A Dragon's Love: Forbidden Love

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#6 of A Dragon's Love

The best game of Hide and Go Find the twins have ever had!


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The goddess just watched the images fade into the celestial expanse, her fingers burried deep in her most privite of divinity. She let forth a moan, rubbing that special little knob over her divine slit as she waved her hand, calling forth a random time line. The images that faded into view made her smile, not for the eroticism, but for the peace and tranquility that befell the cave she saw...

The dragon Valor's cave was very quiet at this time. The children were outside playing hide and seek in the forest and the lake. Keto was it, the middle child, a green-scaled dragonling. He himself was perhaps ten years old. He was huddled against a boulder counting as high as he could, already cresting seventy-eight and heading dutifully towards one hundred while his baby sister Blaze, a magenta-scaled fire dragon only perhaps eight years old, but looking no more than five, was running through the trees looking for an appropriate bush to hide behind, and his older Twin-siblings Twilight, a purple haired little girl, complete with amethyst scales, and Flare, a dragon boy complete with a deep orange plating and mane.

The twins giggled as they snuck under the waterfall hiding the massive mouth of the cave that was their home. They ran hand in hand down the tunnel giggling quietly, their bare feet slapping softly against the stone as they rounded a corner deep in the mountain and ran into the massive chamber they made their home in.

The twins were about thirteen years old, or would be within the next month. They looked it too. Flare was starting to put on some muscle and his voice cracked and squeeked occassionally, while his sister, older by mere minutes, was starting to aquire the curves her mother had been the only example of all her life. She was dressed in a simple purple dress that reached down to her knees and any average thirteen year old girl would wear. Her brother was dressed in nothing more than orange shorts, but they were used to the single-piece clothing.

They were inseperable, too, always with one another, refusing to be parted even for games like hide and seek. At that instant, they paused and looked around in silence, looking for the perfect place to hide. Not the nest, that was to obvious...

"What about in the back by Daddy's mirrors?" Twilight asked, running to their right towards the area they were always told to stay away from, where the large fire dragon kept his most valuable of treasures. It was a little room made of the mirrors he had collected. The twins had never been inside the room, but where it pressed against the stone wall, there was just enough room they could squeeze back and sit comfortably, hidden away from the world.

They ran silently to the mirrors and the pile of gold and chests next to them, holding their fingers to their lips to tell one another that silence was key at this point, since their brother had to have reached one hundred by now. As they approached the back of the small room, they both stopped and looked at one another as a light growling sounded from within, followed by short, heavy breathing from a voice they knew to be their mother's.

Twilight and Flare stared into one another's eyes curiously as a moan they could almost describe as a squeel filtered out to them, and a small chuckle from their father's voice before the growling started again. "What are they doing?" Flare asked in a nearly inaudible whisper.

"There's a crack in the wall in the hiding spot, we can look in there and see. Come on!" she hissed back at him, tugging his hand again as she led him to the small hole where the mirror didnt quite meet stone wall. She squeezed herself back into the darkness and nestled back against where the light barely filtered through a small gap between the two mirrors placed beside one another. There was plenty of room there where the wall of the cave bubbled outward, but the mirrors remained straight. As Flare moved into join her, she smiled at him and in unison, they both peeked through the gap into the room of mirrors.

Within were several chests, suits of armor, peices of parchment, desks, things like that, but in the very middle was a rug or blanket, and ontop of that, their mother, Faith, was on her back, her white angelic wings spread to either side of her naked form and quivering as she made small cooing noises. Her legs were wrapped up and around their papa's waist as the dragon, looking more like an angel with a dragon's tail and wings, did something, moving his hips up and down against her own. From that angle, the twins couldnt see much, but as Faith gasped and curled her legs farther up their father's waist to his ribs, Valor reached up and set her knees about his shoulders so her ankles crossed behind his head, showing the twins a very good view of exactly what was happening.

It appeared to them that Valor's privates were somehow long and not-floppy and being driven into mommy's again and again. Both of them seemed to really be enjoying themselves, especially when their mother gave a paticularly loud squeel and squeezed Valor down against her chest and in turn, he drove himself into her and held her there.

Flare didnt know why, but his own privates were standing up straight and hard. He looked down at his tented trousers, but as Twilight climbed over him and squeezed out of their hiding spot, it started to go away. He followed her before running down the cave and back outside to hide somewhere else.

Just as they emerged from the cave, Keto and Blaze were walking back out of the woods laughing and talking. Blaze had been caught. The game continued for the rest of the day almost, until the sun went down, at which point they were called inside by their mother, once again dressed in her usual blue dress, for a story before bed. Twilight and Flare, though, could still see her on her back moaning as their daddy took her...

The next month went by without another incident, and the twins grew closer, oft times ditching their two younger siblings to walk around the forest, or fly to the top of the montain to sit and talk to one another. As they walked, they would hold hands, palms clasped about one another and their fingers curled around the side of one another's hands, but as they neared their thirteenth birthday, their fingers would interlace, and as they sat on a log to watch the sun set before bedtime, Flare would let his arm around Twilight's waist while she leaned against his shoulder. They would find excuses to be alone, not just because they didnt want to play the childish games their siblings loved, but time to the two of them where they could talk and explore a stronger bond that was forming between them.

On the day of their birthday, they had a small party and some new presents, gold and trinkets from their parents, and a large emerald and ruby from Keto and Blaze. They set the trinkets in their piles which had begun to merge into one large pile of treasure then returned to the nest where the four family members waited.

"So what do you two want to do for your birthday?" Faith asked, her face filled witha motherly pride unlike any other as she smiled at her teenage children.

The twins exchanged a look, then smiled in unison at their parents and said almost at the same time "Go for a walk."

Valor just laughed and nodded, smiling at the pair as they stood up. "Thats your favorite thing to do, isnt it?" he asked his eldest children, the humor apparent in his eyes at the comment meant to be a jest."

"Yes." the twins said in unison as they climbed out of the nest and started down the tunnel towards the roaring waterfall. They hopped down into the water, then swam to the grassy shore and started to walk into the trees, clasping eachothers hands tightly. They were silent as they walked, both of them struggling with their emotions, and how to express them.

Finally, as they walked into a secret grotto of berry bushes where they usually hid, Twilight sighed lightly and stopped, turning to face Flare and reach for his other hand. Her brother stopped and looked at her curiously, but with the same bewildered look she held.

Taking his other hand in her own, Twilight began "Flare, we've gotten closer over the past few months." She looked into his orange eyes, then opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out, even after several attempts.

Flare watched her for a moment, waiting for more, but when she just stammered, he blinked and began "Yeah, we have, but wha-" he was cut off as his sister stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pressed her lips to his own and gave him a passion filled kiss, one that lingered for several minutes before she released him and stepped back, blushing deeply. Flare could only stare at her awestruck as she squirmed infront of him in embarassment.

"Flare, I'm sorry, I shouldn-" it was her turn to be cut off as Flare stepped forward and gave her another kiss, this one more hungry and more passion filled as the torrent of emotion in his heart began to sort itself out. Something else, though, was growing in his breast, a need to be closer to her, a need to have her in every way, to show her what he was just now realizing: that he loved her with all his heart.

Twilight didnt resist. When he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his chest, she hesitated for a moment but soon stepped into him and wrapped her arms back around her brother's neck.

When the need to breathe forced their lips to part, Twilight looked into her brother's eyes, her own purple hues pleading with him as she spoke breathlessly. "Do you remember last month when we saw Mama and Daddy doing it, Flare? Do you remember how Mama looked like she was feeling good? Do you think she was really feeling that good?"

Flare just stared into her amethyst eyes and nodded, brushing the tip of his nose against her own as he spoke his agreement. "Yeah, I think she was."

Twilight nodded and gave him a quick peck on the lips, then another, and another. "Make me feel that good, Flare. Make me feel like mama did." she said, reaching up to pull the straps of her simple dress from her shoulders. The loose garment fell away easily. As she stepped out of the pile of clothing, Flare took a moment to look over her naked body.

Her breasts were just budding, and her hips widening. She still had the look of a little girl, but there were subtle things, things that made his shorts instantly tent outward with his second erection. Twilight blushed a little longer before she lowered herself onto the soft grass, laying on her back with her wings out to either side as she had seen her mother lay. She spread her legs and lifted them so her knees were in the air and her feet very near her developing girlhood. She had no hair on her groin, and would never due to the fact she was half dragon, and they of course had no hair over their privates. She had hair on her head but that was only because when she changed into the form of a full dragon, her hair would meld and change into horn. Since there was no horns between her legs, either, she would bare no hair.

Flare watched her for a moment, then reached down and unlaced his shorts. When they fell to his ankles, he kicked them away and nervously walked to his sister, his legs shaking in anticipation and nervousness as his seven inches bobbed before him. He gingerly crawled between her legs and gripped his length with his right hand as he leaned over his sister and supported his weight with his left. He had a little trouble, as most do their first time, but eventually he pressed the tip of his member into her.

She gasped at the first touch, then again when he pushed his head into her, then smiled and lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist like she had seen mommy do to daddy a month prior. It already felt so good. He was big though, and as he started to ease himself slowly into her, it started to hurt. She felt him press against something inside her, then push past it. It sent a shock through her and she grimaced, whimpering at the pain.

Flare's eyes widened and he leaned forward to hug her, but not thinking about his hips, his weight settled down on her and forced all seven inches of his maturing length into her. She gasped again and clung to him as she clamped her eyes shut. "It hurts!" she hissed as she held him, squeezing him as though she were impaled on something much larger.

For several minutes she whimpered agasint him, but as time went on, it didnt hurt as much anymore, then not at all. All she could feel was... full. She could feel his throbbing mass inside of her, stretching her a great deal. It ached deep inside of her where she felt the tip of her brother's maleness stretching her. Even that ache was barable, though. Slowly she let go of him and smiled up into his concerned eyes. "I'm ok. Just go slow, ok?"

Flare nodded and kissed her tenderly one more time. She returned his kiss gently, then laid back and let her hands rest in the grass above her head. When he started to withdraw from her, he felt a ring of muscle, or something inside of her closing around his head but ignored it. He withdrew himself almost all the way out of her, then eased himself back in. He came to another barried inside her, but there was still about two inches left outside of her. He was all the way in a minute ago. So he gave a light push, but the barrier remained. So he gave a thrust with a little more force and Twilight gasped as he pushed up into her womb again.

Flare hesitated and opened his mouth to ask if she was ok, but before he could, she wrapped her arms around his neck and forced his lips against her own. Whether by instinct or something else, Flare's lips parted when he felt her tongue brush against them, allowing her access and in turn, allowing his own tongue exploration of her own mouth as he aquired a steady, slow rhythm. He would nearly exit her before forcing every centimeter of his length back into her, pushing back into her womb and illiciting a gasp against his lips from her.

After several minutes she was moaning against him, but since breathing, kissing, and moaning at the same time was such a difficult task, she soon laid her head back against the grass and let her hands take fistfulls of grass as Flare drove into her again and again. "Faster... Harder... Flaaaaaare!" she whimpered up at him, arching her back to press her chest up against him as her body shuddered. Her inner muscles gripped him and spasmed before his length was bathed in hot, slick juices, easing his movements.

He obliged her quickly enough, his hips suddenly slapping against hers with a small pattering sound. His breathing was heavy and a growl rumbled in his throat at the feeling of her inner muscles milking him, trying desperatly to pull him deeper into her and keep him there. Her legs suddenly crawled up under his arms and he hesitated before he remembered what papa did. He paused and moved her legs so her knees were on either side of his head, then leaned down to kiss her deeply one more time before resuming his pace which quickened with instinct.

Twilight was screaming, her body quaking with orgasm after orgasm brought on by her unusually large brother plowing into her unusually tight body. The dragon ontop of her was growling louder and louder but finally, he forced himself as deep as he could into her, stretching her womb nearly to it's limits, and felt the fire in his body funneled down through his groin. His balls tightened and unloaded their contents directly into the fertile womb milking him.

As he collapsed forward onto his sister, he felt her wrap her arms around him and pepper his neck with little kisses. "I love you, Flare." She gasped against his ear, still whimpering and moaning as she felt herself filled with his seed and stuffed. It felt like she was still stretching.

Flare was the first to notice. Even as he whispered another soft "I love you too, Twi." he felt something pressing against his belly. When he lifted himself up to see as he rode out the acceptionally long orgasm, he noticed her belly was growing round and large. Was she pregnant already!?

She could only stare in awe as he belly grew, filling with her brother's copious, hot seed. Twilight couldnt believe it. It worked that fast? She blinked a little, then leaned up to kiss Flare again, even as her belly ceased it's swelling at how mommy looked when she would say she was five months along. "I love you so much." she whispered again, getting lost in her brother's eyes.

Flare could only rest a hand on her hot, swollen belly as they kissed. As Twi whispered her love to him again, he kissed down her neck and breathed an "I love you to, Twilight..." of his own.

Every day after that they would escape to the grotto to make love to one another, experimenting and playing new games every day, but the result was always the same: Twilight would swell a little more every day and as they returned to the cave, she was only hungier for more, as was the dragon who held her hand.

...The goddess smiled to herself as she brought herself to another cosmos-shaking orgasm watching the pair grow over the months they shared together. She watched as they continued their little ritual, running to hide in the grotto in one another's arms even as Twilight reached her eighth month. When Flare could not surround himself completly with her womanhood, they tried Twilight's mouth and throat, and even her rear.

The goddess could only smile wider at the wonderful reception the new baby got that night she was born, the very night Flare and Twilight had celebrated another birthday in one another's arms in the grotto. They were happy new parents, Faith and Valor were accepting and happy new grandparents. Blaze and Keto did not understand it, but knew their older brother and sister must have loved eachother very much since they were kissing one another after the birth. Only mommy and daddy kissed like that, after all.

Things in the cave were wonderful in this time line, the goddess almost didnt want to watch the image fade, but it did soon enough and she withdrew her fingers from her sopping divinity to lick her juices away and sigh. Another time, perhaps, she would watch the family's adventures in another timeline. There were so many to choose from...