter replied, his regular breathing pattern slowly returning.

They lay there, enjoying the afterglow of their orgasms, snuggling against each other. Alex enjoyed the cozy feeling, the room filled with their warmth and the gentle heat provided by the wide, pillowly body below him. He nuzzled into the brown chest fur, sighing softly. The intense sensation from just a moment ago was gone, replaced by the tender cuddling.

By the time the young fox was on the edge of falling asleep, he heard quiet sobs. He rose his head and saw Tony, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Tony...? What is wrong?" Alex asked, concerned whether Tony felt ashamed of what they did. "Do"

Another sob echoed through the room before the otter answered.

"'s just...I've never happy..." he whimpered.

"But that's no reason to cry." the fox replied with a furrowed eye brow.

"You don't understand it...You see, never before someone has shown even the slightest interest in me. And tonight..." he stopped for a moment, his muzzle turning into a weak smile now." Tonight, you made me the happiest being on earth... Even when I found out that you were gay, I thought that I was way too fat, simply too unattractive for you to be...attracted to me...and.."

Before Tony could finish his sentence, Alex kissed him, interrupting the now again insecure otter.

"Hey hey...There's nothing wrong with your body. In fact, I prefer soft and cuddly over hard and hunky," Alex smiled, patting the belly of Tony.

"You're awesome," was the last thing that the otter whispered before both of them fell asleep, plunging into the kingdom of dreams...

It was 6:30 AM when the first rays of dawn shone into the room, covering two young furs sleeping in their arms. Soft snoring filled the penumbral room, a few shifting movements breaking through sometimes.

Suddenly, a knock against the wooden door woke both boys up. In his semi-somnolent state, Alex just muttered a 'What?' back, not realizing that he was still in the embrace of his naked friend. His mother entered, sad eyes studding her red furred face.

"Alex, Tony, get up, it's urgent."

She didn't look at the boys at first, keeping her field of vision rather to the floor. However, once she saw her son in the brown arms of Tony, she started crying heavily, breaking down on the floor.

Now Alex realized that he indeed was still nude, snuggled against another male.

"No! Mom it's not what you..." For some reason, he couldn't finish his sentence, it EXACTLY was what she was thinking. "Mom..."

He leapt out of his bed, put on a pair of boxers lying around and hugged his mother. Her sobbing seemed infinite, hurting Alex deep inside, in a spot, he hadn't even known that it existed. Trying to calm her down, all he could do was to hug her tighter. His efforts slighty paid off, leaving her enough breath to talk again.

"A-Alex...I just d-don't know what to s-say..." she sobbed. "This," she said, pointing at Alex and Tony, "makes it worse..."

Even though he was shocked, embarrased and a bit nauseous, Tony decided to speak.

"Mrs. S-Smith...W-what's the matter?"

As she heard his voice, her flow of tears burst out again, making her speech really hard to understand.

"T-Tony...y-your parents j-just called...Your father...h-he just was p-promoted...a-and..." Her howling and wailing prevented her from finishing to talk.

Alex's and Tony's eyes widened, seeing the impending doom coming upon them.

" got promoted...and...?" the otter asked, fear tinting his voice.

"Y-you'll move to!" she cried out as her lips formed 'today'.

Alex felt his soul and heart shatter into million tiny pieces, a stinging pain in his guts leaving him on the edge of sanity. His emotionless face turned to Tony who sat there on the bed, only covered with the blanket, staring into the nothingness as well. When his gaze finally met the emerald eyes, the array of tear drops and emotions crushed both of them.

"No!" His destroyed mind wouldn't let anything else than this cry of despair escape from Alex. "No! No! No!" he screamed under tears.

Tony's train of thoughts only revolved around one question. "When?!" he demanded to know, enraged by the ignorance of his parents, ripping the otter out of his life.

"T-two hours..." the female fox answered, still weeping.

"O-ok.." Tony started. "Alex, I need to get home, right now. Meet me at 8:20." His voice lacked the usual insecurity, anything emotional at all. All it sounded like was determined.

With that said, he hopped up, quickly dressed with anything laying on the floor and charged to his house, only 2 streets away.

All that was left in the dimly lit room were mourning two vulpines, mother and son, who were about to have a talk, unexcelled in awkwardness.

"A-Alex...Why did you never say anything?" his mother asked.

"What the fuck? Should I just come and be like 'Hey all, I'm gay'?" He was furious, his first love taken and now being asked such a stupid question.

"Yes, you should have! It's nothing to be ashamed of! It just got me at the wrong time." she replied with a scolding tone.

"Wrong time?"

"Alex..Do you think that I'd cry over you being gay? No, what got me was that I had to bring the bad news to you after you two obviously found together."

They looked into each other's eyes, Alex looking for anything to give a proper response. But all that came out, was a shouted 'Mom!' and him hugging her almost tight enough to suffocate her.

"I love you Mom."

"I love you, too...And now..Dress and do what Tony told you!"


Even though he was despaired, sick by knowing that Tony would be out of his reach in mere 120 minutes, the simple fact of his mother accepting him and his 'new' lifestyle felt like the light at the end of the tunnel.

'8:20 AM,' the fox thought as he watched down to his watch, standing in front of Tony's house. And it happened. Just as the red numbers showed 8:20, the click sound of the entrance door to Tony's house resounded. His eyes caught the broad frame of the otter scuffling towards him.

"Hey Alex..." the otter muttered, his face red and bloodshot.


"Well...we leave any second now..." The hazel eyes got watery again. "And I don't want to."

Instead of a verbal answer, Alex simply kissed Tony on the lips. A knot in his throat disabled him from speaking. All he wanted to do was to comfort the cute, pudgy, adorable otter, making the farewell as bearable as possible. But it was useless, the vulpine almost crying again.

"I-I don't want t-to lose you e-either," he snivelled before he lost control and just hugged Tony, lamenting and mourning.

They remained in their position until Mr. and Mrs. Starks got out of the house and called for Tony. He gave them a glare, but after all, they were his parents, meaning he had to give in. But before he'd completely vanish from Alex's life, Tony swiftly put a letter into the fox's paws and placed a kiss on the red cheek.

"I love you," he whispered as he turned away, crying. He got into the car and drove off, leaving a heart-broken, young Alex behind.

As the fox returned home, his head hanging down, tears falling from the tip of his nose, he started reading the letter, his last reminder of Tony.


Alex, I don't know what to say. At the moment, all I wanna do is to cry and kill my parents, but it would be useless. We will part soon, but before I do, I want to say a few things I can't say to you in person.

I am so thankful for the last 13 years with you. Ever since we played in the Kindergarten, I always felt so great with you around, protecting me, cheering me up and now for showing me that I deserve love like anyone else. I would do anything to spend more time with you, but I guess that''s just how life is.

I don't know whether we'll see each other again, but if we don't, please do one thing.

Find love, the same you gifted to me.

Even though we only spend one night together together as a couple, those were the best moments in my life and I hope that somewhere out there, someone will feel the same great feelings I had during those way too short hours.

I know, it's hard to say something like this, but imagine what it would be like to cling to someone you can't get. It would destroy you, the cheery fox I got to know and to love.

I hope that someday, our ways cross again.

Until then, I love you.



An sudden, strange feeling flashed up in Alex. He still mourned over his loss, but those lines gave him hope again. Maybe, just maybe, he'd find a fur just like Tony, who would need him and love him. But for now, all he wanted was to get home and take a last few sniffs of the otter's scent left in his room...

4 months had passed since 'the incident'. The Smith family had moved to a new town, Alex's parents doing Alex the favor so that he could get over Tony. His life brightened again, yet he felt that something was missing, a special someone.

Everyday, he read the letter by Tony, thinking how good life would be with him. But he had to dismiss his craving for him as he started his first day in his new school, a high school called St. Martins High. Alex didn't want the others to know of his sadness, therefore pretending to be the energetic, cheery fox he had always been as he entered the building.

After a boring trip through the school, guided by the principal, all he had to do was to wait for the fifth period during which he would attend his first class, english.

There he stood, in front of seventeen strangers when he blurted 'Hey everybody, I'm Alex' out with a forced grin. He looked over the class, trying to make out anyone who might look sympatic. But Alex's search was interrupted by his new teacher, Mr. Grudson, as the older male told someone called Tim in the last row to clean his table, making space for the fox.

'Great, last row..I bet some jerk..' the vulpine thought to himself until he finally glanced over to his sitting neighbour. In his mind, his jaws dropped. It was a round-bellied Raichu of silver-grey color, beautiful hazel eyes and...and he was blushing?

Making his way to his seat, Alex heard a few whispers but ignored them entirely, his eyes only fixed on the Pokémorph. He thanked Tony, feeling that it was destiny to find a fur as cute as the otter on the first try. As he sat down next to the Chu, Alex couldn't deny that Tim somehow sad. So he tried to brighten the mood by some starting sentence.

"Soooo...You're Tim? Nice to meet you. I'm Alex but I think you know that already." the fox said, grinning and sticking his tongue out.

He got a stuttered reply, the speech pattern resembling Tony's in so many ways. And at that moment, he knew he had a crush on the chubby Chu next to him.

"I wonder whether he minds to be called ChubChu.." was the last thought he had, before he lost himself in those gorgeous big, brown eyes...