Jack's Tavern III

Story by ArosOrcidae on SoFurry

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#3 of Jack's Tavern

Pockets of awareness...

It fades in and out. Sometimes I'm cleaning a hotel room. Or maybe what looks like a hotel room. Sometimes I'm serving customers and giving them canned responses like Have-a-nice-days and thanks-for-comings. But most of the time when I wake up, I'm bent over and on the receiving end of some nasty feeling anal sex, and I'm lucky if I don't have a cock in my mouth at that point.

I'm starting to get a grip on reality again, if I ever had one. I could have been born like this and I'm just now waking up.

But where did I get the idea of what reality should be? Where did I get my sense of right or wrong?

I must have been changed to be like this, because otherwise I wouldn't get this sense that my situation is really fucked up.

Every time I begin to feel like I have a grasp on my situation...I think of him. That lion. He caused this. It must have been him.

The last time I faded back in, I was dusting some shelves, balancing on a step stool. I nearly fell over in surprise, but managed to keep my position. My wings were in just the right place to keep me balanced.

"Make sure you get between the bottles." I heard someone behind me say. "Or I'm making you do double duty tonight with Joe."

I wasn't quite sure what double duty was, but I didn't want to find out.

And who was Joe?

I turned back and saw a tall tiger with a towel over his shoulder polishing glasses behind a bar. He was facing away from me. Before I could think about it, something escaped my lips.

"Yes sir."

And my body turned around to face the shelves again.

It faded out.

The next thing I knew, I felt something uncomfortable in my ass, something familiar. I heard a grunt and felt the touch of the tiger's hand on my back as he thrust in and out of me, causing me to moan in pleasure as he hit my prostate again and again. I realized that I had my mouth around a snake's shaft, but he was not dominating me like the tiger. He merely stood there, arms tied to the ceiling as he experienced the pleasure of oral sex courtesy of my mouth.

I felt something warm flood into me, and my dragonhood exploded, spraying my seed onto the floor. Seconds later, the snake came in my mouth.

I was happy.

It faded out.

I was laying face up in my bed. Something told me I couldn't sleep.

My mind was racing. I needed to see that lion. He made me angry. He disrupted my happy existence.

He was the key to getting my grip on reality back. I realized that if I didn't find him, I couldn't escape this place.

I'd be stuck with that tiger and that snake. At least they were attractive. So nice and attractive.

I was happy.

It faded out.

I was sweeping the front door. A spark in my mind.

"Need me to take out the trash sir?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

I kept making conversation. It was awkward and disorienting enough to keep me aware.

"Do you need me to make any deliveries?"

"Not right now. But I'll need you to bar-tend at a party in a couple days. Friday, actually."

"Yes sir."

I took the bag from the trash can and walked out the door, and felt sunlight on my scales again. I could take the owner's car and find the lion. But I had no address. I had two days.

I would find answers soon.

I began to think that this must have been a record for my longest time aware when I came back inside and saw the tiger nude and sitting in a chair in the back, waiting for me.

"Take a break and show me that nice mouth of yours." He said.

He came in my mouth, and it was deliciously salty. I always needed more.

It faded out.

I was filing. I was paying bills. Calculating gave me a headache.

I saw the address book. He might be in there. I searched for his picture while looking like I needed addresses for bills. I saw Joesef cleaning tables across the room from me. The tiger called to him, and I saw him grimace as the tiger penetrated him.

I felt anger, pity and jealousy at once. I nearly skipped the lion's face.

His name was Gerald Lupiv. He had a phone number and an address. I took the business card and pocketed it in my uniform.

I became excited about finding the lion.

It faded out.

I was rubbing my cock against the snake's. We were moaning and the tiger was taping it. It felt nice, but I was ashamed that I was doing this to a friend.

The snake was my friend...

It faded out.

I was driving the van back from bar-tending a party. I had been tipped 12 dollars. I drove to the first gas station I saw and filled it using my tips.

I entered the address into the GPS. It was a few miles away.

I arrived. It was another tavern. I felt afraid. I knew it'd keep me aware. It was exactly what I needed.

I walked in and asked if a lion had come by recently. The bartender (a lithe young otter) told me which room he was in and called him for me. After hanging up, he told me to go upstairs and meet him.

I knocked on the door, afraid I'd slip back into that state of mind, even if I saw him.

He opened the door, looked directly into my eyes and said six words.

"The capital of Norway is Seoul."

My head felt like it was going to burst.

In the midst of pain was a plethora of memories suddenly surging forward. Where I used to work. Who my friends were. Who I used to date. Where I went to school. Who my parents were.

And the confirmation of what I suspected all along: That someone changed me.

But did that someone just change me back?

"Get inside. Quickly, before you're seen."

I almost didn't, as my mind hadn't entirely caught itself up with all this new information. The lion felt familiar, but only vaguely. And that made me somewhat wary of him. In the end though, it was easiest to just listen in the midst of the pain and confusion.

"What...what was that?" I asked, sitting down on the queen-sized bed in the room.

The lion closed and locked the door, going to the single window and looking out into the darkness.

"A kind of failsafe mechanism. It's not true. The capital of Norway is Oslo. Seoul is the capital of South Korea. Something you're not likely to hear." He placed his hands on the windowsill and leaned forward, heaving a sigh. "It means you're being mistreated by your former Master. I was afraid of this."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, my headache starting to fade. I realized I didn't know his name.

"Six weeks ago, I was hired by the owner of a tavern you frequented with a friend to get him some free labor to reduce costs. And sex as a side benefit. Suffice to say, I numbed your mind into obedience and happiness, but it was forced."

"Forced?" I repeated.

"Yes. It's not what you really felt, but if it made you even the slightest bit happy, this would not have happened. If you were unhappy, even disappointed, you would become aware of your surroundings, and your memory of me would pop into your head, minus any negative feelings of course. You found me. That means you were miserable." He started to mutter to himself. "Fucking asshole. I knew there was something wrong about him."

As the lion stared out the window, more of the facts came back from deep inside my mind. The snake was my best friend. His name was Joesef. We worked at Press Play. We both hated our jobs, but we both stayed because we had each other to make it better.

Then I met the lion. And he changed it all.

"You...you did this to us. You made my life miserable!"

"It's my job, Dev." He said, I had almost forgotten that was my name. "Would you blame a mercenary for trying to kill you, or would you blame the one that hired him? Besides, if it weren't for me, you might still be suffering with that asshat.

"I'm not the only one in my field. But I am the only one that seems to care for the people I take control over. Maybe it's because I was in your situation once." He sighed. "But that's for another time. We need to get Joesef back."

He turned back to me, the look on his face a mix of anger and pity.

"Are you going to help me or what?" He asked.

We had a plan as we walked through the front door. The lion (I still didn't know his name) had me by the collar of my uniform and pretended to drag me along. I was looking ashamed and forlorn at my mistake.

The tiger looked back at us while cleaning more glasses. It was near closing time and there were a few tables of single drinkers staring off into the distance.

"What happened?" He asked, looking at the lion as he put the glass down.

"I found your employee buying some liquor at some shop near a gas station. He said he was stocking up for you, but you told me all about where you get your spirits so I gave him a bit more conditioning and brought him back here for you."

"Jesus, thanks man. I thought the party he was tending for just went a little longer."

The lion let go of me and I looked up at the tiger, giving him my best dopey smile, and not even for a second was it sincere.

The tiger gave me a smile back.

"Glad you could make it back. Go ahead and tell the others that we're closing early while I finish my chat with your friend here."

"If you wouldn't mind," The lion interrupted, "I'd like to do the same for your other employee. The snake. Wouldn't want to run into him trying to escape his job."

"Good idea." The tiger nodded. "Go ahead."

"Won't take long." The lion replied as he slipped upstairs where Joesef would be cleaning.

I told all the customers that we were closing early, and only one put up a bit of a struggle at understanding, but I told him that we were changing locations to across the street, which was open later than us anyway. Luckily, he believed me.

I went back to the tiger and asked him what I should do next, dreading the answer.

"It's been a while since I got a blowjob from you, isn't it? Joe usually takes that duty, but he's busy. Go ahead and do that."

I gulped and knelt before him, hoping that Joesef's debriefing wouldn't take too long. The less time I had the tiger's tool in my mouth, the better.

But as he unzipped and pulled out his cock, I had to admit that I was aroused. It was clean, long, thick. If the man it was attached to wasn't such a douchebag I would have happily serviced it, actually.

But I was straight. Maybe bi-curious, but not really into guys that much.

No, I was straight before. I didn't know what I was at that point. But apparently I liked cock. Things sure did change.

I licked the shaft from base to tip, and it tasted wonderful. I gripped the base with my hands and took the tip in my mouth, gently sucking on it. I could hear groans and words from the tiger, but I blocked them out. I didn't care about him. I cared about occupying him and giving Joesef time, and maybe I cared about that wonderful member.

I felt a little pre fall on my tongue. It was sweet, and I wanted more. One of my hands slipped to his sac and fondled that gently, letting the balls slip between my fingers. I started to bob up and down on the member, inhaling that masculine scent.

"Oh god, it's been too long...I'm getting close..."

That didn't take a lot, but I kept worshipping the dick. I couldn't stand the fact that it was the tiger's. I imagined it was Joesef's, that the moans were coming from him. Suddenly, things were so much easier. It was so nice to think that I was helping out my friend instead of pretending to obey.

A furred hand pulled me off the shaft while the other started to jack off the meat in front of me.

"Time to give you a nice facial." The tiger said.

I cringed, and he saw it. His hand froze for half a second, his eyes widening. But his hand started up again. I scrambled away from him, backing up against the wall.

He came weakly, tiny ropes of cum sliding out of his member, spilling an embarrassing amount on the floor.

He stood there, shocked at his former slave's reaction, and almost didn't notice the lion's hand tapping his shoulder.

"All done."

The tiger whipped around.

"What did you really do to him? You changed him back? Does he know who you are?"

"You seem to have forgotten the contract you signed when you hired me. You were to be a kind, providing Master to them, but you treated them worse than your former employees."

"Fuck off! They're my property now!"

"Not anymore. And never again."

Joesef was behind the lion, and we made eye contact, each of us glad to see the other was okay.

"I...I never agreed to this!" The tiger protested.

"Sorry..." the lion said. He pulled a fist back and let it collide with the tiger's jaw. The striped feline spun around and fell into the small pool of his own cum.

"...No refunds."

The tiger merely grunted before he passed out.

I hugged Joesef tightly as he did the same. It was behind us, and we could go back to having a normal life again.

The lion was calling the police and reporting an incident of attempted rape. He was playing a tape in the tiger's ears that would reinforce the story we would all tell.

As we let each other go, we turned to see the tiger on the floor.

"I hope he gets raped three times a day in prison." Joesef told me.

"Why stop at three?" I asked.

We looked at each other and laughed, and I noticed that we were both sporting very noticeable hard-ons from holding each other. We looked at each other questioningly.

The lion hung up the phone and I called him over.

"I thought you removed everything that you put in our heads."

"I did." He replied.

"So how are we still gay for each other?"

The lion scoffed.

"I couldn't change that even if I wanted to. You both practically confessed it to me on separate occasions. It was going to happen. I just made you realize it before you went and married someone else and then hooked up." He laughed.

"Hell, I could charge you for it, but I won't, considering who you had to deal with."

We looked at each other again, going through the motions of realizing how we felt for each other, ending in another sweet embrace, with a little extra crotch rubbing on the second run.

That night, while the tiger spent his first horrific night in prison, the tavern was auctioned off to the highest bidder and became a second location of another one in town. The manager of the second location was to be a fellow who used to work at a music store by the name of Chris.

The lion wrote us both a thank you letter for our cooperation, including a decent sum of what he was paid by the tiger. He also gave us both business cards, saying that if we ever thought someone in a bad state could use a new look on life, to give him a call.

Joesef and I had the most wonderful night of our lives together, ending with us curled together on cum-stained sheets, feeling the warmth of each other's bodies and letting our hearts start to beat in sync.


_Originally, this wasn't supposed to happen. The story was going to end at the second part, but people were a little vocal about wanting to see another one and have the story be concluded. I thought the second section did a fine job of concluding things, it just wasn't the best place for Devon and Joesef to be. Though, I suppose I cared more about the lion. Leaving his actions as they were felt a little out of place when in the context of the other series he's in. So I wrote this to give the two main characters a better outcome, and change the readers' view of the lion, also known as Micah.

Also, I liked the idea of giving the reader a bit of a mindfuck at the beginning.

For more about Micah, read the "Control" Story Series. One of my best._